' BwT1mLTmPOF'FBR.-To any parson ENNISKlLLEN. DARLINGTON COUNCIL, who has not been a subscrib~ to th.e Onr big hi!: is badly in noed repair~. . . STA'fll8:\IAN fer .one .year ;v~ will sen~l it Mr. Thomas Pr.,ston has ~one to Liwl~ay TowN HALL, HA'lfP'.mx, Apr1128, 83. .................................................................................. for four. months for only. 2o cents._ ~ell to work in Sylvester's Al(ricultural Wurks. Regular meeting; members all present; min· ~ BOWMANVILLE, FRIDAY, 1.fAY 4. your neighbors, please. 24o-tf. . ltev. Mr. Stevenson is at Orangeville utes read and confirmed. cOJIMUNlOAT10:-;s HECBIVF.D. THE N ews s&ys that Hope ·ownship hns attending the A:mnal Conforei:ce of the I --- - ·· ·- - passed a by-la.w under the new Tree- M. ll:. Church. From InRpector of Pri<ons and Public· ChnrProf. Doyle's Concert. j. planting act, giving a bonus of a quartl'r Rev. T . .Atlrinson is at Gnel ph attend- iues in reference to terms and ailmi~sion. Re· --lf_ a dollar for evay tree planted and ing the Synod of the Presbyteri1~n church. ceivetl and filed. Th~ alteudance at the c°;ncert on Tu.es- \ thti'll protected for three yean·, scaording No servicA 111 his church next Sabb.ath. From Peter While, ~I.P .. Chairman or Com· day mg ht was nnt large. Th·~ pr<·gramme to the requirements Of the new law. Rev. Mr. Cleworth cif Cartwright preach- mittee on Immigration and Coloniz·ition, askwas_ worthy of a full house, and .the ~en- " 7 11e\l the three y"i.rs are end<Jd, the es in the Methodist church hero n~xt ing in1 ormatiou as to opportunity for pnrchase derrng. of _it gave excellent sat1sfact.1on. Provi.ncial Go1ernnient will retnru to the Snnlay moi .·ning at 10 8 .m. · It will be of improyed forms, price, &c., &c. The smgm.g of Dr. Tru~, of New York, , township one-half the mo~ey thus e:ii:peud- the last qtiarterly meeting tor Darlm~ton F'rom Immigration D<lpartment of Ontario. ·circuit for the present oflfoial year. asking what numbers and classe~oi immi~rants was exc~ed1~gly wdl n?eived, and he was ed. This iJ well indeed. encor.tid ag1,11n and agam. Seldom h~vc 'WE have ·receiver! from the ublisher ··. : . would be likely to find em!JIOyment in the WRITE WASH BRUSHES our c1t1zdna had 1he pleasure of liste111n!:{ M A H D" T t ,, p f th rn·miclpaUty. T' . . b M '·' r. . . txon, oron o, ;-. copy o e LESKA RD. ~ F I' 1 t D d '1 I I . ' to h is eq11a1. ",e r.c1~at10ns. y '" o. lntercolonial Railway Guicle,beirli:ni. .bean, ·rom .·o l" yers an e even ot 1ers, as dng SCRUBBING BRu'SHES, L. Tnompson, of roronco, we1e abo very t'f lly . , t t d V"l . . b . f On the 2jth ult. thtl members of the C. ' the Council to strui,o;hten the road betwct·n lots . M i u 111Ud ca e .., llme g1vrng a ne M S S h ' d · th g 1 'Th l k · t tb STOVE BRUSHES; oorl 1111cl · were encored. tv~ry t Hile. r, . account of the conn try tra tersed by the . . a1 J ·1t 1 t c oo1 met at th·3 residence * an o in e · 1 con. e c e1· · was rns rue ·T K t f1 b t d of Mr Tl R t th · · d P.d to 11otify W. ll. Virtue to move l11·s fence SHOE BRUSHES, ._,, eac111e was Ill '!ne o . 115 es. moo s, shove r~ilway and of sorue ,,f the chief · · . l'JS. .,A,o ree, e s11perm"en . from suid road. f . t t l and gave noud sat1sfact10n m his renderd .t ent of the Fchoul, who is le:win!( the vil1 r HAIR BRUSHES, iug of "Home uf lHy Heart." Prof.J'oe E . fl 1 .a.~es 0 10 .eres tt nng t;ie mt>, an · 1 lai,t.. , end :i.frP.r the u& mtl greetiug Mr. A. Movod by Mr, Win<lut t. ~coti<led by Mr. . I d t . t ame . d h' great1y aid i. the ple~nre-seeker, the R "b'ms was a'.Jpoiuted ch>iirrnan. After Langm1tid, That the road beat over which is will . . · a· NATL BRUSHES, G reeo on vw 111 an corne main 'fl p fisherman and Lifl eportsnun Ill fin mg LlStm1 stan d at d o f exce ]I e11ce. 1e 1ano d .1 h 1 ·u · · a few i·e111ark ~he ~al1eJ on Mr. John. D:H'Y Daniel Cornislr I i~ overseer be d1\·ide<l in the 8 TOOTH BRUSHES .. and 01 gan du~t l·v Mrs. Sc:.Lt:ff and Prof. I rea i Y. snc I? aces a wi ::;a.tisf,r their t(l m>1ke a presentatiou t, ~ir .. Roautreti middle; and t mt .:folm Heard is hereby aprespective lonarngs. '.l.'he wechamcal ex· f h pointe<l oversP er of !he sonth half 1the said road Doyle wiis 'oar ' b . JJ<> . k · . of a WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS. LADIES' FANCY BASKETS. . I' ecn t ion 'fh excelleoce · · band tl was St loudly of ti" Hl · is vei·y superior h. anclscme fami ly bible iu rec1>!!'.nition ., heat consigts of the side li11c between Jots sand 1 >I" s . · d entorecl e smgma y ie o i~ past efficient services. l\-Ir. Davy ---(o)---church ~hoir wa& a gra~d &urp1·ise : t" ~11. muee · - -- - - - --·and the <iffic~rs and teachers made short ~~~et~= !~~ace~:~ ~~~.l:~a~e:l~~u~i~:.ve·~::~~~: They rl1d rem>.1.rlrn.bly well and show UH· . Kalamazoo, Mich., Eeh. 1, 1880. sp3eches aud Mr. ltoantree acknowledged Moved by Mr. Rundle, sccJnded by llfoIIanW Call and inspect our splendid stock of CHIN A and FANCY mistakab ·y the good effects .:ifl:'ruf.Doyle's I know Hop Bitters will bPar recom- the gift in si;itahlA iiJrws. Refreshmtrnts cock, '!'hat J,. :M. Conrtice ba and is hereby TABLE WARE. Another large lot just received. Jt is a matti>r for mendation honestly. All w·ho use them werfl served "nd a very s:)ciable eveuin° appointedapat.hmasterin the toom and placo professional trai11ing. 0 regret that the attenJiince was riot larger, confer npoa t.hem the highest encomiums was enjnyed by all present. of Wm. Lott, who declines to act, and r.hat the Our Teas are Superior in Quality and Low in Price, . and give ·them credit fo.- making curea···· ·- - Ree\·e's signature and the oorporate tiP.ILl be for it was a real first class coucert. all the proprietora claim f,.r t hea1. I have EN FJELD. att11ched to· this resolution. Carried. '"(j'1 Field an<l Garden Seeds. We claim to give as kept them since they were tint offered to D B 1'he Iteeve and Messrs. 'iVindatt. 11.nd Dy2 r CARTWRIGHT J:l'AIR. .cJ ·.. good value as any house in the Dominion. 1 ·pu bl. tie · 1c. "" ..LJ1ey t-ook 1 iigh rank from I .r. ray has ret.urned froui Toronto ' were appointed a Special Committee to exam· t arne · d 1t, · an d are more ia.vrng passed his final exarr11'na.ti'on very ine the road between · lots 2! and 2.u iu the 8th ti · ie ti re t , an d marn . d · successfully. '!'here can be no <loubt but that in the ca11e d for than a 11 (Jth ers corn b 1ne . So con., and L"ecommend soma course of dealing matter of local fairs the '.CowJ1ship of long as th<iy keep np their high reputa.tion ,It ha.q no, t been definite·y decided to with the same. Cartwright is makmg rapid progress. for purity and usefulnees, I shall continue hold our church anniversary on theQneen's On motion the Reeve was instructed to grant There is a growing interest manift>sted by to recommend them-something I have Birthday. his'\varra.nteon the TrP.aS'lrer for pa.rment of tbe people 11nd iwpro"ement is the order UCY. · pefore dor.e with f!.ny other patent 188~: Bev, Mr. l\owe was unable to reacli the following accounts: Hait & Co., municipal -0f the day. '.l.'he 8pring Fair held last medicine. J. J. BABCOCK, M. D. Providence to deliver his lecture as ad- blanks, $611; l' '1' Coleman, eonveyl11gpatients Friday-was<me of-Hrn-ttrs, ever held by ~~~~~~~~~~~ ·· ~ 'l'ertised two weeks ~go. A ve~y nice to asylum, $6.80'; MA .Tames. publishingtownthe society. The gate recehpts were in entertainment wua ~i\·en, ho...·evcr. That sl1ip accounts, &.c., $11; B Werry. fencing ·1 eman h11s en:-:»ged to give the gravel pit, $5; 'l'h<>.'. Wotton, building shanty e:x.cess of any former year. The aninfals rev. /'.(en" promised lecture at Providenae 'f for Fox family, $50'; A Pennington, &hi· ngling and articles shown were all of good quali-1 cl . · ,. on ues· Town Hall, $50. Indigent persons-Stan~on 57· tyand nothing occurred to mar the pleasure HAMPTOl\I. "Y even_mg, May 1oth. ,;\ 1 1 ehould hear l:ticlws and. Gay $5 each. Lane l!'ox Welie/ We to intomr our nmnerous eustomers that we have received our of the clay. 'l'he following is the complete M 'll , w'h o f orrner1y 1ve . d near it. SubJect :-" Ef,,ypt Hllll ~urrounding Luft', Campbell a~d Co~lili;h, $3 'each'; neard: , rs. H i 1 1 Spring Stock, c-ompi·ising all the. Latest Styles of 4-.merican, PRLZE LIST Wilderness "-i II 11stra1ecl. :No entrance · $2.50; ~alter. Kernick, Ma~let, CrJ·derman and "' · Enfield. moved into this villaqe. fee; collection at the.close. Alexaoder, l;l2 each; Fo~lyU1, $4. Total, ~l.iiO. English a:nd Canadian HARD AND SOFT FELT HATS ~ORSES. Mrs. Yeo is very iH at present. . 'iVANJJERER. Mr. L'l.ngmn.id gave notice of a By-!1>w at IMPORTED Du.AFT ST.ULION.-lst, Jchn The Hampton fuot-ball club bas been far .Men, Youths', Boys' and Ohi~dren. next me111ting in referenc~ to the planting of Rolph's " Lori Henry." re-organized. OSHAWA . . trees puirsuant to act of :ttte session o~ the CANADIAN·Bli ED D1tAF.1' STALLION.-lst 'rha oheese factory will bt,; opeuod for H. Hender's " ·pride of Ontario ; " 2nd, busilless on Monday, May 14th. 0 ur I~ire Brigade will atttind the Co- Lcgislatmre. Persons coutemplatinK Lhe pla.nt· . iug of trc<;l'! this spring may count on said lly Mr, E. Switzer, who formerly owned bourg Demonstration on the 24th. '.l.'hos.jW!nte's "Young ·wonderful Lad;" SrCl, J. H. G . Hyland's "Young Chan- the factory here, intends to manufacture M:r. Thos. Halladay stepped on a fork law being made applicable th~reto. The clerk; was inst1 ucted te· give notice tbM cellor." tho cheese at his factory in Geneva this m the Ceda-r Dale Works ou Saturday and White Line~ Regatta and Wollen Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Drawers, the Court o·f Revision for fil.e township wiU. oue of the prongs penetr11ted hisi foot meet on Satu.-<!ny, 26th May, a·~ 1 p,m, GENERAL PURPOSE STALLION- 1st, Jos. sea<1011. Tie3-, Scarfs, Siilk Handkerchiefs, Half Hose Braces, U rhbrellas, Harper'&" Youug Wonderful Lad;" 2nd, The Solina mail is now taken from this · seve.ral inches. On mot.ion the Oouncil adjrmmed to Sa.tu:·'· WHI'l'E VESTS, etc., et(!)'. M. Chapman.'s "Young Netherby;" 3rd, office to Solina by Mr. E. B . Cryderman, Mr. Anclre1v Thompson who was si:1 mck day; 26th Ma)!. at 10 a.m. Allan Hays' "Star of the West." ' who has been engaged by Mr. W. Batten by a fallin~ ladder last week is unable to R. V\X'lNI>ATT, 'l'.C. moye. It is feared his injuries are v.ery CARRIA.GE STALLION-1st, John Rolph's to fulfil his contract t: ·- - - · serious. "L. H. Daniels." Mrs.. Hayes is still very ill. The Baytist church i,4 ti> be reopened 'l'ltons111uls !!RY So.- Mr. T. w·. Atkins, Gir-l!ULLS. Very little so1vin~ has been done in and Mr. "V. J. McKay, of Toronto, is ~e ard, Kan., writes: I never hesitate to recom-·1 : JY.I:~-YER~ this vicinity. ALPHA.. TuoRO'·BRED DURHAM EULL (aged)new pa~tor. · mend your Eleti.tric Bitters to m.ll custo1ue1·s, . , HB:tter airnd Fmrrier-, Nea.ds~ Block. ----··~~·.......---lst, .Thos. Werry's "Crown Prince ; " p ROVJlJENCE. Mr. F. Guy who was recently shot i>I they give entire satisfaction and a.re rapid.sel~- B.-$pecial attention gi~en to STAMPING in all its branches. le1·8. l!:lect.rlc Bitters are the pumst and best · · h · 2nd, John Forder's "C.utwright Boy." l . .t 1 tie 11g 1s not recovering a.11 rapidly !l'3 I The following is a list of those candi- desired. medicine known·and will posith~y cnre KidBowmanvflle. April 6, 1883. 2!5·3m, THoRo'·mum YEAI~LING DuitHAM BuLL -bt, David Milue's "Luxall;" 2nd, d1ltes who have been successful in passing Mr. J. E. Over.bolt has pu~ohasad the. ney and Liver complaints. Pm·t1y ·he blood .the recent Promotion Exammatiou in and regulate the liowels. No family can atl'ord James'. Coates' - - - . YEARLING BULL (grade)-lst, Thos. A. S. S. No. 5 . !'lames in order of merit.- denfal ~usiness of the late M. S Henry. to·be without the01. 'l'hey will s-e hundred8 : .Mr. Ji. E . .Gould succeeds Hon. T. N< .. of dollars in doctor's bills every year. Sold at ; ' , Wright's " Iiichmond Pri.oce ; " 2nd, · Eow·th Class.-Herbert Smale, Samu~! · d Cl Th G B Gibbs as_ president of 0.ihaw.i. Harbor Co ·. :fifty cents a bottle by .T. Higginbolillam & Son. i ' · · B ragg · Tl John Jobb's - - . · iir a.& omas · ragg. Ontar10 County Tea.<'hers' associatiow . · · ~econd Ola~s-Arthur L. Woodley, Edgar meets in Port Perry May 25 26. · . . !! IMPLEMENTS. Smale, Nellie Dowson, Dorothy Lusk, ' I. A CALF with 4:!'-ront legs, 2 hmd legs, 2 ~ . . ---MA?~ 1JJl1ACTURER:OF--REAPER- -1st, L. D. Sawyer, 8awyer No. 2 1 3; 2nd, C. H. M»oufactu~ing Uo., Chat· by John ham Harvester. ed ftqm his illness; h., lws nut been able . Mr. L. Mason is <riuer engmeer of the ·1, t:AT.lltllllOF'l'Jl;EUf.ADnEll.-..STtNOINoir- ~ · " l\:IowEJt-lst, l\fas<ey Mannf.icturing to lea Vt~ his l'ODIU for the piht week. tire department.; S>ll .. ry $50. . ;pntation\ lnJla.mmation:. all Kidn~y a~!d Urinary I n :. 1 KQ;. &llil!l'R'J';. ao\.vM: A;N..VJLLEl;. Co.; 2nd, L. D. Sawyt'r, Iron-clad. Cur Connell pays ~'2. 75 per diem for q!l:ompla.rncs, cured b".I' Bucbupaiba..:. l'il. ~ Hila now on hand a number offTehicleo (g.nd is manufach1n.ng 11. groat many more) of.' the ne· ves~ Mi so Clarinda.Elford has goDe tu Dakot, 1 SEf:OEi:t-16·, J . 0. Wirner & Son. to keep hohse for her brotht1r. street ,;aterin,\l;. o ·' ·\V MoL\1lJJ'TRY is sellin" \Vindow Cur- , patterns an·1 best thnsh1 which ..f·ltrn:o·fferiug for sale.Pt the lowe.s t1p!·ices consfs1eut 0 ' . .> h r~voo t ... . d ti . b :' . . ~ · with 'flue regard to worlimmnsl11p and qua.Jrl.)'o, '11he followm~· 1s a list Qf u h l' S.uLIU' H.ous1d~AKJil - lst,Massey Manu1111 yeai:... Y as11ess- · ~ms at $1.60 wo1~ $2.oO. S~·them. the principal "JlBhieles manofai.:ture<l by·me :: 0 \Jr ..,c ·oo ra pl!'t>apett"g nn ...~r-t e v.. ry - -~. r) ··ti raise fai::s.i>ring Co., ~hi;rp's \Jatent. able managemtint of Miss Kerslake: Wo1 meur, $22,19'-.38. '1'ot1\I proposed ex- I E , . h E I · l' ", D bl c· . , l c . ·: 9· ..._ ··l GEN Ell.AL PuitPusEl'Low-lst., IV Porter understand sever11l of th'l scholars (,)a.st at pe11diture, :$33i054.35· ' j'.., VE~Y p·rson 811.Y,8 .t e xcedsiorb. 1 '.u.,,gy i;;·0 ~ ep;:"Viltie{ o.n'T.l~!'h ..........._..... ..... · · · ·-:· ........ · .. · · · ........ ... ~O v pwaH s. 11 11 1 14 the l11'te Examiuatiou. Port Hope had a fa11hionable wedding J'..;r ~ea llf;l~s, ~mp.icily " ' llr i ny id ino e B ": ons ...... _. . ........... ··· ··· .......................... ................. l~O &. Son, Hard to BPat. 11 Spring work 1s ~eu." ·backward d1ere is last week, the eontrootiing parties being We est t ey_. ave llten ~et. . TpenB uggy ........... , .... ............... .............. ................ . · · ....... ~0 - ~-·· ·- -· """.......... ~ ·· ---··-·-11 1 'ttl · d th 1 d · · :M:r Owen and Miss L .H . .t e will _sacrifice tln.- profits to i!l'OO"ease the op uggy. .. ............ ........ ... .... _,. . ..... .. . ·.. ................ .............. ; '\Y, M c i\J URTRY'i'> Dres.'! G1Jods ar·e very b u t l I 1:1 auwmg_ o111l yet, e an lf'> Bur.,lars v1· .te· d n.. , Haw. I t k 1 laa.les. 11;llison & Co. Deinocra.ti.\Va.gon ... ... .......... .. ; . .. .......... ................ .. ·· -·· .. ..... " ()5 vtry wet for the lirsr. <i>f May. TM clover .. . st Jt or. ope a.a wee , ,'\\ieotfer beautifu!Ta.pestryCarpets for ii<! cents Lumber \Va"ons 55 cheap. is somewhat injnrecl by the lflte frofl!'t.. but DO seraou& breaks a.1"e> reported. ".':!Ulison & Uo. Li . "" ·· ·· ............ .... ......................; ................. ···b yon want cheap, ~tylish a1id durable This ueii.1hborhood has been loni.: noted Fish-Inspector (?;ilohria~ eeized several 1 DoN1' forget to call at the Morris Car· gh~ w-~i;m ....................... . .. : .· - .......................................... 4,0 Bouts o~ Shoe~ get. tlrnm from J. Hellyar, for sendinl!' out the bea-i fat cattle fa~ the no1ls at Bmvmanvilli.- last. week.:___Nevis. :nago Worka befor,, going elsewlal)l'e if yon E~piess, agon .. .... · .... .... ... ...... ...... .. ... ...... ..... .. ... .... . _........... _ 15' Bowma.nv1lle. County. lt still ltiads. At the F'llfir ou Miss Hayden, tea¢her, lias resigned w:rnt anything in. 1ho1 carriage or. wa"on S eleto1..1 ............ ............... .....-........ . ... .. ......... .. . ... ........ .. . .. !)Ii) " 0 ' 1 Jina. · Sulky......... ........................................ ... - ............ - ... ... ...... 40 " -iMR. Too LE last wee.k paid Mr. Wm. 'rm,sd"y this place c11n?'it1d off a!D the owing to ill-healthi... AcyH'<'>Ni!<>. Total value of ass1t1sed JP'l'··perty in Hope We are extendrng th&·tailoring deJln, . Ellison !B"ssessing supflrlor facilities for Tf!anuf~cturing carrin.g.ea. .I intend to sell "MI·y.· eb&ap for ~ash:, Matii:TJ nf J\~· - v,·" $ :00 f,.r "' th,ro1. 0 l;- priz.is. See prize list. township, "'z,:; ,"""' · , or approved credit. and !1y so d0>11g;I[:iope·to greatlY increase U >J;numbffi:l· oli sale<it.. Would . 81 C'.o. brea DurhHm bull. ---· ·· · ---'II' .,32 ' " " " · sell the wood parts ouiy,;.or the geanings of buggies iro!Mlm MAPLE {Ingar is scarca and dear in ORUNUL '· The News eavs it has: been decided to >Ve mean . bu~i~es lh'8 season llmd we are ! QDtbec, the we,.ther being uufavorable Everytbi·ng you look Up(i)n seems ,._ ·ay hold a Central ·Fair in Port Hope in Sep· b.anMnd to seli JJ:lhsonJ&. Co. S· Q . ~-p . i· .r . for the flow of the sap. """~ tember. · . ' . AY~AI:D, the eweller has. the very \!./ ~ Spring. The small buy rolling Ida h.wp lj:;i.iiee11t stock 11~ Silver Plated Vifare that is ;P~~~nlra~~.~;~ ~~1~,f\~~:e~:~ f.!ii~f~1f~ ;'d~~ and playiui.: marblet1 for .Jieeps in oorne CQB{ijtf!RG. l· t1hown in tuwn, he- bas g~uds i:n this line , At, tlie S~ortest<NatiJ.~;. Fainted and Trih1madl if.' !ID3&iiirect 11 elfecr.s on tile 'hi<ir. 50 cents per bottle, b11ck alley, weadng the kneea out of ht& , . . . ·!>hat ar1:1 not usuHlly kept iu obher stores. !At.the Faetory: I also d0rPl11nlng, Mat'ehlng, Turniug and· S11.wlng with· EJ!rcle JBand or S>i!ll!oll ?i.· hi. J UIIN THO:l1A:-; NE wpoitT leavea for pants that iu all lJIOb .. bility his motlaer Cobo~rl{ boys act V9·ll'y dl$0rderly around\ . Our pile of 10 cent Iirint~ astonisRnthe people : 8'aws. and prep1ue all kinda of"lul'Olber tot· ca.rpe;:iters and others for lln.ild{ng purposeL "· New wuville next iw ·uth., where he Intend& haij spent hours the night before in :uepa.ir· the stat10n. 'Ellison & co · 1 0l'namental and Pia.in Pickets for fenoes in every style rcqµired~.made to order. 24& starting up a carriage worlrn. · ing ; the, 1<ssessor ·valuing ;sour preperty Cobouq{ lodge of Oddfellows attended Our line 0°f 12} cool Dress Go«M~, is ca.lledl · .f · f t t 1 t b service iu the Pre11h... teri11oD church last .'mue value. l<~llison &..Co. · ' CATAPULTS are now common among the (t you are un or una e enoui 1 o ' <i pos.,., j I A fiue <·f $.20 n1a.y be imposed if smeoMsreed tobf any!). atpsredveeral huru:lred .d dothltartll .. was 1 1,ipa one i.s caug,ht killin,, . " a biid. an 11.s e cessors1 an B a 1i11 e ~"'J)i"aii on" D"es ...,.11 color an·y thi'n.-. any labor spri'ngmg from G'Oc. to $:l..OO·pe·r day Toll.l Brock, of Hrumilton T'p . cauah.t 11ln.owiug all the newest desi~ns from 5, / i -1 · ,: · , , ~ ; , '. · · .· 0 ""' u ll d . B t th BlX foxes one day la&t week. ' !cent.a II. l'Oll upwards. '£hos .. Y.ellowlee:s .. color. and never fail. The easiest ape!. best .--a enote sprmg. u e seaHons CODle I (LIMITED )1 · nd "0 ·' t1· wi'll b ·n.<Y t ·b Rev. Dr. Nelles, has lately m&de a. ve........·. V..'e never allow s.urselves to 'lie. undersold;., ' · wa" to economize. 10 ccn1s tit all druggists. a "' · anu me ri...,,, 1 us 0 · 1e & c0 -.,.· "'lJI ' seasor1 h r ti" i ' " ' ·· e. 1 succe~aful canva.ss fo1nion. t rihutions to the :"": >sou . · 1 · 1 11 .. " 1s thorougo.., "'ly . comp1()te ·. :· .O .nr s prmg Stoc,,.. RA&BIT v liave bee11 "A'.a·.sed 011 the .li'st again. w en eve Y ' g w.... -ve a"'~' Methodist Educatfo1u.l Fund. of destruction with English sparrows and · Alexander the "G . d n·11 B t h " .,IDb3 on & Co'. . 1 may now r.e killed at any tinie of , the Ga?nus~; ,\aa~d ;::;:~t=~:~ti:.!~h!1~-te@:~d wl1~ feigned 'insanit;:t ~~eJate .~?~;~;g , th;S~:;Ees~~Nat!ei~~~~ldoft~lltj ;e~~;r:n°J' yeur. · age of 79. Ha was followed by ii \le1-y ~sinz~s, has gune .tu serve his thira teun open phootons at Morris' CaI!'l'iage Works; IN nt'arly every calling iu life there are large coueourse of people t@. lnria last ref!l· . m Kmgeton Pemtei..tiary. The Warden. 'Eht>y etand prominently in. the fron.t for to be found lllf'n with some eparP capital, · iug·place on 'l'uesda.y last. In his life he says he ts a " clevett humbug." b h d f 1 2.:16 · who e"er 11~ard tell of a newspaper was a. very s t.rong support er 1:1'1! ~< t he Cli·ns · - . "'t'nce tl1e "Trans1 ' t of Venus" the ot sty e an com ort. . . · . 0 b\'1...~ 8 mRU. having money to loan 7 tiau church, a11d bt'fore hii death he do· World ·and Sentinli!Sta-i· are enjoyil'llg: a 11.l~~'. ~f11s~~u~h~~-eady madEMlotbmg especi-{lio.ensed under. the Glidden Patent) 1 A~TELEPHONE c~pable of sending kisses I nated a thousand dollars ta. '1>e spent .in Benson of perfect tn&nquillity. ' Mens Suits. all.wool Tweed·. t.o . ordii:i:.fr.01111 MANUFJ.{)TUlJ.ERS ~·l!" is bsin~ perfected. Young ladies will be its interest. It is seldom we i:n this. oomThe World says the stallion show in, ·$12.50 ulJ. Ellisc11 & Co, careful to see that thtir sweetness is not m111Jity at all events hear oli any c-J! the tha.t town last We<iinesda.y week W!lf! the ' YouN<} men of style ®n't get behind switched off on the wrong mouth. ) wealthy inhabitants as th-ey leave w re· best eve: held by the.Sot:iety-there were , the times, btit call on.. Maynard,, the Never f<lrgct that ·t your DruggiRt's you can member their church in suc.h a hand.e1>me 18 entries. Geli>. Cockburn's ·d11auoht. Jeweller and l!et one of those ui.te, Fo0bs; ·' always obr,,.in !Jr. Y rn Bnreu's Kiilney. cm·e.. donation. horse won 1st puize. Jonathan lfort:r, and Seals. Ide keeps ev.erything ne~ in, !· Jt ls the k n0wn remody that sptied1ly re'fhe !11tmers . l cry~ng .. · d gee. th e J ewe Jler,y: l.me. ' FOUR· POIN".f.'ED lieves all only Kidner Diseast:s, 1>nd if ve1·sisted in arn al nut at the of O s} iawit, was one of th e JU will effects ii pernrnncnt cure. J. Higgin both- enonvons rnte 3 that they pay for hired Cobourg's chwi C\>nstable will hsreafter Customers aan choose either of ~h~ee· :fiil'alt 1 ~~UlE!tiUUl ~ :1· g't (!:! a1.llt.SUUlU. ,io I l HOUSEKEEPING REQUISITES : f ,l 0 I I TE AS. -SE D S _ JOHNS & JE"WELL. HATS 'HATS! 1888. oog SPRING! .SPQNDENCE. CORRE HATS! GENTS" FURN,ISHING GOODS ! .Fresh Gooo..s,·! New Styles Low Prices! I :hl[_ GE 0 RGE C. HAINES~ flABONS~ Ei~~: ~;!~~e~s i~;att~: ~~k;~tt~:~~~:~ _Po~_Z" H_O~E.. 1: ~e~~: En.~t \t~~:b;.owned L~ug- f GARRIACIS, StEICKS) GUTTERS, &Q., 0 1 0 I I I) I l, A 11 Kind >R. ·' Vie h ]. r.>;l e·s R a red 1 boy~. 1 ps::a~~t!f ~yh~ev~h~ a~~~;~~:~.1100 Bp:r:u~~~~: e~::;~~~e ~~:e~vt~::e,ofl waa~' ! O ·M 1 TA RI 0 STE ' EL BA'R · B f"EN c E00 J n ..... Q 1 I THE IMPROVED " LOCKBARB '~ : to S>le whi.t bar~ai~1s he is giving. Look j farrner pay~ twenty dollars a mont~ for foJr !us new advertisement next "eek. seven months, and the man works fifteen <Mr. J. SeJimour, Drnggi3t, ~t. Cather· ' hours a d!\y, al the majority of thtlm do ines writes that hti tiuds au ever·incre11s- in this neighborhooci. I think, according inri ~ale f,,r Bnrdock Bluod B:ttere, and to the time that a mechanic works, he is adds thht he can, without hesitancy, getting him fo.>r about $14 ptir month. recorulilend it. Burdock Blood Bitters Perhaps some honest granger can explain is the grand specific fur all diseases of the it more satisfactory, but that is the way Blood Liver and Kidneys. the matter boks to me. Trr~ cost of rep'airing the Po.tly mills W~ noticed o~r.ancient artisan in a. ~ery dam and <l>lmn.ges for l"st time will ineb~1ated condition on Saturday mght amount to $500. A muskrat's burrowing desp~te the. strmgent ~rooks Act ; but is said to bave been thti cause of the possibly~ mdulged a httle t?o much be· weakness that cnhninatecl in the wn.sh-out. tore sev6?i, a.nd the effect did not ~ake place uutil after that honr. We might . Be advised in time, nnd do not allow what say more, but we will draw the n:iatter to may appoar to )' OU as a sample 't!ack-ache n!lw to run into a drsease of the Kidneys, which a close, as we may intrude foo much on invariably pro"ea fatal in the end. Dr. Van your valuable space. More next t1me. Huren,s Kidney Cure will at once ease your STRAGGLER. pain and positively prevedt tbese unfortunate results. 'l'ake it at once. Any Druggist will N OTE.-Theabove letter is dated Orono, have it·.r. Higginbotham & Son, April 17th. The envelope bears the To· THE Excelsior buggy at Morris' Carri· ronto post mark of April 18th, and the <e Works has L o0khart & Symons Patent Wmnipeg ·pGst mark of April 22nd. It Fifth Wheel and Reach attachments. reached the STATESMAN office April 26thThis Fifth Wheel is so constrncted tha.t too late for our last issue,-ED. it will last a life ti me. ORGANS ExcHANGED.- Parties wishing Dont neglect on the first appearance ot Kidney to exchange second-hand organs, melo- troubles to go to yonr Druggist and .get a bottle Dr, Van Buren's Kidney oure. It will gh·e dians or pianos for new ones will be liber- of immediate relief, save years of suft'ering and ally dealt with by the Dominion Organ & effect a. permanent cure. J , H1gginbctham & Son. Pia.no Co., Bowmanville. 145-3w. an~~~~·:~ J. }lellyar's Bout Shoe Shop, ~~{;~.,bJ1~~fn~~~i,i~~o:~~/~~;~:;h~~1~11~~~~ we~~b~~~~p~o~=~~~:·rn~ft~::\as pre· cl~: :~!t~~~v~l!::~u~h~Gfublic that nMom.-'Bowmanv1l·', tw<I you will be surp,.ised tignri..s ad · they claim. l!'or instance, a pared oveL 20@1young 'men for college in petitor can l:Jlder ell us. 'llison, (SCo. & 8 sTEEL . the pa.st 16 yeara. The World.asks for a AN e:ffom will be mill.de to disqualify.· hii.tory of the 'fown Schools for pubhea· Madill, t?e ~onservi~tive ca~didat~ in the tion. . last elcctrnn Ill North Ontano. Cobourg li'i. C. Sunday Scl.iiool held a Thousands upon thousands o.f doBlars "boo~ recepti<.m" on Tttesda.y livening to have bei:in spent in adyertising the cele· replemsh the hl::rary. brated Burdock Blood Bittern, but this The Y. M . C'.· A. have just opened a j accounts only in part for its enormous large new readmg and recreation room, sale. Its merits has made- it what is-the the fittmg:s of which cost $400. best blood medioine ever devieed by roan. A hold burglary Wl\S committed )n the OuriiO cent al\ wool Tweeds ast.onishcs the grocery of T. R. Harvey reeeutly. The tbe people. Ellison &, Uo. '\-Va have long eiijoyed a reputation for giv· safe was <lrilled,opened and $20 extracted. ing bargains in Dry Gov.els and Clothing. 1!:1Peterboro' and Oshawa firemen will llson & Co. celebrate the 24th of May in Cobourg. 'fhe CANADA LmE .ASSURANC.E Co., stands The annual conversazione of Victoria in the front xank, doing more busines than all other Canada Companies put Logether. University, will be held in the opera the When insuring, make it as certain as possible house, on the evening of M11y 17th. that you are 1·eall11 ins1.1.1·ed. Low rates and Mr. 1£d. Sailsbury, of Cobourg, has absolute security offered by the CJanada Life 'VV. R. Climie, agent, Bowmanvllle. '!'he lea.d?ecome a resident Qf ~eterborugh, being ing businese men of the town and country in ID charge of th!) stationary business of sure in the Canada Life. Sailsbury & Co. · . MR. GEO . C . RooE11.s , miUer, Peter· A heifer fifteen months old, belonging boro', was tirowned last weHk while liftto Mr. R. Scarf, township of Hamilton, ing the flood gates at his mill. recently gave birth to a very large calf, Every person to be. a real eucess in this thorough-bred. life must have a specialty ; that is, must 1'he most frightful scoigge of hi:manl~Yhls concentrate the abilities of body and mind Nf~h;~igri;~::h~~V~t hu~~~~~~i~~.tl'~~~ t~ on some one pursuit. Burdock Blood P,remature grave. Dr. Va.n Buren'e Klduey Bitters has its specialty a11 a complet' and <Jure Is tl\.e only known remedy that prevents 1radical cure of dyspepsia liver and kidney b~~h~:~~~~~s, '.1.'ake 'it in time. J, Higgin- I compla.ints, and all impu;itiea of the blood. Mr, · · FEN CI NC WI R E 1 , LUIE & E DS~LT ..1!J 24.8. . I Agents, BowmanvilJe. .!..J, SALESMEN WANTED ! I W B E L L'S . 1'o begin wor~ at_~:io~e t~:~alee for ~all 18&3, PRIZE MEDAL ORGAN Fo~1~!}R!E~I~~~N~r1.es ! IAre scoond Gu EL pH to none in the wo1 ·ld. MORRIS STONE & WELLINGTON PR 0 PRIETO RS. '\Ve can start in addition to our alroci.dy large force ' l I I s1 in· 100 ADDITIONAL CANVAS SERS and want men who can give full time to the St d d d b · 1 ~i::~~~;s to ~~c~e~~~1°~~;~t t~ d~~so not matter what your previous o~~~P!,~t~~~h~~ b~~~i/~lu~u success is almost certain. The best of references required. Apply. (en· ELIABLE BINDERS.-A choice of closing :Photo if possible), to S1'0NE & WEL· .t wo kinds Reliable Single Reapers and...LINGTON, Nurserymen, 'foronto,Ont, (2!6) Mowers by A. Harris, Son &: Co., B1 ·antford, a.s cheap as others not so reliable. Heliable DarS'l'EAM THRE8HtNG MACHINE lington, Clarke and Provincial Modal Farm for sale-On easy terms, apply to THOS. 1'estimonial51. RICHARD HILL agent New244.-3m· 2!0-tf. castle. HENDERSON, Kirby, Ont, it requ!res ·nyo of the. largest Factories in the Donumon, with capacity for turning out TWEN· TY per day. For purit.y and sweetness of tone elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect finish they are unrivalled. The most skilled labor,the very best matc1·ials that money can procure a.re a guarantee topur· chasers that they are buying no shoddy but a first class article. Sold wholesale and i·etai! by J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. 2!6, J. S. DONEY, '.l.'yrone. ~trmne.nts now in use. Demand so great that ~o.ooo R A