?AGICPOURTHE CANADIAN STATESMÀN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l7th., 1928 JENFIELD ENNISKILLEN ENNISKILLEN UNITED CHURCH COURTICE HAM4PTON Visitora :-Mr. and Mrs. Spinks, League meeting was ln charge of Anniversary services of Enniskillen Mr. and Mrs. Elmer RundIe andý Young People's meeting Friday P lpe Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey,ilst Vice President, John Siemon. Sunday School wil be held as foIllws: Miss Mary, Toronto, spent the week- evening was in charge of the Mission-Ihr Pupe Hill, Mrs. Branton, Oshawa, meeting opened with 1.ymn after Sunday, May 20th, sermons wilIlibe end with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie ary group with Miss Sadie Virtue io ii nm and Mr. and Mrs. F. Page, Toronto, which Rev. Mr. Cooke led in prayer. preached by Rev. S. T. Bartlett, Toir- and Mr. and Mrs. Rundie vent to the presiding. Bible lesson was readnn a « u US at Mr. S. Page's; Mr. and Mrs. Sul- Bible lesson was read by Miss M. onto, at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (stand-ciywihthr t peda e dy b eoa.dMrtn Dvtinlna ley, Mount Dennis, at Mr. W. J. Or- Dalton; topic was well ziven bY ard time). Special singing by the . .. . Mrs. ILI F. Osborne attended Che in charge of Mrs. G. Adcock. The miston's; Mr. and Mrs. E. Ormiston, Miss Reva McGill; readings ee chool. Special collections in aid W. M. S. il ah meeting ir. Ln~ytpc TeBakmt' amr"IIIA Bowmanville, at Mr. W. J. Ormis- given by Wm. Basset, Oswald Peth- of School funds. Solos will bie sung last week .... Mrs. A. F. Rund'e, Miss taken from the study book, Drums l nt N tonils; Mrs. W. J. Ormiston is visiting ick and Annie Oke. Lec-gue meeting in the afternoon by Miss Margaret Annie lce, Mr. and Ain. W. R. in~ the Darkness, was taken in fivePl n at Bowmanville; Mr. and Mrs. J. closed with League beniediction. Allun, Bowmanville, and in the even- Courtice took in the anniversary ser- parts by E. Stephens, Mrs. Burns, H-epburn visited at Toronto recently. ing by Mrs. John Baker, Solina. vices in Trinity Church, Bowman- Mary Peters, Marjorie Pascoe and$$ funeral o theat a. Glbethate DARLINC.TON Thursday, May 24, Victoria Day, a ville, on Sunday, and were guests of Wilfrid Smale. Miss Florence Burn.s Hydrangea, late......... program of softball and other Sports Mrs. T. G. Mason and 'Mrs. James gave a recitation. Mr. Harold Sal- Hydrangea,....a.... Port Perry ast Saturday.... Miss Anniversary services of Base Line will be engaged in. Tea served Coui-ic?. ,On Friday eveniic, May ter closed meeting with prayer. ASpra(BiaWrth.2 5.5 Verna Ormniston lias accepted a posi-. Sunday Sehool will be held on Sun- from 4 p. m At 8 p. m. Enniskillen 4, about tliirty relativese as-.emf.'el spelling match taken from previous Wýeigelia, (E...ath.e...5 '.iuu in Bowmanvihle..Seeding is iday, Alay 2th., at 2.30 and 7.30 Dramnatic Club will present their play at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sunday's Onward was very much en- Or.50ý.. Rt1h.k.e ....... about compheted ...Our 'beef ring p.m.(standard time). Rev. Thos. entîtled "Getting Sandy", written by Flintoif and gave them a real sur- joyed. Rev. R. J. Sbires will spcak Rose Bushes, H. P .40........ starts this week..Our church wilh Waiace, Ne wtonvilîe, will be the Miss Ida Reid, Preston. This play prise, it being their thirtieth anniver- to the Leaguers on Friday night. Rose Bushes, dozen ........ bie chosed next Sunday on accounit of speaker. Music by a quartet from is high class and humorous. Orono sary. The first intimatian was the Rose Rushes, H. T. ........ Enniskihkn Anniversary. Trinity Church, Bowmanvjlle. on Orchestra and Master Tr?%în and blowing of the borns of several carsRoeBssdzn........ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Monday n ght, May 21, Salem Young Hleien Scott of Betheda, M rs. Robb, outside whih w s h . ute pan Delphinium, many color, eacb . . . People will present their play "Nancy Orono, accompanist, wiîî furnih ms-yin thevill e dAr n r.HYOard quite.plain.Rose.Bushesdo.en.. . 4.2 Ann. Brown's Folks" at s p *m cbetween acts.A dmissi- s y ilae n wMad he Mrs. .25ry rageGlbe N~ewv BIacksmTith (standard time.) Admission 35c and tea and concert 60c; tea or concert noise meant and were greetc*I vîth Iroius, (Jaaerly OaneGlobe)...... NOL S OP20c. 40e- Children under 12, tea and con- their frienda. A social tinie was r Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy is visiting Iisi, (Japans) tnamedr.............. I L H PceTt 40c; tes or concert 2fl'c. spent and about 10 p. m. the c r elatives in Toronto. . .. Mr. and l',rs Iayri rerRss, (eantecoRed............. was called to order and -Miss Annie Nornman Welh and son Roy, Toronto, Bb abe oeRdadPne 3 Mother's Day servicetwasaconMrt C.DADeS.'S..ANNMr.RandyMonkshood, dark blue ..................2 Conrignntro____SLMLADS S NIVRA anol d aof teyr ss es ar*; erb. Mrs. R. Stephens and bahe, Salem, Monkshood, dozen.....................25 Mothr'sDayseancedaJaonuc. and two nephewso s Messrs . Mrs. W. G. Stephens, Hampton, vis- Cydonia, (Japan Quince)................. 5 B w avleed *n our church by Rev. J. W.Bn Eldad Sunday School Annîversarv Gnle c n s d .oss F hin o sheais ited at Mr. A. Beech's3.... .Our school We Deliver In Tow Foînry cuped b Toas ner, Bowmanville, the point empha- will be held as folhows: On Sunday, presentel Mr. and Mrs. Fliatr ith~ children had a friendly game of hase- Brookham sized being the example parents set -May 27th at 2 p. mi. and 7 p. m. a loveîy dining-room table. Among baîl with the Tyrone sehool children ________ efore their children . ext Sunday (standard time), Rev. P. L. Juil oft gussweMran Mr. nor FrAday evening, Tyrone beiJeg tht'a )Rev. Mr. Young fromaskatchew~an Brooklin. will divraddre.sses. Musiclmemi will ccupyour plpît n wil be dhiveran Mcîvor and Miss Joan, _ amiî nners..Mot}ier's Day service .J a k na ~ O l wil ccpyOu plpt ncompany wl i rendered hy the achool under ton; Mrs. Mclvor is daughter of Mîr. was l-eld Sunday aftern )on when our Phone 80 HORSE SHOEING -ith Mr. T. H. Lockhart of Bowmnan- the able leadership of Mrs. J. Baker and Mrs. Flintoif. Lunch was Paster, Rev. J. R. Trumipour. deliver -________________________________ ille ad le bespeaka good attend- and the choir wl assit in the even- served and an enjoyable evening ed a splendid address. . Friday af- an da e asi th ose who hear this able ing. Collections will b e taken i p n untih the ma l h urs of the terruon this comm nity was again_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GENERAL SMJTHING -speaker will be well repaid. Last aid cf school funds. On Monday, montn.. h evcso udygral adndwedahsd Sunday evening the Y. P. L. meeting M-1- 28th., at 4 p. m., tea will bc erning. pia..hesrInctes onndgealy saddned wh"ù ada sd- wilh be given first-elass workman- %vas in charge of 2nd Vice, Mrs. F. 1 serv-ed till aIl are satisfied. A league wndeeni u rpecal. In hev.mor n enythere our mid.stow and lbed and prompt attention. Honiey, and a good programme was1Igaine of football will be played at 31 *d* evening eurPastorn tee. .r.H anofher-of our ell knIMPRESSIbe rendered, the main feature being the o'clock -on the commonity gr~ounds. Stionpeched two excvllent ser- hovtd residents ihe prso f M. A FALE IPRESIO JonNni, stody of a chapter from the mission- At 8 o'clock a high clasa concert wiîî mns At the Sunday School Ses- lobt. Red.shoiton was faidy oYuand av oge et sJdyohknWlk san onBuea f aldoi wcnth ogvn a Mother's Day program was eîgdsoiin lasrayt e o' aet e et 20-2 Proprietor ai-y s . ..ook, rs ~ums in the Dark- be given by the MacGre.goi' Concert ie in which Miss Jean Vinson, Mis hehp or give of anytîitg she had hn orpprwe o u nes i isit ehm fM A. kinans. o-n rauo art sts ita wenpthefo- Louise Courtice and AMiss Gladys: j t-'t'c-venee<led. She hasheen a ,lhang yeure paer whe you buy e * .. Mr ad rs W S Mfft nd acreor Panatan " . eReynolds gave readings. Apretty ,haer. We're glad an te lyourh . . . M . a d A i s . S o f a n 1 ,! c r e o r ,e ý a i t a d S a x o p h o n i s t ; i egr eýa tl l p i a l l cT heî : w rJ < a d family, Orono, visited lber parents, EhlCoeViolinist; Elda .Aider ofpagen s prA esee yinembers vl egral .ise. Te-neonae-ndyucnhagi or Mr.andMrs F L.Squir . .Mssson Reder Achi Midlmos, oate achool.A t re te veing ser- ' Mna was conducted by her self or get who ever you like. Bot Mr. ad Mr. F.L. Suair....jýiss So Arcie Mddieostvice this pageant was again put on Pas*or, ' ev -JIl. Trumpour;, and was re mbri tSauonsu- Ella Collacott xvh< bas given aBrtne, Vocaliat and Tromboîîist. and special music on 'aytb' D attene *etî d rmmeriitSantns u- position in Toronto and taken one in Admission-Aduhts, tea and concert in asl yMs Rv)Sano n a( to eey eýtetsm NE ALAESOshawa spent the weekend a hme. 65c ; tes or concert 40c; ChildrenSaalehobAgMs.ntes)Stiftnrndf'-t'ds Iteren trk lae . avocal duet by Miss Francis Han- Hape eeey.HstetASlbie.et o hde an tea and concert 35e; tea. or concert cock and Miss Hazel RondIe. GoodIpatF'y is extended to 'Mr. Read a.]r;aastne APEG VE20c. AIl services will be held in 1fml ntels falvn n ______ te igsbd. Th obhE re co.ngregations attended al the ser- fayn mter.s f ong and thebi shd. Th Duli se res vices ... . Next Sunday Bev. W. S. Pl wife andmoter League onstn "Go-e-Sudaychoo Sunay"ially invited te ah thieSservce. Boyce wil ccupy the polpit in the irltciiarun hageofMi- wa osrvd nSonday afternoon !nînng and there will be no servicelsînaG .VcePrsidntcMardnn Roonis W/iW, I serthe n Dyporm Vs ter: rO.N MainJ.u the evening on accounit of No. 3 Trewin. Program included Seriptur 2 Pitran eoao was sung by Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Stain- ley, B owmanville, Mr. a--Mr.«Mra. R. Cien y r . a B.topFlasinDoaWsttoFn. ori e Ch rton, a duet by Miss Mabel Stevens Bradd and family, Oshawa, at Mr. Jas1 nrt readings by Misses Reina Bradlevan Phone 489 Bowrnanville niar ing and Miss Edna Swallow both of which Dudley's; Mr. Herbert an d npiration is a larger part of our Mabel Beech... Yo League'next was ver y suitable for the occasion Robert Burgess attended the funer- education than information-.Dr. Sudy evening on account of Fniiis - _________________ Patr sand was sung with splendid effect. aI of their oncle, Mr. John Burgess, 1 Grenfell. killen and Tyrone anniv 'rsaries Patterns _Mrs. Iio Munday recited the story Clarke, on Sunday; Mr. and Mrs. entitled "The Angels" in a very ac- EarI Scephens and fauulAy, Mr. andi ceptable manner. Pastor Stainton Mrs. F. Rose, Sutton, at Mr. W. F. addressed the congregation on "The Parka'; Mrs. J. Hen'-ricks and Misas IQualifies of Mother" in a very inter- Edna Hendricks, Trenton, spent the Gay flewers, beautiful designs esting way..No churcb service weekend at Mr. B. F. Gardiner's;I {and brigbt cohors await you in liere next Sunday afternoon. Sun- Miss Annie McCullough and M.ýr. Hughi the atest patterns.j day School at 10 a. m . M...vr. and McCullough, Pentypool, Sundayed a Mrs. Truman Power, Misses Rets and Mr. Robert McCullough's; Miss Hazel Another shipment received thia Vera, visited the formera' daughter, Turner and Mr. FU)yd Dudley visitpd Mrs. Stuart Morton, Cobourg, on the former's parar.ts, Mr. and Mirs. week. Very reasenable prices. unday .M.lr. and Mrs. Brown, :Mr. Tuiner, Claremont; Mr NIs Gordon Brown, Misa Menzies, Toron- Fred Goodman and family visited at SP OE ' I O Y 'a i t n d te, visited Mr. and Mrs. F. Swalliw Mr.L. J. Goodt-i'n"i . .. The ma"ýthly on Saturday. Mr. Cifford Swallow rý-ln ftý V)ie' n*tt n n's ~SUgPPOSE [INDYn Hln d 1t tm: r«eturned home with them and apent Ladies' Aid wi]l be held in the vestry W . . le the weekend... .Mrs. Samuel Snew- on Wednesday, May 23rd. Mra. C. den spent Sonday with hier parents at McCoun, Campbelford, will speak te If the "Lone Eagle" had paid any attention to those who said it couldn't be done, we'd stilib odr Big 20 Bookatore Cobourg.. . .. Rev. B. J. Shirea, Bow-, the ladies on "Classical s'ointers for igi a flight across the Atlantic would ever be possible. When we first opened our "Stor fBge Bowxnanville ont. manvilhe, will address the Young s mn. Wud iet oL People's 1League this Thursday. ' ot uy elnq ' ut. Allie s el- 1 and Better V lessome "essii"- eitd htwe 5 eol onrieorpie rg there be a good tom eout...Misses corne .... Leaguie Tbursday evening ,ms. Oi onrîeorpîe rg Jean Bennett, Ileen 'Bennett and was welI attended, the 2nd Vice- said we would starve to death. The steady growth of our business bas .iustified the soundesoiu Lariena Johnston, Toronto, spent President, M isa LoIs Richards, tookpl n W e are ever on t el o u o e e d b e m r h n i e t a e c n p s n t 1Sunday with Miss Greta Munday. Icharge of the pregramn. Readings by pa.telo u o eedbem rhnds htw a aso oyu Buh 1Mr. Earl Goodman and Miss Alice i right, Priced right, Sold right". We have this week some extra special purchases ofc aoal and sn;vc ut Miss . McCo opre, merchandise to offer you at prices that should crowd the store. "Daughters of Af rica" by Misa ub Jury 8cVirtue; reading, Mrs. (Bey.> J R. Jury Lov ll'sTrompeur. Everybody joined ina couple of good contesta. The contest Frsi which had been carriad on for the18O l odS a C ng eu R s S RECIALS pastsixwes lsdon Thursday Nvt'bfoe18OlyGldSalCnglumRg __________________Miss____________________be-_____________ bave you had an epportunity of buying these high grade ruga at these lew prices. Especially at this ieo teya No. 2 Hawk Eyeing icpraheusp endid. RMetr's when you are aIl housecleaning la this an amazing bargain and you can make your floors look spic and span at a veryifln e Gibbs Dentifrice N.2H w y1Day" sermon on Sunday morning, theCoeintefumotatdszeasflo: 9x71/_.9 $6.95; 9X $85O i/2$.50; 9x1012 $9.50; ThiaWeekOnl Cam raschoir rendering suitablo imusic. Bey. A. M. Irwin, B.A., B.D., of This Wek Onl3Cam "ra Whitby, will conduct anniversary S L O I 2 5 s i z e 2 f o r 2 9 c2 % x 3 %s e v c s o u d y M a 0 h a U M R W I HK N T E 1 W hiI. They L at ser.ices.on.Sndayp.may (.tha t r l e B r a l l t s N E W A 0 d z n nt 40csize 2 for 49c 89C tinie>. Special musi bythe Suimday 1 6dzn eyseilprcaecaefo edn akri i ie rmq~uality hose with lgtipefcin Subaripion an colectons;n id tat e garateewill launder 25 dozen Ladies' Sommer Weight Vests, a Special pur- m h ev ntefebtwl e of Sunday Sehool wari<. perfectly and keep their celer. Awerayte oseamelbaI SOAP regular 98e value. We offer these Specially Priced 29c 49c e PU re aVin al OLIA CASTILEuStOAPe SOLINA wie they last at the ridiculously 40 dozen finer quality Ladies 'Vests in White or' Pink,_________________ PUREVIN LIACASTLE OAPlow ric ofa regular 50c value, in aIl sizes, 34 te 44, at the Exceptional Price Mr. and Mrs. Dawson of Peterhoro, pic eac pca r 9 25 dozen MonarchKitSleeei visited at Mr. J. Reynolds'. .. .Mr. 49c1E2h I wSporaiePrce 39 8 CAKES 25c Tom Penfeund, Oshawa, visited ati m12 dnew Ltienes, aise B]ack and Whitehie, aod N E.Mr .E errdfays ..r.and s 50 dPezeh PnkLade'Omrc Weigh Bloomer ts, in Witefgor earn5co. KOTEX FREE GLADIOLUS BULBS ispent Mother's Day ivith hier parents,1 ie df A-9 Buy two packages for *1.9 We havea-quntit of Mm. and Mra. W. .Tyor'PBu Br-eviteiea3 e447cPi SCRENWIDO S oter n aysrv ice t.... at Hospital on-ody ih 30 IN. DOUBLE WHITE FUGI 1000 YDS. PURE ALL SILK FUGI 3 N OBEWIEFG waa observed by a large congregation An extra heavy quality for sommer dresses BEST 55c GRADE ELECTRIC HOT PLATES a baptismal ceremeony was conducted This extra Wide Fugi is vr oua e aise, wben 5 babies received the or seiarate waists or middies. The kind that Most of you are famnihiar with or quslity sommer wear and we can fei tyua FISHING TACKLE .led the singing at Sunday Schou.>]and tSpecial *1.50 value.u W e av Yo Mpiano. e. Mr. Bick gave a very oney ~~~~inspiring address ad the service %vas______________________Ths eeedSlPre$19 one to lbe ememnbered.---- Dustan's Cash Hardware LAUNDRY WÀNTED Ki N SO SSTR of Bigger and Better Values "IWE SERVE YOU wELL" All kindietfIaundry work done prompt. IY, satlnfacterjly and at reanonable priées KigS t WiePost omfce Box 12. or cail )Irs. W.Marjoram, King et. M. Bowinanlue.. - i '4 % '.'~ ~-