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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Jul 1926, p. 6

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PAGE SMX Gained 10 Pounds Ini 22 Days Tbat's going smre-but skinn3 men, women and cildren just can'l help putting on good healthy flest when they talcs McC-oy's Cod Livem Extract Tâblets. Chock ful ef vitamine-the kind that are extracted from the liver of the cod-the kind that are a real help Vo fruil, rnnduwn, aneamnc, skinny men nd sewmen. Try these sugar coated tasteles.ý tablets for 30 daya-if they don"l belp greatly get your money back. One wman gained ten pounds in twenty-days. Sixty tablets, sixty cents. Ask sny druggist for Mc- Coy'u Cod Iàver Extract Tablets. Directions and formula un each box. "GeV McCoy's the original and genuineo la- Fur storage at moderate prices, special at this season for remod- elling and repairing. Take advan- tage otounr low fur storago rates nuw in effect. BOWMANVILLE.ONT When You Feel t Coming -Wben that uld Headache sends its warning ihat you are going to sufer- takre ZUTOO. When you feci a Cold coming on take Z 100. At the first ign of a pain-at the irst feeling oftsick- ness-take ZUTOO. You will be ail righit in 20 minutes if it's aheadache, or the next morning if it is a cold. Pain aIl gone, and the whole body refreshcd. Dont wait--don't take chances. Get ZUTU4)Tâ rblets to-day-and have them ready tu take at the first sign of a Hlead- ache or cold and TAKE T IlENI. 25c a box-at dealers or by mail postpaid B. N. Robinson&Co. Regd.,Coaticook, Q DOCTOR ADVISED OPERAION FOR MR$. PENN She Escaped It by Taking Lydia L Pinkham's Vege- tableCompound Wéidaor, Ont. -1 "Af terthe birth of mny firet baby I was vsry much run- down in health and hs doctor said I must have an operation as I was suffering trot a diapiacement. A friend wanted -me Vo try your medi- cine-Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compund-and I took it steadily fo- a yean. During this Urne 1 was carry- ing my second baby and I teIt real Weil al the tinte and did noV have à bard confinement. I feeI surs the Vege table Coenpèund did me a lut cf good. and ail my people do, too. One sister in Leamington, Ontario, takes it, and both sia ers praise it as a goud medicins. 1 amn more than pieased with the resuIt. " - Mms. W. PENN, Windsor. Ontario. Mn. Co" uReieved from Pain Stewiacke, N. S. - -I had pains across my back and! in my ide for two y ars alter my fiaet baby was born. My mother had 'taken Lydia E. Pink- hasVgetable Compound and I read about iV in hs papera, su 1 ried iV aud hs painsaU left me. I have a tamily uft tluee chldren Dow, and the medicine helped me duringthe torahs befurs they were boru. I nec- omrnond i t Lto myfriends. " Mrs. cAty W.CubEbSvet. Stew- imche, Nova SotW c THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLIE, THURSDAY, JULY 8th., 1926. ORONO I SLEEP-WHAT 15 IT? (Fruni The News of July 1lst) By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyee', Denver] Mr. Samuel Halliday bas been ser- ColeM.d0. iqusly iii. y Mrs. Carl Hagerman, Peterboro,. Recently scientists have been dslv- It visîted at Mr. S. M. Billings. îng into tbe phenomena oft sleep, h Mrs. Mary McGabey, Osaa witb littie resulta tbat are new, -T spent a f ew days at Mr. Fred K el- however. But they have deanon- WS. strated that he sleeper stirs in bis lys .sleep, even wben he "sleepa like a d Miss Helen McCallur, Cobourg, is log"t as the saylng goes. The body 'a guest of ber college chuan, Miss chagspsiini aoteer'lv 1 JoeArmstong.en minutes, no matter how profound Miss Snowden and MT. Young oft he sleep may be. Toronto, spent Sunday witb Coat- The bible says: "Ho Giveth His ham tamilies. Atioch. Beloved Sleep"-a sentence that Mrs. (Dr.) J. H. Wealey of Tor- challenges aIl else for beauty and nonto, visited ber aunt, Miss J. Car- brevity of excpression, but reveals y cadden, and other friends. nuthiag of the nature ut slep; and The A. J. Leigh residence, aouth yet, in the centuries that bave pass- Main Street, wa.s purchaseà 1last. ed since that sublime utterance was week by Mr. Robt. Rainey. penned, no one bas ever ascertained o'an y further real information or d Mrs. Gray, MilIbrook, znother o knowledge as Vo this mysterious phy- our milliner, bad a sQligbt stroke and sical phenomena. is in a very weak condition. Our dictionaries fail to define it Mr. Fred Arnold of Shoal Lake, accurately, and only succsed in de- - Man., visited bers Tuesday, calling scribing it as a condition ufthe on Mr. Wm. Armstrong and ther body, they caîl it "a stats of repose frlends. and quiescence". occurring periodi- Mr. and Mrs. James Bruwn were cally in man and all other living At Homie to their friends on Monday, creatures. They do not tell us what July 5, 1926, it being the anniver- it is, for science bas so far tailed sary ot their Stb wedding day. to discover anything mure than he Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Boyce accom- average person already knows about panied by their son, Mr. Stanley the phenomena. Boyce, Toronto, spent Sunday withi Suppoe-and it is confessedly a Mr. and Mrs. Halstead Coathami. violent supposition-that the human Dr. J. B. Chester of Desboro, whu family were gathered in he vacant is spending a tew days with bis wif e spaces around the North -Pole, re- and little daugbter at ber father's, cently reported on by Messrs. Byrd, Mr. T. Smith, was taken with a sev- Amunsden, etal., with the sun sbin- ere attack ot qumnsy. ing upon it all day, practically, what Protct he hil frm te rva-would become oftVhe "Son ut Sleep" tbes cbild fre uing the ras th indl cf id Morpheus is Graes' utWorns by uing Mo. ther ermed? A double layer for the aestanardremEermnyaof useyelids in tinte?' hav stnadanedy, and year of use The Mellon Instituts ut Indust- haveenbnce itsreptaton. rial Research at Pittsburgb, Pa., bas Mr. and Mrs. Richard RaIls, Co-1 reported the preliminary rssults of bourg, and Mr. and Mrs. Suttun Of an extensive aud intensive study cf 11Rland, Man., visited the old home the psycbology uf Sieep. Aside at Leskard. Mrs. Sutton is a daugh- from the discovery that the body ter of an old Leskard boy, Mr. John otten changeaý position in sleep, al Proctur. this agonv of study and experiment, Mr. Percy Lawrie waho bas been reveals nltig tbat was noV kno'wn spending bis hlidays witb Mrs. before. Lawrie at hier father's, Mr. Harry The body changes position, but H1ouper, leaves this week on bis re- what ut the brain Or the mind of the un tVo Windsor, Mrs. Lawrie ac- sleeper! la it active or quioscent?E cupanyiug im. Nu answer la torthcoming front the Mi. Robert Best ut Thornbury, Researchers, and s0 we are driven to - with Mr&. Best have been the poes for knowledge. spending a wsek in tbe Kendal- Tbey probably are unabîs te. give Neiwtuvil.le district. Mr. Best us exact scientifie. information, but about a year ago bought the big evap- they have deait with the imagsry oft t oratdr at Thornbury. sleep volumunously in their own de- 0 Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Martin aud i ightful way. In, "Macbeth" he h littîs son, Everett, Swinton Park, finely Pullshed literary masterpiecep ,motored down on Monday and are ufthte myriad-iinded un-e, we spendîng a f ew days witb Mr. and have the process, at lsast, welI piet-E Mrs. Halstead Coathant, Antioeb, and ured: alsowit Mr Rot. artn ad fm-"Slepl3that knits up hs raveill'd lso NwstleM. Rb.Mrinadtm sleeve ut cars, ily. swcatle.The destb of each day's lite, sure Mr. M. H. Staples filled the pulpit Iabor's bath, ot Park Street United Church on BaIm of hurt minds, great Nature's Sunday evening very acceptably in second course, the absence ut -the Pastor, Rev. S. Chiot nourisher in lite's teast". T .Tucker, who preacbed at hs Me- Cervantes, in "Don Quixote", basa morial services at Salemi Cburcb, bis knight of the puwerful cuunten- near Gresnwood. ance pay bis respect Vu the nigbt god:- Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Armstrong "Bloss;ing on him who lnvented spent a tew days t3he paz-t v.eek at sleep-the mantle that covers al Hamilton with their daughter, Mrs. human tbougbîc, the food that ap- d J. E. Grady, Mrs. Armstrong going peases hunger, the drink that queucb- d to Guelph where she attsnded the es thirat, hs fire that warms cold, f graduation exercises of their daugh- the cold that moderates heat, and, t] er, Miss Jo Ar'mstrong at 0. A. C. lastly, the general coin that purchas- f, es aIl thinga, he balance and weight Mr. A. T. Hunter and sun Milton, that equals the shepherd with ths v accumpanied by Messrs Donald King and hs simple witb the wise * Griffith and Albert Tansil, New York1 The Blavatsky-Besant scbo'ol ut b City, are s&pending a week at the old1 Indian Theosupby, seeks Vo e«plain b home bers. They motored over that which is behind Sleep in the b comng by way ut Nîagara, and theiri deeper sense, possibly that for which i,: return will be by Kingston and Mon- the Pittsburg Instituts was seeking, fý treal. and laya, a toundation for Vhs Joseph Mr. Elgin Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. ofthe 'Pwentîeth century, Sigimund Jas. Cheaney and family of Nipis- Freud, dreami interpreter. sing, who have been visiting their 'Wben a person goes to slesp hs aunts, 'Mrs. R .Fowler and Mrs. Jas Ego-thinker or real seltslips Out of Tamblyn and other relatives *bers1h hsclbdyadlae tt theps week rtnd ho Me by slumber and so recuperate itsîf for mtr p an the urne oA248mile. I the work ouths following day. inotne, akig h tpotIStreams outhtought-torms trum hs in un day.astral world pTass intu and out ut the .Mr. R. Payne, Pontyipool, Mr. J.' physical brain; but these hought- C. Elliott, Bowmanville, Mrs. Charles formis take hs color ot that which Thomipson ut Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. he waking body harhured during hs Chas. Tamblyn, Rev. and Mns. Nel-i day, giving Vu dreains the appear- son and Miss Annie Thompson of ance ut bruken images. Woudbridge, were recent visitors ati Very otten they are irrational and the humes oft Mrs. James Tamblyni absurd because -of hs clashing ot and Mrs. R. Fowler. hs physical wlth hs astral, Iu slesp ths body bas been pictured as Stop hs Coug.-Coughing is a bell-repeating Vhs vibrations at- caused by iritation in hs the bel-ringer has lefV Vhs bel- passages and is the effort Vu dislodge' fry. But hs drsam lite la tar from ob-structior.s that corne from inflam- a waste uft Vme. mation ufths mucous membrane. Higher tbought-tormns enter the Treatment witb Dr. ThcL>mas' Eclect- brain ufths sleeping person because ric Oil will allay hs inflammation then need noV have contact witb Vhs and in consequence he cough will Ego in doing su, which is Vhs reason usually stop. Try it and you will bs wby peup4e now and again waken in satisfied. hs mnorning with nsw thongbts, or with a solution Vo a problemn that Mfaster George, young son ut vexed ther n l their waking bourg. 1 Mr. Chas. Brown, happened with a We are told that in sleep, he painful accident Tuesday evening,, great Newton was helped Vo suive near the Creamt-ry. With a couple %orne ut bis puzzles, hs solution ut utf other lad.s he was sitting on the. -,- . '1 PRIVATE PEAT TO LECTURE HERE Soldier-Author to Spe4à at Chautauquu. "Te Inexcusable Lie" Wlli ce Subjeet of Masterly Discussion of Questions of Moment Harold R. Peat, who as PrIvate Peat won an International reputatIon ln the teiiing of his expertences dur- ing the Great War, will deliver hie noteworthy lecture. "The- Inexcusable Lie," at the coming Dominion Chau- taiuqukt bere. Hoth in hie books, which have been exceptinnaily popular, and on the lecture plittform, Private Peat presents hie Ideas w1t clear-cut di- rectness and elarlty, and wlth a vivid- ness that la tremendously convlncing. PrIvate Peat ln hie lecture here dIscusses the probiem of the, proper education of the youth of the worid. HAROLD R. PRAT with the ides of producing luter a bet- ter understanding among the natioffs. Ele a"@s for a mm eJunt appredlation >f the roui quUifloetions of gpeatassa A~ war hero, bu tails vtvflUy ofthVe borroru of war. A& a upekS, Prtvate Pout la esmo- J.aY diams Md stuecore. Re la ma rotai of SM4 powr, oMd wbfeve me apeae heON" a potoalk proum. BOWMANVILLE CHAUTAUQUA JULY 21 TO 26 TICKETS $2.50 bosaof utVhe (perilous stuiffthat wegbs upon the beart) and stom- ach so as to give free access oftVhe astral mmnd Vo Vhe brain in sleep, be wilI leain more in sleep than in wak- ng hours. Sleep is painted as "brother to Ieath". The cuit of India draws a Iividing line between the two by re- ference to Ecclesiastes. In sleep the Self or Egu l teaves Vhe way open for ita return tu the physical tragne. When dsath is due or present the way la blocked: "Or ever the sil- ver cord be loosed, or the golden bo'wl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at tVhe fountain, or the wheel broken. at Vhe cistern"; then a period is placed, and lite is at an end, su far as we know, at least in this world. Or Keepe teeth\1%, clean, breath sweect,'% appetite keen and ~digestion good. Ni#oea l" THE UNITED CHLJRCH 0F CANADA In a recent Sunday nio-rning ad- dress to bis congregation in Trin- ity United Church, the pastor, Rev. J. U. Robins, who had just returned f rom the General Council at Mon- treal,' presented the following in- formation which will be of general interest to our readers: During the past year, the United Church bas been gradually consoli- dating its varions activities, and it is possible now to give some idea of the vast extent and variety of its work. In the following statenient, where the exact figures are not given, the nurnbers indicate less zhan the com-1 plete statistics wilI show. There are more than 700,0001 menibers in the United Church. The United Cburch niinisters to up-wards of two million people. There are more than one million cbjîdren and young people for whoni the United Churcb is directly Te- sponsible. More than 125,000 teachers, ofi- cers, leaders and workers are giving their voluntary service in Sunday School and Young People's work, and the United Church could use ian- mediately 25,000 more. There are more than 500,000 young people enrolled in the earlier and later adolescent groupa of the United Churcb.. There are more than 6,500 young people in the Colleges and Schools of bigher learning under the care of the United Church. The missionaries of the ten for- eign mission areas total 645. They are distxibuted as fo4lows: In India 95, in West China 219, in South China 18, in Honan 96, in Formosa 26, in Korea and Manchuria 50, in Japan 84, in British Gujana 12, in Trmnidad 21, and in West Africa 24. There are also 2,152 native Christ- ian helpers, such as Bible-woqnen, teachers. evangelists, native doctors, nurses, colporteurs and native Christians engage<l in the produc- tion of religious literature. in Canada the United Church bas 66 Indian Schools, 64 Indian Mis- sions, 30 Scho1 Homes, 25 Hospit- aIs and Dispensaries, il Kindergar- tens, 76 non-Anglo-Saxon and AIl Peuples' Mission, 4 Social Settle- -ments, 8 Redemptive Homes and 3 Child Welfare Institutions. There are more than 1,000 ordain- ed inissionaries and students work- ing in the vast Home Mission terri- tory of the United Churci, whîch extends from Newfoundland to Van- couver Island. The United Cburch bas 28 publi- cations for Sunday Sehools and young people, including lesson belps. Under the Woman's MissionarY Society more than 191,000 woanen and girls are enrolled as memibera' in varions organizations of the United Church for prayer, study, preparing supplies and main.taining their mnis- sonaries and other extensive work carried on throughout the world, un- der the Woman's Missionary Society. There are more than 8,700 con- gregations, separate xvorshipping un- its, in the United Church. Some fields abandoned by rea.son of the war and post war coýnditions have been reo-ccupied. The gigantic ta&%k of the United Church in ber various enterprises callsa for a new spirit, a new deqc- tion, a new consecration.. OBITUARY Mns. Thomas Hall. Brooklil. Deatb on Tuesday, June 29, re- movsd tron the commnunity ut Brooklin une ut its beat known and bighly esteerned residents, in Vhs person ot Agnes Jean Ormiston, be- luved iie ut Thos. Hall, Ex-reeve ot Whitby Township, and a member cdthe Council for many years. The deceased had been ilI for only a short ime, and in bed lessa than a week ,so that the nexvs ut ber de- mise came as a severe sbock to al wbo knewv ber. She was in her 61st year. Decease<l was a daughter ouths la- *e John Ormiston, Enfield, in hs township oft Darlington, and atter ber marriage to Mn. Hall lived for a time in East Wbitby. For over twenty years ths family lived on Vhe 6th concession of Wbitby town- ship, near Brooklin, moving Vo the village about a year ago. D5eceased was a woman greatîy de-vo:-ed Vo ber home and tarnily. She was a splendid neigbbor, and one who earnsd aud retained hs respect ut alI. She xvas a member oftVhe United Cburcb. She Isaves Vo mourn her loss ber husband, tbree sons, Gordon, Manager of tVhs Dq- minion Bank at Brampton; Leslie of Whitby township; Roy at borne and one daugbter, Mena, also at home. The tuneral tock place tnom Vhs United Church on Tbunaday. Inten- tent in Groveside Ce-.netery. Clean te handie. Sold by aU l- V Druggists, Grocers and F l General Stores________ ______ Catnada's9 First High-Speed European-Type Light Car Tho dfistintedwbody linos oftVhs New Overland Whippssml h sinrtest euston-it automobiles cf America an boniental Europe. Stand ini front ci this car and yon can imagine yourself on Vhs boukevard ci Pranms It wMf travel 55 m lsan bour in perfect coentort . . . pick-up in 13 aeoondsfrm 5 to30mi-ean boui . . . go 35 milson a gallon ce gaeoline . . . cicr 1000 miles on a gallon of oïl. lKessurod test show that Vhe Overla=nd Wipt with it 4-wheel brakes, wiIl stop in two car longtis trom aspe t2 ie an hour. TheoOveland Whipetin5 féet, 8inces high . . . not as taflas the a= mn. Yt itprovlesmore rocm and! cfot than you've ev foMuadinautoobie oftis dass before. SoId in Bowmanville and District by A. W. PICKARD Eraniord Roofing In Relis. Talc Surfaced Light Weight » - 35 lbs. o COMPETITIVE QUALITY Medium Weight - 45 lbs. FINE QUALITY Heavy Weight- - 55 Ibs. EXTRA FINE QUALITY I ~ Extra HeavyWeight 65 lbs. SUPER FINE QUALITY il lBrantfSrdlRoofingCoimiWJ Brantford, Ontarlo Stock Carried, Information Furniahed and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rice & Co., - - - Bowinanville I Oock'a Regulating Compound dom@*làý A #off, ciab1 qatm inedemne. Sold in red. 1 efflci trenth-No. 1,$1 '~soid by aIl drutgalte, or matS prpi nreoeipt et prios. Fyepa.mphlet. Addreas: THtE COOK MEDICINE Co. ECONOMY The best kind of economy is in taking care of what you have. If your buildings are getting out of repair get after themn at once and don't be "Penny Wise and Pound Foolish". ieWe have ail the requisites in Lumber, Shing- leCernent, Lime, etc., and at prices that will war- ratyour using them . 1We specialize in Beaver Brand Hardwood Flooring. Ten Test Fibre Board, Beaver Best Wall Board and Gypsum Lath, also Johns Manville Flexstone Asphaît Roo-fing and Shingles. We are also prepared to fil your bins with Best Quality fresh mined D. L. & W. Scranton jCoal. There is no better fuel and summer prices are now in eff ect. Best quality Domestic Coke, stearn and Smithing coal, Hard and Soft Wood always on hand at right prices. Our motto is "Service and Satisfaction" Cali and see ouir goods and get our prices. MccwleIIan & Co., Limited King St.East Bowmmjvie Office Phone là Bouse Phonos 228, 274, 218W M 0 'Is PMOSPHODINE!i i M ne <Great English Peaain e Tories and invgorates the whoi ~~~lnervous system. makes new BIod in oid Vens. Used for Nervom, epo del<tY. Mental and Brain Wary, cyfldn. Lous of LiEnrYPalpitation -e! tht Heart, Falig Meut.r-.7Price $2 ber bOx.3 P fbr $5.*Sotd by aildntggists, or mailed n paie pkg.On res*eiptcf price. Newpamph1't moud' "C-e. Tm WOO MDICIwz CQJOfONyou.

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