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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Aug 1883, p. 6

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.. The Ii irsi Labor Strike, RAPID KAITROAD CONST.RUCTION. per1enced still more her longmg for his re etermty that he should love as he did, aui'l ter and my own, and have brought them curu and her sensation of tnght without be betray,ed as he had been, and, it it w11s here to you Will you read them ? Then In 1348 there swept over England what BY EDWARD I! CREA~ER I shall go away Will you take them? predestmed, then he could not hate u ie him was called the black death Tb1s terrible Qft have I listened to thy song, e.weet bird, He held them out to her as he spoke disease earn ed off nearly one h~lf of all the Wonderful Progrees or the Canadian Pa· ()lose to where Manuel va.rrasc o sat, an mstruments of hlB torture, could not w1~h Trymg to learn it so that I might sing clfio with a hand that shook a; little unkempt long legged Yankee, who was either of them to suffer, sorely as they hatl people of England, and made it qmte 1m It to myself long alter m the fiing "Come m first She was trembling m possible to cultivate large port10ns of the And turmoil of the city but a word rollmg a quid m hJs mouth, leant agamst smitten him Mr Clrnt Boardman, of Langdon, ShepJ Or note I learn Dot thme enraptured stram, the -wall, while another, of scarcely more He paced the quarter deck and thought f e'eryhmb, butshehad learned fortitude She soil from the scarcity of labor thereby pard & Co , write$ t he followmg mtel' stmg So filled with beaut~ strength and cadences Wages went up enormously, letter to the Elkader Iowa Re(lfBter It :J{as with it so much tree and lawn and breeze, attractive appearance, stood by them, trac that brief year of his hfe whwh only meaJlt could offer him a seat and rmg for lights, and caused mg figures with the point of a bowie knife ID her name, recallmg the letters he had writ say common places to him while tb:e servant thoup;h the prices of prov!Slons were corres contarns some mterestmg notes relative to .And consonance that all my task a m vain ,A.a difficult to learn it as the song some spilled hqmd on the table as he JOmed ten her, his passionate protestations that was present, and play the graceful hostess pondmgly enhanced Harvests rotted on the magnitude of the work w hich lB gomg Made by th~ streamlet down the mountain m the conversation never mterpreted a tithe of all he felt and m every detail , while he answered nothmg the ground and fields were left unhlled not on at the end of the track He says -We side " And if it paid you once five hundred wonderrng suiip1dly how ho had been able only sat stupidly starmg at her Rising and lowermg m a rhythmic slide merely from the scarcity of hand~ but from have now upwards of 4 000 men and 1,600 ~mged by the zephyrs which the sounds pro pounds a day, why do y<;>u want to sell? to go on wr1t111g when he never eho1ted a "Did you ever answer any letter of mine? the strife which now for the first time re teams on the work, strung over a territory long asked the Jew he said when they were alone word m reply vealed its'elf between capital and labor of about 100 miles I hardly know how to But like to it it lmgArS when away ' Five 1 hundred pounds-two thousand " Answer them 1 I never reca1ved any- Capital kicked havmg to pay higher explarn to you the modus operandi of the But then he had trusted l er so utteriy, as Withm the mmd and haunts us many a day five hundretl aollars mterpreted the only a b111; blundermg sailor knowmg little not one wages and labor 'struck m order to secure workmg Ihe earthwork amounts toabont man with the qmd to the one with the bowie of the treachery of men, could trust He ' Yet I wrote you fifty, and waited and what was thought tu be fair m the changed 15 000 yards per mile the bridgmg is lll(ht, kmfe had trusted her till he had received that hungered and th isted for a revly order oi thmgs The followmg 1s bow but it keeps three pile d11ve1 sand two gangs ' Because my heme is m Eugland , I can msultmg message through her fathcrr and " As 1 waited at home, ' she broke m rm Green tells the story, and it ao evidently of bridge bmlders workmg mght and day to not stay here to work it myself, and it is d1f when his own letter to the Colonel was re petuously, all the remembered pa.m and has its significance for the present day and keep out of the way of tho track ficult to find a man whom one can - - that turned, passion commg back agam- 'waited day its morn!, that it does not need t o be men .B;very day the track is !:lid at least three CHAPTER VIII 1s to sa}, who takes the same mterest m the At the memory of 1t his face paled m the aftor day, srnk at heart till at last, when t10ned Ill so many words _ .. vVh1le the miles and from t hat t o fom mtles t hus re· concern as oneself moonlight and the knotted vems rose m hlB eight weary months were over, I set landowners of the country and the wealthier hev ng from one to three of these subs , who " Poste RestantP., San Franc1sc9 That See here, mister , I shouldn t mmd damp forehead Yes she had done her best aside my modesty so far as to wnte ana fold their tents and go forward and com· was the address Manuel gave Phc:ebe for bemg your overseer at a. pmch, mterrupted to break his heart aud msult his manheod remmd you of the past, and you sent no craftsmen of the town were threatened mence to work on another co 1tract where with rum by what seemed to their age the his letters , and daily for a couple of hours the man with the bowie kmfe with a. sparkle and Ins pride, yet he could not hate her, reply extraYagant demands of the new labor they will agam the end of t he steel ra.1ls she wrote to him of greed m his enaky: gray eyes " I ne\ er got your letter could not hate any of them , he itad love.i class, the country itself was torn with not w1t hm tlurty days 'lh1s 1s as near as I can "I m1sa you so' - that was always the Oh, tha.nk you I am sure you would htr too much "Yet I posted it with my own hainds ' and disorder 'Ihe outbreak of lawless self expla.m the gradmg burden of her 0 ong " I wish you were smt admirably 1 But I choose to sell And now he wondered how much she sui rhe p1lrng and bridge timber !S hauled by ' I never got rt, he repeated doggedly, mdul~ence which followed evervwhere m home al(am for somehow I am fi 1ghtened 'I he owner of the qmd mdulged Ill a short fered, where she was livmg, ~hat she was " never as there 1s a heaven above us 1 I the engmes on the construct10n trams and wt1hout you, though e' ery one 1s every goon immcd1ately suppressed chuckle, though at thmkmg or domg Had the dead man been wrote to you half a hundred times heggmg the wake of tbe plague told especially upon thrown off at the end of the track aud haul to me Edith stops with me, the mother whose expense it would have been difficult the obstacle between her aud him he might 1mplormg a reply-even a !me a message the ' lawless men wandermg m search of ed ahead not to exceed eight or t eu miles, work and, for the first t rme masters of the comes to see me e\ ery day, and all our to say pet"haps have reio1ced m his death, for he anythmg When none came, I Wl'ote to your labor market and the wandermg laborer or so that one day t here "ill not be a stick of friends pet the httle grass widow , but rhe Jew had been cog1tatmg profound!~' was only human, after all, but the barner father, for I could not belie' e you false , and artizan turned easily mto the ' sturdy beg timber to be seen anywhere the next day still I W!Sh you were home I feel with his hands m his pockets and hJS blue had been her own pride and hardness, her this was the answer ' gar, or the bandit of the woods A oum four or Jive neatly constructed bridges alone black chm on his breast Re held the open sheet towards her with mary redress for these evils was found by stand there ready for the track to pass over own strange cold nature "Won at last ' ' If you would sell for so much a year, I How she had looked at him at Oakley such a shakmg hand that the pape1 the Parliament and Crown m a royal ordm T his work can OLly be done by He had read her most lovmg letteM over should not mmd mvestmg, he said at Court, as one looks at someth1!lg utterly rust led ance whrnh was subsequently embodied m WORKING NIGHT AND DAY, till he knew 1t by heart, and it was m thmk la·t ' Read it ' she said huskily od101 sand contemptible ! Yes what had he the St tute of Laborers E very man or as all timber must come ±rom the east and mg of it that with his folded arms pressmg ' Oh no, I could not r I wrnh to be done t ver done but love her loyally and trnst her Hrn face was ashen m the bright lamp woman, runs this famous act of wbatso be hauled from the end of the track, mst ead tho uncons1ous paper in his pocket close to with the whole concern , therefore J: an wholl) o,nd believe m her undoubtedly till light, but his vorne was steady ever condition, free or bond, able m body of gettmg timber from ot her places near the his heart, he had whispered that trmmph wilhng to sell at a loss Fifteen thousand her falsehood was proved? ' Colonel Howard begs to return Oaptam and w1thm the age of three score years and hne, as we can do m a settled country, and a.nt eJaculation to himself down are my terms Take them or leave And now she ~:i.s a widow and he pitied Seymour hi~ letter, and to express his sur not havmg of lus own whereby he may 4ive havmg bridges constructed months before "Yo~ have had another letter from your them ' her It did not strike hnn how much more prise that an officer and a gentleman should nor land of his own about the tillage of the track is laid fine Enghsh madam I suppose 'f' ~ 11 Fifteen thousand pounds-seventy five to be p1t1ed he was himself w th his mental contmue to persecute a young lady who has which he may occupy himself, and not Now comes the track gang of three hun " ·why do you thmk so ? energy exhausted, his hope of anythmg from so unequnocally shown her md1fference to servmg any otlJer, shall be bound to serve the dred men and tlurty fi ve teams New to thousand dollars, mterupted the owner of "Because you look so happy and solife done with, and his mterest m all thmgs him Miss Howard declmes to hold ernptoyer who shatt requii e him to do so and explam how this is performeJ i t would be the quul, to which the other nodded foohsh Manuel Carrasco had surely forgotten his over It would not have ma'ttered to him if further commumcat10n w1th Cif.j:>tam Sey shatt take only the wages which were accustom useless for me to try it is simply rn1mense Was 1t a fact, he wondered that the glad 1t had pleased his Admiral to sta.tion the mour and regrets if any unthmkmg act of ness w1thm him looked rid1culousl out habitual caution and the violent experiences Iolanthe \\here she was durrng the natural hers has led to self decept10n on Captam ed to be taken in the neighborhood where he is and everythmg works hke a clo;;j>. Each of his eyes aud that he seemed a simpleton of his past when he d1ecussed monetary mat life of her captam He was as well there Seymour s part , regrets it all the more smce bound to sen1e two years bejore tlie plag11e man knows his place and e\ en kL "S-Wh1ch A r fusal to obey was punished by 1dent1cal spike remains for him to drive, or to this VI Oman who scannei h1 face Jealous ters with such md1fference to the presence of lymg idly '.lIT Aden, as anywhere else "\l\i hy she ls about to cont ract a marriage with one began seeJy bar room loungers 1 unpusonment Ste1 ner measures were soon the identical tie fo1 him to put m position ly' There was much hard bargammg on both not ' So Captam Seymour did h is routme m every way worthy of her ' found to be necessary Not only was the It requires from pp;hteen to twenty cars of " Well, I am happy 1 She has learned to work and gave '1s routme orders, and he Oh, Gerald ' It was all she was able price of labor fixed by the Parliamen t of steel rails J>Px-aa~, and from 36 to 48 cars love me best of all the world- has learned sides and many brandy cocktails were con felt sometimes as though he were not him to 'utter as she stood beside him pale as 1350 but the labor class was once rnoie of ties to keep t hese men a t a moderate lt only lately Does that coi;vey noth1Dg sun ed, 1Jefore a certain amount of money self, but had two d ifferent 1dent1t1es and death with clasped hands chang"d hands as ~guarantee ot good faith tied t) the soil The la.borer wae forbid den pace to you? that the old self-the self with the heart "1hree weeks after I got that a copy of' t o quit the parish where he lived m search Now vou ask what t lus army of men ltnd He had meant when he cawe here to be The t..ver present bar room lawyer was and soul- lay somewhere far away asleep the Times reached me addressed by the very uncommunicative about his fau English called aside to lend legal sanction to the or dead yet knowmg, as beyond the giave same hand Itcontamed the a.nnouncement of better paid employment , 1f he disobeyed teams eat Step rnto my shoes for a day transactwn then the two men rose to go, he became a 'fugitive and subJect to im and yoii would get an idea ot what it takes wife, but the growmg triumph m him was of your marriage how the new life sturcd and acted pnsonment at the hands of tb.e Justices of to supply all this No·thwest Territory and too strong to keep his Southern nature each a little excited the Mexican a little And the new self tock a little famtmterest A grayish hue had crept over his face, but the peace To enforce ~uch a law literally the amount of work connected witb. the sup bewildered by unaccustomed drinks 11ilent They were at the door arm m arm, for m Mis Carrasco Gerald Seymour would his v01ce was still steady must have been 11nposs1ble, fo1 corn had ply department In t t e irs place t he Ihe woman tossed her head-a handsome h ke to mquire for her wl en he returned to ' Ah, dear friend, did you thmk I was risen to so high a price that a tl11ys labor at horses ieqmre sixteen hundred bu.hels of sray liaired head, with a high comb and a they had part of the way to go together, England, to find out where sl:ie lived and party to that ? the old wages would not have purchased oats dally, winch amount must be unloaded graceful black lace veil that softly framed when the fiarmg gash~ht revealed to how she bore her sorrow to see her perhaps ' I don t know, but 1t almost killed me wheat enough fo1 a mans support But the as near the end as possible and then loaded the wrmkled face with its fierce black Ca11asco that trie Jew wore his over if possible, himself unseen I have been dead lll heart and hope smce landowners did uot fimch trom t he att ·m1pt on fre1ghtmg outfits and hauled ahead coat and that he had taken the others by eyes Phcebe' 1 he repeated re enactment of the law shows Ih1s work !I.lone reqmrcs a few men and "Have you her picture' I should hke to 'Let me see the letter Never mrnd, was the answer, delivered tr e d ffic11lty of applymg rt and the st ub teams Now to feed tl11s army of railroad !lee1t As she took it hbr hand, roy cold, touched bornness of t he struggle which it brought men 1t reqmres trom one to two cars per Phaibe had gone down to Kent to seclua e He drew it from his breast and handed it with tipsy gravity, when he had drawn at ten t~on to the fact " I hke this one , it s herself m her sorrow, and Edith went with his, as cold about The fines and forfo1tures which day of supplies These supplies are the best to her almost reverently Papa never wrote that-he never saw it, were levied for mfract1ons of its pro ns1ons that money will buy , our meats l\ll come her-bri{(ht faced, bonnie Edith, who had bet er than my own, I 11 keep it ' "Do y0u thmkher beautiful 1 But I prefer i t too , I should like my loved the dead man so warmly m her gushmg tuat is not the least like anytbmg he could formed a large source of royal revenue but from the Umted States, from .Armour m "Beautiful' No Too fau and tame and enthus1ast1c way, who had mourned him write so meffectual were the ongmal penalties Milwaukee , hams, bacon, pork, corn beef, cold, too like a dove I should have thought coat you must gn e 1t to me please "'Iheµ who wrote 1t i · so pass10nately, and had recovered from All right ol boyhave it to morrow that the runaway laborer was at last order~d and spiced r oll, we also have a bt'ltcher you would hMe preferred to mate with an and takmg the Mexrnan s arm agam the her despair so easily as is the way of the Algernon, she cried with a little gasp to be brand cl wtth a hot iron on the [01 e outfit that visits each camp at least three eagle of relief, for au awful doubt had assailed liead, wh le tlue h <>r bonng of serfs m towns times per weel' wit h good fresh beef It " I hnd too much knowledge of birds of Jew staggered unsteadily down the street, young Edith had loved Manuel for hrn tender her-"Algernon I it is his nand- well dts was rigorously imt down 1 Such w:;is the reqmred last year m tills !me 700 head to prey, he said srnihng "befoie I met her wa king unconsciously to hlB doom At the streE>t corner there was an en ness to Phoobe and for his generous kmdness gmsed, but his hand all the same I would state ot thmgs whwh brought on the first supply us this year l u will require nearly a or kites and vultures to w1shfor any eag e at to herself She had admired him for h11; swear to it labor strfte m JJ.:ngland and "'ho shall say thousand head I t requues about :100 sack& tributes m he1 My life with her is a neVI counter-a cry, an unprecat1on, some shots brilliant qualities yet, m spite of ' Then he must have suppressed my let was not good cause ? lt was thought of flour of 100 pounds each week for brea.d hfe, if you saw me 10 1t ~ou would scarcel~ fireil the dull sound of a blow and the rush many herself she could not help takmg a ters? of hurrymg feet away from the spot where to t rample ti.le poor m the dust, and no Thie of course, is all Mamtob<t flour than know me ' 'Yes Oh, Gerald, how could he r What wonder that there was an attempt on the which there rs none better "\l\i e get butter "And she wants you back to that and two manunate forms lay on the pavement , little girlish mterest m the fit and fashion of her sJSter s weeds, and thmk1ng how other hand to prevent such trampling The from Ontario, and so far this year 1t has been motive had he to be so wicked ? would tie yon to her apron string for all your one etone dead, shot through the heart the " I don t know, .Pha!be, ' he answered ory of the poor found a ternble utterance in good Our other supplies cons!St of t he life 1 She grudges you to me for a month, a other msens1ble and bleedmg slowly from a. pretty the young widow looked m her sable 11 draperies wound between the eyes the words of John Bull, usually called the same as your stores Ill Elkader keep all simply I can see no motive what week, a day~ She could not help notwmg that the It was not Pepita s son who was slam , mad priest of Kent Ma.d the landown ever The woman spoke m Span1Sh with rapid kmds of canned goods These come for that she thanked the sarnts and the Holy world was fan, and forcmg upon her sister a ' And did you not hate me when you ers m1g,ht call him but John Bull first rung µtteranco, her eyes sparkling vmd1cbvely Ui CAR LOAD I OTS of consciousness the beauty of the April s un V1rgm as she knelt by his bedside k1ssmg the knell of feudallsm and first m d1stmct thought I would have sent you such a mse " No , she would not grudge me to you terms put forth a declarat10n of the n gbts thmk of a car load of canned peaches, or a ~f &he knew of your existence It is not his hmp hands, praymg, and rockmg herself shme, of the May flowers of the long June sage as that ? days, till the twen ty one years old w idow ' No , I never hated you for one hoiir of of man 11 Good people, cried the preach car load of canned corn VI e have plenty her fault that she has never beard of to and fro All And, smce it was not her son, what did hated herself for the conv1ct1on that the my hfe, and I am glad now that I can hon er, ' thmgs will never go well in Engla.ud so of~toes, omons and stale eggs you You are not Jealous of my wife, it matter whose son i t was was borne woomg voices of nature were wmnrng her or you till I die, as I loved you beforeIona; as goods be not m common and so lon g thesesullJ:lhes come to me at Ma <'l Creek, JD.Other~ gla.d we have both been only sufferers, not as there be v1llams and gentlemen By what and are unloaded and made mto ~.r load He stooped and kissed the women s worn to the dead house and had a handsome dark back to thmk life still worth hv10g The June r oses bloomed and the thrush smners So now good bye, and heaven nght are they whom we "all lords greater lots such as 100 sacks of flour, 20 It. ~ls of wrmkled face aa he spoke, with the tender tace and letters ID his pocket, and the pie ture of a fine English madam? What did 1t and blackbird. carolled their liquid notes be bless you I I ban been deeply sorry for folks t han we ? On VI hat .,(round~ have they sugar a quant ity of meats ancl all kmds of nesa that \I as growmg m hun desen ed it' Why do they hold us m serf groceries, such as I deem necessary for the "No, not Jealous of her I am glad she matter to .Pepita that the San Francisco side the Lodge, and the blue sky above her your loss Tlils is not all remem ~he had forgotten loss momentanly ago' If we all come of the same father and wants of that day loves you I am glad yon are happy but I rress called the dead man Manuel Carrasco was hke a sapphire canopy Phcebe learned to ·mile w1nly at these till he spoke She remembered now that mother of Adam and Eve how can they ber We have to keep everythmg that 1s loved you first I had nothmg but you, and and published rough wood cuts that w< re not ishe had other thmgs She neve1 smned for particularly like him or anybody else? thmgs, though there was that tragic stam she was a widow and he a stranger She say or prove that they are better than w., needed rn a town of the sa me number of Our blacksmith and waggon re· you, toiled for you suffered for you , she What did 1t matter that some of the money on her past, aud though Edith had gone placed her hand m the hand he extendf'ld , 1f it be not that they make us gam for t hem peop1e by our toil what they spend m their pnde? pa1rer must be all kept ready, a,lso hundreds llever stood aside that you might rise to found on the poor murdered body was taken b ack to tdwn For the London s<0ason he held it a moment, lookrnp- at it tenderly They are clothed m velvet , and warm in of plows, scrapers and all kmds of r'epa1rs greater heights without her B ~h 1 'Vhat to pay for a telegram to England, and that was round ag1>.1n, and Mrs Howard could then he let rt go " Good bye, she said brokenly, with t l1 eir furs and ermmes while we are co·ered for the same Now then comes a drug de does she know ' 'What do you know of a e'en then a stout old Colonel, Howard bv not afl:ord to let her daughter miss its name, was hurrying across the sea to identify chances averted face with rags They have wme and spices and partment where are kept all kmds of horse ;pareat s love? Yet she was deeply grieved at the neces He took a step t oward the door, then re fa.IX bread, and we oat cakes and straw and med1cmes we also have five doctors that ' N othmg yet, mother , but I may some the letters and clothes, and to VlSlt t he eave Edith turned, looked at her wistfully for a moment, water to drmk They have leisure and tine traYel over the line constantly, for which day and then, Heavt.n grant l may be grave m the cemeterey where he was laid? s1ty whwh impelled her t<t These thmgsd1d not matter to her so long alone, and even volunteered to send one of and touched her shoulder t1m1dly houses, we have pam and labor the rai each man pays 50 cents a month, and I will Ill! true to child of mme as you have been to as she could nurse her son, tell her beads the younger girls m Edith s place , though aud the wmd m the fields And yet it 1s of say here t hat t hese five meu have about all (TO BE OONTINUED ) me' \\ this too was a sacrifice, for she was paymg a us aud of our toil that these men hold then they can attend to m the spung, as men are ThlB "as Manuel Carrasco s errand across and stand by any falsetood that kept him state Well may the h1stona.n add, "It compelled to hve m teuts and at the com The Fate or Famny Jewellery the Atlantic, to see the mother he was from prymg curious eyes that would, if they very expensive governess to give them final mencement, before the camps are properly could have spied out her secret, and have touches of erudition, and she was reluctant ashamed to own The master of the rolls gave Judgment ·oas thetyrann11 oj property that then, as ever, established, men are compelled to he on the roused the clejiance of socialism Then came This was part of his secret that she, sent white faces from over the sea to J;ake that anythmg should be lost, as they too m the Irish Court O ! Appeal recently ground for probably two or three mghts, first m vogue the couplet whom Phrebe 1magmed dead and buried m her son from her H e might be dymg, but must soon leave the schoolroom Oil a cunous quest10n as co a married womans and, coming from the South, ~t causes a So Edith went, with many a caress at n ght tomakeaw1ll d1sposmg of family Jew When Adam delved and Eve span an ancient tomb under a proud epitaph, till he died he would be all hers- no other great deal of pneumoma, which has carried Who was then the gentlemanT' was here, an 1lhterate, under bred old womans No one would take her from hun partmg , 'a.nd Phrebe was left alone to i eah ze ell er~ The ma,tter was brought forward on that Manuel would soon be six months The world bas gone forward smce these off a few to the subsequent beyond, but m a Spamsh woman Grand 1 YeEt, certainly, till Death took him an appeal by ths earl of Charlemont aga mst The best doctors that money could pro dead, and to wonder if many so young the dec!Slon of the Judge of the probate d1v1s olden times but still there are giant wrongs few days the sickness will be shght, as the as the free limbed wide chested children of the hills are grand Noble I l'es m that cure were brought to see him She lavished as she had had as much tragedy m t heir ion ho1dmg that the will of the late countess to right, and giant foes to fight, and giant climate 1s hea.lthy We will reach the foot of the Rocky all absorbrng 10ve of her son s 1 fe , 1t was her gold like water Had she beggared her hves d1sposmg of jewellery and lace estunated a t sms to orush m t o the clay, Nor is all the There was that stran ge heartache about £7 000 to Hon Mr Spencer spoke fro:n the wrong on one side even 11ow Labour is not Mountams about Aug 10 not his fault that she would not grace self it would not have been too much to pur Now as t o t he people 111 t his eounky Gerald Seymour, ouLgrown and outlived date of her death, and passed all the prope1ty always takmg the best plans to r ight its the heights to which he had risen , 1t was cha·e the t1dmgs they t )ld He was not to die, but he might never be but never quite forgotten , and then her she had at the time lt appeared that at t he wrongs Just as capital 1s often e11;reg1ously There are every kmd, every race and e\ery not his fault that she was not fit to be a strong man agam, never able to remember half reluctant half trmmphantmarriage,the date of the will she had no separate estate, and short su1hted m its oppressive greed and color, and there are thousands of Indians , owned So she hau come Jiere when he went to the past, plan the future, or take lus place bnef wedded life then that awful tragedy the question was therefore whether the pro miserable selfishness ff people could only SOME ARE VERY GQOD AND SOME ARE YERY BAD and this silent widowhood England, and hved m the pretty house he among earth s workers perty she acqmred afterward passed under be got to understand and act npon what 1s She wondered if Gerald Seymour had the will The Jewellery m quest10n comprised fair I Aye, but there s the rub What is We do not look for any trouble with them .A:t first the angmsh of the tho ugh t had had given her, and spent the abundance of money he allowed her, and called herself the drn en her to cries and prayers , but, by heard about Manuel , and, if so, did he a head ornament set wit h d iamon ds and ru fair seems to be simply what each can by only m t he way of rnnmng off s tock and by, the thought brought 1t own comfort care? Was he sony or glad? And then hies, a diamond necklace cross and earrmgs hook or by crook. get a hold of and the One thmg they have m this country and .Senora Baudme lhe neighbors who knew her respect ed I' weak minded, if a child always, then he she began to t hmk how h t tle tangible goo<l bracelets ruby and diamond necklace, two gospel of selfishness which is so persistently that 1s law, and 1t 1s lived up to When a her , she was rich and d1gmfied, and she wonld be no ones husband, no ones son but after all his base abaadonment of her had loose ruby d1ops, g iven to Lady Charle taught m so mauy quarters come~ exactly to man brea Ks the law here iustice rs dealt out held he1self aloof , and Pepita Carrasco, hers- hers to keep and cherish and mm1ster brought l11m, for he had no t looked a hnppy mont's mot her by George I V on the day tins, that every one .s to do thl'I best he can to him qmcker and m larger chunks t han he that a few people had known forty years to hers to t end and idolize- her child, eon man as he tried to sneer at her at Oakley she was presented at court an amethyst 'or himself however, others may go to the has been m the habit of receiving m the tent to rest with his bonme head m her lap Court There were haggard Imes about his necklace, a gold serpent brooch a penda~t wall That doctrrne 1s a doctrme·of devils, Stn.tes, and he gets very little chauce to a.p before was dead Even that astute old friend of hers, Olive to pl..y with her rmgs, content to let her eyes and mouth and all the golden glory heart, set with t urquoise, and an enamelled preach it who may, and practise it who can peal when the g uilt is fastened ~yond a Seymour, behe>ed her buried m the church wo1 s btp him and never thmk of leavrng her seemed to hM faded out of his hair , as the pm representmg a parrot, the two litt le 'Or or do Snch a doctrme has never resulted doubt It is an old time W es'tern lyncil yard outside Santa lie Had he known that agarn never to recall the home he had made debonnazr Joyousness had left his mien na.ments bemg a present from the Queen t() many thmg but bitterness and brutality law, and a law made by t he Queen and lived She pressed her hands over her eyes while the Countess when a child, and a berthe and never will It JS fashionable to day up t o and enforced by her people Take, she was likely to be longer m the flesh than for h1msP!f far away, into which his mother rec'lllmg him- recalling lurn so vividly that and tumc of old pomt 1 Espagne which among too many who ought to know better for mstance the matter of hquor N obooy h e it 1s doubtfuhf he would have extended dared not enter When she reahzed the fact that the samts she seemed to hear hJS '010e distmctly, ap Oardmal F esche r eceived from Napoleon I The more s the pity 1s allowed to sell a.ny hquor, pam killer, 1mch a very cordial hand of kindness t o her had been kmd to her, she blessed them m pealing 11 Phoobe She shiver ed-it was The Court upheld the dec1s10n of the court ion Yes but 1f labour is t o fight capital on Jamaica gmger, lemon extract, vamlla or Yet she was abov<> them all m the strength gra titude of heart, while away m England so real- drawmg backward a. h t tle from the and dismissed the appeal w1th costs - any thmg h ke equal terms there must not m fact anythmg that is prepared with a drop of the one affection of her hfe, her mad de a sweet faced woman 1n a widow s weeds open Erench wmdow round which the lace Loiidon Standard only be combmat1on- peaceable and lawful, of alcohol m 1t, unlsss he bas a permbt signed was weepmg her heart out over her own curtams swayed and billowed m the even vot10n to Manuel of course- there must be pe1sonal improve by t he Governor of the N orthwest Territory. Othe1s might love him as he was, for his letters and portrait come back aga.m, and mg breeze ment and mdiv1dual sobnety and mtel\1 nor can a person brrng into the country The Prmcess Lomse has promised to sen d gence, as well as 17eneral t hrift What keeps such stuff without such permit not even for Then the voice agam, but still with that handsome face and his polished E uropean feelrng as she kissed the crisp lock of black ways , to her- outcast, disgraced, beggared, hair cut from the head of a dead Jew, t ha t muffled far a.way sound , and this time rt some of her pa.mtmgs both 011 and water labour at the beck of capital? What makes hie own use All tram9 are exammed, and colors, to the Boston exhibition next Octo s tn kes m nme cases out of ten t o fizzle ou! should a man be detected, hlB first offense he would still have been her idol Tnough the love which her husband had deemed said, "Mrs Carrasco She rose pale, cold, wide eyed, and con ber She d esires ' to recognize the pleasant m failure, after rnftictmg untold misery and is $00 and costs his second $200 and he had been a leper from whom the whit e enough had been no love that if he wer e fronted close t o her on the velvet turf over times she had m Boston last wmter faced madam he loved would have shrunk only back agam she would be true deepemng t he degradat10n and dep"ndmce co9ts , his third $400 and six months m a which he had come unheard what might '\ilth loathmg she would haTe loved him :ill The tyranny foi t with ball and cham? How do they en Tins year bids fair t o b e long r ememberei.; they were mtended to I ectify' have been rrnstaken for the ghost of Gerald as a year of severe ram storms and contmual of capttal' Not at al 1 The tyranny of forc9 t his law ' vVhen a. complaint is laid the same Had he been a felon she would Seymour, rt looked so worn and suffermg wet weather The latter will soon have a bad and uoprov1dent habits have loved to share his pumshment and Work that a party rs d1sposmg of such stuff a.bout CHAPIER I X and shadowy Ill the twilight Before bad effect upon t he crops, and the former mgmen t hrow away on the tavern and on four or fi ' e mounted pohce appear at the have gloned m suffermg with hun But she was only his mother, and he would forsake When Captam Seymour of H M S she had time to thmk, she bad uttered lus has wrought sad havoc m many of the tobacco alone as much as m ti\ e years would door , one man dismounts, steps 111 and takes her and grow happy m the company of that Iolanthe read, far from home, while la.ymg name States and m our own Provmce at L onuon enable them to strike with advantage, for Mr Dealer m camp he is provided with a He came a step nearer to her lookmg up Only when such a catastrophe as that at t hey could tben from their savmgs take a conveyance to t he nearest :!ort 1t may be big eyed doll who was hrs wife, and whom, off Aden, of the assassm at1on m the streets at he r as she stoo<l above him and now she London occ irs is the matter brought home holiday for six months or a year 1 of San Francisco he was strangely moved 1n spite of herself, she hated f 1hey did 100 miles or more, and he then and there, It was his successful rival who was dead notrned what a strange puzzled expiess10n to our mmds and made a reality Toronto not get reasonable t erms Can they do that entirely away from any of b is friends, re the n ch man for whom Pbcebe had sold her the1 e was on h is colorless face, t he expression was not so teady m her offers of assrntance now 7 No, they cant Why' Because ce1vea h1B dose, and you can rest assured Phrebe s idea of her husbands busmess m trnth, the man whom doubtles· ~he had of one who had suddenly awakenad amid to the d estitute at London as she ought to they puff away their mdependence m tobacco these police play no favorites for if they distant Cahlormil. was of the 'aguest He grown to love N ever agam would his c;iark unfamiliar scenes have been Hamilton ha3 beaten us, and smoke and ~row t heir manhood, their self do they get t he same medicme that the ' I have to speak to you JUSt a word or that easily too respect and the mstrnment of their social dealer gets I tell you there rs a way of had mmes there sne knew- mmes that had eyes eeek her smile, neve1 agam w ould he emancipation m o t he tavern till Tne domg it, and they do 1t right from the made him rich once, and he was gomg t\'J bold her to his heart He was dead far away two l shall not detam you long he said I know you hate me now I As a usual tlung Suuday p1cmcs are ex workmen m this country could dictate t heir scratch I n all m y experience m ()anada 11ell some part of them , a.nd when that was from he1 bunecl by sttangers m a foreign slowly ceed1ngly undes11able afla.irs They gen shall go away without troublmg you much, own t erms but not by the means wh10h Northwest I have never seen or heard of a done he would come home The sale wculd grave, and Geiald was sorry Yes, so deeply had the uon entered his but I must speak first I met Colonel erally attract the rough est crowd. gomg and many seem to take m order to ~how their fight among men and should there be whis be eff.,cted at the mme side, so she thought , and there the aunforous metal would be as soul that !us heart, grown still more tender Howard to day, and I spoke to him about with whiskey, brandy and beer galore the manhood an<l their mdependence ' 'l'hey key sold m t his country, it woald be almost t hrou oh his own excess of pam could pity my letter and your message , and natural r esult is a free fight and broken mU8t have tl!eir beer I All right But m 1mposs1ble to build a railroad, as we would v1s1ble as stnpes m the carpet Could she have seen Manuel seated, with the man cut oft m his yout h a nd strength, be said he never wrote to me, and heads One of this sort came off lately m that case they must contmue to beg a brother have a lawless gang of men and a ba1 lot of He looked Staten I sland The net result was two men of t he earth to give t hem leave t o toll or 1f Indians to deal with ;another md1vidual of greasy exterior and who perhaps had never been conscious how ne\ er sent me a message That is they don t like that ~they must steal or up at her with the wistful appeal of a child killed and about forty wounded ~~~---.-.··· ~~~·· ~~,-J ew1sh aspect, at a small table m the corner deeply he had lllJUred him The weakest kmd of frmt drop~rhest Into the young sailor s gnef t here had en m his eyes VI antmg confirmat10n e1the1 of worsb1ppmg m the tield~ with a vengeance starve I of a not too high class bar room where A more be draggled, be devilled crowd than to the ground his h_.ope or his t ear "D1dyou ever send me tobacco smoke rendered the air dense as tered an element of fatalism that rendered it Mariscal, the new Mexican Mmister to a party of Sunday excurs1omsts on the Ernest Longfellow 1s to illustrate copious Egyptian m ists and where expletives from only harder to bear Under the silent stars, any message? home stretch it would be difficult even to England, 1s an ongmal poet m Spa.mah 11s ly a collection of some twenty poems of h1s "No, uertamly not ihe ne1 ghbor mg tables were frequent as the o.lone with hie great pam, he felt as if rt well as translator from the F...ngllsh fathers, and publish them " So he said , and I went and got hJS let imagme strikmg of matches, she might haYe ex must have been fo1eordamed throu!('h all The Wood Thrushs Song J AN UTTER DESPAIR. 0 e ...

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