5 car loads of Salt- Liverpool and Ca11adian- just arrived. MURDOCH BROS. BowMANVILLE, FmDAY, MAY 22. BACKWARD WHEEL . Bitter and long was t he political fighting which brought about our <tnict, and, - -A..T- as a rule, our satisfactory system of holding our .elect.ions. Ia earlier dnys an election was simply a dreadful business, lastini.t a. wholo week, nil the electors of ~~~--------~~---- ........--------~~~the several counties \'Oting at one pulling . . 0l11' sal?s i1:1 these g~ous have bee~ very large during the past two weeks. Our Curtain place, and voting openly, often amid Sen m and Curtam Nett, with Colored St ripes, are the newest goods in the market; and our Carpet.q curses auu blows, and with drunkenness are pronounced t <.> be the handsomest goods and the best value in town. and i·ioting, sometimes involving loss of life. With baneful influences and DOOR WEST OF POS'F' ' terrorism used to any extent, it is no wonder that thoughtful statesmen endeavored to change s:> bad an armngPment 0lrean fare $13.00, ~beeiaee, from Poctl and ~r Halifax by A!Lrn L ine, to or from for one better and more favourable to Lo udouderry, Belfast, Queens town , Gal\')(\<>9e and quiet. Opposition was, at way, L imerick Glasgow ; Cabin a lso r.i:Ii~, li1l\clc to the ballot as being an 4Stf d uced:_ W. A. NEADS, Agent. American device and Anti-British, but Does your watch or~lock wnut repair·tha.t prejudice has been overcome, and ing 1 ' Take it to ,J. J. MHson , Star House tho b:~llot is now as much a British as an J ewel lery D<'par tment, perfect satisfact ion or no ch arge. See testimom als in American plan of letting the people vote, page advt . and ofenabling them to k cepthefactofthe A rrived t o-day, a ca r-load of° i>erson for whom they vote a secret, Liverpool Da iry Salt in sacks. : known only to themselves. Our elections halfsacks and qu a r ter sack s.- J . . to(, were fixed for one named day all over unknown. Lyle , regull.""lr half-yearly meeti ng of the '11111 the Dominion, \vith the exception of a Coarse L i v erpool Sack S alt, an d G rand Trnnk Railway Company, was W estern in barrels and s acks.- J. Troub le Ahead-A Traitor. few remote places where the rule coukl held in London, on the 27th ult, Sir Hen- Lyle. n ot be carried out. 'The electoral disWe ha4 indulged the h ope that a pe- ry Tyler in 1he cl111fr, who ma~ a very tricts, too, were divided into ·wards or riod of peace might prevail, for a time at clear statement of the affairs of tho comr Polling Divisions, no di vision to contain least, between Mr. Climie and us; but pany_ That the result oJ the six months' JJee & Ellsall have a variety of more than two hundred votes. The re- our hopes were vain. On Friday night of Kalso.mine fortintingwalls and ceilings. /, turning officers wore to be either t he he captured the resolutions passed at the buPiness bas turned out much better t han was expected t h er" can be no question, People are coming 20 miles for our i Sheriffs or Registrnrs, thus pi.itting upon meeting, and th ough we ask\lcl for them responsible officers duties they woulcl b e ko embody in our report to the Globe aml to t hoee who are intimately acqu:tint- cheap Flannels . . E llison & Co. Get y<>Ur ~pees .. nd Eye Glasses at more certain to fulfil properly, than h e r efused to give them up. On Saturday ed with the commerce of this country and l\ifayuard the Jowdler'e. t he almost unprecedented curtailment of would persons who held no official posit- morning and four times during the day we the geDeral trade, in all the p r ovi nces, ion, except tho chance one of being ap- sent to his oflice for them and.failed to get coupled with t h e ruinous compet ition in pointed to hold an election. '!'he elec- them. Not only had we promised to forrates, both freight and pttssenger, the net toral divi~ions were named and defined ward a report to the Globe on Saturday, Ellison & Co. . . earnings must appear beyond their most in the Ui·itish North American Act and but exp ecting to leave town Monday sanguine a uticipation. As to th6 managethe persons entitled to vote -ivore those morning early to be absent till Wednesmt;nt, the chairnian p reeEnti>d statistici entitled to vote according to the laws of day, we wanted to prepare our report of which proved, conchuively, that t h e road pdN the Local L egislatures of the several the meeting for the S'.l'AT.ESMAN. This we CC>WT.AXJ.'llT .A.1!15::M:C>NJt.A. ·· had been handled with great skill and aProvinces where they severally r esided. were unable to do on account of his reTHET£ST: ,.....C>~.......,.. ~ bility, sh owrng that from 1876, until 1883 Place a can t op do\fn on t\. h vt :;to"c until heated, thea ......_,~......., ~ ~..L.~ .&..I All this seemocl to bf:! 11.nu surely ought fusal to hand ovc1· t o us the papers to remove the covur 1 t.nd :iimoll. A cJiembt. will n u&i be .r-. the gross receipts had beti n doubled aud qull'od to dolect t h · pre..,nco of ammonia. --MANUFACTURED BY-to be a s:itisfactory arrangement. But which we had al! ~oocl claim as he. This the net r 11ceipts had been trebled_ party spirit is not always patriotic spirit, is the treatment we receil·ed from the an cl first a Bill called, sometimes in scorn Secretary of the Reform Association in THE F R ANCH ISE BIL L . and sometimes in jest, "The Gerrymander W est Durham. 'Vill the members .of the Bill," was passed by the Government of ra1-ty endorse or defend such tyranny1 A public meeting of the electors of Sir John A. Macc l onald, changing the Wo think not. If Mr. Climie thinks the .W est Durham was held in the Town Htill, - --- 0 - - - boundaries of rnany of the Counties, or Reform Association of this i·iding will Bowman ville, on Friday evening to discuss the Fi·anchise Bill now before the House rather, .Electoral Divisions, and giving the permit hi m t u mete out treatment of this of Commons. Mr_ H_ W. Burk, ex-M. Hovernment in Council the power to u.p- natme to the publisher of their recognized P., was called to tho chair and after expuint any persons he chose 11s Returning orgau, we wish fai disabuse his mind of plaining the object of the meeting intro. I am prepar?d to_ furnish the farmers in the County of D:~hl w1~h R . Sylvester s, of Lmds':'y, ~eape~·s, Mlowers, Raktis, &c., and the celabrated Oilicers, which was, in fact, allowing can- the del usion; for t h ey certainly will 1·ot duced Mr. J _ H Dumhle, lmrrister of Cobourg, who spoke for over half <m hour Mrnn~sot'l. Cord B~nde r . Tlus Bmder is acknowled!:(tid by the lea.ding farmers in didates who supported th e Government, lJUietly submit to such unwarranted in- on the iniquitous Franchi~e J>ill which he Ontar10 to be the lti:htest,strongeet,mo~t conYenient and adjustable Biuder iDC. a .nada; power to choose their own Ret uming sults from such a creature as Vi. R. held was unjust, unnecessary, uncalled for has a doiible angle st. ee~ cutter bar ; has an opeu reel can raise and lower it - Ii>Ut it and expensive.If the 78,000 wage-earners Officer~, a privilege which was largely Climie. backward_ or forward wit h oDe lever; has the largest drive wheel ; the whole' Binder who will be d eprived of the franchise by ca~ be raised _or lowered one or both ~nds from the seat _ The or.ly binder made with taken advantage of,. and · with results in We may as well state here also that we this Bill, were to express their views and tlus valnable imp~ovem_ent, has an a.dJustable canvasa that 'lannot choke, and i 3 wider imm y cases of much wrong doing. received no offi.cifil inLimation that a assert their i·ights as citbo:ens t h ey woulLl . ~ha.n any ?ther Bmder ~n us". H as an easy spring seat ;vhich can be moved back or The Franchi.de Bill now before the meeting was called for last Friday night prevent tho passage of the Bill. Referring forward w1tho~1t r~moviug a bolt;_ has a folder a n d will pass through a. 10 foot 6 incl1 House is another step bttckward, inasmuch to discuss the Franchise Bill. lt was to the Revising Barristers he said the cost DOES NOT CONTAIN A.MMONU. g_ate, has a. sohd sill and double sills at gear end; others have spliced sills and single the I'rovince for carrying on the · mato 1r1 HB.1.L'r lll1ULNKS8 J Uii NEVIUt Bt:t:N QUK!l'flODD. sill at gear end. as it seeks to add to the powerofthe Par ty certainly the Secretiwy's duty t o have -Lhineryof this new measure would not fall far ln a m u non hornet tor & quarter ot' a century tt hu controlling the Government, allowing arranged for the publication of a p.roper Thi~ Bin~er is thor~ughll'. testested and f_nlly warranted, It is the lightest elevash ort of $400,000 a year. The debt of H ood tho consum·n' relh\.blo test, ted B m cler i~ Canada both U\ draft and weight . Seo :>ample machine at Enniskillen them t o appoint, what the Bill calls, Re- official notice of the meeting in the Re- our Dominion is now the largest in the THE TEST OF THE OY£11, before ordermg. Ask for a catal ogue and testimonial. vising Barristers, through whose hands form organ, the only R eform journal world according to population. Would the electors submit to this additional burPRICE BAKING POWDER CO., the Voters' Lists must ii::i.ss before being h aving a country circulation in the riuing. 11.&.KltRS 01' used, and who, being appointed practi- The meeting was a total failure in attend- den~ He was pleased to see 'Vest Durham leading in t his agitation among the Flavorin~ cally for life by the Premierofthe Govern- ance, and how cc1uld it have been other- ridings east of Toronto. Tbo a trort1e.t,m.., dellcluu· arid 11nturalftatC1r k 11owa, ud ment, will certainly do wlmt they may wise u nder the circumstances'/ Several Dr. McJ,augh lin, M . P . P., was tho Prlcefs G1m1 call their level best to help the friend who Reformers r efused to attend what they next speak er. He reviewed th e agreement FOi' Ll11ht, Healthy Bread, Tho Best Dry H op appoints them, with tho rcnult llrnt their called :i. "hole m1u corner meeting of of Coufecleration, and said the Dominion Yenst in th e W orld. Government has no right t o interfer e opponents will cel'tainly get their level Climie's," and who could' b lame them'! with our mode ofconducting our elections_ FOR SALE BY CROCERS. ST. LOUIS· worst- 'fhe theory of om· Government "If", said they, "the meeting was called by The people had not asked fur a change; CHICACO. called (as it has for some time been) "Re- the Reform Association in the interests the present franch ise is stitisfactory. H e A large stock of Carriage and Team Harness ready for the spring sponsible Governm e11t," is, t hat the well of the Reform J>iuty, why was it not ad- compared our system of franchi~e with --trade at the-other countries and with the other provunderstood wishes o[ thcl !·eople, made vertised on the bills and in the S :rA 'l'EH- inces of the Dominion, and stated that no known ot t he elections, fairly and hon- MAN1" Thus the people reasoned, and two states of the American Union have the same franchise. '.!.'he trend of popula1· estly held, should be in all cases supreme. quite rightly too. opinion is towards a democratic governCALL AND EXAMINE . The Ge1Tymander Bill g:we this principl e ~PRICE SPECIAL But :judging from his conduct in the mont, <md we shall see universal suffra.Q;e a rude shock, and the pros~rit l~ranchise Also Whips, Trunks, Satchels, Leather Valises, Rubber Rugs, Buggy past, only give Mr. Climie rope enough here inside of ten years. Be compared Bill, if carried, will give tu thoHe in power and he will soon have the Party in West the provisions of the Bill lately passed by Dusters, Rubber Horse Covers, Axle Grease, Curry Combs, Brushes a leverage qttite sufficient w shake and Durham thoroughly disorganized. It is the Ontario Legislature with Sir John's Harvest Mitt.iii and all goods usually k ept by the trade. ' shatter, if not to overturn the whole sys- quite fresh in the minds of the electors proposed Bill, and showed that a great many farmers' sons, mechanics and other REPAI;RS ATTENDED TO PROMPTLY. tem. Is this desirable? We think not. in Bowmanvillc, that at tho municipal labornrs would be disfranchised by the latP. $.- Special inducements (for Cash) daring the next 30 days;. election a year ai;:o last January when terAfter referring t o the proposal to'gi.\'e the . v A BOUT RUSSIAUie Conservatives had thoroughly and franchisetotriba!Indians and other obj oct~io1mble provisions lof the Bill, including It is a question that time, in its onward opmily organized with a determination to the Revising Banister clause, the speaker MOST Pl:RFECT Purest and stron~est Natural Fruit Fltwors. progress must soon ~olvc, as t o bow long defeat the Reform candid:ites, Mr. Climie moved the following resolution, which Vanilla, J,emon, Orimge .A.lmonc l, Itose etc., Russia' can continue in lrnr present deserted his Reform friends and actually was seconded by Mr. Allan Lockhart, uf Jlavor as delicately and naturally a~ the fruit. of Clarke : nominated the candidate brought out by PRICE BAKING POWDER co_, course of act.i on, and retain h e.r prestige, NOTE- Mr. Climie lias refused to let us CHICAGO. S'J'. LOUISpusit;ion, and above all, to c<>ntiHue to op- the Cons<:'rvatives, and worked and have the resolutions passed, so of course press and per~cute with the :;:wage fer- voted no doubt against the l'teform canwo cannot publish them- ED. STA'.l'EB MA N. ocity, as is h er custom, tiw gr·mf: majority did!ite. This is the traitor th at is causof her people. Ber h istory. iH a history ing trouble in the ranks in West Durham uu1 .1 ..1111 11011m·t so11 , b<tlll T ho "wnstantly tired-out" feelin~ so o r .10 1111 1·1..1·ce 1 o t t.h c 'l'O'\l'll ot' U 0'\\' 1t1u n v lll e. in llu' of aggression, of conq uost imd of iron to-day. In the fall of 1883, leading Re- often experienced is the result of impovUo u nly of' Du1·h11111, D ry C~ood ~ .HCl'Ch· rule, and the stori,es of her pr: t«~ns and formers we know·urged J:iim n ot to start a Elrishcd blood, and consequent enfeeb led ant s, lndlvldnnlly. 111111 :is memJic,r s o l' paper in opposition to their organthe vitality. .Ayer's Sarsaparilla feeds and Siberian h orrors reacl lik e t:eti1J n. She is t h e 1l nn of r icrcc , \'. Uobc1·tso11. h crch 1.. a lte r c11U e 1l t11e Dd >to r s. now engaged in: a diphnmLt k U!:;ht with STA'l'J<:HilfAN, least it should cause dissen- enriches the blood, increases the appetite, and promotes digestion of the food, and England, in which duplicity 3,1! d lying on sion in the ranks_ Now they sco their the assimilation of its str engthening Notice is hereby g\\·e11 that the said Debt.ors °"\Vil! ho.ve madcana~sigument ofall theirProperty, her part are Lhe chief in,;re,licuts, and apprehensions actually realized. qualit ies. The system being thus i nvig- Estate »nd Effects to the underlligned. \Villia111 ' · ' which diplomatic fi ght may yeL end in ac- these men defencl the course. this traitor orated, the feelmg rapidly changes to a Cron H1trr,i·. of tho City of 'l'oronto. in the M<irchant in trnst for the County of York, tual w;u·. Either war ur pe~ce liave for is pursuing towards the S]'A'IESl\fAN, even grateful sense of strength and energy. benefit of all their Credirnrs. and for the purpose or paying and satisfying rateably and -· .:z_ ·- _ _ . _ _ her a serious phase. Light is rww gradu- though he be a willing tool for some of Rev. R. Thomas, of Cleveland,Ohio,has proportio11ably, ancl w.11hont preference or E t ' N t" them'! We shall see. Who dare do it7 0 accoptecl t he invitation to be pastor of the priority, a.II the Creditors their just dcb·s. and ally spreading among lier people, facilitlmt persons, firm s and corpo1 ·aUons having -tated of course by railways, telegraphs, And who will deny that the acti on taken Metcalf St. Methodist Church, Oshawa, claims against th e saicl Dchtnrs, mdh·id1Lally nl>crs o f t he Jl rm of Pierce & }{Obert· T HE CR E D l T 0 RS AND ALL BE'rWEEN LADIES & CHILDREN for the coming ecclesiastical year. The or as mo1 and , above all, by the knowled,-;e gained by Mr. Climie is n ot m ore injurious to present pastor of this church, Rev. C. H. son, are 1·eq11i1;erl to ~end in theirmuryes. resid· 1 other persons having claims against the ences, poat olltce addreases 11nd par1rn1 1lars of estate of Wn.LtA:llBROWN, late of the township H.efo1·m interests in West Durham than by the press and from forcigu intercourse, anxious to reach Langford, luwing accepted the pastorate their claims, duly verified , specifying the· or Cartwright; iu the county of Dllrham Yeo. and they begin to see the difference be- tho intluence of th e most ably conductecl of the Wood Green Methodist Church, nature of Urn security (if auy) held by them, by mo.n, who died on 01· about the eleventh ;by of letter, prcpui<l tind addressed to me, t he said Match, J8851 are .hereby notified to send by William Cron Hanis, at No. lG Bay St.met post. prepaio, or delivE1r to JAMBS PA1m or R . tween the freedom e nj oyed bs nations Conserrntive journal could 110ssiLly h ave Toronto, after the con ference in ,June. 1'oronto, on or before the Fir&t d<>Y of July, A, fl . PRUS"l'. of Cartwright, aforesaid, 1£xecutors · been, had there been one published here? other than their own, and the tyranny The seventh nu~of°the " CANADI- U. 1885of the estate aud cfftocts of the said WILLIAM MILLINERY STORE Arni notice is hereby give, that after the ~ o.id DnowN, on or boforo tho l"lRS'l' J>AY o:~· J UNE, The ]Jresumption, too, of this political AN l'ICTORIAI. AND Tl.T,USTltATED \VAR. and oppression endured by themselves at dntn tho said \Villia111Cron Harris will proceed 188'>. their chi-istiau and surnames addresses to get the lateatand mostfasbiouablo novcltiee the hands of the t ask-masterR whose only j umping-jack is something intolerable_ NEws" is to hand. \Ve are plensecl to to tlistrihu to the assets of the 2a.id J>ebtoi-· and descriptions, tho full particul;,,ra of their She having bought largely for co.sh a large 1he parties cutillod thereto, hav ing claims, a state'.llent or their accounts. and the among - stockorsatety consists in continui11g the oppres- See the officious and pompous air he as- learn that the publishers hs.ve decided to regard only to t.h<' clttims or which notice shall nature or the secul'ltics (if any) held by them · sumed on the phttform 011 Friday ni"ht make this_ a p<i.rmanent pu~lication_,und~r have !Jeen giyeu,ttnd tbf\t he will uot be liahlc or in def11,u!·. thereof, and immediately afte1: I-'l.A'rs and B O NNETS, 0 sion, and in keeping thepeorle in poverty, 1 _ ' t he forgoing t itle. The illustrations 111 fol' the assets oL· any va1 ·t the1·eof so <llstribo tcd snch last natucd date, the assets of the suid to any person or persons. Jinns or corponitions, \VIT, LlAM J3HOWN will be distributed among ignorance and abject submi1 :8ion. But and the cheek he had to pop up and sec- this number are fine. ot whose debt or clainr he shall not then have the parties entitled t hereto, regard being had Dress Silks, Satins, Velvets, &c., also :)00 boxea had notice. only to claims of which notice shall have been or Illu.ck a nd Colored l!'oathers, and also 200 · --_ -· - - - -- the spreading light i.s pen::ieating the and the resolutio1i that ho did, when men '1'01t0N'l'O April 3, 1885. . gi\' en ns above required; and tile said ex- boxes of .fiowers. which yo~ can huy almost of influence resp ectability and political A very choice assortment of fresh and w, c_ HAllRIS. Trustee. ecutors will 11ot be liable for the said assets at your own pnce_ minds of her people, and Nihilism, which . . ' . _ cured meats always 11.t J. Lyle's ,JOH N AKERS, TOHONTO,Solicitorfor'l'rustee. 01· _any p~rt thereof, to any person of w11ose C~ll and see t ile goods for yourself atid you were 'What H lfl ' h es t price ·· p:t1 'd f or a11 k" is only a natural sequence to the wrongs mtegnty . . · prepared to do it. . m d s offarm claim notice shall not have been received a t I wilt find them the clrnapest and best in town. the time of such distribution. inflicted, is spreading everywhere, and weight has his name to a resolution, pray? produce at ,J _ Lyle's. See t he beautiful shades of Kalsomine Dated April 17th. 1885, Hats Re-shaped m the latest styles_ Despised alike by R eformers ~nd ConserRemnants at less than wholesale prices her position :1nd condition is not unlike . t'mg a t L ee & El JAM.ll:S PARR,.}E or h ouso t 111 c.sa11' s. R.H. PRUS' l ', ,xecu t ors. MRS. DONNELLY. f that of France before the first Revolution vatives,_ a reproach t o the political party at Mason Bros. and an upheaval of the massCll may pro- to whose skirts he clings, a mall (?) i o 1 duce just such effects in her mitlst as they was known fa1· and wide as the pnblis ·er of the " orst specimen of a l ocal p a 1·er have produced in France. The inftuoncos then issued ·in the country, a ch11rJa1 .in which prevented her from comin;; to blows with E nglancl may have ari:;cn from t,hat sold his political friends for a inoBS the fear of such 1m un toward event, for a of pottage, a pompous, self-gl orious, conwar without and a revolution within wm1l1l ceited, meddlesome, poli1ical vampire, he a serious complieaLion. Although the who3e in exomble tyra1111y towards oppoCmr is an absolute :Monarch his powor is n e11tshas often done violence to our Party's really less than to outsiders it appean to· interests, his name to the resol ution coulth be. He is sutTounded by men whose in- not possibly be otherwise than nauseou& terests it is to keep J1im in ignorance of to those famil ar with hiis past histury. S conceit and the wants :tnd wishes of hi~ f.1eople, ancl Then, again, his audaci·JIU these autocrats rm Uy m·e the rnl<Jrs, fo;g- p01·sonal estimation of his iimporbince crop they advise, and guide, and JiersuMle, andi out on a petition t o Parli:;;ment against above all hide from him all ihe facts i·u- the Franchise B ill, where Ire, in a large, lati.ng to the wants iind wishes and con- 1 Tuolcl hand, nrnch larger th a1il! he usually dition of the people, whose aspirations w:dtes, actually heads the Petition. We ays thottg:h the had a large share of for a liberty such as nthei· people ~njoy, illl l\< will certainly one day, and that clay wll.at in vn]gar phmseology is term ed not far distant, end in a n upheaval which cheek, but 116"..illy his stock of that incliswill, like the F rench .Revolutirin, deluge pe!llsable neGessary Lo him, seems only fa) thecountrywith blood. T he down-trodden bt~ equalled Jb.y the vast sea of perversity, lleople of the earth will not always sub- prevarication,,downright lying aind sinister mit tu tyranny and p.articultwly a people hypecrisy in wl1ich1he coutimmllly delights dwelling in Europe i.n the midst of other to w.allow _ <ITould t he poor creature he1u· free and enlighte1J;ed nations. A mo- th<il' 11idicule :IJild c1·iticism he:;.tped upon mentous crisis may soon occur in Russia, hi1ftl by the people for his pres~mptuous and certainly must 1:<ecur before long, a nd · acti011s he womld surely feel hunruiliated to one, too, that will s]iatter and cliisinte grate a di.IDgree that '11-'ould place h im i};j; least 75 that mighty Empire, and give, we l10pe , pe11 r;:ent lower. tlown the scale of humapfreedom to millio-ns to whom rt is now ity than he tlbinks he n ow occupies. ARPETS URTAIN SCRIMJ COUCH, JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN'S. OFFIC~ ~rt:~~fs l Selling r Rapidly BOWMANVI~LE. ~ONE COUCH, JOHNSTON & CRYDERMAN BARB -W-IRE ' 2 A ND 4 B ARB . Steel Nails, Iron Nails, Builders' Hardware' Binder Twine. eil~::Wa~ .heatEil~~~oar~ll;~~nJ:~:11~~s~sla1,andinegs Pr1·c es Redu c e-d ON ALL LINES . 01;:::~··;:~~~;:E~:j~b~.:,.:·~·: TEST YOUR BAKlNG POW. DER TO-llAY! LEE & EDSALL ............T......,..E;:EI.., Jlrnndol\d~er~·olul.&ly I IV·i.· I N N-E S 0 T A CH I E F - - - - o---- R. SYLVESTER, Lin.d say. Highest Award Manchester Fair, 1885. F ARMERS ATTENTION I Dr. Price's Special Dr. lupulln E x tracts, JAMES PYE, Enniskillen, P.O., Agent for Darlington. Yeast ~\\iPRICES BOWMAN.VILLE HARNESS SHOP. i 'LAVDR\~ MADE Not ice To Creditors a EXTRACTS vv. 1'1.1: ..A..--y-. NEW WILLIAMS, H H NIEMAN xecu ors . WILLIAMS SINGER 5SEWING MACHm!SJ {- W . RU SE, Gen'l Agent . Office an d Showr oom :- BI G 20, Bowmanville. ice. IA De S pe fa t.e Fight MRS D QN NE LLY'S l l .