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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Nov 1872, p. 3

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CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, r_rHURSDA.Y,NOVEMBER _; -· £!S 7,181~. s WIN.,. .. . e II · I BROTHERS Tweeds and Cloths. We are now showing a very choice lot of English, Scoteh and Canadia.n Tweeds. Parties wanting Cloths will find the largcst stock in town at Are now we!l prepared to supply the wants and suit the tastes of their Customers in Fall and Winter Goods. They are very desirous that you should .see and examine certain portions of their Stock, especially some lines of recently .. Imported Goods, which they consider unusually attractive and pf very good value. Millinery. ~ ::S::C>U.B E ' Wool Damasks in all Colors. 'Embroidered Wool Table Covers, - Bleached & unbleached Linen Damasks, McClung Bros. Lace Curtains at all prices, Muslin Curtains in sets, · White Alsatian Quilts, Mantles. d . Muslin Curtains by the yard. ·a . Colored Quilts--wool colors, Ready-made and made to or er, m a sty1 e secon to none , in the Province, at M Cl B Printed wool Table Covers in all colors, Colored Cotton Quilts, c ung ros. . ·- - -- - - - - - - - - - -- Printed Wool Cloth by the yard, Toilet Covers, Shawls. And all kinds of House Furnishings pertaining to the Dry goods Trade, at French Millinery. Hats and Bonnets in every style. A very la1·ge stock of Ribbons, Flowers and Feathers, which will be sold cheap at We are showing all the latest novelties in English and FUR.N':CS~IN'G-8. McClun g Bros. -~~--~-----~ Overcoating· s. :MOSCOW BEAVERS. PREi:lIDENT CLOTHS, PILOT CLOTHS. PETERSHAMS. -"rVHITNEYS. JliELTONS. The last in all colors and at all p1;ices, ,a t . In great variety. The largest, best and cheapest lot of - McClung Bros. FRENCH BEARERS. SEAL SKINS. COLORED PETERSRAMS. OTrAMAN SHAWLS ever shown in Buwmanville, at McClung Bros; McCL"O"NG BROS. Fancy Cloakings. AU of which can be made up in fust-clrss style at Dress Goods. Call and st>e our new Dress Goods, comprising all the latest styles in material and colors. BEAUTIFUL YARN-DYED FRENCH REP IN ALL COJ,ORS. MERINOS IN .ALL COLOitS. EMPRESS CLOTHS IN .ALL COLORS. ALL WOOL SERGES IN ALL COLOHS. ' ALI, WOOL SATIN CLO'l'HS IN ALL COLOHS. PLAIN and FIGURED LUSTRES IN ALL COLORS. PL.UN AND STRIPED GREY LUSTRINES-The bo·t Second Mourning Goods in tho market, a.t. I McClung Bros. 0 ,.,McCLUNG +· ~ CASH. IST~. I CASH. 0 McClung Bros. -- BROS., ~. Gents' Furnishings. + NECKTIES IN ALL STYLES. PAPER AND LINEN COLLARS. LINEN SHIRT FRONTS. FINE WHITE SHIRTS. E'LANNEL SHIRT5. WINCEY SHIRTS. CARDIGAN JACKETS. And a large stoek of Gents' Furnishings of all kinds, itt +. ·clan Tartans. A splendid lot of Clan Tartans, at McClung Bros. Mc Clung Bros. Black Lustres. ' BOWMANVILLE, ONT. Gents' Under-clothing. GREY RJJlBED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, J.PLESH-COLORED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SCARLET RIBBED SHIRTS AND DR.A.WJllRS, -"" Warp Reve1'8~ble Black Lustre~, to which we call part1c~lar att:n~1on. N otwithstand111g the 8.<lvance m those goods, we never saw anytlnng to surpass this lot in quality and cheapness. Just received, ex. S. S. "M~dway," one ~ase of D<_mble McClung Bros. Mourning Goods. this class of good~ to obtain them ent~ely to thm.~· s~t1sfact1on, we have therefore made this branch of our busmess a speciality! and hav~ taken more than usual care in selecting our present stock, which compnses the following: BLACK PARAMATA- SILK WARP, . BLACK PERSIAN CORDS, BLACK CASHMER.ES, . BLACK COBOURGS, BLACK MERINOS, BLACK CRAPE CL'OTHS, BLACK FRENCH TWILLS. We know it has generally be.en difficu~t fo~ tho_se wanting McClung Bros. \Ninceys, Plain and Checked. "Never saw them cl~eaper !".is the remark which a customer invariably makes after haV1Ilg_ exammed our big pile of Winceys; and we certainly never h_ ad anythmg to surpass them. McCiung Bros. Skirts. Just imported, a. splendind lot of Quilted Skirts, in. Lustre and Satin Clotbs, also a great variety of Wincey and :Molton Skirte, at McCl ung .Bros. . .. ·~\N"oolen G.o ods. McClung Bros. CLOUDS, CROSSOVERS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS, . HOODS 'cHILDREN'S WOOLEN CAPS, PELERINE SETS, And Woolen Goods of every description, at . ·· Furs. I a,· splendid lot of Grebe and G_er1~an ~~k Millinery, McClun g Bros. Mantles, Carpc,t,s. Shawls, Being anxious to reduce our very large stock of Carpets, we m:e clearing them out at the old prices, although t hey have !l.dvnnced. Dress Goods, Mourning Goods, Woolen Goods, · Also, a full stock of Hearth Rugs, Dool' Mats, vVool Mats, &c., at Furs, McClur1g Bros. Ready-made Clothing, Clothes made to order, Flannels. Having bought our Flannels Spring ou the very best Gents' Furnishings, terms, we ar<;, notwithstanding the ad_v:u""' in Woolen Good", Helling them .a t our old pnces. E,.tra good value Searlct FlunucLs, at Carpets, McCl ung Bros. House Furnishings, Tea' Blankets. Co:ffee, Blankets, English and Canadian Blankets in all styles and prices, at Spices, Horse Blankets, McCl t.1ng Bros. Fruits, Buffalo Robes, --·--·---Horse Blankets. Provisions, Flannels, &c.,&c.,&c. · · Salt, And all kinda of Horee Blankets at Fish, Mc Cl ung Bros. Plates, Railroad Wrappers Crockery, In every Style, at Glassware, McClung Bros. - - -- &c., &c., &c. TAPESTRY CARPE'l'S-STYLISH PATTERNS. , TWO AND THREE PLY ALL WOOL CARPETS. WOOL DUTCH CARPETS. UNION CARPETS. HEMP CARPETS, STArR CARPETS. FELT CARPETS. DltUGGETB. lit:it rn / GRWt HORSE BLANKETS, STRipED HORSE BLANKETS, BLUE HORSE BLANKETll\, CHECKED HOME ~L.ANXET!!, ' Ju~t opened, Buffalo Robes Trimmed a.nd untrimmed. Sets unusually cheap. W c have also on hand a lot of Im1tat10n E1mme _..... . Sets, suitable for children, VERY CHE,AP ! McClung Bros. o"t Ready-ma.d e Clothing. .A good assortment of all kind~ kept o_n hand. Yon may rely on being suited with anythmg you reqmre m this department, at L ·~ McC LUNG BROS · .· +· o~ See the stock of Buffalo Robes at One hundred to select fiom. Hats and Caps . .We _immedlately secure, as soon as introduced, everything new m tbrn department. At present our stock of Silk and Felt Hat.q is very complete. Every variety of Hats and Caps at · - - - -- - - - - - - McCl ung Bros. . McCl ung Bros. . Mc Clung Special inducements to Cash Buyers. All goods guaranteed as represented. No vexatious delay in your Millinery orders. Orders for clothing promptly executed. Highest Price given for Butteri Eggs, Poultry and general farm produce, at Bros ~ Overcoats. A large lot of Men's and Boys' Overcoats, m!\nufactured by ourselves, and in every respect rui Grocery Department. BIG STOCK 01' TEAS. COFFEE-FRESH GROUND AS " R EQUIRED. SPICES-FRESH AND PURE. SUGARS OF EXCELLENT VALUE. TOBACCO-A GOOD Y ARIETY. FINE NEW CURRAN'fS. CHOICE NEW RAISINS. NEW STOCK OF GENERAL GROCERIES, BRUSHES. SALT- BAG AND BARREL. PLASTER. SMOKED FINNAK HADDIES. FISH. CROCKE ltY, now. . COD-FISH. CHINA, new. HERRINGS, GLASSWARE, new. MA CKEREL. LAMPS, new, SALMON TROUT, new . . &c., &c,, &c. WHITE-FISH, riow. _ good as ordered work, at - - - - - ---- - - McClung Bros. Ordered Clothing. For some time past we have made the Tail?ring a. leadi~1g branch of our business. We have never spared any }~ams t~ give entll'c Mtisfa.ction, and have been rewarded by a constantly'.lsmg trade.The department is still under first-class ~nanagei;nen~, and 1t 1s we!! known that our style of getting up Gentlemen s Clothing 1s uucqualle<l m town. McClung Bros McClung Bros. McCh1ng Bros. ·

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