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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Sep 1879, p. 2

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CANADIAN STATFSMAN, This course JS a Vi ise one and aho" s ca.ut1on 'i sure to leave inoney in i... He W"S us t ~1 i; It is bettor to start with ] 5 men and 1 un found 111 +he oppo"'1tion but he could not 111) to 50 than start with 50 id run down oppose this en ernr se He h I ed tho Coun01l will guarl \\ell the by la\\ ci 1 to lo He thought !\fr Armours sug expressed !us confidenc m that bod~ He geshon a good one sa1d he alwa)S felt hanpy 1n oppcsit1on The following resolut1on was then and seldon1 went with the crowf! for the moi: eel by Dr ~'.IcLaughl~n, sec nided minority v~ ere !.{enerall) right HtnH:H..:oud ed the adoot10n of the report and sat by Mr James JHcOlung -That Messrs duwn amid applause 1vI1lnc Paterson Thomas Th-IcCI1ng, P The chnrn1an Iejue~tel U1scass1on on Murdoch, I-Iorsey, 1\fcFeete1s, Dr Field the report tud exr re~sed the \Vteh that 1f 1ng and the 1o'n n Council be a any one had any obJectlons to it that they would state them no,.., He also re1n1ndcd co1n111Ittee to confer with the gentlemen theui thar tie company had oilertid to who propose to cstablrnh Agricultural deposit a snffic cnt tmount to defra) the Works1n Bo?itnan\ille and asking for a expense of f:IUDnuthng tho by lav; in cao:;e bonus, and do report at a" public tneetiug they failed tc cn1ne to time Aft er ro the result of such conference µ1J 1116 to sou e questions the ehaITn an put the resolut10n and tho report was adopted Further ch.ecl1ss1un fullowe<l ln answer and tho resolution earned v.: ithout anv to a question ]Ylr Johnston stated that opp0Ent1 n whatever The 1nevt1ng then tho con1pany proposed to mannfactu1e adjourned reaper mo" ers, r lo" s and rakes __ T_O_R_O_N_T_O-EXHJi!TIO 'J l\fr W )1 Horsey would favor a "e pn bli l bclo~ n !tst of persons wbo 0011us but it should be one on a business basts He "ould prefer that tho tO\rn have been rHvlttdecl pr1~es a.t the Tnrl11<>tr1al should erect bnild1ngs and han i them Exlub1hon l e]d at- Tor.on to o.n11ng the past tht tle wee.u.s lhe exl ib1 1on has O\ er to the con1pa1 y free of rent Dr Bo; le thought the proposition that been an 1 np ralleled success e\ en s::ir had been read was not sufficrentlyexpl101t passing thu most sanguine expectations of It \\as an expnrunant and he w1<.ihcd the gentlemen to tell the meet the p 01no ..,,rs mg what they pre posed to do and the con it has pr ved t1 he a 1 CKJ one- for To d h 1onto at lf·a::.;I tllons on w tch they want the bonus \. BOWMANVH,L~, FRIDAY2 §~'PTE~BER 19, 1879. ITEMS OF NEWS, IYiathieson of Brantford succeeds Dr Palmer :ts P1111cipal of the Deaf and ltV .ll.NTED r 500,000 BUSHELS OF THE STATESMAN FROM NOW TO ,JANUARY NEXT · ¢ ¢ · $ l\:!l) ~~ ana~hn tat~~man ..._,~ .._,~,..,_,..._-....~~.......,._.......,.....~ I I BOWMANYILLE FTIIDA'i SEPT R 19 RATEPAYERS' MEETING. 'Ille F o u n d r y Quest10n Du.cus1111ed. Tl.e Propesed Company s Proposition Favora o1y Ente1 tamed A LAZWE CO'J'1JIT1EE 1PPOIN1ED -A. Second :111eellng at nlucb the Con1m11ree P1e~f11&..<1..., Dumb lnshtute at Bellenlle The trustees of Whrtby Separate School 1 1ave <lete1 1 1ned t 1 enforce the con1pul sory clause of the School Act 'Ibe Deal Brothers of Toronto who tried to k1dnnr: l\fr Jaffray a snort hrr1e ago have l een arrtieted in ]iontreal Ihe British Columb ans have threatened to go out of the C< nfaclP-tafion on the J !;t of October bti, t 1s not lrkely they wrll go S1x: Oanad10ln ca.nd1<lates for the Gil chr1st Schola.rsh1p all passed in the Honors List, Jarvis of Ottawa be1ng the man to \\ hom Lhe st.:hola1sh1p was awarded It IS the general verdict 1n Toronto that tho Princess Louise is handsomer than any of I er photo~raphs She looks par ticularly well on horse back mtrnles as sale 111 .tie commonly kept for BARLEYT Hzgest prueo pazd b_; a general grocery store at AND .MANTLES AT W. F. AJ...iL EN MCCLUNG BROS. 60 tf D. BEJITH'S, formcil) McCLUNG BROS all of winch will be sold at lowest cash pnccR ALEXA DER'S CASH STORE. I Opened out tlns "eek three cases of Stiaw and Felt HatR mall the ne\\ est shapes one case French Flowers one case of Feathers New M1llme1.) Silks New· Velvets m plam coloungs New Brocacfod Vehets Ai e 1espectfully m' 1 te<l to tr3 our I m all the now shades New Striped v eh ets all at hrn extremely low LADIES \;v e hm; c Fmc G 1 een, Black puces and Japan 'J eas of all the ch owe b mds ranging 111 pnce from 2o cts MANTLES I Upwards of three lrnnd1 ed now m stock rangmg m price frnrn $1 90 to $30 00 compnsmg a handsome lot of Grev and Drab Cam els Hau and Bea\ 01 Mantles Ulack Serge Mantles exb a 'alue Mantle Cloths m great 'anety Uls to1 Cl oakm;;s 111 all the n w sliades Mantle Velvets at $1 :lih $6 and $7 Perfect F1tt111g ~fantles of all kmds made to 01 de1 Another lot of Colored S1lkK m Biov.n Na'y Blue :M:yitle Green Eionze Prune Drabs and ( ardmal at 80 cents We sell a splendid Tea ]I __ THE COUNCIL REQUESTED SUBMIT A BY LAW F1vorablc Report. TO In ou1 issue of '\n:-.nst 29th '~0 urged in11ntid1ate ache n on the pa.rt of our c1t1 zens to secure 1£ possiblt> tl ~ lvca.tinn hero of agricultural '~or ks, sutting forth that it would be a vn.luable acqu1s1hon to our town V~le were lead to m tke this iL1ggostion fron1 hea11ng that a ooinpany was about to be formed to succeed the l\tlas.aey l\1anufactur1ng Co , who arl: moving their voorks frnm Newcastle to ru1onto We felt that the advantages possessed by tlns town over Newcastle together with such 1u lucernenta aB our 01t1zens nught feel dtsposed to offer, mrght be suffictent to ruduco tho proposed company to settle here rather than 111 Newcastle '\e feel gratlile<l to know th t.t our suggestion hu.s been acted upon i.nd that our public men and ente1pris1n6 citizens co1ne for l\ a.rd and that the prospects of s~curin.., this prop sed company s lvcation here Is aln1ost a certainty Our cunte1nporary too that has so long and farthfully opposed every scheme and mcaauro advocated in the STATES'\TAN, has coa.lesced and for the past t"o weeks has strongly adv Jcated th rs In Dr !\Jhson came forward amtd applause and expressed a wish to hear what tho parties had to say llO\\ He had always uor osed bonustis but this was nn oxccp t1onal case Such an~1ndustry would be a benefit to the farmers and ~onld beneiit hon1e the town bv br1n~1ng then1 htire He "as pleased to hear that they would form them>i.elves into a stock company Ile "as better pleased wtlh th ts proposed rn stitut1on than with anything for a Jong trmo It could nut but be a great benefit to the town 1f properh n1anaged He ~'as very favorably unpressed with the gentle men who were to compose tho company !'.Ir Johnson, ono of the company arose and s1nd he \'i llS fam1har with machines and nnders.tood their const1uct1on, but hsd never spoken m publrc He thought the men to be assocmtod with hrm m tho con1pany were all practical mfln horongh1y understood tl e1r se\ eral partn1ents They were not hoking for 01tuatrons-th"y all hold ;(ood posrtrons now Ihey rntended to work and should endeavor to 'VI ork up a business By in vesting their o~n capital in the bnsn ess they would Oe interei>ttid 111 its suoct!ss They would bmld about 50 reapers the tilat year and such a numbo1 of othe1 tinngs aa thev thought they could dispose i It \'. . ould 11 t be wisdo1u to manufac ture a great many at first-they v; ould require to be introduced an::t tr1 d and 1£ they proved satisfactorJi a detnand wonld be u1eated ard they wotld prepare to supply tho demand lhey \\Ill not bmd thcu1sc 1ves to employ more men than the~ require D1 Allison was willing to lea\ e the ruan uer of g1,.u1t1ng the bonus to the Oounc1l He was n1ucb. pleased with Mr Johnston s remark8 I:lc thought they '"ere going to wo1k 011 a safe scale He btihtived the by la" would be strong y supported Thia 1nstitut1on if estaohshed would do more to pron-1otc the interests of Dowman .. Ille than any other 1ndustiy he had COFFEE CROUND TO ORDER. EXTRA BRIGHT SUGARS of tho finest brnnds The d ssolutlon cf the Jubhslnng tJr1n of Adam Miller & Co of 'Ioronto IS nn nounce~ l\1r S G Be tty retiring for rest and rccrofLhon 1n travel The) have de ermined that the iirm '"Ill abandon the well kt10\\. n firrn name of .Adam l\.f11Ier & Co and continue tho business under tho style of W T Gnge & CJ Col C II A \'\ illrnnrn of P rt Hr pe, '\\as atb1.ckt=1d 111 a clasbt1dly ma l'""r uear Lhe 1fn1ln Statton loronto on Saturday last by iHr Richard Iii llfcrcdrth of Lon don Ont ~ccord1n0' t:> the G-u le Mer edtth c e o lt f the ' taugJe some'i'ihat with tho appenro.nco of the young ni::in who once tackled 1-rtem lS ' ' arcl and VI as supposed by his n1other to have gone into a th1ashing machine with a sheaf n.t end nnd con10 out with the straw at other IlISOl lfS, CURR"NTS, RAISl"Hl PRIJNE8, ClcNNELl J<RlJlI::l lliU~TARD SO~PS For Cheap Goods and best assortment, go t o BRCSJ:l.1£8, 13ROOMS ERSEN~E8 WM. ALEXANDER'S NOTED CHEAP CASII STORE l\fcAi thm s old stand r<JBACOOS COAL OIL LA!IIPS CHJMNE1 fl BCRNJ<]RS LANTERNS PAIL8, MA ICHi<;S PlOKl Et; CAPERS S U:CES S~RDrNES S~L7'10N 14-57 60 L. CORNISH Is gomg to let others do the blowmg, while he will sell LOBSTERS, COCOA CHOCOLATE, CORN SIARCH Watches, Rings & J ewellry genernlly at pnces as low as an_y other house m town Repairing done at low rates. REEDS BLOCK, KING ST EAST 60 Send for pnm PO\\ est l1ial size 25 cents DR (rITES Jlroadwa~ N Y heard f fur a long tin1e Th n:fayor st1ted Ill autiwer to a ques GENTLEMEN - On behalf of the ne t1on the borrowing power of the co p.or Reaper and .Mower Company wbrch l "I at1on by tho nmcnacd statute ""s ~~O 000 been organized f< r the purpose of mauu a.ud that the1 e is now a balance uf $8 200 fa.ctu11ng all ku <ls of far1n nnplen1cnt~ s A.LT I Adf ess all orde s ~A"" ~av-mgDd"posedoftEhel\GtEocei3 SitockTto ...J:~...L. -r:..:1- and machinery either iu the town of B 1\1nnnv1llc or the village of N Awcas le, I beg ...i:--v - ..J;;;:J_, - - leave to state that we have dei..:1ded to establish 111 your toY1 n provided that sncl establishment would uieet with your ai: JJro-ra;I""""and you thotJght it \'IOI thy of a ($0 000) fi>e thousand dollar bonus "\Ve v.: ish 1t un derstood thttt as large u. bus1ne"'s wil i no~ be done by ur. fo1 son1e years as by conctffns which ha\le alread:y acquued a reputation n.nd found a u1arket for their productions Nor do we v; iah a bonus on r estr1cted pr1r Cl[ lei'! that wou d vrrn·e debune tal to 0111 inte1ests as welJ as to thti interests of the towu By locating in J our town for tho pur pose of bu1ld1ng up an 1n1portn.nt indnstiy we d( so nnder cons1derahle personal sacrifice 111 the outset as n1ost of us a1e now interested finanmally and are leav1n,g responsible positions 1n a enm1lar concern which has had un11aral1eled success hut we feel conhdent that b)' 1 et sistent eff rt aud close application to business the result will be enc lnaging and beneficial to all The caprtal stock of the C< mpany wtll be $00 000-d "Inch ·e will taKe up anJ pay m $10,000 durmg tbe first year- all outside capital so far as j our town is on cerned The rcmarnmg $40 000 will be ta.Ken by ourselves fro n -time to t1n1e as desIJed or drnposed cf to onhnder!;, n r u1nb1::1 of '"ho111 have already e:xprtisfl.ed a deB1re to be interested in the concern " e will grvo emnlo3 ment to from ton to fifteen n1cn th A first year and each sue ceed1ng year ij opera.tH ns \11111 be based on he dbma1 cl &c \'i luch shall be our first care to determ1no and augment 1:ours truly, T J McBRrnE For the Heaper and l\io" e1 Cu) HO L!v.IAN LIVER P.AD 00., fil ii b1verpo0l Salt, l!OR DAIRY PURPOSES no:\\ deyote then whole attent10n to the DRY GOODS BUSINESS, Bemg deterrnmed to , educe their immense ~tock, ' TUESDAY NIGHT MEETING ALI { RUNT!); & CO C1nada _ I Adverhsersm:.~s "G ,P .Rowell&Co's I the3 ~ 111 not A SPLENDID LOT OF wait till the end of the Hea<,on to lower then puces, but begm CROCKERY WARE Ar BOTTm1 PRJOES at once to give SPECIAL BARCA INS --I~-- SERV VI ANTED BY GENERAL the oth Oct bcr App v to ~NI MILJ_.INERY, PORK, MRtl CODD Donun on Rank ~"-~f DFtESS GOODS, PARASOLS, TWEEDS, CARPETS, &c. ll1r pressed a verv fa\orable opu 1on cf the p,..oposn ion Ile said we should foe! that a g1eat calamity had befallen us if one 1.£ ot r present factories were to close and ht:i thonght such an 1ndnstrv as this compan~ propose te establish TI ould provo a. great be1 efit ~re ha.velost opportu1nt1es 111 the past \_ great ma iy farmers do not come to tlus to" 11 though it is tne1r natural market oec use they want a great 1nanJ things that car n t be had here \\here tnc farme1.s g' for implements and ma clnnery they will lrade Th,1.s town sbnnld give a11 :r s&1blc fao1hties to this ~ mgany I hen propmntton lt:> a favorable one He suggest ed the app<nntn1ent of a co1nuuttee at once and if the3 recommended the giant ng of a by la'i\ it v. ould be support... ed bv the elet:tor:i Di llfoI anghlm hoped the citizens commu1uty ~li of wlucb is respectfully subnntted thIB queshon He JAMES ]H( F EErERS benefit the town Secretary of Committee tf On rising to mo'\ e the adoption of the <\.LWAYS ON HAND ot BUTTER AND EGGS, And all other Produce taken at market price 111 Some lines 111 DRESS GOODS, exchange for Good.:i Our aim 1s to sell the Best Goods PARASOLS, &c., will be sold without reference to cost. Butter and Eggs '\l\rill be taken as usualbyMcClung Bros. or D. Beith and paid for either in Dry Goods or Groceries. I To sell them at their actual \ alue to the consume1 lo sell only such Goods as v. e - - ~/ / can recommend , To please all who favor us v.'1th l'I COMI RISES CONSIDER!l.BLE SU!lf OF pnvite A fnnds has been placed n1) } ands for 1J1vestn1ont on Farm Proucrtv for 101 go short 111 terms to smt bo1rowers u.t the lowest rate or r Lerest App y to be ng over $5000 'nortll. of the best qua.lit) of D BU ltKE Sil\fPSON stock and the work l an hp equal oo that in any shop n the r r > nee Scotch and Canadian Granites theu patrnnage, American Italian, and Can To iepresent om Goods only ,1s adzan ~farble in jlfonu we belie> e them to be , ment> and Head Stone> To sell the greatest quantity that "e can so that with but a small lNSPlWTION IS E ~RLY iNv TTRD frO C1·ec.!1- aaanopportun) cftl Kk l lue~nottre1ucnt l} occur C. BouNSALL, PROPRIE'IOR u8 tf rnagm of pi ofit "e may Live and Bow1nanv1llc Sept 4 18 9 _A_F_U_I-,T-, -<\-SSORT--M-E_I\_T_O_F _ __ l I Let Ll\e Come and ernmme goods and '0111 McCLUNG BJROS. 10 oO 29 SCHOOL BOOKS ~ND pnces and y 010 will find it to ad\ ru1hge to huy for Cash from OrHER D. BEITH, Fall \\'heat tor !Seed SCHH OL HEQU ISITES 31 tf

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