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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1926, p. 2

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PAGE TWO STEAMSHIP TICKETS M. A. JAMES Te Ensope-Cansdian Pacifie, White Star Dominion, Cunard, America. Ask for information. Phone 58' Stateeman Office, Bowmanville. Wbatever The Machine we use on yaur job--whether the lathe, planer, elaw, polisher, etc.- it is sure ta ha the best ai its khid. No machine shop can boaat ai bot- ter equippionit fer speciai jobs than ours. And aur mechanîca are ex- pert at their jobs. RATCLIFF MACHINE SHOP King St. E. Bowmanyf le Phone 425W HARRY WAGNER Hamburg Conservatory of Music Toronto Teacher of Hawaiian Guitar, Ukuiele, Tenor Banjo Starting Spring and Sununer Classes on March 3lst., 1926 Studio over Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's Store Miss Audrey Nokes for informa- tion King Radios Batteries Tubes Loud Speakers and Radio Supplies RADIOLA ILIA FOR SAL.E L. F. Irm IeIEYES SUN. INfDSTCINDERS NZNH5DED( OLD W BTDRUGOUJTS 4&OPTICIANS .'eu F g v£CAR£S 500 bv. ulis CO C00J 8jx MONUMENTAL ART WORKS ESTABLISHED 1857 Importer direct of SCOTCH AND SWEDE GRANITES and oni> the. best grade& of VERMONT BLUE MARBLE 1 empioy no cemetery caretakers as agents preferring te seil my own gooda thus saving the purchaser the agent'a commission. A caîl soiicited. F. H. BOUNSALL Proprietor Bowm.nvlli Pboue 826W Box 94 CHIROPRACTIC DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honor graduate ai Toronto C practic College wiil be lu office Temperance Street, Bowman' Tuesday, Thunsday and Satui aiternoon and evening. Phci Office 141J; Residence 141W. Residential calîs made at Hamp Newcastle and District. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honon graduste in Dentistry Torc University. Graduate ai the M College of Dental Surgeons ai taria. Office King St., Bowmani, Office phono 40. House phone DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate ai Rayai Dental Coi]f Tononto. Office, King St. East, B manville. Office hours 9 a. mn.t p. m. daily except Sunday. PI 90a. House pbone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honon graduate ai Toronto 1 vensity and member ai Rayai Coll ai Dental Sungeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Dori ion. Dentistry in sîl ite branci Office-King St., Bawmanvilie, posite Bank ai Mantroal. Phoneo LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LI- D Barrister, Solicitor, Notany Money ta boan on Fanm and Tu Praperty. Royal Bank Buildi Bowmanvilie. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Succeasor to lste D. B. Simpson, K. Barister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank ai Montreal Money ta Loan Phone Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for sa Offices-Bleakley Block, KingS Bowmanville, Ontario. Phont Office 102, Rouge 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS Co. Complete Motor or Horse Equipme Ail cails promptly attended ta. Private Ambulance Bowmanville Phones 10 and 34 Branch Stores-Orano & Newcazt] ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embaimer and Funeral Directc Calis given prompt and personala tention. No extra charge for di tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowma: ville, Ont. 8-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M Goid Medalist of Trinity Universit Toronto. Four years attending Ph: sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carm Hospital, Pittsburg, Kg. Office ai Residence, Wellington Street, Boi manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collegi Toronto, formerly of Enniskillk Office and Residence, Dr. Beiti former residence on Church Stree- Bowmanvilie. Phone 259. 44- VETERINARY DR.* F. ". TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Dayo Night calis promptiy attended tc Office: King St. East, Bowman vii]E Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc Orono Honor Graduate af University o: Toronto. AIl cases given promp and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty Terms mnoderate. Enniakilien P. 0 Phone 197r3. 1-tf ,hiro- se on mille, irday nes: pton, ronto oyal On- ville. D22. ege, Bow- ta 6 hone Uni- [lege ta Mn- -Îes. op- 301. oWfl ling,j C.C. 91 ile. St., es. ýent be tor.c at-s lis- f an- -ti. c a ity, t hy-b nel P ndl e )w- b: r ge, et, b] ý-t. a] te ci or a o.m le. a Tn diu of th Pt - ne ýs: MI inj or ceý St, y. f. WILLIAM MAW Licented Auctioneer Having met with considerabie suc- ceas in conducting sales for tbe past 19 years, I now offer my services ta the people ai Bowmanville and vic- inity. For terms and dates see F. O. Mason, Bowmanville, or phone 288, Whitby, Ont. 12-t. AUCTIONEER & REAL ESTATE NORMAN MONTGOMERY 18 years' experionce, ail classes of auction sales, pure bred stock a speciaity. Business addreés: 406 Bloor St. W., Phone Trinity 1832; Residence: 269 Haveiock St., phone Lombard 2933, Toronto. 41-6m5 15 COMICS IN COLORS IN THE DETROIT SUNDAY TIMES Get your copy at A. L NJCHOLLS, BOOKSTORE lOc Per Copy BARGAINS IN WALL PAPERS Bei are orderng your Wall Faper give me a cali, as 1 have a large selection of new papers at best prices, also apecials. Phone 431. J. H. ABERNETHY Concession St. Bowmaztviile SFrank Converse Smith Teacher of Violin In Bowmnanvilîe on Flridays, at Dr. Reaman'a, Corner Temperano. and Low. t., phone 293 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL lat., 1926. THE EDITOR TALKS A f ew weeks ago we summsarized a valuable article by Mrs. Alice Burreli Irvine in SUCCESS, the Human Magazine, on "Diet Sin- ners". Mrs. Irvine's second ar- ticle oaf the series appears in April SUCCESS-25c at news dealers and bookstores or $2.150 a year--4ihe title being "You Are What You Eat". Again Mrs. Irvine ays many use- fui, helpful, praectical tiîngs on foods, balanced rationis, etc., tbat are weU ta know. We sball en- deavor ta present inany of her statements in tabboid form. This article alone is worth the cost of the morethiy number. Senoca, philosopher, saîd: Man doos fnot die, he kilis hiniaelf. Folk are today killing themselves through faulty eating. Authorities agree that wrang food causes the mai ority -of ills. Unwise eat too freely af tempt- ing food and sickness resuits. Laws of nutrition are simiple but are very frequontly vioiated. Nature is handicapped by aur ig- norance af food values and uses. W!hat we eat is the supreme fact- or to us in life and health. Materials for growth, repair ener- gy and health are not used be- cause we know so tragically little about food and how it is used in the- body. Witbout fresh milk, orange juice or cod liver ail, plus sunshine, a child is hiable ta have ricketa or other deficiency diseases. Without whole wheat, bran or roughage, fresb ripe fruits and vege- tables9 there is self-poisoning with al' its attendant ilîs. Without food-aminerals the te3ýth, bioad and bones wiUl suifer and bad- ily functions, will be interfered wieh; and without vitamins there can be no growth nor health. Nature given tube chance she needs will keep us in good healtb. The eleunenta the body needs and found in natural ftoods are: Proteins --4o build and re-pair flesh and muscle; carbohydrates ta suPply on- ergy; fats ta make heait.; mineral salts for teeth, bones, andi ta aid brain and nerves; wator 8 glasses per day; and vitamins withrout which [if0 cannot ho supported. Chief flesh and muscle builders are tissue repairons are le'an meat, rnilk, eggs, fish, cheeso, dnied pos, beans, lentils and -nuts. Energy-producing fo-oda which give strength ta work and play are bread, cereais, macaroni, spaghetti, corn, potatoes, peas, sugar, haney, syrup, bananas, candy and dried n uits. 1 * * * Heat-making foods are fats in butter, margarine, peanut butter, cream, ice creain, creasu eheese, sai- ad ails, fat ai medts, fiish, chocolate and nuts. Food ta make strong bones and teoth, ta pu-t red corpuscles in the bload and ta regulate the body pracesses are minerai-saits in milk, eggs, fresh and dried fuits, (except boananas), dried peas, beans and lentiIs; green vegotabIes, salad plants, wholewheat, barley, brawn rice, carnmeal and bran. Pure water is essentiai to heaith -75 per cent ai the body's weigbst iwater. It aids digestion, makes' lood, regulates body temnper-ature nd assista in carrying off waste mat- ber. AIl foods contain watier espe- ýially fruit andI vegetahles. Vitamins is a very important ele-1 ment in food. vitamins ire found in mnilk, egg yokes, butter, nargorne, fresh fruit and vegertables in wbole grains. S&me ai these nust be eaten daily. Ripe fruits, green vegetables oi he ieafy kind and wbole grain pro- lcts are exceedîngiy important in e daiLy ration for roughage. Correct seleotions froni foc>ds smred must ho made for a praper oenu. Dy-spepsia is caused by over-eat- g, under-eating, eating irregularly îhuriediy and eating uinibal'anced ombinations. Meais muat be prepared on sy- ten; iack ai essential foods pro-I icoe sickness and deatb. Give the body nounishutent it needs eveny day ai the year-no haphazard ration. What 'bas boon explained about functions of pro- teins, carbohydrates, fats, mineral saîts and vitaimins will help ta make aur dnily food a balanced ration. We sbould ot twice as much pro- tomn as fat and about three tintes as 'much cnrbohydrates as prftein. Here is a simple day's ration: A pînt oi milk a day on its equivalent in cheese, custards, junket, ice creant, cocon, miik toast or creanied soupa and vegetables. Evieryone pat early childbood shauld bave two sal- ada every day af irosh raw, un- coaked inuit or vegotables such as slîsred oranges witb raisins, naw car- rat salad, raw toniatoos, radishes, an- ions, lettuce, grape fruit and celery salad, raw cahibage or cole-siaw. Eveny day there should bye at leat one liberal serving ai some cooked green, leniy vogetable such as spin- ach, kale cabbage, ,collards, turnip or beet tops, dandelion or other greens a scl as chard, Iambst tangue, etc., fanid wator cross in soason. These are the foods that cantnibute ta good henlth. Two substantial mnenla a day sbould iurniah. ample na'umisbment. If a persan eata two dinners a day dyspepsia or the undertaker wiIh evontualiy daim bu on hon. Brain wonkers need canly ligbt refreshment betwoen breakfast sund eivoning din- non. Beware ai evqr-ei 1gga any meal-have a care ion your stamach, liver and kIdneys. To bave a weii-balanjced diet, &pend! es much or more for inuit and vegetables as for mé4at aud ilsh; speus! as much for silk as ion meat and fish. Eat whobes'beMi breas! in prenence ta miueral-robbed white bread. Haive sanie raw foos! daily-lettuee, cabbage or celery. lihose wlwo est more tbon the minimum n*elessany to maintuain GLORIOUS EASTER HOPE 1 Hope does much for man. It echeers him under trial, atrengthens ahum in auffering, consoles him in grief and encourages bim te noble deeds. No soul la more te be pit. ied than a bopelesa soul. Hope helpa a man while ho lives and comiorts hbu when he dies. If the Christian's hope ai immortalitby sbould fail, it would he a discord among the harmonies ai hope fulfill- ments. But this hope wiU fliot fail; rather, it will ho a climax te fuIfill- monts. Christ has already fulfilled the ex- pectation ai propheta and the belief ai apostles. This is why Peter broke out in saeh a strain ai ec"ttic jay: "Bieased be the God aud Father ai aur Lord Jesus Christ, which, accord- ing ta bis abundant mercy, hath be- lgotten us again unta a li'vely hope by the resurrectian of Jesus Christ f rom the dead!" Well doos ho caîl it a lively hope. It is the liveliest hope whicb man cherishes. It gives more real glad- ness te millions of hearts than would millions ai fortunes witbout it. This hope is the o of a parents who. have buried thein hittle chiidren. It is the consolation ai child-ren who have laid their parents awaiy. It is the 9alace ai age, as physical strength declines, and tbe naturai body totora over the verge ai the tom'b. "I shahI live again". Thanlcful are we for such a hope. lIt makes lifo's burdens light, for tbey are nat ta ho borne always. lit makes life's mysteries plein, for we shall know bereatter. Withlout the rosurrectian, lufe is a puzzle' and death an enigma. Wi-th the resur- retion bath prablemas are solved and wo realize that existence is thbe highest boan. Eagtor calis aur attention ta fut- ure experieuces, not only te wha, shahl ha hereaft or, but ta wha mat ho ere we re'ach the hereeite. This ear-th is not aur resting place-ý everyone must take beave ai it. What shaîl be aur experience in the flight heiyond these shores? In almeet every social meetingi aged saints wbo have tru-sted Christ and found him preci eus ail their lives, toditify te the inward con- ge-iausne1scs that religion is their rich- est comiort and brighitest hope. It is as co'mforting ta live by as ta die by. lit is an experience for ail tinte and for eternity. Listen ta the aid Christian pilgrim wilth se much music in -bis soul that ho must sing. Hear bum as he voices his favorite hyznn:I My race is nearly run, My earthly trials now are pat, My triumph la begun. Haven't yau made a nitake, aged one? You are in. the body yet. Yau are on e'arth yet. Triumph begun hene? Yes, "Triumph is bo- gun"p. O Yes, that is. scriptural. I hear Paul the aged in a prison celI sbauting se that ail the centuries ntight knaw, "I have f ouglit a good fight, 1 have finishod my course, 1 have kept the faith, henceiorth there la laid up for me a cnown ai eternal lii e". Sa the aId saint goos on witb bis sang of triumph aes ho ings: I know I ant neaning the henvenly ranks, 01firiends and kindred dean, For I've brushed the dewe af Jord. an's banks, The cnassing muet be nean'. Blessed and! glariaus Eesiten hope! St. Thomas, March 23, 1926. D. R. THE MAN WHO HAS WON (By L. L. Abbott) I want to waik by the aide of a man wiho has suffered and seen and knows, Who bas measured bis pace on -the battie uine and given and taken the blows, Who bas neyer wbined when the scheme went wrong nor scoffed at the faiiing plan- But taken bis dose withl a beart of trust and the iaitih of a gentle- man; Who has parried and struck and sought and given and scarred with a tbousand speas- Oan lift his head ta the stars of beaven and isn't ashamed of his tears. I want to grasp the hand of a man Who has been thr¶ough it ail and seen, Who has waiked witb the night of an unseen dread and stuck ta the world-macbine, Who has beaten his breast to the winds of dawn and thirsted and starved and feit The sting and the bite af the bitter blasts that the mouths of the fouI have deait; Who xvas tempted and feli, and rose again, ýind has gone an trusty and true, With G.od .upreme in bis manlY heart and his courage burning anew. I'd give my al-be it littie or great -to walk by his aide today, To stand up there with tAie man who bas known the bite ai the burning fray, Wiho bas gritited bis teetli and cien- cbed bis fuit, and gone on doing bis best, Beicause of the love for bis fellow- man and the faitih in bis manly brest, I iWould love ta walk witbhum, band in band, together jaurneying along For the man who bas fouglht and struggled and won is the mnan wbo can make men strang. As a vermicide an excellent pre- paration is Mother Graves' Worm Exter-minator. It has saved the lives of countless children. heaith, who indulge in afternoon teas and! midnight suppers, are slow- iy but sureiy laying up trouble for themselves-bodLy inifixmities which resuit frornegces of poisonous wasfte maiter In the blok>d, gout, rheumatism, high blood pressure and many other trouble. REV. JOHN KENNER PASSES yFormer Bowmanville Minister Reach- ed Hi. Ninetieth Year. Net many oi aur readors will re- memaber when Bey. John Kenner was 5the able minister ai Bo'wmanville 1Bible Christian Churcb, for it was 1back ln the 70's and 80's not long before the union ai the Bible Christ- ians and Motiadista. Mn. Kenner was a strang preac:her and a farceful 3writer and his name was a household word throughout the denoamination in those days for ho was a frequent contributen ta tlge colurans ai The Observer, the arga aoi the Bible Christian Church in Canada, publish- ed in Bowmanville and edited in the 70's by Bey. Cephas Barker, aur father in jounnalisin. Few oi the Bible Christian iministers remain, buit tiwa are stilI living in, Bowman- ville-Bey. W. S. Pascoe, D. D., aven 90 years ai age and Bey. W. H. Spargo at whose home Dr. Paseoe nesides. The Landau Daily Advertiser ai Marcb 24, carried this despatch: Bothwell, March 23-Be. John Kenner died this merning in his 90th year ai ten an iliness ai one monsth. Mr. Kenner wes a Methodist minister and at one time held a change in London. Born in Corniwall, England, the late Mn. Kenner came ta. Canada in 1871, and for upwenda ai 70 years bad ntinistered in England and the Dominion in Methodiat circles. An active man aillbis lii e, Mn. Kenner was only taken ill a montb before bis dentise. He was well known in this city and in Ontario, having held charges at Oshawa, Bowrmanville, Cobourg, Clinton, Tnow'bridge, Lou- don and Bothiwell. He lied reaided in Bothwell for many yeara. The ato Mrs. Kenner predeceas- ed her huabans! in 1914 at Peterboro. Sunviving memfibers i the family coni!it ai two sons, J. H. Kennen of Stratiord and W. H. Kennrofraimai- ilton; rwo daughters, Mns. (Rev.) S. J. Tbompson ai Watford, Ont., and! Mns. (Dr.) W. R. Bell, Regina, are aiso liing. The late Mn. Kennor, the ast ai his lino, bnd two brothers, bath now deas, who ives ta, advanced ages, Rev. William Kennor, Methodist ministor, wbo died at Peteboro, in bis 85th year, and Bey. Henry Ken- ner ai Winnipeg, alsa a Methodisit. wha passed awatr aît Winnipeg at the age ai 86 years. Interment ai the ate Bothwell roside nt will taike place ait Oshawa, wbero hoe seties!an firat arrivalinl Canada fnion England se many years ago. Bey. Henry Kenner was Pastor an Hampton circuit ai the Bible Christ- ian Church in 1873 and! marries! the wniter and! wife ait Enield, one of his reguhar appointuments, in Oct- aber ai that year. Bis eider brother, Rev. William Kennpr, wbose wiie was alsn a very acceptable prencher, was statienes! at Tynone in Inter years. Mn. J. Herbert Kenner carnres! on a book, stationery aud nowa business for several years lu Bo"wanvilie In what was thon known da Variety Hal-the building no'w knowu as Coronation Cuis. Mr. Keuner mec- ceedes! Mn. Thomas Yelo'wieenl Vaiety Hall. Principal H. R. H. Kenuer, B. A., ai Peterbora Collegiate, is son ai tube laite Rev. and Mms. William Ken- ner. BIG DOLLAR OFFER t We want ta add 200 new sub- Bscribers ta aur already large iist 1and make this liberal offer: To any persan who bas flot been a subscriber ta this journal for one year, who will send us One Dollar, The States- sman will be sent fram April 1 ta 9January 1, 1927, ta any post office in rCanada or Great Britain. To United 1States 40c extra. This means nîne -full montbs for a dollar. Enclose a dollar bill with the address and we wiil do the rest. M. A. James & Sons, Bowmanvilie, Ont. FARM CROP EXPERIMENTS Dr. C. A. Zavitz, Agriitultural College, Guelph, Ontario, reports rthat 2832 Ontario iarners con- kducted experiments with field crapa an tibeir own fanms in 1925. The number is încreasing main year ta year. Choîce seed ai soine ai the beat varieties is being diatributed now free ai coat. Any fariner wha asies for it may bave tbe seed for an eicperimont wîth one of the classes ai farn cropa such as oats, field corn, mangels, turnipa, alialia, sweet corn, etc. Tbe distribution will likely continue woll into Apnil or until the supply ai seed ai the differont crops is exhausited. These c1o-&peratrve tests af the Experimen- tai Union have greatly increased croip-yields making Ontario outstand- ing in tbis respect. WEATHER 30 YEARS AGO Mn. J. T. Hooper bhas bandod same information that he gathened fnom an old diary that will bo in- teresting ta aur roaders: On March 28tb., 1890, tbe heav- lest fali of snow was experienced for tbe winter. On Friday, Manch 20, 1896, theremoimeter was at zero; heavy snow fýtorm; G. T. R. trains staIld; one train ai livo stock stali- ed at Bow'm-anviille station; a nuin- ber ai hogs irozen or starved ta death. King Street bbocked; a gang ai men ýare sbovelling out a road for teams through the business part of King Street. The ahovelers goit 10e per hour for their labon. On Saturday, March 21st., stili cold; the G. T. R. yesterday and ta- day bave a big gang af men shovel- ing the snow, off the railway and have boosted the pay to 12½hc per hour; the demand for ssnow shovels cieaned out thie town supply; expect ta have the raad cleared by mid- night. No mail yestorday or te- day. L. G. GREENAWAY King St. East Bowmanville 'I Il VZST 50 MUARS AGO AND STIU. V!M= Poýù&r vit]% Execurtives and Typicte. a" l ta b REUWTON )EODEL 12 It la by fer the easisst Typawriter to oper- &te. It reeponds swiftly ta the lightsst touch. The. beauty et Its type adds distin- tion to letters. It is built of durable iateriale, and the. construction ios« per- foot as hwmn ingenuity can devise, You cau buy a Rwdngton Model 12 cm Aa terme, and we will tako your preseutamchias as part paymeut lune«change. For particulArs aigu and =1 this advertisment to us, REMINGTON TMPIRITER cOUAlI 0P CANADA LIMIED J. A. Wfhs, Pr.v4cabw q~SKing StreetW.t, Tjmg8 9-- amaumungumm =1 LUt Your Banker Collect [t IF you wish to collect a debt from a party i another section, you can have our banker draw a draft on him at sight or for a given time. This wMl be presentcd thrugh bis local banker as request fo~r payinent from you. When your draft is paid it is turned over to the payer. It is bis receipt for an account paid. This is onl>' one of the numerousways in which the Bank of Montreal can b. of service to its 4 BanAk bMSmdI Accounts Arc Weléme" BANK 0F rnMONTREAL Established 1817 Be Fair to Your Family and Yourself A modern bathroom equipment is no longer considered a luxury-it is a necessity. For health's sake and for your own comfort and convenience you should have sanitary plumbing in your home. Cost of installing is now within the reach of the man of moderate means. NEW LINE 0F FURNACES In a few days we will have a new line of furnaces on display. Be sure to see them. THIS IS EAVESTROUGHING SEASON Better leave your order early as the big Spring rush is already at hand. 1 . 1 ý 'L.

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