m: ·QM _·_·__ _ "*""" __.z_ u__ ?Ff!!RIPJ!m!!K!9'!FPA¥9¥MiJbWi4~~ug.ue·www1w··@··1rn uwww!iiilWWW&·wtw~HDS1~~TM~TM~':!:~~~~~~~~·m:.~-~·~*~·,~mm~!.~~:'.' ~~~-~~·· ~~~ ,~~~~~.tw~u~e · ~1:11w:i ·~·e~-~1~m~s«~·~4l~!ll~W~·«~~m!'w~m~~1l"IDm'E"'WJ?ww~:att.n;i*llll e NEll'S nE:JIS. LA.UGB.ILETS. Dr. NaJ!ier declarea that drunkenness may be produced bv eating beans. This lets out Lhe Boston fellow 1 very neatly, but how about ,the rest uf us? At a Western funeral all the pall-bear· ers got into a fight, but t he corpse I'e· mained perfectly neutral 'J' lle la t ter's conduct was highly cJmmended by the local press. " Pa, how funny this looks in t h e paper. The prioter has got the words all mixed up, BO there is no sense to it." 'No, no my child-that is a new poem by Tennyson." '·I ~m surprised, John," said an old ~ady when she found the butler helping h.imself to some of the finest old port. "So am I, ma'am. I thotight you had gone out ," was the reply. "John," said Mrs. Basil" m to her husbaud, "I intend to return some calls this 11.fternoon. Won't you step down t o the sta.ble and tell them to send up a cartede-visit, with a driver?" ·~ Explain to me the difforence between whigs and ~aries," said Louis XV. to Mme. de Vergennes. "Sire, the turies a.re whigs when they want pla.ces and the whigs are. torieswhen they have obtaintd uhem." The Philadelph"a N eiv&aays that a hen ·t San Jose, Ca.I ., recently 11a.tched seven chickens, e:tch of whicli ha<t four legs. Being provided with twenty-r ight legs, 1.his lie ought to be ablt'I to travel. A B:ooklyn man 8pilled aome ink on a rug and expouded $Z: 65 in trying to get tht> stain ()Ut. As he could buy u 1.to w rug for $1 75 he is correspondingly mri.d, ,.ud 1ay 5 it all to Chivebnd's election. l~ACTS A~D - I 1l<'IOURES. Sometl1hig about .Locomotivcs. j A. 1·cculiar 'l'rcasure Box. According to the American Machinist A correspcyndent writing to a Paris, N early 2.000,000 children d ie every Te.rm:.11'Var is the ursi; cny in Ev.rope to the year just closed has been a bad one p~per from Oocl!jµ -Ohina, reveals a 'Curlyear i1 · Russia. have its s tr<,ctl! li~hted through1.. ... J ht FRIDAY, FEBRUARY, 6, 1885. for locomotive builders. During 1883 ous custoii1 which ii st.ated to be still in The total cost of the Tichborne litiga.· sev.en of the ~argest builders turned ~:mt u .e i the kiugw1 of Ana.m. When d ectricity. 6 11 1 tion w11H over $450,000. 1,346 locomotives, whtle the same bmld- Anamite consul wail expelifld fr()m Saigon A lthough Carc1inal Manning does n0>t SUE.F.EIUNG ON 'l'HE lt.t..NGES. Thero are el.wen million horses i n the ers d11r!~g the pa.st year turr~ed qut o~ly l last June, he was obliged to disposs encourage lie.mum Ca.tholic youths to go t u United States, one to every frve persons. 90~. . lhere a~.e on_ly l.G locomotive ha3tily of his furnit.ure, hii! c:i.rriagPs and ear.;·,~ DrtYen by StH·W '1Jld C'.old to s~eli Oxford, there a.re thirty-six their. Locomotiveti that cost $15 000 apiece a butldwg shops m thia country, and in his bdou giugs g·merally. lnclu~ed in Bt:l'nge lo tlte Hil'tE.t S Of 'l'olWJ>H. . A. Londoner made a bet that he would year ago can now hll bought fvr $8.000 these s hops, as near i..a mm . be Jea:rne~, I these were fifteen livinf!' crocodiles, whioh T h<'l reports of heavy losses of cattle on invent a question to which fifoy p1iovle each. the total 11um ber of locomotives ?111lt m aor~ly emb~rl'.as~ed liirn, for he could .find the Western.plains have been exaggerated, would all give the same answer. 1::1.ti The total enrolled strength of the 288 1884 waa 1.271, aoout 100 of wlu..:h. were no purchaser for them. Ile had bought as usual. When a blizzard is in progr . ss won the bet. The q uestiun was, " Have volun teer r egiment s or oorps of !LU arms ~r exportation. . The mosb trustworthy t hem for the Emperor Tu Due, wno not t h e cattle present a most pitiable spectacle, you heard that Smith has committed in great B itain is 20{) ,365 ; and out of figu~es show t hat. therd are 2~,227 kc_o- only had a partialit y bu t a use for these and people unfamiliar with them often suiwde 1" and the auswer tn every cu.se that number 202,448 were r eturned as motiv~a of all kmd~ belongmg ~ r:ul- amphibious animals. In his palace, it is suppose t hat they are dying, when, as a w a~, " What Snnth ?" efficient; 17,928 officers and sergeants roads m. N or~h America. As the life of a narrated, there ie a large piece of water, mat ter of fact, they a.re only suffering The Warden of the K'lnsas State Prison <Jbtai ned certificates of proficfency; 485 locomotive is. about 35 years, about whi1:h may b s b11st described as the royal sever ely. In cold and stormy w~ather th.at more convicts, in proponion to officers passed in tactics : and 179,739 of 1,169 looomot1ve_ s m_ust be con~tructed sbrong·bux. Here the sovereign keeps his the cattle huddle t ol!'.ether wherever they says the population come from counLies wher" all ranks were actually pre~ent at t he an- ev~ry year to mamtam the st ock. . r68erve treasure, which is to be used only can find a wind· break and present a very the prohibitory law is enforced than frcm uual Government inspections. The large number of heavy engmes in oi1.1e of absolut e necessity '.l.'rnnks of forlorn appearance, but except iu procounties where there is no liquor law. A It ill said that there are seventy-five ar- bnilt last rear _would indicate that they hrees hollowed (IUt, and th~ money not tracted seasons · of coid an d deep prohibition population of 115,865 furnishtesian wolls in the great desert of Sa.- w:ere growmg m fayor. A ten-wheel en- intended for immediate use is piaced in snow they speedily find relict. ed 16 more convicts than an anti-prohibihara, which have a. combined flow of one gm_e beams to be liked best on, a heu.vy them, the trees bei ng thrown into the D uring t he recent deep snow and t ion population of 117,239. thousand gallons a minute. Two not"in- ~;re1ght ~oad. Almost every ~a1lroad has wa.ter. To keep away thieves, and presevere cold, the cattle, more especially T~e Yent tjie king himself from bei.i1~ tempt ed considerable villages have been built up, its pccuhar style of. locomotives. the new·comers from Texas, were renAn English ship, the Daphne, capsized one hundredand lifty thousand palm· tree11 New York, Lake .Er10 aJ:?-d Western Ilail- to draw upon this reserve fund wibhoub dered well nigh deepera.te for a few days. when launched, and many perso11s w.e re have been ~et o;it, and one thousaml gar- t·oad uses for freight trams a long, low, 1mfficient cause a number of crocodiles Old rangers, accustomed to rustle a killed. She was rahed and re-namod the dens i.11troduced in the midst of what was blaok, ten-wheel env.ine, w_hich is very are keptin..the'water, their presence and living in an Arctic climate, have learned 11.ose, but only to be sank at her ancho1· powerful. The Pe1,11aylvama road does the certainty of being eMen alive, acting beipre an uninhabited countrv. many tricks which late arrivals are in harbor. Again raised, she r&.n ashor·e, ignorant of. They will paw holes in the was got off with d1filcillty and named 'fho Ar(Jhbishop of Canterbury, the not care 110 m~ch _for the. number of as a whole~ome restrainer, and insuring snow and reach dry grass beneath, and afre;h thti Ianthe, an<t a mt·nth ago, 1:m primate of England, has au annual in- wheels as for their siz..,, and J.t has them t.he security of the royal treasure in a . . most effoctual manner. When i~ becomes when there is a crust of ice they wi11 route to Smyn1a, she struck a rock ou come of $75, 000, in addition to Lan;rl)eth made as larg_e as poss!ble. , ~ !oco.mot1ve that 1s 11ev<!r so.en lll tlus il1dispeneable to draw upon this novel brsak tha.t too without much difficulty. the Irish coast a4d is laid up for repairs Palal}e, ba Londnn or city n .sidence vrcnuty lB the camel-back engme, used sorl of bank the crocodiles have to be They aatiafy the cravings of thirst by Tht> Arohbiahop of York rt;Ccives $50,000 Dr. Sexton, writing in the Medicu.l oo.tina· snow, while the Texans, unused Recoi·d, estimates that a.bout 10 per ce11t. a:year, besides t.wo res1denc1Ja and a large f?r.heavy ~oi·k in the .mount_ains by the killed ; but 'ihis can be done only with ~- hiladelphm an d Reading: H ·llroad. lt the emperor's permission, and after the to su~h devices, will endure grea.t suffering of the l'mtire school population of N uw household of 1.filcials. Th.i tithes of S'· is a double-end engme ~1th 11. two -st~ry J matter has been duly approved by the before following their ex~mple. of the other bisl)ops aro: Vmdon, $5 , · York are t 1on bled wiun more or les3 dis· oa.b set on top of the boiler. The engm· minister of finance. The deep snow rarely L~11w loug Fol- qua.lifying aural d~fe.)ta. 000 ; DuilHm, $35 000; Winchester, oer's seat le over the top . of that of the '!:""'!: 'rhus, he says, · ·:::. ·w::~ :'.::...,....~~-== -=::·~ .. =:=::::::'.'.:".:".!:~~=== ~ ::~:::::s~.., lowing the blizzard comes t.he chinook; a out ot 14U,000 pupils now att1>nding tlle $35,500; E ;y, $27,f>OO; and Bath, Lin- fitllman. T hese are heavy engines. wind as mild aud warm as the bhzz3.rd is public auhools, 14,000 would be bem:1itecl l'ROI·'. W. 1\'ILf,SOi\'. ·)Olu, O.s.fot'd, S.;Jisbury and Worceater, bitter and cold. The 1.Jhiuook wmds are by class1ficat1 $20;000 eacb.. Tbe Bishop of Sodor and EACHER OF PIANO, ORGAN .AND on in respecu tu seating and Honesty Rewarded. looked for as patiently and confidently as instruction at close range or by 11ou11:i aia SINGII'< G. 'l'erms: For beginners $6; fer Mao, who has neither cathedral nor dean, advanced pupils. $ 10 for quar:.er of twelve the balmy breezes of spring, and they to hearmg. gets $10,000. A gentleman, aJmething of a dandy lessons. Residence at. Ml'. Joseph Brittain'e, rarely diaappoint the herders. Within a A young inan blacke11 ecl°his mushche Lo.st year over l,500,000 cats were stopping at a San Francisco hotel, had corner Libe1·ty and Concession f:l&reet, HnwThe drinking ot large qu3.ntities of with a lead cumb, and t hell took his girl killed for t.Jieir skins, whi :h have b ecome lost a small diamond, which conatituted manville. few hours from the time that they begin lil-tf, 1 to blow the whole aspect of the landscape whisky as an antidote for nhe btte of a out for a moonlight stroll. When th~ valuable fur-lining. . 'l'he industry of cat- the sole stud of his shirt front. He as ,is changed. The tops of the hills begin snake, and which ·by many ii. considered lair one appeanct in t.he bright light . f skin collecting as .an industry is of very sured the host that the diamond waa to show, and, after a little, they will be very eflicacions1 proved env1re1y wor~hlel!ll &he famil;r oircle, a couple oi nours later, recent growth. About the aupe.riority worth $2,000. When the guests had all seen covered with cattle, all eagerly in i;he case of a Georgia lac! who ww;i tter face looked hke a railroad map. · or anoth er over depa r t e d a aea'"ch was x·ns 111u11 " of cat's skins, in one way · , .,.. u nodevouring the freshy uncovered grass. In bitten a few days ago by a reptile suppus"Lend me your ear a minute," remal'k- those of rat, rabbit or squirrel, there is thin~ was found. T~e guest taa:ried. to The lad thrust his ed Mrs. Brown to her husband the ·other no q estion. The cost of production, too, the _last, and on leavmg hardly dIBgmsed a little while the cal tlu regain all they ed to be a. snake. 11 THE SURE had lost, and, refreshed by the food, aie hand into a hole for a rabbit, wh1ch had eveuin~. , "'Yillyou give it back to me 1' cannot be called exceaaive, seeing that. -h ,s Lil.humor. · · . FOR been chased by his dog, when he was he i1lquired, with mock anxiuty. "Of each skin is stolen,and the whole original aoon able t o return t o the range. Th~ next day ~he stabl~ boy picked up KIDNEY DISEASES, Dtiring the recent oold weather hun- bitten. c mrse I will. you ir'iot I .Do you suppose vutlay fa one stout stick for despatching the diamond .while ?Weepmg out the yard dreds of cattle, driven in by the biting LQVER COMPLAINTS, The approaching completion: of the In- I want to start a tannery?" She got the pusa, and a sack to carry her home in, and brought it to his master. Tha.t gen· blasts and suffering keenly from the diana State House has developed a start- ear. while the total working expenires are the tleman ~as delighted, an_d sent his CONSTIP.ATEON, PILES, pangs of hunger, congregated near various ling condition .o f things. '.l.'he origma.l When you hear the old vetPran, with a wear and tear of Bl10e leather in tramping hostler. with the gem to the mconsolable towns, as if in expect:ttion of assistanc\l appropri11.tion.for buildirig th1i structure AINID BLOOD ODSEASESw head hke an 031st,er bowl, telling the old bhe streets for prey, and a very casual owner. from the people. In some places thtjy was $2,000,000, but the pMsptfot 1s th~t k · h t $5 penalty f..or auch as are detected in the '.l.'his worthy received the meseenger took possession of the streets, and stood the cost will be $136,000 less than th1" story of t h e weath er b ac 10 0 e 1;>en· a.ct. with joy, placed the diamond in hiP PHYSICIArlS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY. 1 you perce·ve h~t, in spite of the drawer and took two cigars out of his ties, for hours in the shel ter of the buildings. a.mount. It is thong.ht that there moat progress of invent ion, there has been The German people, who were only h fi d h "Xia.ney~Wo1"t 1s the most auccess:ru.1 remedy W h en they came so numerous as to cause be some mistake, for no architect; or conIeverused.n Dr. P. C. Dallon, Monldon,,Vt. 1 · tl t. l:lr>,000,000 i·n 1816, upe no- 4.5,500,000, pocket and offered them tot e n er, w o · t ~ " withdrew, ashamed of the man with the a block&:le, they were drlven out ; but, tracitor in the possession of his senses no impr<>vemer m yrng wor 1 men ion- v "Xi<llley~Wort is always i·eliable." Dr. It. N. Clark, So. l£oro, Vt. , &ni their pr<1sent 1ate of increase is diamond. as a rule, they were permitted to take all would deliberately come short of his ,..sti. ing. H)t:fclncy..Wort has cure dmy -wifo after two yea.rs "Yes," sa;d an cntn11siastic Western greater than that (lf any European race. On his return he told everything bhat the comfor t they could get. Stich cattle mates and thus demoralize the bmmess. eufi:"e:dng.. ~ Dr. C. :M. SUli.l.Werlln , Sun run. Ga. h dh d t h " maste admirer of Mi. J.{obert lugersoll, "he The population which in France only inas could not make the towns herded on 11\1 . THOUSAVJDS OF CASES .. d a appene o is r. it has cu.rod where nU else h a.cl failed. Itia mild, :A.ccordinlr to the Ephemeris an examin- spoke oncJ in thh town and at the, con- crPas1:1s by ~6 a year for every lo' 000,an "Have you amoked those two cigars 1" the railroad tracks in various places, a~.d but ellloicnt, C'E:{T.AlN IN lT8 A(JTI@N, but interfered somewhat with travel. They ation of a 3,726 prescr1pt1ons in a Boston clm·IOll of h is lecture thirteen guns were m Great Britain by only 101, increases in said the master. lw.rmlc3s jn au c~ses.. O:..W-Itclon.11ijc~ tk"-' J:lood. an~ " Strc11gthcnf!I ai:d will make for a track immeciately on dis- drug store showed that 504 diffvrent fired." "ls it poss tble 1" w<1~ the bur. G-ermany by 115,. and this in sptte of a "No, sir," gives New Lue t 6 ell the 1u1porta.nt organs ot prised response; "and not one of 'em vast emigr..tiou, which, since 1816, has covering it, and stand there for hours drugs were called for by the doctors. the body.. '1 ho n atura l actfon of the Kidneys iR "I will give you 500 francs for them." · c rried away 3,o00, 000, mostly Jioung r estored. Tho Liver i3 clc::msed of all disease. as 'if expecbing relief. It sometimes Quinine took the lead by appearing m 202 brought him down r' "Nol" and tha Dowols move fteely and healthfully. adults. There is no sign of suspension in happens that herds are run down, and p rescriptions, morphine appeared. m 17l:l, In th:is wn.y tho w orst di.Ren.sos a.re ora.dioa.tcd "Yes, I will; I at lea.st ought to pay a Magistrate (newly appointed)-' 'Now this rate of increase, while there are sigm from the syotcm. 9 many cattle killed or injured. Deer will bromide of potassium in 171, iod1d., of conat..ble, what capes this mnrni g 1" premium for having an honest boy in my rRICX, $1.QO IJQUlD OR DRY, 8 0LD BY DIWGU18T8, do the same thing. Several large llerds potassium in 155, and murial.e uf iron in Pulice Sergeant-"Please, your wurship, th11.t it is much too rapiu for the country service. Now you will return to the D ry can boeont b y mail . of these animala have been rep0rted on 134. The whole number of articlas in 1 ·h ave in custody J uhu Simmons, alias . to support... The vast, fl :·t, sandy, wind- gentleman who g<We you the CJigars and WELIS, RIIJlIA.R.DSOX &CO.Llul"llni:ton Vt. the tracks in various parts of Montana the pharmacopreia is 994, and Boston J ones, alias Smith, al--" M~glstrate aw1>pt plain which makes up l!O ·much. of you will aa.y to him : "Sir, I t old my , ~2lli:~:::;;::-~~:JE:lltl'.:!!!2~ - "Ah, well-rll try the woman first. Northern G.irmany is not fertile; the ar· master how generous you were good and Idaho during the past f rtnight, and uses more than half of th~m. tesans, t h ouuh most indust.rious, find i'b many of them h!.tve been killed. In a ~eligious paper . an English r ect?1' Bring in Alice Jones." di ffi .ult to d.i~pose of their labor, and in enough to be to me, but he tears you ----··--~~· has lately given ex,\mples of the way m ,A B rooklyn young m1m ls quite "gone" 1882 the P russi"'n offi cials discovered bhat will be deprived of the p~ea.sure of amok· A. J.Pre1nonition. which ch1lch·en in national schools ar e en "ffamlet.' Rtading it tu the gi rl of t.he number of hca·ls of families who ino- to-day. He has ordered me, thereMr. Notcutt was a highly r~spectahle taught to gabble ovflr the church cate- his heart la.at week, he came to th., pas- must be ex.empted from d irect taxation fo~e. to return to you the two cigars." AT - 'l.1 HE BOWM:ANVILLE "Shall I spea,k of the 500 fra.ncj 'I" mskI .idtipende.nt minister in Ipswich, the an- chism. . One wrote, " To bear n ' marmns s:i.ge, "Oc if thuu wiltB .. needs marry, bec,i use they "'tlJ'e e'1.rning \ess than $125 cestot- of a euccession of ministers of the o.r P.tred in my hea,rl;." Annt her, ··To mar ry a fool." "Is that a proposal, a year exceeded 7,000,00U, and what was ed the boy, astonished. "Oi course not Do ss I say." same name, in the same town and church, sucker my father, obE>y the Queen, and deiu."t" she asked. "Yos, darling," he much more f.mnidable, increased with The stable-b;>y did aa he l<as t old. It Before he was married, the lady to whom all that. ia put in thority; to subnnt my - r<'plied. .And thtiy settlod.it th1;1re and e very year . .was not long before he t'e&urned with he was engagocl dreamed that ehe was, self to the governess, teach era, f p;nt pas lhen. " ,:fay, ma, hov,r much of ::1, fortune have thia reply written by the fortuuate man >'l'hile going over a house wh;ch. was un· ters." Another, "Suffo::ed uuder the in all good faith. Th~ q·uccn's Burying Place. known to hor- and in a little room, a sort Pontious 'Pilat.a,' was cruciffod, lrn de- you- got 1' Ma1uma - "My child, that "D.caR Sm: I am delighted to find my Will be found a large stock of Stylish, of linen-cloaeb which she had never seen scended into Heaven." Another, "My irn't a s.ubj ch ;or li~ile people like you The Prince Conaort's Mausoleum is Good and Comfortable Canadian - ael:r.ed with a violent ·bleeding from the d uty towards my 11abour ls to do to nu to concern your~dvei> about." D~ughter one of the most aplendid tombs in diamond ag'!.in. I have six like it, wh;ch nose, and all attemvts to stop ib we.1·0 meu as I would, a.nd no to obey tne -"'Oh, ye·, ma, it is. Tnere's a girl in E urope ; and it is a pi~y tbat so bad a ~ite do duty M my vest buttons. Thiti is why I was 110 cast down at the loss. As for quite unavailing. Shortly before her Queen," &IJ. These :tre samples of fif. my clHsi that's only seven. and nhe .. a.a . sh0uld· have been selected, for it 1 .s nf.ce11maniage, the happy young girl was going teen ex11rnples of what JS callt;d "r1:ligiuus tellmg mu t lw.t she would be wort,h $50,.. sary to have fire~ · perpetu !tlly burnmg the cigars, lcauld perfectly wen l'J·are a m11cle especially t o snit the wants uf thi::i 000 whrn ht1r pa and ma kick the boLh summer and winter, in order to keep couple of them for your boy, lor I have ove~ her future home with Mr. Notcutt; instruction." ·· loc:.li-ty which will be soU on the most bucket." 13he b egan to u rognize the house, and at the b0a.uuful a1,d ve ·y cosily decorations 0,000 of them drying in my. drawtr." Salisbury steak appears to be gwmg reasonablll terms. Our last, coming upon a closet such as we have New la.odlord (a. great antiq "arfa.11 ) to ~com boing mj 11red by the damp. The de2crib1;d, ahe exclaimed : "Why, this is remarkably good rtsults as a diet ftr o:d 'l'en.nt) do you know. my good man, building lies m a perfect marsh. The ,\ Doctor·s Advice. lhu1>Jements the very closet where I was in my dream people troubkd with weak or disordered wh'ether there art1 any' oid Rvwan CIUil!J" c0fiin uf Prince A l b~rt is encluecd in a digestion, but who. require the support: A man of property, who ha.d for years the past season have given lhe best sa.tiswhen my nose began to bleed !" i n this neighborhood? Old l'enantWt1U aarcvphagu~ uf granite, which is in the becn abusing his stomach, 11,t laiit found T hey wc:r~ married; ycnrs passed along; fog power of a nimal food. Tho ma1!uer 'er-oi can't 'ardly s::iy, sir, but, ( briid1t- oentre, and which is la·ge enough to con- h ;s health tu bo in a.state ofrapiddcclinE'. factio n to all wlw ha1'0 nsed them. she b -came a mother and a grandmother. of rrep.uing it is described by Dr. Hep- emi1g up) c>i've 'etri=d tell ns 'ow there tain two coillus, the Q reen d esigning to Nature could em.lure it no longer. Be burn int.he Pniladelphia Mcd,cal and ~ur We are now getting Out a large stocl!: for Exactly forty years passed away, bub the was some rummy 11c-1mpa 'ere afore oi be h ~rself bu ried here. The crypt under- went to a celebrated doctor in l\'fa3sachun ext seasou of ho followinq implaments dream was no)rforgottttn. One dav. while gical Repo1££r. Tne surface of 1a ruund come, sir. nea~h contait s nine niche '· .And was setLs Ile 11tated all the ~ymptons of his in the very closet euptirintendin~ the .steak is vhopped with a dull I.n fd, the 'l'hcn is a story told by an eminent it·tcnded to be the burial pl ace of the case so clearly that the learned doctor MOWERS, ubj~ct being not to ·cut, but to pound the putting away of some hmm, her nose 1 jadg.,, 1Jt1ll living, though retire.cl from Queen's children; but so far it has not !:'LOWS, began to bleed, and continued t o do 20 meat. .As tne meitt pu p comes to the the bench, whi~h 1lluatratea the import- btoen need, as Princess Alice was buried could not mistake the nature of his HAY TEDDEHS, without intermission. All t ff0rts were, top it i i scraped off, while the tough and ance of a voluntary c·,nfes;ion better than in D.armatadt (there ie a statute of her in dangerous disease. "I ca.n cure you, sir," said he, "if yon as in t he dream, quite unavailing, and the fibrous portion gradually reaches the the most elaborate argument. A prison er the mauboleum) and the Duke of Albany CU LTIVATORS, old lady succumbed to the h emorrhage, bottom of the trough. 'J'he pulp is then tried before him for 1r.i-ceny had admitted in the R oyal vault. le was arrau gad t hat will follow my advice ." IRON HARROWS. made into cakes and lightly and quickly The patient promised most implicitly and so death visited the manse. broiled so as to leave it al moat raw· i uside. h1s guilt when apprehended, but at 1he the Duke should be buried here ; but the to do as directed. ... Now, then," said the physician, "you This diet is sometimes u sed exclusivtly in trial was defended with great persistency plan was reluctantly changed by the & A. ~ad Case. . chronic cases, and as a 1ule no drugs.are by able counsel. " Gentlemen," said the !Jueen when it was found that he had muet steal a horse." j udge to the jury, "the prisoner SaJs he left writLen instructions that his coffin "Steal a ho1se ! " There died recently in a small English employed with it except tonics. will be ready for sprin g- I.rat.le. 1s guilty. Bis counst'>l says he is not. shoald be placed in the family nult under "Yes." town an old woman known aa the · Witch A F'rench traveller has just returned must decide between them." Then, the Wolsey Chapel. The Quec;n and the of Okehampton." She was 75 years old, from Stamboul with a wonde1ful story of "Whatfor 1" PLOW POINT8 added: "Th.ere is just .l)uchess of Albany visited the Royal " Because when you steal a horse, you and h er death resulted from cold and ex- the sights he s ~w. Be ia ek quent about after a pause, of every de">crip ~i un always 011 hand. posure. Her name was Hatch, e.nd the two thrones, on e of enamelled gold, with one Lhiog to <emembl>r, gentlemen. vault durin~ the recent stay of the Court will be arrested, convicted and placed in waa there, and his ooun~el t\t Windso:r, in order to inspect the final a situation where your diet and regimen ·J r I title given to her setims to have been encrus:at;ons of pearls, rubis, and em- rho p"isoner 11 arrangements which have bei.11 made for wm be s_uch that in a ,,shorn time your li due to her somewhat wild appearance erald'i. In another room he saw two Wll>~n'li. he disposal 0£ the 111.te Duke's coffin, t health will be restored. and the condition in which she lived. casket~, even more magnificent, studdud which has just been e11closed in an oak Her bed was a straw mattress, which with rubies and diamonds, in which the Vines on Houses. c:1.se, on tne top of which is a nilver plate re11ted on the floor ; her bedclothes this hairs from the Proph6t'a b eard ar" The Ame?·icc m Gwrden notes the pre- with hia titles, &c., and at the head is his winter consisted of a single sheet, and jealously preei>rve<l. There ar e also vailing opinion that vines make houaacs coronet en a cor.ihion. The membern of one room whioh formed her home was ~everal cur;ous instruments made of gold damp, for w'tich reason 't here are n ot - JUST RECEIVED ATalmost destitu~e of furniture, and cle- and thickly stu<ldej with gems on the nearly so many cottages and houstlB uhe l~oy al Family have always been ecribed at the inquest as a wretched hovel. back, whioh wHe used as p ortabfo be...utified wit.h vines as there should be. buried in coffins covered with crimson velvet, with massive silver ornaments ; The body was greatly eruaciatod. Fur the " scratching posts. " Another room was It is only when the cli.mbers aro allowed place in which she live? she l?a~d 1 shil hung with armor and sctiptres; caak ..,te tn cov.r the eaves and obstruct t.ho bu t a few years ago, when the QuePn ling a week, so that omy 2 sh1llmgs were an i escritoires lay 011 the table. The old gutters or find their wa.y _un~el'.' the paid her :first visit to the s .. palchre, she The y are Fresh, G -ood a n d Cheap. left for her maintenancd out of the three escritoires are all shaped liked a pistol; eliingles, that they become obJ!:Ctlonable, obsetved that the coverin!Zs had become 2hillin«s a week which the guardians al- the it,kstand is placed at the spot occu- a11d these obj ections ahould, of course, be rag~·otl and faded. and 01d"'r.g were given A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF that all the C Q ttin~ should at once be lowed "her. The weather being cold, it pied by the trigger, and the reed11 and a carefully guarded 11gttinst 110 the same plaoed in new u11k Daliles, e n the top of was suggested on the day before her pen-kmfe are m the bar rel. 'l.'here are effect the Oardner·s JJ,[ontltly r ema.r1rn : which 1\re the plate~ and coronets. The death that she should have a fire ; but also inlrnta.nds iu the shape of tJ:a.ys, ea1 :b "Vin(fl sh ould .,,lwa.;:;a ba cut bolo\V the the old wom1 m remark~d that if she containing five sauctra, for ink, dr~ing roof. I ~ is a lit.tle trouble to cm bhe ru Dukt' of Albauy li<ls f,n the atnne table in AT EXCE .EDINGJ~Y LOW P RICES . the ceu lre of the vaulr., with King G"nrge lighted 01il'I there would l:ie noue for th e powder, and other ocl:ls and ends ustd by onoo a year, but we_ ca.onot ·get even · ur of H!!,nover, George UL. and the Duk" 1 morrow. When the morrow cume she the writers. In another room are the shoes blackturnd ..1thout some trouble. of K l!nt. 'l' hu other c0ffi11g are on the was dead. eostumes of all the Sultans down to Those who kno " how nuzv and beautiful shelves un each 2ic 1e of the vault, which Mahmoud 11. Hach of the costuinea has looks a cnttage covered with vine~, will fa entered through t <vo gates, from a A. New Idea in Diaries. a eilk scarf a.tt1whed, togt, ther with a mag· not obj ect to t p.0 few h"urs' lsbo~ it pa'l3age which commun c .· tes with the KING STREET, BOWM.A.NVILLE. "Asociety young man gave us a new idea nifice11tly chased d <>gger and a dio.m.ond r~quires t o keep the vmea frow stoppmg vault beneath the choir of St.· George's Then, heaped pell-mell, up t he ~utter. VinPs really make a w:all Chap!'!!. The l'· i oca C nsort's cd'fin was in getting out our diarie~ for this year," .,,i... rette. said a manufacturer recently, "which we ar7i the kevs of the furtre~ses or the dry. 'l 'he million d root.l·«a by wluch m,-\'.ir i·eally placed iu th e Ro:yal V·Ult; adopted and }1a.ve found to b e ve1·y profit- ~mpiro, and finally comes the e>1crep they adhere t.o th:e wal!a, _~bsorb the b ut, t ill it was removed to Frogmore, it able. Instead of t,he usual and useless treasure coirnisting of the relics of Iala.m; 1vater, and an l!Yannnat1un voll prove a. stood on a b ier in the underg!'onnd pages of a.lleged information a.bout t..id?s, the mantle u.nd standard of the Prop het, vine-c-0vcred wall. t·) l:~) "9.S dry as . o!d pa~sl\ge just ontsicle thegat<'.s of the vault. time, weight, measurement, and trite his sword and bow · the swords of the firat bonea. " One grcr.t u.uva.nt."\"J:e of a vmo- I believe that the Queen ot Jected to her i s huo,band being baried, even temvorarily maxims, we put in blank pages under the Chi··fs and the oldest manuscripts of the cove~e~ cottage! Dot .often thought of, _ Save money by buying your goods at th at it is cooler rn summer a_r..d warroel'.' m in the !lame place wit!l George 1V . head of 'Visits.' Young men with pour Koran. _ __ .,.., ... -... -..--win L er than where there liJ bnta. mere memories and plenty of friends can record naked wall." · under suitable headings visits owed a nd l 'Pl· .,Jue of a man's aut ograph <levisits returned, with the date and hour of Po 1tencss - -- - · ···-··...- --· ---}J·m what it is annexed t.Q. each on~. We make them up in every"Might I ask who lives h ere 1" a.&ked a " fls," said a br' g'it Austin yo~th. to i""-' Tho gentleman who presented a.n upthing, from pa.per to all!gator s kin. A polite gentleman ,t;>f a stranger he met in h ' s sis;;tlr, who was putting the ':hrn1hmg real nice one, fastened '\\lth a gold :ilasp front of a handsome ma.nsivn touches on her toiltt, ·.·you ought to town man's wite with an illuminated key and fit.ted with an ivory pencil case, cosrs "Certainly, tir/' as politely replied the marry a burglar." "What do you mean hole might as weli go a ud get it, for Ehe $3. They take up no more room in the other. by such nomiense 1" "l mean that :you won't permit t.he door to wear i t. S he pocket of a fashionable waistcoat than a "Who i11 it, sir 1" a 1 d a burglar would get a1ong very well p1·cfere to come downstairs and let her package of cigarette papcr. "- fNew York " Darned if I know," replied tl1e tog.. ther--you !111.ve g ..t tha false loe:ks man in and begin the night' s lecture in a standing position. Times. .ryrone, November 13, 1881. !6-3m.. stranger. and he has goll the fii.l~e koyn." n the for ·----··,_ .......... ____ 'I will 1 ..·---- Machine Foundry CARRIAGE WORKS Cutters and Sleighs 0 A om~ Iete stocK of Carriages \ou he Mc a: u n g & Dar c h. JA s TT' Crockery & Glassware liis reas are not to be Excelled. JAMES ELLIOTT. Call and inspect. I TVlRONE'S CH '.EAP rcJ~SH Sf,(lRE:, JAMES STRUT rr, Proprietor. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Patent Medicines, etc., etc.