Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1880, p. 3

The following text may have been generated by Optical Character Recognition, with varying degrees of accuracy. Reader beware!

-- --' ()Ji~ P...-:r:r-D S-II-0-E-S ! SOR LAND W!!l 0 ell th" ha lance of his l~Jir~N" BLOC!{ ) ol 2 ~ 1 E SALE ! DYE SICFFS ALEXA DER' S C~'LSJ:-1 STORE 11antle D epar i me n1 to and Thoiley s IloISe and Cattle Food dozp,n Wl ite t o 50 c ent" attentwn RF MEMBEh 'lHE PI \Cl go to A LEXAr~DER Cheap Cash Store. Express Office Building, Krn 0 St Bowmanv1llc MARTIN E. NEADS of Ontano of Pharmacy L1 if! \.- r f~ c" ([) ~ [Tj ~1 t~j I U! ~1 ~< J> ~ '- ~ '«£; r and PROVI.SIOVS Iin PJhops 3 and 1 Ma ket S l a. e pare tl to take AND C HEJ\1 IC:A. LS "' e o complete l efo1 A1--.R01'J BUCKL.ER Sig BE1~TER 1 of the YTatch, K 1ng'st. H ORSES ~ CATTLE THE PROPRillTOI\S l r DJ:C l3l:. ~ Ol!E D I NJH"RGH AND NiO]l'.A'RlE '1.l<, P epare also a aplend d CO. BLISTER OINTMENT & LINIMEN'.l: 'Vh ch are u ed the be t st n,bles in the ' rorld Try DIC { 8 HORSE AND CArTI E MEDICINES an d l c co lV need oftbell' ment 'Fo r sal e ii>Y

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