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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Nov 1872, p. 3

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CA NADI A N STA'TESMA..N, BOWM4NVILL)n, THUR SD AY,NOV" EMBER 14.,1872. ~'~ 7 '..... ~ ~ .a;::-- t<:::Jl'-' "'-'1 ll::::;f_...._ 1 GLA (.:.) s G 0"' } y y T H i~ o-u s E IIFallOpenin "- g' ~ A · foiJ· l cm· ui l·':u·m .f ol' - - -- llf ' NUF ACTUR A °l. rnns ...,. ~ ~ AND DEALJi;Rs IN ~· IVE RY Fu LL AND 1 form er prices - - - - The subsc1ibe1s Htock llO "\Y s EL E c T .I AUTUMN FASJI IONS! near th e ro,,.nof B o \.. , 1 u nnv1llc .:\1Jphcation to be ma{lc to J s DA'IES, P'OVl tetor o f 11 0 t 0 b '1ti1 18"1 Il 1 ownian\I e, c ei ; · t J N THE COUN'l'Y OF DURfLUJ , fi;:;;,~--1tt,..,,,=:~~~A CA .\INST EXPENDir l1URES l n 11on or of tlte dead l--Ic11\ en J11_~s - ---- - ----- ----u ~:"-D l. Clfl, BOOTS AND OF S H OE SI AND CHILD REN'$ Andn otw 1tl1 stand1n g the f,rreat a dva n ce 1ntlte pn coof all kinds of g·>ods, from h avin g u1ade his p nrchase early h e ta enabled to sell ,v1thout any apprec1n.blc advance 0 11 , , M .,\.JCF..ats 0 Constan t mnplo} /<!;l9 m ent AIJPlJ ut r'. p 1\ N rr , OVEST _\.ND ti) COA.T liVER Y DESCR I P TI ON !HSSI<~ S' FF i\:Tc.AR1HURS no" n1anv il le, Se11 t Hi, .._s1 1 GENTS', LADIES', SPECIA L ATTENTION 18 CALLED TO HIS STOCK OF VELVET S, VE L VETEENS. E LA.CK SILKS, CANA.DI.AN TWEED S, C.ANADUN BJ,ANKETS, Q J; I L T S, T.ABL F, J, IN E NS, TOWE LING, AND C O U N TERPANE S, FELT Gaiter , and Balmornls m grea.t FELT Over-shoe· ; RUBBERS - kept cousta.ntly and ou hand v1 m eties. Ma gnficent D1spay New and Rich Dres8 Goods, · 111 :,r c'la!tl?t~ , also 11 very full assortment of l nt once also, two appi en t.1ccs (gn lBi le1u: n the Tu.1lorin g b u s111e9 ~ a.t l\.1o CL U1' G B R OS AN EXP ERIENCED MILLIN:!': R ~o 9 Bown1anY1lle , Sept 23 Hl72 belli h·1~ent of lhe L'1.11\C i ~s...,n t v st1uugm e..tLractlO!l !:l to IJ..HeS't th_, itLc.i tion 0 1 tl c sL1.u1g 1, aT 1 .., .;:i;-;e1oo 11 tu to pau<:e a n d learn ti n n u 1e of o .u~ " h0 ll t.-:.> slrn.1 cti so l.~. . i:.~lJ in ie Jo'\ e of uL111:rs ~v fl taJ e Uuo n1e! nod lo u.".,1 il you that e ca·1 fill 01d11-s fo r <lccorating t h e 1-!L.l.\ es " \ rmr1 ( d fr.ends, n t low ilg-tat:·, ... i L ed in the l:e1:1t t.tJ l e of " orkmansh1p ~ru,£1~~u~~~~?~,:~~~ ~;i~~;f!· LI~~ \~~1 ~~~ ~..,~ ulle\1at~j our grici 1.· 1 iJ l:!mJI 111;:-a lho J 1 1 0 ;~~~ ~;~\l~ ~~~~ 1 ~~ta 1 ::: ~~JJ1~~ ~\ cvo.; ' T .li. I I.i OR, utto1cdnopro lubn wn , ·~u dEa1th 1 s not l OJU.i ccl bu t benefl t.tecl In rhun1 A ll t hose beautiful ei!lbh:1us whicll a dou.l t he 1n any ton1bs u1ot1nd v ln ch \\ 0 love t,o l l n get, llSSHI E' lU;l -WC rtrv l ll :'\. -WUdU o f 1 1 I I 1 JC .111'!.> t of l cbr uory n ~t an d sa' c trouble l' '1' HOSKIN J ALL PAJ{'l'IH'l INDEBrED 1·0 'lHE unclcl's1gned r ~e r. uc<>t erl to poy uu b efo1 o 2.::1 t f I I \X1TOCTLD Vl' (t.: UN h Also, a largo 1i11antity of '.l' JtUNKS-Saratoga and othms- fo1 sale. We ar~ satisfied that 1t is \Vhrnh induces tho public so handn el to t mthy t atraight forward tr ading is \\:anted 0 1 pa ron f 1ze us, a nd TI e fear no competi tion where u. 1 a \Ve a ;;R or our goods 1s companson- then let him \vh o lrn · n ment boar th e palru 4 G LOVii:S . HOSIERY, SM.A.LLW .A.RES AND TRIMMINGS S a v e Y o ur Bones A.nd get 5il ct!J, 100 los fo1 them, al M O:NUME NTS, TABLETS, ETC , IT.A OF I IIE FINEST QUALfTY 011' 4J.\r cf.; .AJ..:IERlC.i1} · l . 1f.tlRBLE . _,\),']) <Ul d v. on ld bt.:g t il St!Y that b( It·~ rc1no t cd to the ' OJ 11c, or Kn1g a n d Ou t.tr1 0 stt l?JL", '\ h e1c h?,, Lll be glutlto "e( ll;:i m ... n} oft he good-n,tt ui eU and goorl tcn111ercd onG!-l tL'j pk ·sc i o .,1vc h 111 a i; l\ll Ilo, nt.'.lnv11lc No1 22n rl , 1871 17 t i Cll StomerA and fJ ICHU8, I~I'. S P..,;L;,. ~I._, , s t nwer~ l i~luks ~ IJ ) is , u niorous '>.'. C~EAP G-OODS THOMAS PATERSON. Bowmanville, Nov. 1th, 1872. YOUNG & l31UTT.AIN'S Street P S - They must be dry ru1d d SCO'lCIIADU.:11.l>EEN GP...i\..NI I'E suppJ.led on d1ur~ notice E\ c1 vthmg pe1tauung to 0e1netu1 ~ "~llk '\Yill ruect ' -v 11 h p1ou1pt uttent1ou, by leavn1g ord0 I APP I .. EST Burden and W erry ara ri1epc1ed t o b uy a,ny qu ai1tity ot s \\1th ALL ORDER S will RECEI VE our B ES1' A TTENTION· CUSTOM WORK made to ar dor under the management of llfR J REED wh o h!l.I been the leadmg workman 111 the P ioneer Boot ,~Shoo Store for t h e past 16 )·ears Murdoch Bros. T wo tu Board ancl L odging. OR 'l'H REE RESPECTABLE bcunl b y apuly:in({ 1\I RS JOIIN 1<""'.ARFW E I,L, King St Bowmt!nv1llc 1---~-g--·~~ C BOUNSALL, Do;, 1 tanv1 lle . Good /vlei'cliantable Apples, - A'L'O D · $' .. pcxsons c.i.n ob tu..rn '.YILL PA1'. THJ<J HIGHEST P RICE Briw1U"!H1lle, -:\.1.lg 27th, 1i;;;2 5 tf lu.vo openod out on immen·e Stock Qf H AS RECEIVED A SPECIAL LOT OF 3 t f. JOB MOSES' PERIODIOAL i'lLLS .All Wo1"lc G tiaranteed as R ep1 ·esen ted, And .from o:ir facilities we feel confident that we can place before t he public supen_or g?ods at B .tme rates as those charged by others in the trade for an m fen or article 2 more first-class workmen wanted-none I other need ap ply THE HIGHEST PRICE IN cAsH FOR HIDEs . t;.,m,.· Rail s and Poises. NEW FALL Goons. A NY QT:A:N'rI'.:'Y OF GOOD CEDAR ~oticc. All Wool Tweeds at 75cts. A R ails a n ll P osts fo1 sale, c1t.he1 at tho stump or deln eiod ,J" MF.S VEA T,i. LClt fi, ith 1.:on Da rhngton, Dao 4t h, 1871 l!l~r ..i.. u1l.faLi:u.g in t be cn1c of au tho::ic 1Hi.1nJul and duug-eroU1$ u1sea.3ci:; LO \1 lnch the 11 nu:i.le consw.- I LUlI QlL llil ::HlOJect (t l'l UOCl Hell all excess ll.Ull \ e I n 01 csallob1::1truct1on1::1, fl.Ill tt S}Jcec.I~ ewe lJla) be rc hed on TO a-r A un:n D L illrE O 1t 1specnhn·lysLU .cd, 11 ,.,L.J, lhtt short t11ne, 1 b r111g on t h t 11.ont11 ~ f(ltOcl ~\ l ctl1t1g 1 lR 1t\. 1 11.ese /UlllC !J (Jilt a l nllHIS INVALU UiLE MEDJULNE IS I (t 1--'r~l !oJ :;,Jwuld llu, ] i11(! lhe. f1'J.Jf.Sl. Bowmanv1He, N ov 13, 1872 A NDERSO N .f· CO. Reed', Old Rtand 16 ~~~;~:,:~~~ 1!1~~thly. R I l. S 'l'Ol J R D (In N EW LOT OF RHA. WL8· Prospectus for 7878. r SIXT H YE.l R A L rJn(J Story Ji'? om B llE'l' H A llT E' J BRIL i .JI.A.NT .ARRAYof CONJ lli BUTERS OL ARE i.\ OE COOI( 011 JJ'1u tHtu1 c ancl Dccoral1 on8 _!111ho 1 ~ Zztro.ord.inar:v Inducemont3 to No'\V Subscr1bers; ·oo PAGES :FOR s1.oo: ··c ..e t h eir J r oapectus Just issuc<l., pr onuso for t he t~ ensuing year a moro h r u1l8.n t arra r or coutr1l>u tors and a n increase in the va1 iety a ud ncau t} of its illust l'a lton, alread y conceded b;i. the c u t1cs to TJJE A L D l . ."ilE, ·;vhilc i flf'l ll Cd \\ 1th all t h e be .finer t han n.ny wJuch ha\ e hltberln .ippe~ ed rcglliari~, has none at t he tempo 1 .1.ry 01 t n n ely in a n y An1cricn.u int e rest ch arac te1 l st1e1~of oi dinar~ fer1odi Dr R OLLA N D, the Editor w ill "rite the serial I t Is an elegant -&-1n1sceJ l.a ny 0 pure 1torv o! the~ ear, w lu ch wd l be n.11t ob1ol[!'_!'Ph1c1.1.l lig~lt a nd graceful h teru.ture , a 11d a collect1on of ln form, and ,., ill be illUBtra.ted b y Miss Hallock p1ctm es, L h e ra rest specamens of at'tisvic skiJl in It ill f!nt ftl(ld A.rtllur Jlonleastl~ . nufl w1!1 dco.i bla ck a nd 1vh1t c Althou gh each su cceeding \\lt h somo of the moiit d1t~c1·l t problcn1s of num ber affords u. freah ploos1110 to lta fr1ends American L ife It w 111 be c ommonocd in t he the real Tnlue n.ntl JIJ; i l'bea uty of Tlte .A.ldinC NoV"cmbor NumOOi· v; Jll be m oat npprcc1!i'£~n.ted after lt ha s been d up at the close oft he year. \Vh 1 Je othet Thero "ill be a new story by S,\ :J..i;: HOLM J'he boun p ublication s may c1rum supe:nor chcapnes~ us One :Lesaed Dancor ' cotopaLcd "\Vlth r1Vi1 la ot a ::n m lla r ehn1 a 'l'E.E B RET HAn'l'.l:i tho best o.t shor t 8torles ALDI NE is a unique and original c on cePtloun o'v lt\'11lg, vo n\ con tribute a charac Lcn stJc s tory nionc a nd u na pp1oach ~ ed -a bsolutcly >v\tho u t com11et1t1on 1n e; price or char actor entitled TlleEptc ut l'Jddletown, w bLch \ \ ill The po ssc~sor of a com plete volu me cannot duillustrat ed by Sheppard p licate t h e q u a.ntity of fine paper nnd e n gra.TR H S T ODDARD ' \ill write a liO l'lcs Qf cnte- 1ngs m any oth ei shape or n ltlllber of' volumes ta.irung po.pors about A.nthor8, lb ~ lr P4'reon1t.l /m ten ti11i1\~ 'il<t cosf., a n d t hM e arethech 1 rnno8 (.1harae t e rl1tiC!l,Homc I.Ire. Fatnlllei, Friends bes'id-e$ , ' Whims, An d 'llayli A series of l"ortrn Ua of Art :Cel,1artme11t. Llvln& A.Jnerlcnn Wrlten , is promised Clarence Cook ' " Ill Wr lte abou l Furnitu re ~obvit hstan dfng the i noxease ln the p r ice of and th e De~e>rntton ot Anu~ t'leo.n Rom eii subecr1ption last I4'all , w h en TilE A L Dil\rE These pa.pers \\ill be eminently p ra ctical a s n.sstlDled Il e present n obl4i: lll'OJJOrttons tt.nrl rew oU as Jl;! ~h1 t1 c, a nd will ho 1llust1 !ltcd "' 1th de presenrn.tlve charactor, the cdi.tton 1cM 1no1 e tngnR n.rtu {lketchoa nu.morous 11 r List.ti 1n addJ- tha1~ do ubled druu 1 g ;I, tho}eat, p rovmg ;!bn to those wh1ch 1 e '"1 itei h ·mRBlf ni.11 furn that t he .Ammlcn.n~ pubh e ap premate will su ppor t, t\. !lin eore e tfort in the cause o r ' Art .Among those who w ill contnb ll tc a r e I T h e 1Jublisl1 or a, a0X1ou s t.o jnstJf'y tJ10 ready ()on And ersen, B !'} ant, Bush nell, Eggl l"riton Froude fl.nencc thus dem onstrated, h a ve exer t ed themHiggins on. Bishop lf unllngton , Br6t Har te' selvea to the u tmoal to d e" elop a.nd irn1nuve the John H s.y, H . H 1w'Iactlonafd , :M lt.cbcll 1\:Ui;S w01k, a nd tho'ii(' . for the com ing ;car Phelps, Stedm&n, StockLon, S t od d Ceha n.s unfolded bJ< th c~mon th!5 issues w il l nnd d ohg:ht even tho most san'gwne T haxter, \Varner, ' Vllki.1so11, 1\1 1tJ "\Vhitnev .ist.orusb VE beside& a h ost ot other s · friends of THI±. .A L D I 1 The pubhsb&3 ar c auth oru1Jed to announce de Tho odltonnl control a n d directio n of tho 1:tng- signs f1 01n m aJ1y of t ho inoat om1nl.!nt a.rtiata ot azine w ill in the ha1 1de of Or Holland,. Ameuca Tn ndd1h oo ~TJ..\ THE .ALDJlVE will who will contin ue t.o \vr 1te " T h e r npi c8 of Ui e r cproduco exa.n1p les o f ~ the best f oreign w a stTlni.:i," whioh tho N. Y Indep en·lcnt 1:1ays "are 01 ~ 1:1elected 'v1tb n. '\ JC1v to the highest ru t1st1<..: ntei TMt , a.voiding nwre widely q1 wted than any sau ilat pape18 success, a.nd gt eatesL g ene1o.1 L such a~ have beoon1e f11. m11Ja.r, thr ough ph oto i n any ..~t?ne1 wan magazine." gragh s 01 copies of a T1/ k ind '!ho q un.1 tcrlJ '\\·alter Gilder w ill write 1 ' The ohl (Jablnet f ' tin ted plates for l b7~ ~E \.'t lJl r e p- oduce folll' ct as lnthet to, Prof, John C Draper condu cts the J oh n S. Do.v-1s' 1n1nutAablo chlld ::;J...etchea np Departmen t o! ""r.J:'!:ui e n nd. Mcfcn ce ' Th e prop t ra....e t o th u four seasons 'these plates' a pd epa..rt11.;?nt 3 of " Jlon1c aud Societ y ·9 & n d peating u1 tl:..e Issues for J/o\nu.ary, A p ril, Jul y, .. Culture an41 l 11rogJ< esf!!," will en go.go ihe con a rid October, no,,ulrl b o a lone ·wort h tho price of tribu t1on8 of m o1 e t han .t:t, ~core of pens on b oth a yeat ~ isubscrlptio n ~The popultu fe.ature oi' iJtdes of t he Atlo.ntic. J'he W atchma11 <Mul R e a cop1ouslv llJust1 n.t ~~ ed "Clu i1:1 llnas' nun1bftc.ctoraa~ s ' ' ScriQner's .llfonthlyJO? Sept e:ni'!.Jer er will be con tmu<;.d 'l o ])O!'!SC SS' S U ~h a. v aluubl c 1a better tlul/n -usu a l, qch wh. i n d i cate.<J a needks-'l' epitome of th o art "' orl rl at o. cost so tnfiu 1 g will ; ,.... ste of ed-it01 i al b'l'an 1s a'f~(l ~~ublisher s tnon comm11.11d th esn bsc r1pt1oua ofthow.a n ds.iri£vci:y 'Ci;;ifor th~ Maua.:!1ne ti as good enott{lh b cJo~ e /" section of: the cou n try :hilt , as-t_ b e ilSCful ueSHa.nd A.nd yet the Pu b ll ~ he rH l H-01n _i t;e to n1ake t t n.tti ac t1o m~ of '111.Jt.~Al, DJJ{E can be en ·WI better fo.r the cuml 11g year" hanced fn proportlonD: t o tho numerical in of itB sup-porters! the publishers p_ropoee The subscrip tion prl~e is $4- a y ear, , .. 1th epee1· crease innke a1:1au1 ance d oub c 1n1xe," b y the follG'1 lDg al rates to clerg ymen , tea.chers, andpoatmas\ors. unpnio.lle led o.ffei of The follo" ing The £Ublish e r a of SCRIBNER'a .J\fo~rHLY 1n ' I ...., us .·atoll. Journal, unive1·sallv ad.mitted to be tho :1Iandsomest l.'ei·:c d\c~ m t he World. A I'.o;iro~-0::-.t:\t~ve &; Cha.mpi- t:ll'J Af ~· A ... Ill t 7,lli'.E J Great care has been taken m AVING SOLD OU'l' lliY IN'IEHEST buymg the Stock, and as H i.n bus1n c:-ii:i l a te !) ( ari on by lnG, in B V\\ IDan \1 tle ~o myson'"'(hn1 l c<tM u1 1 dV\Hl a1n Ca wk\ l i h1 rcby 1equ e!;L allthu: 'rn in delJted nothing but FIRST . CLASS J{ ~ t18~ f o~ ~~~t h < (;Ount 0 1 ot]1( rw1se, to c i~l lnd GOODS have been purchased, }i; LlZABE'l li C.A'VKl~U l 3ow miinv1Ue .Ja n ~th , 1872 2 1 tf Customers can rely on getting Wm. ff. ~-~nn· , B. A .lf,.11,. l!I., good value for their money. tn~ 11.; r oth1:1 ~11 e:.tt1S h i-.. c 1a 1lea, Ll nd u.lthougll a puwe:i: J1 11 1e nt tl) nollo 1 ~Ull l. ll·l 01 <.: J(n1e.l anti JU ll ' Ol .:lll}Lll.Ulciil l 1t" l ta 1'.0C011St.H 1.l.t1.0ll ]i~n ll t1ue0L1 111~ 111 tho P< 11 pll lol i:u·,..1u!d each }lac.... 11.,,0 \'\~.w:i ><} oul u be cu. 01 n ilf ob 1: \ eel J LJ :N ot:;l!.S, :!'.I:.W ):t..h ~ , :::011 JJ\ (I J-aic.l~ , e'H:.on1 ~l 00 r.u' J i2\- cen. s fiw \)1 ri a g._,7 '£l to No1thror,r &, LVHI l-ll, '.\:C\\'CUStte Ullt . vi::.n~1al ~!{;er ,c::; ro1 111 1 lJOJH lUOn \~ ih .Llll:!li.10 I;\, bo1tlc coJl taH ltl K ovc1 5U tl1ue b y :rctur 11t ul l1 01 S"JC ])v \\' 1 Atk111:.on and J.Jr De.tu" Ol:!ha. v.~, ut\\ib·1bybJ) ii Gc111cnn ll.J l h 1no li o ~' l naH ( i,scs o l:A c1 '0,18 u1 1 a :::l~lnt>l A.ffecttont:J, Puu1!; ~n the B 'ck t>illl L1ni bs l utJ. u e on sligh t exc1 th n, P<i.L i} t~t1on 01 Vw liei rt, li ystcrlC;\ end \\ l.ntc-.. i;l~l:::iu P1 l :-i 1 ~ 1ll Ettc Lu e utc "houa-J any ot/11:, lune t.hciJ U · c ~ (IJ1:- U3Th&J1arc~ arc to t:1ui[JO'n ~11 u t1 rit t'"li '1 .i l l~BJJJ tu lcrn by l!cm,ules MU1\ '.I: 11.S of l"rtg IHI U [J ·, I j I \,".~ ,., -... ( ... .J i \ v " .11· ~ .. 1 ~1 ,_ ·...,iW: .- ·,...~ _....___ ~ !l:l""'·iiru ~ · ·,, 1' ii ""'"':!, ...... &Jo 1' ~ · ili. a~!J-. ~~nv"'r. ~ r r ~ PJB: \S' it.;;}it":tat& !!}S!ti v.ill. .,.. . -a.._ c.... if r, · ~ll !ood , et ~ c ~) ;t,, ~Cfia, :l. ll. ~.J. Gen ,,ral Rt -., tnrolion to l30 ll/H d Health ~ llB P itIN CfPI,ES FTJLLY CAR - New lot of Dress Goods. A SPLENDID STOCK AND ATTORNEY-AT B AURIS'l'ER L So licitor Ch uncc1 ) .1J1d I n Boh cncJ ~ \.V, HIED 0 11{ Hi U10 ti tfth H n t p tccl b y the 1·11 ncnt l11d1a n DOCl'Ul !io J..1£\Vl ~ f O ~ LPH U S 11.s ll\ OS! \~ 01H1e1 fnl .A I!cull t \: (l a.nd Ton ic M e d I w1ut r.; 1d O\ n a t> 1hu Gt ci~t Shoshonees H. c1ncd.) t .1.~ lll in &c &.c No 1or sa *le in · ] ook or Ne'vs Stores. on er Amenca.n 'l'a.ste- OF Dress Goods ffic c On Si lver S t reet, no-wUKl.ln 1Ue, cu. s~ 1G.4'1 onlori.ntcu n.x_ to~ s 1n J:S1uoklvn b} iobn \'Valrcn, ~o ld ll~ l.iI(HJ.lNBO .I.JL:.\1f a1l'1 D S't 0 · I n1u.1n ill0 01lL!.t.l IO I unU P i l h, _1\o tnJU-J W!IS tOn:1cquencu <Un 1cs11ll f1cmif li e1r 1tse 1"Vo niistal~ e cctn b1 · 11iadc i n th ei1 Ad-e ~ CXCl tc~ 1 uf t~ 1 lli~1sn. hoota, j;j..,_()l'?tV " IL _ - - ~ I-'enon B who h in c been r estored I some lo L "1'gth ant.l 1J1:rf ccl lw dU1 1.Jy th e " hole P')" by tlief!!e Ind ian l\.1ed1c1nc.o 1n 11 1 .sl1 at 1rn i Fm· ~:de . ~NINTER CAPS. THE CHEAP EST JlURS IN O.J.N...4.DA.. Plain and Figund Lustres, 'v Plain and Tartan Wool P oplins, '.l'o Ue ut. Metz Cords, I ABOUT 50 ACRES OF LOT No 14, Figured R epps, Con 5, Cat t 1Vll;;h t 'I h e rnost of the h tn tl bcr.u 1n pastu1 c and inea.dow for 10;. ea.18 Empress Cloths, has .1\ . . quanht!i or fallen ccc lar o f e:xcclient quah t~· for s ale Appl} t o S TC "I E CCTT_\l:E ON LIBEit'£Y st1ee1 at prciir-nt oc upied by J Chn st10, Es(1, S t~t1o n .n.~n t li"o1 pa rtii.; 1.1lars 1.'0.qn u c of m J'}I01:.1P 80N , K 1np, St Bo w1T 'tn ' Jin M a y 2{ , 1871 b e Bowruanvil!e, Noverubor 7th, 1872. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF bh PLAIN &ORN AMENTAL PRINTING .EXECUTED Wl'rH and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. Black Alpaccas, Double "\Varp Black Lustres, Black Cobourgs, Black Paramat tas, Black Crepe Cloths, AND R e~ Oa 1t " 11ght,Sept Oct 4t h, 1871, \V LO GAN, l U tf ] ZI NES, Pa.m phleta 01 an1 tlu ng J n the book lin e, v.:h1 ch tho5 " isb to have boun d, can hav e their ord ers tl.l lC(l tn t he neatest a n d moet dl ll<tble st yle, a nd on t he s h or ieist n ol 1..,t , b) lea· 1n g t bmn a t th o STA l l!:S.llAN o ffice lkln g a lon g you1 b1nd ug :>ERSONS HA YIN G BOOKS, MAGA - , , .,, r I 111Gon t c:,;t1 1Jlc Paet~fmil Clc11t 1o con· u1i:;e tbc 1noi:it U,::,l' l'lTJJLH:iliED A NE \' S<.;c\Hwu.l that t he,,c ~lent 1ncdic .... l c on1 p ou11d~ t. cditl on of i )l". t: nlve t ncil'!'. pc1 cOl'lt l ma · )~ JJJ t ~' ellou ::; cu~c::.i anil iiccom pllsh t.:eleb1.111t tll Ess.ty 011 t.!1~ r adu al I all thut lS desircc\ J\o 1rniLI i.:l "'i < '1) 01 n a ilme n t c 1i 1 e ( \l Lllv Lt 111c,l1c1ne) of ~}l crn111 lU iy be OJ of h o \ Jon'! stanc;.1ng t hev \\ i ll fi nd toahroa, 01 ;::;c1mna.l \Vcu kn e::.;s, In I th o S1l OI, and aotiOH I::Jl·) G L b_y \h e riq:ltcl m a n nc1 \ 01 1..u w.·1 y Se1m n a l Losses i mpotency .!'J:cn tal I in "' h wh } ou a1e H~"tn ted to l edect hcaltu an d n.n d PJJ J :::i1Cu \ ln cupn<'t ~Y, l TOP((lUnen Ls to .1\Iar .(ull ' ig-01 Co1 1sunlp t1on , !t.pilopsJ a11d I lie h .e1ncdy n.11 d t h e P Us n c pl{:usant o.n.,.1 1 iagc otf , also, Ji its l nd u cecl by ec i:f 1nd11 1g eni;e 01 sexn a l c xLlS.\ · "n. e to Ln.Ke-1 aud a.rt: " arrnn tcd, i ~od ru t) possi 11-ga Dec }Jly be lclioo upou t o rw1ko Jl. 11e1 nu cu t 0111 c of f ·uce,' 1·1 a Ee 11led c1n elop e, o nly C cen ts. all d-isea3e~ o l t he T n 1ont Lu ng"', L H er, K 1 d I hc ccleoratcd u1th 01 1n ti i~ a tl1nu a. blc cssa.y n e} s, D ·g~<>tl\ e OrG""OIS &c &e tis\\ ell o.EScrof cleil.rly de1nons t1fl.tcs f r o111 a Uu1ty , c u.1,, sue: ulu., tJ e vu 1 o\s l'Sktn Diseases, 1Iu11101,,, and 1.>ll ces:.ful 1Jr<1 ( !ice t ha t t'1c a lll.11n1ng conseo uen ccs dis!:' t HtiS nnsuig fro·n I n 1nu ·t.y 01 1h c Blo0<l ex of self abu ~e m~y b e 1ad 1call ~ Cllled. , .t. li ou t tho "optu i~ t he th1~ d ·,l vgc oft:( ns un11 ;itio11 ]'nrtl1 cr us u~t: cit 1nLc1 rn1l :rned1ci nc 01 th<: i"Lp · 1 1ftto1rn11t ion \ \ Jth full ducct.ions for 11sln i; t he p.u..,u.uon of the knife pointing ou t a JUO(le of ::\f<>dic1 .1e.., and cot.ta1u111g- tcs1nn on111ls 1 e1 puic ~t onp,c si urple ccrta1 1 and eilectual b y 1 t10cu tes of Crne!'! can b e obl ai n Pd b~ s e ~ urrng n1eu 1 ~sot wlu oh l.:l \ d:iY 1:1uilete1 no n1 itter ... ~ b a.t th eSh oshonc~ s 'l 1eatlso the l l a.1 1d book or th o Ins con di tL on m a y bo, 1n a )' cur e' J1 11nselt ch ca]l l), AJmanr..C :.L1ifl C ,,,,.cular~. -.. . on1 an' di .. z gbt ill tho r1 v u.1 elJ a nd t a d 11 all y I 1Jo11ua1on - Fn.EE This IcCtut c sh oulU bc i n )be hands of e\ery Puc " of the I ~cn1 cd' i·1 1lt"ge Pi n i Bottle~ youth and c ve1y wan u1 the laud I $l ZO .., , 9 Sent nntlc .. seal l 11 a 11Jft u\ en v c' Clpe, to a n v nd l 11cc o. tho P 1ls p e1 Box, .Ll ~t s d1e58 JJO.:> t paicl on 1ec e1pt o f si:i.:: cents or t wo I po st st111nps \ -~ _ ___._ _ _ _ __ _______ _ _ _H o;e~a o~·cti 0§~, lil@li I pli L11 1 1i,c~poo. a of physic at.t.est this tlLct ovet tho sy!<.te"1 n111ne ou 1i tJst11 ~w11 1al::; a c s te 11 u n den~aPlc and r1 niul<0 s t"'1 ll u f t he 1vhole l hJ> J p r w< :.::5centu A13o, f h Culver v;e is l:hfar11a g:!l GUJ...:l o K LINJ·,' ~o p t 1 Offi i;i; .:io i Addre:.::>tne P1blh d" s , chA- J 1'.l1 B O' V , No\r { ll I 1 1 ( J.. I'~. ·f!': S toCii.'§ ;t -.. - W. R . CLIMIE. ,,S Is NOW USED I~ ALI. THE P RINCll,:> AL l\"Tn,n uf11cL01 1( 8 1~n d I\'.i: t1ls 1n O!lt ar10 ~ ~ ... ~ q\ l71l.ACmlll l!l! C ' 7li l ~ C e i cbir~te d -,, .:d1'. "" ,«.., · l.Vanted Immediately. p a.ble of Uo1n g gm1e1al · w oi k . .En1ployin e 11 t NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE BLACK !<tfETZ CORDS. C A. A FIRS'l' CLASS SHOEMAKER, Constant Bowmo.nv1llo, June l!J~h I ,u1d is giving sa tisfact1on, a Pd rrll un! ~,c in SfL,'lr:g thm e IB frorr1 2 to three hnnd1 ea pe r cent 1 8a \ in~ o'\ c 1 t<!l oth ...r O·L>1 and as the qualit) of 1 llu s 0 1l 1 s well l-.nown i Li s ur.:neccssnry fo1 n1 e tQ i:t ttrc tho 1c 1so11s wh:y ,t snr,e1oo<l ~s nil othr.r Oil I llR it is a.'~ ell kno \1 n fac t I .uit it will nc1ther gwn nor get 111 the coldest ·ve<~thc1 'J F.3TI :\-lONI.A L S TnE Josn:Pn HA T L JOHN SMALE. 1872 Two lh~ elHn§!ei!I Sa k , tJ1c :io ~· " " ' I 1 STATESMAN OFFICE MILLINERY The exhilJition of~Iillinery and Millinery Goods is very extensive, and in trimmed trimmed ville REASOX.\BLE TERMS, I N ON dc"1"u.1llc localit y 11' 70,., n of l or apply to p art~u ula i ~ A GEO B STOCK, Ti:,sl.,! , Blo 1sl1an1, 11LAJ-:. S1P.., - V<c lJ n e 1 et n rn.= ng y-onr Ll.bnoatlllg 0 11 fo1 the past 10111 JJ1 1nL1s, 11 n d cnn S."-Y I· i.. t h e;;11:it on, tb.~t it is the b est 011 \\ c ho. ve ever Ut;0u. ltJ.,, !EIJ <..: h ,.;ap , ,n 1tl llli3L-.':l lon gl:!1 ~h .tn I r. fly otnc1 oil, ~ · ,., vc rntt our large l.J foo t I ron (>l ~11 er 7 d::i t ::i v. iri1u Os 1\TAc1t1~n: \VoRKl'> , l.l\WO., Out , Aµ n l 14, 1870 T· 1 1Pp.<:1d11· f ,.. > BoV1ma.n H & II 0 IIAH A I c MfL l'l, e t Uu1k11ng-s ~11 und bright b..,ttc-r aa w. lul.n1c J.'Lot Yo ll'5 tr ul ~ -lO , F GL EN, .t iu.. 5-tf B o1\ tuau-\ 1110 N@ t iice. OTICE IS HE REH Y G 'lH A'£ N I ill Hot b e rcf>ponSitlle for nn" debts oon lt acte<l by son, Ju.mes IYE~, 1 I ' iH i .u Stock I:' 011 u.g \ n3t " ff) othc1 01 l 1a t he Dom nwu, and I p r cH r ·t t o c1tl1e1 <.:per m 01 Oln u 01! or an5 o the-'- used 0n inaohn1e1y .A Tl ~NDhU... »ON, l' 01en1a~1 Jos IIall 1i' orl." 1 ftn ~l Stock\; 011 lo be lu~ll n1 n1v 1T'Jo1rrin g Mill StLcI:s i ' ID J' \\- 1llin.1 ... SulleJ \~I.LL... AM SULLEY. 46-tf the best ml I :1av c C\ ('r fol ? , 1:::"lJ rtti1,; i11 rr_i;.oscs l Ji nrl Ul:lC~,l ohvo JH "'~ 1 ou~ t o SLock'iJ, u.hd I ~: u 1 to be t.J ie D n.t hn~t on J u no 12, 1871 l\l\)SEs ::;:'.nr11, D 11ffins Clock, Ont bc~t E"cry subsc11ber i o T IU'. Aldvne, >vhc pays 1n adH1.nce for tho ycu.r 1873, 'vill 1-oooive, withou t add1L 10nal ch a rg e n. puu 01 beaut1fPl 011 r.hromos afte1 T. J llill, tho cruitlunt Eng lish pinntfli ....:._I '!'h e pictures, entitled ' ' l'l1c ' r1llage B elle and,, ' Ctoss1ng th e I\f ou1 , ' ur o 14 x 20 uwhCs- a~e p11nted ft 0m 2f> d Ui:'m en L12l a tea req w.:ing 2;) un prcss1011 s and tin t a to p c1 tect e~ch pictu re Th e sarnc ch romo1:1 u 1e oold fo 1 !;\::10 }ler plur, 111 t.hc tu t stores A s tt is I h0 de tcrm1n a t1on uf 1tl:I con duct.ors to kee p '1 h e A ld'i 1.c uut o r t ho I t nch of con1petit1on in every dcpar!l 11 e n t, t h e chrnn1os w tll bo fonnd corI"el:lponclingl v ~he a d of d. r1y t.hut ca.n be oft'c1cd bJ othe1 vc1 1od10.1l::i }~>'Cl y subscllb m will 1eceivo a cc1 o\ er th e s1gna.tur e of tbe pnliltsher s Jl1UO nntee~nfJ th.1.t the i;l n or.nos d eJlvered shalt he equal to tlie s1uu 1 )lea turmsh cd the agent 01 the money 'i\'iil be i eElCIUil:t.'"Ell. & CO., fw1 ~od 'I lic 01str1butJon of p1dUie!$ of tb.1s ().S-1 Broad \\ ay, N Y g1uue, fr ee w th e ~mbscr1b ers to a. $a p e1 iodical wl!l 1ourkan eJ.-oeh lll t h e histoiy of ~l t and' considering th e llDf recedented cheapiloss 'of th0 pr ice for 'l'he A lcl wt- itr,eif tl1c marvel fallahttle TI' anted, short of a m ll'a.cle even to th ose best acquain ted 'Vlth the o.ch1~vement s 01 nn entrve gen1us and COMFORTABLE H OUSE, F OR A tradesm an w l thin..i.~I Ci m inutes walk of tJ1e im11ro \ ed n1echan1cal n;ppih Qe!:I [Fvr 11lust1a t1ons of t hCiiCtl ch1oznos, ~ee 'fovemb(U 11:1.sue ot factory. Call at. this 01nce a r o offer ed to new· su bscribor s Fer $5,50 the Publl fJlt ors will 1:1end, or any bookseller or n ews d ealer w ill supply, the in a.gaz1ne for on o yeat , a nd th e tw elve numbei s of V 0 1s IJI antl I V con to.1n1n g the beg1nn1ng of Z¥ha Ollpha.nt s Ser ial, " At l h .s Gates , fo1 $7 50 the in ag.:izine for one year, a 11(I the 24 n 1u fl om tJ1e beginn ing , fo1 $10 50 t he ... "l aga:i:.1no for one yea.1 nna the 24 back nun1be11~ bound ti vols ) ohar~c8 on b ound'\ ob paid Ih1s will nearly 5000 pages of the .;:ho1ccst r cn.drng, '\'iith th('; finest i1 luetrn.t ions , for $10 50. or n B.!'.rl5 OIJO p11ges for a dolla r I a nd ,.,ill eua blfl eve1 y a ubsci Uor to ob t a in t h e series from tho fu st. T~~J;.~cial term3 to De al~ rs ClcrgJ men n.n d Extraordinary Inducements Premium Oliromos for 1S73. P ro Dono ll"n Mico . rn n101s taken out and onr ~ d -.,, 1tl out Lhe use or th e kn L t'c, lJy Dlt B P A I 'J i<:H:SON l he best of rcterenceri gn e11 l 1 Dv 'nrn nville a11 d eleswh c10 Uli 1-., I C.b-~hurc h S txcct, BO\\· 1u.ii\lll~ Bu"' 1na.11 " 1ilc , J/eb 211:!1 1872 ~o tf O'>e· used irt' ) ~ c .... 1 1C. o ild 1a.ther ha"\ o 1""1 B1 O?i n ~ si ot ks ,. ct '0Jc;:ns Oi! tha.n nny Ji'o1e1nlLJ fo1 Pu.· f\1s on,\.Vh 1tby, Ont U ~ Oi GJ BLAJni: , A LL KINDS OF CANCERS AND :a: NEW AT ANTI- s l I 11' <' '"'C \ stock ~ 011 .nal l fin 1 1t to excel n..ll u1l l1u\1 cve1u ed1u J0 1 r:u1 1 nt1.uufa.otiu 1ng C'XPeJieucc il n l h <n < lL'l~cl C nstn r l'.nd Oli\: e 011, Jiuno na l;- p r iol ti tn u::11 ug" l ock'l"l 011. J.:;.Uv~ :.1 \' 11 L~ U1e8 TI \\ ood ~ 'n .; otl < k "' Ou Lo mth flr ~i\I OLJn , (l.ln e or\ 'e p 1 cf~ 1 '"'l 1 "'l oils C\Cl useo, Corn for S ale, W h ole 16-S!l t f 1oi c XJ OJi.l ) nr.e slio'\\ H 1t , $P\Hllio.;... SO ~ ..\l1u .... h:llll , On t 01· c r acke a. " I Jngr. St0c J... s01lo11 n.1!-tcluner-.; , " }1H.;lL l ('.voh e:-; :i..bou.t ~ fl.! 0 t unes 11 e1 1 1 .n 11tr, 11nd :tind 1t the 0 ilv oU tl 1 n.tgn ,__,~ SU.Ll,,'fl.C W.Oll J C H ... JM,CTEL"L, B:ou gen, Qnl ,,,, r. A ' l'JT E ALD1N8 ] BONN}:I:TS, T Noai c e HE lliEMBEliS OF VOL UK'l'EER I ,~,~~YNES I' "Otl\ J I 17' t C(l,~ Z y111 1p :'.l SC' R tn"!l flll(l t hing u fletl, so rn.1 o.!3r lino" n to rue, it. w neither GEO B M'I (h__; f\ f~s ! 8G ~ Y Olli c .. tr11 n1 1,(: '111 ll1 ·l\""'"l' ~l l N oil corn cs n o1u-e1 t o ll~ '\~t.I :' Utlj \Ull l:l ll 1 .. l"W~ ..;, <;. L lV Y \. } \ HF. \\I.::L L Insolvt:nt Act oC 18 69. In the matte> of R rnHARD llfoRTIMER CuEs'IEB 'l'ho I..itsra.ry :Cop:i.rtmont and po~t" of the day, wh o will stri Ye to hu.1 c the h t.eratnre of T .liE _ o\..LDJNn: alwt:i..)- $ in keeping \v1ll cont1nn o under the care ot .l\fr R ichard Henry Stod da:rd, u.a s~ste<l by the bcsit -v1 rnera and J OHN EVERI TT CHESTER, 11ng on bu.siness u nder the nanw of Chester cCtrry- with it s art1st1c n.ttxa ct.1ons ancl B rotMr, Insolvents 'l'erma : tjf5 p er &Ullum, i n n1 lvnnc:e, w Ub oil every taste can be consulted, Imust oe dcclt "<'! Ch " ' ·e as the variety is so great. In Bowmam >llc, May o0,18' 1.uih.t rmd othe r9 \\ ho hn.v e bccu in the bu.bit of Y.ra ol·eh1g '\Hth lHJ l ca.r tn dg-e ()u tl 1c 1kt.L "1 \1 plc lt:;C bear in in1u d 1h a t f: 01n the pr eBent t1nH'! , a nJ co11se 11t, Ju l he1to gi, eu b"\ 111 e i s o.bsolutel) \\ lt1 til r a w n , ru1d ,niy OJ e fou11d wilfully con11nu111g- TI!ftcg1acllcc afto1 t in s t 0L 10e law GEO n A ( b1100f(, Hn soT,I IP.OJ I p-·1 ()R. JCT I Lr 0 N J.. I I 1 I ' '1 ;>;['ld!J"'f.U "0 1 ' -.; u c1.. &: ,, F'B , en u 0 { r 11 roronto r GTBnr.: u i .. -..1 1t o r~t 22 l e Ineolvcnts, in t h e ·v 1Uags ot Orono To wnehip of Clarke. on TH URSDA Y, t he FOURTEENTH day ot NOVE~:tB Eit noxt,a.t tw ehe o Cl lock n oon , to receivo statem enta o f theu' a.ffa..irs a nd to ap. 'f)Ot.nt an A ssignee. OH.ARLES R . D BOOTH, I n torim A aalgnoo. Dated at Bow man\'illc 29th Oct 1872 11· T an n68ignmcnt of their Esta te to me, and the Creditors a r e n ctHled to meot n t the etC1re of the HE INSOLVE NTS HAVE llfADE ()hro1n os t'ree. b y subacrip ~1ou. The1e .vtll be no red u c ed or cl ub rate ._ carob for subscriptions must be r;ent t o t he pn b11ab eri:i: d uect1 01 handed to the loca.l agent. unthout r~oMibility t o t h" p u blt.sher6 except in case15 v. he:i: e the certificate ts g ivon' boa.r111g the fa-a.si1i'l- ile signa tur e of .JAMEi':! Sor: TO N &. 'fu:m ALDThE -will h ereafter b e obtain <1<ble only FALL GOODS FOWERS, A NO U Bo:,::i:~:;::;;:~:::n:::, k s fEAT nERS, Appl y t o L ON DON , Q U E BEC, 1 'NJ) .Afcwstoutl·d·to lo·rnthe ~t.chlm·t busloc;" A ~I GID SO ~ I Co. Agents Wa.l:Lted.. locn.l Agent, will receive ful l a nd prompt info r m a.W on by a pplymg to Any per son, w:ishing to act perrun.nently ns a LAOES, ETC, Do,1"1nan'Vtllo, Sept 11 1872 Mo.nage.. ,r , 1- Ontario Bank. DIVIDEND NO. 31. a divid end of FOUR PJtR CENT upon the Caplto.l Stock of t hls Institution for the Clll'l: ent halfyea r , ha.a th is da.y bt;Jen d eclared a nd t hat thn same w ill be paynble a.t tho Bank a n d its branches on and niter J AMES SUTTON & CO,, Sl! MAIDEN LA.NE. NE W YOR:il: Publishers N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TRAT Monday, the 2nd day of December next The T ransfer B ook s v.:111 be c lofJed from t h e 15th t o the 30th Novcu ber 1 both da.}sin cluR1ve. B y orde1 ot the tpard ON'TA.Hto BANX: D F'ISllER , CMluer. Ilo wmanv.tlle, 24th Oct. 1872 we claim to have the finest assortment to be found. \\'anted. Sec :r.;o, 6, Dntling tori, Co unty Durht:illl duties to commence J an , 1873. Apphoantfl tO st.ate KHt de of qunbfl cat10n, sala1y wH.h teetl mon in.1$, tQ ' A MALE TEACHER ]'OR SCHOOL ARR IVE D, a s general servants tu a srnnll Ianuly The man w ou ld re11u u e to und er '"'tawl ga td cn1ng ancl the of h oroes } '01 particulai s apply to C. D SPALDING, Esq , S'"' ugoJ 8 heet, Bow1n an"\ L llc, L \.ugust 21 , 187'3 1 tr A Jl,UDDLE AGED MAK AND WIF E Composed or tl .e fo llol"'1ng Jl~irst-Clnsf! In Black and White RE-.<\.L J,ACES AN D F or - ~ale. H . ,V_. Oc tober, 29th , 18 72. DURl~ Sec Bow m a.n ~ill~ P *U.-4\v, O. The Quebec Rubber ( ompany ATTENTION _,, 'I O CALL THE or the pt1 blic to thcll' C::hoppers Wanted! B EG elgh t acres of land belo11g1n~ the late DAVID DOWNEY F01 part icnlars enquire 0f THOMPSON & BtTRNS Bowmanv1lle, 1\-fay 23rd 1872 43 tf In t h e Town of B ow·manv_ille, 'r,venty I j to estate of SCOTLAND UECTOU ::-.rrG lt..R NJJ.JE, T\Vl!.:ED 1 11.AJtII:R, SE"VEHN The Stcu1nc A~ of thw I ine :' le intr.ndetl to sail fru 1 n Quel u c and l\'1011 1 cal e ver} 'l'GEBD \ Y du r n 1g tl c ., , n~Ml of llil\'1gut10n of 187.! :-i,nd f10111 London cverv \\. ellne.:;;dn,y1 calling o.t ,Ply1uo uth u 11 lh e wa:r llllt I ln otl..;:'l'"I h cktts IIO\H all -po111ts w' st at r~ducc<l rates Ot1t-tfirn:t tcs ISS\Jetl to par t1e5 dcsnou s of b1wgl ng out th"ir f11ends F o1 fuJJ p n ticn 1u 1s a pply ta Pie C o ui1JaJ1 Y v 1\..gcu L a t Ooh.,. w·f! ( !I on 'Steu.mcrt MEDWAY I FOR 1 SALE D:.i.1\iugton l oln!i a ' v a y "Ith all 1~n t he wood 011 ilfLJ acr es of land cut in to u g1 eat unprove1n en t , c Cord wood M ra pidly as poss1blot "ill pay to good noya.nco fron 1 th6 old t:1L} Jc of st.uivii i:uu\ buckles, ca.oppere th e fol1o" in g pr1cea. For Bt~lc by Du ring the month of October, 80 cents per cord, noo1 ANn Saom D EALE RS Gn:NEn n r.Y. During t he m ouths o! ~ovcmber nn d Dccom bor, 7d cents p er cord. lt:u·e Cha n ce. oo ~t a nd af ter ,J fl..11uary tat, 1S7B, 70 ce nts Iler ]1fl,,Y C T HE UNDERSIGNED WISHI NG 'ro .ALSO, W AN 'l'EJI, New Style of P atent Cl asp Felt Doot, A T LA0E UOLLARS. Hnu:J KrA S f -1\: P l' 8 C OCOA -l{n..A TE1it: T ,\~ I) ( Co \uron1 LNG--- ' By t~ thorovgh k11rn',re of1.t1 a -------~-----~~i \ Rl\ll l'l:-I n o.,t ui a l la · !3 >¥hicl1 gov ern the op e1t~tl::ms of C1g es tiou (tnd n utr1t1on, tlld h~ a ca.rcfu l tLpp)1 cahClll of the fi ne p1 ope1 ties of " ell 1:ml cc t e tl co Cl 1~, :r..i r Epps h as p i O \ 1dcd our breu.ktast t el bks 1"i ith ) ' .. :\r J\1Y ) f }LLS, I N IN lYfAN Ul M :'J L l~ IN E we have a large assortment a deh ca tel:r fl avored beverage " l11ch 1nav ea"e us insLny h en\ y Uoctv1s h ill s - Ci ml :Se1 1~wc Gazett e l\1a de sn11pl:v with B mllng ' Vat er on 1:ILl k E,tch packet is l o.bellccl- ' T11.~1Es }_.. PP8 & CO H r 111<eC'p 11tlu t: Cb~ 1 rl.JSh1, I nn d on " A l1:1 0, m a ke \'S o ( Ep ps~ 1'.:11 l ky Cocoll (Cocoa. a.nd Con dens e< l 1"f1lk I A B C.Al\1PBF.L1.. J)a1Ungton , No· 29, .t871 18 tf S J'l£ AJ.ft:5illI-'S. 1 0 A.o ' lD l.lltO\f T 'o The P ·nrn p WITH HORSE PO ,1 1 ' or demrou~ of' gett mi; into a b ctte1 pa.:1; log one s hould not fa il to sc nrl $1 00 f or full pu.rt1cu lru-s, instru ct ions and ~ I' mp c a, 1vhereln1 they ,v1U TO DR.!.W WOOD be enabled to make f1on1 ~l500 to ~3000 pe1 an Part1c11l & "a nrnde known on a pphca. tlon to tlic nur n, add ress s ubscriber o;. llENs n y ll" J..E MON'r & co . l .... B o a.r d ~ill be pro\1derl tor work1 nen on tbe 236 t James :::3t~cct, J.iontrea.l pram1ses, if desked T IIOS THOMAS, N B - All porsons indebt ed to T 'l' HOMA B by 'J not~ o r book accou n t. tot B la.cksnuth's work; rue: requested to t1ctt1e the sa n1 e 1rnmedh~tely, HE UNDERSIG NED IS PRE · ' B ownU1.n\ llle, Oot 16, 1872 12-tf. , P."i_RED to give ~ cs2ona, 1u tho even1nga 01 o n S11tu 1days , to p11\ pupils o~ to clasHcs lu l the tollow1ng subjccf.oi:I - F1 en ch, E1tyli~h Gom- THREE T EA l\II STERS, A LL PEUSONS OUT OF BUSINESS u it iou . McGLUNG BROS AT PRICES TO UI 1I1 Shop , & LA'r>iE i P'l '1 u· .AG EN CY 01< TI.W &t p!esent worked hy BO "\Vl\f j_\.NVIL L E F U R ~fIT U R E <> ur 1beJ P/)'1>1C:S5ion inven l I !ll£1(1 i" 1 r 0 \ JI bus1noos oi ~'h __,1.i ncl u1 to ' "n-],lo u y of cust om i a \ C(;i.lancefo agoorl pum ~ ~1 New Yorh, n .. ,, n«<ion and 0 - - - - - - - - -- ---- - - T OUR STOCK -O J'-- 1 ~ ~ I Dowlrah , ilH, 1\l a:' 2.'i, 1S71 l H ESUBSCRIBb R HAVI NC BEEN - - - - - - - -- - - -- - 1C11 :.:0IRH"'.!f1MOND appo111ted r etail ngc nt bi; th o D owrr111nv ill v CITY 0 1~ 1\to>i t ru n.L Furnitn t e M an ufac11111ng Co 18 flO\' 111 ii. p o~t~?i11·s 'Q; ~... - ~ .r.C ~['Q!! fi U il':rJtaL· §. Cl 'I Y 01r B POO KL~~ M.ANU F A C'rCT HlNG , co E. S;J.VEH Liverpool 1 CI L'Y 01 Bat Tu.,or. :ir. t I Iv OI IJHH3T OI U11 \: Oi< L t MERIC h: CU'iOLDcrnLIN, ( IT YO Fli\l IJl'AX T I 1 ~J l "\!0.l<A!lll\~ Ji:RP~ BtRllN WOOl & FANGY STOCK, coons p o$1.tion, Greek, L a tuijE-ucltd an,d..d lpebva. ion to fi ll all orders at a l;l }ov. a Htt c f!. f'I any elill th e county R Ou C"l S ",~ 1"Nl ZG 1-11 26 1.u c l. ..~ . .Add ress, "Box 61 p ilf.~ BUT LEI~~, h! . A ])oi,.i,. Ht<:L n> ille, O ct 1872. leave Bowmanville for son1e months. \\ill dispose ot. the ab ove bui:;in cl'IS on reason a ble terms i..aApp'ueation to b e a.t her store , or by poat ~foru !st October, ~ept om1>~t 1Slh 187~. t y i n DowFOR SALE I Chora l Sode 111an ville, M ISS STOUGHTON , WJSHlNG TO L ADIES AN D GEX ILEMEN, WI LK ing St , Bo' ' mo.D.v1lle LING to & saiat m t he for mation of a Choral Society ln this tovo n , aro i eq uested to Jen.\ o their n a mes with the n nder f HJ,,'UCd ~l meeting '"ill 1:i~ called at a n early date t o ma.kc the prelimina ry e.rrn.ngc»JC'.Jll r:J FDWAR D J WHITE P r vfoei'.lo.i: o'f J\.-Itle1e. Tweeds, Fancy Coatings, Pilots Beavers, P etersham8, Meltons, &c. , &c., &c., WAN 'l'E D! 1 r\\'O 01 th xee experienced MIL L INER S, for tho "" ork roo1n the ntt011t1o~i -::i f f,i 1me1s to t.l"~ EJ one h ol'!'!(: nnd i\' o l 01 si;. Irorl Gn ltivat o:rs rna.nufact11 1cd lJ,v 1u111, and \\ ]uchl c f oi: six yrors obta 1neU lirs L p1 1~cs at l'1 0,1n o1at wntl Lo<.;Ll Fitll3 ll1 0y i.uo . 1 l d oubrodly 1ihe be~~ i1111J lf'in cut of th e kn11! in use, a nU w ill rn a er) Rho 1t tfmc 'llOlU th tn J epay l lie n cost in I llu cffl.c1c n1 Y. . Htll excellence of thc1 l ' vor ..,. In1:1pectw n u1vtlctl A su pph" of l!n ltb a to1 snow 0n}1'!. 11cl fot the SJr-'-n,; >voik, ~ind ' \iJl b eeuldatlowcstrnks of a 1$Upeno1 k1nd, nlso on h~n!l r:r'"'ESUBSC~IB'J'I-.i\VOl flLD Il ~ .r..\. _) -' .l CJT ~ Ct< Pun:~ l ~J , < ·v'"ICllYO"'I: :Ptt:l'lSJ J f-i J. 0I J\: OFNE \Y-YOHK t 11 -.,. ,).f Lo' J)QX 1 C < 11 , 01 DUHT1 >1. l\1 ~ 'y ASH l:>;G T O IlY 0 .I.! ::-.. Sa1l111g on ThursO.ays a,nd Satur days I :From P 1e1 15, No,.th Itive1 :R A fES OF l-' ASSAGP 0 IROC< 'IARTtOWS A ND '110 Q. ,u:wnston 01 f~1 -.:... 1 )00 1 , ~ LoTi d;Jn, A - Will be foun~ UnusuallJ Large, MURDOCH BROS. P ads, $75, g-oJtl 80, ' 90, " Ca.bin Stce1 :1'50 $JO, currcnc; , 35, ' .'38, Apply to MISS McTAVlSH, at Da-wm nn~ ill o, BUGGIES \\AG O KS MURDOCH & BRO'S. May 23, 1872. l con:.+antJy on han d for fJ alc J!l!J"' .1.\ ll k n 1ds of Bl aclu!nu th "o· k <!one on h s hor nol 1 ce A call solicued. l'S t f p,.1.,31. "\V Ol"r, now1nr..n·dl 'I1chcM can lJe b ough L l1e1e !ti n1odc1 ate 1r.te~ by pe.i son a w1sh1ng to send fo,. their friend.<>. F or f urthe1 info 1tn 1~t10 11 nppl ;> to the Com.i1any"t:1 Agen t, C ,Y. SIJ:ITH, OE!JIAWA. 1; :rn-1

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