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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1885, p. 8

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TYRONE. SOLINA . 1 .1isten to Your W i fe. r ( .883, eaye: [ 'l'he r..carterlf me0tin1r or the several apKirkpat rick h11.1 cnuglit the spirit or the ·tlrm T he M11.r . ester G UARDJAN,.June;Etb, 1 ~-~-~~"~~- ~ "~~~----~~~.-~ oointmoots wil b6 ht:ld (D. V,) in the Method· .At ono · 1 t.he,, In Oshaw& and 1a prepared to otter all wh-0°call ist Chuooh here next l::lu.bbath u.nd the business to buy tremendous bargains. A II clotl1 s,tweerls, "Wi ..l.o wa BOWMANVILLE, F B.ID..lY, JULY 31. meeting < the following Monde.y. summer goons and remnants are to be ecid at Looki· g 0 11 the woodland w&ys:! With Among those wlio have viiited our attractive abo ut c ost price, beginning on i:latnrdax, <.t\.t:g. little tovrn during t he past week we notice the 1st. A rare chauco to bny fine goods h &e at clumps . f rhododendroru· and great masfollowirlf: :-Misses Idu Ringham, M. Johnston wholesale prices. ses of ~ 1 , y b losso ms ! ! ! "'llil.ere was an LOCAL !NEWS LETTERS. and >i!'an;;ny Hellyar of Bowmaovllle ; Carrie interesL;, g group. Rogers o'f!iEnniskillen ; :Mr. and Mrs, n. GorNEWTUN VILLE. It iu , ln ded mm wh o had bee n a "Cut. ElviNISKILLEN. don or Orono, Mr. and Mrs. George . Lane viallt!d their Mr. Wm. Rich has 1rnrcbaeed the 1{Q.rm t on spi1111er, " but wa!'I nuw so We are pleasedrto .see t.bc name of Mr. J. P. friends in <Jil&rlpo~a this week, in w11lch vlace formerly owned by Mrs. A. Milligan, of't'oJ:oB· Paraly:r.ed ! ! !, son orthe·Rcv. A. McLaren, or this they 1utend moving shortly should they find a place, in the list otthe successful matricnlants . ··- '·' 1 ~~o:a~t. at present occupied by .Mr, David. 'l'hat i1e could only bear t o il\e fo a re· at the recent U o,h\<ersity Examination in To· sm ......,e · 0(,&tton. W e thank ronto. Dre. Mit<;hell and Beith mat In consnlation Mr. D. Moffatt le about t o leave us for ·Wlhit- cliuing position. on Monday last, a.t Mrs. S. l!loll11.rd'i!' to aHcerT hie refers to my c ase. All those f:rom tms place who wrote at the tnin if pose.ii? le some way in which her eutter· by, where h e ltas lensed a rarm . · Mr. 'l'. Milligan and sister, from 'forontci, .aro . I was Attucked twcilve yuare ago with .v e rdlct was !l'ecent. Hir;lh School!Exnmination in town made ini;r mightiibe alleviated. Dr;l3ei tb.'s· 0 !!.} creditu.\Jle p11<Ss some of them takini,;: high th t ll ib · d th t :w possiblo by visit ing friends h ere. '!Locouio ter Ataxy" l'an k, We congratri:at e both or the cand1dt1tes th! p:' esi~~~ {:J~eto 1!\~t 8~counts she 'l'h e two eldest sons or Dr. Oliver are..,,wo ' ,(A paralvtio disease of nerve fibre ·;raroly ever gnd their t1mcher on t he M nccess. is slig;htly bell" rurahzing llere. · ·c ured) A. great de:<l of sympa,t.h y Is cxprc·sed here An enjoyab.'.e time is anticli.;ewd this arter· l\1r. McMurtry, who has been very rn, ~s and w a: 1 fo1 · several years bard!~ :ible to for the family of the unfortunate John Good- noon and . evening at the biJltliday .party of man, of Haydon. w.ho met with such a sad end Miss Annie·lfarris, some·better. Mrs. Soloman (his d1bughte r 11 -cm ·get abou t. Value, Ill 'Ve who has been home on a ,·isit ilne And fnr the last Five y ears H<i!! l ,able to '-' on Saturday night JM~. Mrs. J . s. Deney has been .very ill , dnrillg Toronto! returned a gain. 1 Mr, U. Geo. D'-1.V!?.' .has been visiting onr. the past; two N three weeks while visiting "]l f · Of .itt.leu d to my hns, a ltho11g l1 village t his we<>k. friends o.t Port.P erry, Bertha Pooc, w ho was liadly ~calucd scmtl. l\fo.u v i.hing" Ji a vo Leen don e for m <i. Olll' S:.t W1 . ar S11l'p::tSS time ago, is well a gain, The i11"1, exoerim c n t bci11g Ner ve s~1·utehing. Mr . ·w m. McLaren, second son of ltev. A. A now sect,, (e,,idently Baptists·*·hae .started · .~l.1wo y ···1trs ago I waa voted j nto t;h'9 McLaren, is home on s, visit. here, and ; by 1b,3ir past conduct, fully believe Mr. F r a nk 'l'aylor .a n1 wife are visiting his in the theory of immersion; force, however, COUBTICE ;J:Tom" for 1Dc m·<1bled ! Near es1ave not yet parent.~ here. s re q uired in. muJdni< proselytea,..e.nd ·we donbt · tar, in ~fay, 1882. I i f they will be suooessful. Mr. J~hn Short. _is tl1e .(lest to comme11W., I am 11 0 ' 'Advocate "; "For :my;~hing now I Ba1·lcy ha1·vest ie now p rogressill,£' rapidly in hanvt1st m th1ssect10u , hav1ngcutsomobnrley·J. th f t t" 1\1. d ' · 1' ._, = ·11.A U!itl'ON. on t he.l!.!llrd inst. . 1111 · e a 11apo o pa ·en · c icnics . this vicinity, Mr. Wm. Conrticc has sold the best of hie :1 And u1a<ie many obj e ctions to my d ear here tho.Se' Farmers )Jave. commuiced harvest with a - - -- · -- · - supply of now self-bindeo-;:i. herd.of Devon Cattle to an Amer ican gl)l1t1e- '. w iife'11 ·unstant ur<>ing to try H op Bit.ter8 man, :who, w e undcrstt1nd , has lately boaglat 1 ,,_ fj II t . .-'r"· ] · ' M1·s. A. E. l'.lenr}l is ill. U.J! J(LANJ). up .a l!.t lhe fancy animals of thnt breed in Ont. uut I m a Y o p.1e1 .Y ier Mr. and Mr~. Oco. Sll.>l:lera have retmned I Sorry, Mr. ,Ed1to>:, that this ,plaiw thas ,not Mrs. .c. Hooper and daughter, from E xete.·, 1 <Jo llijllBted ! ! 'home after an extena.Jve ·.l!li dal tour. been represented .mor e frquentlq in the us, should but I.. h ad not ciuite finished the first boHle We thing Taunton onght, to set up in opposi- columns or yom· Pl\TJCr. but we wiJLti;y t o do are vlflltrng at the parsonage. t iou to J . H , Dorri~; it. ~n uoa 't of triplets better in the future. Mr .. iii. w:hitlock , _from _ Clevel1llld, Ohio, is W~len 1 fe lt a c h a n ge co1 ne o ver me. 'l'his ancl b~tl'!!a1 "11s I'e yet 5pendmg his vacation ~nth the old folks at was S nl urchJ' Nov 3rd Un Sund~y u ~ ,_,nnd u. c bil<l \Vith (lxtra .fing«a and toes. Mr. n. Bowen has i·ented Mr. W. McCor· .hQme. As we expected- tho prnscnco of a. real . · ·' . ' ' · · . ' Mr. Geo. GJas§peJl has h<li!i;n visHing friend s mick's farm tor a nun1ber of years. live Y.ank-ee creates 11 great stir among 1 .11e . mornwl{ 1 folt so str ong I said to my room in l::lax ony for the pasc few""~!!?S· Mr. Durgess. has bo.!lglit the farm rCQrmerJy Miss Birdie Chase, from . C.\ i hawa, is visiting- occupied by Mr. Bow0:'1 and owned :l)y.Mr. 1W. tltat the young m !ln r11ee "l wa 'J suro I could Miss Mitchell. · Williams, o f Bow111axi.~·me. .horses v.n d shout onSunday c\'enmgs 1s terrible. , d I fl " I So st.iol'te 11 cr o 3::1 t ie oor and uac c M r . Wm. l:ltrnker h as Je~cd his fath er's Mr.Solomon Ha i· cL< lrns purcl!ased the;::ireml- \.Ye have· been asked to send lu their 1111.mcs fo1 m, a nd rumor says he intends entering- the ses of Mi·. Jtts. lI opkir. :N ewcastle, ·Vlilfore he for ,publication hut forbear in hope tbat it will l .har.·Uy k new how to 0011.ta_in 1J1ysclf, I was matrimonial state after . h.arv-0ot. intends retiring. .11ot continue. nil over 1he h ous<·l . Jam gam111.: 8trtngth Mr. John Cornish's new ruan::ion is nearinµ: Mr. '1'. Patterson has erected a .fiQe Qain with '1'.he gar_d>Jn social at th e parsona~e. on 'l'ucs· ~?'.: !l'.l·l .,;au walk qnlte uafo without any 1at reductions ;d111Y .even111g, was a success, notw1thst1tntlmg ::;ti,ch 1 com11 letion and .loG.ks ,grand Ii!!. its elevated stone woi:k .under i1 . Or SnJJl)Ort. magni licence. Mr. J . .Al.Un, J r., l111s h ad a fine stone w all the ;very thi;,eateninµ: st ate of t he weather, a and int-er esti11g progmm w1is i-endered I a m i ww u~ my own hou s~ , n-nd h()PC soon to 'l'he town hire seems to lmvc.t:PeHt attra ction put undcl' .bis barn. and aloo raised o.n addM.ion short Dress ,i;peecltes from Ucvs. E . Robert.a be ablo 10,carn _m r own livrnl{ u.~am. l have to the barn. lately fo1· t.he µ:allant. and .G. Brow1\;i, the Misees Everson and the b~~ u '""~n bet of t\}e Maneliester Mr. Duncan Blair is r coov.erin;t'lf.\ftcr a. severe Mr. St u)Jles,has erected a;.;othersaw mill .a.nd Misses · W hitlQP!i: did t!Jc singing, Miss Laura h.oynl EKch~nge illness. · JA.CK. lnte nds hai\' everything in running order vV.or.d en also .sruig .a piece. The l'f'.ading by . ~·or nc al'ly tl11r1.y year~. an!l- was moat heart. selling ere long. · Miss R. M. Mnsoil was aopropriate and well !'.Y ~on gn1lul ated on goini.: m to lhe room on Mernr s. Bu.i;gcss and M offat t. have showed " ~·endered. J;tu.s.p.!Jcrries and other l\OO<l t.hings lhursclay last. Very µ:ratefully yo~irs, . g ood example .to the farmersia Lltis vicinity l:>.r w ere served up to the s atisfaction of all. The , , . .. , . , .JonN ~.LAChB UUN, BURf CJJJ1'0.N.. l c.; p roce.e.ds w1ll.amo1tnt Lo a bont $ilii.OO erecting wire C ences. . 11AN C! ~k~tMt !Eng.) Dr.c.,. 21, ISS3. A a ooidem occnrred he1'e l its'~ Saturday we sympusb i;<e with the :b es t baLchelor of , School 1~eo.ocns on Monday, A ugust 3rd. 'l wo ycai s latcr nm pc1fectly w ell, n ight. Mr. J ohn Goodman, . of Jiieydon, a t· t his vicinit.y foe the unme1·c1t~'1 w ay h e was BEN. tempted to jump fro m the ~xpreas()mi n going nsed by a conpl.e o( ladies rectintly. ltlY'!'<ontl p;ennino without a bunch of green east ubout 10 p. rn . and m some rway wa.s I . , · Hops on tho w luto label. b l111n a ll the vilo, 1 dr:iwn under the t rain fractul'iu" his llknll and :i;tumor s»ys that 11 belle so.iith oi iere lB OSHA WA . ooi·onou ~ st uff with " Jlop" or "Hops" in t heir n early severing ona a rm from his booy. Thn gomg to take a few thousu.nds by lai.v. llQ.DlC. for $1, and $ 1 Mr. 'l'homas Conlin, East Whithy, cut b:1rlcy poor fellow was not found for 11bo11.t three Mr. W. Cooney c ommenced harvest on Mon· ------~ ---on the 22nd. and Mr. Robt. Hodgson, Columbus, hom·s when medical a id was summot\Eld and day. fall wheat on the Zlcd of July. every thing possible done for the unfo:.: tum·te w· e would IiAe to ~now if Nutshell bas taken cnt Steel Threshing Machine ·roeth. Couneillor 1!'innem.orn has gone to E ngland man. but he e><pired a bou t ele ven honl'.: after refuge with the volu.ntcers in the :Pine H idgo. for h is h ealtb. receiving the lojl! 0 nr Band is i mproving rapiclly, and deserves ----.-· ---..~ - ·---'l'he cylinder and concave t eeth o f a GI II· f 2d 0 '!'be nev. J. Creig:Jito11, .Episcopalian ct£rgy. well at t he h a nds of tll.e public. man of Cartwright, conducted de vine ser'<ices mg 0C. .:>OC., KIRBY. Uev. 'l'. 'faylor, of this place, has accepted .a t hre shing machi ne are a very import ant . in the l::ltation here Sunda.y.evening last. '£ e featu re. 1f t h ey a r c mado o f soft i ro 11 from the S tate o! New York. was a large ccngr6"{u.Lioi:t ·Present. ltev. Mr. At the recent en t rance examination t hree call Mr. l\1cSweeny, of L lio llefo1·11-wr office, h as they soon wear o ut, then the is n o t McLaren will have scrvioo here again tl.vo cut of the four can didates wbo wrote. fro m gone always t o Ireland, weeks from next Sund11y evening, hero were successful. \Alben wo look at the Samuel Ph1lli[)s, a.1 old a11d highly esteemed all taked fro m ihe straw ; it t oo h a rd, Mr·. Wm, Motley a ncl fam ily, of H . a.ya on . disadvantageou s circmnslunces under which i·esident of Oshawa, <lied on Ute 23rct inst., aged t h ey bre<t k , and cause d el<ty and expense. took ~he train he~.e. f!Jr W inni peg ou Tucs1lay both Lea ch er un<! pupils. lubored, wo can~ot 58 years. · lY aull L o wmoor ir on havo IJe e u mormng last to JOlll .Mr , Motley thore. T wo but be highly satisfied with the result. Several Steam Engines atlll New Mollet N o rw< :ymmg men 11ud five daughter s will make an Laura P owers, the pupil who heads the !tst Threshe1·s h ave beeu shippeil from tho Joseph used for th .is purptJso, but wlnlc t o ug h adclition t n th ..c WinuJ.i;eg pop ula.tio11. A large J !rem. here and s_ t ands ourth among. t!rn w!1ole, H all Machine \!Yorks la tely. and strou g soon wo r e round a t th o puints. in fact our number of frien cl s .fr'Ol;Y; R ayclon a ccompanied d id not a ttend E! :< n d uring t he yea., .so A Jnrgc number of applications h nvo bceu 1he family to the station to S(e them off on qiat her pass 1.s really creclible. l\~is8 Dormce recei"ed for the position of Mathorn<t tical 'rho Hall W o rks h ave beon ·~xperimeuting thek Jong journey. 'l ·bornton, who stands second and sixth am~ng Master of Oshawa High School. for y~al'd t o get·~ strong and tuuth ; you odr goods are the total, also miide remark1tble proi.rress, bemg A concert, un der th e ansp icea of the l?ire ·--· prevented from cnw.riug 11eartily into her work Brigade Band, will be given in the Music Hall, they t ested ruany kinds o f of b oth American and English ste el, but until this year on account of sickness ; a nc! now lastly but not on 'l'u esday, .August 1th. . "RTWRIGH T. C.n. least comes Mr. Harry Garwoocl, who stands Th e cn~.jority for the ScoLt Act in Ontario n e ver have succeeded in obtain in::; 1vh;;I " . , . Ko. 9. '!'his Jone yonng mttn started to, at.tend County was l ,B52. Ihe hay h ll.t vest is a.bout over 1=1nd som.e schoollast feJI 1~rtcl'flnlsbing Lbe season s work was r equisite for a first-cl:tss tooth-one farmers have akea.dy cut bw:ley, which prom1· with 11 farmer. and begun humbly but resolut e· that would thresh stones, h or se -shoes 11-nd se9 to be rm averag~ crop. ly at t.he verv bo ttom. H is posit.ion proves he ·r1iere were two raisings on 'l'hursda7 last- is made of' good meta.J and the neigh bor hood Company "C, " Midland Battalion. h ay forks without breaking, and a t t h e one at Mr. Thomas Coulter's, the other at M t'. has roason to feel proud of having such a youth sam e t.ime h a ve a hard we:u ing s u rface. Jl'.lo, :lfonntj oy'sj ust aonth of he re. Both were a~ Garwood. l'o tlle t eacher, Mr. McDowell. They h ave socnred a br;ind of steel that BY PROF. WILLSON. well attended. t.he people' s than ks go forth as a unit.. Coming fully meets thtJ demand, o f w h ich th ey Mr A l6xander T aylor, 011r enternrising im· aruong us a s a total stranger. yet bemg POS· nk111ent agent, has rented t he J!'.llke farm, east. sesBed of the true go-ahead spirit he worked , brave fellows, tho' in tattc1·s ye come, have just recc·i ved a full car load of near ly or dllago, for a term of five yc;u.r3 longer. with the energy that would not nor cou ld no t vVelcomc Welcome, aye, wel co me! we welcome you tweh·c tons, made esp ecially for the m"llles L·tti ·mo··e ha" rei)ted h i's t'arm of fail and ullilt permanently and well on the Mr. J ~ ~ ' ~ sure foundation lai d by his predecessor. It home; enough for 75,000 t eu th . ·r1ieso steol JOO acres. to Mr._ Pole~ .for $350 per year. Sin ce must be seen that our school is bound to :i\fr. Latttm ore 1s ret1no " fr?tu farn~rng he has flourieh, notwiLhstanding the j ealous predic· Welcome, brave lads, rest in peace now you t eeth t hre e tim e s the tens ile stre n g th ma.r, of the be~t iron , and can be d ·rnbled c old purch1tsed a ho1rne nnd 1ot m the village from t ions of those who Jove to bore tho public with llfr.. IIenr~ Nesbitt. of Bowmanvllle-, egotlstw bom bast. When we want yon again we'JJ .i ust name the without., in the lea~t degree, e ven crackda y. . M~. Da,:1d M1!11e, ~ne or our energetic fa rmers, R ev. I t. wa.lker preacbed bl~ firs~ sermon Jrns .i nst returned f1om Scotian cl. h el'C on f:unday afternoon pleasmg hrn bearers "l'is all Yery fine just naming th e day 'l'he r em ains of Mr. Jas. Field wer e interred very much. ' · i n t he Presbyterian bnrying-gr onnd on '.l'hurs· .Mi· l!'red Hidde!! wire and family left on Vi7 hco a lady is present, smiling and gn.y ; duy or last week. He wa8 73 years ot age. 'l'ueEQay last for the 'ol<l sod. ·we l1ope l?red. "l'is a fat· d itrerent thing when in bat tle ones' mark able. They are sold at the samo Rumor says we have a Dumont in our Burg, has sncceeded in pleasing his spouse at last, seen price as iron. w ho, when wo1·<l wus received that the volnu- Bon voyao;e. The J oseph Hall Machine \>Yorks h l ve trnrs were t~ i;o to. the North ":'est,, skipped out Miss Kate Wright h as b een home visiting her Fighting fo1· country, our home, aml our Q,ueen. about two o clocli m t-hC: m01·nm~ for the back relu.tives in Por t Perry for a few days. 'l'he ·welcom e, brave fellows, headed by men jnst iseu e<l an [r.r,usritA'r.EO MAOlfl N E " '.o<Jds, where he i· u ntil some three pupils whom she i s instrueting in the art of Whom we welcome, aye, welcome again aud Tool'H Cuwcn.All. co nt:Li ning full sized weeks a.go. when he r eturned. music are muking remu,rkable progress. cuts of all teelh u sed i n their' machines again! 0!1r host of. the B.oy_ !l.I Exchange met with an The Salvation Army talk of "doing " this which is ceut free t o all applieauis .-Be· a?c1dent ',"lule run!'mg his. \lon:y the. . other place soon. \Ve have been etartled by the 'l 'heir wisdom and courage are hea rd of a far, r." ght by 1t. stn.f!l~lmg, preo1p1tatmg him ab- terrible appearance of some of t he ollicera Attributes both of the brave men of war. former, ,fitly 24th. IUPlly on te1 raj" ma. attired in tighting uniform alreadv. - - ---1-··... _ _ _ __ '!ll lss Annie S wain, of Cavan, is visiting Mr. H enry Birch has b een erecting a con· Welcome,, welcome! yet sa<lnesswill come fncnda here. siderable addition to his bo.xn, which makes O'er ltearts of the dear on es not far fl'om onr '!'he N ew Model. '.!'he population i s still increasing in this it look far more commodious. 'J'he a ppearance home, vicinity- a d aughter at Mr. ·wm. Hall's and a of now buildings on Brown's hill also speaks Last wetJk , M r. Lewis Smith , of Brockplow·boy at Mr. l\fatthllw S1nitn's. of en terprise in that Quarter. Who need all our k indness and sympathy true, ville, who bro ught the first Hall Thresher The semi-annual collection for Missionary Mr. Nelson Powers has returned looking well Let's offer it k indly, 'tis well earned and duo. achemcs wa;; 1aken in the l i' irst Presbyterian after a short holida.y tr ip in the States. into Canada from Rochester , in 1830, ll!"t Sabbath, the amounts being- Cartwright, Job n Matthews is a fter the NGw.· scribe wi th Your bravo Col. \V illiams, alas, is no more; paid h is a nnual visit t o the Josep h H a ll $<>1 : !lallrduff, $22-total $76. A very liberal a shar p stick, and n either do we blame him, ·ro the front h e has gone as in days of your, 11 c o t.ributw;i. . . No service in the Methodist clturch next '.l'o th e front his bmve fellows,hearing h is word, Machine Works h ere . A few days after Mr. E. W. Sheldon, ot C hantry, who M;1ss Ilobmson famted!n churclt last l?abba~h Sunday on account of quarterly meeting in Flew like a flash with unsheathed swor d. d urmg tlte fnneral se1·v1ce, and medical aid Orono importe d a Hall Machine in 1840 was in l11td to be summoued before she was restored · - - - -...·- - -- - - - -in The enemy ficd, for none con Id w ithsta.nd town on the same miss ion . Both of t hese to consciousness. '.!'he rusJ1 of our men with rilie in hand, g e ntlemen continued t o deal wi th the late OROlvV. Who, raising the cry, our couut r y, our Queen, Mr . H all, a t H ochester, un t il he o pen ed (From the Orono N ews, .Tuly23rd,) HAMPTON. Death crnshed out t heir foes till no more were a branch h e re in 1858, and they have Miss Campbell, of W oodville, is v isiting a t seen. A very sad aft'air occurred Rt Hampton, on Mrs. MoPherson'a. ever s ince represented the Joseph Hall V\'cducsda:i- of.last week . Da vid T aylor, a~ed Miss Kate Vinson is visiting friends in Lon- Once again, welcome ltome, t ho' in tatters y., Machine Works in their respective local· 20, sou of Mr. Duncan 'J'aylot', of the Cambrian t · come, ities. Mc,,Jona than Yorke, vf St. 'l'homas, Woole n Mille, was fo11111l dead in t he barn of don , 0 11 " M'r. Goo. Langdon, just south of the village. ~r, .J. J, Coul~er left on Monday last for a We'll show you, brave lads, there's no place who also b rough t a Hall Thresher in 1810, He ltad been working in Bowmanville with trm throughMamtoba. like ltome is expected here soon. While these gentMr. ,Joh11 Gaud, carpenter, but did not succeed Mr. C. G. At:mstrung has gone to Philadel· 'l'o rest and be thankful, and echo with m ight- lemen have been const:tnt aud active very well at Ins trade and left town late on p hia, to visit fri onds. ~ 'J'uesday nig~t foi: his ft\thor's. No d oubt ,he Mr. c. B. Borland is visiting friends in and '.l'hat God may bo w ith you fo1· ever; good advocates for the Hall Machine, and ham became wearied with the Journey, as he c_arried around Lakefield night. u sed m or e threshing machines themselv es u heavy portmanteau. a nd sought rest. m the . · · b arn, where in tho solitu de of his surround ings, ,Miss E!la. S hou:.ts has r eturned ~omc from than a ny o th e r Jltreo m en living in Can :tbroocling over h is waut of sucec$S in h is new I;1ttle ~r1ta!n llavmg spe nt a ve1y pleasant d :i, th ey a ll unite in declaring t hat the occupat10n and h aving no friend or compa uion tmie with frien ds there, j The Hero of Ba toche. U1>!<1 : to c.heer his drooping spirits. a feeling of Mr. Harry Armstrong, of Toronto, spent a New Modul i s very greatly in advance of, despondency came over him, and he, qnito fe w days at his m other's last week. in fact , AS A PEl\FECl' GI\AIN s ,\ Y.IJR, likely , sought to end his existfmce while in this Andrew McNaughton, Esp., Stipendary ::lifag. llY PHOP. WILLSON. THltEsrnm AND CLEAN.Im compl e tely disstf"te of nund. At an y rate i~o other cause is istrate from Sudbury is borne on a visit to his known w_ Jiy Im tei·n;mate.(j his J?l01·tol career famiJy°in Newcastle. ' tances all other g r ain threshin g machin es . b y llang mg lnmself. Hts family are very . . Dead, dead ! the n oble heart is s tilled After nearly half a century of practical respectablo u.nd feel keenly tho anJictlon tlrns ~., Solon:on Harris h a s _ p ur chased the preIn death, for so the Lord hath will'd, broug!Jt upon them. They have the deepest m ises of Mi:. J ames Hoplnn, Newcastle, and e xperience they should be a ble t o fo r m a sympu thy of 1he wl1ole community. mtends movmg t hereon. .And ho. the bravest of the brave, correct o pinion.- Onlarfo Reformer, J 1t·l·y Mrs. ,J . B. '!'om, o e Rrooklyn, N . Y .. formerly ' A large number oi peoplo from a;·ound Oron.o Hath gone to ft ll a patriot;s grave. 24hl. or this place, is visiting her fl'iends in this ~.ttcucled the runera) of the late L1eut.-Col. A. locailt.v. I. H. Wtlhams on '.l:uesday lnst. Dead, Batoche's hero hath flown A NIBICHllOUR giwe me a dose of D1t. - - -C> F - -Miss. l£mily O~e!l ha s i:eturncd home from M r. i saa6 Cla!'k, who has been suffering with In martial glo1·y, all his own, i:r.fll\mmatlon o! the throat, is able t o be out Hocheiter much improved m h ealth. S.M!l'H's GEitMAN Womc REMEDY and it '.l'o his r eward ; h e saved his lancl again. · Mr. H. Bla lcewell, ot Toronto, is v isiting at r e m o ve d a large n nmber of worms fro m l"rom murder fou l, an<l rapine's hand. M r. 'l'. G. Stonhouse, who has re1 ;enLly lost Mr. Geo. McLea.n's , my children, a fter all so -calle d w orm t be. sight of one of Ilia oyes. the othe1· one being l\'lr, .Jas . .Gil fl lien preached two v ery interDring the laurel, bring the bay, atll :c~ed, has gone to 'l'oronto to be oper ated estingsernions in the ChristilLn church Sunday failcd. - Trrns . 15 Crown him now as in cleath he lay; upon. last. Anderson s treet., l\font r e :tl. 25 c e nts, of 'l'he hero's crown befits liim well, J\lliss JJanagban and Mies Rowe have return. ·w e congratulate Master Jabe:!< :J!!lliott on his all dn1ggists. success a t th e late entrance exammat10n, hav- ed from nocheste1·, N. Y. Now he's gone with Christ to dwell. mg recP.ived more marks than ii,ny other can· Ocean fare $13. 00, steeia((e, from Portdi(lace. Ho ha d been studying under clitfleultie·. (li'roin the News, J1tly 30th) . Hing out the old bells with sadden'd note, having to a ssist, his fath er in the store before land or Halifa x by Allan L in c, to or from Fill t he air and let it ftou.t Ilich. 1't'own, Esq., sailed on Thursdny last und after s chool hours. His parents may well L ondonderry, 1:3clfast, Q ueen::i town , Galfor W inmpcg, Man. O'er nil lhe earth, the sea, and skyfeel proud or a boy. way, Limerick G lasgow ; Cabin also reLieut.. Albert Clark, of the Sal vation Army, Batoche's h oro knew how t o die. '1'he infant child of Mr, Edward Hustings, duced. W. A . NEAllS, Agout . 48tf who$e has been expected for some time, Laa sing , Michiga.n, is home. Bravel y ancl well the charge he led, l\fr, Hollo,nd a nd wife, of Tor onto, arc visit· is, "e are p!o!Lacd to state. r ecovering . N ew 1 Lll wool Dress Goods worth 25c Bravely and w ell a round his deadThere w as ~orne Lall talk at the council m eet- ing 1tt Mr. I saac Vi'inter's. selling off at 1 5c at Couch, Johnst on & Mr. B ooth, of Lynn, is visiting 1 it Mr. H.B. Who for victory fought a nd fell ; ing Saturday, 1·especLing tho S. Army leasing Orydermau's. Thornton's. t he hall for a nother te1·m. Hing out old bell, ring out old bell , Mr. C. Procter has been visiting his brotLcr, You can got tho best P nre Coffees a t Mr, and Miss Beacock, of Cartwright, were M1·. J. Proctor, fo1· a few dap. And l et our hero's death be known n town on S11ndav. M urdoch Bros. T h ey roast and grind on l\fiss K J . Preston, of Otta1~a. formerly Th rough a ll the lancls wltere he had sown l\1r. !!'. B unt, of Osha wa, was here on Sunday the premises-always fresh . tetwher here, is visitin g a t Mr, N. F. Hall's. - his pa,1·ents ot course. Good seed of unity, peace. and love, Miss F lorence R eid and Miss H o,ttio llatton Miss A . V\'h itlock has r eturned to Conrtice. P arnsols at reduce d pri~cs a t Couuh. ~ ~ Good t hree to welcome him a bove, Come ·1gain at an early date, a1id uon't leave are YiHitln g friend s in P ort Hope. Johnston & C rydennau's. ... · that J'ouug man in such a aiid state. Miss Stephens, of Dar l ington, is visiting at W'h ere now he's gono to ever rest l"or a stylis h suit of elothc8 call upon Sever al farmers in this locali!.y have harvest- Mr. \Vm. 'l'hompscn's. I n peace and joy with Christ the bleat, W . JI. Jves. ed tl·eir b1 1;rJey, t h e crop fa lilrnly to h e a n Qur enterprising merchant or the Corner Who'll welcome h im, for Christ hath said average oue. Tho lmy harvest is about finish- Store, Mr:C.G. Armatro ng, h as returned home, The newest anLl nobbiest hats a.ud cnps JO)' and peace shall over be e<l; the c.i·op bus been rat her light. accompanied llYhis cousin, Miss MinnieEJliott, at Ives'. of William~field, Ohio, after a t rip to Buffa lo, God's gift to man iO: eternity. l\frs. Duncan Taylor is still very iJJ, Table lincus and towell iu g s ch e;tp at OUt N. Y., Bra dford, Pen., and \\' illiamsfteld,Ol1io. SLOW BOY. H in his cause he firm shall stand, Ives'. He soon shall be at God's right hand, A large sLock of clwice F:irnily Grocers Dr. LLOYD, of Ohio surgeon in t he army No injurious e ffects can follow the use And h appy,1 hles3'd in God's owu way , and Provisions at b ottom prices at J. during the war, from Cll:pos ure con traded of Ayer's Ague Cure iu the t reatment of Om· hero's UCe's as clear as clay. Lyle's. <)onsumption. Be says in a lett nr ad· malarial diseases. I t contains, besides a Tha~ h ope he lo ved wh ila hero below, dres.~cd to .M essrs. J . N: Har ris & Co., sp c citic a nd. u nfailing antido te for rnia sTh a t h ope still r ests upon his brow, The furnishing"· largest and 1llOst comploLe . tock of li:e11t~ a t lYiayer 's. p r eprietors of ALLJ; N's LlJX<~ .BALSAM, I) I rna tic p oison, o ther r e m edial ag ents which A1fd hope cDg ravcn on his heart, h ave n o hesit ancy rn stating t hat it \rns u n ite to e x pe: the p o is ono u s humors, 'l 'h e hopo thr·t soon we'll never pa rt, A guod suit o f clor.h .:is, yout h's, si zBer f o r. I by tho use of ·your LO'::<!G BAL~n1 that I p urify the sy s t e m , a nd leave it in a for $G at Mas on B r os. Dut. be, in God's almigltty lovfl, am now a live and enjoyiug health . healthy and reinv igorat e d conditic.n. 05 R estor ed to meet a nd live above. Every parcel a bargain at l\Iasun Our Quotations are Something Immense. for July. ( J'.JJ. Our Great Clearing Sale for the previotlS month was something enormous. all that patronized us and 'i shared our barO'ains We now beg to say that throughout- I l ~tll tho present month we. will continue to offer remarkable fact are goinrr to make SllCh induceil"elltS t}· i~ at " Jes that the past lllOntJi. Probably J some heard about this great sale wl1ich is !.toin2' on at PIERCE & CO'S. ' Ve might just state to that have not yet had an opportunity make no delay f)lcr1ty of a : come at once, our stock to be hc ·> . d. :· to visit is lanre .fa~;l~:·s~:~ ~rive co~~W:~il~~s, WI . immense JUST THINK are bein_ g made when you can. Silks for 40c.·-we have a few pieces. at 30c.; 16c. Extra Heavy Cotton Shirtan Ex tra '\Vide Dress Cashmere, worth .;.,, buy 80c. Colored which we are ing selling for 1 45c., sellmg for 30c.; $3 Parasols selling for $1. 50 ; Crompton's; Corsets selling for 80c.;. Best Corsets sclliug Heavy Ribbed Cotton Hose, worth 50c., sellii1g for 30c.; Kid . oves se or an and < 1 Clasp Tan Colors~. which arc sold for $1, reduced to 75c.; we are selling: j 25c. Dress Goods for 15c.; Priuts for 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 cents;; bargains are too numerous to mention. but a.11 reduced. I i . assure MILLINERY, TO CLEAR, SELLING AT HALF PRICE. G rocer s' Due Bills taken less FIVE per cent .. I ~f:1 ~;!; 1 -.~..._. J HI GGIIVBOTHAM & SON,. DRLTGGISTS_ PARIS GREEN. vVe have on hand this season a large quantity of Pari$ Green, guaranteed pure. INSECT POWDER. ROSE GLYCEROLE. J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON .. Our Insect Powder cannot be surpassed by any ~ther powder the market for the destruction of fiies, mosquitos,. ants, crickets, carpet moth s, cabbage worms, &c. r A v;;iluable preparation for T an and Freckles; a soothing prepa ration for roughness of the fac e, chapped hands, &c. It dries at once when applied, leaving the parts soft ancl white. l - - ---··· - - -- ANOTHER ARRIVAtl New Silk and K1"d Gloves IN NEW SHADES, 111edicme~ McELLTCO'.r'.~ , New and Fashionable Dress Goods. ilt 1" .$f,. w .... A f ft c .Ji. 8 ft ft W ft ,f:' ..n..n,n. *8 o t 0 ... ~ just opened at I MA8 0 N BR0 s · ·

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