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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jun 1876, p. 1

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b}'" the P.roprletor, WM. R. CL,l_MIE at Ure l NG -.ol~D- JOINER'S] HEBREWS III, 7-8 MY tr-\Ji::.t is in n~aea. the Snviour. He IB otferuig b1.11 new and hsnCiaome n.Uortment of And He's inv br1gbiesthope, l surely will find fa~ or For He w1'l hohl 111e up Al.bOu)l;h the fiG' tree (aiJeth, And yicldeth naught but Jea.Tel!l't 'l hrough Christ 1ny soul prevailoth_ FALL AND WINTER GOODS AT GREATLY HEDUCED PRICES On f{1.m I will believe. SOMETHING NEW'. ASUBSTITUTE FOR LATH AND PLASTER. G t8 OHE..A.P -1\.ND- Though every prospect broken, Ni~ cattle tn the st.all, I gca3p ?i h{lot lie hath spoken, An(,l He's Jnf all in all i!i!J llocks and herds may perish, Yet elill will I rcJ01ce, Stylish Millinery! Just arrived at the Thia n1ow my hopes doth cherish, I hear m) Shepherds voice. R\j)UA'l'E OF MICHIGAN UNI· Muskegon ?.Ucli. V&RSITT. will lear n ?:omething to lu's Rd yantag& 1)7 .ending hit address to ROX 635 The Patent Aluminous and Ornamental Bmlding Paper. Paper Oil cloth and Carpeting. Fashion Hol1se J A Splendul Stoel~ D Ne-w Jiflllrnel"y, Fann Goods, '\\rools and U ndet'clothiug WAR CRY. Shoulder your arms llt1roes Of remperanCO 1 AGENT FOR THIS PLACE. M f A large stock just received, of plain and ornamental, both for walls J .A.S. BINGHAM, M. D., L. R.C. P. S., It., and flo01s EMBER nf Cnllel(e nf Phvstct~n· and The Paper Oil-cloth and Carpeting is & cheap and durable substitute 8UtKCOn8, Ontfa.1'10 nm . . e and resld~nee Ullier ~ old stand, Ennlsk11len (20) for oil-cloth The chenucals with which the paper is saturated render it proof against iats, moths and mice. IJ. E. McMillan, ln Chancery, Conve)flncf'r &~ Just received tho l~test En~lish and Ne'v Yor~ styles in Ensigns unrurJ, Gb; e tiFtht to tho roe .All JOJn 1n tlie luittle, Vlo each with the otbcr, lttn u~st a.11rl val,iant, DRESSMAKING. ST AJ\fPING Make certain ;your blow. Ren Jnnoccnce fnlls. · Latd low by tho monster. Our mot here and cluldron Vlle drink doth dcswll. E en Y.ives oppre1:1sed. Pruenti precoptg are slighted, Our de&r ones mode demon11 "bile held ln the toll It would fill several columns of the 'l\mes to 21vc m detai'\ the nornes of Ins appomt· ~19 11.nd the figures of 1 the1r salar1eii du.ring that busy ten months, nor would 1t then be interesting reading, We ha\e 1 however, gone through the whole returnt and gn e in the following sta.te~ent, the lun1p nun1· her of offices he ga'ic away on the day~ rnenhoncd ~gether with the groes nniouut Sopt. 3 H 6 of the salaries attached to thein and made " 15 a charge <.\n the pu:'Jhc rt: venue. Here are " 19 the ~RUr·· by 111011ths " 22 ln January Sir John gave to his needy .. 23 Conservative hangers-on the fvllow1ng of· " 25 fie.·, for whtch tho revenue was charged " "7. with tho ann ua.l salari68 named SOLICITOR A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, i-rnwc \STLE, OliT VARNISH POLISH ANOTHER THING MUCH WANTED. mstantaneou~ly. 24 The Comn11ss1on sat, and fhoug-h 1na.n1 pulated in 1he u1ter6lst 0f 811 Johu, yet 2ven if any doubt ex1steoi. iu Angnst there wa.s none left 1n Outober that the l\Iacdot1ld 1ntn1stry w LH doomed The ev1d~nce 1iga1nst Ltwas o\'erVthehntng, und f1on1 all p&rts of the Engh·h speakmg world c·me denun· c1ations and bitter candetnnation of its political v1lla.1ny'tand d1shf111eaty P1 11har»ent was n.ga1n to rneet to~a.1ds the end \V. It. Climie, I This Pohsl1 gives a most elegant lustre, a°'d dnes SSUER OF M 'RRIAGE LICENSES By autnorlty of lllt11 E:xcnllency the Govero N othmg ever d1;;covered befoie to equal this Polish. oren Q.t omc(' ii the :>;'"aft',o,manoffice DENTISTRY. For PIANOFORTES, For BUGGIES, CLOCKS, CUTTERS, CC R\DU \.TE OF BAXl'Elt UNIVERPICTURE FRAMES, SLEIGHS, Prof: .t. R""t'· frg&n C11ltn atton or Voic.e S 1 ugln~ fJl\.Sll liarmony &nd Composition Rei;ldeneeflamptGn il~ty·~ \_X SITY OF MPSIC 't"~o.eber or A.nd Tborou1h I and all kinds of v~arntshed Furniture. and all kwds of Varnuihed Carr1nges Rolterf 4. r111011r, "ttarner at L11.\v a.lid Solicitor ln Chnrcerv '1. 111e" loa.ued on Real Estate Otnce on Kini' teet Bow1nan\ 1Uc ~OLE AGENT FOH THI~ PLACE. Vi 1Tll TlCETn WJTHOUT D.!or frlenda of the c4use, In the great causo ot freedom Rise up 1n your ndJi!'ht. Strike dcath1to lhe vo rong Our country f! 14 dsnger, Iltsc freedoru to save her. In dan;Jer's the time \Vhell t1 ue eons will prove 1t-ong. Out' motto \Vill be, 'U111on s ~ l"cngthens the arm.'" 1 et s 1:1till bp united. Down, down with tho toe, Nor l icld in the strife, Our battle cry, 'Freedom! " 'IJH:-n atruggle for vfctor.r, IIell s host to o erthrow. " " " " " " " " R EGISfRAR WEST DURHH1 Is·uer of Mitrru il~ l .. fceen@c1.,. Barrister &ng ~LA:R,D'N"" AR,EJ As usuul, n la1ge stock on handQf Hatdware, Paints and Oils, Stoves and Tm ware, all of which will be so d at low figures BEAUTU?UL GOLD FILLINGS. A1·ti1icial 'l'eetb INSERTED AT t\ MODERt\TE FEE Teeth Edracted "1\hout Pam ·' " " " " - - - - - ""t .·Jnhn II. R11tcht n. JOHN McLEOD & Co. R. EASTON, Bowmanv1lle and Lrndsay, R. EASTON, In the Field B0Willanv11le and Lmdsa;r. Owing to the 1etirement f1oni Lushil"'"SOf 'I' D \SSE'l'l All Join to oppose Vile kgions Qt sin, E· et us1ng our efforts, _,_ ----~ Drunkard!.li hea;i.Lifo.t't!t reete.lJn.. -.,.. --- Ou1 ne1ghbocs nnd fucnds Now call for our hcl1>, F. en 1'ith tears 01111 t!lltrea.tlea In Chi;, noble cam pal:;, 1 hen up, friends, and help to \\ 1J)e O'.J.t tL1s tlurk stain 1 May of 0<.:tober, and as 1t was novu R-ssnred he yond doubt tJ1at Sir John iunst 1nnk nn<ler the burden of 111famy, lus follo'i'i crs ft!lt that they h·d bnt ·few cays left them m "'b1ch tu prove their patr1otisrn by gra.b bmg all they P<>wld of office and '"' ulu ment Every Tut~ he.1.rt was tired with enthnsui.~ht for pr~id pl11-cea qnder the Cr.CJ\lf n, so that, with Sir Joh 1 1& aa.:natance, they were able to present the folluwmg gloflous record for OCTQDE.R l .." " 2 3 l " ,, _.... Orden bv- m ul p-romp n.;erettee111 req1ur8<t Work-Boxes, ~ P 't' D esk s an d NEW TIN SHOP I~ . . ~~v~~ W rl ing'"O HOW SIR JOHN MACDONALD FED - -- - tr - - - -----other Fancy Goods at a I Thom~son HIS FOLLOWERS WITH OFFICE ... D. -A TEN MONTHS' RECORD. 'fice at R . Eas t on s. t S ',f'E ..CBER o~ ROYAL COLLF.GE OF rea acr1 I G J l'"l ' "~,~u:~.r:~~,~~:.,.til'b.1~~~h~~:i ~g~g~:.,, I S PL E ND I D ST AT I 0 NE RY! I JC>B B I~Gl '· ncuh, Bibles, Services, Hymn Books School Books, Blank Books, Jewellery, ~ Wall-Paper, &c.,&c. NEWCASTLE NURSERIES. ' ... M ""· BOOkS, ~~ 1 F . T. H 0 S K: I N ~ke, has commenced wo1!, agorn on and has ope ned" ln the bul!dmg luso~n acc<:_unt 76 -"2~·-+1· ~r.u. I !!ii( it> 1 >') r '!jiJ' II< JI~· I· .,-1;c - --"' ..- - 2 u Ofilccs given. $4,600 s.tto.ched Sa.larle~ " The last s~igo WU· " IANO AND ORGAN TUNER, tcud.ed Bowm~nv1Jle Ont Good doors west of MeRsrs Ficldin~, ~I t e \Tl(COns, Kn~t)d' Llecntla.te rtovn.l Col 0 & Burns nf!lce "here w!ll always be found· fu ll nssottment of l!'er,tlung in the TlN and Sheet Liou hue 2 11 l 3 2 1 $1,000 6,000 600 800 800 150 ATTENDED W PP.OMPTI 2. 6. :18 880 Z,000 $13,240 1 ~' Large Importations of \ hn.\:~ wr1ttr1n tkese few lin&a And all I hav(~ te i.~yThai} ou ca.n fl Rd me 1Jtlll n.t hmne, I s.m not 5tone a.way So all mv klnd oht friends may come, And Rll the yottn.g one!! tno Aud {(flt their l(arni.enlfl nicely made· tn fashions tha.t are new. fmeet 'Vhl'lr~ ol!l s n<\ v-nnng deq,r ftient\~ may ROOM-PAPER. D_ . CHEMIST Drug gs, Medicines and. Oils, Parnt Bmshcs, Coal Oil, a.nd Coal Ou Abent thi.!:' time Paczha Scandal 111a.tters Nov began to look rather black ,i_gau1st the " GovE:rrtmont Early in April Mr Hnntmgton had brought u.p his famous resolutions, and though at first they wern ridiculed by Sir John's friends, yet the tortuous and eq1uvocnl course he pursued Bl the Honse 1egard1og them, and the obstacles he C<'U ataotly th,ew 111 the way of 111vest1ga.t1ou hsd by th· end of th~ month created a strong popular behef in their ti uth The :A-'I1n1stry grew 1nore shaky, and it \\ill be noted that at evt:r~ time dnr111g this year that the Government found itself m special trouble its A.ppu1ntments to c«ffice grew in llt&lllber Fearing and expechnQ' its overthrow, the ~reat patriotic heArt of Tory don1 grew clamorous fur t11e spoils of office ·~re Str John waa driven from the office giver's ·oat. Hence we find the followmg record for I ORNAMENT.AL TREES, I I !'!Ired. Shr11l1s Rose!! New nnt'l Hn.rc Fruit nnrl Orua mental Trees, E\ ergrecus ru1d Bnlbo11s Root!> Sn1a1J Parcels Forwarded by ?!fall l'\ hen de Prompt attcnt1cn given to all euqu111es J p LOVEKIN & co . \. welcome ~reeting '>v R PEA TE For Sale-A Bar;·lin ! BANK, BOWM 'NVILLE CAPITAL, PAID UP, - $1,000,000 HEAD OFFICE, ilR.lNCHES Lampa, &c., .~c. P~ TORONTO. YSICIANS' I'RJ,;SCRIPTIONS CAREFULLY COMPOUNDED AND ALL ORDERS CORRECTLY ANSWERED. O"ILLI.l, C!JBOURG, I DRESSMAU:ING In connection with the l'hlhnery nnrl 1\{n.ntJe11 BowHANVILLE (L.11te ·with Messrs J A S \ ANDERSON, ~ 60 $25,485 The danger for the tune lf:\8 however overcome Sir John "ei\.t hered the session, or at least adJOln~ned the House at the close of May until the 13th of At\gnst to allow the bo,gus Comm~ttee t1n1e to take evidence and rcpo~t He kno" !hot he hod resolved that the Oorunuttec should take no evidence, but ha'v'1ng succeeded tn send. 1ng the people's represcnt.at1vQs home he felt-1afe for a. couple of 1aouths and hie followers appear to have ishared h1ssecunty :so far as to hope that by some cunning tl'tck he would burkeenqutrv 1'Teve1the less he was felt to be atlll 1n peril, and consequently new office"' wer~ created aftd old ones ' filled as rapidly as pnss~blo, as will be ~een from the follow mg figure· Now snpposo we are to c llDmence tn break n. b 1.nlky horaA of class second, d.ru1 that he JS s dfice11tly gent1o to know wlJJ1 t IB wuntP.<l t f hun Put on ~our: harne~111 and hitch h11n to a.nyth1n~ vou dos1re, SOCIETY, -OF- LONDON, ONT.A.RIO· · $1,000,000 750/JOO 800,000 60,000 OQ 00 00. 00

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