OUR YOUNG FOLKS. Dans Ship · Capt Peter Sherendregt, of Amsterdam, llY ELIOT l\ICCOR1\1ICK sat at Clrnner m the cabm of the steamship Leerdam at the foot of Su!lsex street Jersey (Jirom lfmper s Young People ) City A dozen persons were at the tabio II -(GONTIISUED ) with him mcluding his wile and daughte·B and the officers of his ship There was al@ o To tram the gun and send the hfe lme a middle aged man with fair hair and bea1d tfymg over the steamers deck was the work and a strongly marked Saxon face, whorn ot a moment It fell as they could see a the Captam mtroduced as Capt Hans Cor little aft of the foremast, and presently the nehussen <if the Norwegian bark Jgna great hawser on which the buoy to run " Tlns 1s the man Capt Sllerendregt had been drawn on board and afely secur l\!yra peered out through the shawl said, "whom I have JUst p1cke<l up with Ins ed to the mast Then the whip !mes by There only a few rods ahead blazed the wife and crew m mid ocean after they had v; hich the buoy ~as to be pulled were at tached the buoy its(llf vrnshung and every great fire In another moment they would been ~recked by a whale ' lt was on April 30 at about"' o clock thmg was ready An anxious crowd on the reach 1t But while she stramed her e)es that we struck ship and another on the beach watched its as 1f to brmg the fire nearer the hawser O\ er Ci~pt Coruel ussen said approauh to the wreck, and tnen its return their heads suddenly tightened, dr.i.wmg the the whale It was abo it mid" a) between buoy upward and holdmg it f9r an mstant the Azores and Newfoundland We had a t1> shore vVhen tt came back it contamed motionless "Oil what is the fresh northerly breeze with all sails set m the air two men, who told the Captam of the surf crew briefly that the vessel was the steame1 matter' cried Myra But Dan 01d not and were makmg about seven knots an hour, Sahara bound from Liverpool to Boston speak He knew that the vessel \I as break our cour,e bemg west by north We werP. with one hundred emigrants and tvrnnty mg up Barely a moment of safety, indeed bound from Gieenock to Quebec with coal With a hasty mov.ement he At 7 o cloc the crew were piped to break cabm passengers on board The women remamed they said would be sent next The car opened the kmfe "h1ch hung from his neck fast Then I wem up on the poop deck and and cut the foUJ"TOIJeS by Wh1£h the bue:r toOK: a looK:aroµnd It was clear and not 31 / f'he Duchess of Sutherland has signed the was then run out agam and on its return "as E o itb) ili'.aw~,v l'.Jilefore tlung m stght and J: ellt' Ueloiv with 11/Y Uotal absliinence card at Canon Wilberforce s brought one woman and a child who were Myrasuspend11d could understand wh~llal;I illam;1ei:!~. kate ~w@l men were left-ab©-ve, tne man tempera.nee n:ieetmgs and announced her promptly hmued under Dans chavge to st"1tfter wt. ntentmn o:ti WA.1r10g the blue ribbon :Mr Roberts s cottage Meanwhile a larl"e the liawser torn~ bY' he mk\lng"llh~f'.rom at tlie wllee1 and the lookou BaFgue, '1\ pamter or<exqumte little pm bonfire had been made over which the res its anch< rage m the sand had gone spmnrng sat down at the table the ship seemed to cued persons as they arrned dried 1them out to sea, wlule the huo:y 'Was tossrng on strike a rouk and trembled like a leaf vVe turee, the best of which 'are sru~d t<> be m the · all ran on de~k the crew rushrng from the hands- of Miss Wolfe and Mr Vanderbilt When Dan came back a large top of the angry wav-e selves Kcell tight hold of .me cried Dan, fo1ecastle and lool,mg over the bow and the. died }g,tcly m JI; Paris hmatrn asylum ,llumber had 1 eeu brought ashore and it was 1'!1,marb.ue s barber, M Ysopy, saved all not long before all tl,ie passenge1swere lan!l strugglmg for breath as ~.he sea tp.reatened mate and mys~lf runnmi;( to the w;ndward w them up Don t opben your sidf of the bark By this time-the ship was "the hau cut from the poets head for twenty ed and the sailors began to arrive At this to sr-allo 1 1 It will on Y e for a agarn movmg ahead, and nobody could sec years, and toe locks are now to be d1str1but spectacle a woman !"Vi ho had come rn the moui;h ie ga·ped third trip of the but>y, and refused to go up mmute and the buoy :will float us m to anyth ng but the blue water wh10h made it ed among subscribers to the proposed statue shoie He held the little figure "1th a seem impossible that we could have struck of the poet J to the house and who ha.ct anxiously wate'h grasp that even the fury of the waves could a rock; 1t. ed each loti.d as it came Ill laid her hand on not loosen though they lashed the buoy and , I ran to the keel to see if anything came b Ji. portrait of a girl served to identify the Dans sleeve its fre1!1ht w1t11 almost resistless force up there, but nothrng appeared Lookmg od) of a drowned man m Iowa as 1t was ' Have you seen a little gu l come ashore? "Von t "e be dro"ned 1 the little girl from the bow I found that the stem post 6r~n Y g~1phped lD his dfead hu.nd and it al.o she asked- 'a fair haired httle gnl with mnrmux:ed beh\een the breajn"g of two was gone vVe kept to Ol.lf course until the m ic:td ht e cause o his suicide for she 'blue eyes~ Waves next mornrng when the breeze havmg reJec e is smt Dan shook his head ' No mueed he cried porntmg to the slackened I put out ma boat with two or The Prmcess of Wales has lost her most ' I haven t seer1 any but the one I took sho1 e ' See t thti men are runnmg down three men to examrne the extent of our dam valuecl English friend, ~~'l's Stonor, the up to the house he said ' and she had black to me<>t us age A great dent two or three feet long younger of the two daughters of the Prime Saturday on lus farm !l.t Diesden OnB ~ at hair but I 11 ask my father Say father, Sb.e raised her pale and fr1gh ened face and extendmg above the wat·r lrne had M1 i1sb·r, S1r Robert Peel whose other the advanced age of nmet} four He was a he called out have you stlen this lady s from Ins shoulder and looked out They been smashed m our bow Stickmg to the daughter Lady Jersey ~m vives fine l.iokmg, mtelhgent old darkey ~Hth a little gnl weie already ridmg the crest of a wa' e that splmtered timbers m several places was a Although the son of Tonn Bnght and lns shmy black skm keen sparklmg <'yes a tull His father who was busy with the lme, promised to land thern v.1thm the mens leathery lookmg substance, black en one bride are both Friends, they were mairied silver grey bea1d and his head was covered shook his head reach Sw1ttly 1t bore them on and when side and wlute on the other The bark was m a Church of England church the canon for the most part with th1cl, snowy wool Unl) three httle girls came ashore, he at 101 gth it threw them on the beach they tossrng so that it "as dangerous to get substitutmg by request a short address for He had ns1ted Epgland an:! had lectured iiaid 'and they were with their mothers and preached m London where he was re weie grasped by strong hands and drawn underneatn the bow, but I managed to get that m the Book of Common Prayer " Yes, said the woman nen ously 1 safel) out of the threatemng clutch of the one of these pieces about half the size ol Mrs Humphrey Ward who has been act ceived by Queen V wtona The Rev Josiah saw them , they "eren t mrne This isn t un<ler to\\ Drenched to the skm stiff and my hand I knew it m a moment and so ive m schemes for the advanced educatrnn Henson ha. left behmcl htm forty foi r mme either she exclaimed "The poor grand e1uldren and ten or a dozen g1eat little thrng is all alone , but she slept near lame bt t ith no bones broken Dan step did the crew when they ·aw it It was a of women, has been made exammer for g1and children and what with that hor ible to me and I ought to have looked out for ped out ot the buoy and was folaed with -piece of the skm of a whale with a bit of the scholarship m Spamsh by the curators of preue o[ stage hteratuie know as Urw)e h1· light burden in Mr Roberts capac1ou~ bluober attached Taylo Institute at Oxford, England. her But I was so fru~htened I ian up on en brace ' '.Fhe rock we had struck was a whale Toms Cabm there need be little fear but d-eck the fast thmg and then they made me 'There the father exclaimed, while ~ e could see a much lar er iece further The sister of Sir Join Franklin who used that the memory of Harnet Beecher Stow., s come off the third tnp · surfmen s .ilors and passengerfl crowded down as the bark lifted ou~ the water the gieater part of her fortune on the expe said Dan encouragi.agly around to offer their congratulat10ns ' take but we were unable to get it I0 preserved the d1t10nshwh1ch went ~n search of that explor hero will be perpetuated · Oh well ,._ .... _., "somebody else will have found hm She 11 h er up t o your moth er v an er m t d e arctic regions ' Mrs Craycroft ' hail r are you piece which I secured m sp tits to exh1 bit it 1 d 1 come along one of these trips MORSELS FOR SUN;DA Y CONTEMPLA· too tired to carry her any further· Perhaps to l\fr :i;, () L11-rsen the owner of the bark ate Y re at the 'age of nmety, in Dor 1 But she did not Time after time the you had better let one of the men take her TIUN on my return to SandefJord bttt it 'Was lost ti1gh b <'l ±. buoy came rn without the child, and at But Dan shook his head, while Myra with a good many other thmgs when we ere was a tern le scene m co rt :i:t :st length, qm,te unexpectedly when it was clung the more closely to him fi ll b d d th b k Th t d Petersburg last month whon L1elit B6ut'se pulled m out stepped the Oaptam of the No sir he said ·she isn t heavy Id nal ~dafian oneth e dr d ~ nex f ay vitsch was sentenced to death His mother They who forgive most shall be most for ship He took the keeper of the stat10n by rnther take her myself ;be 1 thne i£a ~r ~~ a ~oo reelrn kom sank overwhelmed on a bench, his ~1~ter ran ewen 1 Very w~ll said his father lookmg some e soubu t no t oun \las with cues, and his affianced E arI y and prov1d ent fear 1sth e moth er of the hand euough teo s a 1p arm meee wmg e out bride fell piercmg in a swoon ""' e owe you our ~ives, C11.ptmn, he s:11d, compassionately m the child s white face kept to our course and made from seven to safety warmly ' The old ship can t hold out tPn · Poor little th mg she looks hke our Lucy nme knots an hour the next day I thouaht h Tiu Duke of fee onshire is Chancellor of A cheerful face is nearly as goo d ior an mrnutes longer But tl ere isn ta soul left Dan started up the shore and for a mo I was in a fair \\aY to make my passage "'In t f lnbersity ambridge, the Marquis mvahd as healthy weather on board meut or two nothmg was said the e\ emng the wmd worked around to the Do bal s urly of hxflodrd and Earl Cairns of The woman rushed forward with a loud Did the ship go down· she asked at north, and a squall came up Then the hu Sm ney o the office for hfe, but Of all thie\ es fools are the worst they leugth h b t 1 k "' I t th t e cotch umvers1ties must needs have a r6b you of time and temper cry s 1p egan o ea worse, an., se e fresb Lord }'l,,ctor ever e r Oh there is there 1s she exclaimed , Dan noddecl ' Yes he said, when I pumps at work The next mornmg the wmd Y Y a or so ThP best education m t he world 1s that " there s a child asleep m the steerage cut the ropes had mereased, but we were keepmg the Mr and Mrs Glad·toneha la remarkable got by strugglmg to get ah' mg The surfmen looked at one another 1n dis She looked down at nrm m an awe struck water down for every time the ship rolled representative dmner party lately It Ill Flowers are the sweetest thmgs that God mayed surprise way And JUSt to thmk she exclaimed the pumps were raised out of the watei I eluded the Duke and Duchess of Edmburgh Vii ho is it 0 angrily demanded the Cap · lf you hadn t come I should have been looked at the bieak that mornmg and all the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Dul,e of ever made and forgot to put a soil mto tarn of the ship drowned I wish I might stay with you the loose wood had been s"ept ;way and "estmmster, Lords Hartmgton, Shaftcs If ;:;atan e\or laughs 1t must be at hypo ' It s thu little girl that came on board always she added unpulsn;ely the surface was as smooth as if it had been bury, Rosebery and Aberdeen the Bishop cntes , they are the cheapest dupes he alone sir little Myra Church Dans heart thrilled Vii hy might not planed The gale rncreased and the water of Ely the Dean of St Pauls, and the Prcs1 ]las Without waitmg to bear more, the keeper this little girl r eplace the sister who had gamed on us, but toward the middle of the dent of the Royal Society The claims of habit are generally too tu~~;Yto lus men been taken away 0 day the wmd moderated, and I put on more Marie Vau Zandt 18 smgmg the role of nn small to be felt till they are too strong to be 'if.:~n t he cued the ship is breakmg Where are you gomg to ? he asked sail on the rnam mast We had lost the Indian girl m an opera tlow-nnumg rn P~us broken u~ it may not last ten mmutes But theres Oh I don t know the plac~ she said mam topsail 011 account of not being able She is quoted as saymg that she once had a child on board asleep W 111 any one go ' nobody could pronounce it 1twaswntten to spare men from the pumps to handle it an adrnnture, when a child, with a tribe of 1 'Ve se aom finf people ungrateful so long out m the buoy an<l bl'mg her oil? on my dress SJX of the men were kept all the time at the A.mer1can Indians after which the zyibe allJ as we are m cone it10n to render them ser There was a moments bes1tat10n while And where is the dress? pumps and I had to keep three of the other became deeply attached to her and she has vice each man we gbed the perdous sernce m 'Why I left ii; on the ship of course six on the d1eck So every man had to work 1etamed many snatches of the songs she All other kno\dedge 1s hurtful to h1m "ho his mmd 'I hen Dans father stepped out, Dan drew a long breath And Is that four hours and be off only two We mal.! hea1d them smg1ng Henee her fascmatmg has not the science of honesty am.l .,,ood na whde at the same moID,ent Dan himself push all )OU know about it' Ha'ien t you got it aged to contmue this unttl the next dav melodies ture ed fot \\ aH;l mito the wa1tmg circle His wntten anywhere else May 5 when the crew had l 1Jcome complete Queen V1ctor1a has created a decoiat10n j' If there be any truer measure of a man handsome face burned with an excited glow She shook her head ' No she s:.1d ly worn out They finally dropped work designated Tl e Royal R d C10ss to be than by what he does 1t must be by what and lus dark eyes were ht with the fire of positively ' I haven t got it anywhere else and came to me m a body the carpenter conferred for special services rn nursmg the be gives courage and s.-1lmaker speakmg for then They sJCk aml "ounded of the army and nav~ Ihe ltg/lt or f11endsl11p is like the light of u,nd that is all l know about rt I 11 go sir he er ed Fathe you He then touched her forehead lightly ~aid they couldn t s tand the work much long The decorat10n IS to consist of a cross en J pho pho1ua- seon plame.;t when all around know I ve got to do it some t me let me go with hrn lips Well he said, gladly e1 and unless somethmg else was done we amelled cnmson, edged with gold, havmg on 1s dat k now Its my place, he went on, hurried that is all you ever will know then for would rul be lost lhe constant pound ng the arms the words Faith Hope Charity I Faith is the fnend of the oood the uide ly ' I saw the sh1p first and I can be the ship has gone llO"r., and your dress has of the water on the bow had forced out all with the date of the mst1tut1on of the decor 1 of the wise the tyrant of the foohshg the better spa1ed than you, anyhow gone with it the oakum and widened the seams J turn at10n the centre bearmg the Q1een s effigy enemy of the bad vVhtle Mr Roberts hesitated parnfully They were now dra,Hng near the cottage ed the bark about and sailed eastward rn On the re ,-erse side th" royal and imptna.l uncertam whether he should let the boy where Mrs Roberts was standmg 1ll the order to Mo1d the foree of the waves as mpher and crown aie to be shown m rehef 'Ve sometunes meet au ongmal gentle· ba'e hi$ own wa;5 the keeper decided the doorway Dau looked up at the sky, and they were thrown agamst us by the w1~ds on the centre The cross 1s to be attached man who 1f manners had not existed would question the east was streaked with the dawmng of 'l;'he water had nearly reached the coal, and to a <lark blue ribbon edged red ot Olle have mvented them "All right Dan, he said you shall go the new day If idleness be the root of all evil then when it got there l know the fine coal would mch m width tied m a bow and worn on Hurry up J;IOW ' there isn t any time to 'See mother he cried placmg Myra m stop the pumps We VI ere watchmg every the left shoulder It seems to be mtenqed matrimony 1s good for somethmg for it sets lose her arms 'my ship has come m and here moment tor a sail to get a chance to leave prmc1pally, if not exclusively for women many a poor woman to work Dan wrung lus fathet s hand and Jumped 1s what 1t brought her We worked that mght for our lives :Modesty is a grace which fin(( loook1ng mto the buoy Urged by the surfmen s And so on the other side Myra found At daylight the next mornrng the lookout young men of larire wealth are often taught strong pull 1t shot oi t mto the darkness those who wanted her and would give her saw a steamer east bound with all steam A Common Hotel Experience by so:ne severe experience if it is ever and m a moment Dan had left tbe crowd the mother love which she had lost Not a on She was too far off for us to SH(nal I was one of ten 01 a dozen who wen~ to a the fire hght and the land belnnd Only person of those who remamed at India· h~r Then while she Vias st1ll m sight we leadrng hotel ou Wednesda) last I had tele learned Look not mournfully mto the past, it can the creakmg of the pulley over his head .,,n l Head that day could rememb~r the e1e;hL ~1ghted the Leer dam gom" westward We graphed for a 1001, to tho :propricto1, with the roar of the "aves beneath kept him syllabled place where she had bee11 gomg shaped our course t~ oet a~ near her as pos whom I had stopped off and, on tor twenty not come bl10k agam, wisely mtprovo the company as he made the solitary and perilous ·nd Myra heroelf had not the least recollec s1ble, and I put out th~ signal B C M - I years The others WJshed to register I present lor it 1s thme go forth t meet the shadowy future ~ltnout fear and with a tnp t 1on of it It did not matter, however have to le:i.ve my slup They sa" it and waited There "ere tht ee or fouv clerks ,...... III srncc the far off cousm did not know any ca11:e witbm ha1hng distance Ca[t Sher behmd the counter Not a face wp,s familiar manly heart When Dan at length had reached the thmg about her commg while Mis Reberts endregt seut second mate Botger rn the big I asked 1f a room nad been reserved for me How Johnny Br9ke the News vessel an:d chmbed out of the buoy upon the \las delighted to keep her as a httl~ <laugh life boat with six men The men ldt the A perfectl;5 calm and decorous voice said No m a tone as md1fferent as a clamshell wave washed deck he hu ,.r ried down the ter anfl Myra he1self was only too glad to pumps and sprang for her as soon as she ' Oh ma ma shrieked rohnuy rush My telegram had missed fire As I stood stay The sadness of the anmveISa1y was came alongside Two tell mto the water forward c~mpamonway lighted by the mg mto hrs mothers room a man down lantern wluch he had taken the pre.,aut10n chased away frnm the httle cottage and but were rescued bJ the bo ts ciew My there the room clerk took me m and havrng street knocked pa out with: an umbrella and sized ms up condescended to say Dau will always remember it as the day wife was lllJUred by f.llmg upon a taut rope to cariy mto the steer:lge Myra s berth What kmd of a roorr do you want· broke three nbs He--' the woman had told him was well forward "hen ms ijh1p came 111 brm_gmg to hun the The sailors left everythmg behmd them and ' What' Three !lb3 · What will become How much do you want to pay~ How long lntle sister froln the unknown seas I saved very little 'Ihe sea was high 'and on the port side He had no difficulty m of us Uh lll) poor son your poor father a,re you gomg to stay tt e boats crew di l gallant work and ran findmg 1t The httle fair head rested on If0te John run aown to Dr You wont believe me, I dare say, but I will die T.oublesome Letters to Editors great risk m commg alongside The Inga the pillow as q metly as his siwter Lucy s had Blanks and tell him to come up 11nmed1ate assure you I never felt my utter ms1gmfic had not sunk when we passed out of sight ever done m her bed at the cottage and as I Perhaps as many as half of the letters ly with bandages and all those thm~s though no storms were threatenmg every received by editors explam that the articles of her "'he Oaptam of the Leerdam 1tJade ance so completely as I did m the presence Mar), tell James to brmg the carnage im of this immob1hty He fairly crushea me us at home and showed such hospitality as mmute to break she ship' l1 pieces With accompanymg them wet e writte11 m great mediately Dear George three ribs broken the first rays of the lantern howe\ er fall haste as though the suatement were calcu few men exh1b1t until our arrival here To 'What ' Ask me-the great Me-how long how he must suffe1 Its awful Thank ;mg on her face the child woke up ' What late<l to recommend the articles tor pubhca morrow I shall go with my men to the Con I was rntendmg ~o remam and what I was Hea~ en theres the carnage now Doctor Acct 1s it? she cried raismg herself on one arm t10n Lnstead 1t wculd be wise to try and sul By the hrn of Holland the crew of a w1llmg to pay ' Bless my heart coming soon John· Ihat s good Im gomg and lookmg up mto Dan s face with an ex conceal the unhappy fact though whether wrecked vessel is returned but the Captam dental! y tu mng my eye l saw a pile 0£ to get you1 father darlmg Good bye t telegrams On the top was a letter for me press10n of alarm ' Where are all the told of 1t oi not the experienced editor can must pay his pas.aae nome Whats the matter with ma? said John lhe lost bark was bmlt m 1857 at Sunder It was fcom o~e of the best k11own men m usually tell at a glance Just how much pam· people· as !:us mothor drove off See ns kmder wor the city He took down a large shawl from the peg and cam have been bestowed upon the man- land, and was of 669 tons burden ned Guess l ll run across to B1lhc. s and Ho1v long has this been here uscripts sul mitten to htm 2 Letters from -0n which ~t hung h~lp h;im to dynamite that c!1t So long ' Don t know Ihe ship is wrecked he said qmetly straugers dilatmg largely upoli family In the mean while his d1stiaded mother Was auy me~sage left heie for me by Christianity and Bigotry "and I ve come to carry ~ ou ashore, where troubles and reheasmg causes why money was hastemng to her husbands office where "'e commend the folio ;vrng extiact anybody is i eecled for matter sent fo1m perhaps the all the people have gone much to her smpnse she found Ihm attend Not that I know of \JV hat name t Her face flushed. ~1th her leep suddenly most tiyrng class received by editors The to the cons1derat1on of all whom It may mg to busm ~ss as usual and as hvely as a Crushed agam t grew pale :She had beard of shipwrecks acceptalm ty of artwles m a well regulate l concern and espemally to tho·e who thmk When will Mr (the proprietor) be 'critic :trom the otheis and knew what they meant pu bhcat1011 office cannot depend upon the the) sbO"\\ a proper zeal for rehgwn aud Hurt? My no A crank Jut me with pecumary needs of their wntets Almos everythmg that is right by usmg harsh m· ' Now ? she asked I re.ally cannot tell JOU sn He 1s out hIS umbrella, but fortunately I got 1t away ' Yes he said ' now , tnere 1sn t any mvanably the artwle acco npanymg anch a wo ds and opprobrious epithets towards all from him before he did much damage See time to lose Let me put this ·ha\\ l around letier rs weak and "orthless 3 Letters who cannot pronounce their shibboleths or at p1esent I grabbe 'l my bag and started for the door there 1t is 'l.hree ribs broke-why whats you, and you 11 be as warm as though you askrng that articles accompanyrng them swear by every article of the highly cherish I was t1red hungry cross dirty and µeeded the matter darlrng were all dressed should be m1med1ately returned or that a ed cre.,ds Notlnng Im gomg home to see Jehu, vVhcn oh when VI ill scholars and a good room where! could wash and Rwash was all she said f-ihe went and Johnny He wrapped her from head to foot m the lengthy reply should be sent at once and shawl and then took her up m his arms He yet mcJosmg no stamp to prepay postage Christian men learn that orthodoxy can af If they had g ven me the finest suite or r-emarked afterwards that he was 'sawn could hear the q mck beatmgs of the little are us tally thrown away The bills for the ford to be Just to be generous , and that rooms m the house, with a 1mlk bath a I 1 heart but she made no sign of fear and necesary stamps t o accede to such unreason rn tlus age 1t cannot afford to be otherwise terrapm stew, a gorgeous pipe and m lF YOUR CLOTIIING TAKES FIRE -Your houri tor vis a vis I wouldn t Andalusian clasped her arm tightly around his neck as able requests would mount up formidably smcc it thus loses its hold over i;he mmds he told he eo do when they went up the m the office of an:y Journal 4 Letters from wb1cii are opea to truth and foes chiefly to ha\ e remamed a second I started for the hfe may depend upon your irood sense sh<le steep and slantmg stair In a moment more strange1 s, askmg it certam articles would bigotry· When shall we learn that it 1s door when I remembered my appomtm,ent the hands do ;vn the dress keepmg them as he had crossed the slippery deck mounted be acceptable are usually even 1f enclosmg quality and not iuant1ty winch gives its val with the friend who harl called I went close to the body as possible at the same the bulwarks and seated h1m 0 elf m the) a stamp, the source of unnecessary trouble ue to all critimsm that to stls:mat1ze "hole back, registered meekly a!1cepted a key time srnkmg to thP. floor bj bendmg the Anv one who reads a certam Journal must classes by opprobrious ep1th<'ts by names went to my room and actually sulked for knees roll over on the floor and if poss1ble buoy By that time the com1cal get hold of a rug or tea1 up the carpet and of uncet tam mean mg yet of certam dis half an hour Are you a 1 right, httle one? he asked knoVI if he ha\e common senHe iust abot t Ate you sure 1t s safe i slie whispered what kmd of art10Jes are wanted tor 1t and paragement is the impulse of an unlettered side presented itself and I subseqv.ently bad envelope yourself m it Nothing so qmck He lat ghed though his heart wa; filled the value of whatever he may write usually zeal which mflames the wo1at passions of a good dinner and soon felt better -Ho\l ard ly quenches the fire as to smotherit It may be done with a coa.t or bed clothmg, or cf with a hundred fears depenc.s more upon his treatment of a sub om foes and arouses only the spurious ardor tn Ph1ladclphia Times fectua1ly by tearing np a ca1pet womptly Oh the buoy 1s safe enough he said Ject than upon the sub3ect itself l t is best of our friends ~ vVhen shall we lea1m the Amo1;1g the designs m the new sateens are and cnvclopmg the person m it With the words he flashed a signal which to send along whatE.,er has been thought of, high lesson that m our present conflicts it A young English.man who stutters hor he took from his belt Presently the car with stamps for its return, if not available is not nations, or men or even parties that red and green pepper (capsicum) pods, w1tl ribly enters a pharmacy ' I want, he says, began to move down the mcline which the I here are numberless other kmds of trouble are to be conquered but only error or em foliage and stems A trestle bridge ac1oss Lake Pontchartram, "some s1rup of h1p-1p-1p-1p- ' Hur hawser made from the ship with mcreasmg some letter~ received by editors, but those and that the victory belongs not alone to speed toward the tire that glowed and flicker named mclurle, perhaps, the most important 11s, but to truth, to righteousness, and to on the New Orleans and Northeastern Rail :i;ah ' replied the young pharmacist on the other s11ie of the counter. road, will be twenty one m1lea long. God" ed in the d1Sta.nce Would the ship hold -Good Cheer "as out he wondered until they should reach the shore? Underneath them beat and roared the sea, dashmg its spray up mto their faces and once a grc.at wa'ie broke over the buoy drenchmg them. through and through Myra struggled to recover her breath · Oh, she cried, "won t we be drowned? Dan drew her closer to himself It "as now or.Jy a mmute longer, and the car was movmg with great swiftness But how it seemed to :lrag · Not a bit of it he declared " See we are almost there A WHALE WRECKS A BARK. PERSONAL Interesting Notes about more or less Notable People Somebody thmks the report that Mr Gladstone is to visit Aincnca is premier tour ~ son of the late Charles Kmgsley 'ls em ployed 1n the office of the City Engmeer o1 Buffalo Prof Abel, who bas conduct"d the Govern ment dynamite mvestu~at10n m England has been kmgh ted " Its an 111 wmd &c Mrs Clarissa Raymond, of Wilton, Gon necticut lately recen ed th<l c01;igratulat10ns of foul' generat10ns on her one hund.i;edth and first birthday Madame Nilsson s husband hav1;ng died untesbte m Prance, she was obliged to d1 vide her own property between herself and her husband s famdy The K!f.P' of Ilava1 'a has made a mece of Wagnei;. :'l'teyal Professor of the School of Mus1~;' 1 tfid first appointment of the kmd conf&rlii:i>Jlf ..laJwoman A Mid Ocean Shock. 0 " Uncle Tom. The Motley Fool of the Detroit Chaff he.a the followmg mterestmg remm1scenc" of the Rev Josiah Henson, whose death at Dresden was recently chromcled "Five years ago one October mght I sat all through a performance of Uncle Toms Gahm and really enJoyed it The enJoyment came through my guest We occupied a box at Wb._1tney s, the company was Gotthold and Rial's and my guest was the Pev Josiah Henson-the only origmal ' Uncle Iom L<)~rnmg that the old colored preacher was rn the 1 c1ty v1S1tmg one of rh1s married daughters I mterviewed hun for one of the da1hes and m tile fdllo\v,,mg week succeeded m mducrng )um to VlSlt the theatre for the first t1mem l:us hfc to witness U cle Toms Cabm He knew pothmg of the dramat1z ation of Mrs StowE:,s novel excer t what he had been told and His mterest m the per formance had m 1t for me someth ng both p1th~t1c and ~m~s1og In the sl}enes with little Eva. his ey,es would glisten as they brought to Lis mmd events 1n lus life on the plaptat10n of An:ios R1iey m Davts county, ltentucli:y, who,,se property ad JOmed that ef Massa ., S'ti Clair, to whom Josiah Henson or >Uncle St was hired out ;nost of the time Little Eva wa m reahty Susan St Clau, and Mr Heoso,u. told me that she used to read for him aud he would smg fo1 he1, anl that one tune when he wa$ rowmg her across Blackford s Creek a small strnam th ~t separnted the two plant at10ns she fell out and he rescued her-and so arose the g1eat steam)Joat scene of the hook and the play Dnrrng the performance the Rev Mr Henson gave nnt to his deh!lht and surprise by remaiks m a loud tone such as Thats it, Jest right 'Oh thats nat ral and when Uncle Tom was bemg beaten he groaneu audibly as he remember ed how Bryce Lyttor a Maryland overseer had pounded him years before so that he had UP\ er been able to ra1s1J Ins hands high enough to feel 'ob de wool dat giew op1t}e top ob bis hea<l 'Unule S1 I eil 'fast I ' '1 f o _____ _____ Breton Supcrstltlons A Paris correspondent says - At the Cotes du Nord assizes five days have been oc· cup1ed with II- mvstenous case of murder, thro\\mg some hght on Breton supcr·t1tions One mormng lasi September m the vdlage of Her>goat, a farmer named Omncs, 25 years of age was found sub pended from\' the top of a tumhnl He had been thrashing on the prev10us day, had slept m the barn rn order to guard the oorn from thieves and had e ictently been strangled m his sleep and hung up :when del.d His mouth was gagged with a handkercbief and hrs arms extended as though cruc1tied Joly .i, stick, which was placed m the coat sleerns He was tho mamstay of !us a,.,e l motb~r, was about to marry md was popular m the nl lage, except" 1th his s1·ter and her husband, Marguerite and Yves Guillou They had for three years b)rn a grudge agamst him, because on his fathers death he had sworn to a debt of 150 francs which they had been obhged to pay rhe~ mawtamed that they hai not Jett" the tavern kept by them all mght but a woman asseited she saw them comrng home from the hrect10n of the scene of the murder it 2 that mornmg Another pe1son declared that Mar 6 uente s shoes weie muddy that day Yves moreover de spite a policeman s pn h1b1t10n wa8hed h1& trousers whwh we1 e soiled at the knees with dung and the mark· of kne<s were no ticed near the corpse A month previously they had hired an old woman for 5 francs to go to a neighbormg vll age wheie there 1s a chapel oonta1nrng a statute of Rt Yves, which 1s resorted to by the whole district as a means of ob;;aiumg sure vez geance The oL woman w11,s comm1ss oned to mvoke ven· geance on Omnes for perJury But she was unable to perform the en and for the priest, scandalized at the evil pasa10ns which made the shrme frequented had removed the sta tue to his back garden and on the wall bemg sc:iled to im oke tt had locked it up rn his loft The theory of tl e prosecution was that, despamng of samtly mtervention, the couple iesoh ed on avenging themselv1Ja and what clinched the popul 1r ·usp1c10n agamst them '"' s that toe candle ~ b,:9' Gmllou to an altar at G-umgamp with an lll· vocation for his bro hei m laws benefit, would not burn At the trial however the witnesses to the facts that the two prisoners were out late at mg ht, and that the womans ahoee were muddy were less positive than when ongmally exarnmed and the prisoners were acqu ttcd notw1thstandrng evidence that tney had made no secret of their wish for 1.he deceased s death ..... ····----~ Talmage on corners S 0 I v'\ hen " e 8ee a good th mg we are very onx1ous to gn e it the benefit of a wide and ever g1owmg c1rculat10n Oa this prmc1ple It has pleasure m mcnt10nmg tl~.at Ialmage has been gettmg rather a good t1 mg on those who make fortunes out of c?rners m gram or stocks, or sornethmg else by wl11oh many are 'squeezed Rome rumed, and not a few starved, ' l lule the dollars m abundance are raked mto .their own already monstrou· piles and tl en try to ma! e up matters ~1th their CQnscicnce an l their God by bmld1ug a church endowrng a theolog1 cal chau, or 1t may be pottmrng about an hospital or an almshouse with llOWPrs and blankets and so forth They have swmdled, cheated stolen they know but they thmk God Almighty will oor pound a felony for a cons1deratr10n and therefore they say accord, mg to the eccentric Brooklyn dn rnc Oh Lord we by makmg corners m breads tuffs and sw1ndlmg for years ha~ e ten millions of doll.i.rs saved up Iho1i knowest 1t "as a scaly JOb but it ~as smart Now we \vould like td compromise 'nth 'J hee at one pe1 cent of the protit.s You can bmld an asylum for t 1ese poor miserable weaklmgs that suffer oecause t iey did not lrnow 11ow to work $l1Ch thmgs an l we will ' take a yacht and go to Emopll For over an<'):" for ever Amell Yes old man ypu have h it the nail on the head this time and no rus take 'Rut we '~ onder how much clean money either on the large scale or the omall has ever been made tom cor ners o nargt lo of any l nd Not much, any way Not as much as vould bmld even one church and IL very humble one at that The poor 'ools that put their money mto stock" an 1 f mcy that 1+ is all on the square All on the ·qt aie to be sure 1 And the ' bulls and the bears alike pray m the crown of their bats ou Sunday, and -.nd thank God that they have diddled widows and orphans out of 10 or 15 per cent of their little capital, and fnghtened thel)l mto sellrng qut, m order that theythe thanksg1vers- m1ght reap the benefit The l'rohlbltion Question 'I here can be no doubt that the question of proh1b1t1011 local anu. general, i· bound to become one of the poht1cal quest10ns of this contment In order to become such correctly and suecesijfully it must e;row more and more as a social oue Wi~h the adveAt of \rnman suffrage, partial or total, the quest10n will be prtc1p1tated The Jong est, most numerously signed and strongest petit10n presented at Ottawa durmg the session by the House of Commons was one praymg for the proh1b1t10n of rntox19atmg liquors It ~as sui:netl by ornr IO 000 ot the mothers present and future of Canada Qaite a number of the :States of the neigh borm~ Union are now unier a prohibitory hquor law, and where that is not m opera tiun agitation has been gomg on all wmter foJ::-a high 1 cense law of the stnctest pro vrsions Tu Great Br1tam too the passage of Sir 'Vilfred La"soh s Local Option Bill with a greatly ~ncreased maJOnty through the Commons show.:s the progress that the scnS1ble temperance sentunent 1s makmg even 1ll the old laud 0 0 that before this gen eiat10n passes a V:/-;5 the temperance qu st10n may be one of the greatest poht cal pro blems which the statesmen of the countries m whmh responsible governmant is estab \1sh~d w ll have to solve And m ord01 to a J JSt and succes·ful solut10n liemperate statement careful language persistent ag1tat1on and stealiy social re!o1 m are an mgently and contmuously needea ________ ____ 0 Slaves Held by Ind ans -------- It is a cunous fact that the chiefs of the petty Semmole tribes still hold negroes m bondage m the free State o~ Ji londa In Sontheas,terµ Flooda m the neighborhood ot B1sco.yne Bay the Indians hold neo-ro men women and chlldren m bondage Just. as they did before ar d d,urrng the wa1 Recently one of these sl<i.yes came mto the 'Iown of Miami on B scayne Bay and was surpn'Sed when the people mfmmed him that he wiis a frell man He !lad neve1 hurd of the emancipat10n Proclamat10n and knew nothmf( ot the results of .he war Ih1s well illustrated the 1gn01 ~nee of the negroes and the shrewdness of tilie Indians !t s p1obable that the slams of the Sem moles do not s·e a white man once m ten years I he fact that slaves are held m the Umted States should iecene the attention of the government an 1 the evil which causes. so mucn sectional bitterness and finally c1v1l war totally eradicated cf ---~~-_.--------~ A da.magmg admiss10n-Lettmg the hens. mto a newly planted garden