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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1886, p. 3

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The French doctor who sent poisoned to a. riva.l, "by way of a pra.oticol joke," h11os been sentenced to eight yearn' imprisonment with hard labor, Four artisans have bPen appointed Jue· tioos of the Peace In England this year COST ONLY $2.00 AT .· through the Instrumentality of Mr. Trev-el· yan a~ Chancello1· of the Dachy of L"'noaster. J a.µies Russell Lowell has given to H11or· NEWCASTLE· 48-ly. va.rd Library about 600 volumes of rare historical booke and works of belles lettres. chiefly Spanish, which he picked up In.Eng./l.G;ENTS WANTED land. TO SELL FOR 'rHE The Colonelcy of the Roy11.l Horse Gn&rds, vacant by the death of Lord Strathnairn, has been held by thirteen dnkes, three me.rqniaes, four earls, two viscounts, two be.rons, one knight, and one commoner. LARGEST IN CANADA- OVER 400 ACRES. 'fhe muoh-e.bmied clerk is not the only person liable to accidenta w ith poieons. A stcmly Employment to Good Men. recent c11o~e h cited In J enneretite; L11o., In Paid by salary or commission. Can start which B. .father of two sick children gave the you at, once. Dont apply unleee yo~t mean mediclneq prescribad for each of them to the business and want to work. We furnish out- other, thus klllln~ both children, fits free and vay expenses. Address The cotton crop of Central Asia. has been S'rONE &JWEJ,LINGTON. Nurserymen. unusually good this year. Ma.ny owners of cotton mills ln Rueola. seem to prefer OenToronto. Ont. - - - - - - - - - - -- -- -tra.I Asia. to Amoric&n cotton, a.nd have eet11.hus11.ed direct re1a.tions with the p1a.nters .. Mill ') of, 'l'<Whkend, and Khlve., Formerly Known as the 6 oper s. -The historic p ark of Hamilton Pe.lace,' mBIS MILL Hl.S BEEN THOR· Scotl11ond, will soon be broken up for a coal :J_> UGHLy renova.ted and put in order,nnd(!l'· field, the gi;.rdene a:re leased to a nurseryman, oti:i' own spocto.1 superviaion. tor the purpose of and the pa.lace will probably soon be dlerietlng and manufacturing 011.t Meal e.nd Pot mantled. The Duohees of Hamilton la.teB&rtey, e.nd we are now to rec"ivc ly pa.Id the place what .we.a probably a fareorders from all our old customers and ot.Jterf well visit of two days tor work, and we gurantee to give them who · lntruet us with the same entire satlstaotlon Suicide is increasing In Berlin to a frightOats and other grains taken ln exchange ror Flour Oat Meal, &:;o. H. &; J. TOWNS, Bow ful extent. · In one d!4y lately there were manville. 1117. ten oases of eelf-marder, Thore been several instances qalte reoently of stock jobbers and other epecula.torn moving in the upper ranks of society who blew their brains out In a fit of despair at financial misfortune. · OF CANADA. The removal of the Impediments to the REST, S·to,001 CAPJTil, $1,000,000. ne.vlgation of the Danabe at the "Iron This Bank ts prepared to do Legftf. Gate" is to be carried oat at laat, in conformity with the ntipul!iotionil of the treaty mate Banking in all its branches. The Hungarian Government Farmers notee discounted ; Depo11lh of Berlin. has decided to the work executed, 1eceived and Interest paid on amounts of The cost is eet!m11.ted e.t $6,000,000. 16 upwards in Savings Bank Department; The la.dy secretary of tho Antl-VivlaeoDRAFTS ~lon Lea.gue of England argues, In a. , letter Liaued and Collections in Europe, to M ·. Pasteur, that cauterizatien removes all danger of hydrophobia. Her son once United States and Canada. and she herself five or six times have thus W.J. JONES, esou.ped the malady, and both offer to be Agtint. bitten by any ma.d 11.nlmal in M. P11osteur'11 21 le.bontory on condition of being allowed to treat the wounds themselves. The expression "cool as a. cucumber" now rests upon a. solid scientific basis. In a recenl; study upon f'ie heat of fever, an Engli~h innstige.tor, ana.logies 'In ple.nts, took the temperature of the popular esculent at various stages of its growth, and found it to be a.bout one degree D\'SPEPSIA OR INDlt:ESTION, below that of the surrouudiog atmosphere. Bit the rule holds good for the young cu· WHEN cumbers only. Venerable specimens were two degrees wa.rmer. The national printing prese at Vienna. is now busily preps.ring the first serial num~" (~ thoroughly cure you. They )Jer of the grea.t work,· "Anstrfa-Hnngary, ,_ /0 net grip.a or purge, but act In 'V\'ord &n1i Picture," which has been e'dited under the penonal direction of the mildly, and whenever uaod Crown .Prince. This first issue appeared are cons!dered price· on the ht of December, e.nd will be followed less. They have by others from fortnight to fortnight until proven to be the the whole wci·k is co np' eted- tha.t h to say, in eight years at t: e ea.rliest, but possibly not before ten years ha.a elapsed, In a. recent lecture on leprosy-a disease lN'VESTED IN <:A.NADA., $600,000.00, which has been widely disoussed of late!' :of. Hutchison of the London Hotpltal HEAD 0FF1CE IN C.ANADA.:-MONTREAL s~a.ted that it is not contagious, ne>r is It e.n For particulars refer to he:· editaiy disease, though It may, of course OF THE be transmitued. H e believed lep1·oey to be E-.L.LIVINGSTONE, ca.used by ea.ting fi·h whioh has been someGENERAL .AGEN'.I', To all oufferurs from lndlg··tlon, what decompo9ed, or has been saltlld. PORT HOPE, He,11thy fish in any quantity will not cause Disordered Stomach. it, but a . sma.11.q Je.ntlty so poi!loned will. Or to agents throughout the county. <L8-6se, When leprosy prevailed in England the inTHEY ARE AN ABSOLUTE AND. land consumption of fiBh was very large. Be cites two cases of cure of the disease, PERFECT CURE one of which WM treated by himself. Uso them and bo relieved from One of the most remarkable of clocks has just .been constructed in London for a bankyour misery. 30 Piiis In a box, ing establishment, It ia on the twenty-four 26c. per box, 6 boxes for $1 h our principle, and i'l notable as poss~sslng probably the eimplost method which wa.s FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND been yet res;orted to for indicating time a oDEALERS IN MEDICINES cordingto the new enumeration. The cloak in Beware of Counterfeits and Base Imitations. question has only one h!\nd, the long minute Genuine wrapped .only in Blue, with. signa- he.nd, and the figures around placed as ture on every box. Free trial package of heretofo1 a. Instead, however, cf indioa.ting lt)ese Celebrated Pills sent to any address ,the houra, they indicate the minutes only, which are marked from to 60. The hours ll., receipt of a 3 cent stamp. shown on a. sunk dial revolving under the upper dial, a. space being left in the upJNO. C. WEST &: CO. per dial Into which the next hour figure SOLE PROPRIETORS · ONt comes forward instsmtwieouely upon the SI AND 83 KING STREET EAST, TORONT0 · ' minute, completing its circuit of sixty minutes-that is, in a word, the aolltary THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY ~:~!a~~~k~:::. minutes, and the aunk spa.oe A CA.RD.-To all who are suffering from the errors and indiecretions of youth, uervou~ weakness, early decay, loss of IJlanho, , &c., I will send a recipe that will cure you FREE OF CHARGJ'J. This neat remedy was discovered by a mission!n:y in South America. Send a self11ddressed envelope to the REV. Jmrnrn '.L'. INMAN, Station D, New York City. 46y I OV.ER THE OCEAN. The London Times of Oct. 22 had seven yards of politioal speeches. The Military Jo·urnal of St Petersburg publishes a. Ministerial decree ordering that of the ba.tt11olions of ch1useura shall a midwife on the sta.ff. AYER'S PILLS. , AITS'!'iU.UAN ARGONAlJTS. THB BIO" OLD TIMBS W:eB~ Tl!B RlCH MARRIAGE LICENSES. C. B. LOCKHART'S FONTHILL NURSERIES. Qaledonian Mills. STANDARD BANK WHY SUFFER FROM ~ic~ peadache WEST'S LIVER Pl LLS GREATEST A large proportion of the diseases which eause human su!Ietlng result from dera.ngement of the stomach, bowels, and liver. "I've d gged for gold, and I've fo11no AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS act directly upon gold wherever gold waa to be dlgged for these organs, and especially designed to and fooud," obetlnately remarked an old cure the diseases caused by their derangeAustr"lillrt, in reply to some observations ment, including Constipation, IndigesThe war has begun with mud and slush, but tion, Dyspepsia, Headache, Dysentery, jueb mado by a Callforo.lan gold miner. ··I've div,ged In California a11 .hard an you and a host of ether ailments, for all of wWch they are a safe, sqre, prompt, and have, anil I've digged. for my pains, in pleasant remedy. '.l'he extensive use of these Ireland, when a fellow · salted ' a hole in :PILLS by eminent physicians in regular prac- Galway l\nd ra.foed a company to ploTigh tice, shows unmistakably the estimation in whioh they are held by the ml)dical profc&- up the g11ld thab he had sowed. Bu~ has a word of consolation to offer to all who are in need of Boots and there WI.lit more gold, and redder gold, 11ion. Shoes. He has a large and complete stock, having received his rnd mayho better gold in Australia in These PILLS are compounded of vegetable 1 substances only, and are a)Jsolutely free from 1852 tht\rl there has been in any other c:n.lomol or any other injurious ingredient. part of tho world before or f!ince. And I there w M more fnn Jn gettin' the gold A Sutl'erer fJ.'Om Headache writes : " AYER'S PJLLS are invaluable to met and than you oonld shake a sb!olr at. 'l'he har- and ~espectfully solicit.s the patronage of every one seeking good are my constant companion. I have veen t>ors of and Sydney were a severe sutJerer from Headache, and your crowded with ships that couldn't get away. b~rgams. He has all kmds wanted-high an.d low-fine and coarsePILLS are tllo only thing I could look to w1de and narrow-·· heavy and liaht-hand made and machine made for relief. One dose wJll quickly move my becau1<1e their crews ha.ti deserted them bowels and free my head from pain. '.l.'hey and ran off to the digginga; f.lnd the tovrna all to be sold at prices as low any other house. This is no idl~ are the most elfective and the easiest physic were crowded with the sallors, 1md lots ol boas_t or advertisi?g dodge-but is a truth easily verified by calling I have ever found. It la a ple11suro to me to speak in thoit' pralao, and I always do so othe1'9, t oo, oomln' be,ck with t heir p ockat bis store. He is bound to keep in the front rank with good quality When occasion offers. at.s full--for nobody seemed at t.hat time W. L. PAGJ'-, of W. J,, Page & Bro." ---and low prices.- - Franklin st., Ricilmond,Va., June 3, 1882. to be tryln' to m,.ke a fortune 11o11d go "I havo used A YER'B PrLI.s in rmmber· home. All they wan1Jed to d.o wad to Full lines of Felt Goods cheaper than ever sold here before. less instances as recomn1ended by yon, and have never !mown them to fail to accompllsh raise money enough for a good spree in tile desired result. Wo constantly keep thew one of the towns ; a.ud their notions of 011 hand at our home an<I prize them as a wb&t a sprea meant would, I think, pleasan~J safi;,. and reliable family modicloo, &11toniahed even a Californian. A dozen FOli D.rSPErSIA they are invaluable. receive special and prompt attention. ' J , '.1'. li.11.YES." . times I've seen a fellow walk into a llqaor Mexia, Texas, June 17, 1882. a11.loon witih a crowd behind him, call for Full hues oC Trunlis, Valises, Satcbels, &c. Tbe Rnv. FRANCIS B. Jf,\RWWE, writing from Atlanta1 Ga., says: "Fo1· some years drinka for all the reslJ, and issue a apecial past I have oeen subject to constipation, order for a dozen of champagne and a tub :from which, In BJ,>lte of the nse of medi- for himself. Selfish ~ Oh, no t here wall Bowmanvllle, November 10, 1885. cines of various kmds, I suffered Increasing nothing selfish about it. He merely Inconvenience, until some months ago I began taking AYER'S PILLS. '.rhey have poured the champagne Into the tub, pulentirely corrected the costive ha.bit, au4 led of his shoes and stockings, and washed have vastly improved my geueral health." his feet in ill. Of course he was cuzy ; AYER's CATIIAllTIO PILLS correct irregalarities of the bowels, stimulate the appe- but doesn't gold ma.ko nino ont of te4 tlto and digestion, and tiy their prompt and men crf>Zf, whether they dig lb out of the thorough. action give tone and vigor to the earth or get It In stock Bpecs 1 "Everything had to be paid for In whole pilysical economy. gold dns~, and every bar had weights and PREPARED DY --MANUFACTURER O F - ncales to test the value of the dust, whtoh Dr. J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. wu then onrrent coin. For wbat a miner Sold by all Druggists. then paid for an ordinary round of drinks he could now buy a heavy gold ring, but KING STREET, BOWMANVILL YOUNG, All experience tbe wondertul euch a ring then would have been ot11mall beneficial effects of value In Australia compared with the Has now on hand a. nambcr or Tehlole~ ·(a.nd ls manufacturing a great many more) of the newe11 patterns and b' e st finish, whloh I am offering for sale i>t the loweat prices consistent OLD, ANO Ayer's Sarsaparilla. worth of a pint of whiskey. The eccentrlwith due regard to workmanship a.nd quality. The t·> llowing is a. list of the principal vehicles manufactured by me MAIOGOEOLE- Children' with Sore Eyes, Sore citle11 of succeaefnl miners C·)ming to bhe , Ears, or any scrofulous or syph- cities to &pend their g11.ina extended to llitlo taint, may be made healthy and strong their clothing. Almost all of them were Double Covered Carrlages .............................. ..................... . $200 Upwardl!. by its use. Single Phretons......... ....................................................... ; 100 u fond of tall silk habo, but their tastes vaSold by all Drusgt.ete; $1, six bottlee for ~5. Open Buggy..................................................................... 7Q,. 11 ried as to tihe part of the hat thi.b was Top Buggy.................... ......................... .............. ............. 9:.J 11 m ost becoming, some preferring bhe top Democrat Wagon.................... .. .. ........................................ 65 ·~ !\nd some the bottom, and a common idgh~ 1 Lumber Wagons................................................................. 5 5 u was a m1m walkog in a crowded · sbl~eet Light Wagon......... ................ ............... .. .. ........ ................. 40 u wearing tb.e highly polished crown of a Express Wagon.................................................................. 75 u A~J~~-:'NCE silk hat, followed or accompa.nted or preSkeleton .......................................... ,.............. .. ·. . . ... . ·. .. . .·· 50 u ceded by a man wh ,se head showed itself ESTABLISHED IN lff~f. Sulky......... .......... '...... . ..................................................... 40 11 above bhe low walls enotrd!ng the rim Tll I· jhab had thus been cut off fmru the upper Possessing superior fe.cllltles tor manufacturing carriages, I Intend to sell ver7·cheap for o·.elt It ha.a no shareholdors to pay dividends to. p(;,~ tk' ': £1& t~..:." !1,Afor approved oredlt, and by so doing I hope to greatly increaRe my number o sales. Would ~ · ·' r '.nW ~.. t.,!_ soil the wood parts only, 01· the gee.rings of buggies ironed, Managed by and solely in the interests of " El~borate weddings took place evqry · the Policy holders. day. As often aa not the bride and bridegroom sat together on the driver's Its Rates are Low. sea\ of a farnibure van, both drunk, and At the Shortest Notice, Pa1nt~d. and Trimmed. if Desire d. Pollelcs non forfcltnble und uncondttlonnl, still drinking health and long life to the Al the Factory I also do Planing, Matching, Turning 1 m!\ Sawing with Circle, Band or·sc::oll Clash Bonus Pald every three years, crowd than was cheering them on their l:>aws, and prepare all kinds of lumber for carpenters nd· o~]:l.ers for building purposes. Ornamental and Plain Pickets for teno<:s in every style re 1:Iired. to order. wey, and exchanging jokes with the long Joint Life Policies. procession that drove or rode after the ' ' Though a double rish bnt one premium la paid h appy couple. I don't know whethllr --·------·=1 ror two people. Amount of policy drawn such weddings r esulted well or not, bnt on first death. they were celebrated very often. " The police force of Australia wa.3 one · Special Inducements to Total .Abstainer.t. of the beeb in the world. It was very like the Royal Irlah C onstabulal'y. But ill wao all oat of town, and whlle very fair A.SSETS OVER $1>,000,000.t order was pre11erved the dlgglugs themIN<:OME OTl<JR $1,000,000 selves, h1 the towns every · man seemed SUle,000.00 deposited with theCanadie.nGovern to be following the dicta.bell of his own 111.ent for benefit of Canadian policy holders. free will, whether they proved him to be a l&int or a 11hwer. YEL"ow W.As iN EvERY M. u (s POCKETS. WAlR BEG-Ulf and Victory Won. J. HELLYAR, a:' New Fall and Winter Boots and Shoes ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING JOHN HELLYAR. HAINES' CA~RIAGE "WORKS, GEORGE C. HAINES, Proprietor, CARRIAGES, SLEICHS, CUTTERS, WAGONS, &O. BRITISB EMPIRE MUTUAl LIFE CO., All Kin.ds of Vehicles Repaired I at Going, ~LESSING AGE Official Peculation in Russia. K aroline Bauer gtv011 ln her memoirs -----...... ~~·---- Goir1g. o 0 M. Hillemacher, a. w1,11l·known Paris Do you wan~ , p11.lnter, has been the victim of his own mist!. splendid, placed confidence. On the occasion of his h andsomely son's he gave a luncheon to a bound story large number of ~nests at his residence on book? You the Boulevard Magenta.. About 150 percan have y:mr eons presented themselves, and, although _choice out of many of them were unknown to the artiat the bcs"j th at or his wife and the newly married couple, are publishecl they were nevertheless admitted, the muif you will oh- tu~l impression being that they were the inbain two sub- vited guests of the bride's family, In the scriptious for course of the evening the hostess missed her THE W EitKLY purHe. A search was made to ascertain JliAIL. Acata- whether some strangers had not found logue of stan - their way into the gathering, but the d11rd aml mis- thieves had decamped. About one hllo!f of cellan eou a the companyhad left, and those who republications, given as prizes for getting up malne<l. were e.11 Intimate frlends of the clubs for T un l\fArL, will be sent to any two families. When they were informed. 11ddress upon applicu,tion. 'l'hcre is no boy of what had ooollrred, several of those yet or girl, young m (m or young woman, among remaining dlsoovered that their pockets had you who ca.nnot secure a, handsome lot of also been picked, and two portfolios with books this wint er securities and ;.,onds of value had also dis· with very littl e appeared, --~---------effor t, if you will only make up Who Hoyle Wa.s. WELLS CLEANED &RERAIRED. your minds to it. "According to Hoyle" Is a common Tli e books are phrase, and " Hoyle's Games" are widely sphm.didly bound known ; but oa.rd-pla.yers labor under niic4 are the prothe impression the.t H oyle was a. reformed ~¥,tions of t he ' gambler, who t.urned his attention to boolrl; kuown auTO GIVE SATISFACTION. making as a means of keeping 011t of the oh s, which i a i\ \ poor-honse. Edmond Hoyle was a' Londonsufficiontguaran- "·\\\ er, who died in 1769, aged 97. B e was Orders1>y Mail promptly att1mded to. tee that they will ' '\· among ~he first who took a special interest not only afford in whist, 'd id much to perfect t \.e game, and amusemen t but after it became a craze devoted sevn-al DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, ~proKETS, bee. source of pro- ~ to teaching it at a guinea a lesson. He fit. '.1'1m \V~:EKLY . ' /,/ MOULDINGS, &o., kept on hand. MAIL is the most C(;"iY5 waa paid $2,000 ·for hla first t reatise on whist, published In 1743, when he held a popular. weekly publishea, and is onlv One Dollar a year. It las now over 100.000 sub- government office In Ireland. Towards the scribers. Specimen copy nncl prize. list sent clcae· of his life he revised it and included frea. Address 'I'm;; M.HL, '1'9ron~o, C>tnu.<la. other popular games, Orono Pump.Factory. several in11tances of officlal dishonesty in Russia. She aii.ys that one day while the E mperor and Empress were examlnln.g tb.e j ourna.l of the household expenses, " thoy there found entered day after day a b ottle of rum for the nae of the Cz1uowfoh. Bun Grand Duke Alexander was even now only 12 yoars old ; why did he need a bottle of rum dally 1 Had he, perb11ps, s. secret inclination for grog deWe have the EXCLUSIVE sale of these Watches, which cannot be aplte hia extrs".Ile youth t Dreadful 1 Yet, beaten for time. however far the a larm ed pi\rents looked lo t be j onrnal, even to t he e&l'llest We have a reason t o be thankful for past favors duting forty yea:va babyhood of the h eir a.pi;erent, a bottle in business here. of rum for the Cz11.r owioh was charged everyday. Nay, woree, this bottle waa Now our stock is one of the largest in the Dominion and we will even marked o n the day of,h!s birt h , and, indee_ d , for very many days and before he was borl!. At t he strange riddle was solved. It turned out that on D ecembel' 16, 1787, the bQdy physician regarding no man, either Jew or Gentile. order ed for the then Cza.rowbh, .Alexa.oder Paolowitch, a teaspoonfµl of rum for FRIENDS, WF< lllEAN BUSINTESS, toothaohe, and a bottle of rum had been fnrnlahed for the· purpoae ~y the chief butler. Owing to' t his one teaspoonful of rum the court had to pay for 16,000 bot· tles of t he liquor ln the course of forty· 9-3m three years. After this dieblosure the Czar Nicholas made a contract with a purveyor to fnrnlah the board for his fam · Uy and his whole court, even down to the stable boy." Mla5 Bauer tiel111 another story illuetrahlve of 'the same weakness. 0 'lthe occasion of bhe annual consecration of the Neva., she the commandant oE the fortrena fills a cap with watar from the Pumps Cheaper and Better river and hands ·it to t he Czar. The latthan ever, ter waves it around his head, and after emptying it to the weal of H oly Russia., The Subscriber having h~ilt a. large neli retarn11 t he cup filled with gold to the STAKD:-Town Hall Building, one door east Ont. Bank. happy commande.nt. "It ha.d been Pump Factory i n Orono, is prepared for merly tho custom for t h e Empero1· to - to furnishfill the glaBs whn duce.ts t o the brim. But as t he gl!\ss was observed ~o grow in size He has all the best grades of from year to yea.r, and the Emperor ha.d With or wit.hout Porcelain Cylinder, (JI to ever greater qu~otltiee of wathe Best Material, on t he short·:Jl!t notict ter, Nicholas finalty limited bhe sum to 200 ducat~, because, he said, he feared and at the lowest prices. that is manufactured. he would eventually have!) to bolt quite a. Cistern Tubs and Pumps supplied. pi:.ilful of water and to fill it up with gold.." He has in stock all kinds of General Groce1ies, Coarse and Fine Salt, ROCKFORD AND AURORA -WATCHES. Sell Cheaper than the Cheapest, AARON BUCKLER. Wedding Rings in great variety. C. M. CA Grocer, Butcher and Provision Merchant. KER, A complete stock always on hand .. PUMPS OF EVEJ:fY DESGRIPTIOtr ~~LL~B'~ ANf~ ~~QOO~ ~~Q)lQr~ -- ALL WORK GUARAHTEED "Charles," said MrP, Spendall, "I s11ow ~beautiful costume to-day, and I should hke It ever and ever eo much !" "And I should like yon to have It," replied Charles; "but, really, Clara., I haven't the money to spare." "Oh, you great tease I I know better than tba.t. I saw a. bran new cheok book In your desk only yesterda.y, and not one of ihe checks had been used." American and Canadian Coal Oil, Bran, Shorts, Oats and Chicken Feed Crockery and Glassware, Fresh and Cured Meats, Sausages and L a'of hi's own make and rendering. His life-time experience in the ar · 1 l' 11 d Meat Department enables him to supp Y a qua ity unequa e . The Grocery Department under the supervision of Mr. John Allin is . ' h d k t · t k d' 1 of the very best quality. ~o tr.a s or poor goo s ep m s. oc , ~as only in the best goods, which will be sold at the lowest possible pnces. ! Your patronage will be thankfully received. Goods delivered to all parts o~ ~he town on. short notice, A call solicited, Cash :for But1c1·, Eggs, Rides, Tallow, Beet, Pork ar..., k so!'1~bo!:t~~~YN~h rr~1!n~nJ0ti!'eerE~~~i~ maux, " T he E equimaux are not remarkable for neatness olea.nlinese, a.a they neither wash themselves nor their children more than onoe a. year." "Oh, ma," said Mrs. Peterby's little boy, "how I wish you was an E aqui-ma and pa was an Esqui·pa ! Them's the kind of pa.rents I need." ·R. FERGUSON~ all Fa1·m Produce. STAND:-Town Hall B'ld'g. C. M.CAW'

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