DURHAM OLD BOYS "MORAL TRAINING IN WEDDJNG CELEBRATION ___________ HOME AND SCHOOL' Im I"Ir Mr ai yraa former resi- TheN g vvce t te nc ESecfen Mr. and Mr&. F. Albert Crago dent of Leskard, Clarke township, A brief summary of the instructive - ~PI.aaantly Surprised.ThsW e celebrated bis 93rd birthday on Tues- address on the above subject deliver- day, February 14tb, at his home, 447 ed by Rev. R. J. Shires before the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY l6th., 1928 Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Crago, South AT Flulid Ave., Toronto, where hee bas Home & School Club, as annuounced-- Darlington, were very pleasantly resided for more than thirty-five on page 6, follows: surprised on Monday evening when 1 iheI "' Str years. Mr. Tyerman who is active The speaker first gave a definition NEWCASTLE YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE AYIP.A. ENTERTAINS Y.P.L. about 45 near relatives and their itc el'sDug St about the home and keen mentally of Morais as customs, manners, hab- pastor and wif e, Rev. and Mrs. J. H. declares hie feels no older than a year its, conduct, way of life-training to Mrs. Percy Hare was in Toronto (,n King St. Leaguera, Oshawa, Werei Members of the Young People's Stainton, gathered at their home, WNonderfuI Bargains lx ago. He is a staunch probibitionist, liv, weîî. Monday. Guete. League of United Church were the "Map]e Cliff" to celebrate the 33rd a Liberal in politics, and before It was shown that historically mor- Mrs. J. Haugh, Toronto, spent the anniversary of their wedding day. (A Union a loyal Metbodist. He wass deligbted guests of members of the The evening was spent in mnusic and SOJ'AP born in Yorkshire, England, and hass were originally such customs as weekend with bier mother, Mrs. Win. Monday evening, February 13, was Anglican Young People's Association games of various kinds after whicb a resided in Canada since hoe was 13 acere thought to niake for the welfare Bonathan. a big nigbt with local Leaguers, when at St. George's Parish Hall on Wed- bountiful lunch was served by the Old Colony Bath Tablet Toîlt years of age. of the tribe. The code, sucb as it Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke is visiting they entertained, and were entertain- nsa vnnFb t. Teeyuglde. Tegteigws SaRglr1ecks ___%v__ as, was strictly enforced by the with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Camp- ed y members of the Y.P L fwere between sixty and seventy enjoyed by ail, breaking up by ailONSL FR25 BLACKTOCKeIders who were the guardians and lin, Unionville. King St. Cburch, Oshawa. The visi- Oebes fthStAoranEains3ibnFtORbie ndg2o5en techr o uc ol-lr. nov- Mrs. Annie Walker, Port Hope, tors came down to the number of present, the young men, especially Of returns of the happy event. The Large Cakes Pure Castile R uarothymeigf h .tiens wvere drastically dealt witb, and aawekngusofM.nd r. or 40 in a big six wbeel bus, accom- the Y.P.L., being away in the major- lovely weather made the homeward Sc EACH OR 6 CAKES FOR 25. M.gla S. oth U meitedCngo a-totheWw Tehave ntuchcs thewas Narma en d uet f r.an Ms.panied by their pastor, Rev. C. W.' ity, out-numbering the young lady trip very pleasant. stock, was held at the home of Mrs. held to be ça sufficient refutation of Friends are pleased te see Ms Mrs. DeMille, i resident Cnfrene.iiosb oeta w ooe andeMradopMtie, teirnpesidentMr._out________________lier___ Jobb, on Wednesday eveîîilng, Feb- any new suggestions. Teaotnracnk Brnto ot gan ftr fe Meredith Moffatt, and the lst vice- The meeting opened with the A. Y. Our Optical Department ru.ary 8tb. Although the weather by the Hebrews of the Mosaic Codercetinss President of the Oshawa Presbyteny P. A. President, Mn. Howard Gibson, FARM SOLD is equipped witb modern instru- was not the beat, quite a number with the Ten Conimandments was a Mr. J. H. Gibson and Messrs. League, Mn. Hilbert Millard. Mns. in the chair. He combines a digni -___ad______serd pti wr rsn.Tepeietpei-get step in advance, thougb even Frank Branton and George Gray are Millard was aiso of the party. fid tenr f the *posimenn and oursRegistered into- ed. The bible reading which was thon there was the counsel "Love tybusy cutting ie h rg xeddi an-peasn enuree ositior n th ax-The undersigned hbas rec.eivedchel, in- pe well explained was given by Mrs. ýneigbbour and hate thine enemy . Mrs. Harold Skinner, Tyrone, spent tude and variety anytbing ever put. ercîse o! bis authority. Miss Aresta structions fromn sonal charge. Have your eyes James Marlo;v. Mns. C. Hill and Mns With sucb a standard in control, the the weekend witb bier parents, Mr. on at a regulan league meeting. It Martin, Secretary, read the minutes scientifically examined today. E. Dorol sang a duet which wvas past neally governed both present and and Mrs. Wmn. C. Lake. was long and high and broad and o! the previous meeting and moved Mrs. Laura E. Virtue «'e Mitchell and Se. Weil" greatly enjoyed by those present. future. Resenve Tuesday evening, Febru- deep. It bad its devotional, its their adoption. Tbey were nicely to seil by public auction on The business meeting foîlowed. It The next step was taken when men aryary 28tb for Newcastle Ladies' fellowsbi.p, its musical, its literai-y, worded and just as nicely read.Lt2Co.8 aln o. was decided to :postpone. for the asked for the proper standard Of Aid Oîd Time Tea Meeting. its recreational, its social, its festive Several items of business were dis:- o ,Cn ,DrlntuM thl time being, the concert wbich was right conduct. In tbe main morals Misses Lillian. Marjorie and Pby. aspects. Being St. Valentine's eve, posed of, including the passing o! a on R. M. M thel& to be given on February l4tb.. on ac- are conccnned witb personal and se-, lIis Clemence entertained about sixty that popular saint natunaîly impness- resolution to procure some more A. 1m~O countof of sthe usserious of hillnessoduof thelicial scondotrctof cîeanlinessend oselfh controlhimeld ndimseîha land aIlem-tbat. .heogisheremem-hogY.tP.WeA.sdsonFebusreets, HEaltboughRUGStOR Honorary President. Mrs. (Rev.> and self-reîiance being in the former Tuedyeeig edfoupnsvrfate fthjpeietrmrk htsmtms Griffith. Decidod ta have a birtbday class, and fair play, fair wonk and a esyev e niBn. bpecdingterd or .pNsor alhfeacts of !thpee ont rope emret at otmes h olwn amSok ml-Bwavleo box for tbe memnbers this year. Mrs. 1 fair sharo of it, co-operation an o- Re.Jh Boaanpacd it is leap year lost sight of; rather neorbt plcs wr othm tec:Pne9-it adSdl Stinson was asked to correspond witb alty being in the second. SandGMrgL'sH.Cooke of ndaymnng wsi ie rmnne uc tcmuiysnig HRESBo1bre 0yas 8 Miss Laurai Hambley, returncd mis- Sonfa asrteL.eabing f monlsoHiBownianville a tgvnpoiec.,autsmuhtcmuiysnig HOS -B w or,10ea;28 sionry n3mChia, nd ec f s e fcncrna ed, t wa hiof tharls- g coîsafi h vnn Miss Lillian Clemonce, local presi- as the finst payment on a fnee lunch. Black mare, il years; Bay horse, 12 wioulnake tDmheningan scivî ceratews the a hw htrei hSholsaf n h vnn dent. extended a bearty welcome toe 0lwngtebsneswsa in- years; Bay horse, 4 years; -Brown wUi te bu',lie îackstock, Sundeav gion wsteprnt of monals, and as Mn. T. W. Jackson was in Toronto the visitons and conducted the open- F rigtebsieswsa ore 6yas ayhre 2yas Unie h Th anksceSne.' a consequence prophet, piest, rabbi on Sat'urday acting as a paîl-boarer ing devotional exorcises, Arthur teresting prognam of a varniTL-ed cha-hre,1wer ; Bluore, 1 cyers Februany Lt. Tanswr e- jand disciple were the greatest teach- ttefnnlo telt isKrBragg reading the scripture lesson.r!actmer onrbueprt y by A ..at u iCATE-Red cow Bue cw _in_______ ceived fnom several memberos of thelors. For centuries the Chunch was aunt of his-niece, Mrs. Fielding of Chanhie Gîenney road minutes of ebr.prî yY .L aen u nMrh e ode i coinmunity who bad received f ruit 1tegets ece fmrl. Pr oe rvosmeig and pantly by Mn. Fred C. Palmer, March; Black cow, due in April; while tbey wero sick. A discussion thgetsttahnofmnl. PotHp. rvosmetn.Iownianville's town engineen, and a'Red cow, due in June; Red cow, due tok lae s o ow~v wul ris With the transfer of educational cdMn. and Mrs. Arthur Carvetb visit- Mn. Meredith Moffatt, the visitor's! man of many parts. First was a in JuIy; Red cow, due in July; 4 tour paceaionths ye afterawich founctions to the State, the school df riends in Ottawa last week and president, thon took the chair, ex-! song, "Sundown" by five A. Y. P. A. Steens, rising 2 yoans; 2 Heifers, ris- w !4 p the meeoctin cîosd -a iter hynadie came to play an important noie. natunally met a numben of Western'pncssed the pleasure of himseîf and 1 girls, Irenc Brereton, Betty Garrod, ing 2 years; 5 Heifers, nising 1 year.Cm socmeiaghîf onsen t . a Suîida adNevertheless, unless there was an M. P's. witb a good many of vhom f ellow beaguons at finding tbemselves i Ai-esta Marýtin, Eleanon Anderson HOGS-1 Sow witb 7 pigs; Sowr prayer. Lunch was senved add Mstandard, and co-operatithoness f heNecatl Lage F " encinlgaF oury 12, the...pupit 0ev betee tndome andco-oerscholsM.Crehi esnlyaqaned h u so h ecsl egeand Mary Brereton, witb M.%rs. W. H. with 8 pigs; 8 Pigs, about 100 lbs. enig, ebuar 12 te plpt o th btwen hmeandscool th shoo's Eacb room of the publie scbool and pnesided duning the followving, Anderson playing the accompani- SHEEP-14 good hreeding Oxford United Cburcb was occupied by Mr. influence was langely ntarded. The observed St. Valeintine's Day by an fine pnogram by some of Osbawa's r ment. Mrs. Anderson and Miss ewe;.1Shrpshre ani Clarence Ferguson of Victoria Col-1borne is by fan the most important e.e;-.ange of valeiit"ne.3 amung tcach- talented young people: Vocal solo 'Florence Spencer contributed read-eesiShohreamI log. e gvea pledi ad;~ssfactor, because monaîs are 'caught, ers and pupils, and a feasting on ap- and encore by Miss Laura Mackie;ins ea YarLgd,"fo POULTRY-3Olbons. from the t« That my j.iy might re- more than taugbt', and tbe influence pies, candy kisses, bisciits and other piano solo *4 Miss Audrey Werry; r!the A.Y.P.A. officiai paper. These HARNESS-1 set breocbing harn- - of home sadrsadevrnetafre oiagr;vclde y main in you, and thet your .'oy might. stnadan oniomn e:aîsafreroiagrlvcldetb dealt witb St. Patrick and St. Brid- ess; 1 sot back band hanness; 3 set be Full" . ohn 15:11...Sunday, is very strong in the most formative Mns. Geo. Wright, wbose husband Miss Irene Winters and Miss Beulah, get and the tragic fate of the young single harness. ~J Februany '19, Miss Laura Hambley years of life. Boys and girls tend bas been working on saimo large Walker; aiso a stirning address b y Qucen Margaret of Scotland. Mrs. IMPLEMENTS-Deening binder, 6 Hmlyhs5et'a nme fparents in the homo. staying with Mn. and Mns. J. R. Fislî- tation o! the "Visiting Banner" and sang asoan ectreUnith parchftkeering roîlsen, 3 raism Derin aturzdMlkadC5csbv years in China and bas a veny pleas- Reference was made t, the Bureau er until Mr. Wright is able to secune'explanatory address by Mn. Hilbert acconîpaniment by Miss Eiloen Cooke ft; Massey-Harris, 13 disc drill; food values that should b. a Part ing \vay o! tlling off ber work and o! M oral Instruction in the United i a bouse in that northenn locaîity. f Millard. and Miss Bernice' Gilbank o! the Y. Massey-Harnis root pulper; Massey- of the growing child's al exporiences in thaf Ian 1. . . . Glad to States, and thein Codc of Cildror's Mr. John Bentz iii rigbtly pnoud of Newcastle League is supposed to 1 P. L. favored with a piano seloction. Harris chaf box; Verity Imp. Jr. report that Mtrs. (Rev.) Grifflith is Morais ivos displayeci and commented a very fine pen o! Silvei. Laced Wyan- procure an invitation for itself, much 1gn lw eiy2 igepo- Wthyu o' i h somne btter. Wo hiope for a quick IO.dettes lho recently purcbased. The 'as Oshawa did to Newca.stle, within i Miss Elizabeth Hancock, Mission- gn lw;Vrt'2 ige lw atcyu ofyixtefi din eat tii. ecovery. lt wa statod that as religion nad cock won ist prize at the Royal Wint- three weeks' time and presen the: ary Vice Presidènt o! the Y. P. L. Wilkinson 7 single pîow; Cultivator; gso ixt'iten yasi ____beeri the parent of mor.i., it is stihî on Fair, the boens lst at Guelph and banner in like mannor to the Loague graciously expressed the appreciation sin Farmad truck, steel wheels; mean boy mucw-wihel Vue the l'est support, andi that the best 2nd at Royal, and cocIx and biens each visited. It is the Leagues' "calling of bersoîf and fellow-members fortr ain maild to ck obntorn e gowatin oygrwith pdîCenty CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL ivay towards the sa'ution of th e grent won ist at Ottawa. Tbey are cor- cand" and roprosents tbe 'Get Ac- this oppotunity of mîeeting the PflrSeto ailth aiSeffbo; oi-n buy o!as t enized ilk e and raà forJanar an Feru rnob!em o! effective moral instruction tainly fine birds. quainted and Know Eacb Other Bet-! Anglican young people at their noga- ifieruckeg; Scp enbug;FTop bug gy; t'sbthe btnounishoetuand Meeting& o auayadFerayvas in the co-operation -)f horne and Mn. Robt. Walton, accompanied by ton', idea throughout the Presbytery. I ar week-night gatbering and ming-Bgtuc;Oe bgy;Fnig geboy uld.Poeuao elItuch and scbooî. mls Cutter with baer; Forge;~ Set dul your order. Remeîber- Communications: From Eastern _____ Mrs. atn was in Toronto on Mon- The Banner was procarod by Mr.l ling with themn in this social way. mi00lb.îcs; Pg cae;, Laa there's a difference in milk. Ontni Rad sscitin ad ep. undergoing a radio singing test W. R. Stnike, Prosident o! the Pros- The chie! ontertainer of the oven- Cream Separator; Hay rack. Pasteurized Milk sel. at matie Oro! Higbwayso civeio and fyed;OBTUR at tbe New Cheerio Broadcastîng bytery Young People, and Trinity ing was Mn. Palmer who bas a vanied FEED-Quantity timothy and price as ordinary milk. om gooways eds sscatind-Rod;OIUR Station's studios in the King Edward League, Bowmanville, was its first reportoire ranging fnom the ridicul- dloyen bay; Qaantity Alfalfa bay; Supt. appointed delegate; From Edu- John G. Manning, Bowmanville Hotel. If Bob passes the test, radio possessor. Eacb League that re-r ous to the sublime. On this occas- Quantity turnips.BO M N I ED Hi catonl Bar-ReveandClrkfans wil soon be bearing Newcastle's ceives it is supposod to have its name ion hoe cnacked a number of jolly pointed delegates. The news o! the sudden passing prince of vocalists on the air. worked in the material o! the banner jukes, astunisbed bis spectators with Sale et 1 p. m. W. Bradburm appîied for trees on away on Tuesday morning, February Mrs. Boni. Moise bas undertaken bof ore passing it on. Miss Clem- bis clever magic stants and inter- TERMS-Fon Feed, Turnips and ail KING ST. Con. 3. r eferred to Couns. Fonder 7th, o! a life-long citizen in the per- the contnact o! catering for the once on behaîf o! the Newcastle spersed with two recitations. Ho sums o! $15.00 and under, cash; over PHONE 446 and Road Supt. son o! Mr. John G. Manning, came as Masonic banquet in Communaity Hall League gnaciously received it and was beartily applauded. that amount 9 months' credit on ap- a hctmy i9tb, ad et e....n.................aryiree.. . . . . . . IML By-laws were passed appintng D..asokt aywoha o er nTeda vnnFbuiy2ist ,pnomised te meet the nure mets Rv.E.R.spakngbnefynotes beaing interest at 6% Galbraith, Sanitary Inspector; R. of bis illness. lier head assistant to ho Mrs. arn.by Mis MnnieSely, scia vie- Jae f ' per annum Fergason, H. Thompson, Auditors; The late Mn. Manning was born Martin.* It is a big undertaking f o r presidept, thon took charge and on- mhszdT. au f hs on S. Mountjoy, Theo. M. Slemon, and R. W. Pbilp, Asseesor. Februar 9h 18,54, son of Thomas a1 pivate party but Newcastîe's1gaged the company in sonie liveîy people's organizations invdevelopingT.CekAutoer - S . - M a l c o lm , -S e c e ta r y -T r e a s u e r j a n d I ra rie t tBro w n Mv a n n in g . .H e ; r q u e e n o f f s tiv e d e c o r a to s s d o u O t- p e rfo r m a n c e s n e c es s ita tin g e v ry o n e ' t h e l a t e n t al e n t «, t ri e . y s a a"r, S. S. No. 7, request for $300.00 M uni-1 was united in marniago witb Julia 1 less equal to the task. gotting acquainted. o! the cbunch, mentioned the oigin, cipal grant to school was laid on table ITbompson, daughten of Ex-Mayor Mrs. Hanry D'udley, nieco of Mn. Partnens were found foi, lunch. growth, strengtb and achievements till March meeting. Thompson o! Bowmanville and Ex-i and Mrs. Napoleon Bonaparte Irish wbich usaally closes sacb social o! the Epworth Loague, and exhorted Coun. Watson was auttorized to Wanden o! the United Counties o!f !Oila boclbao hir7t 1vns u i hscse a nyteah Young folk to ho true and loyal purchase 1 cord dry wood for hall. Northunmberland and Durham. Ho 'weddinganversary on Febnuary 8, mid-evening meal. Itcniedototinwnarcuacuch Clrk will advertise for tenders sacceeded to bis fatber's cooperage theeent heing specially notod in sandwiches, cake, jellios and coffoe. Mns. Howard Toms arnanggd and for green wood for hall, business in 1905, and success!uIly Oillia and Toronto paliers. Frieiids The Goddess o! Spoonology pnovidedcodtetenxt eaueo te By-law was passed fixing road ex- carnied on for a number o! years un- bore unite with Mrs. D)udley in cx- spoons for eating the jelly to each ovening. She asked aIl present to penditure at $5,500.00 for 1928. tiI the cotton and paper bag succeed- tending congratulations to hon !)ng pair o! partners, byut the two spoons lino ap in two long linos, one on each Wmn. VanCamp applied for hall cd the flour barrel, and when expont- lived, long manied and long esteein- were !astened together by a six inch side o! the roomn and thon started two nights a woek for Athletic Asso- ors of apples and the largo apple pi-o- ed uncele and aunt. string which must not ho broken. The themn on a menry necktie competition ciation-granted and to settîe rate ducors made their own banrels. Mr. VilaeCuelmzMna vn el aigwscranysony nwihec esni unfo with janitor. Manning, bing a natural-born moch- .il agd e-aConl m ll mny palvn- jelly oat w certainy soonOy , h eac henfos o in e trn !om Aadtosi neened thirreorraesedretetbsdffrttthsephyrn adee-poinedaI iauicpa ad t asofenunerai wo asth had tefefoosr!thesw lno whih ws rceiedandaudton ds- anîus aconis, ounnis oc, tc. officers as follows: Clerc and Treas- eating the jelly or which moatb the had toi tie a !oan-in-hand tie anound chamed wand peidai ddiod is-waih a ctss o mnucried goodsec.,rer-H. C. Bonathan; Constable- ight spoon was in. rthe neck o! the next in lino with a Ohrdssgdasflostattyreird and which the Jobhn Garnod; Assessor--H. W. Dud- With Miss Selby in the chair, New,- double how knot. Eacb penson an- A. F. McDermott, wreatb, ate pnef enred to be supplied with rather 1 loy; Tax Colectonr-Fred Fligg. castle thon continued the prognam tied it Nvith bis or hon own hands and Reee . Egeton s 8.0 tanmanfatue. o lsodi aReeve Rickand succeeds Ex-Peeve with a duel by Masters Newton Ash- the mach handled tic at ast reached Meicl eathOficr .. 0000 lot o! màcbineny for the C. P. R. Britton on the Board o! Health the ton and Thornton Anderson withj the foot o! one line a little sooner MDga Hegs..................11.2 Iteya 12,telt othen members being Dr. J. A. Bat- mouth ongan accompaniment by their1 thaiî its mnate arrived at ils destina N. l. Malcolm, School At- Whiting, the thon Town Assessor, J Ion and W. E. fteinn eceM.W.Lct;ahmr-Ito nteohr r.Tm ext tendance Officer........... 10.00 <ied in the midst o! hîs assossing, andi Miss Lillian Clemence, Shaw's, and nus Ieap year reading by Miss Bennice painod the company ap and engaged R. Edgenton, Local 'Board iMnr. Manning was appoinled toi coin- j Mn. Norman Hogg, Onono, wilne- Gilbank; and the i-eading o! 25 o!f them in an original contest o! ber o! Healtb ............ . 0o plote the assessing o! oun town for!r reprosont furbam County in an i1 h on etee' n ais own, answering conundnums inwod fortunesi te ater with lettons !oand in the words, 'Leap D. Galbraith, Local Board the year 1925. So satis!actorily did ler-couinty debate unden auspices o! orunsb. 5ohr n h ahr o! Healtb.................. hoprfnn.i0d0oso1Asssr Agricultural Representative and Jpin- ing. Ya. Municipal World, 8 copies. . 8.001 that the Coancils o! 1926 and 19271 ion Farmers' Association. Place, date President Mboffatt o! the Oshawa:'bu 1 'lckteA1Y .A L. Byers, 1 cord wood........ 16.00O1 re-appointed bini to the office. The non subject o! debato are yet decîded gaests agaîn took charge and assistedl1Aot1 'lc h .Y .A J. S Marowroad ......2310 1 1928 Council, who were unawane o! apon, but the Durham team will prob- by Rev. C. W. DeMille superintended iYoung ladies senved an abandance o! H. Pansons, printing........ 82.75 iMr. Manning's serious ilîness, again abhy debate against an Ontario funthen group gamos, stunts and con- bifrscuits, andice, ategood W. Steele, Janiton.......... 25.00 appointed him Assessor, and when County team. tests, and in a veny short lime it was biscit nd fr an the ahgour. Clenk Reg. deaths, irths an(l IM. Lyle, Town Clonk, calhcd up Mn. Mn. W. C. Lake spont the weekend a quarter to tweîve o'clock. miss BieondseinM.Autinue o aoTr afhure mariages................ 10.25j Manning on the morning after the, in Toronto with Mr. anîd Mns. Frank Clemence took the chair again and anfrdis MinieMr.AysvicedTe J. Nixon, cutting weeds . . .. .60I Town Council bad made the appoinlt-, Bennett. Ho found Mn. Bennett, Ibis ghad meeting o! the two beagues sniet !tegeî nmvn H. Thompson, Auditor ... . .00 nient, ho was shocked when an at-, in very poor healh, a had case o!fclosed with a hymn and the beaguel and soconding a vote o! tbanks 10 R. FerusonAudito S.00tendant told him Mn. Manning had dropsy, and longîng to ho back in b enedîctuon. The last words o! thei hrhotanhsessfrahpy Recipts W. Badhurn, trees .$ 3.00,r passed aa.Nr ann a one N%ýcsl. M.adMs ent' presidont to the visitons e "o 1 profitable and lraly wonth-while Adjounned 10 mccl March 3nd., 1O! oun citizens wbo had passed bis son-in-law, Mn. Fred Culley, former igain and miake il soon." ovening. 1928, at 7.30 p. m. 1 whole life in the lown wherein ho was. leader o! Sbea's Theatrne Orchestra, Miss Audrey Wenry, who proved Wm. Beacock, Township Cerk. boi-n. is now playing in New York, bu-, nelhensel! an accomplisbed pianist in: - -- -.-- jHo beaves to moarn bis demise, bis and Mns. Culley are planning le go 1 the execution o! ber two selections, 'devoted wifc and one daagbter, Miss lu Paris, Frarice, in the Spring.. also played the accompaniments for LAKE SHORE, CLARKE AUCTION SALE Evelyn. also one sister, Miss Minnie The old Alexandnia Hall, now most-1 the Oshawa vocalists. Manning o! Chicago, 111. ly accustomed bo silence, resounded Mn. Ernest Pearce, in the absence Mn. and Mrs. Harold Skinner, Ty- Of live stock and imnplcmnents, thej The funenal service on Thursd.ay tih u !men ocsad te h e euaroeatrfn.A .rone. were Sunday visitons aI Mr-. property o! was conducled by Rev. Dr. Best o!. itteath ermo! danvcing f net lo hPan en, wh o pasatCouncilMetingW. C. Lake's. Mr. W. C. Lake St. Paul's Chunch. The bearers wene 1mone ai the L. O. Lodge Euchre and operated the lantern for the project-spnlbeeedinT otoviig Frederick Heddon 1MNessrs. J. B. Mitchell, John Lyle, C.1 Dance on Friday evening, February ion o! bbc hymn sides. Mn. M.r a odto .r. Frank Aent wo nd r- doceased, on r A. .lohnston, and John P'erey. 101h. Mn. F. B. Lovekin acting as Fisher and Mrs. W. H. Pearce kindly sa oniiodhem.i.e Mrs. W.an JAyde- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21st genenal direclor o! the evening's pro- supenvised the kitchen oporations for sns at eler. . .saentin sheighJ- on Lot 9, Con. 6, Witby Township i gram kept lhings goîng pieasantly the preparation o! luncn and earned ing party and skating pai-ty was much 3 horses, 2 co0V/j,, 8 Iigs, 1 bnrcod !N tce t re io SIj and smoothly 10 the pleasare o! al the gratitude o! ail the local beaguons. noeyteyagrflso h sow, 6 good Leisten ewe'lamhs, bned, N tc o rdt r prescrnt. Mn. Reg. Robinson andecton on at rday arfleoon.h 2 buggies, 3 demnocrats, 2 heavy Miss Majorie Cowan weno the lucky setioLunchw sarvdain th eroo ol wagons, 1 se, ýf bosleigh__, 1 .< seTeEsaecS rnkBrdn winners o! the first pizos in prognres- ST.JONS ADESETETA hwing tespre th ic andfi- o! ight sleigh;', 2 niow3rs, ,hIlset o! 'Ilî ursons îavng rdamrnqganttie i'v cachre. The ladies poidd SJOHNS _LDIE_____ sNloie. .the MspoCre n ce, Mitchll-i barrows, 1 seed drill, 1 stonc boat, .uî"utFruu iîri i.Ii.u h' 'Town abundanceofo refreshments whichý The ladies o! St. John's R. C. visiting !niends in Toronto .. . .Mr. R. sinlephwi urnp eeer 1coa o r :i,,wtl tIflViIîi 'îrii i iliii f1991preceded the dancing. Church report their annual entertain- Martin attended Prosbytery meeting oil stove, springs aild niattnosses. J r.i ut nouifi u uii sîil n uî, W. i Membens o! the Primary Cîass and ment in Communfty Hall on Wodnes- in Whitby on Thursday 4nd travelled A uatiy fgrin rot,!ode .5îî~.Stîict'rit'sî,uvri,.Ontario, ('radIe hRolo! the United Cburcb day evening, Fobruary 8, a gnatifying !rom there 1er Toronto to visit bis coi- an som l'mbon Oton atices onîrltr ,' r- i hi' il i o iy rici,> con ndsoti lmbr.Oteraricesfut iurnîiu;îrs out lîîîir clii. î ' Sanday School together with thoir success, both socially and flnancially. son, A. A. Mai-tin, B.A., over the 100-,itl numenoiisto mention.o mothens enjoyed a jolby valentine Loc!al citizens altended in goodly weekend. .,.-Miss McNeil and several Sale at h o'clock sharp Narl,¶128, tlis of ti fit Clat i h S .rom ateiahnumbers; lhirly on more were diîwî' o! the pupils !rom the sehool went to Thee il b ofeed orsaesu- iîî 1,iîsîrîî,îîitî darongst th.iar,'atI@s aflernoon. The Primary Cast nc-fom Bowmanville, several froin 0' Newtonvilhe on Fniday evening 10 th ae'îîi'I. thîr.- oi lrrinug rngarlntriyo en, MNIs. J. C. Ilancock, and the ('rad- ono and some froin othen points. take part in the concert given by W. jiet and actesoed bid, a oin- niîîî îtwîîîîli xiiîrr iitl a e RolSuperinlen<lent, Miss Allia Prize wînners in euchre wene: Geo M. S. O! the United Chai-ch there. ing 10 the north comprising o! a red 'tleuoW. ROSS STRIKE, ('olwilb, wbo sparod no lhought non Wallon, Ist. gent; J. H. Gibson, 2nd, Mrs. Hendry also sang... .Mr. Jlm brik husewit frme itcen nd oIiitr fr Vlliiam Bri,î', pains for the enletaininent o! the gent; Mrs. H. W. Dudley, ist, lady; McMinn, Oshawa, was a Sanday visit- brc ouewtbfae icenadBowmnvlleî, Ontario. many litîbe folk and their mammas Mns. J. S. Aines, Bowmanville, 2nd, ton ai Mr. John Hendry's... Mr. wode alsfam stbeand good acresimorcuorr. ami ansme gnandmammas, were assist- lady Mrs. Dudley's pnize was a and Mrs. W. A. Adamns visited at Mn. Also, lot !arther north with frame -- -- cd by Mrs. W. E. Beman and Miss painted china vase and Mi-s. Ames, a Lanson Millson's, Newtonvihbe, on Elizabeth Hancock in the conduet o! neck scan!, the latter being donated Sunday. bouse and ½h acre o! land, more or FARMERS, ATTENTION! the party. While the olden folhk by Father P. P. Butler, Parish Priest.______________ bss. Further particulars and con- ditions made known aI lime o! sale. Pbenty o! good coal at C. N. Sta- vied with each ther in 'vorking out The evening was brougbt to a happy Term:-Sheep, hogs, and aIl sumo lion, Tyrone. the answers o! certain contests, the close by the servlng o! an appetizing Jio ats cilîdren sang and played games and1 lunch o! sandwiches., cake and caff ee Jntr W n o! $25.00 or under, cash, over that Delivory made promptîy ta any miade merry generally. A much re- under the capable direction ),f Mrs. Fo1 h ecsl Ule hrh p amount 3 monîh' credit on approv- customer. Order at once. lished lunch wbich evoryone helpedjJ. E .Hayes, Mm.. J. %Bown, Mi"a Pllcations will be recelved Up to Ipebru- ed joint notes. to provide consisted o! bread andjAnnie Keneflc, Misses Mary and El- arr Zth. For further paticulanu and Wm. Maw, Auctioneer. R. H. Coflacott, Phono 181r][2. butter, cake, jellies and tes. Ion Breen. @Pcliletlons apply to Ma. J. R. mishsr. 1 Scretarr. 71wl Royal PurpieGets Resuits When you need Stock Food, Regulators or Specifies for your live stock you take no chances in buying the Famous "Royal Purpie" prepara- tions. They have been on the market for yearu, have produced the deeired resuits and are recom- mended by successful stockmen. We have received this week a fresh supply of Royal Purpie Caif Meal, Stock Food, Laying Meal, Poultry Specifie, Roupe Specifie, Lice Killer, Worm Specific, etc. INCUBATORS AND BROODERS Before buying an Incubator or Brooder te our display. It will pay you. No-Buckie Team 13/4 nch Harness, BrItching and Back Pade, complets, wlthout collara, $74.50, Golng At W6.50. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville Outstanding Values At DILLICK'S Mid-Winter Clearing Sale Men's or Young Men'a Overcoate, Regular to $35.00, lem. than % price ................................. sui Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, Garmnent................ .4 Men's Fine Rubbers, Clearing......................... ,e Ladies' Fine Rubbers ............................... . Little Girls' Cotton Flannel Bloomer Dresaea, sizes 8 te 6 years ..................................... Ladies' Fine Shoes, Black Patent Strap ................. 2.89 Flannelette Sheete, double bed size, pair ..............9&s Men's Heavy Work Rubberu, every pair, guaranteed, pair Imas Men's Wool Work Socks ............................. .19 A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville 1~ PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1928 lýle