TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l6th., 1928 PAGE THEEE Conduct Your Affairs With* Dignity ï A Standard Bank savings account Iends dignity to the transactions of the depositor. It identifies him with an organization that is known and respected in the community, and establishes a contact which is invalu- able sbould he at any tinie desire counsel or advice on money matters. Open a Standard Bank savings ac- count. It will belp you to devolop your financial resources as nothxn.- else cao, and enable you to con'luct your personal financial. affairs with dignity. TM-F.STMNAPD BANK r 0flf CANAIA ESTABUSHM ~1873 D. L. WEESE Manager, Bowmanvî lle Branch Branches alsn at Newcastle, Netonvifle. Orono. Oshawa Cooked Meats During the bot weather the business of pre- paring appetizing meais taxes the housekeeper's ability to the utmost. You can obtain variety by including in your daily menus any of the many varieties of fine quality cooked meats which we offer for sale. Ail varieties suitable for the picnic luncheon. Choice Dairy Butter Always on Hand HAROLD M. JEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowinanville RE» ]ROSIE Red Rose Orange Pekoe is the finest tea ini the best package-Mluminum Your Protection When Duying TIRES The fame of the. Fieston. Gumr-Dipped Balloon 'ire ham opread around thse world. On the wheels of the. finest cars on every road and street, it is proving supreme ln mileage, com- fort and safety. To do justice to your car .quip it with Pirestone Tires. See your local Firestone D;aier. 1IRESTONS TIRE à RUilHER CO. 0F CANADA.IITED HAMILTON CANADA AloolMilm. Per Dollar 9,5 àk- BUILDS THE ONLY GU4-DIPPED TIRES Sold In Bowmanville By Jamieson Bros. force, tearing down a continuous lino of power lino poles on Arlington St. BOWMANVILLE RADIO STATION One death was the result ,a boy was KE OFTASCND CHI killed in that area when a privateKE 0FTASCND CH N garage was hurled by the wind onl CKGW To Be Main Station In New bim. Tie-Up Network-To Broadcast The grain crope have rarely looked DeLuke Programns Front Entire as well at this time of the year. Suffi- Dominion. cient ramn bas kept up the growtb. ____ Heat bas not been excessive, but the Radio station CKGW, located near mosquitoes have hoon an unusual an- Bowmanvllbe, is the Key station of a noyance. The city mosquito Cam- new Trans-Canada Broadcasting paign cannot boast nsuch o! its suc-,j Company, similar to the National cess. There is a saying, "Lots ofî Broadcasting Company, in the Unit- wheat when there are lots o! ýmoà-jed States. The chain will go into quitoes". We have certainly bad thepaointeerfur. latter and it appears as if the other Tpeatonsthenear futre.cstn will hoe ahundant.CTheanTras-Caenada roandcasing The abundance of ram bas fiooded opaolny as een fred, and of lowlyig lndespcialyin he edthe National Broadcasting Company River valley. Consequently many1 according to Joseph D. R. Freed, acres o! hay land are lying in water,1 President o! the Freed-Eisman Radio and the potato crop bas Iseen injur- Corporation. It is planned to dis- ed Gadnarabi akad. tribute "de luxe" programns tbrough Wild fruit is plentiful. Strawberries out Canadian territory between Tor- are ipast. Saskatoons and bluehor- onto and Winnipeg. 'Because of ries are now in season and 'plentiful, differences in time hetween the east- wbite raspberries have started and ern and western ends o! the chain, look like a large crop. and the lack a! available connecting Construction work is at its peak. telephone circuits in various locali- The Hudson's Bay Railway is being ties ,the network will ho dividod into rusbed; rails are said to ho laid at two sections. H. 0. Hatch o! Tor- the rate o! a mile a day and the rail- onto bas been in charge o! organiza- way into the Flin-Flon is also beiog tion work, and R. W. Ashcroft will ho pusbed ahead. In the rural Parts tbe manager. mnany barns and bouses are being Tbe eastern section o! the network erected wbile %in the cîties borne- will have its headquartors in Tor- building is very brisk. onto , witb CKGW as the key station, In Winnipeg and its suburba bouse- it is understood, and Montreal, Ot- building is very active, conipetition tawa, Kingston, Hamilton, London isa very keen and profits per home are and Quobec will ho equipped as ad- low. Mechanies find the novices are ditional points o! broadcast. The working for less than schedule wagon western chain's headquarters will ho in almost every lino. Consequently CKY. Other hroadcasters will ho at homes are obtainable on very reason- Saskatoon, Regina, Edmonton, Cal- able ternis, mostly on the rented bas- gary, Letbbridge and Vancouver. Sta- is. tion CKY is iostalling five-kilowatt I find the mon wba work in the broadcasting apparatus. large railroad shops at Woston, Fort "The plan is to make the quality o! Rouge and Transcona are very busy entertainent set out over the chain building new rolling stock and re equal or even surpass that o! sy- pairing the.old in readiness for the stems in this country", said Mr. heavy crop in prospect. Freed, Events o! national import- Tourists came bore in tbousandslance will cause both sections and apparently beave with happy me-, ta be linked temporarily with CKGW mories. The large Norse Canvon- as the key transmnitter. tion was a wonder!ul gathering, "dIt is planned ta givo to Canadian Norsemen bave taken a large part in musicians an opportunity tbey have the building a! our west. Tbey seom lacked hereta fore ta win national to ho especially adapted ta caxipentry and international fame by being and other building trades. The heard over the radia. The network Elks and Kiwanis Clubs have eacb la to bie in operation about Septemnber had a week of celebration and enter- lat. taitimont. Tbouusands o! city people_____ have spent !rom a f ew days ta weeks at the varlous summner resorta. In A thoughtful man will nover set ever way, July bas been an active His tangue a-going and f orget month and every prospect is optimis- To stop it, wben bis brain bas quit tic. A-thinking tbaugbt.s ta offer it.- Claude E. Law.lNixon Waterman. necessarily accepted. If the land is flot sold on the date above men- tioned ,the IBoard will ho prepared to receive off ers to purchase until such time as it is finally disposed of. Tenders should be in plain en- velopes marked "Tender for the purchase of 100 acres, SA Lot 23, Con. 3, TK>wnship Darlington, Durham Go". Address tenders and enquiries to: The Soldier Settiement Board of Canada C. M. Nixon,, Dist. Supt. Dated at Toronto, Ontario, this lSth day of July. 1928. 32-2 SummerTerm In each of Shaw's Twelve Schoola foIIows the preaent SessIon In regu- lar order tram July ird with no forced vacation,. Enter any day. Bookiet free.. Write 1130 Bay St., Toronto, W. R.Shaw, Secretary. Without Ezamination healthy men, agea là to 4& may obtain a POlicy for 8,0 RATESFM01 zIW 3250 ff vntc ntrP u" A t 2,00 - - $04 W .l. . SM9d $2W In evonth of turalydat ab"Imra a 32500as t death Man i tt.eoup.n TO-OAY Exceltior Life Insurance Co, Bowmanville, Ont. Niai. ao e.partbkuâm n ro« -umx i noý Nm Am DURHAM REGIMENT WILL CAMP DARLINGTON COUNCIL SWEET PEAS AT BRRIEIEL THI MONH 1Regular meeting of council was Sweet peas are such delightf l things Annual Durham Regimental Camp held August 7th., with members ail They look like xnany colored wings, will be held at Barriefield Camlp1 present ,Reeve C. A. Wight presid- And 50 it interests me to know August 21st to September I st. ing. Keats said they "stood uapon tip toe The ormr rcor fo a igh Minutes of last regulair meeting Their wings outspread as if for Tndardofrm ngecrd oa pre-and of special meeting were read and flight", vstandnrd ran egirdent ong e-approved. It's true-if 1 neglect mine for a with the better c3nveniences cf the, Mrs. S. G. Gilders, Enniskillen, night rwnstfl permanent camp which the nillitia made a request for a 3idewalk in They open wide theirwnst l la using this year will be a big in- front o! ber preM~ises. Request wa And hide beneath the vines te die. centive for the men to join up for not entertained. uhfinl owrteyayu the summer camp. Miss Nina E. Neads presented re-Schfidyfoerteyayu Colonel E. E. Snider, f orme'rly 011-i ea nurneplcyOlrfe h need our hospitality. cer omnandng ' , ompny ithment booth of $4.00-ordered pai.i Ad I Theymnei ec dy headquarters, is nov Brigade Coni- Mrs. E .V. Scobeil presentel. an I give them drink tbe while they stay, mander, and Capt. W. F. McMahin, account for $6.40 covering c.nvey- 1 givo thom in my room a place Port Hope, is at present 0. C. A Con- ance of land and registration for WhIe I may love them for their pany. B Conmpany of Bownianville,1 land for gravel pit at S ý Lot 4, Con. grace, is under the command of Major W. 8--ordered paid. And througb the bouse wbere're I be, J. Hoar; C Company, Millbrook,, Bureau of Municipal affairs, re-lTheir grateful fragrance follows me. Major Thorno ,and Major E. Smich questing that township assessor pre- 1 -Laura Bedell. Ferguson with beadquarters a-, Black- pare list o! names and addresoes of stock, commands D Comnpany. 1ail persons in the township over 70 The regimental band bas been ie-' years of age who might be entitled fiteil with new unif.):rrns and wilito receive old age pension-filed . ATTEND DRUG CONVENTION make a splendid appearane w2wýn I Ontario Department of Agriculture, le-adiog the reg;ien when ;t is on askinz for co-operation of council in Mr. J. H. H. Jury, town, and bis the march. 'an effort to provent weeds going to partner, Mr. A. E. Lovoîl, Oshawa, -ý seed on road sides, fence corners and1 returned borne last week from a de- SUCCESSFUL GARDEN PARTY l otber waste places-filed.1 lightful motor trip to Boston, via ________Clerk acknowledged reccipt of re- Niagara Falls and returning via Que- The annual garden party !held on newýal policy in The Globe Indemnit bec City and Montreal. rhey at- Civic Holiday under auspices )f St. Company of Canada for Roan-ty tended a convention of some 4000 Joseph's R. C. Chrch was largely i surance from July 25, 1928, to July retail druggists from allthe Englisb attnde, hapyaffiranda eci-'25 1929,' the premium beîng $280.251 speaking countries of the worlI4. aed ced, hpp afar mda ecd-Messrs. Jury & Lovel are :arge stock ed scces. -f ed.holders in tbis company and return- Winners in the big prize contest'J. Y. Kellougb, Agricultural Re- ed home enthusiastic over tbe trern- are: Gold watch-Philip Cancel la, presentative for Durham, made re- endous strides tbe company bas Bownsanville; BlanketsH. cK: qetfousa grn frRrl madle. This company manufactures loy, Oshawa; $5 in gold-INrs. F. 0., School Fairs for township. $30.00 tbe famous Roxall Remedies, and Mason, Bowmanville; Waterman was grant-ed. is tbe largest organization of its kind fountain pen-L. A. Wood, B3o-%naii-ý George Cochrane presented an ac- in tbe world, baving recently our- ville; Fancy centre piece--W. AI- 1 count for $9.00 for damage to horse, chased tbe entire business of over lison, Cobourg; $5 in g old-H. harness and buggy, owing to an ai- 800 retail drug stores and manufact- Clough, Bowmanv¶le; 17-piece tea set, leged defective culvert. Referred to1 uring plants condcted by Boots Cash -P. McGlynn, Cobourg~; Electrie ir-: Globe Indemnity Co. for settiement. Cbemists of London, England. An on-Harry Fry, Bowmanville; Elect-i Treasurer acknowledged receipts idea as to the irnmensit.y of the rie toaster--Eva Ho)per, Bowînan- lof $45.10 from Bank of Montreal, business cala be seen wben we learn ville; 23-piece tea sec-5c Williams. interest in S. D.; Wallace R. Horn, that over 1400 items in crude drugs Committee in charge, members, dog tag, 15c; L. T. Pascoe, taxes for! alone are handled by this firm, and and Rev P1. P. Butler are g-rateful- 1927, $143.49. tbat the sales amounted to over $17,- for the very generous support and Orders were drawn on Treasurer 000,000 annually. co-operation given. Particular thanks as follows:- is due and hereby off ered to aIl wbo Thos. Richards, salary and ________________ contributed towards and attended the office .................. $ 133.86 social. To Mr. F. W. Nelles of the Thos. Richards, cernent White Rose Gasoline and Service Sta- bridges................. 8d1.48 tion ,for the use of his camping Thos. Richards, road mater- grounds, and to Port Hope Bandfo a.4 the excellent program rendered, sini- Thos. ichards,*Ram*,ain- cere gratitude is acknowledged. Port, tenance................ 2059.37 ,Hope Band elicited vesy universal J. C. Alldread, trucking wire t ' S l praise for its splendid music and for cemeteries............ 2.5o rarm For S l Imany very pleasing comments of ap- C. D. Hodgson, wire and proval were madle. This Band will staples ,cemetery Lot 28,10 CAH- LNEIN2 be well receivod in Pow.'nanville at Con. 6.................. 3.42 10 CAHBLNC IN2 any time. 'Thos. Richards ,work cerne- YEARS Special mention is also made of the tory ,Lot 28, Con. 6 .. 5.00 ____ generosity of Bowmanville mprchants K. Winterburn, cedar posts and of the very great kindness o! cemetery, Lot 28, Con. 6 5.00 The Soldier Settlement Board of Mr. Vincent Roacb, Toronto, who J. Colwill, labor cemetery, Canada offers for sale by Publie supqrintended the sale of articles, Lot 28, Con. 6.......... 15.00 Tedr00AesSut Lo and Mr. Fred Kane wbo made the' W. R. Allun, wire fonce, ndr10AesSotLt street streamerq. cemetery Providence and 23, Concession 3, Township Dar- The special prize donated by the Lot 28, Con. 6............ 28.80 lington, Durham County. Corbett Motor Sales Co. for Walking George Ruiter, work Provi- Contest for women only was won b' dence cemetery.......... 4.00 The purchaser of this property Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Bowmanville. G. A. Stephens, cedar posts must rely on his own inspection Providence cemtery .. 11.40 and knowledge o! the farm and N. F. MacNacbtan, calcium- not on the above or any ather MONTHLY WINNIPEG LETTER chlorido, Enniskillen .. 62.54 particulars or representations ______IMiss N. E. Neads, insuranco 4.00 made verbally or in writing by Former Darlington Boy Wr, Op.I E. V. Scobell, deed, etc.. . 6.40 employees o! the Soldier Settle- timistically of Condtions in Westen Workmen's Goenrpnsation ment Board. Canada Board, insurance, bridge Terms o! sale are 10 per cent o! _____workers, 2nd payment. 22.50 the purchase price in cash on ac- July 1l925, is but a memory now J. Y. Kellough, grant, Rural coptance o! the tender, and the but it left as it came with every School Fairs............ 30.00 balance in twenty-five equal an- prospect bright, except whore hail Otto L. Virtue, land for nual instalments, with interest at storms madle their visitations. gravel pit at Lot 4, Con. 8 75.00 6 per cent per annum on the Sakachwn ndAletabaeS. G. Chant, advance T. S. anortization plan. asrssktbew a andalbertdarbave S. S. No. 12............ 300.00 Each tender must be accompan- Theaneri ofuonstor f terelare ailE Haggith, Deb. No. 5, S. S. ied by an accepted choque for Themaagr f neo!th lrg hil No. 19................. 289.45 $100. If tender is accepted, this insurance companies told me yester- Bank o f Montreal, Deb. No. sum will be credited to the pur- day that the laues are extremely 6 and Coupons, S. S. No. 6 407.60 chase price of the land. If tender large and will roquire some time ta Bank of Montreal, Deb. No.lantcepdtemoywilh mak al djstent. antoa as 7 and Coupons, S. S. returnod to the tenderer. been rather free. However, a very No. 8................... 424.77, Tneswl ooee tTr violent windstorm from the irthl Council adjourned until Septembor Tneswl eoee tTr struck Winnipeg Monday aftornoon. l7th a t 1 Il. m. onto, Ontario, on August 17tb., Its fur3r centred in a snsall area in theg .R lln pClerIt 1928. .es- en _a &Une cf.- wcn cycW. R.r Alnennigns..1. rlu- Pickling Season Pure Spices Pure Vinegar Pickling Cucumbers Onions Gem Jars Pint and' Quart Beets Celery Parowax Rubber Rings Phone 65 Bowmanville RADIO NEWS Tune in on OKOL, Toronto, for the next four Friday evenings, between 9 and 10 p. m., commencing July 27th., and hear the special Oshawa Program sponsored by Thickson Motor Sales. Yomr very truly,' THICKSON Motor Sales, 9 Bond St. W., Oshawa, Ontario You Take No Risk There should be no more risk attached to the purchase of a used car than to that of a new one, providing you pick your dealer with care. We assure you of honest value and our niany satisfied customers are proof of the soundness of 0W policy. GOOD From $ 50.00 Up Corbett Motor Sales Co. Phone 248 Bownianville AR CHIE TAIT A Special Reduction IN Lawn Tennis Supplies AND Basebali Supplies for this month, to make room for fali goods. PLOW POINTS and SOLE PLATES MASON & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville PAGE THREB THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th., 1928