PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAI, S1AT~MAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY Stb., 1926. ENFIELD Miss Alma Page and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Page, Toronto, bave been vis- iting at Mr. S. Page's.. .. .Mr. and Mv.. Thos. Law, Toronto. and Mr. Geo. Heatîje, Bvock, have been vis- iting at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's .... Mr. and Mrs_ Albert Niddevy and family are holidaying at Mr. John Hep- burn's .... Mr. and Mrs. H. Jamesi and family, Columbus, recently vis- ite-d at Mr. John Hepburn's. . ..Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilber: visited in Toronto last we...... Mr. and Mrn_ Thos. HilI, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. McLaughlin, Oshawa, were vecer.t guests of Mr. John MeCulloch . number froin here attended Sunday School picnic at Hampton Saturday and spexît a pleasant afternoon... The bail storm which passed here re- centîy did considerahie damage tr eavly apples and peas and other grain was dantaged sonte.. Miss Day- o-:hy Pascoe i. visiting at Brooklin.. Miss Jean Mark ha. been engaged to teach school for another vear. MAPLE GROVE Mv. and Mrs. David Armstrong and Mv. Bennett, Buffalo. Mr. ard Mvs. Harry Clemen-L, Toronto. weve week- end visitors witb Mv. and Mv.. E. B. Stenabaug .... Miss Helen Worden, Oshawa, recently visited Miss Nlabel Stevens.... Mr. and Mm. J. D. Stevens, daugbtev Jean, spent a few days with ber brother at Fraserville .Mr. and Mvs. Robt. Goodericb, Col- borne, visited their niece and nep- hew, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freentan,. .Mv. and Mv.. M. M-Nunday, Sr., quietly celebrated their 54th wed- ding snnivevsary at their residence on June 26tb., -surrounded by aiost of the niembers of their faniily. Con, gratulations!. Mr. and Mms. D. H Castes, Dr. L. H. Coates, Brant- ford, motoved down on Saturday and spent the weekend witb hem sister and brother, Mrs. Tho.. Snowden and Mr. T. J. Cle. . .. Mv. and Ms.. C. P. Israel, Miss Gladys Ise-sel and Mr. Fvedemick Boulter, Rochester, N Y., Mrs. J. B .Martyn and Miss Marbyn, town, weve recent guests of lir. anxd Mrs.. R1s Stevens. Nelles' selîs grocerie8 for les.. TYRONE Visitors: Miss Viola Sbortt bas retuvned home after vçisiting ber cousirn, Miss M. Prescoitt, Enfield; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore, Provi- dence, with Mr. Wm. Moore; Mr. and. Mvs. Levi Skinner visited Mr. Rich- ard Osborne, Car.nington; Mr. and Mvs. Charles Carvuthers, Bowman- i ville, Sundayed at Mr. Williz, Stew- art's; Mr. and Mms. George Hender- son, Keitb and Kennetb, Kendal, Sundayed with Mrs. R. Burgess; MT. and Mrs. Charles Moore, Miss Ruby and Master Nelson, Mount Forest, spent a few day. tvit.h their cousins, Misses Rose and Viola Short,,; Mr. and Mrs. Walker an.d son Graam, Meaford, at Mr. James Storie's; Miss Dorc4hy Walker returning home with them . oung People's League in Thursday in charge of lst Vice, Miss Florence Gardiner, Miss Edythe Clentens gave a gaod topir on 'Why did the Jews begir. ta Tithe"; orches- tra favored with a selection; Miss Rena Farrell gave a reading; meet- ing c]osed wih a contest. .... Y. P. L. thnis week in charge of ntissionamy vice. Topic to be given by Mr. Dean Hodgson or. "Was Jesus an Outdoor Man"? ..A goad nuinber greeted aur Pastor, Rev. John R. Trumpour on Sunday wbo gave a good sermon and the choir rendered splendid music. Next Sabbath cur pastori tvill preacb ta the Orange Lodge at 10:30 a. m. Hear "Peg ' My Heart" at En-I niskillen tc-night, July Sth.j LOTS 0F GOOT> COAL We now have cn har.d plenty of Nut and Stove Coal at Tyrene Sta- tion. Before buying rail up 181-12 26-2 R. H. Collacett. ALBANY HOSPITAL Regist.ed Training School For Nurses Afilated with Abany Medicai Colege, offers a three year course of instruction ln ail departments of nursing. Applica- tion shouid be made a.s soon as possible for admission tW the Sept. 1926 Clans. For further Information apply to the Superintendent of Nurses, Albany Hos- pital, Albany, N. Y. 24-4 c2? We have a complete line of Carniages, Carriers and Go- Carts, newest styles and prices are very low. Children's Cribs with drop sides. and mattress con-plete, several grades. We are selling a Simmons Bed, Mattress and Spring for $ 18.00, any size. We have Steel Beds, Walnut finish, aIl sizes and frorn $10,00 up. SEE OUR HAMMO COUCHES We have everything in Furniture and prices are very low. We seli the Victor line of Orthophonie Vict- rolas and Victor Records. Corne in and hear them. F. F. Morris Co. Furniture and Home Furnishings Phone 10 Bowmanville RELIABILITY Durir.g the paSt sevei) years this rompar.y ha. built up an, eniabc reputation as- a i-chable place a-. whirh ta purchas~e used cars. 'Ne have more satisfied purchasers of USED CARS thar. any ov her dealer in this sectic n. Why r.cýt investigate aur stoack J f good u.0ed cars r.ow. Write us for a ar.d piee- Iram $75 : Sedarns at $1400. Or phare and a salcesman will rail andl ut rc nstrate wi:hout ar.y hligat:u n. "Ever-, motovist you know driveýs a -'Used" Car. Mof fatt Motor Sales, Ltd., General Motaors Car DeaIerýý 88 Simc.,e St. NrrTh Phone 915 Oshawa SOUNA 5 Visitors.Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink rat Mr. E. Webber's, Brooklin; Mr. and Mrs. Ga rr),ge Gibson and Miss Mar-ion, Oshawa, at Mr. Waker IVice'.; Mr. AJan Balson is visiting Orono and Blackstock friends; Miss- es Evelyn Tink, Elleanor Shepherd, Muriel Baker and Ruth McKessock are spending a week at C. G. 1. T. Camp on Scugog Island; Mr. and Mv.. L. C. Pascoe, Mi-ses Relen and Bessie snd Mr. Wallace witih Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur We-stlake and family, Mrs. Camevon, Oshawa, Mv. and Mv.. Geo. .Avery, Little' Britain, .ý1rs. C. Avery, Hsydon; Mr. and Mrs John Westlake at Mr. Frank West- lake's; Mv.. A. L Paacoe visi:ed1 Oshawa friends, and ber sister, Miss J. H. Werry, Si. Catharines, accoma- panied ber home; Miss Lorraine Thompson, Knickerbocker Hospital, New York City, i. holidaying at home; Miss Nova Robbins with Miss Ruth', Lander. Oshawa; Mr. A. For- sythe. Toronto. x.s visiting bis sister, Mrs. AL E. Jennîngs; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McKee, Nestleton. at Mr. J. J. Brown's; Mr. Russell Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reynolds, Tor- onto, at Mr. A. J. Reynolds'; Mrs. Taylor and family, Mv.. Samelîs, Nestieton, Mrs. Spencer Wood, Miss Eleanor and Mr. Ai-chie, Bowman- ville, Mr. Chambers, Toronc, at Councillor S. Williams'; M.%r. and Mvs Will Rundle, Mv. and Mv.. Michael, I Toronto, Mvs. Samt Rundle, Marie and Dorothy, Ebenezer, Mv.. Burgess of Rochester, witb Mr. and Mrs. J.1 T. Rundle; Misses Editb Pinch- andi Katie Pincb, Bowrnanvçille, Mr. H. King, B. AL. and Mv.. King, and son Mackenzie, Oshawa, with Miss Mary Hogarth and Mv.. R. Pascoe; Mr. an dJVrs. Ed. Hinkson, Mrss. E. J. Pollard, Oshawa, Mr. Oliver Hink- son and bride, Rochester, at Mv. T. Baker'.; Mr. N. W. Reynolds, B. A., and Mv.. Reynolds, Mv. Jini Rey- nolds, Miss Bella White, Toronto, with Mrs. John Reynolds; Mv.. Lent- on, PeLtemboro, at Mv. W. T. Tay- l-or's; Mr. and Mvs. A. J. Reynolds and Miss Edna, Misses iàzzie snd Rilda Hockaday at Mv. Thos.. Os- bovne's, Pickering; Rev. and Mvs. S. Tink, Miss Muriel and Mr. Edmuond, Wisconsin, U. 9. .K, snd Mr. Ed. mund Tink, Columbus, at Mr. H. E. Tink's; Congratulations ta Mv. and Mrs. Harvey Crossrnan, (nee Miss Lauretta Naylor), on their recent marrag... . Mv. Alan McKesock is in Toronto taking a summer course in Physîcal «Training and Cadet Work ... . Attend the football gamne Saturday evening at Bo'wmanville, Sauina vs. Bowmanvifle.... .About 40 of the young people ci the commun- ity beld their annual picnic at Lake- view Park, Oshawa, on Saturday aftevnoon. The weatbev was ideal and a fine tinte was enjoyed by ail. Baseball waa played, also 'other gantes for wbich prizes were given. About five o'clock al at down toaa slunptuons supper, ta which ail did full justice. AIl depavted laoking forwamd ta their picnic next year.. ..Regular meeting of C. G. 1. T. waz beld at the honme af Misa Evelyn Tink on Fviday aftevnoon... Mr. M. Rabbins bad a very succesaful bai-n vaising laEt week. DOMINION DAY AT HAYDON Another annij*vsary af aur Sun- day School bas passed inta bistory with pleasan.t -recoflections of suc- ces sud the bearty co-ocpevation af the teachers, officers, scholars and parents, in so making it one of the enjoyable even-s of the year. On Tbursday, July 1, Dominion Day, was again celebrated witb the sun smiling upon us, the grand aId "Union Jack" fioating and f11iing over us. the sanie deav maples ever bending and bawing ta us, stirring to dear Canada ,and whose gi-est Do- i Visitai-s: Mr. and Mm .Ovr Jeff-1 minion we were then recognizing ery and Mv. and Mrs. Gardon Jefi- in campany with s large assembîy Iery ,visited on Scugog Island on Do- who came front fav and near in this minion Day; Mr. Hamry Loribond, same dear spot, where bas benteIvanboe, a student of Queen's Uni- annual hearty band-clasps and versity, visited at the Manse; Mr. fvtendly greetings for so many yeavs. and Mrs. Hevbert Slemon, Toronto, The tables avrangéd in the tent with the former's parents, Mr. and adioining the shed, looked very in- Mrs. Joha Slemon; Mr. and Mv.s. Day-1 viting witb their beautiful bouquetsj id Cherry, Scugog Island, at their j of flowers surrounded by tentpting daugbtev's, Mvs. Gardon Jeffery. eat.ables, so kenerously pmovid ed by (Received tac late for last week) the ladies. The splendid, capable I staff of waitevs weve kept very busyl Visitora: Mr. Fred Rabbins, Mv. serving the guesta, frein about 4 and Mrs. Wm. gamblet<sn and son, o'clock until 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie J1obbins, Mv. and During the aft.ernoon. a veryi-Mv.. Val Knapp, aIl of Rochester, N.1 tevesting gante of basebaîl wasr play Y., at Mr. Frank Rabbins'; Mise ed between the ladies af Enniskillen Luella Stevens, town, with hem par. and Maple Grave. The gante was so ent_, Mr. and Mrs.. Howard Steven-;l even that the score ended in a tîe. Miss Elva Griffin and fviends of1 About 6 a'clock a gante of football Toronto, with Mr. and Mv.. W., was played between the boys af Les- Griffin; Mv. and Mrs. John Slemon kard and Pontypool. The gaine re- with Mr. and Mms. Hugh Annis; Mr.i sulted in a score of 3-2 in favor (if Clark' Dorland home frani Torontoi Lejskard. During the busy bours University. of the afternoon and evening our A new baby girl bas conte ta v.r ire creant baoth and others as well and Mrs. Chai-les Vitue's .... .Nextj were well patronized and everyonc. Sunday the first communion af the satisfied wit.h their share of goond year wilI be obsemved .st each church tbings..on the circuit. Board meeting an Shortly befûre eight o'clocrk every Monday at 8 p. m... Young Peop- available seat in the shed andl tent les' League nmet Friday evening in 'vas occupied to bear the splendid charge of -he Social Vice-President, con.cert. Our Pw-tor, Rev. .1. R. MyIs. Gordon Jeffery, when th e Trumpour, artecl as chairman in. meeting took the nature af s fare- splendid style, calling for a piaro well gathering ta aur two public solo by Mrs. E. Grahamt, Tororto. scbool teac-ers ,Misses Laura And- Everyone wa.: interested at once and rew and Gladys Smiith. Each bas splendi<l order prevailed during the rendered valued service in League' wbole evening. Miss Fann ' Rogers and S. S. and evevy other gaod ram- in pleasing appearanre delighted the munity enterprise. As a toiten of audience witb ber solos, kept the at- appreciation tjhey were presenýted tention of aIl, and was gveatîy ap- %witb ivory trays and photo franies. preeiated; in harmaûny witb Mr. Co- Thev were smmilarly tvested by the m'an the); favored with 5zeveral public achool pupils. .. On Tuesdsy selections. Mr. Duncan Cowan, the League went ta Oshawa an their still wortby af bis titie s«(an. annual picnic .. . .Saturday s. m. sawl ada',. Premier Entertainer". deligbt- one of the wovst bail and vain strn. ed everyone present with bis variety that ever passed over this vicinity. of sefeti&ns and eacb turne he wa:s In Iess than ball an bour evevy level reealled, responded generously with pie-ce of land wass ike a lake and encuves and also ocrasionally in aiso white witb bail. A building banzo solos. Between numher' Miss owned by Mr. Parr waz apparently jNeva Eastwood, Sr. Gold Medalirt of stvuck by lightning..An exciting O. L. C., in reading and also little soîtbaîl gante was played on Satur- Miss Louhie Courtice, Jr. Gold Med- day evening witb Salent as the vis-1 alist. O. L. C., Wbitby, deserve great iting teain. Play was fast sud lbase. credit in their part of the program. Theve was mucb good hitting but Their numbers were welI given and poor fielding at tintes and too mucb much enjoyed. Tbey were heart- arguing with ' the ipires. The score ily encred at each appeavance and was 23-20 in favoir af Enniskillen.. we sec for these bright artists, great . .'.%I. Howard Pye i. sporting a new surcess in the warld of "Elocution". mi>tor bicycle.. Overbeard: "Would At the close af the progrant, the pro- it lie warth vebile ta read Miss Tay- ceeds were announced as aniounting lor's letters in China "s a reading to $ 700.00. Thus ends another an- in a mîssianavv meeting"! "I bard- niversary in rannection with aur ly tbink so for everybody reads "The Sunday School. stateoMan. es because of their DOMINION DAY AT HAMPTON1 HAYDON r Ideal weather conditions contrib-. Visit*rs: Mr. and Mrs. Grant and .uted largely to the success of the sons, Bill and Jim, Mr. and Mvs. 5Sunday School anniversary services Publo and daugbter, Ruth, Toronto, on Dominion Day which were attend- at Mr. Creeper's; Mr. John Graham ed by a very large crovwd. and son ,Milton, Campbe]Iford, at bis Salem football teain defeated father's, Mr. D. Grahamn; Mr. Eug- Hampton 17-10. Although the ene Beach ba-- left for St. Ola wbere game was fast it was featured by he will have charge of three chur- hard hitting and numerous errors. ches. We wish him every success in The teans:-Hampton-I-arry his new wDrk. .Miss Muriel Ashton, 1Cowling, c; W. Craig, p; Perey Cowl- Toronto, visited at Mr. Lloyd As.b- ing lb; Lew Pascoe, 2b; H. Peters, 1 ton's. . Mr. E. Bradley is under :bhe 3;E. Horn, ss; Howard Cowling, Dr's. ca..-... Glad to know Mr. D. 1 lf; L. Clemens, cf; C. White. rf. 1 Graiham is improving... . We wel- Salem-S. Buttery. c; Les Conib- corne to this circuit our new pastor, es, p; Wes. Werry. lb; Ken. Werry1 Rev. J. R. Trunipour, wbo will bave 2b; L Richards, 3b; R. Colacýut:z. ss;ý charge of the service bere on Sunday H. Foster, rf; T. Buttery, cf; E.!'at 2:30 p. mi.. League StindaT night Ward, If. .'will be in charge of the second Vice- After the softball ga*ine supper! President ...Hear "Peg O My >was served on the laNvn of thej Heart" at Enniskillen this (Thurs- church, about 800 being seated a t the, day) evening. tables.i e After supper Zion and Solinal îplayed football in the Park, Solina! Mrs. Wm. MeConneli, Los Angel- defeated Zion by 4-1. Both teansi es, Cal., bas been visiting Mrs. W. played their best but Solina prov- McReynolds and Mrs. Fred Lyle. She ed themselves to be the best team.! leaves today for Chicago wbere she Line-ups: Solina-Goal, Clemens;. wilI visit friends enroute for home. full backs, Blanchard and Reynolds;! Mvs. Birkertt and family, Charles, half-backs, R. Vice ,Wilbur, J. Rey- Lame, Drena and Jaekie, Mr. and nolds; forwards, Pascoe, Dewell,i Mvs. C. H. Hoddy and Jack and Miss Bush, Tink, E. Vice. ýAgnes K. Haddy, al]I c:f Toronto, Zion :-Goal, Stanton; full backs,1spent Dominion Day witb Mr. and Fred Cameron, Reford Cameron;, Mrs. F. A. Haddy, "Rusholme." hall backs, Balsam, Adcock, Schove;' Corne in and prove it that Nelle.s' forwards, J. BaIsant. C. White, Raeý sella Groceries for ]ess. Cameron, H .Cowling, F. Pascoe. i At nght Ye Olde Tyrne Village,______ __ Quartette, Toronto- rendered a de-I lightful progran, in the auditorium I of the churclW bef ore a large aud- i ence. Mr. and Mn G. Pritchard, Mr. A D ' eanod rn issar Md arge W iam, Daoavid P iss r4land auhterill-i, Toronto, have been spending a fewl days at Mr. Geo. Carr's. Hear "Peg 0' My Heart" at En-A S l o niskillen to-night, JuIy 8tb.A Sa e W r ____KLLN Our July Sale "Our Wonderful Heritage" is sub-. ject Mr. C. E. Dyson, Toronto, will 1 S speak on at geathering to be held' here under auspices, of Young Men's, lass on Saturday, July l7th at 81 p. nM. Ail young men are invited. Collection. Mr. Matthew Knox, Norwood, brother of Mvs.. Rev.) E. M. Cook and Miss Clarice McGee, Norwood, were mamried at the Manse on Wed-I nesday, June 3Otb. They were ac- coinpanied buy Mv Ralph Knox, Peterbovo. . Yong Peoples' League picnic held at 0sJiawa-on-the-Lake proved a very happy event. Aboutio dlarinsv forty joined the party, who, alterofdlasi vr making the joumney by motors, spent group are mnost ci the afternoon in basebaîl and other adw Vorts. The girl menibere- provid- adw proudly s ed a very appetizing tes which con- cluded an aftemnoon of vevy real 45 Striped C comradeship. The evening w.rsa lt sylsae spent in attending the varions pict- eohsye r n ure shows of Oshawa and Becwman- utmost in value fc ville .... Mr. George W. McLaugblin of Oshawa, paid a brief visit ta the Manse. He is rnaintaining a kindly interest in this fine property while the resident minister, Mr. Cook, is 100 Fugi DrE doing bis best to bring the grounds hniecleto into, good cultivation and natural Ihniecleto beauty.... R.ev. and Mv.. Milton Sanderson, Birchcliff, Toronto, withi twenty-five Tuxis boys are campingSpca pu h near Wilfred Sandevson's. They alI pcalprh attended -S. S. heme on Sunday movn- Crepe Dresses rep: ing and also public worship in the' itrlford evecning- The Làdies' Aid invited hsoyo u r them aIl to the play "Peg O' Myl description is ini Heavt" this Tbursday evening. . .' hr, ot. rs It was very gratifying to sce such hm not des a gjood congregation as assembled for the communion last Sundav I About fifty partook of the sacrà- ment. .Special addmess will be givenJ 20 dozen Won next Sunday eveping by our pastor da iga ,g on the subjec- "Lives tluat Live- ginGnhm m Why? I individual and diffi resses in a delightful color n of styles, iRegularly worth SALE PRICE $6.95 range and compre- up to $9.75, ase of Women's Large Sized Cotton and Silk )resenting the utrnost in value giving in the -oo departrnent. Every dress is individual, ossible, you must see these dresses to appreciate ;es are alike, Regularly worth up to $15.00, SALE PRICE $11.50 rnen's House Dresses made of the finest Cana- iaranteed fast colors and washable. Styles are ferent, one might terrn thern as any hour dress- rindividuality, SALE PRICE 98c EACH 40 dozen alI-over Aprons, made of print and gingham, large full aprons and will be large enough for any woman. Price re- presents only a fraction of cost of material, SALE PRICE 39c EACH 20 Fresh New Georgette Afternoon Dresses, just out of their boxes, beautiful to say the least, you mnust see these dresses. We won't urge you to buy, that is quite unnecessarv. ON SALE $25.00 ZemutM- Stqle lrs« NO -STEELS NO - IBONINO NO - CLASPS NO - LACINO NMT- RUBSER WAS4AB LE MOST ECONOMICAL. PREASONABLY PRICEOD $4» 6 8.965a88.WJ An Experienced Corsetiere Is constantly at your service. We have hundreds of satisfie(l custorners w-hose corset troubles have been solved in a scientific manner. Wre have the ex- clusive agencies for both the Gossard and the Loyers Forrn Corsets,. We also Ssel] Cromptom's, a la Grace and the Scelebrated D. & A. Consult ouî Cor- "'setieî-e, have her fit you with a garment that îeally suits you. This extra service costs you nothing-just the price of the garment you purchase when \'ou are completely satisfled. Corne in and try as many dresses on as you wish. Stay as long as you wish. We are strivýing to please you. We believe in our goods and w-e know our lrange is as good and fine as can be produced. S. W. Mason& Son Phone your orders to 106 for Dry Gooda We Deliver Promptly and Efficiently Give the Babies Plenty of Fresh Air SHELL Be fair to your motor and for best resuit-s use SHELL CAS We carry a stock of the well known Sheli Coal 0O1 and Sheil Motor Oils. A trial will convince you, as it has others, of their superior quality. C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 North Side King St. E. Bowrnanville LINS IN DRESSES thy of Your Interest --- Look eof Hundreds of Summer Dresses karts Friday Morning Hundreds of smart seasonable dresses made of Fugi Silk, Double Silk Broadcloth, Cotton and Silk Crepes, Rayons, Cotton Broadcloths, Voiles, French Crepes, Willow Suitings, grouped into several gigantic rnoney saving groups that-represent hundreds ings to thrifty shoppers . The sizes in every cornpIete. Styles of the dresses are the newest ;y the finest we have ever presented any season. ,otton Broadcloth Dresses made of a very fine ndividual, patterns varied. They represent the ror dresses of their class. SALE PRICE $1.98 PAGE MUR ME CANADIA.Iq SIATMMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 8th., 1926.