· 5 car loads of Salt-I_Jiverpo,o l and Ca1nadian--just arrived. MURDOCH BROS. The c·lection in West. Northumberlai,.l \ LETTER OF CONDOLENCE. from the usual funel'eal plants, symbolic:Ll of incorruption, purity, the resun·eotiu-11, comes off next Tnesdav. Mr. W. K er·, At the r egular meeting of the Foresi ·n 1"1J. l30WMANVILLE S1'AT10'N AND '.l.'IME. aml pe<tcc, most tastefully <md approp1:i.- Q. C., is the Libeml c~tndidate and M· · ately arranged. A wreath, iinchor, a 1 1d Geo. Gni llett, the unseated member, I ters Court , last week, the following BesGOING EAS'l' GOING WEST other designs, exquisite in their perfoc- again the. Oonservati\'e cand idate. :!\'! " · ol ution of condolence was rmssed to the .Expre"s .......0.08 am Express ... .·. 7.~5 a m tion from mem bors of the motn'tlin« Kerr should be returned by a large m.-· widow a.nd family of their h·te ]Jrother, · ' tl ] .Fast Express 10.IH a m Local .........8.23 " m f .· 1 . . . f tl 0 Mixed ....... :A.20 p 11, I Mixed ......... i.~O pm anu1 y, w1· 1 a rnnc some cross .rom. . ie JOrity. John Colwill : Local· ........ .. 7.28 pm\ l;;xore~s ....... 9.02 Pm I Sumby St;hool scho.brs of the D 1sc1pl.e :Exoress ······ 9.40 JJ m l Church, an anchor from Mr. D avid F ishRESOJ.v1 m ,-'fhat Ocn1rt Pride of On -- -- --·-· ·11e, a \\·reatl i f ro111 "' " '.I r . (' There isi;carcelyany1 hin~n e ·~co11cern .. er, B owmanv1 ~eo. tari.o, No. GOOO, Ancient Order of l<'ores·1 iog tbe H,iel rebellion in the despatcheri · ~, ~-Lan.,.. off C .lttawa, f all(l .numerous s11n1 ar pu blishcd in to-day's ('.L'hmsday ' s ) pttpers. ters, i·ecord with dcc1Jest regret the de- 1 ·0 · a :t n :t'. r! 1: '11' ~ ttdim:u11. . d · ,Q·i ~,U\ol. ~L'l~, ~ ·llllj! ~U tokens o · respect rum t nen s! _ we~·e ar- 'l'he al"l'ival of Ontario volunteers is mise of our late brother, ;John Cobvill, on . d to rein , rayed upon the casket. . Callahlhesm . 1y awaite · f orce t li.e '.L'h ursd::ty, March Hlth . We realize t he . ~CRYDERMAN' d· · all anx10u~ gp ~"'~~~--~---v~--~,~~-~--~-- -~- th~i1· purit;y wero pret t il Yau nnpposswe- North-west forces . Gene,.ul Mid· great loss ou.r Co urt sus tf.tius, he having ' ' ~ ; .,, A ·1 ly placed with small reliefs abm1t; the bier, c ]]<>to1·1 '1'1·11 111ovc· fo·1·1":t1·rl :is soon ,"s been one of its most iw tive members, . B OWl\lANVILLE, .i! RIDA.Y, PlUL o. w]u·lc t 1 · · '" " · · " since i· oininu it, nea.rly five years a rro, dur1e tuue wont vi.ue embl cnmt' ici1l o f ANNOUNCE 0 · L "f " · l · d his force is sufficiently stroug lo warrant· ., " Clwist our t c occupie( itsaccustome · "! · · 1 papers cont:un · i n, u which time he has filled with satisfacit. I w provmcm so ,, 1~1 t tl d t ] · t I }] t h e C arp ets i n town, but lb ocl Y of· t Irn cl e - much war nows that we d o not deem it tion the ofli ce of Chief Ranger, and varirn lmac1 ;i,nc la 1ey O no C aun o ia ve a place about t 1 1 1 ceased inside the Citskct. The w 10 e · ous suhorclin·ite l)Osit ions ·wd was filling as a m a tter of fact they "T"" tlie I fj · t 1 h 1 to it. theofl:iceof;L'rnstce at ti~: tnn~ " f his . · ' ' .""., Oily Irffi lll own W~10 ave effectofthesc;arrnngernentsw.:1s such as n ecessaryto cevotespace to ~omhine the feel~ugs of awe aucl dre~d, s=-= · death. Gi·pat has beeu our loss, yet the Imported any Carpets t h is season. THE LAST SAD Hl'I'ES. I wluch tmrnlly asso~iat.c . th~_msdvcs with OFF TO THE WAR. loss to the ~vidow anil family is ~rrcparable And it is e uall true that the l As stated last w_ e_ek the funeml of .the the presence of t he dead, \Hth feeling~ of an d we des!l'e to tender our Slllcerc and q y y lave b oug h t and opene d' .late J\llr. Se 111J.::or t:l11np_son _was one of ~he hope and luippiness in th~ ce:t1 tinty of .'. . . - . -. . ' . I heartfelt sympathy to the b ereaved ones, out more than twice as many New Carpets as a n y othe:r .!ar;,;est ever .witnessed mtlus locality. 'l:he life hereafter , when wo hve m suc~1 a . I ~ie 1.!'.sm:rect10n mc1ted by t he rebol / and trust t hat he who has pr omised to be house in town. f uneral services wet:c cond uctc.'d by Elder manner, as to e11t1 .tl e u. s to the pronused 1 Loms Iuel m tl_ i e North-we~L h~s . caus<;d a husln u<l to t he. widow and father to the S heppardasmt ecl by Rev.~ . A.Drummond, r ewarcl. th e greatest ex?itcmcnt to pr evail through .. fatherless, will Siii.Stain them in their hour And they have no he::ita ti on in saying th at theJ ho 1d at ';£ Newca~tl;, ,~m'.l l:~v. .1£gerton l~y~rson The follmvingextrael8 from the H11nsar out _th? Donnmo:1. Volunt~_ers J :ave bee~ of deep dist.iess and bereavement. t th 1 l bl Y?u_ng, . () .. ~~~· m·:,~1~'1lle. All th~1es~de1:~ show lhc great osteemin which Mr: Simp'- se;1t from_ all par ts of 0;1t~1.10, mc~u~n'.d w. B UNN Y, c. R. presen . e argest anG most va ua e stock of Carpet s in town. mu1Jsters 1\ C l f, pivs~ut. small' ch<m son W iLS h.eld by h i.s honored assoctates }fl Vi es_t D.mlmm. Ou: spa .cc is . too lumt~ . . 'l'HOS. H . sn~Y, Tre . as. And i t is also a act that .every '--ard of their Carpet s was . comp?sed of Mes8!'s. R . "" mdatt, he'.>rge the Seirnle of Carnida :- RoN. Sm ALE~}: to give i:tn extende~ account of what h_as E. B . vVrr.r,JAM::J, Sec. .. J McG1Jl aurl.Josepl~ Md.ea11, and M1~~es CAMPl':ELL, innioving theadj ourmneat b~engo_mgondunng theweek, but will bought for prompt Cash, so 1hey can afford t o sell then1, and Munson and Mornnead .8 '111g .. appropriate of the H ouse said:-1 d~sire to say · · Wol d $Ive a h st ?f the volu_nteers who have gone --- ---·- -actually ~o sell_ t hem, at; low as any hous e i ll 011tario, no selectwns from the D1s01J..Jle Ryurnal. No. · . ·efo ·en ' e t · iir late colleacrue M · from the 4oth Battalion under cou11naud Coirn, GENTI.E SPltlNG, - - aml brmg . ']lG " Thei;e is a.,ca~,m fo1· ~hose w!10 weep,:' sim~so~. \ lrn~e re~eived tt tel~grn 1~ ~f Capt. John Hughes, of C::t;·twr'.gh~:-:- malaria, dyspepsia, biliousrn~s~, torpidity n1atter what t heir pretensions may be. e tc, and No. i2li" 'Go to tny rest m peace,' from hi;s son in which he says:Sergan~s R. McMurtry ::tnd A . E . Clmstrn of liver and·~ tram of kindred maladies. Parties r equirinba Carpets are requested to read the above FACTS etc., ,1·ere swee~ly yet ?olcmnly sung and " . . . . , ..,., , " . < ... ~ and Pnvatcs.·T. A . Macdonnell, J } 'I. B . Fortunately Kidney-Wort is at hand. It d h l 1 5 made <l deep mip. l'esswn Oil the large . My father die~~ . i e ; tcr lay. ~Ullelj':' Dennett, ~ · H. Turn~i-, John c.amble, may be had of the nearest druggist and an govern t emse ves accor d ingly. 011 audience, many women and men, too, We~nesdaf \ iii ;iou announc~, thlrn John .Tetlery, Geo. Ftshloy, W. Keely, will purify the system, correct the stomhcing rnovt>c1 to tears. Elder Sheppanl'i; to the ._enate. D . B. Snn·tioN. J ohn A . Charlton, John Stacey, J. K . ach and bowels, stimulate the liver and & address was delivered " ith great earnest'l'he sad duty which I am dischtirgi1 g Higgins and J. D. Brown of :"ro. l Com- kidneys to healthy action, remove all One Door West of Post Office, Bowmanville, :ness and frequently d uring its deliverance now devolves upon me only too frequen't,- pany, Bowrnanville; :u1d Robt. Mckee, poisonous humor and make you feel like tears might be s een trickling down the ly, and from year to year it has alwa:Yi Ed. Galbraith, Arch. Lattimore, Heber a new man. As apring medicine, t onic c hecks of his hearers. been a source of grief and sorrow to m \Yillimnson, W . Harton, \V. l<'r;1.ye1·, and blood Puritier it has no eqnal. In the address wh ich was based upon to lmve to discharge it :wd to announce to Nichoh·s Just, Johu Cr<iwford and James - -- -·· - - - -- - :"rew Dress Goods a t McClung's. t he words "Absent from the body-pre~- the Senate the deaths of those w110m we Wilson of No. 3 Company, Cartwright. cnt with the Lord, "-- the purport of the have long known and esteemed in t he They left by the express for Kingston on Gents tfrs a specialty at Mayer's . speaker's remarks was :-That what con- House, with whose presence we have \Veduesday morning and were escorted to · b y tiie D · 0 · &' p · co. Band Children's suits, for $2 at Mason Bros . " t I1e <leceased was grown familiar. Mr. Simpson was a tlrn s t at10n .istituted the m<tnlwoe1 01 · no longet· present with the family he lov- munboi' of the olcl Legislative Council of and a tremendous concourse of citi1£ns. Picture frames at lowest rntes at Variety t!d, all that 1ras now left to them wa~ the Canadit in 185G, and since Confederation Before start ing Col. Cubitt adYised them Hall. l)ody of the faithful h usbtmdand the kind he has constantly been a member of tho to leave liquor alone,as their full strength \Vindow blinds' and rollers at Variety al'!d generous father whose voice they will Senate- an activo aml ;tble but most fair will be required for the lmrdships await- Hall. aw nwre h ear, whose smile they will no aml courteou~ op[.>Ulleut aL all times. I clo ing them. Capt. Scott also charged them See tile C. G . for the eyes at Stot t & anore st!e i n their desolated home,-death not kno w whether those gentlemen who to "Obey their officers; trust in God; and J'ury 's. A 00d ·t 0 f 10 th h' . 1rns madll ii great change, a blessed clrnnge do not come from Ontario or Quebec, are keep their powder dry." The men prefo:: him who has been removed from the aware of the very useful part which Mr. sented a very good appearance, most of f $% t ~m es, yout s, srne for "-tsbernacle" i11 which he suffered so much Simpson took befo1·e Oonfedenition, :md t lrnm bei ng tall and well built, they will or a ason ro~. . Con1e along young and old, great and small and get fitted ir...· m wasting disease and exhaustion, to indeed since Confederation, with reference be joined by twenty-five from Lindsay, · . C. M. Ca,_wker will have t he choicest ~nd suited, too, i n price and qua lity. h 0 present with the L crd in the onjoy- to a 8ubject ,,.hich he had long made hi2 and dotachments from Oobom·g, Port d isplay of Easter 1\'Ieats. m eat of the glories of immortality. owi1--I mean the Printing of Parliament. Hope and other eastern companies, mak· Five quires of good rulecl note paper for I always kee p the largest and best assorted stock o f Hats,. Lutl1is absence from the body is not I think he gttve mure time to that :muj ect ing in all about 350 men and officers. 'fhey 25cts. Vi~riety Hall only ii l>erea.vcmcnt andan frreparableloss than almost anybody in eithe1· House or will be fully equipped in Kingston. after The ]argeat and most complete stock of Caps, &c., s o come along and bring your friends with you. to l1 is family but to the community where l'arliament and a,ccornplished mueh more, which they will proceed by way of the C. Gent~ fumishing" at Mayer's. he w_as so long an<l s~ ext~i~sively known, I think, tlmn we now give him credit fol!. P. Ii,. to the_ North-west under command A rrood suit of clothes all wool tw , d so lughly respected, imphc1ty trusted and The exertions which he made from 185G of Col. W1lhams, M. P ., of Port H ope. ·"' · f $7 ~o t M B ee ' des~'l'\'edly honored. How much he has onwards were vmy great . 'Nhen we en· BetQre leaving t he Town Council very men 8 Sllle, or ,u a ason r.Qs. . donb by his business ability and unbound· tered into Confederation the old Pruviuc· "Cnerously furnished the men with rioom- . Rem.nants of dr~ss goods, tweeds, prmts ed generosity to build up the town and its es of Upper and Lower Canada h:tcl a sys- ~Iete suit of woolen unc1erclotl1ing1 socks eitch piece it barsam at lVfa119ri Bros. . In this departmeut I keep all the latest styJes and best s urroundings. Ho\V many . have come tem which, I believe, obtains in some of and gloves. The Cartwright men were A PPL ES. - \Ve will pay the h!gl1e~t pr1Gi:l quality, and my stock is a l ways well assorted. here oo-day.to pay the last tnbute _of resc the pro\'inces, or did then, of the Parlia· treated in like manner by th eir township for any quantity of good souad apples. peet :i.nd atlect.10n 'to one wh~se kmdue~s mentary Printing being clone by contract, council. 'l'he boys left in good spirits Quick & Wright . and l·ou_nty. laid the fo~mdat1on of_ thell' It was done at that time in a very hand- and apparently anxious for th~ fray. They A good all wool tweed suit, made by Ties a specialty. Shirts of all kinds, Underwear, Braces , s ucc·.l.;:> m life. Wu ~iavo found him al -. llQJnc liliyle but in the same time in a very were Justly cl~ecred as the tram moved out the best cutter in town, only $8.50 cents Hose, Rubber Coats and R. R. Rubbers. w~ys a, t~·ue, a fa1thml _ and t1·?3tworthy expensive way by J.Vfo~~rn. DQdzy~hire and from the stat ion. iit T. Geo. Mason's Star House. f1.·11:! ml, kmd :i1:tl beuefic1ent, lus uounty Desbarats. The ()xp<JHses were very great ....-- - - - - .Jl.n early call solieit~d. was_hrge. M ercif~1l mid foi·bearing in his and I think, owing chietly t o the cxerti· For B u . . , . Messrs . K~m_ier & Wluttak.er, boo~· busme,;s transactwns, he has :mftered the ons of Mr. Simpsou the cost was reduced . . , r nclual and. Thfoat Aflect10~s, s~llers aml stationer~, successois to ~1. loss of many thousanus mther than trouble by a very large sum-more than $100,000 AJl~u s Lung Balsam 1s unequalled. Suu Ye:lowlces, , hav". d_1ssolved partnership, Qr const rain by law tho3e who were justly per annum-and I think the country owed a v . Mi. Kenner contmumg the busmess. NEAD'S NEW BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE. i ndebtod to him. it very much to Mr. Simpson that. was acHis death is indeed a great public complished. The H (ln . gentleman was an Joss. And how the church of which active member of t he House within the he wn:> a faithful member for so 'nemory of us all aml I think we all learn long a JBriod will miss his presence on the to esteem him. '!.'here was a gr eat deal, Lord's Day. \Vhe never requested he was if I may use that expression, of manliness ..· (iccustonied to announce and read the clos- about l'llr. Simpson- a through vigorous ing hymn. we will h ear the well known man, with manly scntiment.s-sentiments a voice no more. He lrns gone to a larger which ensured one's sympathy and reand ptu·e;:· assembly. 'fhe deceased brother spect, anclhe was friendly to us all. I felt so keenly the narfare between the know myself that although during the outw1trcl and the imrnrcl man;--that while whole period that we were in public life Having bought the stock of the late Firm of S. MASON _ he would do good evi I was present with together we were opposed to each other l1im,- that the great yearning of ·h is soul in politics there was no member of tl10 & SON, at a . is now gratified in being absent from the House who had a m ore kindly or warmer body ~f sin and death and the liberated feeling towards me thrm Mr. t:limpson,and spirit present with the Lord. Deep in- I thoroughly appreciated it. All our indeed was t he interest he took in the we!- tercourse was mark ed with that kindly fare of the church he loved. Liberal was feeling and 1 am sure it was the same with we are determined to make war on all old fogy i sm, high his contrib utions to its sustaining funds. every fJne with whom he came in contact. The speaker has ah,·ays,durinl( an acq11ain- We all deplore his loss. He had attained priced, and long credit systems by giving to th~ public tance of morn thau thirt.y-five years, been a good old age and like our late colleague At the commencement of the Spring Trade we take the lead; Goods at suc h prices for Cash, as -will astonish those in the. honored :md benefited by his ste:tclfast and Mr. Benson, had eve1 'Ything t.o comfort w e will offer s uch bargains that will defy all competition. habit of doing business with credit houses. persistent friendship and confidence, Juw- him in the closing years of his life, and I ing sometimes, indee d, fo und it right to learn that his death, like Mr. Benson's, The small expense in connection with our business e nables plead ag:tinst his kind generosity , w1·s not an unhappy one. I feel exceedThe Sunday School has lost its most ingly grieved to have to make so frequcnt - us to offer goods to the public at prices lower than any liueral friend. How he delighted in rnak- ly announcements of this krnd. vVe are other house in the trade. ingtheyoungpeoplehappy!-Hisaffoctionate all, or most of us, getting so far advanced heart has many r esl)Onses in the hearts of in life that deaths arc becoming only too those who will never forget his christian frequent and too sad. I had hoped that bene-;olcnce.. l\fr. Scott would have been h ere t o say a few words in connection with this sad oc"Absent from the bocly" to us a cause because Mr. Simpson W<1S a collea· of present deploration, pi·esent with the casion, gue of his iu politics, and had always been We invit e a call aud e xamination of Goous a nd Prices. Lord" (as we firmely believe,) to Jiirn a a ijtrong suppcJrter of the Government of source of infinite .b liss tmd eternal joy. - which my hou. friend wa~ a member, and OuR l\ioTTO:-Every parcel a bargai n; and e very bargain " \Vhosoevei· livetl1 ancl believeth in I hope that some one on behalf of Mr. me shall neve~· die". Scott will take occasion to express his an adver tisement. 'l'he speaker conduded by quoting the sentiments. I do not make any motion following appropriate verses from the with regard to the adjournment of the FRANCIS1\1:ASON, Psalm of Life. House, bu t only take occasion in moving SAMUEL W. MASON. the :1djournmcnt to say these few words "Tell me not in motA:nful numbers. We are offering Men's All-wool Suits for $5.00, and good in connection with th e deiith of our late Life is but an empty dream !" · friend . For tho soul is dead t hat slumbers, Boys' Suits for $1.25. HoN. ll<ht. M cCLELLAN, wafl in the And things are not what they seem. absence of Mr. Scott. the leader of the L ife is r eal ! life is earnest! Libernls in the Senato, I folt I would only And the gra.ve i ~ not its goal; expres.s the sentim ents of that hon. gen"Dust thou art, to dust returnest, " tlenun, in cordially endorsing every word \Vas not spoken of the soul. j ust uttered by t he hon. Mini~ter of Jus- Dress Silks. · ·· · .. · ···· .. · · .. ······ · ··· · ·· · · ··· · .. ···· ... at $ 50 worth $ 70 tice in his well expressed eulogy of our M antle Silks ......·..........··.·.···. , . ..... ·. . . . · · . .. . . at 1 00 worth 1 40 I have purchased i r om J. D. CLIMIE t he Htock of BOO'l'S and Ar t is long, and 'rime is Jh\eting 30 worth 40 And ourhoartsthoughstout and brave, de1)arted frieml and . colleague. I have l Cashmeres, 45 inches wide, in all colors . ·. , · .. ..·· ..·· · ,,, ·· at SHOES in the known ·the lste g worth 10 Still, like muffled drums, are be:iting tl Sr mpson . t" siuce f .Bleach e d Cottons . . ·.· . ··· · .·· , ··...·. , .. , ·· , .···...... .. . a t d Hon. . Mr. 1ur1ng 10 associa 10n1> o ti10 U111011; an c . . Puueral marches to the grave. 14 of all those years, have ever found him Bed Twkmg ·· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · - · · · · · · · .. ····· . at 10 worth " Lives of grertt men :ill remind us assiduous in the faithful discharge of his Towels .......... . ........ . ...... .. . ....... . ..... · ..·.·... at 8 worth 10 \Ve can make our lives sublime, duty, and fcnxious t o promote the best in- Lace Curtains .·······. , .. .. . , , .·.. . ·.... . ...· , ··· ·. . ·. · , .. at 1 00 worth 1 30 And, departing, leave behind, us terests of t he county. As clrnirm::m of the It bb C" l t 1 r0 th 1 60 "Foot prints on tho sands of time." Joint Committee of Printing, of which I · u er ircu iua, · .. · · · "' · '· · "'· · · · ·'" · · · · · · · · · · · · ·· ····.a wo~ . WtLS a member, Mr. Simps.on was always Unbleached Cottons ...·· . . .... ....·.· , ·.. , ···...· . . . . ·· . at less t han mill prices. The funereal decorations, drapery and floral designs were exceedingly tasteful at his p·>st of duty, and tb~oae efforts of Gents' White Shirts . ... · . ... ...· . ·. .·...· · ··.·· . . .·.. ·· ...···........ 50 cents. uml have ordered a l arge new stock, w hich will arr.ive in a few days, and beautiful, in fact, were the most uni- his earliei· public life which led to such Extra Fine White Shirts .......... , ····.·· , · , ·.. , , ...... , ·. , .·... · · ·. , . 90 cents. when I shall offer B oot s and Shoes cheaper than they can be got que and handsome we have ever seen. 'I'he useful practical results gave him an exroom where the deceased was lying, the perience which was ever available in the anywhere else in town. halls, with all the cntr:mccs to aml exits ctlioien.t and economical management of from the home of the late Honomblc gen- the pt1rlimenhtry printing. I feel sure tleman, were drnped with sable clC!ths in a that every member of the Senate wh o had most impressive manner and tended to the :1dvmitage of knowing t he deceased make one more fully 11ppreciitte the grettt gentleman will agree as to bis numly bc11r- We desire your special attention and request that you call loss 'ivhich had befallen the community . ing and l;:indncss of character, iu1 d think vVe are showing all CEN:E~TI~G At the head of the casket inclining from of him with pleasing r ecollections. 'rhe and inspect our sto ck of Millinery. the top surface upwards rested a floral pil- sad event, corning ~o soon after the dethe latest productions in the market. done so neat ly that the patch can hardly be d iscovered. bw, with the letters F ATHER conspicu- ceased of a n old fnend (Mr. Benson) reously worked in with imnwi·telles in the minds us t hat. ch~.nge is a un iversal inh 1 All orders faithfully and promptly execute d . mourning color of purple. This wa.s per- scriptiou, written all around. It is cou- 1 . , . haps the most beautiful arrangement of soling to he assured that in both cases the All old custome rs a nd the new onea w h o favor me with a call flowers we h;we e ver seen, and was much Cher.ths were h::tppy on es; and while "we admired. It was an offering frorn the alt do fade as a leaf," our lamented friends will b e fairly and squarel y dealt w ith. sons of the deceased. .A handsome bas- !~~~~'.>~'.~;~~;rndthat crown which facleth ket of choice flowers, · an offering from 11'!iss Hamlin, of Oshawa, rested at the The motion w11s r.greed t "l and the Sen- BEAVER BOWJY. '..-ANVILLE.1' I-{ 0 USE,, J. foot of the casket. It contained flowers ate adj'lum cd a t sh: o'clock. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. - F" .A. C T S- I Qtb¢ a l t , CARPET, S c 0u cH J OHNSTON :. f i REST_ I I I I !'- I COUCH, JQHNSTON CRYDERMAN, SPRING HATS 12 Cases Spring Hats received at Hat and Fur Store. ::M:A Y E I<.' s B GENTS' FURNISHINGS. I · MARKUS MAYER, And Greater War at home. TAKES THE LEAD I OUR GOODS AND PRICES. Prove them. LARGE DISCOUNT New Spring Goods Arrived and Arriving Daily. These are facts. Come and see. All Goods Sold at from IO to 25 ~er cent less than old prices11 Men's, Youths' and Boys' CLOT~ING 1 J MASON BROSo OUR PRICE L IST. BUSI NES S CH ANCE_ I Parlor Shoe Store," N eads' Block, Bowmanville, I ~ILLINERY_ Ordered Work and Repairing a specialty., IQur prices · are muc ' · seasons. ower than previous All Grocers Due Bills taken. PIERCE & ROBERTSON, WILLIAM JENNINGS ~.