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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Aug 1928, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 16th., 1928 PAGE EIGHT EDITOR'S JUBILEE BOUQUETS NEWCASTLE NEEDS SOME MUNICIPAL YEAR BOOK Harry E. Reid, Manager of Cana- PLAGRONDEQUPMET'The N e v v<aeý. t14 I1AI&I e r d le ltA copy of the Canadian Municipal dian Linotype Limnited, Toronto: Newcastle q1lould have some play- Directory lias just corne to hand and Dear Mr. James :-Miay 1 at this tirno rround equipinent for the children. _____ -_________________________________ it is interesting to notice the iprove- have the privilege of extending to Thi., i.; a suggestion ofîc.n hbod fronsi nients over the last editien. you bearty congratulations and best tourists wb< spend perhaps a few THUSRDAY, AUGUST lGth., 1928. wishes. boýu-.s or a day hure rcsting and fcast- _ The contents of the book have heen ng. and also front the incrcasin~-- standardized throughout and the ai-1 (Cobourg Sentinel-Star niuniber of city folks wbo cone bere NEWCASTLENECSLCARETW HI CUN L phabetical arrangement makes the in- The Sentinel-Star extends its te spend their .holidays either in their NEWCASTLECLARKETOWNSHIP_______ formation contained therein easiiyi cnrtltosto Mr. M. A. James, own or rente<l cottages or as boarders Ms eseUl ,Ciao svs r.J tnenadduhe i- Cak oni e uut7haccessible. In the introduction, the congratulationshicgois is-nrs J.StaisnamdadehtethatClrkthereilmearegin4,la00 senior editor of the Bowmanville at private houses. 1't is aothe iting hcr grandmother, Mrs. J. J. lUg- ne o Lidsa, vsttd dthMrs P eev M.J.Holanrresdina00 State.sman ,en passing bis fiftieth conviction of nmany citizCfls wio low .O'Ne;I on their way to visýi-, fself-goern1ng communities in Can year as editor of that excellent news- r'alizc that Newcastle is behind most aiIîr.Jme :auh or nKngston and on thecir return i omniain wr eeie n ada with 50,000 officiais engaged in pae. M.Jmsi noigfi1lcsi hsrset ete on r.Jms1luhTo-iKit Cmuicinswereivdn! conducting the affairs of these many peaper. M.amdtes iseoy in fair thp lces in isrespect.,n-eithere own o, spnt , weekend ;ith her Ls their intention to ,;pend thrce read: Rowland & Johnson, Toronto;! cities, towns and villages. I: cornes friends is that hie will be spared for i oy public amnusement features (< if ither, Mrs. Win. Boiia.-tý:i weeks with Mrs. Standen's sister, Mrs Central Power Association, Belleville;: as a surprise that there are s0 many mayyasytte core to eni ey life. an idfrtecidefo rn A family reunion vas heid at M~r. Gda. Wribt oo to, fornlaer. MssDepartment of Public Highways Re-; individual urban and rural commu- many yearshe yetre, ot vejA ni a swinig or a teeter-totter or a slde, Ce ibc' nSnd',uuî1 d ake fti ilg.zssumption and Reversion of high-~ ties and there is undouhtedly greatý ThmsRddîng, Storm King Ce., such as; are now often seen ever in to celebrate bis Slst birtbday. ~r n r.C .Gîsy « way li Clarke Township; J. Y. Kel- credit due to the editor, Mr .H. Wise- Toronto: Dear Norman:-I have read1 coUnitry sehool yard.s. Very few Mrs. W. H. Uoeadduhe neeClfn i itr r lough, Representative for Durhamil rgfrteecletmne with marked interest the enclosed' r:aces that regard thcmselves as up- Reita, aise Miss Cooke of Pittsburg, Willoughby, Toronto, vi.sitedj thir: County; N. F. MacNachtan, Counties'j1 in which this vast amount of material editorial comment front The Mail & 1 to-date communities or. make any pre-. arcxisiting friends in Kingston. niece, Mrs. N. L. R,c'l,-, ýlast 'veek. Clerk, re admission of patient to bas been collected together, and so0 Empire about your father. It struck tonce of catcriag ti) the pleasure of 'Mr. and Msls. Perey Hare and son Mrs. Rickard also recH,,ved a visi':,onhan, Clnerk osp iita;adp . aliyof Tebook isiidedit he me you had many uses for copies.1 the people, are without sorte of theu Jack, returned on Tuesday froni ther recently front ber cous"a Mrs. Mac-- oahnClrofM icpitOf Tebkisdve notre Therefore, it is wtb glorieus con- isimipler pastie facilities for childr"n bhoiiday trip to Regina and Moose Linchie of New York, f.)rnierIV ,qiss Newcastle, re Boundary Maintenance. chapters ,the first being an alpbabeti- gratuistiens on having enjoyed for Wby can Newvcastle îîot bave some Jaw. Florence Gamsby of Orono. -Filed. cal directory by provinces ,of Muni- solnse lovely a parent, that 1 too?9 The men and womnen have Master Maurice Baker, Solina bias -Congratulations te Miss Marlon AI-!obn raywa ar in complint ipaimen frm oas t cost send it for your use. their bowling green and other fornis been spending a few days %with bis lin on winning tbe igbest points ing a period of 14 years past. Laid Pr w el ihpriuaso ______o rcetinbeyug epe nhi cousin, Master Carnet Rickard, amnong alI bier comipetitors at tbe do-l over for further consideration untii a refereace and comparative nature, Mrs. Katrina Gaudin, Stettier, tennis, the bigger boys anti youn9 Sbaw's. nvstic science judi,t c,, ompetiriori ýnext meeting. ad provides the best and most cern- Alta: men tbeir hasebaîl, F'ut se far Mr. and Mrs. Eston and children -held last week at 'Miiibrook underi a on the financial Mr. M. A. James, Bowmanville- nothing bas been privided in a corn- o rmb aevstn r .J h upcso h ony A t Mr. Morton gave notice that at îpete information My . . l rin:- is o a nui ' a forthe ci1dren. fGisyaevstn r . .teasie fteCu gricult-,next *meeting lhe would introduce a sandxng of coinmunities, and aIse dearoldFrînd:I wih t pa muIs w~ o C. ~.Eilbeck at Pioneer Cottage, Newcast- ural Office and tbe Junior Fan Wom-B-a oapita olce frtsgwes tabulated information on the mytrbue is t yu hie my Ni. usinCapbîlCa o ,1Sl-on-the-Lake. en. Se report in another column. and axe for 1928. very important question of water- and give a flower te you while yeu private grounds at the lake the oily1 are in life te enjoy it-and that is sppery slde i the neighborbod Miss Nellie and Master Reg Fer- wrs that your life as editor and your ziiid bis own and some of the neigb- guson, Toronto, are visiting at their Anîong the young people froni this Mr. Lovekin gave notice tha at The hrpatoteboksd- paper have for a half-century stood bois cildren spend heurs of enoy-cousin's, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Rick- etoaigi h a f(unenx etn .wuditouea hr ate h oki e for theworth-wile theclean nd menton it; nd Mr.DeWaLeague- aexcThrsiongef oni e ebururonteonby-bourgte bdefineo entrancesanc into pni-i for he vorb-whle tbedeanandmen onit; nd r. eWarlo ab-ardTbeGrage.Port Dalhousie and Niagaea FaIls Ivate property on Highways in this character-building things of life and cock of Crest Houîe, lias attracted Mvr. and Mrs. Se)anes and sonst were Stanley Rickard, Alvin Dowsoni, Township. 1, for une, wish te say now-Thank several cbldren off the street with Sp.ýrcer a.-l Sydnzoy, 'f.rona., vre IB ert Chilcotts, Clare Aln Aia B-asee ssdvz:trie you. bis swings and other play equipment wieekend guests of Dr. ara Mrs. Walt- Roblin, Fred Butler ani Misses Mi h necessary rates for 1928; te as-YurFteDe bebind the bouse. Tbey bave the en-Bahl, Harris Lodg's. ion and Winnifred Rickand, Phyllis 1 sess the rateable preperty within the arFt eDp Dr. E. N. Baker, Principal Emerit- rîght idea; let Newcasi le as a ceai- Mn. and Mrs. P. O'Nei;l and grand- Clemence and Eileen Cooke wbo was limits of the Police village of Orono You may be able te obtain us of Albert College, Belleville: My munity follow it eut in a bigger way. scn, Mr. and Mrs. f'arnaby Martin visiting Miss Marion Rickard at the;. for 1928. ness training. But weuld it dean friend James :-I wish te add and daugbter Dora, spent Sur.daytimie. Cuci ratd$2,e lrk nd e nnh rprn my heartiest congratulations on this ihrltvsiLida1 oni rne $2 oCakepn afwm tspeaig _________ertote ay id BTUR Mr. and Mrs. Ceadun, Torento, and United Churcb, Pcv. W. P. Rogers, i Horticultural Society; $30 te Town- superier position. Youu veuld things that are being said about your Thmsre eLida Rev. and Mis. Tiecy and son, Evans- Pastor. Sunday, August 19: 10 a. ni' i hip achool fairs; said suni te be sevea otst pyfryu work. You have "rung true" on aIl ToasTveiLnda lle, Indiana, motoreci froni Toronto _Sunday School. 1 la. n.-Morning, equally divided between the two fairs imah epyfryu great moral questions. What higher Dahocre tLnsyo u-t~vstM.adMs ibc. Worshsip. 7 1). ni.-Evening service. h l i this municipality.Wrtfo comlimnt oud yu gtust 1, 1928, of Thomas Osborne Miss Eileen Cooke, Tw'~eed, is vis- r. alceSrinIstîna' v 'Buils were passed and paîd: I aestarteâ in the best of ei;ng and Sun loy p)revious and Rev. have ~~~Tremeer, at the age of eigbty-twvo iting at Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hancock's, Cei'li floecS aoa afJ. Henry & Son, laiva mewer health my 58th year in this gleriouslyears after a short illness. and meeting again nîest of ber former Sunday nîeraing have given the co- and paint .............. $ 18.40 a l Le fB of active service.1 The late Mr. Trenieur as eldest asoitso1h atsxyas gregatien splenditi service tluring the! J Henry & Son, supplies ud BIg Again congratulating yeu and with,1on Of the latu Thomias and Grace 'Mr. and -Mrct H. C. Bonathari and tirst tu-o Sundays of Rev. W. P. Rog- for grader.............. 8.22Mud Blg kind regards te the 'boys". Tremeer and was born in Devonshire, chi dren an i e Mss Lo's Martinî ar-, ers' holidays. Rev. Ceciil ia , no.Ha3, edp. o . 1____ England. He canme te this country ri<ved homie -,ofirst of tie wcek frontifSunclay norning aise bsang front thel July.................... 109.50R.C ý Mrs. Cors Amerlaad of Fargo,\w~hen a sniail boy and settîed witb ft il fortnigb,.': holiday at Wýasaga pulpit',the solo, -'When The Mists. Hears Mtor Transport, car- North Dakota-an old friend of the h is parents on a farin in Dariington FE - e. Have Roîl'vj Awaýy". tage lumber............. 12.00 ________________ years, writiag front Birmningham, t«wnship for a few years, later itoy-j Burney Coucb, son of Mr. and Mrs. iMncpl Wrd ln Michigan, Auguat 4tb:' ing te Mariposa witb bis parents. Walter Coucb, accidentally broke bi:, Friends in Newcastle lerncrd witb j fonis.................... 3.132 -_____________ The Stateanian bas arrived con- Dcceased received is edncstion ot slcg wbile playing basebail in Orono iserrow of the death of Miss Muriel Bend holders, Debenture & taining account of your Jubile., and a Deaf and Dumb Scbool at Exeter,1 Monîday evening and is now in Bow- Siinimons, younger daugbter ofMi Coupons S. S. 12-..... . .715.56 the tribut. of your sens bias been England. N. Trunîcer was a nîiîîiiber m nanvilie Hospital. Arthur and the Iatc Mis. Siniimons, R. H. Wood, caretakor .......4.25 dagheran m o f f Salm ited Cburch since boy- j Messrs. Frank Bone, J. HolI and in Iadian Headon We<Inesuay, Auiît! Pedar People Ltd., 1 steelio. Jh P o f t fe ycongratulations t o you the welfare of tbe chuch. their alsike tbreshed, sucb as it asbMurie was 22 yer o baer ad b Aas n nngyfros a1c fr l 827 on the rnany years of service, which FunerelI service was held at the 1 af ter theu uîusually wet weatber of since the death cf ber mother whoniî bicycles........ 2.00 E 1 know must have been of the best, home eof bis nepbew, Mr. Williarn L. the week previeus. 1 she accempantied te Newcastle sonte James Lycett, 1 sheep kiled s i th else there wouîd net have been the Tremeer, on August 3rd., after wbicb Mn. H. W. Cooke, C.P.R. Agent,!1 fine years ago on a visit te Mns. Sini- by dozs................. 2.0 splendid werds of praise* and geod- the remains were taken te, Salemi 1isited bis brother in Kingston dur- sons', sisters, Mi's. T. W. Jackson and Melvin Grahami, 1 sheep kill- will that are being shewered upon United Churcb wbere a number of ing bis recent fertaigbt's holiday. He the late Mrs. Geo. Jamieson. Mr- iedhby dogs.............. 15.00 yeu now. I agree with yeur so friLads bad gathered to pay their îast is noîv hack on duty and is baving a and Mrs. T. W. Jackson received on I N. Allun, sheep inspection..- 6.00 Our pies are wholesoir George, that flowers on the casket do respects te the departed oneC. visit froni bis sister, Mrs. Ceeke of Fniday the sad news of their niece's Council adjourned te nieet Septem- fO net shed their fragrance back over Service was conducted by Rev. H. Pittsburg. regrettable .passing. ber 4th at 1 p. mi. feomuis n the. long and ft-times weary years Mellow of Manilla, after wbich the________________Ige of service, when a kind werd now remains were laid te rest in Salem t Mrs. Frank Evans and ron and ____ M. J. Hoiman, A. J. Staples, rd means se much te, the on. who can Cemetery. daugbter-in-law, Mn. and Mrs. Wnî. ev.Crk enjoy it along with life's activities. I Mr. Tremeen being the lati member Evans, St. Louis, are visitiîîg at Mn.rRee r. Ail Kindso ask te, add my fiower of prais, 'and of the family, was buried bouide bis Fernando and Mn. Win. Perrin's and respect te the already hugeboqe father and mother, four brothers, calliag on other frieads in and around DURHAM COUNTY BOY THE STREAM THAT I5 NEVER which will be yeura. May yeu bel-John, William, Samuel and Arthur,~ Newcastle. RS D spared te edit The. Statesmnan for aad on. sister, Mary Grace (Mrs. Mrs. B. E. M1oise was taken sur-1 There's nîany a sorrow and pain, 1T e B wa nian mor yaT e pl-ererswresx ebesiously ilo udy gtwt e-1 know, The___________________six_______ ere attack ef astbma and for several As w. tread the. path of lif.; Successors to Christie's1 I-Lei Trernuer, Leslie Trerneer, heurs ber lif. was almeit despaired;- hrsmnagieadlstgwo William Trerneer, IFank Trerneer, of. Tbree dectons were in consul- hee'iay agiefoi and astige Herbert Tremeer and Robert Moase. tatien on the case. Latest reports An the warde t oil aeadestrife.r 13 SY A S_________ e smuh a:e. is the labor and strength that's lest BUSYeoreASChurh, ev.E. R. In building the bridge with toîlsorne The St. Marys Journal-Argus says: Janies, Recter. Sunday, August 19. O'er te sraita snvrcos' _____________ Sornetimes people speak ligtly of the 9 4 a. r.-Sunday Schooi. il a. mi. A C N 3Eceuntry newspaper, but it is ene of' Monnng Prayer and Hely Commun- ed. thu most potent and upliftiag factors on. 7 p. m.-Evuning service. W aefetigadwryfr&m g in on national existence. TegetW aefetn n or But not too busy to sup- dailies. have their mission, but. their 1 An item in the Grand River Sach -_______ ____h ply your needs in WALL PAPER CHAMPION PAINT GLIDDEN PAINTS AND VARNISHES ALABASTINE BROOMS SMALL WARES Cali in at the handy store and let us fil your order. G. Pritchard Painter and Decorator Phone 489 Bowmativdlle Another Week 0F Extraordinary Specials Cresof fine inake, pink -or white, Regular $1.65, Clearing 95e Children's Patent Strap Shoes, size 8 to 101h,...............98e Girls' Patent Strap Shoes, size il to 2 .................... $.15 Relier Toweling of good cotton quality, Regular 20e yard, Special 12 ýj c Yard 50 pair Ladies' Patent Strap Shoes, cuhan <r lowv heoLs, Regular to $4.50, Sale Price $2.49 to $2.95 Boys 'Navy Cotton Jersey.s, red or orange trimming, Regular 50c, Clearing 29c A. DILLICK Kingand Divi*ion Ste. .t DOWMaflvili Ont. scope is tee big te touch very closely the inner thiags of life. The editer of The Statesman ne- ceived an invitation te attend a cure- moay in celebratien of the recovery of the bull of His Majsty's schoener. "Nancy", at Wasaga Beach on Aug- ust l4th. The occasion was the 114th annivenaary of the gallant de- fonce and heroic sacrifice of the Nancy at the meuth of the Nettawas- aga River on Auguat 14, 1814. eni publisbed in Caledenia, Ceunity cf Hsldimand, anneunces thnt Mr. and Mrs. Walter Seldon and daughter, Mliss Adele, are speading a few weekcs at Seldon's Hilltop Cottage and that they wili beave on Friday. Auguat 10, for a holiday in Atlantic City. In the sanie issue of Auguat Sth., Mn. Seldon contributes a racy article of a neriniscent character unden the. head- ing "A Mental Survey of Caledoniu", bis old "Home Town". British Columbia's Minerai Weai le'10cocui smelter ut Trail, B.C., the home of the ConeolUdated MInIng & SmieltinglCempm.u' 2. Minina clasa ln Vancouver. Note thse wosnen prospecters. 3. A typical mlnlng scene at thse 400teet level. T he. eld mining days 0f Britsh Columbia, that wene as iclu ln outpuit as la romance, are be- lnir revIved. Thon. la a new ru- cornî lmneraI production ln tluls nuost hlghly nlneralizeîl act!a on thue Northi Amonican coiîtl- nent, ln whicb every co>ictlvai)l- nî:ocnaýl il foîund. Inxi al pluases of n<ning. prospectIng, durci- opnîu-nt a Ii lmnpoduction; Ide iiiiiiî,. placer-riiiîuing, anti ceai- rniîg, - the cunreut year la wiuonga bealthy and vigor- eus aetivity. 'Thbolaruest liuîreitgsareconded are ini icad a~nd zinc. and the pro- vince possesmes the second great- est Iead-zinc mine ln thie world. (opper. tee, shows an inreasea production, wie the every day progress of that great company the ('onsolidated MiLiin,-,and Smlting Company lI Traili.B.C.. readamoe like a wondlerful n- muancu than a neality. A meut signlfir.-ant feature o! the present actuvlty ln nining la the wayiy n whilucu îany partialiy <eveloped propentîca and aise prospects whlcb bave beon lying dornuant, arc now being devel- oped. Subsýtantial progreas has leen maude ln buIlding main truînk motor rmade threugh the provinces, whie mateniai aida4 oir. being gîven ln the working o! minerai properties by asist- Ing la the. construction of branch r<ads te theni. New tralîs arc aise continuaîly belng built te open up newiy dlscovered min- erallzed areas for the. prospecter. The. British C'olumbia Chamber o! Mines bas been proinoting the And anguish weighs on the neart; The thorny way seens bard te right, And 1f. is a bitter part. But there is a burden greater yet, Dr. James L. Hughes Much peace of seul it bas'coat, It la building a bridge -with toil and Who was one of the original speak- sweat ens at Chautauqua Lake in New York O'er the. stream that is neyer crossed. State 5 0 years ago, and waa a guest1 speaker at the 5th annivonsany of There's ]ooking for crossingsallahei Chautauqua on Auguat lOth., 1928. day, And searching along the shore For a bridge or ford along the way W. shahl never travel o'er . There's sighing fer useless toya in I-t. vain, [th R vive3And dreaming of chances lest; But 'is hardeat te bridge with might and main The. stream that is neyer crossed. Then gather the roses along the. way, And treasure the fragrance rare; C Z IRejoice in the bright and joyous day, Refusing te berrow care. -For sorrow and pain will surely come, And your soil be tnied and tossed; But don't b. bridging te reach your tO'er the streani that is neyer cross- j ed. LATE welfare of the mlning Industry for the last thirteen years. The Cbamber has on exhibition an lni- tcresting collection of the great variety of minerais mIned ln the province. Tiiere la aiso co-oper- ation wtb tii. varlous jprospect- ors' asocations of Britlob Col- unibla. 'Many towns of the. province bave branch chambers of mines anti the clamses lni mInenalogy sud geolegy as weil as thle min- Ing lectures have been largely attended. It la of Interest te, loarn that there are a few women prospeators attenddflg these lectures as wll be seen frein the picture. Research wonk, tee, with regard te mineraI deposits la carrIed on continu- oualy hy the de«eloprent branch ef the Canadien Pacifl Ratiway. SE'Ù IT EARLY, PLEÂSE 1We are always glad to get ail the 1news you can send lin and we are -doubly glad when you send it lin early. We can usually put a few items in that occur just prior to publication time. But if the news item happens early lin the week jlet us have it early. It usually happens every week that on Wednesday morning we could get sufficient newsy articles to more than fill the columns of The Statesman, while earlier in the week it takes a good deal of search to find items of real local interest. The result is we 3lose good news articles or have to 7condense them very much and you are disappointed- because your article did not appear or a lot of it was lef t »out, when we would have both bEne- îfitted if the articles had reached us earlier. Send us ail the ne-%s you can, but please send it as early as you can. Thank you! Ail Men's Straw Hats selling off at greatly reduced prices at Couch, 1Johnston & Cryderman's. 1voted to a Buyer's Guide, for the use of Municipal officiais. The publishers are Tlhe Wisley Bragg Publishing Company Limited, 616 Lagauchetiere St. West, Mon- treal ,and the Drice $2.50. ýpends Upon You in an office position without huai- flnot be a good inve3tment to yourself se you may start with a 1earn ýenough extra in six or rbusiness training. information. èusiness College Oshawa ýSHENHURST, Principal. 7Of the Pie e Eating ne and deliejous, made dthe finest quality in- lients. of Fruit Pies rivfle Bakery Bakery Bowmanville -I 9ST IN SHOES Look at our windows for the latest in shoes SNAPPY SHOES POPULAR PRICES Wre are surprising customers every day with the large variety the newest shoes in stock-and at such reasonable prices. It is no wonder people are telling their friends and neigh- bors to corne to this shoe store where they get snappy shoes at l)oIular prices. LOOK FOR OUR ADVT. NEXT WEEK R. J. Rovan's Shoe Store Bowinanville (Formerly Claude Ives' Shoe Store)

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