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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Feb 1928, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9th., 1928 PAGE SEVRI Farma Profite are tee Dearly D.ught to RIski H AVE nothing to do with "get-rich-quick" sales- men-hey illtry to hurry you intoa decision you will regret. A sound investment is neyer in a hurry. Meanwhile, the Savings Departnient of this Bank is a safe and profitable place for your money. The Royal ]Bank of Canada Bowtnani11e Branch - R. F Aitchison, Manager 121 PIANOS W'olid you like to have a piano in your home? It can be arranged easily. Almost any person can afford one if he knows how to go about it. I.:.ruments of beautiful tonal qualities, small, large and grand, new and used, are here for yoar inspection. Prices are reasonable and it costs little more to buy than to rent. Customers are al- ways pleased with arrangements-quarterly pay- inents. Nothing you can buy will add more charm to your home. F. J. MITCHELL Telephone 105 Bowmanville Zoolk's R.gulating Compound A qf. ieiable r.gulaits Çc f strenath-No. 1, 818 2aid83; aNo. 8.85 per bon. Sody&ldrugalata, or sent THE COOK MEDICINECO.. ,WOO~POSPHODINRe IMTie Grand! Engliih PIap«aain.. a I:eseand tnvigorates 1the uhole neriroas systen,. maltes new Bleedl in oid Veina. Useet for Nrvous Uebiity. Mtand Di rain Wrr'y pkg. on rescuipL tprice. Nais'p;phlolmaited "-.Tu WCOD mSDtclmE U¶OZO*0NT.ONT INSTALLATION 0F OFFICERS- Daugrhters and Maids of Emgland At the reguler meeting of Lodge Durham No. 28, held January 26th, the following officers were installed for 1928: Prcesident-M'ýrs. 1. J. Childs Vice President-Miss Jean Balmer Secretary-Mrs. A. Swindells Chaplain-Mrs. M. Woolley let Guide-Mrs. G. Pritchard 2nd Guide-Miss Irene Bateman 3rd Guide-Miss M. Nichols 4th Guide-Mrs. E. Bennett Inside Guard-Miss Jos. Balmer Outside Guard-Mrs. B. Burns Pianist-Mrs. E. Parker Auditors-Mrs. E. A. King, Mrs. Goodail, Mrs. F. Bateman Trustees-Mrs. T. Heighton, Mrs. J. Poolton. Owing to sickness Mrs. A. Bete- man, Past President, Mrs. A. Ben- nett, Treasurer, were unable to be installed. About 50 members frorm Empres of India badge, Oshawa, were pres- ent. D.D.G.P., Miss Blanche W. Ball, officiated et the installation ceremony and was assisted by Osh- awa members. The ceremony was conducted in a very able and efficient manner. At the close of the meet- ing a very enjoyeble repast was ser- ved and enjoyed by aIl. BIGGEST MOTOR SHOW In Eastern Ontario te be Held in Peterboro-J. J. Duffus Lînited. Expect Over 30,000 People te At- tend-Show Opens Saturday, Feb. ruary llth. Tme biggest Motor Show ever stag- ed in Eastern Ontario wiil open in Peterboro next Saturday, February llth at the showrooms of J. J. Duffus Lirited and will continue througbout the following week. In an interview with Mr. Duffus he stated ne expense will be spared in making this Show one to long be remernbred. Plans for the Show are being corn- pleted and it is fully anticipated over 30,000 people will visit the show during the week of February llth to l8th. Decorators are now busy at work converting the showrooms into a place of beality and gorgeous color in readiness for the gale event. The Show wili take up 2 complete floors of the Dufus Building wbich is situated in the centre of the city, opposite the market square, corner of Charlotte and Water Streets. During Motor Show Week a Whip- pet Sedan will be givtn away abso. lutely Free to sorneone visitor-A!l who attend the show wil be gîven registration cards which are number- ed. These will be placed in a seaied box. On Saturday, Fbruery 18th these cards will be drawn frem the box by the Mayor of Peterboro and the person who bolds the lucky num- ber will get the car. Besides the 1 car there are many other attractive prizes to be drawn for. All the latest 1928 Whippet and Willys-Knight models will be on dis- play including the New Willys- Knight Standard Six, the lowest priced Willys-Knight ever built. This is the car that is creating a sensation et alI the National Motor Shows. BOYS' TRAINING SCKOOL NEWS A new feed and garbage cooker has arrived as part of the piggery equipment. The pigs will now en- joy bot lunches a la carte. Six pure bred Shropshire ewes have been purchesed frorn Mr. Har- old Skinner, Tyrone. These will form the nucleus of a fiock of sheep for the school farm. The weather Saturday not being mucb good for enything rnuch, thel boys went for a long hike. Four miles north they stopped long enough to play three or four good rousing out-door games, then tranéped back home just in time for supper. A competition between two of the poultry boys, Louis Stein and Percy Hill is in progress. Tbey eacb have an equal number of bens under their direction and a prize is being given the winner, taking into considera- tion production and care of the fiock. Needless to say the dining hall is be. ing well provided with eggs. Provincial Boy Scout Field Secre. tary Arthur Peddon, who was juat about the busiest man in Bowman- ville last Friday, spent the entire et- ternoon et the school. Scoutmaster You're Not So Dumb te sufer frem Soe Throat, Bron- chitls, Cough, Branchial Asthma, Cat-. arrh, Head Celds, Adenolda and Ton- ail troubles., when GOOD muat are gnranteed by usîng Mnm. Sybilla Spabra ToMsilitia. Try t. HELP IMPROVE YOUR TOWN The Horticultural Society's drive for new members should have the hearty support of every citizen. There is no reason why the Bowman- ville Horticulture] Society should flot have 500 members. If every citi- :,en had the small sumn of one dollar invested in the Society's work he would become more or less interested in the success of the Society, and moreover he would soon begin to re- ceive returns on hie emaU iînvestment that would be very gratifying. With the resulting budget the Society would be able to enlarge its program and do a very great deal towerds beautifying the town and stimulating the interest of our citizens towards making their lawns, gardens and boulevards attractive. The Horticulturai Society move- ment in Ontario bas been a wonder- fui factor in beautifying the towns and villages throughout the Province and the value of the Society's work is becoming more generally recogniz.. ed. A more general recognition of their good work by the citizens and a littie co-qperation in signing up for membership would give their worthy and important work a greet impetus. There are few weys you cen invest e dollar to such good advantage as in joining up with the Hortiçultural So- ciety, and besides, you more than get your dollar beck in premiums. tBowmanville Purpie Guards L.O.L. 2384, was highly honored at its regularly monthly meeting on Fridey night by a visit from Col. T. Ash- more Kidd, M.JP.P., Kingston Grand Master of Orangemen for Éastern Ontario. So far- and yet so near!- «I mut call John by Long Distance and lut hlm know 1 got here ail right. Then neither et us will bu werry- ing. It's wonderful te bu able te visit yen like thls, and yet keep as close tonch with home as if 1 were tbere. What munst it have been like ln the old days, before Long Distance made it possible?" "lIl place the cal] for yen while yen are taking off your wreps." "Trhat will bu fine,, Just ask for our number, go4 0ll gt the chuaper Station-te- Station rate. In a couple of days II cail up again, in the evening, se I cen bave a few werds witb the cbildren, tee. The Evening Rate atter 8.W0 le really very low." U5»ýw BaU Tlpoe( L«#, Distance Station." 711 LETTER FROM INDIA Miaionary Frein Newcastle Relates Saine Experiences in India. Through the kindness of Mr. John Gibson, Bowrnenville, we are privi-. leged to publisb extracta frorn e let- ter from bis brother, Rev. John Gib- son who is stationed et Sar.gor C. P. Indie. The letter le dated Decem- ber '7, 1927, and reads: The weather here is iovely. It la settling down into steedy winter weatber now and notbing could be more ideel. The nights are so cold that e fire in the grate is a tre.t and the deys are quite warmn but not un- The sun is pretty warmn but in tbe sbady places and in tbe bouses it is decidedly cool. It will be like this till next February when it will begin te get uncomfort- ebly warm agaîn and we will be turning our eyes hillwerds. Apples grow in the country but tbey are flot like the home fruit. We bed a real apple pie for lunch today and I cen tell you it was jolly good. But it's herd to keep things in this country se, we don't bave tbern for long. We are both feeling very weli and don't find the country tee bard on us. We baven't suffered any ill effectesea yet. We are very busy in many ways. Our family ot boys numbers 48 now and tbey are al elive, believe me. They are fine little fellows and I love 'cm all. There are good and bail and happy and sad ones amongst tbem. But they aIl love te be loved and I cen tell yeu they baven't bad very mucb loving in their lives. some corne from bad homes and mest ef tbem corne frem ne homes et alI. They have neyer had a chance but ore and we are happy in tbe knewledge that we are able to do a little te make their life worth while and bappy.1 We bad a convention lest menth and had a very happy tîme. Nine et our beys were converted and that means that tbey bave given thuir lives into the cere of Jesus Christ and accupted Him as their Savieur. We are now planning on some definite werk for them, and have taken charge et 5 villages in whîch wu will preacb. The masters, tee, received a great blessing and now tbey bave given soeeoe their monej and we are go- ing te bire a native preacher se that our villages will be constantly worked and we will bave some onu te ar- range our meeting for us. This is big work for the lads and we hope that the Lord will greatly bless it. We teel thet He bas celled us te do it and that is ail that matturs 50 fer as we are concerned. One of the villages is very large and is inhabited by seme leather werkers. They are some of the low- est cast people in India as tbey work with deed animals and ne respectable Indien will uven toucb ene. This village is quite large and we bave hopes that some day we will be able te stert a school there for the kiddies and we are praying that Jesus will win many seuls there tbrougb us. One et the other villages is net se large but is harder te work. We bail a preecher wbo torsook that cause and went beck te, Hindism and be lived in this village. Consequent- ly it wiil be bard te work in but Jeans can give us a footing even there. Another village we bave already been in and we look ferward te hav. ing e good time there. We bave beld a weekend camp there when the wholu village turned eut te our pruaching and -iantern lecture in the' evuning. Se we get there witb e great del ef hope. A few weeks ago we went te, Am- er Mow te visit Mr. Welcb. Wbile there we took a trip up into the nat- ive states. A native state le one in wbicb the Indien King stili mIles. It is against tbe law te preach there. We visited 24 villages and preecbed te ever 500 people wbo bed neyer beard the gospel betore. We stayed et nigbt in the rest bouses by the rond and tramped by foot in the day time tbreugh jungles and terets and acrees filde te places wbicbhed ne rond. In some places tbe people were afraid. Wben I tried te gether the kiddies together they fled in all directions and it was impossible te get tbern te corne. We neyer got into trouble, bowever, and had a tbree-day tour wbich la now a pleas- ant miemory. Welch is a good scout and we are gond f riends. Our wives stayed et borne and visited and sewed. BOOZE VS. BUSINESS One of the leading merchants cl Timmins, who bas been ini business for many years, in a two-page adver- tisernent printed in red end black, announced a mammotb sale, witb price reduction on ail goods in bis store. He gave two reasons for thu s..ale. fat. eAdvrs- cniton f opens tbe pores and penetrates the tisane. toucbing the seat ef the trouble and lrnmediately effording re- lief. Adminlstered lnternally, It will stîlI the Irritation in the tbreat whicb inducea conoehlng and wlll re- Ileve affections et the branchIal tubes and resplratory organs. Try it and be convlnced. Yf*-al.~ ays mrd cf obtaining the ver> bre of qualie>' and fredesrt provWom ndtbrogh ! the Dominion Stores. Take carefui note of these values mm M -- ButterI Braeside AO0e Brand lb. Finest Quaimty Obtainabie MayfliDrand 40C CheeseCanadien 2C SNew lb. Real Nippy Old Cheese 32c IL. Genuine Swiss Gruyere 5 B.. 15 ar35c, Chateau Loaf' 21c 1Bacon Branfd 2709.. Peameal Back sied 350 lb.1 Cottage R u Pure Lard 3-lb. pail Shortenîng 3-1b. psul Sineked Picnic Hamas 19clb. 53c 53t e 19c lb. Special Baking Values Cook's Friend 29c White Satin Baking 1.'.i7c "re 4-b$1i03 Powder 14-1b. iJC Flour2 8__ PO....I G.r.a.rd98-lb. Bag $3.89 Califonia ~regular I~~PsoSedics 11~fE~ If bs. 27c 1071 TEAS That Sati f y D.S *L - 59c Bulk lb. Domn I Richmello 79e lb. Lyle's Golden Syrup 21b27c sardines 2 tins 25c TASTY Cuta 3 pkta 5 Macaroni .5 Gld.,Medal Sodas 15clkt. Clark's Tomato Catsup 21cbo. Camp Fire 12-0z, tins Marshmnallows 35C GoId Bar Canned Asparagus Grape Picnic Size Fruit "TASTY' Bread «ies a ppwd" Cherry c Cake 35e I JelIy c, Steina.. ICorned Beef 25ecti 1 116C-P Will A Fire Findil You Under Insured? Have you added to your stock or done any building since your present policies were put on?. If you have, better protect yourself before disaster cornes. Do it now. Delays are dangerous A bad ire caused heavy Iona in Hampton thia rnonth. We will be glad to advise you. That'. our business. HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO MLL J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokens Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Headache Pain Colds Toothache Neuralgia Lumbago Neuritis Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer' package which contains proven directions. HandL "Bayer" boxe@ of 12 tablets A,90 Mtes of24 and lO0-Druggsts. AspirIn la the truuie mark (regiatered la Canada) et Dayat Manufacture of monoacetic. ac et aofflticild (Acetyl Ralleylle ed .A 9. .".W i Ilewllôn that Ampin elamsaRyrafes» t thepublic pIiains h alt ot Baya er o psiuy l b taau ttk rgurltrd ak he"ae r la -médwR Coal That Satisfies The reason the number of our customers is increasing rapidly is the fact that we deliver abso- lute satisfaction with every load of fuel we seli. In other words, we deliver ALL COAL, free from clinker-forming siate and forming a mini- mum of ash. That's because of the careful screening and rigid inspection of every ton of coal we handie. Our customers' confidence is our most pre- cious asset and you get a certified weight receipt with every load. Quality Service McClelIan & Co. Ltd. Phone 15 King St. East, Bowmanville a If there ever waa 2uh hisa rpetual gsg machine. itsa hen that j. kept iaying t1 ,otghoit the year with PRATTS POUL- T RV REGUT ATOR. VWc gve you a -mon- ey-back ru lrantee' that RIEGULATOR wilmk us k ans iay more eggs, or vou doIr il gvebak the monevou pai for it. 1PRATTS POULTRY REGULArOR only ro-a a cent a nionth ji-r lien. or a cent a liv foi thirtv liens. It's the cheupest egg-su pply jnsurancc yoi ari boy'. Pratt Food Ca. of Canada, Ltd., Tornto. 414

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