PAGE FIVB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27th., 1927 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BUSINESS IS GOOD WITH JERUSALEM PAST MASTERS Mrs. C. A. Johnston is visiting ber MERCHANTS wHO ADVERTISE On Monday evening Past Masters' cousin in Gait. It's no longer a question of "Does nigbt at Jerusalem Lodge A. F. & A. o Mr. and Mrs. E. Williams have re- it Pay to Advertise?' That bas be- M.L, No. 31. G. R. C., Bowmanville, . turned from a pleasant visit with corne self evident and a proven fact. was held when over 70 were in at- 1 leativ es in Brîercrest, Sask. This satisfactory condition is being tendance. The Third Degree was , Mr. and Mrs. L. Cornish, Toron- brought to our attention almost eepiidi eyal manner - 'to, xisited Mrs. Rd. H. Souch and weekly by regular advertisers in The with these officers in charge: W.M.- i other old friends here last week. Statesman. T. H. Spry; .P.M.-John Lyle; S. o, -mMr. and Mrs. Thos. Whale, Mr. and Clarence S. M.%ason told us on MIon- W-J. B. Mitchell; JW -John r- ïr.R W. Wd andWalc Tor- dy his advertising last week botg Percy; Chaplain-Fred C. Hoar; mi rs. Wae alace a rug T reasurer-John Lyle; Secretary- _ onto, were Sunday guests of Miss Ern- him the second largest day's busine ss T. Annison; S.D.--Jos. PattinsonJ. or erson. since hie opened the 'Little Shoppe D-G. C Bonnycastie; Organist-WV. Fr WiththeLare Sock. H coes i Mrs. Thos. Jackson. Miss Leta and WihteLreSok. H onsJ. Bragg M.P.P.; I.G.-T. A. Dustan; Bc Mr. Roy Jackson and M-%rs. Courtice right back this week with more in- Tyler-A. L. Nicholîs; Assisting Past- spent Sunday witb Mr. J. T. Fee, teresting values. MsesA .MneuC .ç Omemee. When we called on W. P. Corbett Cawker, John Baker. Mr n r.Atu rgtadfor bis advt on ýMonday hie was in theAladoretohebnuig ,I Mr adMr.Arbr rih adnid a3-eke1edig hall where W.-M. R. J. Gill presided.- spent Sunday with ber mother, Mrs. cake. 'This is the seventh wed- The usual Masonic toasts were pro- Thos. Tod. (lifl4 cake 1 bave made in 10 davs" psdadavr neetn drs .Mr Ezie . Kigh an brde f be said and added, "people sure do posed aendona e neoleng add res Mr. zzi H.Kniht nd rid ofread the advt- i n The Great Family sgvno envlne b t Ottawa. were recent guests of his Journal". Wor. Bro. G. C. Bonnycastle wbo is, aunt. Miss Enmma Knigbt at Mr. W. T .cltiran n member of tbe Board of General ire, W. Downs ,B Gilchrist, cohe n n Purposes. It was indeed a very en-j- Mr. nd rs.R. . Atchsonof our rnost consistent advertisers. joyable evening. n aMre. a swithrelaitis in savs be bas evid ences of results every spent a eekdysfrthreltibisi wadvertising in The Western Ontario and are now visit- Statesman. ing friends la Rochester, N. Y. Roger Corbett of Corbett Motor BIRTHS c Rev. A. McD. Haig of Agincourt, Sales, wbo increased bis advertising FORSEY-Al Uowmnville Hlospital, on C who with Mrs. Haig had heen vtsiting very considerable in The State man ()t" -'.27 eM. ,dMs.Gog Statesmnan a friendly caîl on Friday. that they bave done as mucb business Mr. and 'Mrs. J. Rboads, Akron, this year as they did in past five MARRIAGES Ohio, and daugter MIrs. Hargrave years. He was kind enougb to at- BOK-OPRA h asitg and Miss Wright visited bier brother, tribute a generous share of this in- TroOKt. , o PiEsdAy. tohe Prs12,152 Mr. J. H. Cryderman and nepbews, crease in business to judicious ad- )ylîs .v . J.HR.rumpîour, îrnta Pauline. Iv Lawry and Fred Cryderman. *et1n nTeSttsa.s od iult fMradMsFakV Mrs. Eliza Slute and son Ross and oertsninThay tades ? Ask ooli' r, (trono, and Ir. Morty Brooks of bis son Alan, Toronto, and Mr. and the merchant who advertises in Tbe- ts.- Nornman Yellow-lee.s, Solina, Statesmian. It pays to read theDAH pent Sunday with '.%r. Alan Battle DEAH and son Robert, Manvers Road. advts. too. ______ARMVOUR- \t her Itte r,.sîdenct, 234 Word ivas received bore on Mon- Jarvis Stre.It Toronto, Thursday, Oct. s, day by relatives of the sudden oeath MINISTERS AND CHURCHES _'o, lîz.,e h 'McNeîl, îîdow of the l,îte f. of Mr. Jas F. Allen of Brooklvn. N. hýSttti rto.frh yo orie n2 Y 'M.Allen is a son-in-law of Mr., St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. h, rAYtlT-A te esdeceof. James Elliott, King St. East, Bowr- Best. ). D.. minister. Public wor- d:tcit r .rs. S. S. Edlsail, Bowman- nianville, bis wife being Miss Kate sh'p at il a. ni. and 7 p. mi. Sunday vtî.oitn îîîa.Octoh,'r_12,197,M'il- ~ Eliot.Sehool at 2.30 p. m. b, i;ii. (nry- Garrat. agerl 92 years, In- Elitterr,., il .ît W.llin£:ton of Mr. and 'Mrs. A. A. Colwill, New-1 St. Josephs R. C. Church. M.\ass SMT-clrs; Sre optl castle, announce the engagement of 110.30 a. mi. Sunday Sehool 2.30 Toronto. on Saturlay. Octohrr22 Samuel gt their ilaughter. Lillian Burdett, t o p. M. Evenîng, 7 p. ni.-Sermni.l.atesni atrStt fMn son nd Bnedition - roa i.n Iis 32. .1year. lntermntntVeter- Mr. Ewart Gladstone Clemence, snadBneito. Rev. P. P. But- ans, Plot, P'rospect Cemetery. of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Clemeýnce, er. UGLOW-At the resîience o! ber bro- Bowmanville, Ont. The marriage to St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch, îtr titrî. . rChtas. Best, Zion, Hope I' rTnshiponed taier 2o,1th7, are Mar-a take place early in November. corner Temperance and Church Sts. ,-tx beîl..oned Octer of,1th7, Mary Mar-b Women's Institute xill meet at Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- liant anti E, ajietit ilancock Velow. In- R borne of Mrs. John Cox, King St. E., ister. orig orbp la.m i ntaWecîer on Friday, October 28th. Program Evening worsbip 7 p. mi. Sunday in charge of No. 2 group. Subject-i School 2.30 p. mi. Everybody wl IN MEMORIAM "Canada's Native Trees." Al mem-îcorne._____ bers corne prepared to take part in, St. John's Anglican Church. Rev. JEWELL-In loving memory of W. E. roll caîl, "Hallowe'en Superstitions. 1R. J Sbires, Rector. Twentieth Sun- Jevt, i.wlo died October 25, 1920.f Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyié, ,cugog a after Trinity, October 30. 1927. .43-1* Wife and Family. rI 'day ____Communion.__11_a._m._ b Street, Bowmanville, announce the S a.. .Hl omnoi .m engagement of their eldest daugter, '-Morning Prayer. 2.30 p. m.- Houses to Rent Nelda Winnifred, to Mr. John Sunday Scbool. 7 p. m.-Evening T E-w ot omfrihd Thonipson, Oshaw'a, son of Mr. JohniPrayer. good location. Seven minutes walk front Thonipson, Kingston, Ont., the mar-1 Trinity United Churcb, Rev. J. U. î'ost UfliCe. Box 20î, Bowznanville. 42-tf niage to take place early in Novem- lRobins, pastor. Sunday services at FOR RENT-Two furnished roos ber,.la n . i ncag fstîttalîle for couple, both working. Appîly Mr H. W. Pointen and Mr. Clarence 10 H. E. Smith, Queen St., Bow- Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Plunimer, Bow- IFerguson. Evening service will be a rnanville. 42-w- manville, announce the engagementiYoung People's Rally. Sunday HOUSE FOR REN-On Elgin Street of their elder daughter, Marjorie School at 2.30 p. mn. Good music. North. Reaiiy November 2nd. Apply Ruth, to Mr. Richard Stephen J. Jeif- 'vroewloe to Peter Martin & Sons, High St., Bow- ery, son of Mrs. William and the lateTerglrMna ih et avle 1t Mr. William Jeffery, Maple Grove. 1igo rnt on epewsi The marriage to take place the ea ngo Tiit oug epl asi ~art of November. charge of Mr. John Cawood and con- Real Estate For Sale Th rbln fapl akeigi tinued a study of the effects of al- rom sa'.vrytrciere- coo.D.C. W. Slemon gave a FOR SALE-Two bouses, six this section is gradually solving itself very instructive address on the re- diences, in good location. Appiy Peter as more farmers each year find it ex- action of alcobol and laid particular Ntar tin & Sons, phtone 497w. Bowman- pedient to dispose of their apples, empbasis upon the fact that the worst ville. 25-t tree run, to truckers who corne into danger of alcohol was that it affected HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick bouse, the orchards and take the apples the higber brain celîs first and at- rooms. el ectrire ihits and furnace, ap- away in their own containers which tacked, the very centres that lift usi îles, pears, andi smail fruit trees, two, the us ovr nd veragan. above brute creation. Mr. Cawood Looti buildinrg lots with property. Will ,ePl at working mans price. Convenient the us oer ndove aain jconducted the worship period. locatbon. Apply W. J. Berry, Booksiore Messrs. L. A. Parker, C. W. Tait, î vowrnanvîîle. 18- Jack Goodaîl and Oliver Roberts . The Wonian's Missionary Society -_____- were in Ottawa Saturday attending'Of St. Paul's United * Church, Bow- HOUSE FOR SALE-Framne dwelling v an,oneacre of strawberries andi other the reunion of 2lst Battalion CE.F. m ianville, held a most successful small fruit, the property of the laie AI- Over '250 veterans were present and thank-uffering servicc on Tuesday brt F, Goode, situateîI on Brown Street, all report a wonderful tinte. Brig- afternoon. Mrs. Thos. To d, the. in Bowmanville, gooti barn andi hen b -us, adier W. St. Pierre Hughes presided. President, was in the chair, and after lett llrt faoirte pr. isro nr Nex yer runin wllbe eldat penngservices, two appreciated tir th state. Bargain price mayl Kingston. solos were sung by Mrs. C. A. Cw- I- sectireîi fro .F atBritr ker and Miss Jean Ramsey with our' Bowntanvilie, Ontario. -_ 3-t~ Under the auspices of the Young organist, Mrs. Dudley, at the piano. HOUSES FOR SALE-Double frane i People's Society, Ralph Gordon, one The speaker îvas otir esteemed Presi-lbouse. 5 rooms each. with Improvements of this surnmer's Chautauqua per- dent of the Dominion Board of the onEl,,in St. oppoite sctiool: Brick house1 forners wil peset amor exen-W. . Sciey, rs.J. acGliray orner Egin anti Concession; Franîk formrs, ill reset a ore xteniW.M. Sciet, Mr. J.MacGllivay, im. on Concession St. 2 large brick sive prograni at Maple Grove on who held ber large audience at miark- biouses9 on Scugog St., close io C. Pý R. Wednesday, Nov. 2nd, at 8 ni . ed attention with ber most interest- Ot, 'Vtermns: one on Concession St.; lfit î k boutse. 7 rooms. at Nursery Cor- Corne and enjoy a good laugh while ing address. Trinity United Churcb Citick-~n rancit near town of F.ow- Mr. Gordon draws cartoons and other 1ldes accepted our invitation and aa ,nvill,. stîltable for retired farmer or pictures, sings, recites and does a lit- happy united party enjoyed the soc- * at m renock, Qupce. PhonIli tie magie. Admission 3,5e and 15c.i a tea at the close, ville. 38-8 Il Lost or Found SHOPPI1NG BAG FOUND On King St. t M. nti,îy, contai n clotiiîg. ce. Et tu ire .ît SîtitesttiatitOfftce. 43f MONEv LOST-ln iwnattville last te-k. HteNN ard for retrtrn to . W Il. rîcai.King St., Jwr.itIl.4-t LOST-i".,tale Fox Terri, r in 2.onday, stol,.r *24 'A 'Votîl.lparty lîiving stîme uturn 10 C .lMoore, Divisitn St., I3o% - CATTLE LOST-Four y.z.rilng cattle, te ri. oit,' reti antiwit Ie and two iii frouti lo 17, Con. 4. Clarke. Senti formnation 10 Freil Blackbt'tt:. H. R. 4. mw nitinvili,-. 43-tf TWO CATTLE STRAYED-(tn Lot -S, ii.7,larliitgtoit. 0w r, r ttî.v iat t te by provîng property and paying ititige s 1î. CollacC it. H. R.5, fwmn ii.nil I . phone 146-1, Articles For Sale FO0R SALE-Gooti Sliortl,t.rn efrj ceýntiy calveti. 'W. T.1'. rret. t nt', on. pthone 376-34. 43-2wI ORGAT6 FOR SALE-Altti,titI solîiIwttl- ilt organ, rea.;l Iargain for quîck sale. lv 2 .L Collistock. phoît. I-,, or L.-n iîott, Ilione 34S. 43f t FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain. a first ass instrument. Can be seen on en-_ lui"y at S'atesman Offce. Has been xeh taken cars ot. In gooti condition 29-tf' LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinîîs of launtiry work done promplt- ysatisfacior îly anti at reisonable prîces %Vr«tePoltd ffie Box 1", or caîll .trs. K.ajrtiKng St. E, Bowrnanville. 39. t! Wamted LADY BOARDERS WANTED-Htgh! slioc-I ti-tcli( rs or irls. Accomnmodatiotn fr foutr. Al coiitvenientte"s. nto cltildirit. Ira itJames (Grant, C. ntr" Srep.hone 381, flounianvill, 43-tf AGENTS-If you like tr.'.s and sltrubs. ýhy net seI them? Make a itusînctss of' t. PartUime or full tme, . aietiesI f proven Red Tag Nursery Prorlucs. Cash . very w'eek. Etitpmnî.,ntand tn-1 trîtctions fre,. Write DO'MINION NURSERIES, 'Montreal. 41-Seow WANTED-A smaill Uprlght Piano of mîodern style. Will exchanze a 6 tubel ;uîîer-Neutrodyne ,walnut cabine,, 46 in- cheB high. built ln Baldwin Louti Speaic'r and aIl equlpment. new. riîs lu a teautiful Instrument andth 'e Pinnaclé, of Radio perfection. Write Box 353, B,,w- nanviile, or telephone t13. NOTICE If the party who took a ntink mut! from Mise Bonaihan's roonis will return the same at once there will be no egal proceedings, otherwise there wil te as the guilty îîarty Is known, 43-11 Bow.nanviîîe Dairy Patteurized MîikI. The High Hoisted Stand- &rd of H.aîth Food. Purity, Pasteurization, Food Value, Cleanliness and Prompt Delivery, are each oae a sanitary and service safeguard, around whicb a long story could be writ- ten. But we will sum it up lnaa brief forni and say-"-ýthey are the reasons why you should phone us to double your milk order". C411 us today.' BWHÀ?IL DAIIY PHONE 44(o Our Ship Has Arrived Laden With Bargains For You Another Big Shipment of Women 's and Misses' Coats Arrive At 1 CLARENCE S. MASON'S LITTLE SHOPPE WITH THE LARGE STOCK Specially Purchased for Sale on Thurs., Fri. & Sat., October 27-28-29 DIVIDED INTO THREE GROUPS COTS COATS COATS $22.50 $25.00 $35.00 CASHH AS Eveî'y garment new this season-ali are beautifully fui, trimmed-the n ewcst nateî'ials including Pinpoints-Broadcloth j '-Suedeîîe-all the newest colors î'epresented including Linder- bergh Blue-Forest Green-Chestnut-Wine-Bi-own-Black - -' and Navy. Complete range of sizes. "CARA VAN" COATS L Leaves are changing-shadows lengthen-there's frost in the air today-and you need a warm coat. Y With the coming of Autumn, the well-dî'essed woman looks to Caravan Coats as a guide to hier ensemble. Richly fur trimmed coats, beautifully lined, their straight sil- houette undeniably suggests youthful swagger. Coats that com- .- bine durability with the charm of extreme chie. Come-See and Compare Coat Value Extra Ordinary Wateh Our Window CLARENCE S. MASON Next Door to F. F. Morris Co. A deposit of 25% of purchase price will insure holding garment for 2 weeks Bowmanville GET IT! USE IT for Sore Tbroats, Bronchial Asth- ma, Quinsy, Bronchitis, Coucb, Head Colds Catarrh and Tonsil Diseases. Good results or money back. Its Mrs. Spahrs Tonsilitis. 43-2 Lots of Fun Hallowe' en See rüy w'ndow for Hallo- wý on Decorations and Favors încluding Gay Crepe Paper, Fan- cy Serviettes. Unique Favors, False Faces, etec. Prices reas- onable. WALLPAPER BARGAINS'- To nîake rooni for fail goods woe have reduced sonie beautiful Nvallpapers as low as 10c ROLL Have You Read Jaina? The $10,000 prize novel by Mazo de la Roche-$2.00 a copy. W. J. BERRY Opposite Ives' Shoe Store Phone 207 Bowmanville A Busy Time This is a busy time la our Optical Department. Our Op- tometriat, R. M. Mitchell, is 9 REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST BY EXAMINATION and was the first Optometrist la Bowmanville to pass the examina- tion set by the Ontario Board of Examiners la Optometry. People, today, are very wisely giving more attention to their eyes and the growth of the PROFESSION 0F OPTOMETRY is very rapid. Prepare yourself for your WINTER READING by having your Eyes Examined A Now SEE MITCHELL & SEE WELL R. M. Mitchell & Co. THE QUALITY DRUG STORE Bowmanvilîe Ont. Phone 92-Niglits and Sundays 280 Mrs. Hilîbura, Port Elgin, spent Mu. and Mrs. J. F. Maunder, Lind- the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. Mrs. Geo. Weekes and Miss Edith Weekes spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Staples and daughter Elizabeth, Toronto, spent Sunday here. Her mother, Mrs. W. H. Spargo, wbo bas been spending a couple of weeks la the cîty returned witb them. An army of over five million people has marched to see "The Big Parade" wherever show-n. And it has just started. say, were recent guesta of bis unele, Mr. Edwin Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Challis, Mies Phyllis Challis, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cole attended the chicken pie supper at Millbrook United Church on Oct- ober 17tb which was a very enjoyabre occasion. They were well looked after by Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, daugh- ter of Mrs. Rd. Osborne, Bowrnan- ville. Bujy Saturdayand Save When doing your Saturday shopping pay your weekly visit to out store. and see the special money-saving values. Attach Plugs ..............................10e Key Sockets ...............................29e Chair Sockets .......................29e 2 Way Sockets ......................33e Attach Cord and Plug ...............59e Snap Switches .......................30e 5 Guaranteed Electrie Bulbs, 5 for 93e Alarm Clocks .....................$1.10 POULTRY PAYS By using Staminax Laying Mash Dustan's Cash Hardware "-IWe Serve You Well" Bowmanville REXALL ONE CENT SALE THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27th, 28th, 29th You know the plan: Buy a 25e Rexail ar- ticle and we give you another of the same 25e article for le, or the 2 for 26c. Hundreds of needed goods from which to ehoose, and hundreds of dollars to be saved-for three days only. Get A Bill With Complete List JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It is Done Properly molr-, a . g JOHN GILIBERT wîth Renee Aclorec lau rence 7St>alints Lilecfed b>' Kintg Vidoir AMetrodwIflMayeir PICTURE One Day Only --- Friday, October 28th. At 8.15 p. m. Prices 50c, 75c and $1,00 plus tax. AIl seats reserved. Reserved seats on sale at the Theatre, Wednesday, October 25th at 12.15 noon. Matinee at 3 o'clock. Prices 25e and SPOc p MUSIC BY "THE BIG PARADE" ORCHESTRA Entire presentation under the direction and management of MeIro-Goldwvn-Mayer Picture Corp. The same picture that ran continuously nearly two years at the Astor Thea.tre, New York at $2.20 admission. Ia London, England, 6 monthe, Boston 26 weeks, Philadelphia 20 weeks, Chicago 19 weeks and many other record breaking ruas. The Royal Theatre is Proud to Present KING VIDORS prodctio . 1 1 1