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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Aug 1927, p. 4

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FURNITURE SALE Satjiirday, Auguit 27th-Miss Flor- ence Vann will selI hy public auction at ber residence ,Scugog-St., Bow- manville, aIl of ber houshold furni- ture and furnishings, including Par- lor. Dining-room, Bed-room, Kitchen Furniture, also a beautiful Walnut Wardrobe. Nearly aIl of this wal- nut furnitdre was made at the old Cabinet Factory. Be sure te attend this sale at one p m. (standard time.) Tbeo. M. Slemon, Auction- eer. 33-2w OFFICE CLOSED Dr. C. W. Slemon's Office will be losed from Monday, August 1 to Monday,,August 22nd. Threshers get your soft coal form tbreshing engines from John A. Hol-E gate & Son.c Now People Know That it is no longer necessar-y to send out of town for hardware. They have found by prac- tical experience-shopping right in our store- that our prices compare favorably, and in many cases are actually lower than city or mail order prices. Our system of doing a strictly cash busness 1 has made it possible for us to seil dependable hardware at the lowest prices they have ever been sold in Bowmanville. If you have neyer patronized this store give us a trial order and be convinced that you pay c less at Dustan's Cash Hardware "We Serve You WelI" Bowmanville _______ k Have No Regrets È Time after time people have come into our IL store and told us about some furniture which they 6 had bought from a mail order catalogue ôr cipy s store which had not turned out as they expect.. S ed. The result had to be a disappointment and u loss to them.§ "Neyer again" ,they would say, "and in future P we will buy from vour firm where dependable S goods are sold at reasonable prices". S se Moral: Have no regrets When in need of f furniture shop here first, with confidence and assurance that the customer must be satisfied. Ci El ci ge F. F. Morris Co. lc Home Furnishers Phone 10 m re Bowmanville au aý a Ml ati viestey ikthe gocPihoeeves v Ml Why ot dsoe.they otmeopig.ypon, S Mr To have your gî'oceries delivered than if you att buy them elsewheî'e and have the bother of cart- t PAGE 4 - - -- - -- tN W W. Horn's. grandmothers, as sisted hy M rs. -A .I Peters and MNrs. C. J. Kersînke, >wer School Examination ReaultalHampton, and the C. G. I. T. for- The following have passed the inishe<l a gond program. Several of ýwer Scbool Examination in thelthe grandmothers gave a bistory of llowing subjects, Grammar, Geo-th e o ership of their farms from %py and Canadian History:-.Ethe-l time tbeny we taken over fro. the ephens, Lilian Jebson, Helen VMr- Crown unitil the present, after wbich le. F. J. Groat, Teache r. 1tbey aIl joined bands and sang Auld MINISTERS AND C!HURCHÊS St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Rev. James Cuthbertson, Missionary from Japan, will preach at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday School 10 a. m. Everybody welcome. St. John's Anglican Cburch, Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Tenth Sunday after Trinity, August 21, 1927. Il a .m.-Holy Communion and Sermon. 12.30 p. m.-Sunday School. 71p. m. -Evening prayer. Subject-"The Sermon on the Meunt" United Churcli of Canada, Unior services next Sunday. il a. m. ai St. Paul's Cburch. 7ap. m. at Trin- ity Church. musica services in charge of St. Paul's Choir. Mr. H. J. Knight, Director, Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist. Sunday School at 12 noon. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman are still showing a good stock of white and colored summer dresses in rhay- ens, fugi and crepes. ENNISKILLEN iCOURTICE h, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Bro ks, Miss Myrtie Montgomery, Toronto, r- Indianapolis, Mrs. John Sandc -s, spent Sunday with her randmother, n. Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. T. Mrs. W. H. Nichols ... . Mr. and Mrsi n. M. Slemon; Mr. Siater Knox, Chi- Elmer Rundie and Miss Mary, Tor- cago, Mr. and Mrs. Albert North.ýy, onto. visited his father and mother, v.Lakefield ,with Rev. E. M. and Mrs. Mr. 'and Mrs. A. E. Rundie, recently j LCook. . -. . Mr. and Mrs. A. Patterson, Mr. 1 Orono C. G. I. T. yresented the and Mrs Clarence Rice, Bruce and "Miss Somebody Else" to, a good Betty Rice, Toronto, were Sunday .house here last Friday evening, un- guests of Mrs. Eli Osborne ... . MissI ider the auspices of the W. M. S. The Lyla Osborne has returned homne play was well rendered and reflects fromn Massey after having a pleas- ngreat credit upon the players and ant visit tlýere.... Visitorn at the *trainer. The Community Band Parsonage: Mr. and Mrs. Cummings, rendered music between the acts.. Waterloo, Mrs. Plowman from the nMr. Albert Stainton has returned West, Mr. and Mrs. John Plowman, to Toronto after holidaying at birs. Port Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. Aylmer John Pye's. . . The good weatber of Plowman, Scugog Island..Masters àthe past week has ripened most of Kenneth 'and Harold Osborne have the grain and barvesting is very gen- been bolidaying in Toronto with their eral. Most of the wbeat is ini and aunt, Mrs. Gordon Mitchell. .. .Mr. emuch of the oats in stook. and Mrs. Levi Ellens, Columbus, andil e theirdaughter, Mrs. Robinson, Tor- onto, visited Mrs. Ellen Hancock..i TYRONE . - Miss Hattie Osborne has gone to Muskoka for a couple of weeks wfth Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden.... .On babe, Victoria Road, are visiting ber Thursday last the W. M. S. held its Êister, Mrs. Albert Hills. Their monthly meeting at the beautiful new father, Mr. Wesley Couch underwent home of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Courtice. a serieus operation at Bowmanville The meeting was in charge of Mrs. 1 j Hospital on Wednesday morning Courtice's group and the programn baving his foot amputated. was given by Mission Band girls. A.1 Mr. and Mrs. George H. jol bible story was told bY Miss Jean Newcastle, Mr .and Mrs. Herb. Scott Vinson; piano solo, Miss Rosina Ed- and Dorothy, Orono, Mrs. W. Jack- gar; reading, Miss Elsie Oke; and aj son, Glidden, Sask., visited at Mr. vocal solo, Miss Ada Annis. Mrs. Harry Collacott's.... .The sympathyI (Dr.) Norman Found gave a very in- of the community is extended to Mr teresting address on the work in and Mrs. Clarence Woodley, their KCorea. Mrs. Found came in dressed little son being critica]ly ill in Tor-lin Korean costume, also her twoi onto Hospital.. Mr. and Mrs. Robert little boys, and she explained the Mecullougb, Mrs. Wm. Little, Mr. mode of dress worn by the Koreans Brenton and Miss Kathleen McCul- and then went on to tell of their lough, Mr. Donald Davey and miss customs, etc., and the experience of Rena Farrell visited Mrs. Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Found among them. A Brisbin, Yelverton.. . Mr. and Mrs. hearty vote of tbanks was tendered H. H. McRoberts, Oshawa, Flora, Mrs. Found for ber splendid address Bruce and Stewart visited at Mr. and the social part of the meeting Robt. Burgess'. . . Mr. and Mrs. W, was then enjoyed by over seventy J. Bradd and family, Bowmanville, ladies and children and a very dainty visited at Mr. James Dudley's.. '.. lunch was served. Mrs. Courtice Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Byam and family mnade everyone welcome in her usual visited friends in Cannington. . Mrs. genial manner.... .The services on Euretta Woodley is visiting h er sis- Sunday were excellent and the church ter, Mrs. Agnes Connor, Toronto .... was well filled at botb services. Our Cburch service at the regular h ourPastor, Rev. J. H. Stainton ,preached on Sunday morning. two very forceful sermons and at the evening service a vocal solo MAPLEGROVE"Alone" was splendidly sung by Mr. _________V Frank Walter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McLean, Misas_____ Flora and Mr. Bruce recently visited ber brother, Mr. R. D. Trimble .. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wilkins, Mr. Nel-1 SOLINA son, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Richards, Salem, Mrs. Milton Jamieson, Mrs. Mrs. A. Gibbons and Miss Evelyn Harry Vickery, Town, visited at Mr. Hughes, Toronto, visited Mr. H. T. J. H. Munday's on Sunday..Mr. Argue's... . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mc- and M1rs. E. W. Foley, Miss Hilda, Kessock and Miss Margaret are Mrs. J. H. Munday, son Wallace, vis- spending a week at "Cozy Home", ited their brother, Mr. Milford Wil- cottage at Bobcaygeon on the _Ka- 1 kins, Oshawa, last week ... . Mr. and wartba Lakes. Mr .and Mrs. John1 Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mr. Thos. Snow- Baker spent the weekend with them den, Mr. T. J. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. H. ...Mrs .Thompson is visiting Mrs G. Freeman attended the funeral of E. Hancock, Courtice ...Mr. and their uncle, Mr. John Lee, Kedron, Mrs. Edwin Wood and Master Mur- on Friday..Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ray, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. S McCall, Mr. Melvin McCall, Mr E. Williams'. Mr. Russel Thomp- Morgan Lewis, Peterboro, called on son, Toronto, attended the funeral their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. of tbe late Mrs. Thos. Elliott, Hamp- Freeman, on their way home afteriton, and called to see bis mother, attending the funeral of their uncle, Mrs. Tbompson at Mr. S. E. Werry's Mr. John Lee, Kedron .... Miss Nellie ..Messrs. M .A. and Norman S. B Snowden spent the weekend witb James, Mrs. M. L. Washington, Miss Minnie Pearce, Newcastle. --Bowmanville, Mrs. L. L. Guy, Col- 'Mrs. Jane George, Cobourg, Mrs. umbus, at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's.......- Dorcas Parsons, Erie, Pen., visited lMiss Edith Pascoe, Hampton, is vis- their niece, Mrs. Sam Snowden, last iting Miss Ruth McKessock.... .Mr. week. .. Miss Muriel Morton and Mr. and Mrs. Frank -Westlake and family Gordon Macklin, Cobourg, are visit- ýare visiting at Little Britain.Mr. ing their aunt and. uncle, Mr. and and Mrs. George Avery, Little Brit- Mdrs. Sam Snowden. .. .Mr. Jîm Mar- ain, Mr. and Mrs. John Avery, shall and Miss Jean McDonald, Osh- Burketon, and Mrs. Gage, Toronto, awa, visited at Mr. Lou Hockin's on lwere at Mr. Frank Westlake's... Sunday. Mrs. J. E. Cochrane, Mr. tMr. and Mrs. Will Warner, Hast. Garnet Cochrane, Cobourg, motored ings, Messrs .Stanley and Earl Tay- up on Tuesday and called on friends. lor and Miss Ruth Taylor, Cherry- *. ... Base Line and Maple Groyve wood, Mrs. Sam Tink, Miss Muriel Sunday Schools held their annual and Mr. Everett Tink, Brooklin, vis- picnic on Wednesday afternoon, Aug. ited at Mr. H. E. Tink's ...... Miss .Otb, on the school grounds, tbere May Westlake bas been bolidaying being a good turnout from bothI with Lindsay and Little Britain places; weatber being ideal, every- friends. . .. Mr. Murray Emerson, body bad a good time..Miss Nellie 'Nestleton, is expected to preach bere Snowden and Miss Greta Mundav next Sunday. -. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil gave excellent reports of SummerI Brunt and Master Gordon visited ber School beld at Bobcaygeon. father, Mr. Avery, Burketon. . .. Mr I Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman are and Mrs. Carl Wilbur and family elling the balance of 50e silk bose visited Uxbridge friends. . .. Mr. andb for 25c pair. Mrs. Norman Yellowlees and family b visited friends at Tyrone and Col- ic umbus.. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wil-c HAMPTON bur and Gordon, Zion, visited Mr. jg Clarke Wilbur .... Miss Iva Emer, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Ewart son, Oshawa, Miss Gwendolyn Bray r Creeper, Owen Sound, Mr. Albert of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. * Elliott, Fort Erie, at Mr. John Col- Snowden and Bobbie, Maple Grove,l will's, Jr; Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pas- Mrs. Elmer Lick, Oshawa, visited atl oe and Miss Marjorie at Bobca-1 Mr. Thos. Baker's..... Miss Vera geon; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slemoa.n, Baker at Mr. Reg. Somerville's, Lloyd and Gordon, Haydon, at ber Cberrywood.. . . Mii Bertha Danley, mother's, Mrs. C. Johns; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, Misses Mrs. Chas. Hastings at Toronto; Mr.,IGrace and Helen and Master Jack ohn Horn and Clifford, PeterboroI Brown, Toronto, Mrs. Thomas Pas- t bis mnotber's, Mrs. Chas. Horn;1 coe and Miss Margaret Pascoe of Miss Ellen Elford, Winnipeg, bas1 Hampton, visited at Mr. A. J. Rey- returned home after a visit with ber nolds'. Mrs. Westley and family, unt, Mrs. F. Stonhouse; Mr. and Toronto, visited at Mr. Jack Yel- Irs. Frank Rogers and children at lowlees'.. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hardy Vhitby; Miss Marion, and Masters and Miss Irene, New Toronto, Mr. Harold, Boyd and Keith Siernon, and Mrs. Morley Gilroy and family, :owrnanville, at their ffrandfathcr's, Enfield, visited at Mr. Harvey Har-I Mr. J. J. Virtue; Mr. and Mrs. How,- 'dy's «..%IMr. A. J. Reynolds and Miss - .rd Allun and family, Belleville, at Edna Reynolds visited at Mr. Edwin _ is fatber's, Mr. Wes. Allin; Mr. and Reynolris', owmaville.Mrý. ad-j Was such a decided success last week we bave decided tý continue the Sale again thîs week- end. 10 Rolle Good Quality Wallpaper afid 15 Yardi Border to Match For One Dollar Your Choie of Patteras W. T."'AIlen BIG 20 BOOKSTORE Bowmanville Ont. DO YOU SUFFER WITH Headachesij OR wEye Strain Relieve that Eye Straiîî and banisb tbe headaches now by se- uring a pair of our weil known glasses whicb give such splendid results. Specially priced this week at $2.95 Pair Make An Appointment To-day Jury & Loveil Wben we test eyes it is done properly ENFIELD Misses Mabel and Bert Virtue, Toronto, are visiting at Mr. Jas. Parr's ... . Mr. and Mrs. ThXos. Hill, Toronto, at Mr. J. McCulloch's... Mr. and Mrs. Eltz, Toronto, visited at Mr. H. Forest's .... Mr. and Mrs. Frank Page and Mr and M1rs. A. Page Toronto, at Mr. S. Page's.... Prof. Johnston and Mrs. G. John- ston, Mr. Mack Johnston and Mr. O. Heatlie, Blackwater, visited et Mr. L. C. Pascoe's... . Mr. and Mrs. Pot- ter, Solina Station, visited Mr. TaI- mage Henry'sa. ... Mr. and Mrs. H. James and family, Columbus, visited at Mr. John Hepburn's. .. . Mr. Fred Smith.recently visite-1 in Toronto.. ..Mrs. Geo. Johnston and Mr. M. ,Johnston sang a duet at rhurcb on Sunday whicb was mucb appreciated ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Adams and son Gordon, North Greece, New York, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Tabb and son Gordon, Port Arthur, Mr. and Mrs.. Wmn. Beckle, Taunton, Mrs. Thomas Wilcox, Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Densein and cbildren, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sulley and daughter, Eleanor, Mount Dennis, Mr. Arthur Densem Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dersem and Greta, Mr. Everett Ormiston, Bownanville, visited at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. L.ang Syne. Miss Lena Taylor took snap shots of them on the lawn. The grandmothers served a bountiful unch such as only grandmothers know how to provide. Next meet- ing et the home of Mrs. H. E. Tink. SPECIALS Thursday -Friday-Saturday Men's Palm Beach Tropical Worsted Suits Clearing $25.00 For $14.95 Men's Hard Finished Work Pants $1.95 Each MEN'S SUITS Fancy Tweeds and Worsteds as folk.wvs: Suits Regular $20.00 FOR $14.95 Suits Regular $25.00 FOR $16.50 Suits Regular up te $30.00 FOR $19.95 Suits Regular up te $35.00 and $37.50 FOR $24.95 Men's Fine Shirts $1.69 Values up te $2.75, includ- ing Broadclotbs, FOR $1.69 EACH Boys' Suits at $5.95 Any Boys' Suit in store with 1 pair bloomers, Values $8.50 and $9.00, SPECIAL $5.95 EAC*i Men's Straw Hats A Splendid line selling for 95C Men's Cotton Bathing Suits Men's Overails Black, Blue and Blue Stripe, witb bib, wortb $2.00, ON SALE $1.69 EACH Kiddies' Play Suits, Cotton Any suit in the store, value to $1.75, FOR $1.00 Boys' Fine Shirts Regular $1.50 FOR $1.00 Men's Work Shirts Blue and Kbaki ON SALE 98c Boys' Cotton Ribbed Stockings Any size, Special 4 PAIR FOR 98c Men's Heavy Union 98c LAS..1 4 PAIR FOR *1.00 T. B3. Gilchrist Pone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville Liv e-S tockkPa - an 8&acre &nsiono9Me 1 & ~eopeed at #Wl9 27adia nl Mgi7 -- tW, In this compicte, modern and massive addition to the C.N.E. Coliseum, products of the farm will be exhibited this year. 2000 Cattle, 1500 Sheep and 1200 Swine can be accommodated. A special judging pavilion js uxcorporated and many other features that will interest and pleàse the exhibitor and the spectator. The Canadien National Exhibition is plea.sed te offer s0 impressive a structure devoted to the Cause of Cenada's First Ifldustry-~AGRICULTURE. JOHN J. DIXON. Pr..4dmt Gen.,,uI a4,~ H.W. WATEUS Delicions Chocolates As the demand was so great for our Dollar Day Special in choice assortment of Chocolates last week we are again getting another fresh sup- ply at the same attractive price of onfly 33c Pound Assorted flavors-soft and hard centres. Corbett's Wholesome Bread. Makes you fit-Full of Nourishment-Serve it at eery meal, and between meals if the eidren are hungry. TRY HO VIS BREAD FOR A CHANGE We Seil Willard's Ice Creamn LW. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville $ Day in Wallpaper THE CAI .DIN STATESNAN, BUjWMANVILL, THURSDAY, AUGUST i Rth19 127 el

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