Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Nov 1872, p. 3

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~~~~-a'!""!"' ~{~"!"'!'E!'!""_"""!"'L~L""""'1"""!"'0~ ,..,_, ~F~~~F'="""'o~R~E~v-E""'!"R"""!"'Y~B"""!"' on ~Y~ G~L"""!"'A"'!"""""! _S~"""!"'G !!!!!!____ ~\N~~'!!!"' O H~O"""!"'U""'!""""'S ~ E~I1~ F"""!"'a"""!"'l~ l~ O ! ! "'!p" "!"e '" "!"n '" "!"'i " "n !"'~g~!~'!""~·~~:;!:;;:~:=-:Z.___~.,,'-_ci;~;;L~v~""'a~nt"!'!!!'!! ,ed'!!!!!'I i. '- - CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMA:N'VILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER7', 21, 18720 \.VE.El"i:Ly ! J. ---The subst_;ribe1 s stock is llO'V 0 DRY GOODS, ' AM p T Q N ' I::r .J.. J }7> I THE FAMILY p AP ER VE RY FULL " AND lS s ELECT! -c on Sa.tu t <lfLJ s, p0As:l td 1:1c1ss(h <c n/,o,~~',l111!6o~r.fl'~t'r.Ll1JY, 'ir"A. ~ · .... u .P.. :\ RED to g.ive loosou s, Jn the l \ C!lll l tcl:S or mHE UNDERSl(;NED \VTSIIING rro Io prn ntc (h lpus or to clus;:;es ll L JL liavc the\\ ood on fift y ac1 c:.l of laud cut int o L11e 101lo·, i ng s nbJout.s - l!tc n'J!1 Bm1fl1~ h Cu1n Cvttl·woo'l i::i 1n.pLd 1\ asp( "Sible, ,, ill pay to guod BowJHunviUc, THE UNDEitSIGKED rs P1rn FOil TR E CO ' HNGYEAR· Andnotw1th·tandmgthegreatatlvauce mthepr1ceof allkmd·ofgoods, fromhavmg enabled to sell without any appreciable advance on made his purchase early he Offers for sale one of 1110 most extensive and cornplcro assoitmcnts of F 11 ars a y ear In · Advance· f or:ner price· ' d · our D o, Uoo s to be lound in any country store lll Ontano AUTUMN FASHIONS~ Oc~ J872 J __ _ ~ l : \llited , - - - -- - Du11ngtllc1ncnthofO<tobor,80vcnUlpei cord llm1 ngt 11ern lnth,, or No \ ombc1 and Dcccn1 bc1 75cculsnerc01d 001 caowcrnthu , ollo\>mgpm cs 0d n "n 1 aftci Jc.nuai y 1st , 1873, 70 cents per BOOTS and SHOEg, rticoorooct,itisaJ01<rnol)·orEo"ybod71,a"c! J...1lJeru..1l~ ConauclcU, Ably Edited, without Pol - --VF::L"ETE&~S . GROCElUES, HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, PATEN[' MEDICINES. 1·ngc Eugr.l'\'lng" gl\' Cll to .f<"}ach SltbRor1ber, come "\J S1to1 in L c1 s u1e !Iuurs l!unr Elegant Clnon1os. ~lnd l'Jfh· .. t 1vo t'ull VELVETS, SPECL\L ATTENTION IS CALLBD TO HIS STOCK OF BLACK SILKS, QUIITS ~ ~ · and no .Agent a nthouzcd to coli"ct unttlChro mo$ arc dehvm etl TABIE C...\.N.ADIAN BLANKETS:, CANA DIAN T'VEEDS, LINENS, TO'\rELING, AN D C 0 UN TE RPANES, a,Jso a very fulJ MSOrtment Ma gn fi1cen t D1spay I · -0 F- +-' l\IAKEUS 0 001rntuntcmploy Appl;. ut '\!a1r&ter1, ,., PANT, 0 VEST AND COA.Tment 1 TIIUEE L\J,SO \\ AN'fElJ, '.rEAJ\1STEH$l, FF lHcAIURUHS Bo-.."mn.n\1Jle, Scp~ .1 8, 187J 70 DUAW WOOD l' a r , 1cu 1('.\'1:i n1ac1c 1~ aov. n on appllcu.t1on to lho S UbSCIJDOJ_ CROCKERY, --- · -,... G ENTLEJ\1EN'S SUITS made to order m the latest and ' I most app1oved manner, 1md on the shortest notice, fiom Fashionable and carefully selected Cloth os and Tweeds rrhe latest Ne'"' Yo1k Fashion ~~g?n~~fu~~·~~1~,°Ch~i~1v~ti; 1 ~~\ll~~~o'.p~~ci,e~; Plates regu Iarl:r rece 1\ eel offc1 cd us pronunros, hut '\'t' }) 1ncfl oursolvcs be- Tlte :Ne' v 'fttekly will retu1n all the prominent featw es oJ the PLeseu l l\ fouu, and com bine w1tl\ thein tJ1e best of ot.h e1 Jo u rnals male. <ng i t emplrnteully The l.imUy l"uper or A1ucri ea Its Contents\.\ ill be v aried and our a.un ts to secure f h e be:ft etlm ts ot Hon10 \vrlters, uniting 'v1th thc1tl r.he ge1na ot other countriea I t win gl>< moccror.nmgmat·~"n a , ear than any Fou1 Dollar l\.1agaziuo or Pa.1Je1 E>uh Number Wilt conta,n an Elegant Fun 8.8 of lc o.rn the 'L'a1loru1g bnsu1~-;1s , c'~rt ."!" G BRO~ .11 _.t..\_ ~t o~~~s~:Uf,~C~l~~e!~~~~~~~~~~ Bov;m Lnville S ept ~. 1Si2 JUCJUiscs, if dcs1rctl Hon.i ii "ill be P...O\lded for"orkinen on tho 0 ~-.." _. ' "' GLOVES.HOSIERY,SMALLWARES AND TRIMMINGS. 9 N B -All b1r not e or hvo k ivco11.nt fot Bh1ekion11th 8 "'01k, nro oqucsted to settle tho samo mun B o wn1nu\ ille, Oct 16, 1872 12 t( pc1~ons mclebte~~~~ i~~~~!.S New and Rich Dress Goods Save Your Bones ~o\.nd 'l!'i!e Que bec !lubbca· (:ompany T :E-IOMAS PATERSON. Buwmanv1lle, Nov 7th, 1872, HENRY ELLIOTT' Jr. Hampton, Nov 19th, 1872 P ~ ~SQ~.,_ ~ _.."I ..,__ "'-"0' c::>. ~ · , ]i:fANUFAC1 URERS ~ ~ .£\ND DEALERS IN BOOTS AND 0 1 1 ' EVEHY SH0 ES AND CHILDl{EN'S T DE SCRI PT ION GENTS', LADIES', MISSES' ~Hll VHUlll to1~ ·u d tho little Diunotte or seven s u1nn1 e1s, 'r\ ho ~e f:I \\ cct face und gr aceful "uose, fo11n the tntlJJect .As ,i com1Ja1uon for No 2 t h ey form a pau of 1-'arlot Clu omos " two sweet Also, a large quantity 01 TRUNKS-Saratoga and others- fo1 sale \V' c for <inythi ng Tl Uc :PngeR.- T\'IO Elegant Lngra\ ed '11tle are satisfied that l t 1s Pages will be fuuus h cd ead l }Ct\1 , for our iute1Cl:l t 1s gt ea1ly advancPd by tJ1e cc rto.inl r that our vapor v-. ill be preso1 ved o.nd bound Our rrlet.. - Olher _ p ublishers sn.icl \Ve could ot atlo1d tL p~ipe1 like 0111 presrmt Ji.'lonthly for "\\'l'Juch 111 tlnces the public so ha nd ;ior m 1~ to patronize us and we fear n o con\:petit1on where n Two Dolla1sa Yea1, but subso1ibo1s kno \'; titraignt;.for ward tlacllng rn v. n11terl ri.11 ·bn.t ·we u::in. fo1 our goods 1s companson- tbon lcl htm \Vho that \.\ c ha'Ct done so n.ndOlll' in spit e of prediction h J. '-' uim it bear t.ho pallll FELT Ga1tern and Bu1moraLs in RUBBERS kept constantly FELT Over-shoes and ' on hand O:S::EAP G-C>C>DS l'Ond con1pet.1hon fo1 , 111 addition I our Elegnut C.:h101noi; will bo g H·en to cnch subscubcr No cheap Lithograpb9, 01 v.oin out phite~! but full Chromo::1, tnucle cxpre::isl~, nud can on y be ob Uuned b y- s ubscr1pt1on ?..; o .Agent lS authorized to collect s ubc:i.;1 1ptions unt il the Chro1nos de Jn e1ed, so t h a t 1 ach su.bsc1 tbC? oets 11Jhat 1.8 paid fo? Thoy c Lil bo li'ra1n ed, or Bound 1a t ho Vol umes, tc1uoi: 1ng the obJ ection by many, for no one ohJccts to the eleganoe ofn bound vol umc lnercly bu ca.u~o others ma.:. 1t . No. 1. 1J1c f1cut h C1utn.dl.t11 - A character from nn on~1ual p9.ln\.1n,::- by Krieghotf, tho en1lllCllt ar t1ot , -,,,hose 'r.. 111ubenng iu Canada.' el1c1ted uun orsal nd1nu ut 1on a t the Pu,rIB Expoa1t1on, and l'i as fin<llly pn:rulw.sed by Em porer Lou1s 1'a1iolc01l fo1 :I! lit) l'11ousand ~"'raned Xo. 2,Dab1;t.- \Vedonot cJa.1 111 this d e& or16"lnal butoursuithcftrstChrmno Tho 011gmal paintiog 18 'by Knuul'J, or H~rlin, and tho steel ieprcs entutlon lias become the mos t popu. lu.r and conunundti ~ho hJgheaL pnco of any of1ts size ever tmporled 'Ihe colou 1utg'fo1 our Chro · mo 1s 1Jy th"' e n1nent A1 t1st, .l! uhrou1ua w11oso Crn yon Po1tra1ts and Color S ketches a1 e so well kuo,vnn' al l tho large c1t1cs, In u.dOpt1ngtlus .as one vf 011:r Serles, \\ e only adher e to ou1 rnle of selecting the b~tJ t \\ 1 1crever found No. 3. 'f!u~ E 1:-:;i t t'on 1 n1i~ slo u cr -Of Exf'll~t:. 'l l:u:J is1i CornJltuilon 1neco to nu1nbe1 one and by tJi c fia1nc Ar·1 <> t <ICuo,;ofl) l he two form t ho J finc !l t p1ur of Di 111110 LC001n ())t , o uws e ver pub Murdoch Bros. to EG TO O.\LL THE ATTENTION g et 50 cts 100 lbs for thmu, at ) of tlic pub he to their YOUNG&BR!TTAIN'B Ontano Street New Style of Patent Clasp Felt !loot, P S - t h ey m ust be dry o.nd clean. \ Rl cat impr 0Ycn1011t, do 111g a'vay '\v1th all an~ noy fro1n the old style ot st1Aps anrl buckle3 Boa1·fl and Lodg:ing. Fo1 sale b) p e1sonf:I <;an obtain B ha.vo opened out an 1m1nense Stock of T wo mi THREE HESPECTABLE boo.rd by nppl)Ulg IlOOT H\"""D S H OE DR.A LE HS GKN E:R ALL1', MUS SOHN FARRWELh J:(i ng St llo\\\:ille Ra1·e Chance. or d es11ou 6 of ge tting 1nto a better pa;:.:ing on < s hould :n ot frnl to send $1 00 for full particuJa1s inst rnct1on s nnd su.1n12_Je$ i' hereby theV \\ ill bo CJH. blr.d lo 1nn1,,_o f1on1 ~ 1500 10 $3000 per an 1uun ad<lrcss ITE::\!TtY F TiJJ::.l\1:0N1' & CO , ~JO St Janics St reet, Montreal HAS RECEIVED A SPECIAL LOT OF NEW FALL Goons. Ct:t1'fl' Rails antl Post s. Rails nnd Pos ts for su1o, c1Lhc1 at the st1un p or dch~·crcd . JAMES V""EAL, Lo t 5, ith Con llarhngton, Dec 1t h 18"1 !DIJ A LLI'ERSOKS OT.:T OF BUSIN:li:SS I A NY QUANTITY OF GOOD CEDAR l'\Toii cc. All Wool Tweeds at 75cts. NEW LOT OF AHAWLS· h ~hod No. 4, Tiit('; 1'· 1)· I! lOnl a plic tograph 1n life tn 011 J t \\lll ~p~nk of i ~self, u,nd every heart Great care has been taken in buying the Stock, and as nothmg but FIRST-CLASS GOODS have been purchased, Customers can rely on gettmg good value for their money, l!n 1'1.llemori a m tn ho lOI of l he d.end, Heaven uttu1 cc1 no pi ulnb1t lon, ilnn } n..l th 1s not H1JtU'cd, but bcn c.Jl tted, by thf!m A.11 th J::.e beti.ntlfnl e111blo1us ' " h 1ch udorn the ma11 :. tonihs.u.1o untl '\ h ..uh \\e lo·e tolin..;01 fl. Ss u1 c u s "\ oa1eu1 n -,,,oiltl of \VUJ. in a.ud lo v111g hen.11s t h e ad o rnu1~ o-t Lhe scyu lc hrcs of i bc-: "lo\ eel on es' allc \ uitcs ou1 g1 1 of · u.nd sooth es l he -..vonurlctl bed.rt It ~l~o chce1s t he be 101.n cd to knrJw \.l1n.t an addlL1on al e ru be ltslunc n t of th e giit-...c p1ceents SWougei .:i.tt1nct1 ons to 1:n r est the 1lttenhon of the st1.1ngcr 1ml c.iu sc6 lnm t o pause aud lea1n the; utuu e 01 one \i h o htts sh ared so largely 1n tlte love of o t.he1s \ Ve ta,l.e this Jl1et hod to i nform you tJ 1v..t \\O cu.n fill 01ders 1or d eco1ating the era' Ci:J of Ue1llt.TLed fu ends, at !o-..v 1 1gu1cs executed. Ill th e best style of woik1nan,,Iup 1n th e 1Jus11 ess lat( ly c a11 1e<l o n b\· 1nc, u 1 Ho\' n1all\ 1lle to 111 ~ sonsCh<tl lcu 1\T uu <l \'V Jl \1aH1 I t Cn ""'kc1, I hc1 eb1 re1111est aJl those to n1c b J hook iwconnt 01 other" i::;c, to cull t\ Hd settle fo1 th H n l1 m,rnA RLrII G.~WJ:Eil Bo1'm£Ln i:lllo, Tnn Uth, 187.J. 21 lf H .\VING SOLDOl'l' MYI~'l'E[rnST A GAINS'l' EXPENDITURES New lot of Dress Goods. SPLENDID STOCK OF Wm.Ii. tt.o~>tc, u . .&.1·. n ·· n ., Dress Good s Plam and l!'1gurcJ Lustres, Plain and Tar tan Wool Poplins, J\fetz Cords, F igured Repps, Empress Cloths, and an endless variety of other new Dress Goods. I &c, B ARRISTER ,\ND ATTORNEY-A'l- .LA.\V, Solic1Lo1 in Chancery anll Ju.sol\ enc_, &c I fficconS1lver Street, Dowmanv1llc, onloantcrmx to~'l s ca sy 10-!4 Fo1· Siale. M ONUl\fENTS, TABLETS, ETC,, OJ ~ AL L ORDE,S uitl RECEIVE our BES1' ATTENTION. CUSTOM WORK made to order 11nder the man agement of llfR J REED, wh" has been the lead1 n<:r -..vork1oa.n in tho P ioneer lloot lt'.; Shoe Store for the past JU ye.1.l'fl 0 ~1~ 1~\;;;~~~~f1~~1 ~~~~ t~1~7"gse~~1 ~~~~at~~~~~~ 'I l llc zrINE$T QUAL ITY 09 AND All 1V1wk GuaJ·anteed as Represented, And from our fac1litie ~ we feel confident t hat we can place before the public supe1ior goods nt same iatcs as thosn charged by otheis m the trade for an mfeiioi a1 t1clo 2 morn fa st-class workmen wanted-none other need apply THE HIGJIEST PRICE IN CASH }'OR HIDES rocon1ytwrcothcpncc,wos.,we1aftdo1t,·"'1 U10 p1 est nla.Wo·1 of the Chronl<.is in advance, ts evideiwo \\ o m ean what v. e sny lon r Dollars a 1 ~,\ r Pn.Jnhle In \dl:ance. Send 'fh1ec Cent fo1 San1plo Copy II E:N'RY II S.c\.GE, 335 Broadwa:,;, New 'Y ork 26 Allen St , BuifaJo, N. Y. VVINTER CAPS.. s trce1 al pr cs,..nt oc up1cd by J Cln Ptie, Esq S tution .c..geut ll'or pa.rtic e nriu1ro of \Vm llLO l\-fPSON, l~lng St Dovnr un ule Ma.y 2G, 1871 S TC"IE CGTTA'·E ON £IBER'l'Y IJA 4.1\ if .A 1\tF..'RlCA.2\ ...lJA.RELE To lteHt. has been 1u pn.stnie and n1eadow for 10 "\i Cru >i Aqnantityof fallen cetltu of excellent for s11.lo .1..\ ppl~ to THE CHEAPEST J!'URS IN CANADA. 'I'lteGt·cat ·'emale llcmedy. JOB l\10SES' PE RIODIC~\ L 14 A BOl'T 50 ACHES OF LOT No land Con 5, Cart-..v1ight The moat of t h e , PILLS, Bowmanville, November 7th, 1872. ANDERSON & CO. Reed's Old 8tand. 13 1872 16 unfa iling in the cure of s.11 t.hose painful and dangerous diseases to which tho f"'malo constitution i~ t:!Ul>Jeot It roodcrn.t e!'.nll excess and r e moves all obst1"UctI011s, a1Hl n. speedy cure may be ielted on TO MARBlE D LADIES T HIS INV ALUABLE MEDICINE IS EVERY DESCRIPTION OF lt1s pec111la.rly suited, I t v.1ll, iu a short time, bnng on tho monthly i:euod w1th regula:rity 1 liese P'tll.S shoul<l vat be takt:n 71y ~'e1n(J.les Prospectus for 7878. -i Scribner's Monthly. An lllustratall Monthly JotLrnal, uniJ.V ew Stor-11 b11 SAXE HOLM. A Lona Stori1 From BRE'J.' HARTE BRILJUNT AllRAYo f GONTRIBUTF:RS CLAll BJ_· 1..,lCE COO 1( on 1·' 1.u nit 1a c a.nd D eco1 ations R H. STODDARD 01~ A.utho111 A SC1 ial Sto"'y by DR HOLLA...,\rD versally a.funi.tted to bo the :a:a.ndsomest l'or!odico.l !n the World. A Ro11resente.t1vo &; Ohe,m:pion cf .:\mer!can 'l:a.sto. E:z:traordma.ry Induoomante to Now Subscribers ; 500 l~tGES FOR $1 00: d'.c, d:c Not for sale in Book or News Stores. THE .&LDJ1VE, while ·R ancd \.\ 1t..h all the recul.LrltJ, baa none of the \.c1npo <\t} or tiniclµ i:nte:rest oha1acteri~t1cf1If1)of 01 d1nn.1y pcr1od t cals It is an elegaut ·~ rni ~cclla.ny o f pu1e, ll~ht and g1aceful Utc1ature tind a collection of pictu1ea. t..he rn.1 est epccJ1ncn ~ ot .u ti ::itac skill, in arni. ·white p\.lLhough flt1 ceeedulg number att'ortls a fresh p,icusnrc t() it s f11enlh1, t h e real value antl 19£1"[bciu1ty of Tlte, ..dlthn e will be n1ost u.pp tecUIS~!J u.tcd niter 1t ha.s been bound up ut the close ot the yeai ' Vlu lc other publwu.-L10ns nla~ cln.JJn suJJ01101 a s cou\ptued with rn·als of a s111 11l a.r oln1:1s, TllE ALlJJNl!.. is a unique! .~n d 011gnut1 conceptiu n alone and uuapp1oach ~i ed-absol uteJy w1Lh out oompet1t10 1 1 r1 ~p11ce or chn.ra1.:terThe poase.., sor of a cotnpletc vohunc o L ll not clu phcate t he; q11antlty of fine pape1 an d en grn.v ings 1n an) other «h1\pC 01 u~nnb cr ot vohunes 101 lcn 1ts cosl, and the1care thcch1 on os be.sides ' their Pro~pectus J llBt 1ssucr1 p101niac for th e ensu1ni; 1' ear a 1 norc brlihant arra) of eontr1bu toll~ and al'1.1uc1c:aso 1n the vanetyand benut) of its 1il ustraLlon, alren.dy conceded b,:. the eutics to e tJnor tbo.n any v.;hwh crlu a npea.rcd in auy A 1uen1.:a.n ruaga.zine Dr lloLLA::.iD the Ed1to1 Y· lll write the serial :jtorv o! Lhe yea/j, "'" Inch"" 01 be autobiographical niforul nnd w·1l be Ul ns tratcd b-; l'rllss liallock It ts l! llh tlcd A.l'thnr RonlcaJtt1e, nud will deal \vith some of the most dilllvult 1Hoblems of An\crtcn.n J~1fe It "\\-l.ll 'be con1n1enced 1n the Novembc1 Nmube1 'I hero w:r.ll be a new story by SA.XE IIoLM, 'i'hc On~ I egged Dnn~~r The publtabers of SCRIDNlmS .i\IO~FILY, in dtWlng the F'IllS1' THREE MON 1'HS of P1oe,g, a :> they 'u e sure tob1 ln-(J on 11Iisca1"t La{lc, but ,it an) othe;, ti11i.e they a1 e safe In all Gase:; of N e1' ous and S (Hnal Aff0ct1ons, EXECUTED WITH Pn.1ns in the Back n.nd Ll ntQs 11 n.t1gue on slight exc1 tion Palp1Lt\.tlou of tho heat t, Hysterics and Whites, these Pllls w1ll effect u. cw c when all otho1 m eans buve fu1led and uJthough a po,vor tul rr.nlcd), d o not' corila1n ir on, calornol1 a.ntI· mcny_, or an;:.: thing h 111t ful to the cons tltut1on :r,1ill dh ections in the pn111phlet n.round pack1:1gc, wlHch s hould b o co.1 efullf obaert ed. I JOB ~o sE!l!!, NJ v. 1.'.CHh ~oLJ~ rRcrnu:.'Jon AT THE $1 oo and I V.. cents for postage enclosed W No1tl1rop & L)111u.n. ?\c"castlo, but , l?'.eneral agents for tlH> Dom u uon will w sure ~ bottle conta.i_nJ.1govor60 pills, byrctur Olfl.ll J:! or aalo by "\\r I .A t k1noon 11nd Dr Den,n~ Osbn.w11 in VVhifbJ bJ J ff OerrHl and J Il)rne in Brooklvn bv John \Var::en, Sold b Hrr.-Gl~DOIHAl\I n.nd D STOTT 1 - . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - B o w1nanY1ll ~ri o PLAIN &ORNAMENTAL PRINTING NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, .. Black· Alpaccas, Double Vvarp NS R AVI NG BOOKS, MAGABlack Lustres, ] ~ERSO ZL~E~. Pamphh~ t.s, 01 tin:vtlung in t ho bo ol hue, \\]H eh they ~\rnh to hav e bound can ho.1 c 1 Black Cobourgs, then· or(lers filled 111 the d 1nost chu f\.ble stvle, nn d on the shm test notice by lcu,\ in gthem a t the ST ~TE6MAN oil1cc D11ng ~long) ou1 bmd Black Paramattas, VV H QLT:,v IIE Black Crepe Cloths, n g R ev Car t\'!i:r1ght,Sent Ot.:t Jth, 1871, w J OGAN, l.J t f I - - - --l'fJIUt!S:t0041, lmo~v lf. . o~it, Dolf'" Jtc~So~·ed SCOTCH ABERDEEN GRAM'fE, s np1 1lled en short notice E vcrJthing pc1tt1nn1gt0 Cm11ete1y "m:k '~Ju 1.ieot wit.a. p rourpt at:.te11t1on, by loaYmg orders with C ROUKSALJ,, B o,VU1a-1n llle. -:::::=:::::::::::::::::::::_~ lfUST PUBLISHED~\ NEW '-1' cclit1on of J ) r. Cu lvc rlvel l' ~ c1,rc (\\ 1tbout 1nedicllle) of Spcrtna· voluntal~· $0111,nal Losses I mpotenc;:.: t:eicQ1i.1led Essny on the 1adical to1Tl.HEtt, 01 Scm m ul Vit~aknoae:, In· Men ta.1 and P h y:ucal l ncflpn riry In1petlinlcnts to 1:Ie.r· ou.gc r.te iil .. o Consu1npt ton Ep1le1Hn, aud J:! 1ts,1 nducctl IJy scli u1dulgcncc or sexual cxh a ' 11 I AND BLACK METZ CORDS j ISTA TES MAN OFFICE MILLINERY I The exhibition of Millinery and M:illmery Goods is very extonSIVe, and in trunmed trimmed --- -- - - - -- - -- - -- ma seaieu en· elope ouly 6 cent!; The celt ti~ a l 1 Li a.nt l or, 1 0 tiu sndmuttble essny, dcmonstl'i from a t hirty ) sue cessf11l p1actl c~, th 1t tlu=: al consequeucefS ofscJ f abmm m u.} be rad1cn !b cu1c<l '"1tho ut ~---~--- - - - - - - - - - - tlri.ngoro 1 ~ Ilse o f u1te1na.l 1ned1c1nf! rn the: n p.. \\~:1-Ultecl IDi:!!!ediatcD y . \ p11vd t.1onot the k1nfe p o1nt1n go ut tt n1odo of pl\lC at. ow.;~ R1tn ,)1C, ce1 ta1n ci.nd ofle0LU1J.l, by rncan s of \\ n 1 ch c' cl') sutler er, no lllatte1 \\ httt F IRST GLASS SHOEMAKER, CA his co nd111on I u1v be 111uy CUlC hnnself ohe;,i.ply, a dieall11 paljle of d.01ng gcnm u.l " 0 1 k l!o1· r l V a.rely c\Htl 1 1 'J Jue leutu:ro ::; 1onld 'be 111 lhe hands of eYory Employm ent · }Olltha nd <:,c1J ir ru1 111 thc h~nd JOHN S::\fAI.iE Seut. untle1 Bl il in a plaw en' elope, to any Ad Bo" 111a nv1llc, June 19th 1872 thcs S,ZJOfllpaul on rcce1p l of six cents or two !lOSt sti n1ps r)~'Dro f .8'1'ellP111.~ LllOll.?§C§ .Cou.· j\J so, Dr Cl·hc1 ~ c 1s ")\(urungs GuJde L ~ , pr11 o 25 cents Nill: le, AU.dies .. the Pubh sh, N REASON A 13LE TER1tiS, JN A 121 ~~;~1 l )J t p 1 1 n~~ .iss d esirable loc.iht} lll t ho 'I own of Dov. u 1an -~-- ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - ' ille F or pu,rtwuJa1 s a ppl~ to '.1'1·011blc f{ & II OH\ HA, ~lm kc t lluilllings :Uo \ 1ua.n1 ill c 5-tf cleail ~· 1?1~i:. A I O now "'-.1r' 64fc: Art Dep~rtment_ Notwithstand ing the incrcnso in the£rice of subscupt1on last .F'o.11, \lihcn 'l.'HE A l JlNE mmwnetl 1t.s pres ent noble J)lopoitlons and 1c prescutatn c oh nincter tlte edition wa8 11io1 e. l !tan doitblecl duung t he pa st year , p roving :Lha.t th c Ai n erlcan~~ public apprecw.Le n.n"'1. "ill suppo1 t, a s1ocere etfo1 t in the ca~c of Art "l'h e publi:oh c:rs anxious to JU:>ttfy tlie icadycon flue nee thus denl onstruLed ha\: c exerted t h em.ael\R.S to tho u tn1ost t.o dovolop and improve t ho \\ 01 k and the "1F _for rhc commg ) ea1 o.s un'.roldecl by tl1 e~1nonth ' y iss ues, will ti.stonish and dehg11 t even the m ost sanguine ':friends ot '1 IiE A l"/JI...~"E The pubhsLera are autJ1onzeil to nnnounec de 1:1 ig11s fron11nnny -0f t he mo8t emtnl'nt artists of A m eueu. In o.drltt1on ".n.TilliJ .tl.LJ)JNE 'dll reproduce cxan1pl csof~ tho best foreign 1nastcrs, selected '\'ilWt a v1ew to the h ighest 11.rhAt1c traecel;ll;l, antl greatest gen e1al inte1 C! St, n\: oid1ng such as have become faJn1ha1, through photo g1aghs, or copies of af1 k ind l'he quarto1ly tinted plates for 1873, w ill rcJ?roduco f oll!" of John S Du.· ta in1m1t n.blo chi ld-sketches, n.p prop11a.te to the fonr sea.sons 'l b.esc plo.tcs ap pca.r111g- in tho issues for Januaij'· April Juh , aiul Ootobm "'ould b e alone'\ ort \ t h o p1wo 01' u-.. ear s s ubS'cription ~The popular tcature of a. copiously LllUJ:1t1at,JJ\.~l eel' ChrWlmas 11un1b er ' \ ill be cont1n11od 'lo possess sneh a valuable op1 tome of the art -.... orld at n cost so tri:fhug, .,,, ill oou1n1antl the i.;ubscnpt1ons of tl1ousanda ineve1y eectlon 01 the countrylmbut, us the use!u lne~a and r..ttract1ons of THE1 f A~D l1'{E ca.n b e en ha.ncetl, 1n prop ortion to t.he numerical 111 cr ease of its aupporter::1j the publishers pro1>oso make " nssu:ra.nco doub o aure,' b} the follo,,1ng unpa.ra.llelod o:ft'er of l· Premium OhromoG for 1S'73. E\·cry subscriber to Th e A.ldtne, whc: pays in ad· n.nce for the y ear 1873, will :recei· o, w·ithout 1onalc harge1 a pair of beautiful oh ohrowos, J J, Hill die e1n1nent English p~un t er es enhtled "The "\' Belle.' n.nd t 6e Moor," arc 14 :x: ~O 1nchcs- nrc J> m 25 different platcE", requu lng 25 1m pressions and tints to pc1 fecL ea oh picture ·r110 sa.mfl chron1oa n1 e sold for $30 per pall, in the art stores 1ts It ls the deternunut1on of ltg con dnctors to keep The Aldine out oJ: the- rc1lch of competition in e' ory depaeb11 cnt, tho ohromoe v,: ill be fo und corr e!Jpond1ngly ahead of' any that ean 'be offered b~ othc1 E\'e1) sub scl'1bcr w11l 1ecc1ve n. oortifica.te o· et thn signature of the publishers r;ua.ranleeinfl t h u.t the c.:bro1uos debveted shull be equal ta tho sa1n_ples twn1shed tnc or the "'"lll IJe refunded '1 h e distnbut.-ion of pictures of this grade, free. to tho sub::ienbers to a $5 pc1iodica.J, will mark ... <\u epoch Ln the h1sto1y of Art, o.nd, con sidcr111~tho l1nproccdented cheapness o! the prloc tor 1 lte Atdine 1tselt the mai ve1 falls httle .sh ort of a m 1ra.cle, even to th0s1;1 bestacqna.lntcd with the achievements of un en ti-,: c genius and improved 1nech£L1'ICu.I ap pha noet> lFor illustLa tioni:i or thes ~ chromos, sae N ovember J~jjue of TIIE :\LDIN G ] CIPAL 1\fan nfactones .inll 1 Ulla 1u Ontario und b g1 ving fllltnc :;at1sfu.ct10n and all uni te 1n saying there is from 2 to t hree hundred per cent ~tn lllf? o-.. e1 .ill other Oils and 1\a tho quality of tJns Oil IB \\ell known, 1!; is u un eces.::iu1y fo1 n 1e to state tJ1e reft.Sons \\by it ffl1.JJe1cedes all olhcr Oil, BnJt'l IT i\.RlE the be-:::t w' of s h ort sto11cs a.s 1t i.s a ""ell k.."town fu.cL thnt it \\'ill neither gum no" llv1ng w 11J eon.tribute iiehrnfl.cterlsticato:ry, nOl p;ct tluek in tho coltlei:;t '~c~thcr entitled J 11'e I 1·ie of fi'tddleto,vn "hleh \Vlll be 1 'l'li;SrIMONIALS illust1ated Uy 8hcppard THJJ: Jos;l:H l{u,L J)!ACHTN'f. '"ORKS, R I I S TOU D \RD vv1ll w r 1t,e a 1Uet 1cs ot cnte 08haw,t, Ont , Aptil U, 1870 tnunug p1tpc1s about Anfhori1, ·h e1r Pcnun.11 Gll:O B SJ OCK EsQ, Brougha m, Uli.unctedHt'c"ll(~nu 1.1n·,11un1J:11:!!,l1 i endio DSAH.~llt-Yfehi 'ic been u~ing )Our Lubri ll'b l11u;, aud \l tYH A sci1es of 1~01l1nt ts of cat i ngOilfor thep~tfo nr 1 nontha, o.ntl can say Lh· n t g A1ne1 ican --,, rltcrs, is also vromrned. withQu!; hcs1taL 1uu , tha t it rn the best oi1 '" o h~n e Clarence Cook wi ll u rite a.bout F n-rnftnre ever u sed I Lls also cheap, an(l lasts lm1ge1 tl 1 a.n n nd the Decoration ot i\nici icnn llornci.; an) otber 011 , "e have inn our large H foot Iron These JHl;pcrs will ho emniPntl~ prf\ Licnl tis Planel 7 d a ys w1th one 01lulg lt; k eep!i the tools well tuin.rtu;tlo, and Vi'1ll iJ i.; 11 «;,tJ t-J..c( -,,, 1tJ 1 de cl 1 'nn nnd b 1lg:ht ,~~ ,.,. d.o not -,,,ant n.nytJnng J i:iurns nnd sk etch es by 1tlln)e10 ::i t s in ntltli- better aa a lubucator t1on to tJ 1 ose \\]llch the \\rite1 h nnnclf wJU flunYout: s tiuly , F y r GLEN, Prea't ish I will :run Stock t:! Oil ngwnst any oih er 01I 1n A a1ong those \.\hO "' 1H contri bute are Hans the Dvnun.iou, and I p reJe r lt t o mt he1 Sperm or Ander8en, Br~n.11t, Bushnell, Eggleston, :E'roudc, Ohve 011 or lLll) othe1 used on lftachlnery H1gg1nson Bishop l1unllngton Dret Hnrte, A llENDERSON, Forcmnn Joseph lia.ll Works John li(t.1.i, II H Macdorutlll, fl.:lltchell, 11tu~ Phelps, :stcdmun S tockton, S toddut <l Ccba. 1 find Stock a Oil to be t he beat oil I have O\ er 'l'ha xtct, \V1\1nei \\ 1lluui:;ou, 1\-fri:i '\\'iutneiy had in m) Flo1u111g 1\hll for l11br100.ting purJ'oaes besides a host of others I hnd used olive prcv1011a to S tock 's, and find St.ock s to be t i c best 'rl1e ed1 toul\l oon ti ol tuid direction of the irn.~ MOSES S:~urn Duil1ns CTcek, Oat a z1ue '<\ 111 1 c nui1n in the ]ULnds of D1 Hollanu, '~ho "ill con t1nl1e to ·write "Tl1c Toplcl!c of the I '~ ouid rather lia-vc Stock's 011 than any Tlnu~, ·· which the N Y Independe-i~t snya "are c' et used in 1ny ex:pe1')cnco of 20 ye.Lrs 1no1 e 'Wi dely quoted than any sim~la1 papei :J GEO Hf,E IlLAKE, ir~ a1iy An~e rwan mayazlne ' Foi erna n for Dro>.n & r1itc1son,,Ylutby1 Ont '"'-"tilter G1ldo1 \v1ll "rite ' The old C:nbluet ;" I h a· c used Stock's Oll L~ \d I fi nd lt to excel as lutherto, P1of John C Dru.per conduct.a the All 011 I h..' eve1 used111 .to ycu.ri'l mttnufactwlng Depa1 t n1cnt of "Nature anti ~clcn 1 ~ · The c:io::µcn euc e, tinrl h avo used Ca.etor u.nd Oh\ o 011, dcpartn1onts o! " Howe uud Soci~ tJ , .. and prini.:rpally pre\ lous to u sing Stocks Otl ' t'!nlturc ;nul r .ao::;r css, " will engage the con JACOB SIALTER, Greon\vood t! ibutwus of 1nore than n acore of pens on bot h std es or the A tlantlc Tke lVatchm:11n and Re \Vo 11refer Stock's to dthcr Svcrm, Olive, or jf.ector S a::','~ "Scn7Yncr s ]l(onthlyf(n Septe:mber any o~hcr oils ever n Otl acu., 101 experience s ho,vs it ts better than whtoh indwates a 11 ealless Sr,\H,IIJ. «.~ON, :.,\!arkham. Ont. waste of cdllo1 ial brcuns and P1tblisliet· ~ vw>n.· my e11, f or lh e lrla·1azine u as uoocl enouqh e I' I u se Stock a Oil on Dli.tchm ory, which roAlul Y"' ·ho l .. tbll:<.hc~ J)rotnlse to make it .,, oh cs 3.bout 4 000 times per minute, a.nd :find it still better for the coming year " the only oil thatgivcs satisfa.otion J CHURCllELL, Dangor. Out. The subacriptiou price b~ $4 n year, 1vith special ra~es to clorg) meu, teacher(!, a n d postn1nsters 0i>haW3., Feb 1, 1871. The follon 1ng GEO B STOCK , ESQ, SIR,- Your extra. m 11chLne oil comos nearer to 1 porfect1on for luo" 1 cnting ))urpooos tb,.an and thing used, so far asr known tn me, Yr neither aro offer ed to new subBcnbers For $5,50 tho gum nor corodc and >v-nres ea.t1sfactory. Ptibhshen:1 v. ill e~nd1 .or u.ny bookseller or nows· V ory truly youre, A. li"AREW1!:L L d ealer 'v1ll supply, we lllagazule for one year, SOLE PROPHIE'rOR a.Pd the t\velvc JJUn1'bers of Vols. III and IV GEO . B. STOCK, BROUGIIA.ll, ONT conta ining t he b eg1nnmg of I\Irs Ohphaut's Serial, "At }111:1 Gate~ ' for 57 50, the magaz:me AG-ENT FOR 'T'HE DOMI!'i ION· for one yoor and. the. 2! back nu1nbors from the & WNB,7J£R, Box 1311, b og1nu1ug, for ~10 50, the J\-Iagazine for one yea r, Toronto. and the U back nmnbers bound (4: vols ~. cha.rge1:1 T GIDB Ohaw on b ound vols paid 'l h is -..v1ll gli; e nea.rlJ 5000 p ages of the c h oices t r eading, "'"1t h the finest il ln ~tra.t1 ons, for 510 50 or nead} 500 pages for a dollu r I a.1111 w ill eualJI~ evoq subscuber to ob t.a1n t11e seri es fro1n the first. tarSpce1n1 terms to Dealers Cle1gy1uc11 a nd roacbcrs I G. fl. § tock's Cele bl' a ted Extra 1'lacbine Oil I S NOW USED 1)). ALL THE PRIN- N o tice. IS HElillBY GIVEN THAT N OTICE I" be debl2'J 11\ n ot resxons1l.ile f01 ,\11) ti .-..ctcd by 1n} son, \\ t1liftn1 Janu>s Sulley COll 1l c first of Feb1 u1 t.1y 1 e xt; d. I d s :.tvc ti ouble ~ LL P ARTn!.'1 lNDEillED TO THE _l':j_ un<lctoip-nctl r ~equef' lotl to pav UI? beforo 1.... B;v11 1111,iL J .~u 3,1'372 I· T H08K!N ZJ tl ----~--- WILLIAM SULLEY - --- D arlln~ton Juu e IV: 1871 46 ti - - - -- - - -- -- HE ~ I'L C' l'F IJI LY HE· OF GAN CERS AND 'aXTOIJLD 'f' l' 'l U R N brn f:\H1c1.:1 c t. hauJ ...A to l...1s i11nncrous I NEW :a: AT -AND- s 'J u11101s In.k en out <tncl Cllt "' (l w· thout lho us eoft hckn1fe bvDR B l'All~HSON 'l ho best of re!eicnccs gn i:u 1r;i Do·wnw.nnllc ..'trnl eleswherc Ol!'FIC.IJ.:-Cliurch ::3l 1ect , DovoJ11a1n lJlc n0wnumville, _f cb 21st, 1872 30 tf A LL KINDS C111stomc1 r. nud flw11Cl"' i~lld wo u ld lJeg to Sil.} that l'i Cl hio!:l 1 c1nn · ell t o i nc cm n i r ot lt1ng n11d Onta r rn stteetti, " hc1c ! >-:, \' U b .., ,;lad to sec as in any ot the irood nu , 1.1cd o.utl gooa i..cn1pe1cd ones as pl ea'.ic t o !:; l. u J 1u1 <1 c:ill llu\\111an\11lc N · . n 22nd IS71 17 tt Corn for Sale, \.Vhole or Cracke d 16 39 t.f APPL,ES I Burden and Werry a 1c p cpnred to bPy a uy quantity or I BONNETS, I Notice. bablt of 1nnctic1ng \Vlth bu.11 ca1t11 dg~ on the 1, w ill please ben.1 JU u1nul th tt l1 01n \)le pieeeut tnne, any consent, ln thcrto g1~·en by in cl 1$ tibooiut;ely witbrll'1nvn, o.nd ani, one fo Ult '\\ l1fllllJ continmng Rifle p1act1ce afler thts nol 1 co must bo den.It. i:\ 1t.h aB tho law J1c ech; Good 11fe rclu111table Apples, -\l\'.j) - n-,nE MEMBERS OF VOLUNTEE R WILL PAY ..'HE HIOHE,;'r ,.PRICE .I. M~1litln. u1Hl othnrfl "'ho La.\ e ~rncu 111 l hc every taste can be consultCJd, as the variety is so great. In lf Bowm:in,·1ll e lVfny 30,187 R~'l YNES. 22 tt FALL GOODS fOWERS, AND fEATHERS, LAOES, ETC, - - App1·cnticcr; l'ian t cd,AT THE B owmamnlle Macltme Works. .1..\.1.ew F..tulJt ln.ds to lea.rn the ~rnoh1m:st b us1n CBs A l\f, GIBSO:N, lHaungor 7 tf Bowmant illo, Sept. 11, 1872 .Appl y to Extraordinary Inducements I we claim to have the finest assortment to be found. Wanted? HAS Jmt 'il'. DAllli,i l\'G'l'ON, rnceirnd a quantity A n..'i genc10.l sc1 vA.nt51n a. sn1all fa1n1ly MIDDLJ~ AGED MAN ,<.ND WIFE, The mun 1vould i eqw.10 to understalld g·i1dcntng und STOCK ARR IVE D, In Black and White tho on.1 e o:f honies: }""'or patticul1;1rs apph lo C, D. f.PALDING, E sq ,, Su ugog :Sttcct Bo·wmanv1!10, Angust 21 1872 J tf ' -- -- OHANGEB, LEMONS, COCOANUTS, I 1 j ' Kc1P1cth Ca.1uphell s cclobrated ~oda \V ntc1 LenJ.OH<\ciO nnd Sarsapnr1lla, \ ery su1tab lc for sunnncr drinh.g All t h e abo\ c will be k ept constantly on ha.nll during th e hot "\Vc atb m . Darlington lut3 jnst l:~CeH·~d another lot of ve1y fine l .I!;AS \\l1l<h w lll bo sold eh ea.Jl for ~~l rn PE.A.NOTS som::eNER & 00., 65! Dtou.d way, N Y. NEW REAL LACES AND 'rhe IJ.tera.ry Department will continue under tho care of Mr R1chnrd Hen1.:. St.oddd.1J, a.sslsted by tho bc:;;t wrlters anllpoctsof lhc da~, 1\hO \\ill stn\e to have tbe llterar.wc of l'HE Arn1Nn: ul"'a.ya in k~op1:ug \V1th its artIBtio o.ttra ot1ons FURNITURE! WAREROOMS. eight acics of land belonging t o e st.\te uf ) -- -- - - - -- - _ -~ the late DAVID DOWNEY For p.u9,uF.nbc a· :nul ~!iinglcs ticutns enqune of I FOR SALE, AT l\iY llfILLS, IN 1 D"'linciton, THOMPSON & BURNS A D, CAMPDELI Bo,vtnanv11le, Ma) 23rd, 1872 43 tf Dinl nn~t on , No \ 29, 1371 l S t! In the Town of Bow·ma.nv1lle 1 1\ve· 1ty- c~~wmnnville, Ont ---- ----- --PtU"ific·ation oC t he Blood, lnvigm·atio11 of' tlte Sp·Ucna, and .T Ge1u!,1 a lR estora l ion, t 0 Soun.dJ'-:1. eal t h RIED out lll th e trentrne nt tuloJ1tecl b r the cinuieu\.lndi a n DOC!OH. LL \ VIS , OS!-iJ:PlI US in ]us niost wondorful .aHet a ll\ o ancl 'l on1e JI.fed icines k nO\Vll n.s Lhe G 1 01~t Sh oshonees H en1edy o.nd Pills NICHOLLS, (FOR]IERLY WITIT MR It MANNINO,) \Vould rcspcctfull:i,· announce that he h ae com meneed bus1nes;s lll Hown1nnv1llc ]J} the prouu AT LACE COLLARS, 're:rms: $5 p~t nnnn1n1 In ndlr..neP-, wltb otJ C:ltr'OlllOI& !J. CC THE A I DINE will h ercaffe1 be 00ta1nable onh by aubse11ption 'J' h ero 'vill he no i edu ced 01 club 10. tc, cash fot subsor lltlonu 1nust be sent to the publ l!1he1 s d1re.., t, or bu.ncled to Lh c Joeal a.gen t, iv1lhrntt rcspons1l11lily to l/tP jJl!lJli ~ hn s , except 111. coaes "here the cernttcate ls g1\ en bea11ng the Jae simile sig11a t11rc of J ,\::UEs St1 r rox & Co Agents Wa.ntod. Anj peraon , wh1h1ng to act p m mn.11cntly as a local agent, will rece1vc iull a.nd pr oinpt 1nformntlon by a pplying to ses lately occupied by M.'.r ftecd, t\'\o doors V{cl:!t of T r eleven s S hoe stor e \\]iere h£1 m pre p.'.l-1cd to illl nll 01do1 s 10 t.h o Flll"n1ture line iln.-.. 1ng h .ul Jlftccn :'i cu.1s cxpe t iencc ln Cabinet v.ork Upholf;tenng atHl Undert Aking, he feels con1\dcnr. tnarhc " ill gi-.. e sntisf!Letion to those f,Lvou .ig hhn \ V1t.h 01dcrs Furn1Ln1o ofall .kindste pa.ucd PJctu 1cs nc11t ly iru1u ed Coffins of ull sizes and sty les kept 1eady made 'V AR.I:!: PR1NOIPLJ~S FULLY CAR we have a large assortment McCLUNG BROS HHl!AKJ.rAST - JtorP a C oco \ - l·RA'l.l' FU L \ND C o \.1 FoR lTNG - ' R y Ltho1011~ h kno 1\ led;;e o l !h e na.tu1 ti la \\ S -..vhicb g-ove;r n tile opc1 Ll1onl;l of ch gostion and nul11t1on, 11nd by u careful npvhcu, tio·1 or tl10 1lne prope1 tie s of v. . JJ sclec~ed couOlL, Mr I~pps hrn; pt ovul,,d our IJ1oakf<I"'t t<i-blcs \ 1th adehcat.el) Jl1:1.Vo1cd be \ cHIJ;iJ \1h 1ch ir1 ay S-t\e us inan~ hca'<y d octo1s lnUR - 01v1l .SG1 Vtce Gazette. :M a cie sin11lll "'1tll B01hn p; \.Vnte1 on Mid~ li.:o.oh pnck ct 16 rl.Oelled - 1< T \M!l:S]' rs & Co H on1reopatluc Ohenusts L ouclon 'Lso in \kC1f! of E 1>1·s u l\II1ll,,.} Cocoa (Couou, u,nd Con dcn sod .:afilkl To Let. Tl' e I.J urn p < l t P i'OS0llt scnbcl lJnsnn~s~ 8 hop· ' ' T I 1 .. {1..)1l SE .P U\\ ~~ I t(.\:; lo\ fllEt wo1ked hy t ]JP c;ub~i Prr!:lc~don g1\' en 11n11ec11 itcJy Onlv oJ t lw knnl 111 to wn- 11lcn l y of< ust.onira.rc chn.r11..: . . l r ~ ti'vOd 1nunp1ntikc 1 SlLVEii l'l'o 1.n;Ju1-i-ons con ~cqita·cca can ics1tll f 1 ont\ 1thcu iu,;c J.-v 0 rnistahe can be 1nadc. vi t!wu· Ad 'I ninisl1ation Pei sons \\ ho hav e been resto1ed AT PRICES TO UI j ] J D o" llt<.i ff ille, ll,lay 2v, l:.i71 AG ENCY 01 1ilE JAMES SUTTON & CO,, 38 M _,,_ JD _EN _ L _A_NE_ , _NE _w_>_-oR_K_ Publishers, IQ · B ank · n t ar10 N '\l'anted, trudcsrnu.n ~ntlun, l o nunutcs ·vnlk of the fa<: lo1 y Call i\t tlus orucc A COMFORTABLE HOuSE, FOR ,<. Sh·ay Heiler. s ubscriber, lot 3U, 10th r.on D11.rhngton, about tho 15th, a heifer n s1 ng 2 ;rears old '!'be owner le req uested lo prove propert), :ooy coat~ and r:.ake i t. a\\ ay C AME ON THE PHEllfISES OF THE DA-rlln_it{ln Nor 9, 1872, ABRAHAM noss "16-3t -L.""'1 .. son1cp1n,e1 exei t~d b y lhese I 11diru1 l\'Ied1cmea O"'iiCI tbe system, aft.e1 fr u1tl e:ss ti1a l of the whole Pnbllc patrorutge respectfully sollc1ted pb Ll"Ulacop.ein ot ph:r.slc, attest this fact J be Bown1anvlllo, N' O\ CDJl1e1 9, 1872 16-tf u un1e1 ous tcstirr1on111ls IL! e s tern undeu111ble 11.nd inr.ontcstible fucts101nffic1ent to con> 1nce the most sceptwal t hat these b"l eat n1ed1ca.l compow1d1;1 perfo1 m many n' a rvellous c111 cs, and accomplish all Lhat la d-csired No m a tter ¥\hatyolll' aillncnt m ny be, or of how long 1;1tauding they \'\ill find the spot, o.ntl u.stontsh) ou by th~ rapnl 1nanner 1n which J- ou i estored to pe1!cct h eu.llh u.ud full vigor . DIYIDEND NO 31 'l'lie Jle1nedy n.nd the P llla arr: pleasant and 8afc to tJ:Lkc, n.nd arc w·£u rtintctl, nnd mziy possl bly ho rell ed n pou t o 1n:.i.1-..e a permanent cure ot OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT rill di..~casCJ:> of t.Jie ll 1 1oat, Lu11g ~, Liver, Kid fl, dn 1den d of J<'OUR PER Oli:NT 11pon tho Cap n eys, Digest!\ e Oi gu.1u1 &c , &c as well ae Bul"Of· i tal St6ck of tlns ln r; titutton for the current half ulu. l he ·1irtollS ~ kin Disea ses, Humors and all year hns tbis (i1tY been deeJa.:retl, aucl that the diseases nrlsing f1om I n 13unty 01' the Blood, ex sam e \'/ill b e pa~ able fl.t the llank and its b ranche1:1 on a nd afte1 ~:Fo~!~fa~Oellt~;l(~J~~lg..g I ~~ii~U~p~g;1 US~Ul tr~~ a.1 1d con ta.1n1 ng t esti1non1als anN cer· .Monday, the 2nd day of December next 1\{etl1c1nes, t1flcates of Cn1cs, can be obt.amctl by eoouru1g J'b c lransfer Books will b e clo::ied from thl'l the Shoshonccs 'l1cat1se the Hand book, or the roru an) druggist m tbc l!ith to the 30th N ovcn bcr, both days inclusive· .Almanac o.nd Circulars 1 Domu11on--Fll.EE Dy order of the Bon:rcl Prico of the Remedy, w lnrgo P111t :UottlaJi, D FlSHF-R, Cm~hler ONTARIO BAI'\ K l ,100 Prico 9f the Pill» pe1 Do~ 25 et_. Ben' mun' 1lle 2-!t b Oct 18"1) l-l EARS E T 0 III~E to Cf.t.9e, Rtrcn[fi.handverfcvt heo..llhby th e wholc- BOWMANVILLE I SUBSG!tIBER WOULD DIRECT F'CRXITUHE (fUoIE Ji. tno rtttention of f u.1 ; 1c l ::) to 1he one hon1e u.nd MANUJ!'AC'fUlUNG CO OUR - STOCK 01'-- I THE SUBSCRIDER app01ntc d l eta1l uµ;c nt b) t1ic l301\ L no.n \ dlc li'urn1t n1e l\1ilnuf tctu.ru1i; Co i 1;1 no'\ 1u n p1Js1 ion to fill all orde1 s ut a s low a i l.l!:I nny tknl ltn the county. 1 26 H.OB l S 1'1.1\.:K:Nl;.r.: 0 HA VIXG BEEN t\\O h or~eJ1 o 1 Cnlt1v11tm < 11nanufnctured b~ h im, a.nd '\ h u:11 lot ::;1_. ) en:ru obta in ~ct fust prh:e~ !lt P10-vmo11l a1 d Luua.1 F 111s The} n1e nnaou btcd h tlH best i lJJ)lern l 11 ~ ol the !du d in use a·1<l "ill 11111 v ery sh Ht ll m c n101c than rcpuf Lhe1r uost, in tlJe cfllc1cn cy and cxt:elleI1cc of their \\ ork InHpect HJu In\ l~ Qd .A. Hupply of Cultivn~ iO(i3 now on hunu fo1 th ~ trpnng \Vork, a.nd will lJr. so ld o.t low c:1t rate r; IRON HAlUWWS Oal Tweeds, Fancy Coatmgs, Pilots Beavers, Pctershams, ::iYicltons, &c , &c., &c., WANT .ED 'l\, o O"r three experienced I o f o. !i!t1pcr lo1· ldn c l, llSo on lle.nd BUGGIES A ND WAG ONS constnntly on hfl nd fo1 sa le /iir Al1 kinds of Blat k !:m11th -..\orl.. don e on h sho1 tc:.L notice A call «ohcitcd TS t.f Ii.1531 \ V OTT, D o>vmnnv U Apply to llfISS i\fofAVJSH, at llflJRDOCH & BRO'S Bowmanv1llo, Moy 23, JS7Z, 13 ti JN & i'in>lcn ~· 1d JF~u·m fbe "ialc, Appllca.tiou to b~e~1.1.IJ~ t~O'\ n of Bo·w nutnv1llc '£ HE coui-TY OF DURHAM, ,J 8 . B.i\TES, Proprietor. Ito-.,, mtun dlf' Oct1Jb'7r ' 1871. l.O 1'l

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