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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Oct 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated T'ne Bowrnanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY,_OCTOBER 27th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.43 NEW FALL MERCHANDISE That Mean Real Economy1 Buyers. Smart Exclusive Coats In a season when so rnuch fur is used these coats are par- iularly attractive chic coats of Suedene, Duvetyne, Pin Point and Needie Point with Shawl or Crush Collars and cuifs of fluffy -Thibetine at prices from ................................... $18.0O UP Cotton Bloomers Women's Winter Weight Cotton Bloomers, finished at knee and waist with strong elastic, sizes 38-44, Special Value Soc Chamoisette Gloves Womnen's Chamoisette Gloves in the new shades, clasp and slip on, extra value at 75c and $1.00 Ladies' Silk Hose Ladies' Silk Hose, in ail the iatest shades, Price 75c, $1.00, $1.50, $2. San-Toy Dress Gooda San-Toy dress goods in the latest colors, Speciai $1.25 a yard Silk and Wool Hose Heavy English Flannelette Womnen's Silk and Wool Heavy English Flannelette Hose, superioîr quality, in in white and colored, ail the new colors, p c al r ed 2 to4 cy Special Value $1.00 Seial Lce 0to4cy Lined Kid Gloves Ladies' Lined Kid Giloves, in Tian and Gî-ey, very fine quality, Price $2.25 Kenwood Blankets Kenwood Celebrated Blan- kets, al colors in plain and plaids, Price $8.50 Royal Theatre1 Friday Only October 28th "«The Big Parade" Saturday Only, October 29th Buck Jones la "Whispering Sage" Matinet- Satuaday at 2.30 p. ni. Cbildren 5c Chapter.9 of "Wiid West" and negular prograni Monday-Tuesday, October 31st and November lst Jahn Gilbert la "Monte Cristo", Witb Rt-ate Adoret- and Estelle Taylor Tht- story of Dumas that bas thrilled millions of readens for a hundred years made inta a fas- cinating master film with a brul- liant star in every noie of im- portance. Tht- two stars of "Tht- Big Panade" Joha Gilbert tad Rt-net- Adoret- are tht-m bt-st. Wednesday-Thursday, Nov. 2-3 Gene StrAtton Porters greatest novel "The Keeper of the Becs" With Clara Bow, Robent Fnazer and Alyce 'Milîs. A great novel macle into ont- of tht- most successful pictures of rt-cent years Friday.Saturday, Nov. 4-5 Viola Dana in "Bred in OId Kentucky" COMING November 7-8 Marion Davies In "The Fair Co Ed" November 14-15 .... Lillian Gish In "Annie Laurie" November 21-22 "What Price Glory AN Informai Dance will be given by The Committe of Community Hall, Newcastle Friday, Nov. 4th Music by Clifford Young's Orchestra Dancing 9 p. m. to 2 a. mn. TICKETS $1.00 EACH Refreshments Jersey Dresses Cashmere Hose Shaker Flannel Blankets Women 's Jersey Dresses Ladies' Cashmere Hose, Biggest and best Shaker in the new shades, in black and colors, Flannel Blankets made in Priced From $10.50 Prices 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Canada, Price $2.69 i REAL VALUES IN MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS GROUP 1 Men's Suits up to $35.00 for $28.50 Menla Suits up to $22-50 for $18.50 GROUP 2 Boys' Suits up to $10.00 for $ 5.98 Boys' Suits up to $1350 for $ 7.98 Some Boys' Suits have 2 pair of Pants Also 5 Juvenile Suits at About Haîf Price Corne and 'have -a good timet. DRAMATIC CONTEST SERIES Under auspices of West Durham Agricultural Socety Trinity United Church Young People's Society and Young Women's Auxiliary Will Present "Here Cornes the Bridegroom" in OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVILLE Friday, Nov. 4th at8.5 p. m. This 3-act drama is replete with thrilling incidents and ser- ies of the contest. A concer t w iii be heid at later date when judges xii announce their decision when a good pro- gram xiii also be presented. Persons holding season tickets presenting same at this concert xii be admitted free. TICKETS Single Tickets 35c; Seats reserved without extra charge at Mitcheil's Drug Store. Hallowe'en Party IN St. Paul's Lecture Room Monday, Oct. 31 at 8 p. m. You are sure of a good time. It's a Masquerade, corne and win a prize. Lots of fun. Program and Refreshments. ADMISSION 25c and 15e A Duty You1 Every citizen' in Bawnianvîlle and West showv suficient intenest, civic pride ta gîve liberallv ta tht- HOSPITAL CANI ta defa-ay expensos of building ar Nurses' Newx Resideace. You rnay neyer need tht- protection of the -but as a citizen you have certai ta your comniunity and your fellom $15,000 18 Ne This is an opportuaity tad an obligati should gladly embrace. Tht- Hos instituti-a. Don't wait ta be asked ta give-send or br direct to tht- Hospital THE HOSPITAL IS NECESSITY AND YOUR WHOLE H] SUPPORT The marriage of Miss Alice Geon- ..goa Weni-y, youngen daughter of Mr w e j and Mrs. J. H. Werry, Bowmnville, and Mr. Clarence H. Rowan, son of M r. and Mrs. Thos. Rowan, Betbany, 3t Durhami sbould j was very quietly solemnized on Sat- u rday, October 22, at Trnity United and nesponsibiiity Ch4arch Parsanage, Rt-v. J. U. Rob- ins, officiating. Tht- bride wone a lovely gawa of honeydew georgette ad cannied a bouquet of buttenfly 4PA G Nross. Tht-y w-trt- unattended. Followiag tht- ceremony tht- bridai ind furaishing tht- party returned ta tht- bride's homp, Horst-y Street, where a veny dainty alucheon w-as served, tht- table being eHospital yourself iexquisitely pretty in a colon scbeme in duties yau ove of piak and white. Only tht- ia- ýwman. I mediate inembens of tht- family were present. Tht- happy couple left later on a inator trip ta Beaverton, Woodstock 3eded. tad other points in Western On- tario, tht- bride travelling la a rose- ion every citizen wood silk crepe dness, tweed coat a worthy wath opposuni tnîmmaag aad bat ta >spital sawrh match and blonde gloves, shoesant-d stockings. Amoag tht- many lovely gifts rt- ring your donation ceived were tht- miscellane-ous show- t-ns givea by the Misses Stepheas, tht- Misses Colt-, (Betht-sda), and Mns A PUBLICJ. H. Johaston and Mrs. Geo. W. A PU LICJames. Tht- Choir of Trinlty Unit- DESERVES ed Church of which tht- bride. was a member for some years pnt-seated ]EARTED ht-r with a prettty salad bawl tad sil- ver servers and a silver bread tray. On their rttrn froan their weddlng trip Mr. and Mra. Rowan will rt-udt- at-ar Btlmany. SONS 0F ENLG.AND GENERAL MOTORS PRESIDENTI BENEVOLENT SOCIETY HANDS EDITOR BOUQUET The niembers of Lodge Wellington1 Great Believer in Influence of Home No. 19 are earnestly requested to at-j Town Papers. tend the regular meeting on Tuesday, . November lst. The Supreme Lodge l t's a long story to go back to the Officers will be present to presentdays when young Sam 'McLaughlin our former Treasurer, Bro. Jas. El- 'wore copper-toed high-top boots and liott withi a Jewell of Menit in re- Ireluctantly attended the old f rame cognition of 36 years' service. We aschool house at Enniskillen-just are aiso to be fax-ored with a frater- 'seven miles north of Bowrnville. nal visit fromn Lodge Cambridge,1 That was when hie and his brother Toronto. Corne out and have a good -George used to sleigh ride down the time.i steep hili w-est of the village on the H-arold D. Moses, R. W. Holmes, ',sled their f ather made in his car- Worthy President. Secretary. i nage shop near where the United Church now stands. That w-as many years ago, and yet not îo long ago as one reflects in his mental attic of The Ladies' Auxiliary of youthful days! St.Andew' Chrc Now it's -'R. S. McLaughlin, Presi- St. A drews Chrch dent, General Motors of Canada, xvill hold their Limited," according to a letter the editor received this week from this illus,,trious industrialist and native BAZAARson of Durham County. jComing back to Mr. McLaughiin's ,letter-he w-as commenting onth Frid y, O t. 2 th Gnerl otors Institutional Adver- FriayOct 28h apaign recently satd at 3 p. m, in the (One of the advts is on page 2 of om -this issue.) Anaong other things Sunday School oe this is what Mn. McLaughlin said: Useful and Fancy Articles 'I believe in the country w-eekly. 1 beliex-e that no printed inatter in Home-made Cooking Canada is more thoroughly read or Country Store l has more influence that the pages of Candy tht-se home town papers". Novelties That is saying a lot in very few Aftrnn Ta illbeserved words, and coming from a man of Afteron Ta wil beMr. Mcbaughlin's high office and wide, 42-2 business experience means something. Th is cannot be considered as mere -flatteny, either, for General Mo tors has put into practice the thoughts so uniquely expressed by its Presa- dent and have this year advertised extensively in home 'town weekly newspapers. The results have evidently been AI' satisfactory and warranted the corn- ." A R I E paay in using rural weeklies in this new publicity innovation of General, Motors Institutional Advertising, the or r riftykey note of which is "It's Better Be- f or T riftycause it's Canadian". ol ai ai hi SI hi ei ni ai di Nv r( i v a h a s o1 ni bi ai dý p a] w 0 la ai ni ai B h di h, ti ti ci ai (1i t) A4 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman GOLDEN WEDDINGj NURSES RECEIVE DIPLOMAS YOUNG PEOPLE TO CONDUICT Wr adMr.Joeh yesPlaan- AT GRADUATION EXERCISES CHURCH SERVICE y Remembered on Fiftieth Wedding Fine Oration By Rev. Harolè on At Trinity United Church on Sunday, Anniversary. -Hospital Campaign to Reduce Evening, October 3Oth. Debt._____ BY ERS-D EVITT-In l î.ptn at the- Next Sunday evening the regular larsonage, on October 21, 1877, b3' Rtv. The annual exencises in connec- service in Trinity United Church, dward Barris Jose-ph T. Byers, Dar - tiori with the graduation of the nur- Bow-ranville, is in- hreo h Oglon, and'Mary Dt-vitt. daughiter af ses i n the Train ing School of Bow- youag people. h rege or r... [r. and M.%rs. Wright, 1)evitt, Cartwvright. manville Hospital -as held Wednes- prograni will be used with some modi- A happy event in the lives of two day evcning in the Opera House fications. Short addresses will be )f our respected citazens was pleas- when a large number of citizens and given by Miss Helen Cryderman, Mr. intly remcmbered Monday evening, fric-nds of the nurses and the Hospit-IborneJackman and one of Trinity's hen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byers Of ai w-ere present. probaioners, Miss Ida Payne will owmanville, ceiebrated the flftieth Proceedings opened with the- Presi- 1recite. The theme of the program nniversary of their marriage at the dent Mr. Norman S. B. James, in the is the relation of the United Church ioto Daeringon.PeAbt twohair the opening number being a to Canadian probiems from the vîew oundred rlantivs nd fiensoth- piano selection by Mrs. D. R. Mor- point of young people. There wilI be inred ardlatvesthend apî-iensgasur nson and prayer by Rev. R. J. Shires. special music by the choir. )rse. After ail had assernbled and The President congratulated the The young people are askiag for a ere comfortabiy seattd under the tw-o young ladies who have complet- special collection of $100 to aid them -anagement of Mr. Harry Hooey, ed their course, and stated he was in reaching their Maintenance and ,he aged couple were caiied forward pieased to see s0 many present which Extension allotment. ind Mr. Alan Willianms on behalf of showed their interest not oniy in ,hose present read the folloxving ad- the nurses but the work of tht- hos- lress. pita1 He was sure ail who needed RALLY 0F ROYAL TEMPLARS o Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Byers:- lto go there w'ould be used right, and ~ or hmclr-n~n ntarreatiesw-ahnearl y every patient was forever af-I Dominion Councillor Pays Officiai t nil>er of your friends have corne to .terwards a friend of the hospital.VsttExeioCuci *u this golden day-tht- fiftit-th anni- Mrs. C. H. Dudley sang a very fine t-rsar oi ~ our saoage- ring which Rev. Harold Young, huir aff-c-tionatt- greetings and 0go~ olo ftr oay ev enig Ointoher 24th, vishes. Tht-y congraulatt- you on having Pastor of St. Paul's United Church, aSarelternhtitebsor ,ached this no:,able occasion and itsreAvne(oa,,oongae inof Excelsior C.ouacil, No. 48, Royal othr-wt o sorrif tg-haî ,ness oration ta the graduates, congratula- Templars of Tempenance of Bow- Flifty years ago today you joint-d hancis ting theni on w-bat had been accom- manville. The occasion was officiai nd litarts to lay tht- foundations af a plished in their training and speaking Rally aight and for the first time in orne that has endured through ail the of the langer aspect of their work, the history of thîs Couacil it was arying fortunes of the years. Fii,'y - l ~ honored by a visit froni Bro. John yars is a broad span in hurman ite, statiag tnat i oruer to make ît count Lhronged with a thousanci me-mont-s tht-y must finst develop tht- latent Buchanan of Toronto, Dominion John Andlerson, rmy Jo, John Cu, an ndCif xctieo We clarab the bhis the gither, powers of their owxx personaîity, as inthConcinandaif. ctieo Ancd manie a cantie day, Joh~n, each person there is a whole lot moreth-oeriCad. Wm've had wi' anc anither". - tenderness and streagth than anyone Immediately after the opeaing Tolay xvc-have corne t e rnind you nat esswe niiul r eeoisadtascino ot nly af what you hav-e bt-tn to one an- t-ver guese heinivdns r eebu-onessasdxtransiaton ofrotn- tht-r, but what yon have bt-en to 'us, put to the test. This is the only way m uies i addtswr a -aur childrt-n and frit-nds. We remnem- to enlarge one's personality. The! itiated, the initiation -being conduct- er with warmi gratitude your ho spitable-inutme-- D C l - doers. and the- kindly ht-arts within. May third pointinutme success in lafeled wit, the Dominion Councior an li the rmernaries aw~akt-ned today be such can only be attained by lookiag on the chair, Past Dominion Gouacillor a w-i add ta yaur happiness on this Oc- human aeeds front the "we" not "1", Rev. W. P. Fletcher of Oshawa, :asion - We find grt-at pleasure [n giving ex.- standpoint, and taking tht- attitude Select Councillor Grant of Oshawa ression ta our affectionate regard ami of not what we can get but what we Council, aad the local officers of Ex- stt-cm, and we desire that you wil c- can do. la other wonds get the sac- celsion Couacil, each of wbom per- eit this g-it as a slight token of our nificial aim not the commercial if formed their parts la a very impres- ratitude and attachment ta you which h flay serve ta remninq you daily of Our tht-y would make if e worth whale. i save mannen. After the initiations -nduring regard and ai our continuai Mr. Francis Suttoa's violin solo , the meeting was tbrown open to vis- oaci wishes that the- caming years may trwhwe amtdtohep- e as happy as tht- past and as worthy accompanied by Miss Helen G. rsMore-amttdt tepo if praise. Signed ris, was much enjoyed. irjain and refresbments. Alan M. WIlIlIgms, R. H. Hooey. The- Florence Nightingale pledjge Rev. W. P. Fletcher delivered a Two littie graaddaughters, Misses was repeated by the- graduates led very excellent and impressive ad- [rene Byers and Audrey Penny pre- 1by Mrs. F. Smythe, Superanteadentildress on the preseat temperance sit- ;ented their grandpareats each with of the Hospital. Tht- young ladies who Iuati-on and tht- nt-ctssity for rt-aewed i purse of gold. beloag to the graduatiag class are- and iacneased vigon for the over- Mr. Byers made a very suitable re- Errma Georgina Niddnie and Los throw of intempenance which is mak- ly acknowledging the- kind wishes Matilda Lamb. ing rapid progress he said under tht- ind gifts on behaîf of himself tad R v.J.U.Roin made the j t- w and iniquitohis Liquor Control is good wif e. Short speeches were t rs Act. Bro. Grant of Oshawa al8o iso made by Mr. W. G. Penny, T on- entation of tht- Diplomas in a con- made some timely remarks about the atoNoron hamers Potypolcise congratulatory speech. conditions la bis home cîty both be- tobt. Agnew ,Sault Ste Manie, and r.(r)Jh pne a h fore and since the coming into force )thers. lhonor of preseatiag tht- pins, and lof the- aew legislation. Refreshments in abundance wene at-t on]y offered kind words ta tht- uia eeton eernee ;erved by the ladies and the balancel nurses but thanked ail for their sup by MuiaB eeton eeraee )f the evening pleasaatly speat with port of the work of the Auxiliay Bros. A. T. Fletcher and R. W. ausc ad dncigtht agd cupl îdurang ber terni of Presideacy and Holmes, and a rt-citation in excellent nusie and ~~dancinteae ope.!bepoke for ber successor, Mrs.F. W form by Bro. W. J. Berry. Tht- )eig prtciptor i th fistdane.Goddard contiaued iaterest and loy closing number was a splendid ad- Mn. and Mrs. Byers have four sons aly.dress by tht- Dominion Couacillon ex- rtn on this imrt anoccaaon-er Mrs. L. A. Tole pnesented the in- 1 pressing his great pleasure at met- W. Byero hs, ifortatosons, struments and in closiag suggested jig for tht- first tume tht- A4embers of dr. Nanan Byers, wife and two, that tht- young ladies do flot getEclirCuel eotie h aughteormn. and Mrs.-and W G married right away which caused a ,'rk of the order tad tht- progress lagtr, r n-rs .G ripple of laughter. that is being made in arousing temp- emny and two daughters, Toron to, t-rance sentiment througbout the Lnd Mn. and Mrs. Percy Byers at Miss Margaret Allia sang splendid- country tad dispelliag the lethgrgy hose home tht- gatbening was ht-id.* ly "Corne, Corne Away", which was of tht- temperance forces which bas ther relatives were Mn. and Mrs. much enjoyed. bt-en almost wholly responsible for~ anDevitt, Sandusky, Micb., Mrs. In the absnice of Mrs. (Dr.)A. tht- doing awWy of tht- Ontario Temnp- eynolds and daughter Editb, Pont- S. Tilley, Mrs. Spencer presented t-rance Act and tht- conditions which ac, Mich.; Miss Elsie Devitt, Peck, Miss Niddrie witb a lovely --i-k1uni- exist. Iicb.; Mn. Edmund Byers, Oct-an brella as a gift for ht-r good work la Excelsior Council which bas bt-tn :ark, California; Mrs. M. J. Kerr the obstetnicai roani. largely dormant for a number of Lnd two sons, Little- Bitain, and Tht- presentation of the- flowers to yasbstkno e es flf nany friends froni Janetviile, Beth- Supt. Mrs. Smythe, assistant Sxapt. yadsinbas ae on a newat- of infe Lny, Cartwright, Dariington and 1 Miss Rundît-, and tht- graduates was ut asncebis ene-organiatiy ortla Au owmaavillt-. daintily dont- by little Misses Ruth usm lsba is elever fortycat-wn Ives, Diana Leightoa, Marlon Scott fmembershltb sevnthe appletin Perhaps no mort- popular play bas and Audrey Elliott. Tht- preseat officers are Bro. J. E. tha "Daco Dbbs plye Presideat James made brie f nefer1 Elliott S. C., Sister Rt-ta Freeman et-n put on by amateur clubs in this ences ta tht- campaign wbich is short- V.C., Bro. C. N. Ruse P. C., Sister y sthit ecsl on l-to tht- Nrsesaat-n reidene Peple For Vto be put on to belp reduce the1 Mrs. J. E. Eliiott, Chaplala, Bro. A. )he send teYngis onla.dFor dwbichonastoeNurest faîl. I nceT. Fletcher, Warden, Sister G. Bate- he tseftd tume by thst- ompa*ayndthir At ht- losee of t- progranan , Ht-raid, Bro. F. Bateman, ,b wtht preente n Fniday niht ceptecwaseht-dfattht- Resid are- 1 tint-I Sister Mrs. F. Bateman, Set- Iay w-as peetdo rdyngtcpinwshl tteRsdnetnl Bro. R. W. .Holmes, Rec.-Sec., iiteOpera House as one of tht- wbere tht- visitons tad nurses werej Sisten Mrs. Gardon Wight, Piaaist, -ontestants in tht- Agricultural So- served refresbmeats.I iety's campletion. The chanacters _____ _B ro. T. C. Jewell, Financial Sec.- ne well chosen and have tht-m parts Treas., Bras. F. A. Haddy aad T. H. low-n to perfection. Kaox's Orches- Mayor T. S. Holgate wvas in Fox- Lockhart, Auditors, Bras. J. T. Hoop- <-a f romi Orono, and tht- Rickad- 1 hoto aven tht- weekead attending tht-1 -r, W. W. Allia and Rt-v. W. A. Bun- miin quantet funnished nmusic. Ifunenal of John Gowsell on Monday- at-nr, Trustees. AUTUMN WEDDING Rowan-Werry eoý tan C7ýý,P

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