DENTISTRY1 BY DAVID KER. "Fine day we ve got for it_:eh, Bob?" "First·rate, old fellow; and the wind all " Uro,vn's HousehoJcl Panacea" has no equal for relieving pain, both internal and e:x;· in our, favor, too,. I say, let'~ stand out to ternal. lt cures pain in the Side, Back or Bow· sea a bit ; it's no fuu dodging about the els, Sore 'l'hroat, Rheumatism, Toothache, coast this way." · 1 Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. ··It WITHOUT TEETH . WITH TEETH. ~hey w .e young sailors who spoke thus. will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, Is now exhibiting her splendid new stock 6f" as its acting power is wonderful." "Brown's Neither could have been above fourteen; ·and English, French and American Millinery, .'. Household Panacea." being acknowledged as in 1742 the eastern coast of England was l<'eathers, Flowc1·s uucl l<'macy Goods. · the greot Pain Reliever, and of double the very different from what it is now in 1883. J·llACl'IC.AL UFJN'l'IST, Her numerous friends and the ladies' of Bow· strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the Light·h_ ouses were few and far between, man ville and v!cinityareconftdentlyin vited NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE. world should be in eyery family handy for use Sunken rocks an l shoals, not yet set down to an inspection. The greatest economy NUrous Ox1deGn s Administered for Painless when wanted, "as it really is the best remedy on any chart, abounded all along tbe coast. consistant wi~h quality has been · in the world for Cramps in the Stomach, and a special study.Operations. pains and aches of all kinds," and is for sale by Worse still, the s;wage fellows that haunted all Druggists at 25 cents a bottle. 18.l-Iy. UC<:LlfNG'S BLOt::K. OFFICE A splendid stock <i~ the shore, and ·lived upon the plunder of wrecked vessels, thought nothing of showMotlier~! Motlle1·s ! ! lllotllers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken offyonr ing..false li~hts to lure a storm beaten ship co~rse. always on hand. !he breeze freshe~ed, and the lightened rest by a sick child suffering and crying with to her 1:oom, or of quieting with a timely the excrula.ting pain of cutting teeth 1 Tf RO, knock on the head auy one who might have ship went pretty rapdly through the water. HA TS a1.·._. l:JONNETS go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINS· .survived to dispute their right to her cargo. All that day she ran be.fore the wind on a made over in the Newest Styles. LOW'S ROOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve But all th:is did not trouble Bob and Jim westerly course, and Just about nightfall the poor little suffer immediately-depend upon day's our three voya~ers saw the c;iistant coast of it; there is no mistake about it. 'l'here is not.a in the least. 1'hey were out for mother on earth who has ever uAed it, who w ' sport, and a day's sport they have, En~land looming shadow·hke..;talong the Is a Positive Cure not tell you at once that it wilJ regul11' ·· n~ come what might. Young as they were it horizon. : Guaranteed Cure for Gouorrhoea and Gleet. bowels. and give rest to the mother. or r"lief was not the first time they had taken a lJ~t . " 'l::hank God J" said the merchant, draw- Jlor nil thooe Painful Oomplnlnts and W eaknel!Sea Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects ·.nd health to ·the child. operating- like magic. l!O common to our best female popu1at1on. · from its use. Does not interfere with business It ia perfectly safe to use in all cases,and plef.a out .to sea i~ rough weather; and when Jim, mi;, a long brea~h. .A. Jl[edicino for Womnn:-Invcnted by a Womsn. ant to the taste, and is the presorip1lon of one · We ,~aven t ma:de such a had voyage, or diet. Price $2 per box, or three boxes for !P5, or the oldest and best female physicia' ";.and takmg the tiller, shouted to Bob to"' let go Prepared by a Womnn. Written guarantees iasueil by every duly nurses in the Unit.ed Stat·es Sold everywnere the sheet," and they felt themselves flying after all, laughed Jun.. "\Ve went out in 1 over the water iike se;;L·bir<ls, both boys fair- a, boat, and ,we're commg ba~k in a ship. Th~ Gt'ootcat ~c<llcio.! DUcovcrr Since tho Dn.wu. of' H<tet.o17. 18i·Lv. authori>ed agent to refund the money if three at 25 cents a bottle. ly shouted with delight. I _m sorry for poor old Sam, though, losing Q:ir"It revives the drooping spirits, invigorateff a.nd boxes fall to cure. Sent pJstage prepaid on his boat, because he was so kind as to lend nu..rmon.izes the orgo.nic functions, gives elasticity nnd ""\Vhen l'ma man," cried Bob "and haw, receipt of price. it to us. ~f we get aay $alvage for bringing firmness tO the step; resto,res f,he natural lustre to the mqney ·mough, I'll be a pilot, 'and have a this craft mto port we'll give it to him." eye, and plants on the pale cheelt of woman th~ fresh DR. FELIX LE BRUN & CO., 81 & 83. King I will 1nail (Free) the recipe for a simple craft of my own, and cruise about all day on "Never mind tile boat, my boy," rE.join· roses ot life's spring SJld early summer time. St. East Toronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold by Vegetable Buln· will remove T1~n, Freckle·, the lookout for jobs." ed Crossley ; "I'll made that good ; and you S<irPhysiclans Use It and Prescribe It Freely. -a all druggists in Canada. Pimples and Rlotclies, leaving the skin soft It removes faintness, fln.tnlP,ncy, destroy~ all era-vine clear and beautiful ; also instructions for pro· . " And I'll ~e Captain of a frigate," added may rely upon svme salvage for saving my tor -OVER THE CHEAPstimu.ln.nt, and r elieves weakness of the· stomach. ducinga!luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head Jim, "and sail all round the world, into all hfe, whether you get any for the ship or not. That feeling of bea.ring down, causing, weight; or Amoothe face. AddresR, inclosing He. stamp, ·s orts of places where nobody's ever been," TWEEDS, By-the-bye, what's your name?" .tnd backache, is always permanently cured by its t:se. Ren. Vendelt' d; Co., 12 :Sarclay St.· N. Y. For two or hours the young sailors · "James Cook," answered the boy. !.,.-,---,,,,~ of Ktdnei CJomplntnts of·etther 1ex PRINTS, were perfectly happy; but at length: Jim · "I'll remember it," said Crossley· "and Fo:r the cure thl1 Oompo1md ts unsurpassed. said, rather seriously : . COTTONADES, I'm much mistaken if all England doesn't LYDIA E. PINKUAM'S BLOOD PURll'IER "H~dn't we better. put her about? I can will eradicate ever:y vestige of .Humors from the GENTLEMAN wi.o suffered forvearRfrom some day remember it too." SHIRTINGS, Et~. Blood, and give tone and strength to the system, of . Nervous DEBILITY, PREMATERE DE· hardly see the shore, and you know we r He spoke truly. Thirty years later that man woman or child. Insist on having it. CAY. and all the effects of youthful indiscretion promised Sam to bring the boat back before -AL~O A GREAT DISPLAY OFbarefooted boy was the l(reatest seaman and will for the sake of suffering humanity, senp Both the Compound and Blood Purlfter prepared free to all who need it. the recipe snd directions dark" explorer in Britain, and ~fr. Crossley then a.t233an4235Western .Avenue, Lynn, ltass. Pr.iceot ·· ~ust one bali·ho~r more," pleaded Bob; a white· haired, w.rinkled old man of se~enty either, for making the simnle remedy by which he was Si" bottles for $5. Sent by mail In tl:e .f o= cured, Sufferers wishing to profit hy the ad· "we don't have a cruise like this every day." fi ve, was never tired of telling his friends of pills,$1. or of lozenges, on i·ecelpt of price, $1 per boi::: ver. t iser's experience can do so by addressing in Away they went ·again; but meanwhile about the strange voyage that he had once for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely auswers all lette.."";"::l tt:! perfectconfidence. JOHN B. OGDEN, now on hand. A full supply of the breeze had freshened to a strong wind made in a water-logged vessel with CAPTAIN inquiry. Enclose 3ct. stamp. Send for pamphlet<. 187-ly. 42 CedarSt., New York. which was fast rising into .t gale. Th~ CooK.- .Jlarper's Yowig People. !' No famny should be without LYDIA E. P!Jrn:1I:lr.:U'S LIVEl'B. PILLS. Tholiy oure constipation, biliousness, c· ?ancingripp1eshadturnedintowhite,1eap· Q,11d torpidity of the ver. 25 oents per box. Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Incl. . · mg waves, one of the hugest of which burst· e-Sold by all Druggists.~ (!) Thead:vertiserhav-n~been permanently cured sudde'lly over the aunwale, drench1"ng botl1 To KW Men Without Pain. dent to 11 bilious state of the system, suclt 118 Dizziuess, Na.nsea, nrowsiness, Distresa after eating, ,... , ""'· AN y k h 1 · Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remarJrl. ot t,hat dread disease, Consumption, by a simple lads to the skin. · · ew or man as app ied for a pa· able success has been shown in curing remedy, is Rnxioua to make known to his fellow· Jim's clear gray eyes were bright and fear· tent for what he terms "An improved device s11ffererA the means of cure. To all who desire 1· t" · · 1 it, he will send a copy of the prescription used. less as ev'lr, but his firm lips were set, while or exccu rng cnmtna s condemned to death." Highest P1ices allowed for Farm (free 01 charge. with the directions for prepar- even the reckless Bob began to look seriou11 , It is a method of causing instantaneous Produce. ~ · ing and usln~the same,, wMch they will find a "I-I think we'd. better put about," death without pain to the criminal and sure Cure for c:ou::lls, C.:11lds; Consum1)tion, faltered he. . without disfiguring his body. It consists of . Readnche,yetCarter'sLittleLiverPillsarecqually A~t;bma, Rr·rncllltls, 'tc. ·. d" · · · h 1 valuable in Constipation, curing and preventing Parties wishin" the Prescription, will ple>tae "Too late," replied Jim, decisively; "all an or mary arm cnair wit egs containing &his itnnoying complaint, while ther also correct arldress, Rev. E. A. WILSON, 191 Penn St,, we can do now is to ·keep her before the BO'lle subs~ance whiph will insulate the body all disorclcrs or the stomach, ·stimulate the liver \Vllliamsburg-h, N. Y. wind, If this wind don't cha.nge, the next ot the chair from the floor. The arms end Tyrone, March 22, 1882. and rc"alate tile bowels. :Even If thcv land we shall see (provided we see land 1"n ~ " only cured · two brass k n obs, on w h" ic h the hand s of again) will be the coast of Holland." the criminal will rest. The chair has afoot· Formerly known as the "Soper Mills.') "Pleasant !" sput~ered Bob, ruefully, as rest on which is ~tt~d a brass plat~. The another wave filled his eyes and mouth with back of the chair 1s as high as a man's BOWMAN VILLE. Ache they woul<l hcnlmostpricclcss to t~oac who THIS .-MILL HAS BEEN THOR· brine. "I wish I'd let you turn when you shoulders. At the top is a small knob with suffer from th!3 disLressi11g complaint; but :fortuUGHLY rP.novated and put in order.under wanted to." a. hole for a peg. The positive wire of a so our own special supervision, fort.he nurpose of "Never min", old boy ., it can't be helped dynamo-elect1·ic machine runs up the back imtely their goodncss.doea nqtend here; an a._1.11o 1 1 1 whooncetrythemw1 11 :fin1ltlles~Jittep11s:vnu· 1· # t urmg · oa tMea·1 an d p ot · now. Catch hold " · and en d s lD · the knob. Thi;i · d in-is .mg an manu,i.c of tl11·s b1"t of bread and 0 fth 0 c h air able l·n so i1111ny ways thnt they will not he wrlhng Barley, and we are now prepared to rec!'ive · b t d · h h · ·1 · ' · to do with1mUl10m. But after nll sick 11cn<1 orders from all our old cu.;tomers and others red herring; we shall want all our strength wires can e connec e w1.t a mac me m1 es , _ _ _ - - - - -· _ _' for work, and we gurantee to give them who before long." · away by conducting wires. ·" They did so, indeed, A few minutes later The chair is in condition to be used in two· · in trust ns with the same entire ~e.tisfaetion. Oats and grains taken in exch1tnge for f ways as the t" · r 1 o se t s of wires · Flour oat other are no t ·aper~ ,.....1\leal, &c. H. & J, TOWN s, Bow· a urious squall burst upon the devoted b.oat. t d · h · If h f MY STOCK COMPRISES: Is the bane or sc mnni· Jives tbat here is where we manville. · 227. Before Bob~s numbed fingers could obey a e toget er. t e oot·rest wire is used, · mnke our gi;._ cat bou·t. Our pills cure it while Jim's shout of "Down with the said !" the some preparation is needed. A small silken LADIES' KID BOOTS AND SHOES. othera do not. gale struck her with its full force. The collar is fitted tightly on the neck of the LA.DIES' CALF. KID BUTTON &LACEJJ. Carter"n J.i' Liwr Pills r.rc w ry · m1lll tlnd . light mast snapped like stick of sealing· criminal. It has on the inside. of the back a '\'rryc:~~ytr)t n.kc. 011CC1l"i..\Y0}1iflSlll1:kcn ,dosc. g all b $ b tt h. hfit l. · 1 · LADIES' FRENCH KID, Bli'I'TOK & LACED, 'l'llry arc "r;c1l:; V<'!!Ctnlllc an cl dn not i;riuc or wax, down ·came yard and sail with a ·run, m . ra s u on, w 1 .c Sc ose Y agamst pnrge, !Jat 1>y t lwir p .1rrJc ncr ion pk:r;e uifwlio . M R $. K E y S' and the hampered boat careened till the sea the spmal process. It is connected with a LADIES' KID SHOES, BUTTON & TIE. .. . poured into her like a cataract. small silk ca.ble, which. hangs loosely and nse thmn. Jn "ia Is n t. 2~ cct11 <: th·e for$!. Sold LADIES'GOA!&PEBBLE. BUTTON & TIF; bv dn: 'cgists e rnryw!J.:r", or scat by muil. Stock of New Goods IS nowcomnlete. S.hel:_ias d · b Th' 11 · ' "' _ · on hand a fnll assortment of Wools, Ladies How Jim managed to get forward and cut en s in a rass peg. is co ar is put on Also Men.s' and Children's of the above·goods, CARTEl t ]}!EDICI~E CO., Reticules, Ottomans. Ties, Handkerchiefs. away the wreck he never knew. But the the criminal in nis cell in the s:ime manner MEN'S LONG BooTs, CoaRsF; AND FlKE. ~ l\I w YorK City. Bracelets, Fruit Baskets, &e., &c. boat righted at last, and they began to· bale as the ·noose end used in hangings. He is -- -----, ./· ---- ··· · Call and see them her out, having first lashed the helm amid- then brought out, with feet bared, and is 1\IEN's LAOE Boo·n:;,OoARSE .AND Fii\"E. o~ CANJJIES IN LARGE QU~NTITIEFJ. ships to keep her steady. ~ seated in the chair. Straps fasten his arms MEN'S FINE SHOES AND GAITERS, Afternoon waned into , eveni'ng, a· t id even- to the chair arms and his legs to the chair These goods will not be offered at or below I Th b f h "lk THE BIG PLUG . l\fEN'S ·ANIJ LADIES' SLIPPERS. . I cost. bnt will be aoln at. a smnll advR.n<ie on cost. ing deepened into night-a night that seem- egs. e rass peg 0 t e st cable is in· ed endless to the forlorn boys, now wholly serted in the ho.le in the. brass kn0b at the All the above goods sold at the mercy of wind and wave. About an back ot the chair, and is there. held by a hour afte.r tridnight a deluge of rain burst 1 screw. The bare feet of the crimm,al re~ts · $ upon them, showing that the storm was near on. the brae. 3 plate of the foot rest.. The cir· . its end, and they hailed the favorable sit"n cmt wo!l~d no"'. be_ complete were 1t not ~"ltighes1{Price· 1 --(0)-tt with a cheery hurrah. But the next mo· the pos1t1ve wire 1e_broken at ~ "hort dis· H ·n b ht M R SYLVE~'l'ER'S MA ment Bob shouted frantically. tance !rom the chair. Connect10.a can be ~.:::::E for any of ~ ~;-:-::~ av1 g oug r. · . '::> · ~ "P<..rt your helm , here's-" esta.bhshed at once by turning a .switch or J CHINESHOPandFOUNDRYwearepi;e ~ Bf h ldfin:h bl khd bypressingabutton. Thefullchar'cr~of 9 18 ' a h pared to do a:ll work in this department in a ' ~~ e~out huge '.1'0h s a ow electricity enters the criminal's body at the · satisfactory manner. We shall continue to. steheme 0 Ts har . up over tt em rdig t orhrt okf spinal cord and passes out at his feet T"" I , '- e sen. ere was a remen ous s oc . . . · "" I manufacture Mr. ·Sylvesters celebrated and a de·fe '· h , and th eir · s h a tt ere d resistance coil, wl11ch it meets under the A FULL SUI'PLY OF w mng eras h . .. . f . 1 boat .wentdownlikeastoneintothedepths c air,_a~grM· ates1ts orce,and '" s · , of the sea, leaving them clinging convulsive- from rnJurrng ~he_ dyn~n;o. machme on its ly to a tangled mass of cordage. retnrn. Th~ cnmmal. is Killed mstau~a?e· receive prompt attention. and shall spare no pains ~o keep up their pre ,, I say," cried Jim, who was the first to ously and without _Pam, as the electricity A'l' J;OT'fOU l'RlCES. ' sent reputation. reach the deck of the vessel against which acts ~uch more quwkl.i; than the nerves of , .A.11 kinds of far,.m produce taken STQRE: One door west STATESMAN b:ffioe they had been d3.l1hed, "this is ·out of the sensat10n. - New York .Sun. in exchange for goods. frying-pan into the fire.' The old tub's half _._...,__......__ __ A Lip-Reading Witness. long and favc;irable known-will be carried on fu[[, of water, and there's not a soul on and with the a.ssietance of our Machinery we , board !" Baltimore prn~ents a new question to the hope to lar~ely increase the business in this 2*7 nowuumville. "Isn't tltere?" shouted Bob, bending his courts for settlement. The la\v books are full of deciE ions ·so fully defining the rules of department and give ou~ cnstomers increased head eagerly forward. "Listen l" Sure enough, at that very moment a faint oral and written testimony that . little Un· inducements to purchase from us. A large stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. knockinir was heard right under ·bheir feet, certainty evGr arises in trials as to those (1uestions. BLit .here is the case o~ spoken .A.ll work warrented satisfactory. Special at ,an.d a feeble cry of " Help !" "There's some fellow shu~ in here," cried words that were not heard by th<l' person in tention given to Engine, Mil and Agricultura Jim, poin~ing down the after·hatchway, whose presence they were uttered, and who Machinery, ~ which was quite choked with broken spars is to be pnt on the stand to repeat them. _ . ,,,,_ ....__, and fragments of wreck. "Bear a hand, Nor were they written down or in any other Sciatica, Neuralgia, We have now opened Bon, and we'll soon have him out of that." manner record?d. A young man was paying has had a large experience in Lame Back, Lumbago, The hatchway was speedily cleared of marked attent10n to a young woman, whicll, Contracted Joints, Machine,Agriaulturul undOarri·aqe Work, rubbish, a door at its foot flung open, and a it was . bel.ieved, would lead to marriage. . ' -o~·Cramp in Muscles, having worked in the largest establishments in man, gasping and gurgling as if strangled, Suddenly he ceased his atteu.tions and their Sprains. · , the Dominion, which will ac!d larg.e ly to the fell forward into their arms. They dragged cooing became altercation. ::;he uys that him up in.t o the fresh air', and he began to on a certain evening he asked her to become interest of the new firm. WGiveour HARD METAL PLOW POIN~'S revive at once, although it was some time his wife, and that she forthwith gave an The cheapest and best Os~·n.rcH FIU'l'HRS ever before he could speak. While· Bob was at· alii.rmative reply. He says that he never offered to the public. SATINS, VELVETS. Rrna trial. tending to him Jim examined the condition did a.nything of the kind. It would be one's AONS, FLOWERS, LACES e,nd E'ANCY GOODS just In .-,."rr~ as cheap. of the vessel. The foremast was still stand- word against the other's, for there are no Please call and inspect our stock. No troul:\le ing, but the main ·and mizzeµ masts had rings or letters to assist a jury, if it were to show goods, and we arc bound tq sell at tho ~. · gone by the board, and the planking on the not for the fact that a sister of the prospec. lowest Bowmanville, 1\la.rch8. 18g3. price" possible. atarboard·quarter was completely stove in, tive plaintiff was present at the time when' STRAw HA'l'R and BON:)IJ':TS CLE A.NED and while the holds was nearly full of water. the engagement is ,claimed to have been RE-SHA.PED in a.II the latest styles. The only comfoFting facts were that the made. This girl is deaf. She has never in · RElUEltllrnR ·rn1-; S'f£.ND:--<l tlOOl'S \Vest wind had fallen, and that the sea was evi. her life heard the sound of the human voice. of U:ll'tyn·s Ga·occry St1wc. This Great Household Medicine dently going down likewise. But she has learned the art of lip·readin11 "Re'll do now,." said Bob, coming up. as taught iu the institutions for the deaf i:anks amongst the leading · King i:3treet, Bowmanville. 246. "I've propped him against a spare sail, and and dumb, by the movements and positions necessaries of Life; he says he'll be all right presently. He tells of the lips in articulation. The girl avers Those famous Pills purlfy the BLOOD, and me his name is Crossley, and that he's a rich that in the . case of persons whose lips are m9t powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the merchant homeward-bound to London from mobile and exp·essi ve she can discern every the Baltic. When they took to the boats he word they speak. Therefore she knew all Liver, .Stomach, I<idneys, ran dcwn to get some morn~y or something, that was said by the lovers on the occasiou and BOW.ll:Li:3, givrng toRe, enerJ?y, and. vigor and those timbers fell and blocked him in, in dispute. But what will be the ruling of o these great . M AIN SPRINGS OF Lil!'E. T!i:ey and. the crew went off without him." the court when her testimou y is offered? are conf!den tly re com mended as a never faihng " "\Vell, look here," cried Jim ; " thie ......-,__...,_ __ remedy rn all cases where the constitution from whatever cause, has become impaired or weak1m OF THE DEST craft's loaded with timber; so that she's not The name of Dr. William Chamb.:irs, who ened. . They are wonderfully efficaclous in all likely to sink; and I don't believe she's recently died· at Edinburgh high in years and a ilments inci<lental to Females of a ll ages · and leaking either, or the water in her would honor, will be gratefully remembel'ed, say 8 as a, GENERAL F.A.:.\iILY MEDICINE', are unsurpassed. INVESTIGATORS IN USE. be a deal higher. Let's try the pumps and t11e PaU Mall Gazette, Ly urnny thousands It is a m~r,illc in tbfl,cnre ofall diseases ,-.... see." whose knowledge of the wor ld outside thei1· 0 of the KlJ1\e;·s, Birrdder, Prostatic Por\. <) To work they went, am! were soon joined own little cirdes has been largely due to his l:l tion of the Uri·rn.ry Organs, Irritation of by Mr. Crossley, who, now that his faintness industry and interprise. The supply of the Neck of the Bladder, Burning Urine, Hs Sea1·eltlng 1rncl IleaHug Pr111·crttes nre Gleet, Gonorrhea i11allitsstages, niucous had worn off, did as much work as both .of popular literature is now a vast trade, but lrnown tlll'ouglwut tile 11' Ol'ld, Discharges, Congestioti of the Kidneys,. ~hem toqeth er. After a lonz spe\J of pt1mp- when the brothers Chambers first en"agcd in Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes, InflammaFor the.cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, mg Bob went to "try the well," a,nd return. the work it was still iuits infaucy. 'l'r.e tion of the Kidneys and B!addQr, Dropsy ed with the good news that the water had example th~y set has gi~en the direction to of Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urme Old Wounds, Sores an.d Ulen . Pain in the Region of the Bladder, PAIN fallen six inches. all subsequent atlvcntures in the same field, IN THE DACK, U1inary Calculus, Renal it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on . "~ra:vo !" cried Jim; "we'li pump her audit is largely due to them that cur popuCalculus, Renal Colic, Retention of tbe neck and chest. as salt into meat it cures ·~ dry m a Jew hours at this rate, for it's only lar literature has been, on the whole so Urine, F'requr:nt Uriuation, Gravel in all SORE ' rHRuA'l',Diohtheria,Bronchitis, Cough its forms, Inability to retain the Water the after-hold that's been filled. Let's look meritorious as it is. Dr. Chambers ~vas Colds, and even AS'I'J:L\1A. For Glandular particularly in·ons advanced in life. Swellings, .Abscesses Piles l!'istulas abo~t for something to eat, and then at it aJso conspicuous by his public mnnifioeiice. IT IS A KfDNEY INVESTIGATOR that restores the Uriqe to its natural color Rheumatism, some search they rummaged out a Auction· removes the acid and burning and the efl'ect of the excessive use of intoxicating And every kind of SKIN DISEASE it has biscuit cllest and a small cask of water still ,t' eer, Valua!or and Arbitrator.Fire and Life drink, ' .· ' · never bsen kown to tail. ' unhurt b" the sea "\Vhile tlle" . t Insurance, ~otes and Acconnts Collected, · · J . · . J we1 e ea · Money to L1>nd on reasonable terms. Address Price $-~r Six Bottles for $5, ~ The Pille and Ointment a ro :\lfonufactured mg, a famt gleam of li,ght began to .s how it- Cartwright, Ont. 4'72 Th?'!" who c~ot obtain .a bottle or this only at 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON and self i.n the east. are sold by all Vendors ofMe<licines throughout ~~t~;1~~~~!1 ~Ti~~ii~1~ii~ ~~end us one ~he Civilized World ; with directions for using Send for Circular. Sold by ..U Dr1ll!lgllrto.' "Jiollo !" cried Bob; "I thought this was SNUG HOME FORi SALE. --A Brick m most every language. GUARAN~EE :After fair tri!l.I, with no supper, and it turns out to bo " breakfast. Cottagecontaintngsix'rooniii. cellar. pantry JOHNSTON & co;11 '\I a-Purchasers should look at the Label on the .a Look alive, mate· ; the sun '11 be o.a deck etc., q1mrter acre land, stc:.ble/ wood·shed, hard · relief or cure effected, your money will Posts a.nd Boxes. If the address is noL 53g AJo!HEllO'l'B11llG, Ont. . ' lll!l'l'l\Oirr, Jo!lch. d I t 't t h k lk' " and soft water, and other conveniences. For be refunded. PorcE, $1.00. Oxford Street, London, ·they _are spurious. · .A.gents for the U' S, and Q.anadll. _ soon, ~n le mus n . C'.1- c us s u · mg. further information apply to STA1'ESMANOftlce T_he 'l' Marks of my said Medicines are Sold by =-=--====:!.! At tt they went again, and by sunrise the Bowmau·v ille. . 198-tf. ' . ~====· registered 111 Ottawa. and also at Washington. i!TOT'I' ... t JllltY, ROWJ UANVILLI,, A. ARD .-To all who are suffering·from the ' rros and indiscretions of youth nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhoed, &c I will send a recipe thQ.t will cnre you, FREE .OF CHARGE. This great remedy wu dis· covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed enve!Ope to the R11:v, JOSEPH 'l'. INMAN. Station D, New Yorlc City OUR Yl>UNG FOLKS. A Queer Klnd or ltollday. .RES1' AND COMFORT TO THE iSlfFFERING I J.M. BRIMACOMBE, DR. FELi X LE BRUN'S ship ~a.II so much li~ht~ned and "the' ~ea 80 ca,lm that the three wornout worke1s thought they might venture upon ll> Rap. When Jim awoke again the sun w;is well above the ,horizon. · · " Bob," cried he to his chum, who opened his ~yes 1Lt that moment, "here'd a breeze gettmg lip from the . east. Now if we can only man~ge to ,get. some sail upon the old craft, I thmk we 11 find our way home yet." . 13ob i:nd ~r. Gressley were on their feet Ill a t\v1?k hall;, an<l the three .~et to wor": to m~ke sail. The foremast and Jib-boom bemg sttU s~und, the:r sueceeded -not without 9 ome _d1ffi~ultY-:-!n hoisting the gib a.Rd foret~ps~ll. Then Jim went to t~e helm, while hie. crew one man an~ a boy stood. ready. to o.bey his orders. For even in ·this first boy1~h ,adventure of · one. who afterward be. came so famous, he seem.ed already to command and be obeyed quite a~ a matter of I a Spring & MILLINERY MRS. AND ERSON o! c c~c "'[J" r~~~ FAMILY MOURNING Fl. El. a .LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 VEGETABLE COMPOUND · . ANOTHER ttECTION I TYRONE. Old No. I, West End, PIMPLES. EXCITEMENT NOW BECIKNJNC l§f CARTERS ERRORS OF YOUTH .. A cuR·E S t CK MllLINtRY & fANCY GOODS -o T ONSUMPTIVES Groceries &, Crockery 1~ DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co11 1 HE AD · ACH Caledonian Mills. :a I WAREROOl\f, THOS. CREEPER11 FINE G- 2 .0, W' RUSE Agent ~oats & Shoos. lrlktlll·lll··lllllllll!lllllmlll·Bllla N EW GQ Q D S SMOKE. - .--'-"'>--- a . ;D I. I TWIN~NAVY ~ 10~'. . . I I t , Nl W t tl M I - - CHEAP FOR CASH. ·Paidl1 ORDERED WORK WOOL & BONES CHAMPION PLOWS OUR . OARRIAGE BUSINESS,· toves &T1"nware REPAIRING DAVID DAVIS. 0 1 l LINIMEn ur;;;;;;;;:;;;:Ea&. STURGEOl'lll1 LEWIS QUICK, RHEUMATISM, BEST HORSE LINIMENT. 1'd: R. ARCH TO. LADIES. $ 3 000 'WORTH FRENCH & AMtRICAN MILLINERY l W. BRAYLEY, MONTREAL, P.Q.1 Mc~LUNG & OARGH, . Mrs, DONNELLY. ::EE.XD J.VJE 'Y" Holloway's Ointment, M y ·r-3 ag~rt~~ -JOHN HUGHES~=-~sed w. l II