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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Oct 1874, p. 1

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' 1s p';inted and puohshcd f;Yery Thursday !Uorning by the P1oprieto r VOL. XX. TR.,.AG-E D-Y! A.ND GREAT EXCI'IEMENT tlcttr!. HARVEST RYM?{ JOlIN G 'VHITTIER ANDERSON & Boot and Shoe Empor... um, Once moTo the hlteral year lnugha out O er richer i;tores than gcn1s of gold Once 1nore "1th harvest song and shout Is natures boldness tTiu, told Our common mother rests and sings Like nnth H.lllOl g h er gnrn.C:red shcavoa JleI" lap is full of goodlY.' things Her b10'iV is bright with .A utun1n leavos Slaughtering Commences on Saturday. NO RESERVE BOOTS &SHOES REED'S OLD (ForCast) cI VEN AWAY. OUR Stock is nov. cotnplete both tn variety and price to snit all parties Prunella 1 from 5 cei ts up,vards cah early \ntl Juul e your select1ons 'VE ha.~ e the lnrgest stock evor offer00.1n BO'i'iIDt\nville al)] flheBEST QU.A.LIIY S11oclal lndnecments to C&LshJIU)C'rli REMEMBER IRE PLACE Oh favors old ~et e'er ne "" Oh blessings Y<1t.h the suushme sen\' 'Ihe bonnt..> oi. er runs our due The fl llncss shames our diecontoni STAND BOWMANVILLE. Tari ff BOWMANVILLE HAT STORE !If MA1' ER bought !us atoclt ea.riv and bought it well Evei) department excele with beauty and 'arietv His home and forei 0 n ha\ e swel1ed lna stock to in nn1u;111 't.l size, and eash purchasers es pec1ally; will find it ec11 ~nt1geous to cnll on him His SILK HATS aie really handsome His DRA.B SHJ\:LL are exceedmgly tastJ Ilis GLA.DSTONE and ~ OLSELY are the late<t His GENT 8 FURNISHINGS embrace nil the novelties m the hne Hts STRAW lI \T D.i<;PARrMEN'I will, as usual contain the la.test and most et}hsh At first D eha Gr~yson, "hen she saw that Paul Rcnfordhvas.weak and dejected, song} t to cheer and entertmn hnn She hn.d heard the story of }us great loss and she pitted I 11n She ployed for !um upon the harp and upon the piano and she sang to him, and talked But hy an:! by \\hen he had grown shong and \ igorous and \\hen lu~ innate manhood had mani fosted itself, she gre1v shy nnd tacitm n and finally song ht to a\ 01d hnn And then for the first tune he THE EDEN OF WILDWOOD D'I t'iYLVANUS COBB, JR M l\ia) er will be plcn.sed to see ) on Ilowmnm ille Oct 8 J 87 4 custor ers -..v 11 be SJ< OND TO NONl IN '11-lE COl ~T'Y and he is nssnred that lns inducements JUST AT S ll lllUDSHA. W S OLD STAND, Paul Renfo;d was thunderstruck F Jr once in ]us life he was aroused to some tlung hke cons1derahon of a snbJect 1n hand Paul l\aS' four a:id tw enty of eighteen he had been left an orph&t1 and heir to an estate worth a. milhon a1 d app<. tnte:l lns guard1 in then an acaden1y of 1nus1c In six months there were s'e'On1y four hot els and board mg houses, m oeven months the city had reached its highest prosperity It thon had about 15 000 pee>ple, elaborate water works, a city hallt and a.n expensive city government Then occurred the comple tion of lab nrr saving enterprise-the so called .l'.Itller Fa.rm Pipo !me- by which " Not haf one legged pnts Fadei t1ie petroleum >1las sont off mdependent of Moses vat you takes me forl 1'. olm brmg the lnbonrt'lg populatrnn At once 4 000 1ne one of dem one ]egged gray pants In' persons wertl thrown out of en1ployment dat pile m de back of the sthore while 2,000 hon·e· became useless ThLS The newly altered trousers were produc was the death blow to Pithole At once ed, and the waggISh soldier gave lnmself the hotels, th"O' theatres, and tho up os lost But as he spread them befor<> office '"i.1i closed, and the daily pa.per gave him ho became consc1ous,as. did the d ealer, up its ghost, wlnle almost every one pack of something wrong ed up his trunk and moved out Only " Mem Gott' Fadder Abraham' Yohn f nine fa.m1hes renuun out of a population you haf rum me' You haf cutoff de wrong of 15 000 soul· wlule the railroad from leg Pithole and Oleopohs runs only one tram Another of the Chatham street dealer& a. day, cons1Bt1ng of a locon1otne and a. had what he called ariny brogl.ns and oasmglc car which 1s usually empty but the\ valry boots An ell soldwr purchased a company ls obhged to keep running other 'piur of the latter one ra:iny day, but re,., wise the charter for the ro Kl 1vould be lost turned to the storo '\\I thin a few ininutes They still hope aqarnst hope for complammg that the Bole~ were of paste: tunes for that unfortunate cit) wlucb. 111 board and had already oo~lied to a pulp only se\ en inontha was born full gro1vn "Vot you a11 done in1t: cf1erw boots1' a sk got s10k and <lied Undoubtedly this 1s ed tha dealer a case unparalleled m lnstory, modem or ·why I walked two or three blocks · ancient Neither Egypt nor Greece cat\ "Valk' You ""lk m demboots' Vy dem give examples of such rapid changes 15 ga.valry boots~ 1 Bo8ton J o·urnal "PAT do yoo: under~tand French 1 __, " Y1ss, 1£ lt s spoke 1n Irish AN AERIAL VELOCIPEDE .A PERSON presented hnnself at the otlke of a. prominent real estate firn1 in BoatonJ one da.y last '\eek, and asked if the fi rm an rorial velocipede The model which 1s would give l\'lm a list of all the far ms about fifteen f ~~t 111 length ]1e keeps in off~red for sale and owned by widows a roQm l!l his house The query naturally ~rose 'vhether hif Eden of] lhere ire two sn1 ill balloons of equal wanted to buy a widow or ma'i::Y' a fat rn s1ze to balance tfie weight of the roronaut W IlEN a T yrone l Jtl 5b au Ld u l1 0raew h lpS l e<n mg lum free to ch·nge lns position m l f f h '· t l S hn UB. wi e or was ing pov..i. oes in us How to get plenty of :fresh Eggs any direc110n by means of the machmcry b f day plug hat, it is tune to enr1mre wheth 0 Th ese t wo b a11oons are con11 neL1 y ramc tl 0 nee t 1 urtv;:; ears ago I was troubled k t d f et us gonera.tton of inen 1sn t getting to d 1 "' wor ins en o net wor ;: an cording b · JU· t as my ne1ghvvrs are now I fed my l\K C I ti t I e too confounded ln0h toned for the ago \ .1. ai on says 1a t ie con!uuug of t 1 1e f 1 hens p 1 enty of corn, and got few eags I f k o t ie country! " cl gas m a ralllewor '"]] keep the voloci reaso ne d upon th e ma tter an d h appene T HE N ew 0 r l ean~ ncc;!fl!ll'e ,., <·. · , t f pede more steady than nettmg The seat mt.<> i!'he fo1' t o th in k tlia t tlie consi.1 uent parts o milk l · "Th HI between and below the two balloons and owing no11ice e young n1an wh& h and tiie w h i t es of egas " were muc ahkc behmd'the ma.m shaft of the machmery came m t <> "' ours offi co yesterday sat down N ow, J t l l<.!i::f b een long kno~n to nnlkn1en - ' immed1>Ltely afterward<r which can be rotated by either the hand'~ on a b ox, """ ti ia t w heat nuddl ings an d b ran are about d 1 tl b ! f f d t k or the feet of the operator a treadle a;nd,. Jnmpe up wit l an nlrearlhly yell and fled! l~k es: an~ t~ Zi ~a ;ta cokw Jive crank being both provided, wlnle a small furn the office"" requeiztetl to brmg back nln ? Iw ty n:lo ', end lhe es o ma e hens drivmg wheel to the ri h t enables ]um to foWr brasft- heltt'e<F ta.elm tllM ""re stand mg 0 lY ne i an ave suice ha.d no reverse the m t1on eas1lv The entire on th e box. l\: hen he took Jns seat Not ro :i bl e l1ul1 of the runal vesse~ rn a slight framt:: wor,k wluch preserves tl.i.:e relative position A Fi::: :-uA:Y MAss MF.F.TING is reported to of the operator and the iwo: balloons nn have been held at the Cooper fos'1itute, changed Ikfng thus seated tn a contr1 l'.\ew York, on Monday mght at which va:nce which when loaded has l1ardly any John 0 Mahoney, 0 Donovan Rossa and greater specific gtavity than air the veloci Thomas Francis Durke were the principal It ~em~ onunous to hav-e dips (don t seem to fan cy it like com) and pedist propels himself m any direction by speakers start off on a short hunt for somethi1i('r bet means of three whe(l1:5 of canvas stretched ' 'Vhite Leaguers and ]enrn.nR stirring; Uncle Sam may' ter l>fft 31'I3-J:~ coming round in a ~hort over 2' hght framework and fa.shoned s1m about at the snme tune tuue or a few more f1on1 the dish of ilar to the screw of a propeller The have to look out wheels are to work 1n connection -with a Tl1e1e is I i ttl e t in1e d uring tic b ran l A HoYo Kon,; special states that tho rudder winch is at ·oo front of tl a whole w h o1e d ay lHl t "' Iia t one or mo:re are Chinese Yi-oops in the neighbourhood of maehine The ruddM t."Cl'l'lS"J:a:t~ of t\\ o staudmg by the pan, hkewioo helpmg T1entens1n had conspired to se1zo the city thtHn~elves I :am careful to m1.x: for them parts, one of wlud1 is perpendicular and and massacre a.11 f-ore1gners but the r 1n , JUSt as much as they will eon·ume durma "'worked latcrallJ guidm~ to the right or leaders were arrested and the cnnspu"aC; 0 th e d ay At mgh t iust befor" they retire left, and the other is horizontal and guides squelched The steamer Spaik, wlue~ to their roosts, I usunlly throw them about up or down Both governed by cords runs between Macao Bnd Canton has Been: One of the three screw wheels is abff\ e the a pmt of sh.tied corn, well scattered, so boarded by pirates and most of the officer!!' that each may gel,. few kernels -German head of the velocipedtst, and tho two ancl crew murdered 'Ihe pirates wera. tou,. Td·g ap/· others at his right and left hand They captured are worked togei her by means of a cog A GENTLE>rAN at Lako George, after wheel connecting the two shafts and one SAVE THE LEAVE!> mohoru is to send the velocipede forward wavmg. h!'!f ll"ndker~hief for half an hour It J5 becoming a favorite amusemen~ to rund upwaEd v.:lnle th:e re\:erse sP.zrtls it or more a.t an na1tnown lady, whom ho d~scovered at Ill distant pmnt on th" shore select the rarest vanegated au!i:MmlJIJ leaves,. downward and bMkward ' The second Bnd' fhlrd pomts coV'o«e~ by was enetmraged by a warm responso to !iii> especmlly those of the maple, when by putting them thr ugh the process of pres M C'ailfonls cai.-wt are the upper wfieels, signals to approach his charmer Imagine sing, drying varntslung and arranging wlnol1 Jnol>!<m the 'eloc1pede,and the double his feeh»g: when, on drawing nearer, he: them in va.nous devices such as wreaths rudder nt the front The Sllll> wheels are saw t 11a"M' }1f was lus own dear wife" horn h ecrosaes and bouquets,they produce effects similar to]\'[ Caillon s maclnne exh1h1ted had left at the hotel but ,.. short time be, a.s brilhant as pictures from an artists 111 the Paus E xposition of J8G7', fur winch fore ' Why how rem~k'aibl<l' wo> ·'!<:>ukli brush One of the choicest nttrachons at the En1peior Napoleon ~s- said fu have ha'l'e r'tcogmzed each other at sub& a di!!< tance, · exclatmE!d both in the same breathl tlle famous " '\\Torld Fair in Lon<lon was gtven 30 000 francs and then they changed the su biect a wreath of autumn leaves, prepared and A CmNEoE theatre has JtlSt been open sent by a New England lady The vmt REPORTS of the gunpowder explosion on ors to tho "lute Mo11ntau1s late in the ed at San Francisco The audience on the the Regents Canal, London, were hoard a season cull hundreds of leai; es to adorn lirst n1ght nun1btircd eighteen hundred distance of twenty miles The firo mon As a large number dul not their ctty homes and one gentleman last spectators have been draggmg the canal all morning autumn gn.thered and pressed five thous understand one word of Chmese they Five bodies hai,;e been recovered A num and ]eaves of natures own handiwork were not, perhaps the best 3udges of the ber of the ammals m the Zoological Gar whose exq 11us1te colors vie with those of drama they had assembled to witness dens were killed The quantify of powder From those, however 1\ ho are better ac the pamter s palette that exploded was four ton· Many troes To prepare these leaves press them un q uamtcd with the id10m of the Celestial were uprooted, and houses located t"' 0 der hea' y wetghts for a few weeks var E1npire, we ]eatn that the drama was di miles distant were batt<?red Seven per nlfJh them with n1ap varnish 1f you desire vule<l.into sixteen acts and fort) two scenes sous are yet missing lhere was a perfect a slnny surface and arrange the1n as your It was a pleasant succession of quarrels in "Panic in London for hours and it \VM not fancy dictates "hen the leaves are tr1gues aasassination1:1, sn1c1tles fnner tls until the cause was learned that the f ear1J thoroughlJ dried they can be attachetl to poisonings rlesperate pursuits hair breadth of the people were allayed Sevo>l>X J"P" escapes nnd Heaven knows what besides sons died frolll fng,!it. i\ long piece of coiuse, flexible wire b) the tud of a brown cotton thread or wire- the The compa.ny numbered no fewer than ONE hnndred and fifty persohtrW'ere last Ji\tter ts the 1noa.t darable Arranged 1n one hundred and t~ enty two per tlus nu1nner with tho contrasting coJois formers Decency and good manners had week booked through the head emigra.twn '!'his of the oak, maples beech etc , they make been as httle respected by the author or office of the Dommton of Canada 1nakes somethlng; 1ike six hund1 cd persons authors, as the ears of the non Clunese prett~ garlands with which to encircle the portion of the audience \'liere re:spectud by "ho h ave embaroked for the colony during mn rors, p1ct ire fran1es, and windows 1 he blllifnesa of the 'I he great feat lre of the the past fortmght Indeed, the p1ett1est la1nbreq tuns we ever the orchestra saw wore made of pressed an d varnished drama \Vas a duet 1 snng by two cows office is constderablv o~thi(' increase Inr le ives pnined on the lace hangings in grace represented by two artLSts em eloped m the the matter of d1ssem1na.ting mformat100 ful forms and each curtain was adorned E!.ktns of those lactiferous animals and or answer mg enquiries and g1 ving a<l \ice tll" with one variety of lea' es, with fionds of narnented with the r horns The costumes persons desirous of em ,,,rating to Canada. the fem of the <voods mtcrapersed between WQre verv magnificent, but the music was and in vesting their money the1 e, the office decidedly Chmesey The performanoe 1s playtng a 'ery important pa.rt, a.mong them some of the fnuts of wluch will be a su lasted fl'om sci: en p tn until three a. m perior class of settlers, le~s disappouitment. AN exchange rulicn hng the ridiculous next <lay but then, r efreshments in the more confidence on the part of u1tendiug shape of tea ~rs, and cigarettes, were county fairs , wluch n1ake no effort at good immigrants and a great general in1prove--shows savs that the Clearfield fair consist hberally supphed by the management 1nent 1n the whole depa1 trnent of emigra .. ed of a calf a goose and a pumpkm It The prices of ad1n1ss1on were first places hon -Gan Ne1'S 'lept 10 five second three dollars, and ramed so hard th e first mght that the The cost of erectmg goose swam off tho calf broke loose and thml twr> dollars GcATEMAH has atoned for t'lie ill treat ate the pumpkin and a thief prowhng nnd decoiatmg the the·tro and of supply ment of llfr Magee the Uritish consul _ ing it with scene1y dresses and appoint round stolo tho calf, and that ended the ments, "as fifty thousand dollars -Ap A formal salute has been given to the Bnt. ish flag, and the mdcmn ty of £10 000 ha.s fair pl.ton sJoui ial been given to the benefit Gf the mJured A NEW law regulatmg the labor of wo FOUR YEAR OT D recently went to a. blacksmith · to see ]us father s horse shod men and cluldren goes int& effect in Great consuI The BritIBl1 war vessels that had Ilr1tain on the 1st of January next It is and watched closely the work of shoemg designed as regard& chtldren, to reach evils arrived to enforce the demands dieuntil the black snuth commenced pa.ring wluch a.rise from their employment in persed but the salutary drnctphne to whieh the horses hoofs when, th.inking thtS was home trades unaer the direction of parents Gim·emala has been ·ubJccted will not be None under nine years !Ost upon that and other States of Contera wrong he said earnestly "My pa don t and guard tans are to ho so employed J< rom ten and up America want hlB horse made an y smaller w.rtls tbey can only be employed on half ' LovE, says an amorous writer "is an IT if said that the world owes ever man time, morrung or afternoon or every al a hv1ng but e. great many men are too ternate day Their emploJ mont at meal mtoma1 transport " The eame ~my be lazy to collect it time IJ! forbidden said or a canali boat · 95 ibeene Spring and Sun1.mer Stock -OF- BOOTS and SHOES, EXCELLING IN TA]]. I ET Y, NOVELTY anrl QUALITY. PURCHASERS PLEASE CALL AND INSPECT J. H. HANNS. Il lWlHft.llVlllO ~prtl 2!ltli, 1874 D. CHEMIST STOTT, A~ DEALEit IN DRUGGIST TOWN LIA.LL BuILDINGS, BOWMANJILLE. Druggs, Medicines and Chemicals, Dyu Stufls Patent 1'Iedwmes PeilumcrJ Brushe·, Combs Soaps Pamts and Oils J?nmt Urn.hes, Coal Oil and Coal Oil'"· &c , &c PY'iSJCIANR PRESCRIPIIOI';S CAREFULLY cm1POUNDBD lND ALL ORDERS CORitECTLY ANSWER! D p- Fa11ne1s (tfl.d Physictansfiom the C'ountty 1v1llfin<i o tr Stock of .il-IedlC1'1l-t3 com ete cmd of the best qt1al1ty SURGEON DENTIST T~EA UTIF1:JL GOLD FILLINGS ARTIFICIAL TEETH INSERTED AT A MODERATE FEI THOSE "ITIIO UT TK&TU ·w ISHING TO HA YE Extracted Without Pain SIIOUID CONSULT THHR FAMIIY PHYSJCIA~ J M BRIMA.COMJ3E, L D S Bo\\ mant-11le lla.rch 6 18..3 T HE auclersi,gncd, ii returnmg thanks to !us many friends and tho public generaly, for the l<beral patronage extended to ]um durmg the past eighteen years, begs to amwunce that from and after tho 15th September instant, he will carry on the same busmcsss, hut more exten·<vely, under the name and style of JOHN McLEOD & Co Protnpt pay1nent of all notes and accounts is renc.le1ed 1n1pe1ab\"e by tlus a.rra~em.eut, bns1ness and all persons indebted will please notice and govern JOHN McLEOD themselves accordmgly Bow.mAnville. September 4 1873 JOHN McLEOD & CO. W 1n each OULD solLcit the snme liberal support and patronage ""tended so long to Jom< McLEOD, and t&koe this opportunity of mformmg the public tliat they have discarded the .old system of long credits and will conduct their credit buK1neas as follows all oooounts will be rendered on the 1st Januar}, 1st May ancl 1st September 1tnd every year ~mW In the case of nlannfacturers, mecha.nicK and others whose accounts may 11mount to $50 or over, their note, if agreed upon, will be taken payable lsolafe·l Risk and Fa1·1ne1·!'! F'1re Insurance {;o'y. at the B<111k for a perwd The caoh purchasers and prompt payers on short credits" ill i>lways get gcods o.t prices cut Jlne, as our great aim Wlli be to court thio class of trade Stock large an4 Willi assorted A splendid variety of COOK, HALL, PARLOR and BOX S'J'OY:JJ:!>, for CO U, and WOOD, JB Manager 141 R<i JOHN McLEOD & Co I Anson Betterman a.n enterprising mer chant and a truehearted man .A fter Paul came of age, and became n1aster of lu~ property, through the adv1ce of lus uncle he employed a 1 iwyer nanred Lovett to act ae lus agent- to look after tents andso on nnd gradually this Lovett who proi:ed to be au apt and ready1nan at busu1esa,ga.1n e<l. into his hands the entire control of the Duri ng the year of Paul s n1a-rriage a "hole property nncl so 1mplteitly had T)aul hnsted him that he had notci:en de branch r11.1lrond was opened to \Vild wood, and thus t]1ey 'verb \\ itlnn an hour of tl1e 01ty and the null property was gieatly enh u1ced 1n value Oh said the young mn.n one da', as he stood upon the piazza of lus cottage and looked oJT upon the rolling landscape of hill nnd dale that stretched away beyond the river ' if I owned that sweep of land r It is certainly a pleasant prospect, said his trncle Betterman, who l1ad come to pay Jnm a v1s1t "Aye, added Paul "and how it n1nst increase in value now that the rail ha· opened this way ' At tlus Juncture Deha and ca.lled Anll no?i Anson Bettern1nn had come to mform !nm that Porter Lovett had left them mto tea Slie todk Uncle Anson by the co tnt1y with every ava1lablo scrap of the arm, "nd told him he was her prison or A.nd he bent over t:Lnd kissed her and Ins property Do yon mean, gasped Paul when he said it would be a most blessed ment could breathe "that he has taken alll 'Don't yon find it so, Paul1 ' Y eo - everythmg Yon had allowed "It is heaven where she is' huu such unlnuited sway that he found no difficulty m gettmg e' ery doll~r mto his answer And upon that she left Uncle Anaon,and hands threw her arms about her husband f! neck 11 And I am penniless 'Dear Paul, you are a blessing to 1ne ' ' You know best whether you had any Shortly afterwa,rd Ins nephew said to the of :; our property tn"\l ested 1n bnsiacs8 old merchant 'Not a penny ' Does the sa.v:cd mariner look back ' Then I fear you have little at hand mth longmg upon the fearful death he w]uch you can call ) our own Jn he ivcn s name uncle Anson, what hns escaped and w~lhngly return to storm and wreck?' shall I do1 ' I thmk not my boy "Really Poul J 1 e bit two wa.ys open " A.nd ca.n a 1nan 111 1ns full sense, long to vuu You can h e do" n and wither and die under the stroke or yon ca.n do as for the dazzle and glare of the empty hfe thonsands of oihers have done in misfor that b rings only pain nnd unrest, when a tnne-arouse yourself put on the armor bright spmt hke this holds watch nnd of true manhood and tight the battle bra' e watcl for him over an earthly heaven? He held hts wife b) the hand as h e ly ·p9ke and his eyes "ere radiant with a high ' I must earn my own hv1og? supernal gleam ' It wonld iseenl. so It wa· on the followmg day- a bc<>nttful ' ,_ml ho" I day in earl:; au turun- tlrat Paul and Delia. ' I can give yon a place in 1ny store 1 No, no I cannot c< mn1r.nce to bttt- walked ou t upon, the gentle hill that sloped And agnm he tle here-not m the city where I have led np from their cottage the van of d1s~npation Let rue have time looke<l upon the grand spread of landscape beyond the river to thmk All right my boy a.nd meantime I ' Ah, he said, "1f I owned that land will be t111nlnng too I "ould do a reat wo:rk Deha " On the followmg day Mr Betterman " What would you clo1 asked a mice called agam but Paul had nut thm1ght bchmd him what he wonld do Paul turned and beheld his un ~Je ' What have yon thonght Uncle! If you o"nod that land wliat would ' Ill tell you what I ha'e thought, my you do with it! boy Back in the cc untry-a.nd yet not " I won]d make it bloom with life' re very fai fl om the mty-are the Mills own phed the youth eloquently Thmk, cd by my friend Sargent They are in a now 1iha.t the rail is la1<l. how near it io to qmet secluded ullage the mhabitants of the 01t) Thmk of the toilers there who which are mostl.} his own operatives J\.fr nu ght find light n.nd comfort in these Sargent \\tll give you a clerkslup there healtlifnl shades If I owned the land I and the pay will be ntnple for your sup would invite capital to open it to tne hfe port that ought to occupy it I would laJ out ' But, saul Paul maJ ?i e not find "'j streets and portion off lots for dwe1hngs Lovett' each with 1ts garden and I would call it ' As yet we liave been able to gain no "The Eden of V\ ildwood clue to hts whereabouts He is a man not " And suppose you had the capital of en.stly to be entrauped But we cwn try your own my boyl further if yon plea.e "'Ihe Eden of Wild" ood should he a "I will go up and look at the nulls ' And so P iul Ren ford went up to Wild A shadow passed over the old man sface, wood aa Mr Sargent had named hrn sot a.nd then a shining hght He reach tlement an~ he found it rural an I retired ed out and took hts nephews hand enough But it was a. beautiful spot ' Paul the capital yours-the land 11e\e1theless and ]1e had a strong incl1na. JS yours hon to acce;pt the proffered situation He Paul could have laughed at Ins uncle returned to the city on the day of the had net he looked so solemnly upon him evening of ]f1s Squ1tense1ngcr s grand while he spoke As it was he simply ex party He was v-; onder1ng if he had bet lubiterl bewilderment ter go \'i hen he learn~d from a sci' ant of " I heard you express an earnest wish the house that no invitation had been sent to own th e land and I secured 1t for you him On that very afternoon he met the cont1nued Betterman l\1isses Sqtntense1nger on the a.venue and "Uncle,. this ts a ser1ous Jest they did not acknowl~dge hi· oalutat10n "It is no Jest, Paul In one word "So so! he muttered, "and thatlsall Porter Lovett has returned ' I am worth to them ' " Lovett 1- returned1 For a time his heart sank but he ral "Yes, a.nd your fortnnc is safe 1 hed Paul Jl.pnford was not sure that he wa.s " Qom.e, come, my bor," he excla.1med, m h!a walking senses HU! uncle w&1111ot 0 1 I I L· I ·

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