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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Apr 1926, p. 4

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PAGEFOURTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THFURSDAY, APRIL lat., 1926. CARD OF THANKS -U. F. 0. MEETING Providence Farinera' Club will Mi-. D. Galloway wislhes ta thank meet in Shaw's School on Tuesday, the Superintendant and nurses of April 6th. Prograni of special ;n- Boiwmanville Hospital for ki.ndnesslterest ta Fruit Growers. shown hie wife during ber recent 0. R. Bx-agg, H. E. Gabom-e, illness there ana ta the friends andI President. Sec'y.-Treas. neighbors for their symnpathy and_______ kindness. 13-1* - GEO. PRITCHARD- THE HANDY LITTLE SHOP PARTICULARLY ÂROUND HOUSECLEANING TIME Lots of people dont know jugt ail we seil in thia littie shop of Our-s. go we're go4ng to tel you and invite you te cal: WALL PAPEJk Best makea on the mnarket. BEST PAINTS Glidden'a Painte, Varnishes, LAcq. FLOOR WAX Johnson's, also Catie Wax ALABASTINE It can't be beat for waiia and ceilixxgs. FLOOR POLISHER Electrie Floor Polisber te iest by ho'ur or day. SCHOOL SUPPLIES Scribblers, Drawing Books, Writing Books, Exmriition Tablets, Paniils, Erasere. PAINTER AND DECORÂTOR That's my job. G. Pritchard B*wmanviile I4 4Abm àAî For Easter Ai-e here in aIl the new shades. This friendiy Up Stairs Fur Shop Welcomes You Our Furs are made on the premises and the maker can save you maney. Se. Our Display QUALITV FURS aandcluranteed Repars BOWMANVILLEAOrT. A New Dairy Pail at a Popular Price See the new SMP Dairy Pail iiext time you are in town. They are made of special quaI- ity. high inished tin, have large dairy psul eare, riveted with large rivets, soldered out this advertisement. Show it to your regular dealer. He has aur authority to, give you a special low price on a pair of these fine pails. DAI R Y PAILS 174 MAPLE GROVE Miss Roberta Philp, Cobourg, spent the weekend with Mrs Samuel Snowden.... Miss Rena Maynard, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. R. R. Stevens' .Fi- lowing are the officers o! the Sunday Schooi Board: Hon?. Supt.-Thos. ijnow- den; Supt.-H. G. Preeman; Asst. Supt. -J .D. Stevens: Missionary Supt.-Mrs A. Laird; Cradie Roii-Mrs. F. Swallow; Home Dept.-Mrs. J. D. Stevens Tem- perance-M. M. Munday Jr.; Secretary -Ciliford Swaiiow: Asst. Do-Wm. Brown; Treasurer-Truman Power; Lib- rarian&-John Caliaghan, Mrs. C. Green- ham, Elgin Munday; Pianist-Edna Swaliow; Asst. do-Mabel Stevens; Teachers-Bibie Class-C. H. Snowden; Asst.-Mr. J. D. Stevens; Wi(le Awace- Mr. A. Laird; Ast.- J. D. Stevens; Busy Workers-Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Ast- Mrs. C..ý C. Washington; Inter noys-H. R. Foley; Asst.-Lloyd Snow- den; tnt. Girls-Mrs. F. Swaliow; Asst. -Mrs. A. Laird; Jr. Inter-Ross Stev- ens; Ast.-Edna Swaliow; Primary- Mrs. Sam Snowden; Asst.-Mrs. M. Mun- day .... Officers of Wide Awake Ciass: President-Clarence Hockcin; Secretary- Bert Morciock; Treasurer-Reginald Taylor; Teacher-A. Laird; Ast.-J. D. Stevens. .... Officers of Aduit Bible Ciass -President-John Snowden; Secretary- Mrs. Rose Stevens; Treasurer-Miss Ethel Ax!ord; Teacher-C. H. Snowden; IAsst.-J. D. Stevens; Flower Committee -Mrs. C. H. Snowden, Mrs. J. D. Stev- ens, Mrs. M. M. Munday, Jr.... .Mr. F. Swailow spent a !ev days this week with relatives in Toronto. Misses Con- stance Seward and Annie Laird had their tonsiis removed in Bowmanviliej Hospital on Satumday Both are 'bing nicely. Miss Elva Orchard. Ennlskilien, spent Sunday with Miss Rets Power. Ives' Profit Sharing Sale Saves you money on Footwear. TYRONE Special Eastex- services Sundey at 10:30 a. m., conducted by Pastox- Down. Subjact: "The Risen Christ". Special Eastex- music W~ choix-. Easter prograi at Sunday Schooa.... Wuni- an 'a Msisonary Society will haxd their reguler Easter services at 7 p. ni. when the sacred drania the Challenge of tbe Cross wii ha given by the niambers. Singing betwaen acts, and a short address by the Pestai- an "Was there a rasux-rec- tion"? Thank-offaring will be taken .... Special meeting of Church Board at Mx-. A. H. Brent's on Mon- day avenig .... Mu. Frank Hatherly bas retux-ned home f rom Oshawa whei-e ha undex-went an operation, and is spending a faw deys with Mx-. and Mrs. Han-y Hoaey, Bownianvilie. Mr. John Hathaxly left on Tuesday for Anigan. .Misses Florence Down, Margaret Moore and Kathleen Mc- Cullough and Messrs. Theodora Down and Bi-enten McCullaugh spent Mond4y afternoon in Oshawa. .The x-tux-ns are nearly canipleted for the Budget Fund, showing we have pesa- ed the $1000 max-k...Mx-. Harry Hooey and Mu. and Mrs. G. Cox-niah visited Mx-. and Mx-s. RL Hatharly. GladtI t hear Mx. Hathexly is able ta wox-k a..... .. Mxs. Geor-gie Phare and Mu Lorne Phare who hava spent the winter with friands have retux-ned ta theix- home in Gli'lden, Sask ...Women's Missionarv So- ciety will elact officers on Thui-sday, April lst.. .Young Peoples' League on Thuxsday night in charge cif lst Vice. Mx-s. Albert Huis has the topic "What Eastex- Means ta the Woxld". Ives' Profit Sharlng Sale Saves you moneY on Footwear. COURTICE Mr. and Mis. R. E. Osborne, Miss Louise and Master Nelson, Bowman- ville, spent Sunday with )benezer friends. GladtI t see theni with us again. ... Mr. Arthur Gay bas been laid up with influenza, but is re- covering mow. .Mu. W. E. Courtice is about the sainie. Wa are hoping for improvement .... Glad to k-iow Mx-. Geo. F. Annîs isje ata be home again af'teu about five weeks' in the haspital at Bowmanville.... We had twa excellent discourses an Siunday by aur Paater. In the morning his sermon was on "The Sayings an the Cross" and Mr-. Cyxil Weyrich sang the solo "Arise Shine for thy light is Caome" in gaod vaica. Cyril is leavïng us and gaing ta Oshawa. Ha will be much missed in the League and Chus-ch services, but we 'wish him succese. In the avening on Sunday Mi-. Washington pxeached his last sermon of the saries, the subjeo4t "The Midnight Cail" antI the tan virgins-five who were prepared with ail ini their lampe and the five who could not enter. His sermon waa vax-yimi- prassive. The boys' choir lad in the singing and gave two chai-uses which wex-a appreciatad h'y the large cx-owd ....Next Sunday will ha Easteî services and at Sunday Schopol a spa- cial Easter pi-ograrn wil ha present- d ..Last Sunday afternoan we had aur quartarly review which was tken up in a very able manner by Mx-. Alan McKeesock. Alan's way of giving a i-eviaw was very inter- esting and the scho>ol took quite an active part in discussing and answer- ing questions. . Ladies' Berean Class had a good meeting on Wednesday when the follawing new officaus wera elacted: Piesident-Mus. L. J. Couxtice; ist Vice-Mrs. A. J. Ga'y; 2nd Vice-Mis W. R. Courtice; Rec. Sei'y.-Mrs. Chas. Found; Assistant do-Mis. Penbexthy; Treasurer- Mrs. A. E. Rundle; Pianist.-Mrs. W. R. Courtice. Mis. F. Wl Rundla gave a part of aur Study Baok which was vax-y inteuastiing. Ives' Profit Sharing Sale Saves you monay on Footwear. SOLINA Racent visitors:Miss Marias Rea- son, Columbus, at Mx-. lHrvey Hai-- dy's; Mus. John Vice and Mu. AI- geron Vice visited friands hare be- fora leaving fox- their borne in Strangfield, Sask.; Miss Edith Peard- on is with Mr. andI Mxs. M. A James, BowmanvMlie; Mr. Norman Yellow- lees visited friands in Bramnptan; Mix. and Mus. Chai-lie Bennett and famiiy, F've Painhaý, at Mx. Gaul Wilbur's; Mr-. H. E. Tink and son Clarence, visited Columibus friands; Cauncillor S. Williams attended the fusai-aI of the late Devid Malcolmi of Lindsay on Monday... .Mr. Cecil Bush has accapted a position on the MeLaughlim farm, Columibus.. Mr. John Kival ad a succesaful wood ha. an Frday aftainoon. Massrs. A. L. Pascae, J. Baker, W T. Baker, A. J. Reynolds, A. Ayre, S E. Weriy and R. J. McKessack were guasts of Bowman'ville Rotary Club at their banquet os Friday evening. The speaker of the aven- ing was Prof. J. B. Reynoldo, Presi- dent of O. A. C., Guelph, an aId Sa- lina Boy, cf wham we are jua;tly preud..League meeting Mon day evaning was in charge af Presi- dent Chas. Shoxtridge. New offiéers are: Hon. President.-Rav. J. R. Bick; President-Mi-. Chas. Short- ridga; let Vice-Mus. E. R. Taylor; S2ind Vice-Mus. R. J. MeKessock; SALEM 3rtI Vice-Mu. Percy Dawell; 4th Vice-Miss Kate Crydenninan; Sec'y. A very pleasant evening was spent -Miss Ruth McKessock; Treasurai et the home cf Mu. and Mis. F. Mc- -Mx-. E. R. Taylor; Sae'y. cf For. f.ndo on Priday, Max-ch 19, whan ward Mavement-Mr. ETrest De. labout eighty cf their Salai friands jbarr. A short prograni followed. andI neighbous gathax-ed ta bid thani Bible study by Mis. A. J. BaIson; fax-ewall are they left for thaix- naw Piano solo, Mis. Isaac Hardy; read- home et Renwick's Corner,, Mm. Hilton Tink; vocal duet, Rev. J. W. Down was chairman f.>x- Messr-s. Normas and Jesse Van Nest. the occasion andI aflter a fa.w intro- Next Monday evesing the tapic will ductory ramax-ke calletI on Miss Effie ha takan b7 Mrs. (Rev.) J. R. Bick, RutIedge wha reatI the following "What Easter Means te the Wold", addi-ess: A gond progi-antisia hing prepared Mr. and Mrs. Mcindoo, Rteby ,ad varybody welcome. Ives' Profit Sharing Sale Saves Yeu J0mi:Morley on Footwear. Ocar Friends:-The people of Salim________ neighborhood have gathered fiere, l n your beuse to-night to tender yo)u, each and ail, a little token o! farewell ENNISKILLEN befora Yeu leave aur midat to make ynur .1home ln the neighboring community. Vatr:Ms leSnasni BoME:eleght or fine yeers ago Yeu came . istr:MsOlaSneo s - among us as perfect strangers, but It vsîtîng her grandmotfler, Mn. Wm. was net long befoma you seeemed, nat- Oka; Mus. John Pye lied a pleasant uraily. to find ynur place here, and to visit &t Mis. Frank Orchard's; Mx-. become oeao! the moet espect.ed and highly eteemed familles tin the nalgh- 0. L. Byers, Taronto, is visitàng hie borhaod. fethex-, Mi. Nathan Byers; Mr-. B-azil As we becamne better acquainted we Graw1bagei-, Rentou.le, epesit the have discovered ln each one of Yeu, soine weekand at Mx-. Thos. Stavenson's; of thé most admirable virtu es. Yeu Nave shown yourselves tw ha gond Mis. W. O. Herring spant Tues- nelghbors, haîpful and useful citizens. day with bar cousin, Miss Aninie aiways !ound ln the support of rigutMx whether ln local or ln public questions. Matin, Buxketos, who is recovering We mke o atemt ai fltteingfront a severe i.lness at the home of whan we eay, You seai tea pecîaîîze in Mus. Shoxt-idge .... Mr-. Gordon anc rare quality, that o! conistency Werx-y visited his unole, Mr-. Miltas wIth profession. Genlemosity, le another, Werry, Os.ha'wa. Hie nvin f riands outstanding teatura. Whatever Mr' and Mme. Melndoo undartake la always done will ha gladtIet know that elies im- wlth lavlsh hand. We are sure the puoving afteu hie savere ilinese. . boys and girls o! Mrs. Moîndoon Sunday Succassful sawing bees were heltI et Scheel Clase wlll net !nrgat the teachingM and exemple you have given thamn. Mr. R C. Ashtos's andI the United We regret vary îuch that lii-health Church ... . New officax-s of League and other cîrcumeatances have kept Yeu are: Hon. President--Barv. E. M. at home se much this wîntar. but we Cooke;PridnEnat We-y assure you that yeu have a valuable rsdn-E Rt W ry and tmuty substitute In your daughter lst Vice-Frank DorlantI; 2nd Vice Joele, whose bright and win&omne nat- -Miss Maudie Acton; 3rd Vice- ure oannot help but andear hem te ail Roy MGl;4hVc-r.Gro she meets. And te Ruby we wish teo se y MGl;4hVc- .Gro we shah not forget ynur faith!ui attend- Jaffary; 5th Vice-Miss Mae a mb; ence at church and Sunday School. AI- Se'y.-MisS May Wex-uy; Trea.- waye se sensitive and eager te (Io the Miss Gladys Stainton; Lb.Mc heip!ul and klndly act. We ail hava ieaaned to lova you and shall continue Annie Oke andI Mu. John Slemon, Jr. te (Io so e-en iî'len we (Ir, not so'e Yeu Ratiring Presidlant, F'rank Dorland, se oftCii We hope Yeu will always look thenked the Leaguar.s fox- theix- co- back upon Salai with kind thought% and te sec you amnong us vemy oýen n operation tbîu the pest year the future.1 Sunday evening aur pastor's inter- New, wn would ask l'eu te accept thise sting and instructive discourse wns gi!t o! China. togethor with our gond kased os "The Church". Goond mu-ic wishes for future joy and prosper'ity in youm new home. Signedin b.half of vas rendex-c< by the choir.Mr-. Saic'm-Mrs. Alex. Wilins, Mme. F. L. Wilfrad Sandex-son is beaming -iith Squai m, M rs. C . C o iiacott, M e. W . G . sm iles th ese d a y s. It's a fine b o y ! prm.nep me. MIdemd'apo bad roads ihe W. M. S. were unable A progmam o! speeches, longa, ecita- te v isxt Hampto n on Wednesday tiens and Instrumentais waH "n'l're . .On Easter Monday the W. M. S. Thi> emnndpr o! the evening ivas setwl serve supper from 6 to 8 P. M. in nuiueand gara c9. Tii e la dia.rmeii h' neot ftcchrh refeshent I tht ielito! ail,and i h.b.eeto h hrh eyn ned thýiev- te tilt! ut-, splendid progrmn wilI bx- given. Mrs Most. "Iliipî),y te m,'et, sommy te c)ari". I (Rey.) J. U. Robins, Toivn, will b. On S'undaîy, 11bamch 28th., Mmcr. Ncln-Ithe speaker of the avening. Mis. doo's Sundlay Selloont('lase véry gen r-R. Thonipson an d Mx-s. A. W. Pick- ously remnembemed their tleacher with a !areweil aîldress and some beautiful erd, Bowmanvilla, ahso local talent tokens. It being the tast Sunday they1will assist in the musical puograit. wouid me6t las teacher and ciass. %Ime. Sle-cleto.AlaeIvt Mclndoo treeted ail with home-ronde1 lvrcleto.A aenved... candy.. WiIl Roger-s visitad his Ives' Profit Sherlng sala sae... youiuncrle, Mr. H. Rogers priai- te hie îoney an Faotwaar. j i-tui-n ta hie home ia Caigary. PAGE FOUR day Party. The Prasident, Mrs. W. Adams, was in the chair and after sema comniunity singing led by Mus J. A. Gunn at the piano, the roll wae calîed, sorna respondi4ng with an Irish jake. Mis. Cameras gaveaa recitatian, Miss Marguerite Ai-ni strong rendered a piano solo antI Mus. Chas. F. Rice antI Miss Max-- gai-et Allin sang a couple cf Irish songe, alI cf which were much an- jo'yed. Miess1. G. Blirry of the Mothers Allowance Commission, who ia the. Investigator for District No. 11, gave a vary informative adI- duese explaining the nead fax- such a co'lmission, the work already ac- compliabad andI thé terme an whichi such aid niay ha obtained, whichws very interesting. Tee was than sai-vad froni emall tablas dacox-atedi te indicate the menthe of the yaar antI f'ran wh*ih was served tea, sandwiches antI cake toalal haiving a birthday in that particular nianth. Sae of the tables waue very at.- tractive antI received much favorable. comment. Birthday donatians amounted te $28.92. Next meeting April 30th in S. O. E. Hall, subject -"Opening aur .eyes te the wand-î ais cf Nature'". Miller's Worm Pewders work soi effectively that ne traces of worina can be found. The peosepass awayl in the stools witho'ut belng percept- ible. They make an entire and Ieýan sweep of the imtestines, and nothing in the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when these poiwders are in operation. Nathing oould be more tha'rougb or desirable than their action. MEN WANTED Eamn while learning, greateet paylng, tractes; Automobile Engineering, electri- cal, batteries welding, chauffeuring, bricklaylng, plastering, barbering. cata- logue free. Write Heniphili Govern- ment Chartered Schooie, Klps West, Toronto 2. 1- Auction Sale The undarsigned bas recaived in- strutcti.ons fuorn MR. JOHN CHOBOTAR to salI by Public Aucition et hNs farm Lot 23, Con. 2, Darlington (1 %~ miles East of Courtice on Kinlgaton Rd.) Monday, April 5th., 1926 AIl cf bis valuabi, Faim Stock, Im- plemants antI Household Furniture. The f ollowing stock: HORSES-1 Bey Horse, G. P., 6 yeax-s aId; 1 Brown' Herse, Perche-- on, 6 yeaus aId; 1 Bklck Mare, Clyde, in foal, due June l2th; 1 Driv- ing Hersa. CATTLE-1 Halseis Cow, Pure BuetI, due June 9; 1 Holstein Dux-- hem, due April l4th; 1 Holstein Jer-1 sey, due Mlarch 29th. IMPLEMENTS-MeCormick BintI- er 6 ft; Dei-ring Mowex-, 6 ft; 2 Wag- ons; Demeema-.t; Cutter; Heavy Sleighs Walking Plows; 3 Sets Harrows; Disc Harow; Bolier, Creamn Sepax-- ator. Cultivaîror; Seed Drill and a.thex- implements; 2 sets Teani Harnees; Capenters' Viwe Bench. FEED-250 bushel Cats; 50 bus- bel Buckwheat; andI a quantity of Hay. FURNITURE-Household Furni- ture andI other articles tee, numex-- ous ta mention. TERMS-Hay, Grain andI aIl sums of *15.00 and undar, cash; -over thaît anicunt 6 menthe' cuadit on approved notes with interest et 6%. F. 0. Mason, Wns. Maw, Clark. Auctioneer. Ives' Profi*t Sharing Sale Attracts Thrifty Shoppers We coxild tell you a lot of complixnentary remarka Our cuatoniers have been telling us the paet week about the wonderful shoe values we are givmng. But we want you to corne in and see for yourself that you cas now buy real dapendable Footwear at lower prices tbssx you ever bought thein befare. 1 MEN'S HIGH GRADE SHOES We 'have bunched about 6 lises of Men's Fine Boots in Black and Brown Goodyear Welta, bought te, sell at $8.00 te $9.00 a pair. Ml aizes in lot. Out they go PROFIT SHARING PRICE $6.98 2 MEN'S HIGH GRADE OXFORDS We have bunched these in two lot, are in Biack or Brown and sali regular at $6,00 to $7.50 and $8.00 to $10.00, while they last out they go PROFIT SHARINIG PRICE $4.98-$7.48 3 LADIES' HIGH GRADE SHOES These are new Spring gooda we baught to seli at $8.00 but during thia sale we aie gaing to lot theis go. New Pumpa and Strapeffects PROFIT SHARING PRICE $6.98 4 MEN'S FACTORY SHOES Light weight uppers and fairly heavy soles. Good values at $4.50, PROFIT SHARING PRICE $348 5 GIRLS' HIGH AND LOW SHOES Broken lines in Black and Brown Kid or caîf leathers, splendid for school and part~y use, PROFIT SHARING PRICE $2.68 6 INFANT'S WALK EASY SHOFS These are nmade with soft leather soles in 'weita. We have them in bath strap alippers and high ahoes, in patent, bîown and whLte. PROFIT SHARING PRICE $1.38 7 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES These were bought ta seIl at $3,50 pair, but for quick sale out they go at PROFIT SHARING PRICE $2.98 8 BOYS' FINE SHOES Every paix- made for real boys' wear, solid leather, sewed soles, some with rubber heels, broken sîzes. To clear PROFIT SHARING PRICE *ý398 9 YOUTHS' SCHOOL SHOE S AIl sizes, Black and Brown, out they go PROFIT SHARING PRICE $2.9t3 10 LADIES' OXFORDS $1.98 Ladies' Oxfords in sizas 2'A%, 3, 3'/%, Brown and Black leatheus, walted soles, regulax- pricas were $7.00 and $8.00, eut thay go PROFIT SHARING PRICE $1.98 11 LADIES' STRAP PUMPS AND OXFORDS Thasa ara frai soe of eux- best rnakas andI soe very handacine styles ara shown, saine ten different styles, in ana lot at PROFIT SHARING PRICE $3.98 12 MEN'S WORK BOOTS Men's Btrong work boote in Black and Brown, se'wn antI screwed sales, solid leether PROFIT SHARING PRICE $398 13 MISSES' LACE BOOTS This lot consists of Black and Brown Boots, siz., il ta 2, bf diffarant makas antI sizas ai-e brokan, BaguIer $3,50 and $4.00 PROFIT SHARING PRICE $2.98 14 MEN'S PLAIN TOE SHOES This is a special numbex- bought te sali at $5.00. A good ghae matIe te fit and waau. PROFIT SHARING PRICE $3.98 15 WOMEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS MatIe of KidI Leather andI low rubbex- heals. E E fittisg. A limnited number PROFIT SHARING PRICE $1.78 16 MISSES' OXFORDS AND STRAP SHOES Reliable niakes in Patent, Black Calf antI Brown, sewn soles. $3.00 to $3.50 values PROFIT SHARING PRICE $2.48 17 LADIES' HIGH GRADE SHOES This lot carnpriscd of strap shocs with high andI low heels in Patent, Black Kid and Caîf leathars andI bxown leathers ai-e taken from our hast niakas. Neyer soltI balow $7.00 pair- PROFIT SHARING PRICE $5.98 The Home 0f Good Shoes Phone 489 HAMPTON HAYDON e Our local correspondent omitted a re- Visitora: Misa Meta Ashton with port of the aplendid entertainment "a riednTrno M n i ranged by the Women's Institute on finsi oot; Ms March 17, when Tyrone Dramatlc clubl Chas. Garcd and Master Bruce re- Spresented their play "Bar Haven", tof centIy visited friends at Neatieton; a large audience. The play was wellM.E' given and musical numbers were rend- Mr li Mountjoy is quilte MI.... ered by the ladies chorus in "Spread aiDntfogteeto fofhesnx littie Gladneee". Mise Evelyn Brent Tuesday night. A good attendance favored with a gond solo "In the Garden* of My Heart". Piano 'luets by Misses as requeste .. Special Easter ser- rMary Brightwell and Mae Brent and vices wxll he held heTe on Sunday violin duet by Messrs. Skov and Wal- at 2:30 and 7:30 p. mi. Mr. Eugene lace Miss Mae Brent and Mmp. C. J- Beech of Sceugog, will bave charge of Keralake were accompanises and the programn was thoroughly enjoyed and bath services. Choir %wil furnish appreciated by the many persons In at- nxUSic. Special offering for church tendance. We must flot forget to men- fund ... League service on Sunday tion the beautiful St Patrick Day de- corattons of plstform for whch the eveiling iqsS in. charge of aur Liter- committee In charge des.ýrve praise. ary and Social Vice-President, Miss Door receipte were $50M which left overt Mabel Beehadaslni rga $24 each for Tyronp Dramatic Club and I ec n peddp-g-r our local Women's Institute. iw given. Mrs. John Willis and son. Toronto. arej Ives' Profit Sharing Sale Saves you visiting her parents, Mr. and Mre. Jno. money on FOotwear. Colwll, Sr., M~edowbrook Farm.. Women's Institute met recentiy at Mrs. W. W. Horn's with an attendance of about 40. A good program was given. A MNS R Tl' Music was furnished by community slng- D I ST A O ' Ing. Chorus by Mrs. W. . Ciemens, SA E0 RE LE T E Mrs. W. G. Doidge, Mre.S . Bate, r SA EO R ALE T E T. Wray and Miss Minnie Horn, accom- Prinied by Miss N. Horn at piano. Mrs There will be offered for sale by Bick favored with a nice piano solo. A, Publie Auctlon on Friday the 9th day gond paper on "Interlor Decoration jof April, 1926, at 2.00 P. M. at the was given by Miss M. Katerson and Rev! office of M. G. V. GOULD, Solicitor, Mr. Bick Interested everybody with hisý Royal Rank Building, at the Town of address 'How to make the mOst Out, Bowmanville, Ontario, by Theo. M. of Life". A eocial haîf hour at close Siemon, Auctioneer, on behaif of the a! meeting ended a pleasant and pro-i Toronto General Trusts Corporation, Ad- fitable atternoon. Next meeting onl ministrator of the Estate of James Bmn- Thursday, April Sth (next week) at Mrs, nett, Deceased, the following lande, A. B. Ferguson's. Ail ladies Invited. .1 nameîy: .Mr. W. R. Allun recently visited In PACL 2.Bok""ate Tregnto. rchmeeingof he . North East corner of King and Scugog Reguar ai-h me~îg a ~.e ,Streets, Bowmnanville, having a frontage M. S. waa held et the home of Mns. cf about Sixty Feet (60') on King St. by S. G. Niddrje. A splendid progran a depth o! One Hundred and Pive Feet waa given, and the follc>wing officers' ""0') on Scugog St., on which le erected atwo-etory brick building with a frame 1were elected: Preaideni-.Jifr. W.! bamnoin the rear. W. Horn; let Vice-Mrs. S. G. Bate; PARCEL 2-Part o! Lot 6, Block 1, 2nd Vice-Mi-s. F. C. Corden; Rec. I Prospect Street, Bowmanville, about Secretary-Mrs. H. T. Paters; Cor. Forty-Eight by Seventy-FIve Feet (48x & 75'), on which le erected a two-story Skirtary-Mrs. John Cowill;' brick dweling lyanxIe'-3ilI. F. G. Kerslake;i PARCEL 3-Lot 7, Block 6, Prospect Strangers' Se'y.-Mrs. (Rev.) Bick; Street, Bowmanviile, vacant lot con- Superintexident Mite Boxes-Mis'ý taining about One Acre. T. Salter; Sup. Slteîwardhip>-Mra.1 PARCEL 4-Part of Lot 43, Block M King Street, Bowmanvilie, having a S. G. Niddrie; Sup. Cradie Ro11i frontage on King St. of about Thirty- Mis. C. J. Kersiake. Next meeting Seven (ST') by a depth of about One will ha held at the Parsconage on Hundred and Sixty-Five Feet (165'). April 1Stb., at 2:30 P. nm. EACH PARCEL wiil be said espar- ately and subject to a rseerve bld and No matter how deep-rooted thel thoee rented will be eold eubject to the corn may be, it must Yield ta Hol- extsting tenancies and Parcels 1 afn 2 lowa'e oi- Reiove ifu~ - ni- Iwiii be eoid eubject to the exlsting mort- lowà's ornRemverif sedas ir-gages thereon the particulare o! wiiich ected. may be obtained frorn the Vendor'e Ives' Profit Sharing Sale Saves you' solicitor. money on Footwear. TERMS 0F SALE-TEN PER CENT' (10%) jin cash on the day o! sale and the balance within Thirty Days (30) there- after. For further particulars ami con- W. 1. BIRTHDAY PA.RTY 'litions o! sale apply to M. G. V. GOULD, _________Bowmanvtlle, Ont., Solicitor for Tor- onto Generai Trusts Corporation, Ad- Bowmanville Women~s Institute rinistrator of the Estàte o!f.amee Ben.ý held a pleasant social tim e Friday 1 nettdecea at Bo ma vile the 2n a y afternoon in the S. 0. E. Hall whenofMrh196 12-3 tii. meeting took the fox-n of a birth- cfMrh196 King St., East,Ives' Cash Shoe Store Bowmanville NESTLETON Mrm. Cécil L. Vealee and Miss Louis recently visited ber mother in Tarant... . Mi'.. James Samalîs vis- ited in Toronto lest week ... . Mr-. andI Mi-. George Jablim, Vaientia, were cvisitera with Mr-. and Mis. J. L. Joblin, firat af this wee... . Miss Ruth Pxoutt bas returnad home af- tex- spendng the major part cf the wlintar w th Mir an-d Mms. Hesry Sheffield, Detroit ...Mi-. and Mis. Henry Sheffield and son, Detroit, ai-o visitlng ber parent, Mr. 46d Mrs. R. c. jackSon .... T7he remains of the late David Malcolm lwêi-8 broughx f rom Lindsay on Monday ImorDing. Funerai service was held in United Chuuch andI intermont in Union Ceinetery. ... Week evening meeting Least week was in charge of Pastor Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., wbo gave a good adcfrass and bad a question.. lare an iatteis Peitsining ta Churci affairs ... . Rev. J. E. Griffith, B. A., preached a good sermon on Sunday the cruci:Rctial as his topic. 1 1 ORDER THEM EARLY CORBETT'S HOT X B3UNS The good ol-fashioned kind that you have always been used to. Th cy are so good that you just can't help Iooking forward to a feed of them from one Good Friday to another. They will be ready Thursday morning, April lst., at the store or in delivery wagons. Be sure to get enough and order them early. EASTER CANDY EGGS On Easter Day the luckiest find for the child- ren will be a Corbett's Chocolate Bunny Egg. These eggs are made of pure nourishing fresh chocolate. Ail sizes, and priced from 5c up. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Orono

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