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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Aug 1883, p. 7

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Plea.. ~ Prlsouer Courtesles of the Press. . 4 NOTED BUT UNTITLED WOl'IUNe'~ sentence was passed recently Do11th Some discussion has been going on about Wllat la coins ou IDT.he World of Intellect. l.]'rolll th~ :Boston Olcbe.] ) ' upon three men-Martin Joseph, a the conrtesies of members of the press to BaDk -d .-aalllou. negro, who killed two men; Tu·al-is-to, an each other and, the respect that is due to the The literary pet pf 'the Engli1h i1 now India11, and William H. Finck, Finck 'anonymous character of newspaper writing. Jobn Ruskin. · is a quadroon, with deoided Italian In every case there is some person or pe1·· One hundred and seventy horses are owned featul'Qs, a.nd a man of unusu$l ,intelligence. sons legally responsible for everything which by Robert Bonner, of the N. Y. Ledger. As was expected by many, Finck, when appears in every journal. If what isprinted restores, with the gloss and freshness uf youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich " Ouida," Mlle, :Ue lii, Ramee, is now asked by the Judge if he had anything to is libellous the responsibl~ parties can easily brown color, or deep black, as maybe desire(!.. strictly secluded, a cloud having darkened say why sentence of death should not be be got at, and it is understood to be a breach passed upon him, arose, calm and collected, of all professional honour to seek to go be· By its use .light or red 'hair may be darkened, her mind, it is said. WITH TEETR. WITHOUT TEETH. and said in a distinct a.nd rather musical yond that. Nay, it is rej!'arded as dishonorthill hair thickeuecl, and baldness often, United States bonds to the amoun't of five voice:able in the responsible editor or publisher though not alwa.ys, cured. million dollars each are owned. by the Duke " May it please the court : I know not to give up the name of any writer nnder any lt checks falling of tlle hair, and stimuof Sutherland and Sir Thomas Brassey. which weighs the heaviest upon me-won· circnmsta.nce or any pretence. The rule is PRACTl{JAL DENTIST, lates a weak anti sick!)' growtll to vigor. lt · Edwin Booth's colored housekeeper went der or grief. Both wei'gh heavily upon me. that he h~d better a thousand times vo to prevents and cures scmf and dahdrnll', nml NEARLY TWENTY YEARS EXPERIENCE, ' '·, with him and his daughter through GerI must first call to mind the occasion which prison· and star, there than do such a thing. ll~als nearly every disease peculiar to the "Nltrf>Rs OxidcGn KAdn1lntstercd for Pntnless many. and was often asked if her color would I am called upon to make niy appearance The responsibility has been shouldered and Meoars. Btlitor· .~ 'scalp. As a Ladies' Hail' Dressing, the Opcru.tlons. rub off. before the court to-day. This to ma is most the oi'endin11; article endorsed and adopted, The above ls a good likeness of Mrs. Lydla E. Pl~ VIGOR is nnecJll'.alled ; it contains neither oil OF:um~ · lllCCLIJNf>'S BLOCK.. The adopted dau11:hter of Mr. l!'orster, the solemn and serious. It is as the sadness of and that is regarded as the end. This is the h am, of Lynn,·, who a.hove all other human beings nor dy~, rouders tlle !lair soft, glossy, and lat'e Secretary for Ireland, has been married death itsel.f- deatli. which in a b~ief while theory, but what in ma.ny cases is the prac· micy be truthfuUycoJledthe "DearFriendo!Woman,.. silken iu appearauce, and imparts a delicate, The pariah dogs of the press go ae.sllme of her correspondents love to call her. Bh& to a nephew of the late 'William Smith will come to me with sickle and terror. tice? · agreeable, anti lasting P. erfunie. Is iea!Cttsly devoted to her work, which is tho outoomG Alas I alas I for such unlucky· stars that mousing about the printers of any paper of O'Brien. · a Ufe-study, and Is obllged to keep' sb. 41111' Mn. C. P. J31UCHE!t writes from Ki1·by, 0. .Tul11 3, 1882: "Last faJI my hair commenced In her early school days George Sand was beamed at my birth. But I am not pos- which ha.shad an offensive or vigorous edit- a.sslsta.nts, to help her Mlswer the large corresp0nden'* sessed of that obstinate stubbornness cha.rac· orial and either secure the name of the writ· which do.ily pours In upon her, each bearing its special falling out, and iu n. short tiJne 1 became called" 1fad9ap," but when she became a ne:wly bald, I nsed part of a bottle of religious enthusiast her name was changed teristic of one who is about to have sentence er, or -boldly profess what they do not know· burden of sulrel'lng, or joy ..t release !rom U. Rei' A \"E it's HAm Y mo1t, wllich stopped the fallof death. passed upon him, or, more generand -then air their rhetoric in vulgar person· Vegetable Compound if! 111 medicine for good and not . lug or the hair, mid started a new growth. I to "Sainte Aurore." C"U~E:. ally speaking, a hardened criminal. Being al abuse of a person who may have nothing evil purposes. I have persorui.llT invcstignted it an;l have now a full head of ln~ir growing vigorA monogram on the comparative anatomy truly sensible ot the singular and serious ·more to do with tbe matter than an inhabit · am sat1st!ed of the truth or this. · ously, and am convinced tl1at hut for tlle Guaranteed Cure for Gouorrhoea and Gleet. On account of Its proven merits. It Is recomme~dea. of the human and brute tongue by Pl'ince position in which I am plaoed, I cannot help ant of the Dog Sta.r. The whole thing is too use of your preparation I should have been Safe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects entirely bald." . and prescribed by the best physicians In the countrt· Louis Ferdinand, who lately married the but shudder, and must say that these a.r.- contemptible. No wonder that every re· trom its use. Does not mterfere with buainess · One says 1 "'It works like a charm and f!aves much sister of the King of Spain, is in press. J. W. BOWEN, proprietor of the JJ!cArtlmr t he saddest moments of my life. · spectable person hastens to repudfate any .pain. It will cure entirely the worst form of fallillt -Or diet Price $2 per box, or three boxes for $5. (Ohio) E·1uruir"r says : "A \"itR'S l:l.AJR \'J!JoR "Death is the destiny of all men ; and 'sympathy with the practice. If it sh ould e"er of the uterus, Leucorrhooa, Irregular CJ,lld pain.tu!. In London ihe other day, after a dinner is a most ox:c01\ent preparntion for the llair. Written guarantees issued by every duly enstruation, all Ova.r!an Troubles, Inf!ammo.tlon and. I speak of it from my own ex11erience. Its given by a marquis and marchioness to the being a debt of nature which must be paid, be thought better that impersonal jouralism M authori·ed agent to refund the money It thi;ee Ulceration,' Floodlngs, nll Displacements and tbe con· use pt·omotes tho growth of n ew hair, and I do not fear ~o meet it in its natural form. be dropped and that every writer sign h is arPrincess of Wales, negro minstrels appear· boxes fail to cure. Sent p~stage prepaid on makes it glossy and soft. '.l'he Y1GOJt is also sequent spinal weakness, and Is especially <1d111> ted to ed and entertained the guests with comi c But I sh.udder-I fear -the best of us clo so, ticles, well and good. But in the meantime the Change of Life." a sure cure for <lamlrutr. Not within my " , , receipt of price. to die a disgraceful and ignominious death. the only wa.y to treat an anonymous article k11owle<lgo has the preparation ever failed songs. · It permeates every portion of the system, o.nd givei: DR. FELIX LE BRUN & CO,. 81 & 83 King, to give entire satisfaction." · I do not make this talk as an effort to save is to answer it, prosecute the publisher, or new life and vigor. It remuves faintness, tlatulency'", Mr. Henry T. Paddock; who some years St. East Toronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold by Mfr. ANGUS FAlltBAlltN, lender of the since married Maggie MitcheH, the actress, my hfe. It is .an effort to seek justice, aitd treat it with silent contempt. The misery destroys all craving for stimulants, and relieves weak· celebrated "l!'airhairn Family" of Scottisll a).l druggists in Canada. of the stomach. It cures Bloating, B eo.da.ched, is genia.l, educated, and enterprising, for· to save the reputation of my family, whose is that there are always members of the ness· Vocalists, writes from .B0Bt01i, ,Jfoss., Feb. 6, Nervous Proatru.tion, General DeblliLy, Sleeple88lleas1 getting himself in bis wife, and prom.oting honor is dearer to me than my life. l<'ot press who have neither sense, decency, the I>Epresslon and Indigestion. That feeling ot bearlnir 1880: "Ever since 111y h1'ir began to give silwhat is life ? It is but a vapor ; it appears mereet elements Of a fair education, nor the very ev!deuce of the change which tleetlng her fortunes with zeal and intelligence. causing pain, weight a.nd backache, is always but a little while and then it vanisheth remotest shadow of gentlemanly instincts, down, time procuretll, I have used AYER'S HAIR permanently cured by Its use. It will at all tlmea, and VIGOR, and so have been able to maintain ·The only three men in the British House away. rt is but a spark struck out of noth· and these by their violent gaucherie . ate under all circumstances, act ill JU>rmony with the la.W anappe:mmco of youthfulness-a mittter of of Commons who were there, forty-six years ingness and expfres in darkness. Nay, it is every now and then exposing their own that.governs the fomalc system. · , .: considerable consequence to minister s, oraago; at Victoria's coronation, are Mr. Talbot, hut a flash out of darkness, soon again to worthlessness and compromisine; -the good tors, actors, arnl in fa.ct every uue wllo Hves Itc0$t9 only $1. per bottle or six for 85.,a.ndls sold b1 in the eyes of the public." of Glamorganshire, Mr. ,-illiers, member return. As the old Saxon imagination pic- name of a respectable and able fraternity drngglsts. Any advice.requiredas to sveciAI cases, ruul for Wolverhampton, and Mr. Gladstone. tured it, it is 'like the swift l:l.ight of a bird with which for the time being they unfor·. the nawes of many who have been restored to perfec~ Mlls. 0 . A. PUESCOl"r, writing from 18 Elin health by the use of the Vcgetable Compound, can be St., Cha1'testown, llfass., Api·il H. 1882, says: frou1 th., night without, through a lig!ited tliinately happen to be connected. The "Fighting Parson," Rev. Granville "Two yea.r8 ago a.bout two-thirds of my h air obtained by addt·essi:ng.M rs. P., with stamp for rep~, chamber filled with guests, heated with the _canie oJf. It thinned veryrapirlly, anct'I was Moody, of ·the Seventy.fourth Ohio Voluu- breath of passion, back into the cold night ab her home in L ynn, M ass. · " ,fast growing bald. ,On using AYEit 's HA1 1~ For Kidney Complaint of eitM:r sex this compound IS Fast Rallway Trains. teers, who has preached regularly for fifty VmoR tlle falling stopped and a new growth again.' The strange uncertaint. v of ·fife is uusurpaaeed as abundant testimonials show. ' years, is loog past seventy. He is writi,n g The fastest train would now appear to be commenced, and in itbout a month rny bead "Mi:s. r'lnkllam's Ltver fills," says one writer , 41a.r4 ·was completely covered with short lutir. Jt his autobiography at Mount Vernon, Iowa. but ~ mook theme of patlios. No . descrip· the new· Manchest er·Londpn express, run by tion c;m touch aU the sorrowful tenderness the best in the world for the cure .of ConsliP<1tlon1 has continued to grow, and is now as good n.s the MancP.ester, Sheffield i:.nd Lincoln Com· lliliousncss and Torpidity of the liver, Her Blood before it fel I. l regularly used but one bottle Among those il!terested in a scheme for which death in me excites, now become so of the V100R, but now use it occasionally as establishing in Athens a British school of tragic and so bitter. Oh ! ignominy ! thou pany via Sheffield and Grantham. The dis- Purl:fl.erworlm wonders ln its spec1al line 1111.d bids fat% Bick Heudncli e and relieve all·th'e troubles Jncla dressing-." tance is said to be 17 5 miles, and t he · time to equal the Compound In Its popularity. dcnt to a bilious state of the eyetem, such as Diz· c.lassical studies, archieology, and art, are art bitterer to me than the gall which So· All muse respect her n.s an Angel of M orey whose sole zlncss, Nausea, Drowsln~'BS, Dist.rese after eating, ·we have hnmlreds of similar testimonials crates drank. It is not death I fear -it is has been reduced to 3 hours and 25 minutes, ambition Mr. Gladstone, Lord Houghton, Mr. Matthew is to dogoo<Ho other& · ..U Pain in the Side, &c. While their most remark· to . the efficacy"of· AYER'S HAlRVJGOlt, It Arnold, the Prince of Wales, Professor New- the form of d eath-its ignominy and the probably to be still further reduced to 3 able success 11as been shown in Philadelphia,, Pa. (2) ?lrs. A. M. D, ;I needs but a trial to convince the most skeptishame of the gallows. Under my present hours and 15 minutes, which will give an ton, Lord lJnfferin, an~ Lord Granville. cal of its value. circumstances I cannot but fill my mind average of about 54-!j! miles an hour'. What One of the magistrates of the village of with the gloomy images of death, and tor· is the actual distauce oi Sheffield? PREPARED DY' Cahirciveen is Daniel O'Connell, grandson ment the present by apprehensions of the The following statements . in re14ard to of the Agitator. The . birth-place of tbe future. .But religion does not countenance other fast trains are taken from the little Or.J. C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Hendache,yet Oartcr'sLlttle Li ver Pills are equally valuable in Coustipution, curing and preventing latter is a ruin, the roof fallen in, and the any such morbid an.xiety. She comes, bring- book published by the Boston and Albany Sold bv all Druo:i:ists. this annoying complnint, while they nleo correct stone walls overgrown with ivy inside and ing in. her hands t he flowers of hope, and, Railroad Company and circulated ,;tmong all disorders of the stomach, stimulate the liver out. , . 11nd rcgulut.e the bewels. Even if they only cured like the angel which she is, whispers of the passengers on the Springfield line to Bos· RlcST AND COltlFOUT TO THE (S1JFFERING The German newspapers express great sur- crucified Christ, 'He is risen.' The sta.r of ton: " Brown's Honsel·ol·l Panacea" has no prise at Lord Wolseley'a tr<1.velling in shoot· . Flying Drttchmau on Great "IN estern Railequal for relieving pain, both Internal and ex- ing suit and ulster to Russia, while the Duke hope that first beamed on men like me shone road, London to Exeter , 194 mile.s, in 4 from the murderer's dying faith, as he hung ternal. 1t cures1)aln in the.Side, Back or Bow· BOWMANVILLE. 'l'hroat, Rheumatism, Toothache, ot Edinburgh was in full uniform, which he from the cross, a companion in death with hours a minutes, with 4 stops, a lmost 47 Ache they woufol be almost priceless to t11ose who els, Sore and any kind of Pain or Ache. '"It c.hanged five times 011 the journey, accord- Christ. and that same star of hope scatters miles per hour, w ith four stops. euffcr from this distressing complaint; but fortU· Lumbago will most surely quicken th" Blood and Heal, The Irish mail, Londonana Northwe~tern, nately'their goodness does not. end here, and those as Its acting · power is wonderful." "BroW111s ing to the cou.ntries he was passing through. its rays in my heart. Yet I find it hard to who once try them will find these little pills valu- Household ,Panacea." being acknowleilged as once called the Flying Irishman, a Jit L le less At .the recent Oxford Commemoration, banish the dread event from me. Yet why than 40 miles. able in so many wuys tllat they wlll not be willing the greot Pain Reliever, and of double the wb.ere the Duke and Duchess of Albany were so? I have· always been honest, and s tand -- - - - · - - - - to do without them. But after all sick hcacl Morning express on Great Nertherh, strength of another Elixir or Liniment in the llllil world shonld be in every farmJy handy for use . the guests o! honor, a good dea.l of amuse- guiltless to-day of the crime for which I am Railroad, London to Edinburgh, 395 miles about to be sentenced. I sta1:1d here and when wanted , ·" as it really is the best remedy ment was caused by the efforts of the learn· in the world for C1·amps in the Stomach, and ed UoiVersity ladies to follow t he public boldly say, and with a clear conscience, that in 9 hours. A.i average of almo>t 44 miles 1 per hour. pains and aches of all kinda," and is for sale by orato1's Latin speech that they might turn I did bot kill those two men. If I speak Is the bane or 80 many lives that l1erc is where WC all Druggists at 25 cents a bottl~~-~i·l~.'The Midland line, Scotch express, Lon· f~lsely, miserable or happy souls, whoever and smile congratulatorily upon the Duchess make our great boa·t. Our pills cure it while ·you are, make your appearance upon the don to Glasgow, 425' miles, 40~ miles per Hotlters! Mol!ters ! ! ltl<ltlters ! ! .! others 'do nr,t. · · at the correct instant..' Are you disturbed at niQ:ht and broken offyour .threshhold of this rOOJ!). and cry out, 'Thou hour, Carter's Little Liver Pill s are "cry small and Express of G reat Northam. The Leed.s·ex· very easy to take. One or two pills mnkcn dose. rest by a sick child suffering and crying with ·Lord Aylesford and his wife have tried Liest I' And to you (addressing the Judge) They are strictly vegetable and do ·not gripe or the excruiatinfl pain of cuttinfl teeth 1 It so, hard to get rid of each other. But there is whoso duty it is to be tender as well as just, press makes distance from L ondon to Leeds, purge, but by their gentle act.Ion please all who go at once ancl get a. bottle of MRS. WINS· use them. In vials at 25 ccntR: five for $1. Sold LOW'S SOOTHJNG SYRUP. It will relieve in· England a Queen's Prector, who is a I ask all clemency you can give. And now, 187 miles, in 4 houra, a lmost 47 miles per by druggists everywhere, or sent by mnif. the poor little suffer immediately- depend upon valun,ble officer. Whenever it comes to his farewell earth, made wet with t and hour, with four stops. 1'hese are tne five fastest trains in E ng· it; there is no mistake about it.. There is not a ears that a divorce is by arrangement be: blood, farewell ; and . to my enemies, fare· CARTER MEDICINE CO., mother on eai·th who has ever used it, who w< .·11 tween husba!ld and wife he declares ,tha t well. Time's brief work in the face of eter- land, the L~eds express with its 47 mile3 per New York City. not tell you at once that it will regula +. ·. na bowels, and give rest t" the mother. ar ~ relief there is collusion, and the case collapses. nity, a ray of celestial joy falls upon me hour being the fastest. 'l:'he train lea vine( B:i~ton at p . m...,... via ~· n·n!'l health t.o the child, ?Perating like magic. Also, if it is patent that both husband and and takes away every fear, and l now know Boston and Alb11ny, for Ncw-Yurk , nu~kes It is perfectly sp.fe to ~1se m all casi;is,f!-nd plesn wife have been leading immoral lives, he' how easy it is to' ant to the taste, and is the prescr1p11on oforre- · . . · h f b · d' d f T MEBIG Thus ended the most eloquent plea ever the r un of 234 miles in six hours,·;making 12 of the oldest 9 .nd beet female physicians and prnvents e1t er rom e1ng ivorce . rom nurses in the Unifed. States. Sold everywhere -the other. In the Aylesford case rt was made by any prisoner at this court. The stops, averae;ing three minlttes each, which 11t 25 cents a bottle. 18,t,.."1.y. notorious that man and wife were in this effect on the Judge and audience was mark- makes the ac tual speed of this train forty. condition, and ·n o divo1·ce can be obtained. ed. The prisoner was impassioned in his five miles aH hour .-·Ftom the English Me· utterance, and was 'more than ever pathetic chanic. and touching. -Fort Smith Special. Tbat·sMe, Switzerland and the United tStates have for any quantit,y of ~-~- ~+~~~~ He drove a policeman into a doorway on Choosing an Oooupatlon. set a good examLJle to other countries in their Having bought l\Ir. R. SYLVESTER'S MA· Woodbfidge street Sunday evening and beThe importance of making wise choice effort to agree upon the sub mi~sion to arbi· CHINE SHOP and FOUNDRY we are pre ~: ' ·in selecting an occupation for life can hardly tration of all their disputes v1i t h ea0h other. "About two hours ago a cadaverous be over-estimated. Almost innumerable are The greater r epublic has already a ccepted pared to do all work in this department in a woodenhead might have been seen gawping satisfactory manner. We shall continue to the wrecks scattered along life's pathway the agreement, and the S wiss Bedcral As· ..AQFULL SUPPLY OF at the river from the toot of Randolph street. which are occasioned by mistakes in this re· ffembly is now to aot upon it. Cynical dip· manufacture Mr. Sylvester's celebrated He didn't know enough to chew gum. That peot. Much, not only of prosper ity but of lomats may point out that these two coun· was n1e." · happiness, depends upon the gcodjudgme.nt tries have very Ii ttle in com mCln to quarr el "You, eh ? Well?" displayed in this matter. A congenial call· abont; but there mig'ht some day be real AT BOTTONI PRlf:ES. "Well, h e gawped and he gawped, and ing affords pleasure, but a pursuit for which use for the agreement propose<l. and shall spare no pains to keep up their pre he knew he had $20 in his pocket, .i.nd a man has neither taste nor capacity may be sent reputation. All kinds Qf farm produce takell he chuckled and tickled ·a nd said he had a. lifelong burden. ·ACARD.- 'l'o all who are eull'eriJigfrom the in exchange for goods.' come to town to look arou ud and see thing~ While it is doubtless true tha.t the young errorJI a.nd indiscretions of youth, nervous long and favorable known-will be carried on and. go home and be a lion. · That was me man should be left free to choose his fut ure weaK'ness, early decay, loss of manho od, &c and with the assietance of our Machinery we agin." will send a recipe that will cure you, ·]'REE oalling, it is also e41.ually true that the col<n· I OF CHARGE. This great remedy was dishope·to 1aru:ely increase the business in this "I see," . . 1 · Rowmanville. sels of. the parent will naturally have a most covered by a missionary in South America. 217 " He just fairly ached to have a bunko potential induence. 'l'herefore great circum- Send a self·addressed envelope to the REv cl.e partment and give QUr customers increased 4 inducements to purchase from us: A. large man ccme up and ,sla.p him on the back.. and spection should be used in givinu advice at J'osEPH T. INMAN, Station D, New Yo1'k City, stock · of Carriages and P loughs now ready. ·call him Josepheus Basswood, and ask how this turning point of life. S uch counsel All work warrented .satisfactory. Special at pa and ma and the children all got along. should not result from self-interest, nor from tention given to Engine, Mil and A.gricultura H e itch~d to have a three-card monte man a .personal prejudice for or against any partickle him under the chin and call him a re d ticular occupation. The ad vice given should Machiuery. fm1:· from Iona County, and open up his l ittle be based on a just and accurate estimate o:f game. His bones all screamed out for the the natures and capacities of the recipient. ~R. We ho.Ye now opened man with the bogus gold pieces, and he drew It is truly said that "the boy is father of the Sciatica, Neuralgia, has had a large experience in down his left eye as he thought how they'd man." By closely observing the habits of Lame Baok, Lumbago, Machine, Agricultural andCarriaqeWork, take him for a hay stack and get sold. He the lad, in study a,nd in play, i;he true and - O FContracted Joints, · having worked in the largestcsta.blishmentain was an infernal idiot. That's me !" natural inclinations of his mind may be disOramp in Muscles, ' 'Yes." the Dominion, which wil.1 ac!d · largely to the covered. Thus if a boy exhibits little fond · Sprains. " Well, as he was standing there and feel- ness for books, but delights in outdoor life lnt.erest of the new flrm. SGiveourHARD METAL PLOW POIN~'S ing how sharp and cute and cunniug he' was, anu the care of animals, he migh t probably Dn. E . C. "\VEST'S ~ERYE AND BRAINTREAE The cheapest and best OS'l'RIC H FEATHRS eviii! vp oomesa man.who :was breathing.hard and. succeed aBca farmer. If he is d exterous with MENT, a guarnteed specific of Hysteria, Dizzin- offered to t ile public. SATINS, VELVETS, RIB' a trlal. looking scart, and says he to me m a wh1s· tools and takes pleasure in making hand· ess. Convulsion, Fit.s,NervousNeuralgia, Head· AONS, F T .OWERS, LACES and FANCY Goons jusb a s cheap. per, 'You look like a· friend to the unfor- sleds, little waggons and ·other toys, it indj· ache, NerYous Prostration caused by the use alcohol or tobaoco,Wakefulncss. Ment al Decall and inspect our stoclr. No trouble tuna te. I can see by tne cut of your face I cates some mechanical employment. Bllt if of pression, Softening of the Brian, resulting in toPlease show goods, and we are bound to sell at tha can trust you. I have wounded a mfi.n who the lad has an easy and pleasing address, Insanity and leading to misery. decay and Bowmanville, March, 81883. 241 lowest pl'iees possible. insulted my wife, and I must skip to Cana· and is fond of trading tops, marbles, j ack- death, Premature Old, Barrenness' Loss ---------- --· STRAW HATS a nd BONNETS CLE AN ED and da to escape arre.13t, I have no m?ney, b'ut knifes and other treasures of boyhood, he of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses and RE-SHAPED in all the la.test styles. . caused by over-exertion ·of here is a. hundred dollar bond. L end me $20 very 1ikely would do well as a merchant. Soermatorrhrea, the brain, self-abuse er over·indulgencc, One Rl~UEl'll RElt THIE STA.N D:-·! doors Wes$ and keei{ ·the bond until I see you.' T~e ~ Perhaps t he youth may be fond of study and box will cure recent cases. Each box cnntains ot' lllitrtyu·s G1·oci~1·y Store. double·jinted idiot from the country took it books ; in tha.t case he might enter one of one month's treatment. Out> dollar a box, or boxes for five dollars; ilcnt by mail prepaid all iu like a boy gulping down sulphur and the professions. But. in choosing between six on receipt of Jlrlce. "\'le guarantee six boxes King 8treet, Bowmanville. 'lasses. That'· me ome more." them a d1scri1nin1ting judgment should be t o cure any case. With each order received by 246. "I'm listening." · exercised. One might be signally succe~sfol us ror s ix boxes, accompanied with five dollars " The greenhorn was flattered and tickled. as a physician or a cler!!yma.n, but qt terly we will sen d' the pu,rchaserour written guaran~ t ee to refund the money if the t.rcatment does. He saw a chance to make $80 on that bond. fail as a lawyer. Ct> ' . not.. effect a cure. Guarantee issued 011ly. uy Ct> The l;>omb-proof, back·action, copper·rivetA youth whe readily comprehends princiS'i' OTT & JUrtY, sole agents for Bowmanv1l~e, "O ·ed agricultural peach blossom figured as how ples, who originates thought rapidly and Out. ; JOHN 0 . WEST & 00., Sole P ropr1e· r::FJ b.e'd cash .that bond to-morrow and skip, and expresses them fl.11ently and forcibly, and tors. Toronto, Ont. c':> . . __, as how the man in baste to reach Canada who possesses an intellectual combativeuess 0 would never find him, and as how .the m $100 which causes him to delight in discussion :::::s r::FJ would buy a yoke of oxen, and so he passed and debate would probably excel at the bar. (."tli1'ving the nt mostconfid_ence in its superior· HE Of THE BEST ~ over his greenbacks and pocketed t he bond· If the lad be sedate, with d eep religious feel - ity over all others, a nd after tboueands of tests Yes, the b:i.ld·headed, cross·eyed, bow-leg. ings, he would be likely to do a blessed werk sf the most complicated and severest cases we ~Xlir>N"EY' ged turnip patch did that very thing. That 's in the ministry. If. he should possess a could find, we feel justified in offering t o forte· it one thousand dollars for any case of coughs, <-< INVESTIGATORS IN USE, me to a dot." · kind and sympathetic nature, with penetra.- colds, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, con· 0 It is a specific in tho cure of ·)I diseases " Is it possible !" tion and ·quick. perceptions, he would pro· sunwtion in its early stages. whooping c. ough, of the Ki<lucye, Bla<lcler, Prostatic Por:::::s " And here's the bond- worthless ! And bably oe useful as a physician. If in addition and all diseases of the throat and lungs, except tion of the U i·inary Organs, Irritation of Asthma, for which we on!~ claim r elief, that here I amstrapped ! And somewhere up l:i' the Neck of the Blad<ler, Burning Urine, to all these 4!_Ualitieo the young mau should we can't c ure with West's Cough Syrup, when ~ town is the sharper-tickled half to d eath at show the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of 1 Gleet, Gonorrhea in all its stagesh-Mucous ;aken according to direction. Sample bottle :::::s Discharges, Coni:estion of the .l\.idneys, the way he played me ! Say?" Job and the meekness of Moses, together 26 and 50 cents; large bottles one dollar. Gen· p. Briclt Dust Deposit, Diabetes, Inflamma· wrappers only in blue. Sold by all dr ug· uine "Yes." with t he financial skill of an Astor he t ion,of the Kidneys and Bl,,.cldor, Dropsy ~ "Hunt up a born fool, uatch a cra.nk, scare mig·ht, after d ue discipline, become a ' pass- 'g-ists, or send by expres on re·c,.ipt of p1·ice of"Kidneys, Acid Urine, Bloody Urli;~1 S . WEST & Co., 81 & 83 King St. East, Jorn< Pain in the Region of the Bla.clcler, PArn (J'Q up a dtide, bring in an old man with a third able editor. . Toronto. Ont. Sold by STOTT & J URY. IN 'l'H E BA.CK, Urinary Calculus, Renal · ~ Cl wife, aud boil 'em all down and bag up the Calculus, Renal · Colic, H.etention ot ·O '4~~ bones and call the t hing Josepheus Bass· Urine, Frequent Urination, Grnvel in all Fashionable people have been going into its forms, Inability to retain the Water wood ! That's me." agonies over all the grand things said, and rtl particularly in persons advanced In life, And he walked off to find the plank road done at the meeting 'in the Fishery Exhibi· 4"P We will pay the above r eward for any case IT IS A KIDNEY INVESTIGA.TOR that 0 running. West, waving the bogus bond with tion building got up to r aise funds for an of Liver Complaint, Dyspepsica, Sick Ifoadache restores the Urine to its natural color, Indegestian, Constipa tion or Oonstivenes we removes the acid and burning and.. the. hand and helpine; to kick liimselt with J<~nglish Church in Barlin. " It was so de· cannot cure with ~ · ~ one West's Vegetitble LivAr Pills etfect of the excessive use of intoxicating the other. Half a block away he halted and lightful." The heart of 11very J eames pres- whon the directionsare strictly complied with. drink. 0 looked back, and seeing the officer still there Tll.ey 11-re purely Veget>:<ble, and never ta.ii to ent beat with gratified aelight. The PrinPrice $1, or S ix Bottles for f5. ~ he gave himself three kicks and shouted out cess of Wa.les sold tea. T he Duchess of give sstisfaction. Sagar Coated. Large Boxes Th~who cannot obtain 11. bottle of this 25 Pills. 25 cents, Jj'01 · sale by a ll con tainiog in a lonesome voice : :fo~t!r o.nt"~: ~If S:~d~iit~ 1rh. rn'i~nd us ono Connaught kept a saloon, and, oh, it was Druggists. Beware of counterfeits aud imita~ GUARANTEE :- After fai~ tri a!, with no 1 1 Send for Ciroula.r, Sold bi all Druggists. "Don't you forget it- that's me !" all quite too awfully lovely to see her sell tions. The genuine mairnract111ed only J OHN relief . o r cure effected, your money will c. \VETT & Co. "The Pill," 81 & 83 cent fruit cakes for a dollar, etc., et c. W. JOHNSTON & CO. -t $r.oo. King St. E11st, Toron to . Ont. Free trial pack1 I\ be · refunded. Sold by PRICE, AlllBEl\S'rBtl'ltlt, Out. ' DE'l'llOI'l', !>!!ch, =====:;;;.i T l10 turn of the " tied "- starting b.ome· Of course it was. Could Apollo beat that? age sent by mail prepaid on receipt of a 3 cent Agents for the U; 8. nnd Canada. . or Venue? or? tamp. J.for Sale by S' l 'OTT & JURY. S'l'~T'.I' &\\ JIJBYi, ROWl'IIAN'VllLLE. · ward after the wedding trip. DENTISTRYl AYER'S· PEB.SONALITIBS. Hair Vigor J.M. BRilYIACOMBE, "· DR. FELi X LE BRUN'S c~c ~~· ~~~~~~~~~ CUR·E SICK DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Co,, WAREROOM, HEAD ACHE E I.G- 20, ·-w. RUSE . ,Agent. SMOKE. 0 4 z ~ TWIN-NAVY 10~'.P~UG Highest Price Paid a WOOL & BONES. Stoves &;Tinware LEWIS QUICK, CHAMPION PLOWS, OUR CARRIAGE BUSINESS, 0 .lSTURGEON,1 1 LINIMEn . HealthisW"ealth! A~~B,~~~EQNf TO : LADIES. $3,000 t RHEUMATISM, BEST HORSE LINIMENT. :OAR CH WORTH: FRENCH & AMERICAN .MILLINERY 1 s II. I. BRAYLEY, IOlfrREAL, P;t.J McClUNG &DARGH, 0 Mrs. DONNELLY. z ~ er ~ ~ I - $1000 FORFEIT ! a c - - - - ......... . .- - - °' r-j $500 .R EWARD! · ~ .,~ · /

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