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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 May 1872, p. 4

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& ----~- --'---~.,,,. J ENGLAND, SCOrLAND IRELAND AND CANADA 'l R "rah t hurra.h for England The Goddess of tho Sea The empiro islo.nd o( the br v rhe birth place of thu f 00 The land ofl o o wealth an fa1 c Oflol A.nd conune1cc too Tl ~ ln.ud of many t nohlc l From Nile to'\~ atcrloo llnuah' hu:rro.h for S otla.11 fho land of anc e1 t worth Where leaf 1 ng her fair oni:ng t \ oo And science l ad its b th The land or Bruce of lk1nnock 1urn <lud nui.ny a ho10 n1orcThc land of bnght t n 1 1 o 1 " rJ1fta c 0 l fV01d 1L' i '1 ne.s ils frc11ht rn <Jold Do 10" Z uw an"Jt) rn7 if it' lj 1 ot it ~s t~r e 11 o t d d Ecleo.1.~ CANADIAN S11ATESMAN, Bl>WMANVILL]J, 'l'IIUI~SDAY, l\IA Y 30, 1872. ;+ -------=*-=------- - THE BEST AND CHEA.PEST 0 A I -t RIAGES .. BARGAINS. --.?="~ ¥ =: p ---- __ , _ __ _ 2 _ _ ..;__ - - -- - ~ ~INlJi:lHtH ., GI EU' B "-RGATNS ARE N 0" Gr\ EN AT THE lOMJ<Jl L01'0 E'iENIJ\GS iRE JTl!ItE 1 HOSPEIU1 Y 1,BOU1' D~ l A~D ['; JW J3 1 n: '['l LE 1 J St: J3Sur IllE FOH MOOI~E '§ -,- - - Rural r\fevv Yorker James M orr1 s, 1 RETURNING! I k, v tlil RE~PECTFULLY thanks to tl e1 bl c for p wt libcrn.l 1 af1on:1'" wo;ild ann01 lee that Jlc s no p er LJcd to all or ders in l g J e a. InaJlner econ I to 1 o ea t bJis! l ent lll hn cou t1CS i'orte. Tb.e Osborn. ---o--- Cheap Corner~ :oHo~ u,.; sr l~o JN o Pr ro D l:i AN'l: E!TYL..,, DES IRED A. nd k Hcd clans of yore H 1rrah' hu. 1 !\ for Ireland Tha land of love and song ~hero .genius" lth a. la;-\ ish ha.;1 d E lings l ght among the thron~ The I~ d v.hercm nstiol '\Hurlora: ]first struck the deathles,,, :strain Th&t made the Shan1rock vallc 1 ng With musics p1111Unc reign Hurrah hurrah for Ca..nada The fairest br ghtest gen1 Tha.t gracos happv proud and t'I co s ror, lBS l Ul'lOJJ: :rtftt.sI&lI te al s · PUBL I C hn.~ OPil\JION C:-i l 0\ 110 j fully J "'"' had th13 or1ginalilei, th<-lt ;:i.t the 11 c111 1:>"-' £.' I'I' 'I' ED AND WELL RUITEI..1 BLACKSMITH I MPROVE'l'IIENf ,,I '\ ICl'OltIA 8 dmdem if ' £ Prosperity extends her flag Uy oD.tcrpnso unfurled '.\.nd Dntwh l: n10n long re111a. n STOTT, AND Ca?all>.tH:an DEUER 1N IN A SUPERIOR The envy of the worlc.t I DRUGGIS'I' RO TVJIIA NFILLI .:,...:;i.:;,.. ' ' he1 01 "ant i. iythu g in lhe cnr11ago !me gn' JA"\fES MORlUS > call nnl 1e1\ill s111t ,01 IRE RURALS ILJ,USIR'CrIO~& 0 10 .Bow1 l,.., l door'\'\ est of the Ontv. io Da. k l c Oct 10 1871 IT l1! said that one green tuletan dress contru.ns arsenic enough to kill a. man, a id ~et men don t seo1u to 1 Je afraid to go near green t.rletan dreases A YOUNG lady bomg aaked by :\ uch old bachelor, 'If not ~ourself who would you ratho1 be1 blushed as she svi eetl., replied, Y our.s ti uly · TnE pract100 of pnb)isjp 1g a lwi 11an1ea and addresso8 of all pe!'1 ons con 13 l I_, I DHUGS M FDTCINES, AND CHEJVIICAL:.:, DJ e Stuffs Patent iviec icincs Pti1fu1nery TI1ushr.11 Cotnbs So ps Pain tr:; a.ud Oils Pamt Brnshes Coal Oil und Ooa1 Oil Lamps &c , &o i1t --- -- - --------- ---for i H OHor PYYSICHNS PT'lSCRIPfIO~fo CAH.EFULLl' OOMPOU1'DnD AND .Ul CO!tT<JCClI Y ;\.N SW EltJC!J ORD~1 s )ool has v1cted of drunkenn°ss at Lit er1 baen found to work well ijmust e' erJ week sho'\\ s. a. decline in tho n tnnbe1 of cases A MA~ in St J.ionu; tried and con\1cted last :week for tho murdc r of Ins wife "as asked by the JUdge if he had anytlnng to aa.y before sentence of was pronounc cd against ]um H~ i Wester r. Fsrnrni ce ompanr. Pf ~D ou ror- , ohONIO Rur :d l\ e\ J::o 1 ei Office Ne> Yo kl 7 ~owrng Mu.oh uoa S-+-oclc oj i\Ie~ic ":S can ro GET rhcy are ~ll3 it tl fi Id S1u·p~u PEC['ER'::-> epl ed "\Vlth b'TeDt At the Ironmongery1 SOMEEHING iLW .if>.\1.~l' Musical Library { ONSI Jl I~G ffi l (; ~ t !J: >o.s :JG!J G<i Re~ C·l'ts ...Uor the ye r- .:nd.Cn~ S!iS,. 31 H~ J nuc ].8Il, ) "" <.i. ft<u,._,ll~, j ( Ii!~ o.·a '!~ a!Jo« t~l~h:iH'thc llll.'H'e ~~ tleacr ll.uihuaes 01 ~ohce. energy I want you to nang me right off tho soonor the better fOI than I sholl go before a. Jl1dgo who knows . . no.,.e a.h o 1t JUS .lee than your honor uoea AN affeohng mcident of the Califouua earthquake is that narrated by a Joung gentleman who \va11 tJngn.god in the ope1 ation of s1tting up with his ina.mo1 ta. nt the dead hour of 2 30 a m As the 01.rth'}ll:I.kc:t approached the young lady impro'\ cd tho opportnnitJ cf frnnfang a"\\ a.J in her lover s arm.a it being the first tune either had dared to eotablU!h such prnpm qudy She did not recover for 20 1n1n lte.s or more, and. the gentlenl n took a \ on tho n1ori:ov; ,-fuat li.e }·oulcl g ., e $20 a shock for earthquakes nuRING O~G WANTED -OR- BY EVER~BODY \lir;l1'JE'11~ FFTREN \ OIUJVIEO> FILLED vVIJH J ?ifvJ\fu-R -:.crr P1es1de it B HALl.J.1 1\'I u :tg1ng Dn ecto1 Ho1'> O:"ilE ~11§ ~H~ D.Ji..R O\V'\ ii:' ! mrorcr v OCAL .PIAN 0 Ml SIC OOLLECHONS llll P <lCE OF OTimR MJ..Olll"'lll5 .DOlNG LllI.8 \\. OHK J'.Q: equally " \t lt.omo on leather e.s on th e goods Haa car t{)(l olf :J,I"lZ01!1 I ovt::r U1e Ho-we ~lria-or Lookman "heeler ild I '-V Won Wunzer Rl\yi. " lond ~c UT A Ped' J ~1.o.crrin.e- G nJ ant&OO Q" llll e:alo ~THE F'11'e and Marine[ INSUR Lt\ CE AI LOWEST CURREN r RA I'E15 na: GUELPH IB.ll'UD ~l.lClllUliES TREADILE The tl··cn-S: iFe1n:de Reilne~!.:f. JOH ~10t-;Ei; PERIODl C \L PILLS ' The <.:onsun1ei can h ~' e any deoired shade of Colm s no!'lfly pnt 11p r Ort 18 n.n l n.l he rcqi.: ires to buy with t11e Pa nt is a Br ish as the vqr c:ctn h r. l ne ly ]11n1~elf or bi; UlJ 1ne1.ober of ]us household , illi. ll: G ~ I Th B 0 ·~· llJ1 1~ M, CifEl\'fI S Bo 'i' nun Ue ~e1 t 11 18 l ~ a. class meeting held Se\ eral PURE ""NHI1'E LEAD. Autumn Pamtmg, 1mpo1 t d 0 TO O"\VNER OF ~f,E~ T~ W;\.NfED EVEHY'IVHERE fNDU CltMJtNTS yMrs smoe by the Methodist brethren of a Southern 'illage, Brother Jones went tlfi'l.Ong the colored portion of the congre gs.hon Findmg the10 an old 11111n noto r1ous {or hrs enden,i;or to scri.:e God on the aml Satan tho l<ot of tna week, ho said "Well, Brother DicK I n glad to oco you here Ifaven t stole any turkeys since I ·aw you last Brother Dickl " No, no, Jlt'u_\lder Jones, no turkeys "Nor any cnickens Brother D ck? " No, n('.), Bru :lder Jones n o chick ens , "Thank the Lord Bi other Dick doing well my brother! Jones, leaVlng Brother D1ck v;ho 1mme d1ately relieved ]us over burdened 101enco by f!aYJng to :i :ncn. ne ~hbu1 an immense rngh of oltcf 'Et he d a said dncb he u a had me Farr.n -1.::f - ~I'LltJSDilJ Db .tA01{ED RESIDENCES Nson r 1 ~tm I norEnn TN urn Nl - For l~tn s ea or w e'!\uig dre GURlPH ~El"Ir-IG Jlf.(OTLlliE 00 Y GUEi l'H OAN An~ ln tit: l1ol of the B1 twi 11un1ces of 1\ o rf.1i A ncric S r e Flalj Yo &c &c OLI <4 r tit 11011e h. ug·ton J t61t JhOST RESPECTFt:T,L! J0 Head O!llcc fo1 Can 1 \lN lS COJ OR · 50P COOK, P.A.I{LQH HALL inn'img rnD BOX STOVES, Car iago Goo<ls " ~ and now Ul: on Lxh1b1t10r. ~l cl l und WC I establ st e I Com1 fl. lY 11 I) 1e1;1 f o t ng l u F \ rn Prop t tv nnJ R1' JSHEOl ~~ d '\Hll IELJ \.iJ detn cl e rl Res d(JJ ce<i L 1 I fl C' S 1~01 t: e3 at Gro teh Re 1 t.:cd I te rrrns &: ll':I 0 Vt hole1tJc f·r t c Counticis of Durham A.nd '\ 1t'lt.otta UT Spe.olal lnducemente to Lt~ e ag0nt3. J !l lltl'Y lllth. 1871 e~onts ·. T a lLrgei::i t ai a cht :ipest stuok 'I !l..,.,."l e n tl e County of Du1har 1 Gm il !Iu<.1' ;I.le \SSE rs Dcpos tcd w t .! tl c F nrtncc ::1 50 000 co General SewmgMac~ineAgen cy :i[A BKE'l BU ILDINGS · ell glo 11 1la11 g B:n manv 1 c ', i s t 918 1 r.1 n s 1:100 000 L en for 1cc 1 benef t of Can tfl ?ol cvl olde on:· HARD TO BELIEVE. rrue Nevertheless! ----QC---- - - - - - - - - - -- - CRAPPED hands. a1e 'ery com1non 1vith those who have the1e l1ands ri:iuc11 Jn "at er .i\ fow drops of John.sons Anocl 1ne Limmtnt rubbed over the hands t "o 01 three times a. day, 'vill keep 1.ihem soft . . .nd whit~ J:'il!hermen s~Uors, 1md others will do well to 1emembor th1s THE Blood owes its red color ,o mmute BO\V~f~t\..NVILLE Lu; ro~ forM t:r tu ofF nc~ncc: I his l! toce t1fy that 1 have beeil acqua o t ( d w th the Oilice1s ll. d Man11geu1 o l the JUN GROC OF ~RIES VERY CIIF.J_,_4.:P. I "Lo CK MAN" globules which float m that flmd and con, injl. healthy per1on, a largo nrn )unt of iron, which gn es Yltahly to tho blood The Pernvmn Syrup suppues the blood w1thth1s vital element and g1,es stren :rth and vigor to tho tvholo nyste1n .,. 0 inn: IilNES r ND Q"[:J ALI'J':Y OF I1 A.LU N" & 4 ~fERIC'A. N 'f:IA.RBLE G C '\\ 1lpale h"' lost }us beautiful cl10snut mai e She drcd sud denly in harne:ils it is supposed fron1 bots or pm "orma If the Docter had used Sh<rida>i. Caval1 y Condit10n Powde s ho would, no doubt have had his 1na1e to day they are death on worms WOR.'!'HY Oll' NOTE - I or the cure o Scrofula, Skin Dl8eases and e~ ery kind of Humor, Depew ·Medical V1ctonastmds per emmently at the head of all other rem edie· In tho curo of ltheuroatmnn Dys pep01a. L1' er complamt ,nd Kidney D1 !!leMo, its effects are surpr1su1g to all For 1egulat111g the bov.:ols ancl curing Bihous ness~ Sick Head<Whe Fema.le '\~ ealmeos and g~nera.l deb1hty,_. 1ts curatne power are beyond money and be) ond pnoo [t 1· tho Life of the flesh Pm 1fy tl10 blood and it is ho.rd for u1seso of 2ny ki1 d to remam long m the boux Ir a person fa1nts him i THE Tt1nes s&y· Dr scm CT { ABFRDEEN GltANITE supplied an S!lOrt not oo E crytb1ng pertarnJ ~to Cnnct cry ..,., ork ' i ll JY..ieet "1th pro npt attc1 t10n 1J~ lea.\ illg Cl dms\ 1th 0 ROl NE \IL BowrHmvillc ood Coohrng Rarsrn~ onl} il ceP 1s ,, po1wd, awl er by the box UlYIMER DRY GOODS at cost }OU Ag1 cultural 11 sura1 ce Uomp tffV tor ma IJ ytnts 'nd nlso with tf e bu ucss opcrnt1ou1> o1 the Cuu pa y d I a\.e lo J es1tat ou 1 recom mend ng 1t 18 a pcrtcctly ab lo Comr u1 J a ld it:i Office ~a fo o as nr d I<'! compe te11t antl hono o.ble busrnes:. men n.nd ns Jt 1s1 cs 1 otl g b t Fn n1 P or c1 ty and d Il 'O fTON and Vi oolen goods ,ue achancmg, bu1 1 ca·1 bu; I V them at Ji:llwct s, for a snm t tune, at the old pnces No\1 rn the tmie tu becui e i\ tat ) ou nee cl A 01 NY Ol ANTirY OF GOOD 01 DAil Rail ..,H. Id c d · tnchcd Dwc l ngs nn 1 hns $~::lo 000 Asscta I cons det 1trespons ble beJond an) contu genc:ri: 1 fo,,tsfors l e tl c ntt1 c!::lt mnp D D T VJ"1 M P J' JUfF.S \~\Lb "\) e hl'L\EI e~ a l f ed uto lh" und 1t10 n n.nd I ot 5 4tl 01 e S71 19lf standing of 11 e Agr1cultu1al Insurauce Com par y and do fu l h cone t w1tb Mr Ca en in recommond ng 1t to the I irme1s ot tb1s Pro\ 1 1,;e ts one perfe..:tl \ t-1fo flt U tel tl e n wl ch to in u c tbe r ptopc1h J C CLArrn: Dar ke1 (i EN1LEME:N 11, \rnnt of <L neat fittm,; SUit should U earl) at Elliott s Fash10n,ible Lulormg Estnhbsh1y1ent J GEO · Enn pto nugust 3rd 1871 B C:A::tRtrTllEI s & Co 1~ K1mn A rruca -;,~ \f BI ll TO,. e 1 Going fl West! (JlJ L FOR SALE WlIH 'SJSUG H llttle Shep nl ncl e n goo I l es P· of the own I or partic lar vPl lo J C 0 l Al ' ' e '~ ould refer you to he fa low ng gen de fl \ e ,i;:a1d t tl ere 1 ons1b1l t\ ol the Com1 a.nv -D F1slier E<lq Ca hrnr of the Ont11nG Ju. k J o McLeod M 1' 1 J B }a1ba ll I!sq Poe t nt ,, ter J EI E q Hn 1 R e r .Ag~nt for Cubou g and \lC 111ty POT LA RD o t ie prem1sea t ;\ o cloors ft; \"'to I Hen lei on f l vte] Il(n; nan v1llfJ :t 'I \\II! !AM f FloH I ocitl Ager iit Bo\~man ]Q \ 1th gIC[\t I ~ tl de 1 r~ )Oet Sltana L'.'.lndo i TH01IA81!0LLOWXI' J "'"' SELI_,ING OFF"! Sf'ttle )ll $ l~ poll<o s:.i__ - - - - ' -'-"- Chear) for Cash T Royal Insu1"'ance \ inde"btclt o thoblSn SS dllpl '8ccnl nn' tl er ace ts :ooon ble stantl:i, 001"1.f:P ANY. F on c POT r 'Wi1 bt on the floor 01 bed on his l ack and let him lay q1uetly for ten 1n1nntr.s or se it ,. ·Imply a farntmg f: t and the blood rnl ze :6owmg on a !eve'! will spee<lLlj ihclf thrnugh the SJ stem lf you are troubled 'With rheu1nat1sm pleurasy p"' :n in the e1de ot back, cra.1ups ¥t- t,hr. sto111 tch burn1, frostb1t'os &c procure at once a bottle of tho Canadian Parn De troyei which is a ceria1n cure fo r all sui;h com plaint; Sold _ by. a.II med1cme dealers . 1[ Jfi;, r AND LIFE 1El\!FORUH 0"'FICLS C1w~te!· a oi 1~72 r e q t acted ---11\Wm,; , ~ O'>H', ~~,~.;,.~~~: AND l' AT IS HEP EBY GI> EN rHAi B A'.RRISrER L .c.\. Sol c tor (ho rccry intl fn,,oh encJ N <HICE I will not l c e,,\ onf.:able fo :i.n1 deJtB oon '% @1W;. - -· vv iJl 1;1 HTOR~l P. & II OHARA n «; 22nd 1371 1'7 3 F 1 H08HTN on:- ·.; t, l!"m:i! :nul ,,,a, ~ IR ILLl i:;:rRJ..llD Sewing Machine lFA .uH 01.i; Xa'l 1~ ~· ~i·~ea§, CU})!htl Anuu d~ iC'O,iJ:H:'I OY ~ l~nn. ' Phrenological Journal, \ Fll<S CL \SS V. 1t :1 .... n n: nHJ o~c .. I' 1 MIL Y BiAGAZlNE J!'OGR~ l! Jill& yn ) .son f u:ues ~ullc &c &c ' W JLLI\M £{;LLEY Du.1 11gton June 12 18 1 4-6 tf 0 fiicc on S1he1 :!lt et Bow n:mli 1 e o ilo t-tnte tn :\.. ta~s ea. sy F:!R 1~4 l!'. u un: l'UIZJE AT T1IJI ~OM.RllOD'Y SAYS- J here is somethn1g pecnla.r attractne lll a horse HIB intelhg ent eye and ear ]us lofty carru1gl!, lns free and gracefnl motion, :his vast strength ha obedient temper and his ind1spens;;1,;Ule u1e all endear h11n tu us ' ' c have to look 11t all hli fine proportions and take ' m the i111pll'at1on of his euti1gy and p< wer but it .. only when the horse 15 rroporly Q.&I'ed for--when he is free fiorn d]jjease or unsoundness of any kmd that he will ex1b1t thtise points of attracti~n and Without which he i5 of but httle nlue A package of Darley s Qond1t10n Po" dcrn an(l .Ara.bJ:in Heave R en1edv should be u1 PHH>Hncmi Exlub~1eon ! pnl "1 1879 $6.603,'J:l 0 IIIE SCl\I OF \ e \: heeler &r W::.C ::a 1 ~l:'i.o t o tu 'erd18 b-v ti o C:rea.t Canadinll SPllING 1§72. hav ~ $'736,200, .L\ ...el H :; u }) "O eH CUJ el sivel"' tho SJ:'PEf lOnIT\'. FASHIONS I DOLLY' lWBN !EJ H. &: H 0 HARA .Ah~ \\ hole~lo and I e ta agents for Uuelplt Sev; lg !\.In. & Ra\ er S1ng"l' }{o ve a id DOLLY\.Alll1"N posaeainon of evc;:r) inan "ho owns a horse C rove to be uised in case of e nergency Don t fail to get it ltcn1ember th o 11::i.n1e and see that ti10 signature of Hnrd & Co each packBge No1throp & Lyma11, New .,..tic, Ont,'proprietors for Canad~ Sold by all Med1cme dealoro L Jl F BRDlHl L THE L\TES'l' I '..SHIONS OCI Cl C?f { Ents for Ca rndn PatLe:rnr: m:;t rc cei fl l t l\11s .A I I0tchr:r s \. P 'f.' l lY I c rn ector l 0 lI HT .f HMOCI! D es 1uaking e 1 o um Patterns of Spr ng ...1.c~1 tat Bo~ ma v- Ile F ~l '1.ons to "fl> e DH<>~ 1k g n.n l ft'fting a~ ~ B - :rno flnnn<' al noa ton of fl e H r,aI s rn u ·I no"' ay a;ffct.:tc l bJ tl e iec!'. t .Fire at Cb1cago MR" ALEX FIETCHER J rr 1 JG le- ,.. J ~r the Corn ... n '"" 1 aT!?l:' no .A.gont domg b11e1nese h n nounr ' ' ,._. L o so on h11 d aft l s ot.:k - of the l ITTLE Vi AN7.F.U 1\.!acl lnl">:'I \\1 Wtnma ~faclu es lll·t CJ t· t-)"'

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