THE .fANADIAN STATESMAN. ROWMANVILLE. THUR.9DAY. OCTOBER 27tlL, 1927 PAGE T~1WO DENTAL THE EDITOR TALKS is done during the waxing of the MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE The Charm of Variety is the ttedn uigle aigdcess Teana etn fteCu Honor graduate in Dentistry Toronto of an editorial from the pen of Rev. a dunng he d tîngWhls Theldnul etio the C lubel University. Graduate of the Royal Charles M. Sheldon, author of "In1 If a house catches fire during the! Friday, October 2Sth at 7.15 p. nm. College of Dental Surgeons of On- His Steps", in a recent number of lincrease o the moon, it denotes pros-! At the conclusion of the banquet and tario. Office King St., Bowmanville. New York Christian Herald. His perity; if durn e anpvryafter a short business meeting, in- Office phone 40. House phone 22. reference was to preaching-the * * * luding the election of officers. Pro- X-Ray Equipmeent in Office. charm of intelligent variety in the Tuesday is considered a very lucky Ifoessor H. A. Kent, Principal of direction of preaching and worship. day for sowing field grain-"~Cor-n" iQueen's Theological College. will DR. J. C. DEVITT Dr. Sheldon asks: How many pul- thev say in England; Everyone isispeak on "Prohlems of the Maritime Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson pits do you know that are treadmills? fanil with the multitude of medi- Provinces". Graduate of Royal Dental College, How many preachers do you know cal. superstitions, here are some in 1Men W) have not been members, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow-pvho seldom say anything in a new rhyme. !but who wish to join the Club, may inanville. Office hours 9 a. mi to 6 wav? How many orders of wor- To cure the cramp the following buy a season ticket at this meeting p. m. daily except Sunday. PIhone ship have become formaI repotitions? shouîd be said: entitling thoînto attenîd this b)anquet 90. House phone 283. How about some more charm of var- iand aIl other banquets for the year. X-Ray quîpmnt inOffic iety in the way the preacher proach- "0'~! cramp, O! cramp, why crampestIFrtrinomtnmabebtnd X-Ry quinint n ffie es and the way the people worship? I thou me, Iii- the inforatar yW.J. orr-isn DR R. . DNNWLL *G atewodadcaptetreo, 1 or President J. H. H. Jury. Honor graduate of Toronto Uni-' One of the Most charming preach-1 God the Father. God the Son, God the_____ versity and member of Royal Colegei ers in this country has the reputa- Holy Ghost help me". -4f Dental Surgeons. Licenised to tion of rousing interest in his con- To cure burnis say over the person MILITIA OFFICER PROMOTED practise in Ontario and the Domin-1gregation. One of the members of so aff ectod: !on. Dentistry in aIl its brarnches. this ministor's church said to me a "Throe wise mien came from the East, 1 LieutCo:. E. E. Snidor, Port Office-King St., Bownîmanville, op few days ago. I have been a member One carric-d ire, two carried frjst. Hope, offic' ýr commanding the Dur- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301.j of Dr. s church for over fif- Out ire and in frost. iham Regimient has been appointed teon years, and 1 have neyer ceased In the nanle of the Father. Son and ibrigade commander of the Ninth In- _____________---------wondering at the remarkable charm1 Holy Ghost". lfa ntry Brigade with the rank of Col- LEALof his mthod of sernionizing, and his It must not be thought that these :onel which, since 1920, replaces the variety of address. Without throw- passages wore repeated irreverently,!former military grade of brigadier ~4.G. . GUL, B A. L. D in th srvie itaans' confusion, for it was believed the repotition of general. Col. Snider succeeds Col. 1 or making it common or sensational, these phrases would realîs' effect a F. Boggs, Cobourg, whose termi of Barrister, Solicitor, Notary hie maniages to put inta it an atmos- perfect cure. d uty has oxpired. Money ta boan on Farm an d Tow phere of newness and freshness that* * The Ninth Infantry Brigade con- Property. Royal Bank Bluilding is simply alluring. He has surprises Mans' were the cures for "warts", ,Isists of the Durham Regiment; the Bownianville. Phone 351. for us in the pow that mako it im- the follawing of which are interest- Northumberland Reginient; The 57th possible for any of us tofal l oep. ing: Rangers, Peterboro; and the Hali- W. R. STRIKE *** "To cure warts rub them with a burton Regiment of Lindsay. Successor te latm D. B. Simpob, KtC. The article from which these par-, piece of raw meat, and then bury it, It is rumored that Major Percy Barrister, Solicitor, Notary agraphs are taken gave us a hint and as the moat decays so lwill the ýJobb, Oshawa, and a native of Cart- Soliito forBan of onteal about our Talks on this page and this warts". A piece of raw potato will 1wi.h onhpwo a rli Soicto f r an o M nt 1 week we are giving our readers some do. or sestrT o rdhip nhFasn ae billiant Money ta Loan Plixe of the mans' superstitions and Warts could aise be cured b veresrcodirnc ilb BowmnvileOntabo nd ad lck ign be-seiingthem to oni othr prso promoted to rank of Lieutenant Col- BomnilOtro omens-good an a uksgsb-sin hm tsoeterps-n onel and take command of the Dur- lieved in by our forefathers and for a penny. One connected with h aaRoginient. This wouid be a W. F. WARD, B. A. I mo th ers who came front good old the Nature worship of Pegan Corn- o- ua poite Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Cornwall and Devonshire the latter wall was to wash the hands under pplrapoitet Monos' to boan. Bonds for &ale. haîf of the 19th century-as reported the direct rays of the moon in a dry' Offics-Bleakley Block, King St., bv one W. H. Paynter in a Cornish metal basin and at the samo timie re- DURHAM CLUB Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone.. and Devon Post of recent date sent peating the following: Ofic 02 o0e40.lus hy Miss Margaret M. Treleven of1 wash my hands in 'this thy dish, fDr. James L. Hughes Elected 'Presi- Ofic 12.Hose40.Stratton, Cornwall, England. O man in the moon do grant my wish dent For the 3th Consecutive Year. _________________Il__*_*- And come and take away this". On setting out on a juny if a FUNERAL DIRECTORS sovwt iswr etejuns corn s in a similar w'ay, only the feetiham Club of Toronto, was held on F. F. MORRIS CO. was sure to prendced marria e- an thi me to be washed in a dry basin ýThursday.- October 2th at the resi- Cmlt Moo rtwa magpies, preddmrig-adtefo11nwin -. he repeated nin dence of the Prosident, Dr. James L.1 Cu(it oa.O~three, a successful journes'-four, s. Mnueso -stanui Horse Equipment uopte god n s-and five times ta be effective: Hughe.lnteiflstana ( ) AlI cal promptly tha experson wood nsoo1h i t Come down here, meeting were read and approved. The attended to. tcomhpay o the great. intheNoorn p hre.Treasurer rcported sniall balance. Private Ambulance If, in dressing, a person put his the farefinger being pointed first to; Election of officers rosulted as 10 and 34 was a sign of good luck; but the luck repeating.i W. King, Prof. John Squair. MI. A. Branceh Stores- might be expected ta change, if the A * * * ýJames, E. Fielding, S. R Wickett. Orono & NewcMle stockings were turned the right way. A cure for the dreadful dlisease 'President-Dr. James L. Hughes for * * * King's F.vil", a disease of the sera- the thirtiethi time. lst Vice Presi- _________________________-~ Nothing could ensure success toa afulaus kind, generalîs' appearing in dent-Dr. D. J. Goggin; 2nd V ice peron oin onimprtat bsinssthe face .formerly supposed ta ho President-W. H. Clemes; 3rd Vice ALAN M. WILLIAMS pe1ngigo motn uieshaîdb h oc faknwsPeient-W. D. Rohbins. -th Vice Embaîmer and Funeral Director I more eff etuaîly. than throwing an eldbthtoc ofaknvs:Psi Ç prmptand ersnal t Iold shoe after hîm when hie left the to stroke the affeeted part %vtih alIPresident-T. E. Washington. Seere- (7sgven prmtadpronla-hue piece of rope with which a man had 'tarvý-Wallace Maas. Treasuer--J. tention. No extra charge for dis- hue been hanged. Here I w-ould refer D. 'Keachie. Auditors-C. Gladman tance. Phone& 58 or 159, Bowman-i To see one magpio, and thon more, ceti1alntnmnwh~ n .T rtan 3ilOt -tf. 1isunlueks', ta kîli a magpie, is an ir- te aocrtpaisnsedaiec of manrtuos n The roria -s îenb' s '1eOn.retrievablo misfortune. It was also jfathe ossea icofvruiiThpogn %sgvnbyMs eonsidered unlucks' ta kilI either of C empt, and cured mans' in Calling- Higginhothan),ir. r. Sparrow'. Miss thefolawngbids Roin Wrn ndtoni and the surraunding district Of IMarks, Mr. Geo. Neild, and Dr. MEDICAL the oseMain ThatRobnFrid andhethî1s disease. 1Lamne A. Pearce gave a vorv in- B. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ os M.HZEOD . . .M eta rtn h day of the It was not difficult in the oldenstruti'e address on Literary Mn of - . . . also an unlucky day on whieh to hobde apocr uhrpewhntoICanada. Gold Medalist of Trînîty University,, aried ct f sheep stealers and evon those, The prograni was much appreciat- Toronto. Four yearî attedinig Phy- guilts' cf less off ences wero publicîs'1 ed A he arts' vote of thanks was aiclan and Surgeon at Mt, Carmel _oe 0-on retdonteshne.I s eeddta ayapassed ta the talent and also ta the Hospital, Pittsburg, Ka. Office and on the wane of the moon, that two timo did w-amen and oven mon walk haan h'tssTeFridnad ~esdece Weligtn tre~. Bw-moons in a niont as l~.adte Bodmin and Launceston ta secure- his wife have net lest ans' of their Xirane Phlnon 108. , ow that a hala round the moon f ortelîs a pieco of rope af ter a public execu- I i iovio ng0ngteDra a starm. Ition. - - Club a ceai enjoyable timie. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. When a boy is hemn at the waning; Tho writor. while camipiling a Graduate of Trinits' Medical Cologe, of the mnoan the next irth wil ho Diroctors' and Historical Notices of 1The meeting was the largest. an- roronto, formerly of Enniskillen. a girl, and if a boy is born at th,% the ton parishes in the East Middle il ual meeting ever held in a private Offce nd esienc, D. Biths gow-g f the moan the next birth Division collected the following list 'home. The club is off for a goad OffceandReidnce D. eit'sgwibca oy.of saying-, and uperstitions: tai-t for- the season of 1927-28. former residence on Church Street, *il o* bs'*___1___ Bowmanvillo. Phone 259. 44-t. Another curiaus belief was that it It is unlucky ta trip comîng down- OBITUARY ____________________.... was vers' unlucky ta eut a child's stairs, te have a baby and kitten in VERNAYhair at the waning of the moan, and 'tho samne house, te see the new moon Isaac Lathrope, Bowmanville VETERNARYif done ho wauld go bald, if by mis- through glass, ta sing funeral hymns DR. F. -. TIGHE take one shoubd happen te de this1 or Christmas Carols hefoeo or afteri An aged and highly respectod rosi- VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or the hair sa eut off should ho at once Christmas, to knit on Sundayvs or dent of Bowmianville passed ta the Night calîs promptis' attended ta 1burne in the fire, for if s'eu throw wash lothes, ta walk under a àdder. I rew-ard of a life long and faithfully Office: King St. East, Bowmanvill.jit away the birds might use it ta huild ta whistle at night or on goiirgta b Iived aon Sunday, Octoher l6th in the Phone 243. their nesta and weave the hair in se hed this was supposed te raise the 'per-soncf Isaac Lathrope. E. . ERLAK, . ., . . e.firmîs' that the child mas' have diffi- wind>, ta dlean eut a bouse when ro- Deceased w-as a son of the late Mr. E.G ESAE .SB .S.cuIts' in rising at the iast day. mnoving te a now residonce, te placeand r.ChreLtrpo ndws Oronol' iIfaon a jeurnes', a pig crosses the 'the ire beliows on the table o e bo n har i189Cal atetandb the Honr rauae f Uivrsty ofroad, the persan, if hoe cannet pass it, themn. te break, loac or take off a Cbouni 9nts c N rthumhrban inwheh Toronto. AIl cases gven prompt imust ride round about, otherwiso bad wedding ring, te watch a friend until spent al bis life save the ast sevon and careful attention. Office- iuck will attend his journes'. ho is eut of sight, te gather flowers years sinco hoe maved with his son te Dr. McElroy's former office. Phiones: To find a knife or a razar, par- in a church yard, te wash bodding this tewn. His occupation w-as Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. tends disappointmont, whjîo te find a bus' ans' househûîd brushes, or do *farming ta which ho deoted his en- horse shoe was doomed vers' lucky, as'claning in Mas', ta keep a Mas' ogies mnost industriausîs' until fail- and it was still more se, when pro- cat (as thes' are supposed te brîng in ing strength prevented.- AUCTIONEERS sorved and nailed upon tho doar, as werms and snakes) te put a loaf cf His wvife who was Elizabeth Nich- THEO M SLEMO it ths prevented witcheraft. ýbread an the table upside down. teoso paed as' butevn To spill saIt, or las' the knife and eut the butter both ends. te dream y a ge. To them weme hem a Auctioneer Ifork acrosa each other at table is vers' vou are washing or have lest a tooth, daughtem and a son, the former pass- Fanm and House Sales a Specialts'.l ininous. If there ho in companv thir- I te keep pared enions in the bouse, ing awas' when about thirteen s'ears Ternis moderato. Enniskilbon P._O.Itoon sanie misfartune will befaîl one while it was censidered geod luck ta cf age. Since the ileath of his wifo Phono 197r3. 1tf.- of thoni. woar a now garment on New Year's h b as resided with his -on Henrs' f **Day, and te kilI a pig at the growing and famils'. Mr. Lathrope w-as a __________ - _______ - - IThe ash tree was alwas's consider- of the moon. lîfe-leng member of the Methodist CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS!ed mare or less sacred and should ______- .ýChumch and for Macs'ys'ears an offi- THEROPY sone tind vn ash leaf it 'Sans a -cial in the church at (attleton. Since DURWIN E. STECKLEY sue1c go uk. We ue oming te this town hoe ha, lived leaf was found, the following charni ___quit l being a vers' tîar conîpanion honor graduate of Toronto College 1 was said over it: j u te his gîanddaughter- Miss Carrne of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- Even ash, I thee do pluek, ftit J~Lziti,e and heing fond of rt-ad- manville Office Tuesdas', Thur3day iHoping thus ta meet goedi luck, j T O 1i g q) et nicans' an hour- getting the and Saturday evenings, phone 1 41J.,If no îuck 1 etfmom thee, Noiselesa good things thus providoul and aise Resîdential calîs mado during fore-i shahl wish thee on the tree.' Trickle Charger cjyî a chat wvth find-, and OOl.iThe four-leaf claver and white for IlA"I n'ibiswoii(( i cuit hoath or were also searchod fer, but it Batteries j nc.hîswona i cuit isdobfu f this- realîs' (ornish. fni anc.vie a hldo EN AYMans' wero the Cornish weatherî--tc noan at thte hoe o- f hi. son, Happy is the corps e that the main 0'N AN.à AS1,A MOR E S ER-,FrBrsad cls-r hm nains on .A N FR suc - as' Ecleetrie Oil will take the fireoeut The noise of the anialI inseet called FOUNO. GET B ANN0ofabrorsld thudbet the- death-watch, fortelîs death; and gOTTLE TO-DAY AND hand i noyers' kitchen s0 that it may the screoch-owl at nidnight, some TeHETIME W N h vailable at ans' time. There is grot isfrtne Frda' a cnsd-WîLL UL DO T. ne preparation required. Just apyply ered an unlucks' day for digging ~ h i atehm o cl n h peat, or taking an account of thoe-la pain wiIl abate and in a short time sheep or cattle on a fanm. Whatever lu cWs altogether. Makîne me Canadian Doia'r Go Farthernan Ever Before IN the purchase of the com- mon Commodities of 11f e, the Canadian dollar has de- creased in value during the past decade. But, in the purchase of an automobile, the dollar is now worth one hundred to two hundred per cent more than it was seven to ten years ago-is worth more, in fact, tl-an ever before in history. Whibe constantly raising the quaiity standard of its produets, General Motors of Canada has of th-e Canadiari cam-buyer's dollar. . . . . . . by the economies of volume purch2sing and productian, the close co-ordinatiori of esoucces and facilities, impmoved labor- and time-saving methods of manu- facture, sharing with Canada the savings effected by increased production. In quality and in value, the Cana- dian dollar now goes farther than ever before in the purchase of a General Motors car. CHEVROLET PONTIAC e OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND MtLAUGHLIN-BUICK LA SALLE lp 3CAtLLAC GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK GENERAL MOTORS of' CANADALm'ie Home Office and Factories: OSHAWA, ONTARIO G 20B~ ___i _6 When YOUR bell rings -a personal service When the- beli ain soum teleplone l'iitg-. soiîioods' bas a personai in:t--.agt- for s'eu. It nicans that soiîcono i. iiakiiig use- of a p' i itttttqtttpttrut ivhiclî %vc hîav-e-p-ovtlotl, atîîhlat ho lbas - i-rl tnntscion xxîîh theo tt t -~ ~ ~ ~ r tte jt,.tttti chirig y-au. NI oit- t ha îîthis, lie hia.s,,ecueu -c ,ht-e e tit .. e of the- noce-t-ai-, carine,*,:iîg t-tuipnent iii a central ttt:c at .nd th i t .otitil service otf o.neor nbureteleplione opera- \%'liens'ou arc talkîng xitl i lîîîî tou.areu-ing liun.ý-ds or ,-ve'î thotlc t A' dollars' wortli of tet-leplhon c- cquipuilen t A-ndt ini o dcr t hat thii.-t-tuipnîeîît iim.y a!cxx us ho i t ..lvfoi -aur peI-î -ciaI use, it is closebs' wateh- cul, tse--ttt, cleckcld. It', a iiirseitîtil ser-vce. Give it fair Play Why Dot decide NOW to give ZUTO O Tablets, the remedy se general- Iyusd for hadacà., a fair and square If thora la any doubt in your mmnd mto, the worth cf these tablets or of their barmbloance, Env th.m and KNOW the ttuth. Dou't sacrifice your comfort on se- eut of projudice or akepticim Try the tabets and know. 25e ae dernier or by malwad. B. N. Roblamon à C. Zutofo~ Before the shingle is laid -_ _ _ _ Ioanumé/I W HEN choosing a shinge-you ought te know exactîs' the kind cf protection it will give s'ou. Take a Johns- Manville Rigid Asbestos Shingle, tumn the white-hot flame of a blow-torch on it and see for yourself that it's ire-proof. You'Il nover need te fear the fis'ing sparks or burn. ing brands that corne fromn nearby fines. A rigid slab of permanence made of in- destructible Canadian asbestos and Portland cernent. That's the sort of shingle that scorns the need of replacement or repair. When these beautiful shingles are laid, they will give you everlasting protection from weather, fromn time and fcom fire. Before you choose a shingle "Try an' burn it." CANADIAN JOHNS-MAN VILLE CO., LTD. 19 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. JOHiNS-MbANVILLI# RIG1D ASBESTOS SHINGLES B3OWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Phone 15. Limited I I