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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1884, p. 7

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Montreal appears to have had more than its share of speculating bank officials canes In the S~ven'.oughi, on 1hu Rnmpage-A. 1"1ght wnh t;he Police. I have written these few lines during the last few years, or more than And all I have to sa.yits share of them have been found out. Jt She was tall, slender and pretty. She T~at you ca.n find me still at home, am not gone a.way. is simply astonishing to read, from week gazed at a kind-looking you11g man with '1:llt~l my kind old c riends ma.y come, to week, the accounts uf the developments indescribable love. His left arm supAnd all they oung ones, too, of new commercial scandals from Mon- port_ e d her. "Ain't she a brazen-faced .Ahd get th.e1r garments nicely made In fashions that are new; treal. · False balance sheets have been lass 1" said a woman in the crowd, " to Where old and young, denr friends, may meet attested to, fraudulent accounts have turn her lover upRide down in company .A welqome 17rP.etinll, bv R. PE.A.TE - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - been published, and hundreds of thousands with those 'ere 'hamorous eyes?" of dollars of the bank funds have been This remark was lost on the lass, who used in·personal speculations by the men still continued to stare at her companion placed to guard the trusts. The mis- with a gaze of adm1ration, scrutiny, and When'er you want au easy shave, chief does not seem confined, by any anguish. He was speaking to her. A.s l?OOd as Barber ever gave. means, to one set of officers or to one "I'll blow yo u1· brains out !"exclaimed ; ust call at Pethick's Saloon, bank. To givo a detailed account of an invisible squeaky voice. Tzing- boonl.'. At morning, eve or busy noon. all, or nearly all, these " irregularities " then a bark. 'rho crowd laughed. The He'll cut and comb your hair with grace, during the past year or, two would require squeaking voice, the unmusical strains l'o suit the contour of your face; a good deal of space, and a good deal of and the bark were issuing from an itinerHis shear9 are sharp and raizors keen, taxing the memory. What is the matter 1 ant '· Pnnch and Judy" which had anHis shop is neat and always clean, Have the men placed in such trustworthy chored between The Grapes and The And everything, we think, you'll tind, positions been a much less honorable class C:rown, two large and popular saloons ocT<> suit the taste and please the mittd. of men than formerly, or has there been cupying two of the seven sides of the a more efficient system of examination in- well-known Seven Dials. troduced, so that it has become nearly It was on Saturday evening. The impossible to escape detection 1 \Ve_ place swarmed with people. Respectable do not undertake to answer these en- workmev and forbidding-looking ruffians, Has received her new stock of quiries. On the face of it the evidence is steady women, ribald hussies, inebriated plain, however, that "something must be guardsmen and blue - ribboned regulars. done," or confidence in banks or bank elbowed each other. It was a startling officials will soon become entirely destroy- carnival, a show of the most melancholy and invites the Ladies of Bow- ed. Nearly all the mischief, so far as it aspects of the lowest orders, of their good manville and vicinity to call has recently been laid bare, appears to be qualities, and of their unbounded dein the speculative turn of mind of the pravities. Suddenly there · was a rush. and see her Pattern officials, and their greed for gain, faster Down came the little theatre, Toby, and than it can be honestly obtained by the all the poor paraphernalia of the play. To crown all, the gas set fire to the curtains. legitimate use of their own property. ....... There was a cry of terror echoed by the and assortment ot What is defeat 1 Nothing but educa- desperate yell of the stage manager crushed under his burning house. The tion; nothing but the first step to some- roughs, however, pursued their advanthing better. tage. They placed themselves · behind So Do? Gen-Uemen of"Fasi) ion, uol so Montreal's .Black Sheen. LlFI<~ IN LO~IDON. THE BARBER SHOP. ~ISS lMcTAVISH i:~mped out by the effort, they were surroumled by the miscreants who were not slo"Y at realizing tho superiority of their position. Like one man they fell on the blue coats. A more desperate encounter could not have been witnessed. 'l'he officials .drew their truncheons, but the ruffians picked up stones. Both parties let out with merciless impulse. There were only four. policemen. They would eventually have been cut to pieces by the natives if more men had not come to their rescue. As it was, two of them were taken to the hospital, and will probably be disabled for life. The arrival of the reserve of constables gave the victory to the peelers, but they came too late to be of much service to the valiant champion of the blind girl, for when the constables reached Moulmouth court he was found half murdered on the ground. . This is a picture from life drawn from Seven Dials, planned and built for the wealthiest families of the city under Charles II, -London Correspondent New York S1vn. · ____.... ~....,.~ . ......i.---- certain the professional destination of the 11lurn11i of fifty-eight colle~es during the last half cent ury. There were 38,054 in all, and in these 3,577 turned out doctors, and another 6,105 lawyers, .while 9, 991 wer<~ cl~rgyman. According to .the above reckonmg the preachers were m a majority over tho lawyers and doctor·s put together, ~ind there seems to be an eternal fitness about some ~uch arrangement, for fully so large a number of ministers as that would be required to pull the other two classes safely throu~h, as things have gone---in the United States. Can any one tell us how figures stand in regard to the alumni of the colleges in Canada 1 We do not know ; but it is evident that the number of lawyers and· doctors turned loose on society at the end of each collegiate year is something dreadful. ·-----------H ow much weight does a merchant' \Vhy announce, of course. "a<l" carry ~ bo~~n;~~~::~~~:.~~:;~~~~":., i;:: /DOMINION ORGAN & PIANO Ca," WAR ERO O l\f E I 2 Q ' ~ ~ B OW M A N V I L L E :J · W-.RUSE, Agent, HAMPTON BOOTED, lR.Jl:C~.A.H..D 1\l.l:C>'Y"BE thanks the people or the destrict for their Ii~ eralpatronage, and solicits a continuation or the same. He has on hand a nice stock of Ready-Made Boots and Shoes that he will sell at lowest prices. ORDERED WORK reoei ves special attention and good fits guar· anteed every time. llepairing promptly anct. neatly don.e. GOODS., Notes About Animals. We propose here to consider some cases in which animals have seemed to reason. The import<mce of the subject will be recognized if we remember Darwin's admission that, h:i.d no organic being except man possessed r.ny mental power, or if man's power had been of a wholly different nature from those of the lower animals, we should never have been able to convince ourselves that our high faculties had been gradually developed. "In Central Park, one very hot day, my attention," writes Mr. James J. Furniss, of New York, "was drawn to the conduct of an elephant which harl been placed in an inclosure in the open air. On the ground was a large heap of newlymown grass, which the sagacious tmimal was taking up by the trunkful and laying carefully upon his sun-heated back. He continued the operation until his back was completely t11atched, when he remained quiet, apparently enjoying the result of his ingenuity. It seems to me that instinct should have prompted the elephant to ettt the grass and that it was reason which caused him to use it for the purpose of diminishing the effect of the sun's rays." " I may mention a case," says the writer, · " of a kit ten about half grown having mental reflection of some sort. I was sitting in one of the rooms at a house where I was stopping in Somersetshire, and hearing a knock at the front door was told ·not to heed it, as it was only this kitten asking admittance. Not believing it, I watched for myself, ancil, ve1y soon saw this kitten jump on to the ·door, hang by one leg, and put the oth~r fore paw right through t ho knocker and rap twice. The knocker was an orClinm:y shaped one, fixed in the centre of the door half way up; the top part of the door was ~lazed . I saw this performance dozens of times afterward, and often used to put the kitten outside to see it done . It wa.s never known to knock when any one stood in the garden, but if one went indoors and shut it out outside, in a few minutes came the usual knock. A sister kitton to this ono was never known to kno\·Jw but sat on the cloorst~p and entered when the door was opened, and in nine Cflses out of ten the knock was successful. '[·he kitten was never taught in any way ; it would knock at both front and back door." " Many years ago," says the lady who narrated the ta.le, "my husband had his portrait taken by T. Philips, Sen., R. A., and subsequently went to India, leaving the portrait to be finished and framed. 'When it was sent home, about two years after it was taken, it was placed on the floor against the sofa, preparatory to being huug on the wall. \Ve had then a very handsome large biack-and-tan setter, which was a great pet in the house. As soon as the dog came into the room he recogni:r.ed his master, though he had not seen him for two years, and went up to the picture and licked his face. When this anecdote was told to Philips he said it was the highest compliment thathad ever been paid to him."-Nature Studies.. - R. MOYSE. 273.-tf CATARRH. Hampton, Oct. 18th, 1883. CATARRH,-A now Treatment wh.~rebv a permi>nenr. cure is effected in from one tO threa treatments. o.nd Tl'etttiso free en receipt of stamp. A. H. DIXGN & SON,1307 King Street, West, Toronto. WHAT THE REV. E. B. S'l'EVENSON, B.A., A LOOK, BEH,OLD,L -~--ooo~~-- BONNETS, HATS, ____ .._....~·----- TRIMMINGS ~EMOVAL. ___,.,,.., CLERGYMAN OF 'l'HE LONDON CoNl'ERENC:O: OF TH& METHODIST CIIURCH 01" CANADA HAS TO SAY IN REGARD 'l'O A. H. DIXON &, SON'S NMW 'l'REA'l'MENT FOR CATARRH. OAKLAND, ONTARIO, CAN., March 17. 1883. DE>\R Sms-Yours of the 13th instant to hand. BOOTS&SHOES have just arrived at the J.£essrs. A. H. Dia:on, &- Son. Sign of the Big Boot, TYRONE, STORE :-Second Door 'Vest of 'Vllll1111l8 Butcher Stall. \. ___ A MARVELOUS STORY TOLD IN TWO LE1TERS. In thanking my many friends and customers tor the kind favors so liberally bestowed in the past. I would respectfully announce that I will shortly remove to th3 XE'V S'fORE erected on the premises formP,rly occupied by me one door East of Mr. Buckler's where I will be pleased to show wy stock of "28Cedar St., Now Yo«k,Out.28,1882, "Gentlemen: :IIy father resides at Glover, Vt. He has been a great sufferer from Scrofula, and the inclosed letter will tell you wha· " marvelous ellect 911, FROM THE So !'l.I, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has had in his case. I think his blood must have contained the huino1· for at least ten yoars; but it did not show, except in the form of a scrofulous sore on the wrist, until about MILLINERY, FLOWERS, FEATHERS AND FANCY coons 23, 1883; all of the latest and most ashlonable designs. MRS. ANDERSON. 1ilowmanville, Oct five years ago. From a few "pots which appeared at that time, it gradually spread so as to cover Ills entire body. J assnre you he.was terribly aflliotecl, and an object of pity, whmr he began using your meuicil1e. Now, there are few men o( his age who enjoy as good health as he has. I could easily Jlame fifty persons who would testify to the facts in his case. Yours truly, w. M. PHILLIPS." a duty for mo to state to you the benofi.L have derived from the use cf ----tt-;-Ra.vlng bought Mr. R. ~ .fLVES'l'ER'S MA· CIDNE SHOP and FOr. NDRY we are pre pared to do all work in ·,.ha department in a satisfactory manner. ·We shall continue to manufacture Mr. :Sylvester's celebrated FROM THE FATHER: ~t.ta!~r~o~~~ I Ayer's Sarsaparilla~ Six months ago I was completely covered with a. terrible humor and scrofulous sores. The humor caused an incei:sant and intolerable CHAMPJ,UN PLOWS, and shall spar" . o pains to keep up their pre sent re"Putation. . · ·Qnd favorable known-will bo ca:rrled on and. with the assietance of our Machmery we h.ope to larll"ely increaae t,he business in this department and give our custo.'mecs Increased inducements to purchase from us. A. large stock of Carriages and Ploughs now ready. All work warrented satl~fac,ory. Special at tention given to Engine. Mil and Agricultura Machinery. OUR .SARRIAGE BUSINESS, itching, and the skin cmcked so as to cause the blood to f101V in many places whenever I moved. My sufferings wore great, and my life a bmuen. I commenced the \150 of the S.ABsAp A Rrr,J,A in April last, and have used it regularly since that time. ll'fy condition bogan to improve at once. The sores have all healed, and I feel perfectly well in every respect- being now >tble to do a good clay's work, although 73 years of age. Many Inquire I tell ·them, as I httve here t ried to toll you, A.YER's SARSAPARILLA. Glover, Vt., Oct. 21, 1882. Yours gratefully, HIRAM PIIILLIPS." whn.t has wrongl1t such a. euro in my case, and 1'I.[ Ru JL)A RC H has had a large experience ln Machine,..d griciilttwal andCarriaqe Work, having worked in tbo largest eetablishmentsin the I.iomimon, which will acd largely to tire interest of 1 .he new firm. mGiveourHARD ME'l'ALPLOW POIN'J'S a irlal. McCLUN~ &DARGH. 241 AYF.R'S SARSAPARILLA cures Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysipelas, Eczema, Ringworm, Blotches, Sores, Boils, Tumors, and Eruptions of the Skin. It clears the blood of all impurities, aids digc~tion, stimulates the action of the bowels, and thus restores vitality and strengthens the whole system. PREPARED BY Dr. J.C. Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles for $IS. Bowmanville. March, S1883. Caledonian Mills. Formerly known as the " Soper Mills. ') HIS MILL HAS BEEN THORT UGHLY renovated and put in order.under our own special supervision, for the purpose of grlsting and manuructuring Oat Meal and Pot Barley, and we are now prepared to rec<>ive orders from all our old cudtomers and others for work, and we gurantee to give them who intrust us with the same entire satisfaction. Oats and other grains taken in exchange (or Flour Oat Meal, &c. H. & J, TOWNS, Bow· manville. 227. W.BELL'S PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS I GUELPH Are second to none in the world. Z0,000 instruments now in use. Demand so great that it requires TWO of the largest Factories in the Dominion, with· capacity for turning out TWENThis Great Household Medicine 'l'll' per day. ];'or purity and sweetness of tone, elastic and light touch, beautiful and perfect ranks amongst the leading finish they are unrivalled. necessaries of Life; 'l'he most skilled labor, the very best materials that money procure are a i;:uarantee to pur· These famous Pills purify the BLOOD, and chasers thatcan they are buying no shoddy. but a most powerfully, yet soothingly, act on the first class article. Sold wholesale and retail by J.P. RICE, Bowmanvllle. Liver, .Stomach,. I<z"dnevs, 2!l6. J. S. DONEY, Tyrone, and BOWELS, givmg toBe energy, and Vigo o theae great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIJJ'E. They arc confidently recommended ae a never fail!Jig remedy in all cases where the constitution, trom whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in Sil ailment.s incidental to Females of all ages; and as a GENERAL FAMILY MEDICINE are unsurpassed. · ..L Holloway's Ointment, lu Searching and lleallng Properties are known throughout the "l'orJd, For the cure of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts; Old Wounds, Sores and 'Ulce1 it is infallible remedy. If effectually rubbed on the neck and chest, as salt into meat. it cures SORE 'l'HROAT,Oiphtheria..Bronchttis, Cough C~lds, and even ASTHMA. For Glandular S ·' lings, Abscesses Piles Fistulas WILL CU RE OR RELI EVE. Rheumatism, And every kind ot SKIN DISEASE, it has never been kown to tail. The Pills and Ointment .are Manufactured only at 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON, and are sold by all Vendors of Medicines throughou the Civilized World; with directions for using in most every language. «Purchasers should look at the Label on the Posts and Boxes. If the address is not 533 Oxford Street, London, they~are spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines are registered in Ottawa. and also at Washington. · BIUOUS\\C:SS, DYSPEPSIA, l~WIGESTION, JAUNDICE , ERYS!PELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, HEADACHE, OIZZINESS, DROPSY, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART. ACIDITY OF HIE STOMACH, DRYNES$ OF THE SKIN, And evary specie s of diseases a ris lni; froM disordere d LIVE R, KIDNEYS , ST0 ~1ACH , BOWE LS OR BLOOD. T. :munrnN & co., l'ro11rletorn, Toronto. each other and made a telling charge. The pavements and gutters were strewn with bonnets, hats, broken jars, and damP,ged baskets. The tenderest couples were forcibly severed. A few innocents called for the police. This satisfied the miscreants that the road, was clear and that they could follow up their operations. A piercing scream was heard. The companion of tho strange lass was floored, and was b :: .1g kicked liko a dead cur. The poor girl stood unprotected among the wildest villains in the world-a crowd ·of thieves, ticket-of-leave men, and impenitents of all sorts, such as can only be encountered in those latitudes. Then something strange occurred. She could have tried to run away, or come to the rescue of her friend, but, after her agonizing cry of despair on being torn from him, she had remained nailed to the spot. An unhealthy, rickety villain seized her from behind, but went no further. "Ye drain crcaper," said an unassuming citi:ten in artisan's clothes. "Ye let go, or by 'eavens--" The mediator did not look much of a bruisor. His challenge was accepted by the scrofulous villian. He was going to kiss his unfortunate victim, who was defending herself as awkwardly as possible, when there was are iron grip on his hand. There was hardly any scuffle. The bully tried to free his hand. He might as well have tried to pull it from the grip of a vise. There was the ground, and the brawler fell to the pavement. His hand had been crushed as effectually as t.hough a wagon-load of stones had passed uv1;r it. "Ne:xt time," said Goliath, "ye arc stretched 'fsont to penal servitude], my lad,1 11aybti ye will kerse me, for I doubt wheoher ye will be 'hablc by 'ard labor to display yer hackknowlcdgment of the guvncr's 'ospitttlity, but in future ye will perhaps respect a poor blind girl." · Abs, it was true ! The pretty innocent lass, with curious looks, sparkling with poignant longing, was totally blind. She could not see wheth er she was loved, and she thought nobody could see how much she love(l. Hence h er perplexing stare when on the arm of her friend. Her gallant protector had discovered her misfortmw. He was not, however, to lJc left in quiet possession of his triumph. Indeed, S\wen Dials would soon lose its right ti: fame if such small skirmishes could settle its spirited community. The affray had drawn us from the Grapes and the Crown to Little Earl street, which nearly fronts Leonard coffoo-bar, another face of th e dial, where teetotalism united to speculation pursues a bolcl campaign against the liquor ti:-ade by means of tea, cocoa, and coffee, c1ot 1 penny per mug, a.nd of steak and kidney pudding at 4 pence. Little J.Darl street oti a Saturday night is one of the most bustling lanes that imagination can conceive. The sides of the thoroughfare are occupied by an unbroken line of trucks loaded with cheap wares. The footpath is an interminable row of small shops, carrying on commerce at equally low figures. The screams of the costermongers, and traders competing for pub lic favor, the blinding and whistling gas, the unsavory and hostile fumes issuing from decayed vegetables, strongly-salted fish, so!)Ond-hand clothes, seasoned food, inexpensive boots, and rancid cheeses, the unmusical cries of the women, their hevelled hair, their ttbbreviated garments, and the barefooted and ragged children, happier than the kings, create an undescribable saturnalia. At the top of the street, on the left. hand side going toward the Grapes, th ere is a sinister site named Moulmouth court. It has a narrow, low, and dark egress on Little Earl street. " Ye bloody mutilator," said an ugly man to the artisan. "I tell ye this : Ye won't disfigure hanother gentleman in yer days." This was the signal for a murderous assault on the man by two or three score of desperadoes. In a minute they had run their prey into the dark ally. For all that, tho chase was not over. The game was not a hare, but a turkey cock. Circumstances were favorable to pluck and steel, and he hil-f, both. The place was narrow, and thus1he had only to deal with a minority of Ibis assailants at a time. \Vhen I last saw him he was hittin_g like a semi-god. , " K ick 'is brains out or drain 'im, can't yo," said an advisei. " Go it, my pigeons." But here the pigeons we\ t.: interrupted. The police, who had been quelling another brush, for Seven Dial<1 gives them little leisure, were now turning their attention to the new battle-fi<~ld. There were not many of them, but they were stout and willing. They ran through the first ranks of t he rioters, lmt beiug It seems almost too good to be true that I am cured of Catarrh, but I know that! am, I have had no return of the disease and never felt suitable for fall and winter wear. better ln my life. I have tried so many things for catarrh, suffered so much and for so many .JtW·Great Bargains will be given for Caah, yea1·a. that it is hard fol!me to realize that I am really better. I consider that mine was a very bad case ; it Tyrone, November 1, 1883. .... a~ aggravated and chronic, involving the 275throat as well as the nasttl passages, and I thought I would require the three treatments but feel fully cured by tile two sent me, and I -GRA.NDo.m thankful tha.t I was ever induced to send to you. You are at liberty to use this letter stating that I have been c'Ul'ed at two treatnients, and I shall gladly recommend your remedy to some or my friends who are sufferers. -AT THE'Yours with many thanks, REV. E. B. STEVIDNSON. ----~ TORONTO, April 4., 1882, W. H. HICKS. FALL OPENING DEAR Sm,- We take pleasure in stating that our junior partner, who had for years been troubled with Catarrh, was successfully cured Call and see the Cloth that will be made per by three treatments of your remedy. Tha your order for $10 the suit. Cattarrh wasmnch aggravated, with continual dropping into the throat, nccorupu.uiod by loss Call and see our 19 ounce Underclothing-All of voice, hawking and spitting and blocking up Wool Ribbed at 8Q cents tor Ladies' and of the nostrils, all or which we are pleased to say disiippcared almost immediately after the Gents' wear, remedy was applied. Your remedy is certainly -Call and examine ouran invaluable on'e and we hope t.11 who mar be s111fe1~ng fromthis disa1<reeable disease wil give it a trial, as we are sat.iatled they will find it a complete success. Yours very truly, Boys' and Gents· in endless variety. WM. NORRIS & SON, Wholesale !'ianos and Organs. A choice stock of No. 8 Adelaide St., A.H. D-ixon, Esq., 305 Kin.o St., West. ECLIPSE HOUSEi Excelsior Neckties.t GOOD~ STAPLE DRY DR. FELi X LE BRUN'S hae given way to a much Larger Shape:'l'he Fashionable Ha.t this season is a Larg Full Shape with high round crown, Call and Guaranteed Cure for Gouorrhoea 11nd Gleet: -see them at theSafe, pleasant and reliable. No bad effects rrom its use. Does nottnterfere with business ECLIPSE HOUSE. or diet. Price $2 per box, or throe boxes for$5. Written guarantees issued by every duly autbori·,ed agent to refund tho money if th re boxes fail to cure. Sent p~stage prnpaid on receipt of price. DR. FELIX LE BRUN & CO., 81 & 83 King St. East Toronto, Sole Proprietors. Sold by all druggists in Canad.a. -HAS RECEIVED- c . C~C as Cheap as the Cheapest. -The FASHIONABLE HAT-the- Low Crown Felt DerbJ "U :a.El. W . .H · . IVES. ·--M~MURTRY w. ) 'file Church and tlle Army. Word comes from Kingston that Dr. 'Wilson has been dismissed from his responsible position in·the Church of England there, because of his active sympathy and participation in the work of the Salvation Army. The Bishop who approves of the dismissal, gives cheerful testimony to the Christian zeal and morul worth of the dismissed clergyman. That he is an earnest Christian worker no one seems to doubt, but his zeal for the good of others caused him to go beyond the bounds of eclcsiastical propriety, and probably he was not in as good subjection to the higher powers in the Uhurch as h e should have been. ·word comes that another honored Minister of the same church in the same city, has just had an active hand in a veritable "tea fight" in aid of the church funds, where t,he " physical demonstrations" were such as to leave even tbe Salvation Army ·demonstrations a long way behind. The two matters, probably, are occupying the attention of Bishop Lewis about the same time. What the outside world will be most curiou$ to know is whether the conduct of Rev. Dr. Wilson or Rev. \V. Carey, commends itself most to the approval of t he Bishop. The \Vorldings may come to one conclusion and the Churchmen to another. However the Bishop ought . t o be the best judge in regard to the important matter of orthodoxy. NEW CASHMERES, NEW BL.A.(.;K CASHMERES NEW LACE CURTAINS, NEW QUILTED SKIRTS, NEW FLANNELS, NEW SHAWLS. NEW PRIN'l'S, NEW CRETONES,. NEW LADIES' COLI,ARS, NEW WINCEYS,._ NEW MENS' UNDER SHIR'l'S, - v · ~ NEW MENS' DRAWERS NEW ACTORY COTTON, NEW STE.A.¥ LOOMS NKW FINGERING YARN, NEW CA.KADI.AN YARN'.,. Parties buying Goods Will ,Save from 15 to 25 per Cent by Buying from GUARANTEE :-After fair trial, with no rellef or cure effected, your money will W. MoMURTRY.. «CALL .AND SEE.~ Bowmanville, Aug. 30, 1883. · 266. ·.=:;;::;;;;=::;::;:=::;:;;::::, be refunded. = Sold by =======:.i tiiTOTT do': .UIRl'. ROW!tIA.NV.llUI:. Pmrn, $1.00. NEW FALL STOCK OF Boots&Shoes Large and well Assorted, Bought from the best Manufacturers. Also a fine assortment of We have on hand and are still making A Stmnge Drink. There is a story of how a man lost a wager in Pueblo, Colorado. Stepping into a large liquor shop he offered to bet ten to one t hat he could be blindfolded, tell the name of any liquor or wine in the house, or any mixture of liquors by the taste and smell. All went woll with him at first. He named all the celebrated brands correctly. Then they handed him a glass of water. Ile tasted, h e smelt, h e tasted and smelt again, and at, completely nonpluss~d1 he g~ve it up. "Well, boys, h e said, "you .J1a,ve got me. It scorns to me as if, years ago, I struck something of the kind in the States, but it was so long ago that I have entirely forgotten it. " First Class Home Made W-ork, suitable for Fall and Wjnter wear. All offered at t.OWIST CA.LL A.ND EXA.Itl..11.NE. casn l'ltCIS t ~ . 'v OUR B"USINESS M OTT O :- Buy ,eheap for cash; conduct b usiness with -economy; give our patrons good value; and not meddle with other people's affab':·s. JOHN HELLYAR ( !

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