Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1872, p. 1

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· · ; · , <!Lrn rrb 1 m ntel p ~tatcsman l l e1 · THE LORD S WAIL Bhm vV~[ ·la~ l'/Uorun1g l v tl J 01 eto ' · R 0 I ... I L\f IE, BO\HIA~VILL1' o~ 01 I IUE-l'ost Oflwc Hloc::I< 1-DfGIRE E1 r ,NO. 8. GOCJT_)S t\ 1 BIOGRAPHY OF J A MACDO · 1 'l ll SMILE WHENEVER YuU CAN D\: n: <1.'T CA.11 no GLASGOW rTilll SI l3SC1Ul l H ll'i OltDlm IO HOUSE I IOOilI JUll HH:> r ALL IM ::sok tpr l E 11 looks up n n e1 a!l. ] e does l rses all their capar1so R of weri.llth title in l 1 lace l e c 1 s1 lers b it n Jun u.ess J ..I. l 'ttl\_ll0N8 ltontl ad\t~aelloffl J.iJPt!S MAl~E · Far Ur1der the Reg"ular RaJte · And r t es BJ oc a] at ten t 1 to a. llll'rt:. &to l Dress Goods, LJ.nen, Cotton & Silks \\ . s Bo' le, I'll n T 'l"i e3 of hl l ll c o c Irle s ek ol flnl ~l TIES of Tr n t Colloge Loro to an l Vic torio. lo lege Uobou g J Ice tla e of l e Col cge of Phv-a cuul.9 aud Surgeons 01 Oill. e one door '\Vest of L Cor sl s Re de ce SI e st eet onedoo south ot Hr R l B surger; Bo 1 an vi le Ont G ftADOA.TE OF THE lNivERisI Bo n an 1ll June 9 TH OMAR PA T]-l:=J~SON _.....__.......___----......_._ _............... 1 1871 J FAREWELL WINTER! · MAYER c f. ct tl t:. TT is sa l th i.t :i. tobacco cl e" 1 1 as fo n d a. paos ige H Sea pturc llu tl at "" tilt! y ~t I r I e f It! y .till "h ch e' co lr"ges hl n tl: is t ot an 1nu::; a] e\ e t to s t \ u h 1ndred and 1 a ls of ptt.iteJ n-g tl rough Ingersoll Ont da' for .-.lupn ent to the oli co LLL J 'II e <la lv "' e1agc 1 1 g the season t n lo bt~d h OK eeds (ifty wo 0 1 loa l8 0 Cb:ui. .Kelh, e: J a 01 e ed o t l Bo YU tt 'Ihc CLAlllil!VIOJl'I I"' a dand~, 1. be iJilf,ROSJ, .t Ca' om 1te, J he SARA IO(,..A .t be.nit~, l'he CHIC '1 f.O a i,,un, And tile OI I l lV A the best ot all S l.i a n r!lJ o Hat un l C l and s l tyles t u t t h u,Jead o 1a,nc1t pt I e I c ) -0 GENTL}jjJYlEN S \cc Be ure cl en.! t the s gn of th get mtod bot n -pr cc un l l t,.,. l?J 1 G FURNIBI:'I: [NGS, '10 ~c Collars, N eek-ties Braces, Co :i er I g and D o Str c ts a l JOU v.111 M \ltKU S 111\rER STUBBORN FACTST 0 CITORS tnd Not arJ Pu lie J JI F AREWELI L L D R McGEE B A JAJ.\!1'S HL LJ>D01' 13 A OFFICE -Ove \.'V 1.1:c1\.imt J s Dr; Goo 18 Store flCCond doo e I o the 1 ost Ottice I stA.trs B :\.s thei c is 1 gi e it deal of 1111~1 ep1 cscntat1011 1ee,ar dmg the meuts of tlu d1Hernnt sewm,, machme~ u1<l many iJ 1sons Protes~or \\-lute, have been mrnlnd by th<se uutrntnful st1tements "e ,;11E be rJ1E\OHl!m OF 1HE PHJ\O FOIUE .L suigl "&c o"' ' 1 c or« snow Im' the nunes of ,~ fe1v of thosE "no testE d th prcpnrod to n.ttoud u l re e ~ l t lJl:I I o f:I ::J':Jr~f~;'.,?.,. n 1 > ap1lioot!on "'~!rs" 16l.9" 1/ I 1\-Iachme rnd who aften\mclo ex.cha11g1 d t hen 1iith IL - - -I ocl{tna11 Osbutu 01 ll1v1no1HJ - sou1e of thc ru Farewell, UcGeP & Rn th c1,;t, ARRISTERS \ITORNEYS SOII O'er :ii;2o to exchange· HON f Sli\fP,;ON Bo" n a1 'illo D FfoHER THOl:l TOHNSTO"IS JOHN ~foOL UN(, MW3 0 G H \NIS I NL how nai' lie lo do '1 G PERR'i do \~ E IJLLEl' WM IDW \l D!': <lo d S Chestt>r:fidd, l)( lIONEE!t FOlt BOWMAIS \ lLLE a d Dn.r ngton Itos den e Quce 8trect 0 Clcrs J t ULIIJ nttc i lod to ( I n gcs Moderate Ii <lo A RICHARD SHA\"\ Darl t gt J I LU\ EKIN Clarke E BE:11AN do IR I MR L U:MMIS Oa1 t1 ngl l r \"\ ILKIN SON IS"' castle lo Ml S HTLL \M I'honaas S1onhouse APPRAISEl t .AT.:CHONEER General Ag nt Oar ngton U r 1 r rnptlJ attended to J BELLI\ 00]) AND Sa es MR BARFOOr C \SMI~ · S BORI AND 010 lO A. l OCKH ART Cl uk MrnS HAlVIBI Y P 1t Dul r gi H Dail ngto · do L ) ICENSED A lC llONE]R FO lt the Io shpofDa,rlnirton Snespronpt ended to Cl argcs uilc a :e R. D. Foley, THOMAS MoCLUNG Bo >manv Ile l ],1 D "1ILIA1\ft'-i STEPHEN CLElVIENOE Dul r gtor WILLEM CIEMENCE 1l\fA11HEW I RR\ R BOYIE COLE J'yrone JUonev to Lend. n anent Build g and ::;a dng s octcty of l oron to is p epa:red to egot ate loans on Real Esta c R R LOSC01\1BE do <lo T RE UNDERS!(, JSED HA\ Jl\(, bec.n a.ppoi tel agent for the Pro Ul u.l Pu MRS BROCK IAn l a ~reat JOHN BUI N Manv · ni1 y otl era ' sef:i~ty on tl e 1n915t favouja~e ~et~RnAIRN Intemlrng pu1 cha~o1 s can enqmre of any of the abm e re ga rdrni;, the rnm1ts ofthesl maclnne8 R Peate Tador ~EISTLEMENS AND ( J{:hfENJS nnlo1nt o nms c rn Bo 1 m 30 f R&H O'f-IARA »lie Ocwber otl 18 1 NEWER! ST1'JE Bo vn nn lle l eb 19 1868 \V. R. Chnnc, SS\ l!at I or Ge cro. Dy a O~ M \RRIAC,E LIOENSES o ty of lI s E.xce lency the. Go e 1 Ifl_j\._LLO ! A LL YOU 1 TI-:IE 0 l~E 1I 'lRE LOO;dfAN Utlice a tJ o Statesn a office Imo" l~mg~d l)y~~:cir~~:~~l c~ I his is the Place to BuJ WHO NEED SHOElNG ti :t t Is E wI NG M A0 H IN E I IS 1\ 0 \ Tlil ltC Hoots I' J,antl Stll'"te)11ai,; do'.all orde s vl 1 wh cl 1 e 4.rl l ess Bowman v lie I 0 l\.I ircl llltl 18 1 and Shocs·-~one Bet lei LF \DING 1\f\OlllNF. HlJ:.DOMlHI/~ .. J L REED eiinr C} l'RO\ INUIAL LAN]) s: pr 1 u.rod to y I e ta:. o ed - OF cg{/Jt or C vil Eng neer B. Sher1n & (;o. T M FAIRBAIRN BARRISHR ~ tote · Attor l 8ol c1tor &c Ji udsa. Ottlcc ln Kee !\n s R ock" Over '1 Beall s Eook (1li .J, ill. Drim1u om bt, L. D. · s., {) G. HannJng, Ci 1 E giqeer an\ Lo.nd \.ge t Om e ~ 1 1 esidenco Lot l:J 3 d o Du.rlington \.ll ord a ett n.t the oHlcc ot Robert An our Esq p on1pt l at anded to 40 P RO\ lNOTAL L \ND SURv EYOR Robert '11·n1ou1, Issuer o :i\larr ogt} L ecnses Barrister a1 g Attorney at La v nn l Solleitor n Charccry- :M.oneylonncdonlleelll:sta 01 con Ki g f:!t-0~t TO LET R EarsTR\R Bo Ile wEts'I Dt:RH\M The Pump Shop '\IIJIIIORSEPO\iVF:R&IATHE ,, ., · · ·

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