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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Dec 1926, p. 4

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PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, DOWMANVILI.E THURSDAY. DECI~MBER 30, 1926 PROVIDENlCE U. F. O. Providence Farmera' Club wil uxeet in Shaw'u Sehool on Tuesa3 January 4, at 8 p. m. Everybod: welcome. O. R- Bragg, EarI Osborne, President. Sec'y.-Treae ENNISKILLEN The Young People's Drarnatig Club wiil present a humorous plaý entitl'ed "Dr. Jim" in the chureh or New Yea's Day, January lst., atk p. M. Special music. Admissiot 35c and 20c. 51-5 COAL! COAL!II R. H. Collacott, Tyrone Station announces he hab a carload f pur( Scranton Coal, furnace and nut size. Secure your supply at onre. Ring 181-12 or 146-3. We deliver. 47-1 AUCTION SALE Wednesday, Ja.nuary 12th-Mr. Wesley Heard, Lot 9, Broken Front, Darlingiton, will seil ail of his faru stock, implemnents, etc. Sale at1 p.n.See .bis. Geo. Jackson & Son,Auctioneers. A. J. Staples, Clerk. (Other Auction Sales on page 3) Now For Spectacles The Chrismtas rush is over and those who have been waiting to consuit us about their eyes should write or phone and make appointments. 2 properly qualified Optometrists are at your service backed by an experience of 35 years. Jury & Lovel Druggiss & Optoinetrista J. H. H. Jury, Doctor of Optometry J. R. Stutt, Registered Optometrist See those shell fraines in popu- lar styles fitted complete $2.95. Many dealers charge $ 7.00 for these spectacles. Greet ings Once again we are given the apportunity ai acknowledging a splendid year's business. We thank yau far your 00- openation and extend ta each one ai you a cordial wish that you may enjoy happiness in eveny sense ai the word and that the New Year may have in store for you many bealth, happines lesslings-izr and proepeity.1 W. T. Allen BIG 20 BOWMANVILLE COURTICE MERCHANT PASSESJ DARLINGTON HAYDON ELECTION CARDS M Mr. John Walter, Paetmatter Repart 01 S. S. 4, Darlington, Holiday visitors: Mr. Eugene Ladies and Gentlemen-- Y, On Thursday, Decembe.r 23, there Christmas examinations: Beech, St. Ola, Mr. and Mrs. Ever- I have &gain been honored with IY passed away in the village of Court- Sr. IV-Louise Courtice 80, Norma ett Beech, Port Hope, at Mr. A. nomination as councillor for Town- ice one of its oldest and moat highiyI Wade 77, Byron Worden 57, Gardon Beech's; Mr. and Mrs. J. Bradley, ship of Darlingiton, and have quali. respected citizens and bu.inessmen in1 Vinson 55. Enni-skilien, Mr. and Mrs. B. Fergu.. fled for "me. I t.berefore, solicit z- the persan af Mr. John Walter, Post-. Jr. IV-Selia Siblock 76, Annie son at Mr. E. Bradley's; Mr. Fred your vote and influence at the cam- master. Sjblock 70, Marion Rorabeck 61. and Miss Meta Ashton, Toronto, a&t ing election. Shou.ld 1 be favored Born in the village af Bradwortiiy, Sr. III-Ada Anns, Evelyn Wade, home; Miss Helen Wo.rden witfti with çlectian I will continue tao serve Devonshire, England, in the year Harold Oeborne. hier parents; Mr. and Mrs. Theron the township ta the best of mY 1851, deceased came ta Canada in Jr. III-Glenn Pickell, Owen Ciff, Mountjoy hield the Christmas fam- shility. ce 1871. He had ince cominlg ta tibis Edith Dalziel, Jean Vinson, Harry ily gathering. AIl report a gaod c.c>. F. Aait. 'y country spent al bis lufe in th~e Worden. time; Mr. and Mxs. Ridge and ____ ,n southern part of the township of Dar-I Sr. Il-Donald Caurtice, Lloyd daughter Margaret, Oshawa, at Mr.1 8 lington. He first carried an bis ac-'Montgomery, Sydney Worden. J. Wright's; Miss Muriel Ashton,! Ladies and Gentlemen- ýn cupation as a blacksniith on the Base Jr. Il-Basil Rorabeck, Darim Toronto. at ffier bro'iher's, Mr. Having accepted the nomination of 2Line and then in the village afcout ade, George Siblock, Allan Vinson. Lloyd Ashton; Many enjoyed the councilor for Township af Darling-1 ice. Later on hie becamegera Alan P. McKeeaock, teacher. Christms Tree entertain ment on ton, 1 hereby solicit your vote and merchant and in 1910 hie was ap-I Thursday. Children gave an ex- influence in my behalf next Monday. pointed postmaster. In his dealings cellent prograni. .Ur. Eugene Beegh Should 1 ha honored by being elecited silte le and heery greetings he won of &~. Ola. gave us aur GOhri8tinag I will do my utmost ta see that the smith td hee ublic an byhiswknl ORIEmessage on Sunday afternoon. administration of the townslip's for himiself many friends. Like many Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Annis and Miss _____ affaira is carried on with the utinost 9 Englishmen Mr. Walter always took Ada are holidaying with his sister, care gnd efficiency. .t a keen interest in athletic sports and Mrs. S. J. Courtice, Leamington .... TYRONE Harold G. Macklin. during the last suminer hie attende Miss Carnie Courtice, London, is vis- nearly ail the local basebaîl andi iting lher sister, Mrs. Blake Courtice Visitora: Miss Reta Brown, Kir- T h aeaesa alnio fotblam ihte Hest on accaunt Sndayoter Mr. L. J. Coustice.... by, at Mr. Charles Bigelow's; Mr. and the north end of this Division. popular with the touliat services were fairly well at- and Mrs. Howard Couch and family Astsnrhpatasatbe oi his accommodating way and the tended .... At the Sunday School ses- with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J rArsetint orhovart20lias, I aren rdeep interest which he sha'wed in sion some Christmas nuinbers were Bragg, Bowmaxsviller; Mr.0yeas, a The. r ate a enai- ie nd the quarterly review was Hatherly, Arnagari, at home; Mran. offering my services as Councillor. Thn lteMr Wltr adb en ail- aour former Superinten- Harold Burgess, Newcastle, at hm;. Your vote and influence respectfully 1 ig alitleove thee onhs ut tdent, Mr. R. E. Osborne, in a very Miss Hazel Hodgaon, Belleville, with ih ie wa nve kow olydrig helat nbl anner and was -thoroughly en- hier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cao. Ormiston. few weeks that bis recovery wa&joye<d by al.... After being under H.odgson; Miss Ethel Skinner, Tor- bopehess. He bore his ilîness very ithe doctor's care for some tume past onto, Mr. and Mrs. George Scott,1 To Elect'ors of Township Darlington datey ornhng at :3 nodcok h ps- one of aur aider residents ai Court-, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred I Ladies and Gentlemen,-Having daymoringat :3 o'loc li pas-ice, Mr. John Walter, Senior, pass- Maore, Providence, with Mr. and Mrs represented the north W.est division broither, aer, d ied in Bigtn ed away. He was highly respected Levi Skinner; Mr. and Mrs. Talbes-t af the township for 2 years and now broterRoge, ded i Brghto, jby ail who knew him and wil he Fndley and iamuly, Unionville, with an the retirement ai M.Baker,I England, as recently as Novemberi15 much missed especially in bis aid lber parents, Mr. and Mns. Edward 1affer myseif as a candidate for colin- ai this year.1 fariliar place in the Post Office ..Virtue; Miss Viola Shartt wîîth her cillar for year 1927. The late Mr. John Walter was1 Epworth League this week on Thurs- smter, Mrs. A. W. Prescott, Enfleld;' If elected I will endeavor ta the predeceased by bis wiie Annie Kenip, day evening will be open meeting in Mrs .Stott, Orono, with ber brother, best of my ability and serve your on ugut 1, 925 He~5charge af 4th Vice President andf Mr. H. HRile.... .Congratulations to best interests. syon-eretthtJohn, lliam and orTis Square. Tapic "Possibili- Mr. and Mns. Leslie Thonipson andi Wishiing you ail a Happy and Pros- sonsEveett Jon, illam nd i 1927. Ne'w Year service Mr. and Mrs. Norman Colac tt- pr New Year. I remain Frank, al ai Courtice. Another in charge of Mrs. K. Courtice. two fine girls...On Wedneaay Yours faithfuily, son, Percy, died in 1902. The funeral on Sunday ta Eben- A iew Ladies' Coas at $r,.()()each evening the cornmunity enjoyed a1 A. L. Pasooe ezer Cemetery was very largely at. at Couch, Jahnston & Crydernian'a. ,Christmias trea and splendid concer-t ____ tend ed, showing the esteem in whicb given by the pupils of the public IR F RAK deceased was beld. His pastar, Rev sebool, the teacher, Miss Hazel Turn- CR FTAK C. C. Washington, B. A., spoke veny ENFIELD er, deserves much credit for the fittnglyof is lfe ad aterwrdstraining. Proceeds $42.00 .... Mr. Having witbdrawn froni municipal MitnglW.yRai bi ie sandg verWO.1'd Visitors: Miss Irene Bray, Tor- Victor and Misa Hoopen, Toronto, activities I wiab ta tbank the rate- patheticalhy "The City Four Square". anta, at Mr. S. Bray's; Miss Myrtle and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Werry, Miss- payera ai Darlingiton Townsbip for The paîl-bearers were MEesm.S. Si Hohbs, Toranto, at Mr. John Hobbs'; es Florence and Alice Werry, Town, past favors. I trust the saine Brooks, S. G. Pickell, Ge<). F. Annis, Mr. and Mrs. C. Brantan, Oshawa, at spent Christmas with Mr. and Mna.i courtesies extended ta nie wil be Arthur Gay, W. R. Courtice and Mr. S. Page'm; Miss Jean Mark bali- Frank W.,ry... . Glad ta see Mrs. H.I accorded -the candidature ai Harold Blake Courtice. daying at Parkhill; Mr. Norman Collatott home again frani Bowman-1 G. Macklin w-ha is particuiarhy wsU The floral tributes were beautiful, Stinson visiting near Pontypoal; Mr. Ville Hospital ... . Young Peopil' qualifled ta serve the township au rnany coming froni friends at a and Mrs. H. James, Columbus, Mms. League on Tburaday wa.s in charge ccfOn. distnce nd nighbrs.John James and Mrs. Thomas, Col- ai 4th Vice, Miss M. Moore, the choir Woeiing you ail a Happy New disane ad eigbos.umbus, Mr. Howard James, Detroit, gave the program as foliaws: Char-1 Year. at Mib J. Hepbunn's; Mr. and Mrs, us by choir; solo, Mr. Wm. Staphes, J. H. Muttes. Fhle iamily ai the late John Garnet Cochrane, Oshawa, at Mr. G. accompanied by Mr. Irving Clernens; Tyrane, December 29, 1926. Walter wish ta tbank their fniends Cochrane's; Fa il gatheninga wene duet, Mrs. L. J. Goodman and Mms. and neighbors for their many kind held at Messrs.m. Stinson's, Edwin R. Burgess; instrumental, Mr. Ir- expressions ai synipathy during the Orniiston's and L. C. Paseoe'.... ving Clemens; tapie, prepaned by Mr CARDS 0F THANKS- il.lness of their father and in their Mrs. W. Smith is in Bowmanvile A. H. Brent and read by Mrs recent bereavement. They aima ex- Hospital having undergone a succees- Go-odman; instrunilemntal, Mrs. T.d Mr. W. W. flown, Bowmanville, tend tbanks ta T. A. Garton and bis fui operation. . . Mr. Geo. Cochrane Barr: reading, Miss Lola Richar de~sires ta thsnk al bis neighbars and drivers ai the Garton Bus Line for was very successful at the recenti ail enjayed the eboir's treat ai home:: friends for their kindness and sym- kindnesses shown. Christmas £airs with bis hores.... muade candy ...Speciai New Year' pathy extended to him during bis re- Evenyone in this vicinity is out ta sermon next Sunday evening ...i cent bereavement by the deatb ai bis g,1 wfe and for the beautif ni floral MAPL GROE 1support Mr. Gea. Onmiston in the Young Peophe's League on Thusayi~ MALEGRVEcoring election. It's a long time Mr. L. J. Goodman wili deai with, offeings. Visitars: Miss Gladys Allin, Osh since this part ai the township hadl the taPic. 1 M.Hry Claut Bted, presentative. ~10 anly, Ladies' Fur TrimmediM.Hryolaut ehs, awa, with bier cousin, Mrs. Noble a reprsnaie oasoiil u a$50nw wishes ta thank Dr. C. W. Slemon, Meteaif; Mn. Cyril Luke, Oshawa, Cot rgnlyupt 2,0 o the Supeintendent and Nurses ai the spent Sunday wit.h Mn. and Mrs. N. HAMPTON $10.00 at Coucb, Jobnston & Cnr'- bospitah for thein attention and the I. Meteali; Mr. and Mis. J. R. Burn- _____ derman's. înany iriends ai Mrs. Cohacutt who et, arnt, it br isen Ms.F. Visitons: Mr. and Mr.s. F. Tam- r_____s kindiy sent flawers and inuit dur- Swallow; Mns. Stuart Monton, Ca- blyn and Misses Majorie and Mary bn ler illness in Bowmanville Hos- bourg, at hier iather's, Mr. Tru Pow- Tamblyn, Orono, at Mn. W. G. Wil- SOLINA pital. er; Miss Majorie Stevens, Uxbnidge, bur's; Mr. and Mrs. G. Barron and at home; Miss I. Menzies, Mn. Gardon I ste Austin are with relatives in Visitain* Mn. Russel Reynaids,1Mr. and Mrs. Good, Ontario St, Brown, Mr. D. Wyke, Tarante, are Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Toranto, spent Christmas at home;' take this oppotunity ta tbank most spending a few days with Miss Ednaj Avery, Town, with bis parents, Mn. Mrs. A. Gibbons and Miss Vera, To- sineerely the kind friends who con- and Mr. Cifford Swailow; Misai and Mrs. R. Avery; Miss Mary Nid-I anto, Miss Iree Argue, Tcnonta tributed towands the radio presented Racbel Arksey, Brookiin, with Missi dery, Toronto, with bier mother, Mrs1 ihterfter n .AgeIta theni this Xmnas. They are en- Vera Power; Miss Hilda Foley at L. Niddery; Miss N. Johns, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie, Mn. and jaying it immensely and cannet thank borne; Miss L. Trenoutb, EHampt on,lantI Mn. and Min. Milton Siemon and Mrs. J. Pasce at Mrs. Thomas Pas5' al aufficienthy for sanie. witb bier sister, Mrs. John Snowden;1 sons Lloyd and Cordon, Haydon, at coe's, Hampton; Mn. and Mrs. Doug- Miss Jean Morris, Town, îith ber sis-i Mns.C. Johns'; Mr. and Mrs. C . las McLaughlin and iamihy, Oshawa, NOTICE ter, Min. R. Stevens; Mn. and Mrs.ji Wood and iamily, Onono, at Mn. J..Li at Mn A. L. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden have mnoved in-to: Johns'; Mr. Morley Hastings, Detroit, Isaac Hardy and Master Stanley 1 -el] not be responsible for any debtig their new bouse.. The principal event! at Mn. C. Ha-tings'; Mr. and Mns. AI witb Oakwoad relatives; Mn. Alan contractecd I my name aller this date of las, week in this cammunity was5 Trencutb witb their daugbter, Mrs.1 and Miss Margaret McKescck visi -t- nles sgned b>' me. James G. MartIn. the annual publie schooh concert held IR. Me't af, Base 1-ne, Mr. and Mis; ed thein father in Toronto Generaî Bowrnanville, December 28, 1926. 62-141 on MondTay evening. The scbolars C. J. Mountjoy, Toronto, wib bhis1 Hospital; Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Blan -_________________ pnesented a splendid pnogram toai~brother, Mr. S. T. Mountjoy; Miss chard and Mnr.Arthur, at Mr. Franki full house cansisting of necitat ions,! Winnie Cryderman, Mn. F. Cryder- Ashton's, Columbus; Mrs. S. E. Wer-j dialogues, solos, sangs, drills, etc.,~ man, Mr. Albert Allun, Toronto, and r visited bier sister, Mrs. H. Grooms,j which easily measured up ta ýthee igh, Miss Edna Cryderman, Belleville, at. Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Roy' Lang- 1 standard whîcb bas been set up by MnI. A. B. Cnyderman's; Miss B. maid and iamuly with the Missesl the teachers and pupils ai the past~ Sargent at bier home in Peterbono; Stephens, Bowmanville; Mn. and Min. years. Miss Alice Werry, the teach- 1ev. and Mrs. J. R. Bick visited witb Herman Paseoe, Columbus, witb Misai SPI er, deserves great praise for the ber mother in Toronto; Mn. and Mrs. Mary Hogarth and Min. R. Pascae; splendid selections and the excellent R. Langmaid and chidren, Zian, wth Mr. Jim Reynods, Toronto, holiday- I training el the cildren. Rev. C. bis mother, Mrs. C. Langmnad; Glad ing a t home; Mn. and Mrs. E.J. C. Washington with bis apt and to know that Mrs. E. Truli who basi Black with Lindsay friends; Mis. R. IU d bumorous remarks made a capital been sa seriously ihI ia imprving. ... J. McKessack visiting Mr. McKes-1 AI Dr. Wood af Veterinary Department, Wednesday night was a great succeas. and Mrs. Elmer Gibson, Oshawa, at Ottawa, reeently tested for T B and .... Plan ta came ta League meet.. Mn. George Gibson's; Mn. and Min. found tbem al 0. K., the benda aof ing on Fniday nigbt ta hear Dr.I1 Walter Vice, Miss Myrtie and MessiT O D Y following Glen Rae Dairy, R. R. Storey ai South Amenica wha will, Everett and Russel at Mn. Donald' Stevens, J. D. Stevens, L. C. Snow- lecture an bis wonk illustrated bylYellawlees', Columbus; Mr. and iMrs.1 den, M. M. Munday, Jr ... . Several lantern alides. S. E. Werry, Masters George and J irom bere attended the funeral ai Wesley, at Mr. J. A. Werry's, Ennis- the ate John Walter, P.M., Courtice, Report ai Hampton Scbool fr ion1 Ms.Am'hotide Mn- on Sunday. .QuarterIy service next Cbistmnas termi, names in order kof n is iaSotnde ai Sunday.mernt:ai toba, is back again visiting ber V'-Liîian ebsan H, the r Mrs. S. Sbortnidge; Mn V-Llia Jeso HEthl tepIChs.Shortr'idge in Toronto.. bena H. Kox H, StnlyMisse Margaret McKessock, Heleni IV-esse Kox , Sanhy land Muriel Baker attended the Cowing H, Retta Billett H, Veral "Neyer Say No" music club in Bow-1 1 ' Absent imiaIl in V-Helen' mon. Virtue. Sr. II-Hazel McEwen, Audrey 5 Absent from ail examinations ln Ayre, Roocoe Baker, Ruby Parker 4tb Gass-Eleanor Sykes, Kenneth and Jim Parker equal. ravelling Goods Robbins. bur, Downer Parker. Ont. Absent from al in Jr. Pr.--Ger. Jr. Pr-Jean Scott, Bruce Ho- F. J. Groat, B. M. Sergent, teachersj1 Mms Elgin Taylor, teachen. à i - - One Big Week of Specials Before Stock-taking Overcoats and Suits -.. Prices Cut to the Bone WOOL SHIRTS & DRAWERS Pennian's and Acadian Make, heavy quality, ail sizes, worth $1.50, SALE PRICE $1.29 EA. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Heavy Cotton Tweed, our big leather, brown and grey effects good value at $1.50, SALE PRICE 89c WORK SOX A heavy quality sox, worth 45c SALE PRICE 3 PAIR $1.0 MEN'S WINDBREAKERS REG. $7.75 FOR $6.19 REG. $6.95 FOR $549 REG. $595 FOR $4.75 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS Good Serivce Coats lined tibru- out, belted models, heavy cloths, values worth up to $22.50 SALE PRICE $12-95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS Ahl Wool Clothe in beautiful patte.rns, wonderful styles, al coats values up to $25-00, SALE PRICE $17.45 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS The best value we have in the store, Impoxted A,1, Wool Clothz wit.h hard finish that wil not rub off, ail taken from high priced cosits and values up to $35.00, SALE PRICE $2445 MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS A uine of Irish Serge AIl Woo] Suits, doutle breasted models. A gooti suit at $22.50 SALE PRICE $15.95 MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Fine Wool Worsteds, double and single breasted modela, values up ta $25.00, SALE PRICE $18.98 Fine Blue Woreted and Pin Stripes, Hairlines, etc., al values up to $35.00, clearing .SALE PRICE $26.45 MEN'S FANCY TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS AIl new models and materials, values up to $20.00, SALE PRICE $13.95 Values9 up to $25.00, SALE PRICE $16.95 Values up ta $35.00, SALE PRICE $2445 BOYS' NAVY BLUE IRISH WOOL SERGE SUITS, 2 PAIR BLOOMERS This is a splendid line of suits, worth up to $10.50 eaeh SALE PRICE $7.98 BOYS' FANCY TWEED AND WORSTED SUITS With Bell and Bloomer Pants, ail sizes, values wo.rth ap to $10.00, SALE PRICE $595 We extend to al our many friends and eus- tomers our best wishes for a Happy New Year. It is our hope that in a new and prosperous year our best efforts favoured with your contin- ued good will and support may maintain our high- er standard in public service. Te B. GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville ECIAL SALE 0F S FUR COATS, O3NLY --- Monday and Tuesday lanuary 3rd and 4th A repreSentatiV efrorn one of the largest fur houses in Canada will be at our store next Mon-* day and Tuesday with a wonderful display of this season's newest styles in Ladies' Fur Coats of al kinds. This is an exceptionai opportunity that well dressed and thrifty ladies cannot afford to mi1ss, as these coats will be Sold at Makers' Cost You are invited to corne to our store and in- spect these beautiful coats. EVERY COAT GUARANTEED Se 'W. MASON & SON" Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to.Wej. Phone 106 Bowmanville 4v,> ~ Jr ~1 / Another Lea We extend the season customers and wish y( happiness is yours a fi success for th Ives' Sh( Footwear and Tir Bowmanville v t PAGE 4 THE CANADIAN STATFMAN, BOWK«VILLE TRURSDAY, DECZMBER 30, 1926

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