PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 Intei oValues crest You? HERE'S YOUR OPPORTUNITY Wonens Patent Strap Shoes, high, mnedium or low heels, Special $2.89 Pair Misses' Brown Oxfords, a real sehool shoe, Special $2.39 Pair Boys' Winter Caps, ivith or with- out ear bands,. ..Special 98c Men's Heavy Work Rubbers, every pair zuaranteed, Special $2.95 Pure Linen Roler Towelling, '15c quality,. Special 17c yd Men's Military Work Boots, Special1 $3.69 Pair Girls' Ail Wool Flannel Dresses, well made,..Special $2.95 Mlen's Bi.- B Best Grade Over- ails, Black or Blue, $2.00 for $ 1.69 DILLICK'S King and Di-rision t. BowmanvilIe YOU CAN EARN _ $6 to $10 PeR DAY Learu ..n1 Esrn,. part time on Mý,otor.%ech- anies. Battery. Wefinff, Vucnizing and ,usP Wiring. also Ericklayiflg and P!atering. Barber- in. and Beauty Culture Be Prosperaus and Happy Gondpitions now --.vs open. Write or ral tree instructive book. Hemphull Chartered Schools 163 King Street Wit - - Toronto Free Empioyment Srvic-Coast to Cû.it Gifts of 1 Mke youî' Christmas1 Don 't ait until the hustl week. By choosing a he piece of fui'nituî'e or' fui iate(1 hy everone-youe addition to th eir or' vour1 USEFUL PERMANENT We are ali'eady laying Ch iistmas Snokers XaInuutSimoking Sets, ia various sty les. Snmokers Celîr-ette, Walilut, very haudsonîc, oruanental and useful. Fa-v Chairs. Den Lamip-l'iauo lui))1), i'Le laniîîs, Recepti in Lampti. Boudoir Lanips, Talle L.anips (hsterjfiel d Tables. Tele-phone Sets. Ijinner' Waggonsi. Se-vwLuE (abinets. Ga~t e Le rge ITale s. t he 4erfie1d Enîd Table%. Spinnet Writing Dc-sks. Waluut (ur[ttes. Book Racks. Hall Trecs. C tir ('hests. Fancy Chairs.s F. F. Mi Home Furnishers an Bowmanville i rend gîtse anti digppînyci talent of 98e Each ne moan ability lu assistins- te igten BW AVLEDI! ________________ thorrisugylae tables se ________________________ ed by the Clar-ke ladies.PHN4G ndFuealSrvc Ohr risscoutsibutins- te the PirEe4 rud Fneralervic supper progam wos-o Miss At- M*T .' B e ilin, Os-eue, vocaiet; Miss, Mitison, I Ont. elecutionist, sud Ms-. Stanley Port. os igradhmro3etran hn - es-. Pros-eeds $180.00. I FARMERS, ATTENTION! 1 Delivery made promptly to any custonier. Order at once. T U S A .N V M E 7h,12 R. H. Collacott, Pho ne 181r12. T U S A .N V M E 7h,12 4.5-tf. NEWCASTLE SOLDIERS' CLUB ENJOYS HAYDON LEARN BARBER TRADE Mr. Cyril Minakes- of the Standard i ARMISTICE DAY BANQUET$ Mr. and Mrs. S& Way Kent and LEARN MODERN BARBERING-Few Bank staff recently visited bis home Dr. James Moore, Brooklin, Chief children, Paris, Mr. and Ms-s. R. C. %wekserequiired; earr. wbie iearnlng: em- in Piston. Spae-Club Officers Reelected MLean and Kennetil and Mrs. H. pioyin nt sure; Moier, the originutor 0'>f SekrMeComb and babe, Toronto, Mr-. and the barber schooi, makes this work pro- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E Veterans Attend Ch'ircb Service. W.M Her ad chdr, ttibie for you. Write or cati for freelC. Hoar on the bis-th of a little son, ___Mrs .M er n hlr catalogue. Moler Barber Colege. 121 their third. Lindsay. and Ms-. and Mrs. Adam Quen West, Toronto 30-t Old comradeships wore reneved Shr n hlrnniklewr IMs-. P. LeBovpillies-, Montreal, recalled at te annual Arm'nistice Day gSsrp - and Ms-de EsElnMoun- Pet tesleekn vbM- adMs and reminiscences of the xvorld wNar jy Real Estate For Sale P.bG-eiy anquet beld hy menbei's 0of Bowv- Clar-ke I. 0. Lodge No. 265, will manville Soldiers' Club at Bowmian HOUSE FOR SALF-Frarae iweiîling me et in the lodge rooras, Newcastle, House Fsiday evenin.g when a large' MAPLE GROVE 3- d one acre of strawberries and other Monday evening, November 2lst. nuniber of ex-ses-vin' nia ini this dis- i u1jj:jlt frulit, the îroterty of the ilatîo AI- Rev. E. B. Cooke wvas called to,ýi ict were present. Ms-. and Mrs. R. L. Wordon, Miss tort F, <-ooQue. itw0i t on roun Street, in Ilowman ville, gooui barn anti heu b use, Belleville Monday to conduct a fun- jAftei' ail had do!i ful justice ta .Hilda Foley, Tor'onto, Mr. and Mrs. loti igbts antd watir. This lrolier oral and xvas acconspanied by Mrs. th hkedinrPsdntJ -Loa RcrsSliiiooe t tv muist l)e solîl for thte tilrrose of ifld. Cooke. ONille the ckn inereig d.e Lenar icad s, a'n. t oeoed il' n - o thle Esia t e n.,rga lu pri ce rnay, ONilcle h ahru i idr oe-oaadsetIexekn b. speureti froto W F. Ward, Barrister Durbaia Miik Producers Associa- Toast to the "King" xvas theit pro-,ý%with relatives ..Misses Rluth and PBowrnunvilie, Ontario. 13-t, îion xiiiboid a meeting in the, posed followed by a toast to thei Bernice Allin, Lake Shore, spont Sun- Council Chanibes- of Cemmunity Hall, '"Fallen Comrades" which was pro-Iday xvtîh Miss Vera l'imer... Mr'. iNewcastle, on Friday evoning, No- posed in a most loquent address hy* Raymond Snowden, To" .-ta, spent vo îber l8th. L. H-. Cooke. 'Mayor- T. S. Hoigate Sunday with friends.. . . Do n't f oîget __Orono Mission Band xiii visit lhe proposed the toast to the "Canadian the Christmas Tree antd concert le be Is Your Hionme liNews-astle Band and give a program Corps" whih asrepode t by held in the hall Fri<iay, Decenhber next Saturday afternoon, Novembos- Rev. R. J. Sbires. 1 6th. Particulars later ....Miss 19., Members of the local band will Dr. G. C. Bonnycastleie odce Reta Power spent Sundav xith ber "Fr iendly 0 provide lunch. the speaker of the evening. Dr. -istor, Mî's. Stuart Moston, Cobourg Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Clemence and Jamnes Moore, Brooklin, wbo gave a \is Anrie LiiîîdCavo, a splendid son Donald, Toronto, attended the most impressive and inspiring ad- report of the O. R. E. C. lnst Sun- It s fr ryfrm hefrm- Clemence-Colwili nuptials on Satur- dress. In hi-. epening remlarks ho day.2 It s afarcryfro th frm- day and rinained over Sunday witb reminded bis comrados tutat tuday t Men's Wos-k Boots at $3.99 will fried, overloaded parlor of the his parents, Mr. and Ms-s. T.- H. tbey were seerating the most glor- be $4.50 before spring. ýBuy now Victorian Age to tbe intimate, Clemence.1 ious anniversary of ail days in the at Ives' Expansion Sale. "bomey" living-room of today. Ms-. and Mrs. Wm., Nis-hols and '.\r Britisb Empire , wher, the great Not'hing bas been of greater in- and Mrs. Thos. ýBrown, Port (Gran- sts-uggle xvas oves- and the allies came fluence in acbieving this friendly > by, were Sunday guests of Dr. W. condtitiorn t. ýhi Ho secpokaedoft ho NI tH Walton-Bali at Harris badge. Ms-rcniin 'ih rieiiae h NIL atmosphere than the widespread ora Choate, Port Hope, was ai- 1x' ar and the part the Eritish Emipir ___ tis o fie allaprIN*ranI played in tbe titanis- struggle. Ho Miss Brooks, Osbawa, visited the use f fie walpapr. s-a eknd gs-s. P. te ad gran- counselled the comirades lu' continue, îveekend wi th Miss Helen Pass-oe.. n std r.P 'eladgn- the spirit of lovalty aud pats-ot sim1 . Mrs. F. Gilbert bas be-n visiting in If you are thinking of decorat- sn ite theis- daughtes-, AMss.te ti'teir King and Counts-y s,) magot-i Toronto.. Thanksgiving servis-os will ms- pa u a ist. e toc a Koecb and family at Trenton onf Ilcntly shown during th3 xvas. Coin- be held bore next Sunday, Rex,. Ms-. ing pa usa vsit Westok a Sunday ,witb wbom they afterwards menting on the red lino 3f British Clus-ston of Columbus, w ilI preas-b xide range of moderately priced motes-ed to Belleville and vere juin- fo rtifications whicb stretc!îod around i aftes-noon at 2.30 and e' coing at 7 wall papes-s from the meet net- cd by their sou, Ms-. Percy O'Neil tii1o)dteseae etoe i. p.i. The Columbus choi' wil able domestie makers. If y ayf-in. Tewhl at raitai'. Malta. Cyprus, Suez Canal, rendes- musie at eacb sos-vise. Beef have a decoratins- problem, is-ah n motorcd to Corbyvil:e vwbes-cj Esquimauit and Halifax as oxtreme- ring meeting itext Satu:'day nigbt, nCa tnoy had dinner witt relatives. i Iv valuablo straýegis- points in te Novembes- l9th in the Hall. and we will be pleascd tesow Thoi' many young fricots and as- jpGcs~Esion of Great Britaîti. Toi yeu the new 1928 papes-s now in sociales in the United Chus-s-, Sun-,I mattert t which party bier s'atesnltcii O auraNoeb r ssW stock. day Ss-bool and Young People's Leag- i 1-ulauged tbey aiways keep Iheîr cyej.Fruo asdL -u ut n lue extoud beas-ly conigratulat ions sud oui be soiidarity of the Emipire. ho expestd.- She net heco welt for best wishes for lifelong happiiiesstodIL urd. Hospk l.uos in~1early'tw o years. Hes- mai<ieu namne i 0 ivelý1-e. futuro e n 3f Captndai- was Effie Bradley. She was a mem- Lllan Colwill, xvbo were màs-sied on 'i d dvised al la tus-n fheir eyes too- oLde'Ai nixa I W . T . A llen Saurayaferoo a te o e f w r 1tbo nost, star wher s-s-sat posi ways ve-y xilliug to give b elpins- the btide's parents, Ms-. aud Ms-s. A. j si:)ilities awaite,, devel aî'mout in baud wbonever needed, The near- BIG 0 BOKSORE A. olwll.j,ýithrn arida.est relatives te mous-n ber loss as-e BIG20 OOKTOR A Cowil. \îteruCaWda.t er husband and one son Lloyd, tbawmanville Ont. Gregory Coimer, Bowmanviile, a ihe thanks of the comraidts si and oe u he la oha candidate for Dus-banin thie coming lit-.ugly expressed le Dr. Moore n'ýhmadhrmte is rde es-ctiens te tbe Oldes- Boys' Paslia- umotion of L. T. MeLauYuand -< tho, anad er mrote sHBrd-e ment viitedtheUnitd CurchSun P. rt f Eniskitlen, Elmor of Haydon, da colSndyatron and Ses-rotas-y'r aete and Glen at Tyrone. A large ~presented bis piatform te the boy fiuns-i report showiug the slul)i)n number of relatives and friends paid - -. coess. Ho was accompanied by a n'est flourishing condition. t their lasI tribute on Tuosday, No- Jas-k Minoe- and Jin Devitt, the lat- Offices-s of the club wrn als-e- vember 8tb te one who ivas bigbly les- of wbem ints-edus-ed the candid- oies-led :Presidcnt--Joe O"il': Vice 'respes-ted. The floral ofl'erings were ate sud spoke souvinsingly of his President-Clifford Samis; Ses-roýtas-y- vos-y beautiful. Rev. E. Cook s-on-i many qualifications. The othor san- à.reasuser-Thos. Anniso'î: Exes-utive dusted the funeral servis-es at the didate is Lawrence Aluin of Os-ono. -Tirs. Bonnyeaistle, F. C. Palmer-, Goer home sud at Hampton Cometery. ~<V~Ms-. Hos-ace Taylor, Chicago, stop- (C ituble. The paîl-bearers were ber tbree fathes- of Miss June Uglow, who us- ilts'des couumunity singittg x'.hiet hrotbers-Herbes-t, Eln-er and Glen ually spends ber summers with ber nrtes-spersed the adds-ess-s vocal solos Harry Ferguson of Ennîskillen, grandmother, Ms-s. J. J. Uglow, sent ses-esontributed by W. R. Strike. E Bradley and three hsotnes--in-law,l fthe weekend bore with Ms-s. Uglow A. His-sock, Mayor Holgat' sud Fred George and Fred Fes-guson of Osh- and Mrs. sud Mrs. C. R. Carvotb. Ms-. C ,r-sman. aws. as-ens-e and Miss Masion Allin Actngnainittioanmoio weegoests o r n r.TaylorpAsis- nan ie bnitanadtion --t a past of the lime tbey were attend- passevmedn thenuet ahit iftyse- ______ is- the Chis-ago Fat Stock Show last xevice on a ttndtilvie ss- winter aud tbey and Ms-. Taylor wbo vsei oya t ensCu--h Sunday mos-oins- when tb-. les-tus-, is ats-avelles- for Swift's, Chis-agoRv . 1SbrsgeaiAmst- found a muiial pleasure in meetingmesgofipraonsdhebs Miss Ida Pas-kes-, a student of eus- figbt- of faith". At thue lose of High School untîl a few iveeks as-e, the servis-e the votes-ans ai jo),rned te il'., ow spending te wintes- in Toronto the Parish Hall wbere a voeo THURSDJ NE "'~ Bwil, uerwnt a rtien fer . E.tbanks te tht. Rectos- aud ades 50 Fancy Tweed and Worà Bowel, uderent n opraton fr ef t'-e chus-sh xvas passea on motion EN internal goitre ai St. John's Hlospital ('f coî. R. J. Giii sud Col. L. T. Me- ou Wodnosday cf Ibis week. Uer Yautrbliu. - The MiId Weather Has Fc Ifeiiow students sud other friendR I hope foir ber a sempetoesoves-y 'sud trust that she wili soon 1)0 able t e scei er matsis-itîtion studios.j CARD 0F THANKS Every Tweed or Worsted Ms-s. 13. O'Neil andi s-sandson, Master Nelsont Kees-b, Ms-s. Pasnahy I wisb te thank St. Jobn's Chus-sh i ___________ Mastin and twe daus-bier3, Miss land the mauy friends sud ueigbbos Aresta sud Dora, spent aset Thurs- for theis- sincere sympatby sud manyi itday witb relatives, lu Oshawa. kinduesses te me lu the loss of myl LOT 1 i ~~~~sistes- Bessie. Bort Curtis. Me'an Yo gM n' ¶ ? r 4 'CARD 0F THANKS tr .J euoan miy Overcoats at $16.95 Mr. and Mrs. ~~Burketoun 1. ersh o n ud faiy ac Tedad os Mi' su Mss.W. J. S. Ris-kard fsiends sud oeis-hbossfor their kind OvrFans inTweed nsudWes-stdf adStanley desire te express theit'Oecas n li hdso gratitude ta the veî'y many fsiends Tesesurid sYmpatby dus-ls-Mss. Fr- Gr-ey sud Br-own Blanket Clotb. -Newcuastle, Bowmauville sud for s-uso's lons- ilness anti dea.t,ais Also s-besked sud breken plaid mauytu r miles asouud for the nuoî feor the heautiful floral offerins-s. effects, double bseasted models erous acts cf kindues sbown theom with 1)011 at bas-k sud regular <lus-tus- te past ths-ec montbe of the Mr'- Sain Hennins-s wishes te slu- pris-os up Il) $2 5.00, iiluitîes's illuess. Wos-d3 are loade- erelv thank bis is- itossasd nuin- Ou t They Go $16.95 ea i uate ta express tbankfulnc's toe es-us fî'icnds for their kinduese antid gift selections at lkisuî'e. dt1lyoxxiîo huifor heei uantc mafl., cooeraiou ln coiniiug te bis assist- i _________________ anitxa~ foi Ib quatites janse silice hi- serijîus illnessuadj le andi rush of Christmas 1 i fruits adcoufectioncry, fo h hn ielpins- ith Mao.natra n ýanso e drale latig liuiiteit supply <f fioxerce f,îr the 1I mnîv hirb mudeitteilpossible t M n's and Young Men's )ermaneflt tctuit(-i- n e eusle Unitedj - Fahishoe i'nituî'e novelty-apprec- as-uîuiat cis- tleattes fitelS aspe]ti-bul1n fbi Fieincy Tweed and Wor- aî'e~~~~~~~~~~~~ maigaw(u-h h omuvlehlbctoxhich ho is lîaw comfostably located. are ______aprmanent_______the__________________hoo sted Suits uautlfs-uni naov others, utîl of whicb LOT 2 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $19.75 Beautiful fans-y brown sud grey shock pattes-us, ves-y heavy slotbs, belted bas-k sud double breasted effect. A sts-ong geod leekins- s-et, Regutas- pris-es $25.00, $27.50, $30.00, Out They Go $19.75 ea Ail Fancy Tweeds and Worsted Suits as Follows: Reg-. Pî'ise Suite values to $20 Sale Price $14.50 Reg-. Pris-e Suits values te $25 Sale Price $18.75 Res-. Pris-e Suite values te $30 Sale Price $2 1.50 Reg. Price Suits values to $35 Sale Price $24.50, Boys' First Long Suits at $11.95 In fancy Worsteds, also Navy Illue, double breasted models. Coat, vest, 1 long pant andi 1 blooniet' pant and regular up to $16.50 each. Sale Price $11.95 Men's Overails With bib, a Union make. Blue, Blue stripe and Biack, worth $2.00 a pair, On Sale $1.49 Pair LOT 3 Men's and Young Men's Overcoats at $24.85 These co4ts are the choice of eus- stock, al heautiful sloths, hesvy s-becked bas-ked, lu fans-y woven pattes-ns as weil as plain Gr-ey and Brown effects, in double sud singlte breasted modets, Regulas- values $32.50, $35.00 aud $37.50. Out They Go $24.85 Men's and Young Men's Navy Blue Suits at $22. 50 Wonteî'ful suit aI bis- savins- in pris-e, in plain sud fans-y ses-gos in the pcputar double bseasted mc dols, Our Special Sale Price of $22.50 Each Young Men's Navy Blue Overcoats at $24.50 This le a heavy quality s-est in Chinchilla and Melton Ctoth effes-t, fast guas-anteed dye witb fans-y velxet or polo inins-. A bis- spes-lal Ibis week At OnIy $2450 Men's Work Sox 4 Pair For $1.00 Men's White Linen Lawn Handkerchiefs Special 8 For $1.00 GILCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville w lu ROYAL THEATRE, BOWMANVILLE "WHAT PRICE GLORY" Monday and Tuesday, November 21-2Z Batteries For Radios Heavy Duty Maximite Radio Batteries, 45 volts1 Reliable Batteries 'A' 'B' 'C' Radio Tfubes 201A ....................$1.50 each Hot Spot Ignition Batteries Regular No. 6 Ignition Batteries LAW DEMANDS LIGHTS ON VEHICLES Drive with safety by having a light on your vehicle at nigyht. W/e have a big variety of Eleet-. rie and Oil Buggy Lamps at ail prices. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bownianvillde THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 PAGE EIGIIT Both nights at 8.15 p. m. sharp I Owing to iength of picture there will be one performance oniy I each evening. 'Ail seats 45e including tax. Matinee Monday at 4 p. m. Children 15c; Aduits 25c. f Mden's Overcoats and Suits AY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ited Overcoats--SO Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suits orced Us To Sel1 These Overcoats and Suits at JanuaryPrices. Overcoat or Suit in the Store Sacrificed in Price to Clear at This Sale .. îli