GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. RO WM A NV IJ,LE ST.A.TION. GOING EAST El<prose .......9.05 am :Vast Ex:press.10.05 ,. m Mixed ..... . ... 4.05 1> n· Local ..... . .... 7.30 p m J Eirnrese ...... 9.JO p 111 IExpress ... .. . J,ocal, ........ GOING WEST 8.2.'i a m :\-lixed ........ A.05 p m fC1corees ....... 0.00 p m 7.10 am CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. BURKETON STATION ...... 10.;11 am }<~ ~press... . .... G.29 am MLXod .... .. . . G.30 pm ;\<luced ....... .. 8.2() am Express... . .·. .. 7.47 11 m E~preas I GOINO WES'!'. ~ltt ~muulhui ~tnb~imm. BowMANVIJ.LE, FRIDAY, JuLY 31. SOLDIERS' WELCOME HOME. Last week our citizens welcomed h ome with a warmth an(l enthusiasm commen- was a livmg sea of s 11rg ing people, whoso spcci:1l department. ,ed surate with the noble services which they general sombreness of attire wall rclie1 'rhe late campaign m om' North-west have rend ered their country, with the by the red line passing through thoir 1d anticipations honor which they have done their town migst. Evory window an d place of acl- should dispell all Lhe fo1 and tlistrict, the brave soldior boys of vantage were occupied, and the general of our American cousins who have been Company " C " of the Midland Battalion. effect '"as impressive as well as gratifyiug looking forward to annexation. The men d \V·11· Our town also extended ii most hearty t o those for whose honor the demon·t1·a- tirnt· f 0 11 owe· ' 1 tams <ITl(l Otter, S trange greeting to tlie companions in arms and tion was made. iwJ Steele, have dispelled th:1t error; they The repast s11rved to the" boys·' at the Jiavo shown t h at the Dominion is a nation, in glory, of its own sons, as thoy passed en route to their respective homes where Drill Shed by the ladies of the to1i'n was ablo to hike cai·e of itself, able t o vindic~·te y , able to without exception they also receivecl a one of the best ever wi~nessecl here and its authority in its own tcnitor· 011e noor 'Vest of" Post Office, Dolvtnauvill~. warm welcome. re flects great credit on those who prepared gu:1rd t he heritage that, lms come down to it from \Volf a nd Montcalm, D eSalaberry N over wo1·e mon more deserving of all and served it . aud llrnck. Jn tlie words of Sir Richard tlie appreciation their follow townsmen and follow-countrymen can show them, $20,000 TO GEN. MIDDLETON. C11.rtwright, " '!'lie cost and the l oss itre to a considei·able extent likely to .b e compenthan the fearless ancl hardy troops who ' last week snnk the soldier in t h e citizen. The Government's gmtuily to General sated to th" people of Canacfa. I say that At a moment's warning they threw down Middleton is altogether too forge, con- the1·0 has b een :1 gain in national spirit. Wi~l the implements of their various callings sidering the present financial condition of _[ say 11wro : J say that in all countries and at the call of country rushed to face our country. We do not deny thnt he which h t ve m:ule their nrn,rk in history it hardships and dangers that might well has rendered the country good serv ice in has lJeon found that considerable sacri fi ces t h e North -west campaign, but he we nt ar e a n ecessal'y ingredieut of true patl'i· have dismayed professional warriors. While the entire Domini.011 feels proud there in th e discluu·ge of the duties of th e otism ." for Summer Dress Goodsi of the conduct of our young soldie1·s, and position h e occupied, and made no sacrib it uot a little refreshi ng to hear one welcomes tl1em home from the scene of fice, financially, in liis removal from Ottaw:1 toil and danger with all applause due to to the West. Not so with t he ofllcers and of t he bitt erest of th e most bitter Conserbrave men who ha1'e do11 e th eir work well, men who have so lmwely supported hiru, n1tive journals speaking thus plainly of and narrow~. S ir ,John l\'facd onald and his followers at there is more than a n ~ tim1al pride and for many of them made great sacrifices more than a national in terest felt in the and have sustained h eavy fi11anci,1l losses OLLit11·a in referen ce to t he recent salary towns and villages to which tho volunteers by leaving h ome, I<'urthermore, many of grnh. The Port I\m-y Obsel"ver, a rank belong . It is not alo11 e t h e feeling that these men diLl as great service to their 'l'ory paper, says:- Here are 211 men in t h e Commons receiving $ 1,000 each for they have shown themselves l1rave and country in their respective capaciti es and sessio1ml allowance, but they are not saten dueing soldicra which fills our hearts bore as great hardships and ran as great isfied with it, 1 ,h ey must hav e $500 m ore, with pride, and makes us welcome our risk as did the Ccneral himself. H umor so they agree tll pillage the treasure chest As tll'l":' ~en:son ha~ been so backward I will sell th . osa· · Co. of the Midland wif-lt pleasure; the says that the ·Batoche victory should be to that extent, so that in place of $1,000, e:tch took $1,GOO fur t.110 past session. g·oods with tliJ.1e wboile of my stock at chief feeling is uue of gratification that credited to some subordinate oilicors Poor, hard driven, toiling incn mnststrik e rather than to the Command·or-in-cl1 ief ; their li ves have been spared thrnugh the strngglo t1nd suffer t · secure the pa.Itry dangers of a campaign, :tnd that our a ud tho capture of B t1toche haJ rnore to sum of $300 a yet11-, whil e a lot of windCas·h~ citizens and companions a11d brothers and do with quelling the rebellion than all th e bags impertinently take t o themselves $1,500 for three mouth's pass-time at ! other military events of t he campaign. sons luwe come back to us in s:dety. Ott:1wa. Not one of t h e presout House Scott's EJ1nulsion of Pure !:111.B ~ goods~ As has been remarked, there is a "pomp vVl10 c'm say how n;e siege of B:ttoche should over be honored 1vith another Co·I J,ln~ l' 011, w llll lll'IH·t·Llos11l1llcs and circu mstance of gl orious war" which would have resulted had n ot the nobl e election. lii Consnmpti~ n c;i..d JVct. 1 i.iny JJiseci8es. looks well on paper. Battles bravely hero, the late Col. Williams, with CompaAnent our remarks 011 t h e lack of rcs 1 iect. Dr. C. W. B ,\ lt<liiENG KR, PiJ.tsbu,g, Pa., fought-noble victories won- rapid 111a1d1es nies "A" and " C " of the Midland -.Batt. says : ' · I thi11k, ;your Emuls'on of Cod WEST EN]), HOUS Er - daring attacks - gallant d efences - all made that daring ad \' ance on the rifi e pits, sh own by Toronto military ofli.cers to the Liver Oil i~ a ve y. ii11" llr1 ·par1vion. and r emains of the la te lamented Col. 'Villiams, and who by their cheers aroused the these things sound well, and inflate our fills "],.,,g fe lt w:rnt. It is v ry useful in a B elleville paper m1ys :1.t was very con su111pti. .. n 1md w:M ting d 1oe:.tses." national pride . But the reverse of the enthusiasm of their comrades- the Gren- - - -·-----· - . adiers and the 90th- wlw also dash ed noticeable tha t · no mark of respect Wets :ricture-- the privation and sufferingpaid tho remains by the volunteer fol'ce The Star IJousc, t<:l>St shop Ncacls' block, forward, their combined attack dri viug the toilsome journeys-the exposure to of Toronto, and as a consequence the have tumed out n1rn10 goods this season wind and rain and storm and cold and the enemy in great confusion from their d espatch of the comma nding· officers of than ever Lefore. 'Uh e y M\J uow selling - - C> ::!IP- .heat- the wasting diseases-the wounds almost impregmtble ~trongholds and won the district mounted guard themselves on the balance of t lwiu· S ummer gootls and the f unenil car for two h ours to allow the tho crowning victory of the whole cam Rernrrnnts at cost. Ji., few choice pamsols ··a mt lll.lltilaliono-t.lie death on the battlesmall escort of the Midland, which had &_c~ ,fie'id and in the hospital- the waste and paign. Parliament lias prom isod the mou been on duty with the body since lea ving left to be sold :it cne'o. Any gmrntity of Wool will bo bought l oss of life and h ealth and p ossos;;iuns ; of grants of hind, and pensions to the wound - Winnipeg, to get some r efreshments and at J. Lyle'· at tho hidilest market pricu. these things the p eople get hut a faint ed, but the country loses nothing by the take a rnn into the city. A pleasing m:trk Gtm Ih1bbcrs fo1· 1xilti at Variety Hall. of respect in Btriking coutrnst to Uw want . perception. It is only when our own former, and could uot do otherwise by tho of attention < L t Tm·onto, was shown at personctl friends are exposed in these httter, and it is slight recognition compared Howman ville. As the tmin drew into the dangers ; when we wR-it aux i.ously day by with $20,000 for fo ur nwnlhs' senice. station, the very excellent band of the day for some wore! from the loved ones at $5,000 a mouth is big pay in addi tion to 4Gth Hatt._was playing the Dead March Branc.lM n.lln:n1:i tit)(i..lli.l>: n·~lutcly pllrO CONT~ .A.:LW:Dll:C>:lV~. the front; when ou1· h earts are wrung by his r egular salary. Th is campaign will in Saul on the platform. THE" TIE&.T: the tales of suffering we gather up from also no doubt open tlrn way for General a. c:s.n t()p down. on i\ bot~tov e unt1 I h eated, tllon Jl.fn,1,ii 1 w oK, July 20. - 'l'he R efor mers remove Middleton's promotion iu the 1·egular t he cover ti..nU smc H. .A chemist will nos. bo ro-,J:be l etters written fo1· our own roadin" or ~ t)' of the East Riding of Durham md. in qu1red lO d6tt'!Ct tlle }U't)tlellC6 0 .0 l\llUDOJlUJ.. ·when \Ve rectiive the fatal message telling army, and secure to him royal r ecogn}ti011, cmi vention here to-clay, and unanimously us that the one from whom we p:wted a as the Jted River c:mipaign ilid for Gen. cfoctcd Mr. W. '!.'. H. Preston as their few days or months before will never come Wolseley. This is a big con s.ideration iu st.111d;xnl b earer in the coming d el'tion. homo 11gttin ; it is t hen t hat we realize itself. We think that a modest $10,000 Complimentary Wor ds. what war is- 1rnd then all the glory uf w:ir grant to Middleton and the otlrnr $10,000 divided among other· oflicers and ll.ien who is in our ey es but vanity and woe. 'l'o the 1'Jditor of the Sfotc.1'1111 tn. 1 All J1on or and glory are theirs who distinguished themscl1·es in tho campaign I Sm, -l sl'rall be obliged by your pub lishwould h ave been < t much uwr e s:.1tisfactory suffer aud emlnr,1 and toil, as well for iu~ the accompanying \l' C ll clese rvNl comthose who fi eht and bleed and die. The rlisposition of the $ 20,000 grant. pliment t i ) the Band of tile 4.5th Ilatt. ln e Xiplanation of the reference to myself, men of the " C " Co. have shown theml may say that in a H I tegi ments and Ingratitude to the Volunteers. selves good soldiers who have <~ OJJe thei r B11ctalions the Band is unclr 1· the i mm edi duty, and we welcome them 11omc with ate ol'ders of the comman ding offi cer ; his The Globe inskmces a s trnng case of in- permissi on is req uired before i Lean appoar pride in their r ecord, with pleas urn in their p ersonal safety, and with the earnost gratitude on the par t of the Dorni·1i:on i11 uniform on any oceasiou as ;1 Military KING STl'rEET EAS'r, IlOW MANNJLI,E. hope that their services will not Governnient in the r efusal to allow t11e lhnd. St» far as meeting oi1r r eturning pay of the Volunteers to continue t o tho comrades <Ff t h e M:idluud U!'gimcnt is be i·equired for many fl y ct1r. concerned , llhe c1·cdit of tlic idea. an d its Onr people have r eason to b e proud of li'irst of August, in con sidemtion 0£ m::my execu tion i~ entirely dne to the 1511.ndr.mien DOES. NO'l' CON'l'AIN .A.Ml\lONIAo. t h e reception they gave t h e re turnin g of Lhem b ei11g ou t of empl oyment; :i.ud in themselves, t heir non-c. otncers an;l to ITS m:u~nFULNr<ss H~· NEYER B~EN QUESl't();Kl).t, any case a week 's rest i s 1 1lmost imperative· T ~ic ur .. R ussell. :1' 1 I y p art w as to giYe heroes last week, as tlte latter liave reason Inn. m~auon 11ome8 for 'Ill qmirter or .a. century lt)- l:u\I]l and t o accomprmy thorn . [ etood ~w consumers' r &1.kt.l>lt) test, to tl'easure the remembrance th ereof, as after the fatig ue of their journey home. may add t hat t he B ;1od :itt r,·cted m uch The Volunteers at. the call of (h ·ty OVEN~ t hat of one of Lh e hri.ghtcst incide nts in atten Lion in 'l. ,.oronto, and many comolitheir lives. Old n11cl young, rich tmd poor, cheerfully sur render ed their situations in rncnt s werfl paid to its m11.1ic:i.l ability and P RICE BAIUNG POWDER.CO., TH E STJ£AMER rtAlt'ERS 01' alike, thronged t1ie streets to Wt>lcome the order to serve their country . The Gov·c1·u - soltlie·1liy appearnnce. Y01u s truly, heroes of Bat och e. There was n o man so ment express their gratitude by refllll!ing Sn~CTial i F. CU BITT, J.t. . Col., them a single week's extra pay . \f'bo .trongc1t, mo.llil <lt<llcfous 11u1I nnturr' J fl1nor J~n·n, na.d poor that he could n ot afford a cheer, imcl Comm ander 45 th lhtt. ··~ · t!U A.WllORD, IU."dr,1·) 'l'he General is granted $20,000 in adno woman so indiffer ent that she did not Prlce~.s Lupulin Yeatf Gems \Vill m11.ko her · regular trips on this r1rnt(} dition to his salary. Th e weather-beaten KINGJ:l'l'ON, 24th J\ 1ly, 1885. lend the enthusiasm of a waving handker)"'or Lli;;ht, li .._.i.~lihy llreo.1l, The De~t ry H o p l ea. vi ng- Cobonr g e v ery 1noroing- a t 7:30, a nr.i Y'c~i:st ln th e Wo rld. Port Hope at H o'clock, on arri1·nl ot Grand. M Y D E A:it C01.0NJ.;L 1 - I hrwo to rntnrn , chief, or add tho tribute of an ill-suppres- privates are given scrip worth $40, and a Trunk ltailway '! 'rains from I.ho cast and wost yon my hearty th:i.nks for your t!unwhtful 1 FOR ~ALE B Y CROCERS. connecting at Rochester wit lt I.h e N<> w Yorlt sed tear of j oy ! From t he d epot through "vot e of thanks. " ST. L OUIS.. kindness in j oining us at Toronto and CHICACOA Central, Northern Oeutr11l, 11ml El'it> Hallways The Government paid each of its own and t h e various stages of tho march to the the Lalrn Ontai'lO DiYision of the Home' permitting your exo.;llent nan cl to play \ <IS - - -- -- - -- -\V!·tertown iind Ogilensl1111·g Railwa.y .for al' Drill Shed, it was one continuous o\·ation members $500 for alleged e.:1t ra work, t h rough the sti·eets. PleaBe express 1.n y pomts cast, west and south. HETU llNING- Will leave Charlotto (POl't o( of boundless enthusiasm . Cheer after which in thefr case was never performed. gmtit ucle to all concernecl iu tlti3 g rac'<lful H.ochester) daily a t!l o'clock p . '.11., except Siiturilays, whon she will lea ve at. 3 p. m . for P01·t cheer r ent the air ; the sound of lllartial The request made in behalf of the Volun- act as wtll a:; for services r e ndered at Hope <li rcct. Port Hope, on the 21st inst. Yon are music by our two excellen t ban.els, a nd teers for an extra $3.50 each is ungracious. fol'tunate in poesessing a Band which Dealer.a in stock will this the cheapest and most oxpeditious rontc to Oswego, Boston, the clangor of the fire and church b ells ly refused. c ombines such excellent mu&ia with so Albany, New York, & c., &;o, llE SPECIAL For a widow whose husband fell on tlie l!'or further information avply to G. W . soldierly an appearauco. 'Vi th · kin(l r eseemed t o lend energy to the shouts of CRA\~rJ;'OHD, l'ort lfopo, or LU·~N NI~R &; Co., welcome; the most undemonstrative for field 25 cents a day is all the Government gat·ds. Believe me, Bowmanvillc. 20 4m, Yours vory siucerdy, To the Jlfanaoci· of the G1·ange Mitt1lal Fh'e the moment losL Lheir characteristics arnl can afford. For the soldiers who r eturned Ins'U1·an ce Oo1npcmy. HENRY R. SMT'l'H, l hereby return my thanks tor tho prompt t:a1·d ot· Tlt:111lo1. were ch eering and waving hamlkerchiefs 50 cents a day for a single week is more Jato Commanding Major. and satisfactory payment by your agent, Mr. with a boyish enthusiasm. Wherever the than can be given. 'l'o CoJ.ONEL Cu.BITT, Midland Regiment, If. Moulton, for damages by lightning to my To the Manager of I.he Glasgow a n d L on(lom A wonderful thing, indeed, is Tory Oommandet· 45th R egiment A. .M., sun-browned soldiers with the campaign barn (though no tlre occy;1~~1?k·n S'.l'.A.LKlCH: Ffre I11.8m·ance Co. Bowmanvme: gratitude. Clarke, July 22. 1885. Wo hel'Cby r eturn our thnnks for the prompt stained and tattered un iforms appeared, payment (by your agent, Mr. 'l'ho~. 13inglmm) that appearance was the signal for renewed IT IS SURPlUSlNO how quickly Hanin g'\Ve might qnoto scores of testimonials suoh for damage by lightning t.o our barns In tb6 For the most complete and assorted tou's Quinine vYine and Iron, acting as the above. this is merely to show whnt little late thunder storm; lnsurccl !n tho Sovoroign outbursts of welcome . Our people have stock of Hosiery and Gloves ea.11 at Couch, can be placed in any statements Firo Insurance Co. n.nd reinsuretl with. your Purest Mid strongest Natural Frnit Flavors. uepcndauce through the Blood, removes all Pimples that such men ·as Mr. 1'homas Bingham make; co .. got c.ash checks h y mt urn mail always felt proud of the local militia, but Johnston & Cryderman's. Vtrnilla, J,umon. OJ:ange, Almonu, Roso\ etc., this is only a sample of wl1at his letters are after having wo sent in our clnim. a nd Blotches and produces a clear, h ealthy thivot· as dellcately iind naturally as the fru t. on this occasion there was not a man from beginning toond; any further controversy J OSEPH flU'I'lIEH1"0 UD, ' WooL- Highest m arket prices paid for skin. See that yon get ·" Ha11ingto11's,' PRICE BAKING POWDER CO., . with such men is only a waste or pa11~r. ALEXANDER HU'l 'H.1m . :i?onD. wearing a uniform as spic and span as th e any quantity of wool. J . LYLE, the ori.g, inal and genuine. Kirby, Juno 30, 1885. II. MOULTON. OOICAGO, S 'l'. LOUIS. strict lines of military taste could mako it, but who would gladly have changed it for one of the tattered, harlequin suits, worn by the men home-coming from active service, and that feeling was reciprocated by the on-looking masses. 'rhose masses were composed of the relatives; friends and neighbors of the rt>turning volunteers. This to,n1 has. witnessed mauy demonstrations, but never such a demonstra ion as that. 'l'here was no shau1 and no social tinsel- no Straining after effect- it Was a · Ji came f rom ti10 I10arts . wluc d emons t rat 1011 of the people, whose reality and siucel'ity n eeded not being h eightene\l by the . genera11101relay attire of the town . King street was such a mass of c· !!lowing colors, with its impromptu arches of parti-colored . drapery, of brnorns, of cut knives and b ayonet s, gnns an d fl ags. Tl1c spectac Ie King street presented from Di1,ision to Scugog street will nenr be forgotten. lt Mr. Blake's Gift to the West Durham Agricultural Soci~ty. Hou. E. warded to choque for "entlemeu "' THI~ CHARGE AT BATOCHE. ' Tlw following letter appeared in the Mai l last Thursday in regard to the cluu·ge Blake, ~'L J~: · last week for- upoi· and t he capture of Batoche, from F. F . M cArthur, Esq., the the .iflicer in command of the Infantry $484.00 which the Honorable _ B1·igade: lnd received for extra KtNGS'l'O~, Ont., July 22, 1885. ' To the Eclitor of the .Ma..l. cauq H!aJOH NS TON & ca~DERMAN Do not pro.tess +'. ·""·t· 11 t h e1r . goods at 0 se cost all th r Q U g h . _ th e year, b Ut t b ey al ways mak e 1 ·t a po1n · t to clear out th · e1r stock at the end of each season, SO FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS they will give Great Bargains in iu-1 . demnity whilo :ii;t;ending t;he late session "ti 11 fC ommons, WI ' til tile re11uest lh ie .: ouse o that it be handed to the ·rrusteeS Of the vVe:it Durhan1 Agric ultural Society for illVCStment, tJ1e intel'eSt to ]Jo given an· 111 · :1 way t u b e d ec1 'de d nmtll y its a pnze upon by tho d irectorato. This generous act 011 U10 part uf our distinguished · reprnsentative will be highly appreciated by the membershi1) of tho Society as well as by h is constitue nts generally. ' Ve sl1011ld like t o sec t h e proceeds of this · · ] ] · .1 e1H1owment given 111 t le' ml'y uepartment, so that the h1dies might liave some additio1rnl inducement to compet e in t heir SIR,-ln the M ail of tho 20th insl., l seo i 1 stated tllllt J,ie11t..-Colonel WllS told by Colonel Stranbenzie to use\Villhnns his own disr-retion a~ to the nHLl,ter of & charge. In juotice to L1eut.-Coloncl Grasett and the R.o)·ul Grenadiers, as well as to myself, I beg 10 tllllt l.hel'C iS not a WOl'd of truth in the above statement. On the OCO'lsion Of the ch·.rg., of the rill·· pits llw at Di<t.och!". 0n theCol. 12th M11y 1aa1., I orderect late i.unented Williams, in lllOdt cmpl1tttic and lllll)tlll.Jitiod lnnguage to advance l.v the ch ..r1<e, which be did, and two companies or the Midland Batt.alion (6~ s1ron1lJ nuder bis cornma;-,d, chal'ginu: in lino wi1h the Itoyal Gren11.diors (236 atron<;) uniler Lient.·Col. Grasen. at llw siuue Ui_ ne advancing my~elt in command of the ut.tackrng part y. I have 11rn honor to be. Sir, Your obedient ·ervnnt, 0 j Li<mten11nt·Golonel, Late in command of the lnfautry Bi·igade North-west Field Foice. ' One can scarcely imagine a more disgraceful epistle than the above. Not satisfied that he simply ordered the Grenadiers and .Midlanders to advance. Lieut. Colonel Straubcnzie singles out the commandant of the Midland llt1ttalion and says of him : ,, 1 ordered the late lamented Col. Williams in mos t emphatic and nnquali tie.d language, t~ ndvancc to the charge, etc.·' What does Lieut. -.Colouel Straubenzie m1mn by "most emphatic and unqvalifi.ed language" in that connection.'! It has ceased to be a secret that Straubenzie h as stated since his arrival in t his province, that he ordered the late Col. William s t o advance two or t hroe times before he went forward. Such conduct, we say unhesitatingly, is unworthy of a British ofricer or a gPntleman. Why he should d irect all his cowardly insinuations against one who loyally gave his life for his country, in ti. civil war that should never have taken place, is :t mystery. Such an attempt tu ti·aduce the memory of the galla nt Colon el Williams is one of tho uwst disgraceful episodt>s in conuection with the military opemtions in the North-west, Colon el Straubenzie need not imagine t hat l1is whisper ings or his C'pistles to t he Mail will lie allowed to go unans wer ed . What procedure t he military r e;,rulations S'rovide , for IY C l~now not, but if auythiu.~ t>::m be doue to punish i::ltranhcn~ io fur th e <1spersions lie- has c»st upon tho bravery and courage nf the bte Cul. 'v\'illiarns, :w-i ion sh ould be talrnu at once. oveu i f it sl1<9·uld result in&tl'a11be11zic being strip ped of 11l1e Queen 's tmi.furm. '!'here are thos e w-110 say that th0'L·e was a, st ump up thero jm~t largo enou!l,'.h to prntect Straube n~ier~ figure from 1·cbel bullets. We woulba r egret tu boli~·vo a nyth ing t1f the kind of one who lrndy>lsscd t hrou gh the Cri.1r~ea111 \Vm-, but it is· l~:ird to s'1y wh:i.t we nugh tt . not he t emptedito credit of :in ofli cer who · i !ms ern.lcavm11 1 ;t to roh a d ecea~ecl and galli~nt sold_ ior <0t_ll,>1~ ~rs t'.h:i t were cred ited ~fi/~~~ durmg h'1~ M e tuuo. - J'.,,.t ITope u. VON 8TltAUBIJ:N;1,IE. Prints, Dress Goods, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves,&c. and all kinds ·of summer go.o ds. Remember this is a genuine sale of naw g·oods, not old shop-worn stuff. sell this inonth at low prices for Q8Jsh. Parasols, Victoria Lawns, Lip.on de Syrie- nice Check Muslin, Light Prints, Summer Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries-wide Gloves and Hosiery, · Gent's White Shir.ts-i. Fancy Shirts, &c.. ·1 GreatJy Reduced Prices for Give a call you will get cheap I l ., w. McMURTRY" .... - BIC DISCOUNT SALE DQO;RS, SASH ,, BLINDS, TEST YOUR BAKING FOWDER TO-DAI! Having- bought) ·t he entire stock 0£ Sash. ,. Blindis, Doors and Mouldings held b y us. of the Rathbun Co., we will offer a. Diseount of 20 per c't fo:r THIRTY McCLELLAN & Co.~ THE TEST OF THE 111. Price's Ir. Flavorin[ E xtracts, ~~ORSEMAN ~~~~PRICES ffAVOR\~ ~EXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE