~ tan TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST: THE WORLD AFTERARDS. M. A . .TAMES, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. NEW SERIES, NUMBER 245. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, APRIL 6, 1883. VoLUME XXVIII. The a 11uccess financially and otherwlee. The youns:t people of Hampton entertained us with music. Second rate, you ask 1 Well, "No air." It was immense. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson rendered two well selected readings. and also sang a few pieces. The Tyrone and Hampton ladies are, in our opinion, capable of 11ntertaining any audience with their music. May we soon see their smiling fi.ces once again. The Y. P. A. of the 'burg is defunct . No. 4 on Church street east has been purchased for something over $1, 200 by Mr. J. Smale, of Bowmanville. He will do an extensive business in thA boot and ahoe line. Mr. Jeffrey purposes moving to England about the 1st of May. Master Asa Spinks, a sou of the exreeve, is recovering from diphtheria. Dr. Moore is in a low condition. Sore throat is the moat prevalent article of commerce this week. Mr. Moxria has gone to ManHoba. We wish him every success. LovET1'A. Nu:t1rnER 37. CORRESPONDENCE. SALEM. The following is the report ot the 1tand· ing of scholars, in l(eneral proficiency, in the various classes in the school of section ·No. 9, for the quarter ending March 3lsi, 1883. Names in order of merH: Fourth Claas-Carrie GrillJ(, Fred Clem· ene, Robert Pollard. Third Cla.~a-Tilly Prout, Minnie McFeeter11, Ida McLean, Luke Buttery, Emma. Cornish, Walter Morris. Second Class-John AldswoJ;"th, Frank. Aldaworth, Ida Cornish, Alice Aids worth, Lonnie Prior, Jennie Hocken, Jennie Symons, Edith Stevens, Annie Cullia, George Prior, Hattie Prior, Fred. Morri1. Many, from the eeverity of the weather, have been vrohibited from re{lU· lar attendance, and con11equently do not etand 1111 hiii:h as their work, when present, would lead us to expect. R. 0 ·.SINCLAIR., Teacher. soc:~fe!~:~!=~~;ch ~9t~, ·~J-Mr.Rob:. Gra~!~~:~~dsid~:~:::;. Will admit that there was never a better or more attractive stock of ENNISKILLEN. Another of our villagers hae been ear· ried to the la11t reating place. Mr1. Thomp1on, & well-known reiident, aged about eighty, died after a short illueaa on Sunday, 24th ult. A great many of our villager& are en· gaged in moving this week. Mr. E.Green· away has become one of our citizens by taking possession of Mr. Wm. Bingham's former reaidence, which he purcha d lately. Th11 congregations of the Preabyterian church, Williamsburg and Enniakillen, have shown the manner in which they appreciate the services of their paak>rthe Rev.Mr. Atkinson- by an increase to his salary for the ensuing year of $100. A number of our neighbors hH n down to Cobourg this w1>ek a11 witnes11ea on a trial. has gone to reside m the Capital. May success fo.ll()w you and overtake you, too, .Bob, The Sheppard Bros., have moved on their D'ewly-leased premises to guard the flock entrusted to their care. Mr. George Kelly, of "vanity fair," haa left toward the regions inhabited by the polllr bear. Home, sweet home. Mr. Thos. Hen<lerson has pJrchased a trotting horse Judging from the symmetry and actions of the beast it iR not at all. unlikely that we shall hear from it al(ain. The country 1s now besieged by farmers in sea.rr.h of laborerd. The lad who has but lately shed his knickerbockers ea.ye with a weary smile that he iP expecting $20 per month, while those who can hardly be called men politely ask from $23 to $25. This makes the farmer look blue, while the la.borer of course is in the seventh heaven of delillht. ScouT. ORUNO. TO.WN COUNCIL. RINTS' . . ~ than that now offered· at MQCLUNC BROS. LADIES OF TASTE-[O· VE TO CO THROUCH THEM I AND ALL ARE INVITED I McCLVNG --BB OS'. I . onalV1"ew of Mi*ller's "NewModel"V1"brat1"ngThresher. Sectl MANUFAOTUR~D BY THE JOSEPH HALL MANUFACTURING I The Most Perfect Thresher, the Most Pe'r fect Separator, the· Most Perfec Cleaner Ever Offered to the Public. The Only True Grain Saver. BLACK CREEK, Sept. 17th, 1882. F. W. GLEN, ESQ., Oshawa: DEAR SIR,-Talk a.bout threshing! I have threehed and have been aro11nd threshing ma· OOinee tor the last fifteen years, and I have seen some good machines, but this "New Model." I got of you is ahead of any I ever saw · perrec t m · every reepect · I C anad a. It is never was as well satisfied with a machine as I a;m wi~h this. I could say more, but think . i ... · y t I t hat ·this s suuicicnt.. ours very ru Y. HENRY M. WE.A.VER. , Descl'llptl'te Circulars. 11:lvlng Fnll lnforma· tlou, Sent :t'ree to All A ppllcants. PRINCE ALBERT, Dec. 18th, 1882 (To the Editor of the Port Pt7'f'1/ Standard.) SrR,-:-I del!lre 11o call the attention of .t he farmers of this vicinity to a new Threshing Machine ma.de by the Jos. Hall Manufacturing Co.; of Oshawa, called the New Model Vibra.tor. Mr. Joa. Vickery bought one of these machines and threshed tor ·me fou.r days this winter and gave of me entire satisfaction, the construction the screens. vibratinirWith motions and other attachments, I think it utterly impossible fc· r any grain to be wasted, and am fully convinced In my own mind that it has saved me double the price of threshing in the saving of grain this season. Itcleansthegra.ia perfectly and threshes very rapidly. It is the most perfect thresher I have ever seen or used. It is a real grain saver. Yours truly, JOHN McDONALD. BLACK CREEK, Nov. 13th; 1882. n. F . w. GLEN: DEAR SIR,-1 thought I would write to YOU and tell you how I got along with the "New Model" 'l'hresberlgotofyoulastsummer. Iwill tell you the truth and nothing but the truth.ne machine has given me perfect· satisfaction wherever I have threshed. I could not begin to thresh tor all who wanted me, and could have hsdjobs enough for two machines if I had had them. The farmers.whom I have threshed for say thmt tho" New Model" is the only per· feet mach.1ne they had ever had thresh for them. Yours truly, JOSEPH SHERK. Be Sure and Examine tbe "New Model" bef'ore ~on Purchase. SEED BARLEY.I ERS by addressing GEO, I". A Jtl'ERTH! ROWELL .t; C., 1() Spruce St., New York can learn the exact cost or any proposed line ol: ADVERTISHIG in American Newspapers. .l!a.IOO·page Pamphlet, ir>c. 5110 BUSHELS First class Seed Barley for Sale, Guaranteed Pure a.nd Clean. J. & D. McDOUGALL. We mean busines this season bound to aell Ellison It Co. and 'fHE SUN'S ttrst aim is to be truthful and·. usetul; it~ second, to write an entertaining history ot the times In whioh we live. It prints, on ·. a.n a.verage, more tha.n a. million copies a week. Its circulation is now la.rger than ever betore. Subscriptions: D.A.ILY ('1 pages), by mail, 55c, a. month. or $6.50 a yeatr SUNI)A.Y 18 paiies~, $1.20 per year; WEEKL x we are (8 pagee), 81 pe~.}'e&r. . I .W.ENGLA.ND,Publiahers, New York Cit)'. THE SUN EVERYBODY LIKES IT. Candid's letter of la.st week may be Regular meeting Monday night, Mayor ivided into three parts, viz. : A denial presiding. Members all present except of a few statements msde by me in your Mr. Porter. Minutes read and confirmed. iseue of March 16th; a number of charges Prof. Ruse asked ~o have his taxes remita.gainet ~y ~hara.~ter which an;r individual ted for 1881, which he holds were wrongly not a ch.r1stian m1~ht bring agamst anot~er collected. Referred to Court of Revision. and whtch compliments ihe accused quit~ The D. o. & :P. Co, Band asked for use of ~s much.as the author; and lastly, a man-. Town Hall at reduced r&te. Granted. Mr. 1feat desire to _keep the real truth conceal- Milne asked for an explanation in refer~· As Can(l1d was no doubt the m?~th- ence to the "sale of liquor in groceries... iece of the farmer. w~o for suspicious As the Mayor had given the explanation easonti appears to thmk that. h 11 was the communications we.re ordered to be lluded to . on March 16th, I will speak filed. The Finance, Fire ,and Poor Re·of them as if they " 'ere one. and the aall?e lief Committee's presented their reports, peraon. I feel a natural pity for Candid which were adopted. Mr. Younie wae tha~ ~e should step out and become iuch appointed chairman of Roada and Streets a w1ll~ng target ; I do not profess to be in t.h e absence of Mr. Porter. Mr. Glov.er a s~ra1ght sh_ot, but any on~ wh~ could gave notice that he wished to be relieved strike the side of a barn 10 thi~ case from the engagflment to furnish a tearu for PROVIlJENOE. wou~d be a good e'lOUKh e!iot to htt the the fire engine. Messrs. Keith and Vann, Mr. Thomas Smale has a severe attack bulls-eye. I do not wish ~owever to auditors, were allowed a. clsim of $5 each of rheumatism ; he ha.11 been laid up aboui take u.ndue advantage so I will put the for services in 1881. A resolution was three weeks. He is no better yet. best aide o~t. At thtt outset on~ would passed instructing the Mayor and Clerk to Mr. Ralph Dowson has been under the n!'turally 10fer from the explosion tha~ forwa.rd 8 petition t.o the Poat Master doctor's ca.re ; he i11 better and able to be either \he corns of some wo~ldly m~n General asking fora Monday morning mail. out. h_ad been severely trampfl?· or 1~ a cht1sCouncil adjourned at !>:15 p.m . Mr. Fred Allin has taken nnto himself ha.n's corns, theu one either 10sane or a wjfe. ' We advise some of our c.lder specially gifted with the privilege of bachelors to go and do likewise. s.uspending. christian principles to accompTHE Pickering News is a real Jive local Wood bees have been all the rage here heh a certain end. If any one doubted pa.per now, and it looks much better since lately. Mr. Edward Dowson has been the. truth of my statements they now it has been printed on white paper. T Gl b h tl t th L'b busy sharpening saws-his wo_rk at the pla.inly see that they are not altogether . b _. ~ ~unfounded. If Candiftad been worthy· . HE 0 e 8 ows ' m e 1 era1 maJorees. .,,, h -h h. d h Id h , j ltles amount to 10,563, and the Tory .Mr. John ..,,!ford as .pure &sed a t,wo~ o ts assume name e wou Me . .t. ,., · · th R f year-old &tallion ri:om Mr. William 01{er.- ca.ndicl y- con esse a the whole truth ; if maJo r 1 ies 1 ·.399 e . de orfm ers a . , givifng 1 R I E h d · h ·bl h Id d popu ar majority c upwar s o 3 ' 000 · · d b e were more senst e e cou un ert · H e 1s sire y oya xc ange, an is a Vflry handsome colt. stand that a correspondent in concealing vo es. . . Ba-ba-ba, so says your Orono corres· his identity commits an act not many WE have bee?- fortunate rn a~~urii;ig on pondent in reference to Mr. Tamblyn'& · degrees worse than one who fin~ de- our _exch~nge_ hs~ the Young . &ientis~-a ewe having three lambs. Mr. John El- nounces the act and then commits it ; if prct1cal ectenhfic.J oumal for boys and girls. ford had four lambs from one ewe, three he had been more politic, as no doubt We strongly adv~se all our boy readers to of them are living and doing well. he will be in future he would have al- send 25 cents m . st~mps for four back ALPHONSO. lowed this mattar to rest. It was mo. r e numbers.. They will mstruc~ you how to amusin1t than alarming to read that "there use a variety of tools and instruments. SOLINA. wae more hope for a fool than for me," Adddress, 49 Maiden Laue, N. Y. There are rumors of weddings in the doubtless, thie was an allusion to his own . AN eastern merchcnt who nel'er adver near future. hopes ; beneath the foam of his wr11.th tises was founil dead on the counter in his Cattle buyers have secured nearly all it was easy to see that "he thanked God store the. otl1er day. It is thought the the beeves in this locality at fa.ir prices. that he "'as not like other men." body had lain there for several days be· The story as told by me on March 16th fore being discovered. Mies S. Morris, of ,Bowmanville, has been visiting at Roselandvale Farm and h~d free circ~la.tion bef?re it reached my THE vote of the Quarterly Boards of having a gay time. ears, th~n like a d?tif~l cor~e~pond~¥t the Methodist Church of CaMda on· the · Miss Abbie Vannei.t. our a~compliehed I wro.te It as I heard ~t: Its spmt, which question of Methodist Union shows that pianist, has been visiting in co.npany with Can~id was too candid .to deny and. not 614 Boards have adopted the Basis of Miss Julia. Bra.y, of Enfield, friends in candid enough to confess, I have smce Unioll aurl 81 Boards have declared To:c~to. learned upon g?od authorit:V: to ~e cor- against it, while 10 of the Boards are Master Harry Reynolds, second son of rect, but grantmg that both its spirit and evenly divided. The analysis of the total Mr. Edwin Reynolds, broke his collar words .were contr.ary to .t~e facts of the vote is as follo1vs :-Toronto Conference, bone on the 28th ult. while wrestling with case, it were still a di.tticult matter to 211 yeaa 16 nays 3 ties · London ConferMaster Frank Hooey. prove me "a creature so void of truth ence, 207 yeas, :l2 nays: 1 tie ; Montreal Rev. E. Roberts, of Toronto, was greet· °:nd hones~y a~ to construe nearly ever.r, Conference, 107 yeas, 37 naye, 4 ties ; ed with a very larlil'e congregation here on h~e I write mto _ falsehood, etc·._ etc., Nova Scotia Conferenae, 37 yeas, 12 nays, day 25th ult. The shak:e of his hand with no greater evidenee than this, the 1 tie· New Brunswick- Conference 48 and the familiar smile made our hearts greatest cha.rge that a wise man woul~ yeas, 2nays, l tie; Newfoundland Confeel glad. His earnest discourse will not prefe~ would be that of careleasnees ;_ if ference, 4 yeas, 2 nays. . · Candid had not been rendered so wild THE ~eekly Me~senger and Tel'l!-peranu soon be f orgotten. A good co11ect ion m by my near approach to the truth, and ~:::;J~~:s.e .Juvenile Mission Fund was had modified. his reckless charges or Worker is a che_a.J? il!u~tratej family .te.mThe following domestic occurrences have , sought a stronger foundaLion for them perance and rehg1oue JOUtnnl, cont°:1mng taken place during the past quarter: Mrs he might have succeeded better in his a la~ge ~mount of facts, figures and mfor· Thoe. Baker, of a son ; Mre. John Vice, christian-like attempt to convince the mat10~ l~ regard to all the temperance of a son ; Mrs. Gao. Vice, of a son ; Mrs. public of my relationship to Behal. The orgamzattous and every department . of beam that he discover~ in my eye was the. temperance work, such as every mW. Batten, of a daughter; Mrs. W. Ash· too large to secure for him sympathy in telhg~nt te_mperanc? worker should ~e ton, of a son; Mrs. Thoe. Ward, of a his remarks; it was as large as that die- snpphed w1~h. It is well adapted to IU· daughter, Mrs. W . Gilbert., of a son. It covered by an unprincipled man in the terest and wstrunt the you~~ people. is a good thinJ( there ill a North-west. eye of one who ha"s exposed some of his Samplee are sen _t free to all des1rmg to see th d 1 bl t d e followini? removal11 are noted: Mr. base acts, if he had been less anxioue to em an re ia ~ agen s are w~nM! . . yuolds, teacher, from Solinr1o to push me into the river, he might not everywhere. Published at the 1-Vitness ampton; Mr. E. Reynolds has succeed· have fallen in himself. Candid stated Office. Price fifty cents a yea.r. Address, ed him in Hillside Cottage; Mr. D. Mont- that the farmer "alluded to,. never ca.11- John Dougall & Sou, publishers, Mon· gomery has moved into the brick house t 1 recently vacated by <::eo. Washington, ed upon Mr. P . that day nor asked him rea · Esq. ; Mr. s. Northcott has taken pos- to thresh peBse at any time, leaving the !lession of the fa.rm recently owned and reader to guess that he called upon him SUPSORIPTIONS PAID. occupied by Mr. Montgomery ; Mr. Rua- some day bafure that and engaged him sell, of Cobourg, has mo:ved on to Mr. W. to saw wood on that day! (election d~y). The following subscriptions have been H. Elford's farm; Mr. Friend, of Clarke, For fear that the publtc would thmk received for 1883 since our last report : on to Mr. John Elford's farm; Mr. John tha_t I had approache~ the tr_uth, h~.leftlMrs. Arch. Bailey, Glenville, Ohio; Rev. ' Elford is moving with his sons to Dakota; a httle more to their gueasmg ability : D C McDowell, Flesherton ; J S .Bessy, Mr. W. H. Elford will shortly remove to Mr. l'. was engaged to saw woo~ on Georgetown; .Jesse VanCamp (Au~. 83), the North-west; Mr. Alex. Hooey has Monday, (t~e day before t~e ~lection). Bowmanville; Wm. Wiudatt (Aug. 83), moved from Mr. J. W. Werry's farm into When election day came m sight the l3owmanville · T H Everson Archibald Mr. R. Libby's residence, corner King farmer called on Mr. P. and asked him Man.; Mrs. l W Bonar, Moo~omin, N and College Avenue. There ia only one if he could come on :ruesday instead of T; Wm Colwell, Vasey; Isaac Chapman, John Grigg vacant house in our populous village. Monday, as he was going away that day Kirby· Wm Bunt Kemble· 1 None but teatotal Liberals need apply. and wished the saw to be kept a going. .TA Jdhnston Bo~manville · W H Elli: Mr. W. Batten has purchased the Post He wa~ very ca.r.efUl not to s~y where he ott, Ralph St~tte, Orono ; C~pt w Shaw, Office Block a.nV. surroundinge, having de- was gomg or rei;iimd Mr. P.. m any way Port Perry ; Steph. C. Moore, Brigden; cided to reside permanently amongst us that he was gomg to ca.sli· hie vote. As EM Solomon, Ripley; Robt. Fielding, and launch out ambitiously in the tailor- before stated, Mr. . P ·. was conveyed to .Bowmanville ; Rich. Hill, Newcastle ; ing busiqess. He has also bought the the polls, and I will JU&t add that by Andrew Welch Broadview; John Marold Eldad frame chapel, and will re·erect request .of his employer h~ was swprn r shall, M Cryd~rman, Hampton; Thoe. it on the east side of his store for a work· b~f~re ~is vo.~ was taken. fhe.se pomts Hoar, Bowmanville ; Mrs. Samuel Pol· shop. s1m11ar m spmt to the former will not be lard, Tyrone ; Henry Staples, St.Helens; kdenied. . Andrew l3ruce, Cartwright; Mise B 0 In couclus1on, as he gave me so.ne Swain Enniekilhm · Mrs. W. Tremble Bucklen·s A.rn1cn Salve.-The best Salve in the world for Cuts. Brwses, Sores, Ulcers, fr~endly advice, I will return the compli- Solin~ · John Burn' Janetville · Donald Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped me~t: Stick to y~mr plow, or if you will Mc.Cullou£h, Henry Jeffrey, W~ Ormis· Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup- agam enter the hwrary field k~ep yer· ton, sen., Enfield; W B Kelly, Orono; tions, and Positively cures Piles: It is guran- fectly cool, so that you may brmg into Wm Cowan (April 83); Cresarea; s·J teed to give perfect satisfaotion, or money play your whole ialent . SAMMLER. Mason Toronto· Robt Gibson Oartrefunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by April 4, 1883. wright'; N S You~g. Bowmanville'; Thos J. Higginbotham & Son. T Jardine, Enniskillen ; J H Osborne, "BlTCRlJPA.IBA.."-Quick, comple$e cure. Port Perry· Prof Ruee Bowmftnville · We are Convincing the _public that no com- all annoyini;c Kidney:_ Bladder and Urinary ' · ' '" ' Diseasee. $1. Drugg111ts. lt T Elford, Valentia. petitor can undersell us. Ellison & Co. W