THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER li1, 192P AETRE ALL READY FOR A BIG STOVE SEASON We have prepared for a big season in stoves. The large range we have in stock makes it pos- sible for you to select one which suits your re- quirements and your purse. Our assortment includes: HEATERS COOK STOVES QIL STOVES ELECTRIC STOVES Don't buy youý stove until you have first seen our display. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville MEATI Is An Essential Part of a Well Balanced Intelligent Diet. The best meats are available at our shop where jgood service and economical prices prevail. Tempt- ing, delicious meats for your table that turn a meal into an event. Health-giving fresh and pure pro- ducts are our stock. Just give us a trial. HAROLD M. JIEWELL Successor to Phare & McCoy Phone 518. Bowmanville Quality Groceries We have always contended in our big ex- perience as a grocer that poor quality or low grade groceries are always the most expensive in the long run. This is why we always buy the best in food stufs and sell them at f air and reasonable prices. If you want dependable goods at dependable prices let us fil your next grocery order-and see how well you will be pleased. NEW DINNER SETS We have just unpacked several new sets of dinner dishes which are the newest in these goods. Visit our China Department. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvillie The Red Indian Sign 15 The "Welcome Sign" to Motorists, In f act it's a real haven to many car drivers who get in trouble in and near Bowmanville. For we tow them in, fix their auto as speedily and satisf actorily as possible and send them away hap- py, feeling we have given them a good job at a reasonable price. Then for the service station, we've sold thous- ands of gallons of Marathon Hi-Test Gas and Cyclo Motor Fuel, also Red Indian Motor Oils, Seiber- ling Tires, etc. Next time you need a garage man or service station needs just try us. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54 Bowmanville TEACHERS' CONVENTION in the battle of wits. The Scottish ________ welcome is the mate to the French (Continued from page 1) sociability. teacher to bring bis or bier ehooV Laugbter is a corrective, the Prof-r the fair next year and enter it in the 1 essor said. Humour is the rbeumat- marching, singing and physical train-! ic tire that rides easily over thec ing. A different system of mark- bumps. Wit is the lightening flash1 ing and granting prize money was al- that dazzles the mental eye. so discussed. Absent-mindedness is a common1 Mr. J. D. Campbell, B.A., Normal cause of laughter hie stated. It is n School, Toronto, conducted a lesson humorous sigbt to see a man at a rail- in History, with one of Principal J. road station carry off a coal scuttie H. Johnston's classes as the object. instead of bis suit case. Parodiest He first gained the interest of these and puns aiso cause laugbter. As modern cbildmen by referring Vo car someone bas said, "the way to keep at manufacturers, e.g., the Osbawa Gen- man's love is to return it". He told eral Motors, something quite familiar of the lady wbo discovered that "tbe to them, and led up to the subject, man after bier own heart was noV after "The Repeal of the Corn Laws" by it at all".N discussing with them the effect Combinations of words are also of duties and tariff laws in Canada, mnirth producing. The Frenchman as well as Great Britain. When asked would laugb at tbe sentence, "A "What is one poitical party in Can- blackberry is green when it is red". ada?" one bright lad replied, "Prem- The unexpected always seems funny, ier King, sir". said the Professor. "An elocutionistt The pupils of S. S. No. 17, Darling- was on bis way to a concert when the1 ton, (D. D. Barton, teacher), gave al taxi collided and turned turtle. The splendid exhibition of school chorus papers printed, "However, the elocu-1 singing, under the direction of Mr. tionist was able to appear at the con-t Francis Sutton. This, we feel, wvas cert in three pieces".1 an inducement to every teacher pres- In closing Professor M.%cKellar urg- ent Vo bave music taught in achools. ed "Welcome tbe gospel of laughter,a Mm. W. J. Morrison, B.A., Principal appreciate the mission of mnirtb, andc Bowvmanville High Scbool, spoke on thus pack up youm troubles in your1 "The -Progress of the Teacher". He old kit bag". remamked that while experienced A hearty vote of tbanks to Mr. I teachers were naturally expected to McKellar was moved and secondede bc the best teachers, there were many by Col. Snidem, and 'Miss Hattie wbo might be accused of getting into Mason. a rut, not advancing witb the imes., At the aftemnoon session, beld ato ITo keep fit, -le said, a teacher should St. Paul's, Miss Elizabeth Best, B.A.,v read widelv, attend conventions, Psychologist, Boys' Training School,C caref ully study the subject bef ore en- explained the character and uses ofh tering the classroom, in short, be a mental tests. Until recently, she student as well as a teacher. Heilstated, there was no pruperly organ- deait with tbe new tests, which are, ized or recognized method used ine as yet, only an expeiment, but wbich tetig entalities, but now there essay to rectify many faults of the staing m alshdansofr old examination system. He citedisuccessful system. There are four several examples of the inefficiency classs, Educational tests, groupj of the marking of examination pal-tests, performance tests and individ-d ers1. ual tests. She shoxved examples ofa The new tests are believed to be 1 the tests used for diff erent ages.0 as accurate in comparison to the old 1 Mucb depends on the personality of. fsysteni as a thermometer i-s beside1 the examiner, she said. Encourage- 1 some crude arrangement for testingiment and praise of the child's effortsI the temperature. Children need to are necessary to get bini at bis boat. bc taught the things hey do noV By mneans of informai conversation,0 know, and the test cards provride for1 the 'examiner learns much concero- this as well as for registering the ing the home conditions, parentsa pupils own progress ,not bis standingletc., of the cbild. From the intel- with the rest of the clasa. Parents ligence tests, the real causes of the should be shown whether their child child's delinquency, slowness at la improving, noV whether lie is ahead achool, etc., is learned. or bebind some body else's child. At achool each child should be al-t Mr. Morrison asserted that compor- lowed to progreas at the rate naturale al punishment was less frequent in to him, wether iV bie fast or slow,p the home than in olden days, but and it is unfair to place the momon,0 that, in spite of many who tbink the average and the exceptional child n otherwise, children are better behaved in the samne clasa. Those slow at 1 in school. The hickory stick was Of- academical work sbould be given9 en only an outiet for the teacher's practical and mechanical training-. own weaknesses, bad temper and ir- Peoep]e are of the opinion, Miss Bestl l ritability. Any teacher witbout. stated, that brilliant cildren come sympathy with the -gaiety of youth, Vo the top anyway witbout any spec-e should not bie a teacher. ial attention, but sbe declared thate He mentioned the varlous factors this was a mistaken idea and thatb operating against the giving of there were many whose merita e- homework, such as more outside in- mained unknown, through lack of teresta, provided by the radio, music, suitable training.c etc., and the poor ligbting systeni M. Campbell conducted a lesson0 which stilI exista in many homes.1 in Arithmetic, explaining Vo the t Moreover, the fact that teachers ha.d teachers beforehand, the pointa homework when they were young iSI wbich hie deemed important and es-t no eason wby their pupils should be s ential in teaching this subject. He given homework flow. laid stress on the selection of the Mm. Morrison advocated a largel problem, advocating'jsractical rather school libramy with great quantities than impractical examples. Hef of books, such as nursery rbymes, for1 placed emphasis on Mental Aith- the little tots juat leamning Vo readimetic, claiming that children should who unconsciously dramatize them. bie taught Vo use their heada as much This would iasVill a love of reading as possible, advised concise and ac- and literature in the children, at the curate solutions, and urged that impressionable age., pupils be taught to verif y their own At the close of Mrý Morrison's ad- work, instead of looking up the ans- dress, pangs of unger asserted theni- wer in the back of the book. In th selves, and the teachers, witbout fur- lesson wbich followed hie "practised" ther discussion, repaired Vo the ban- theories whîch hie had been "preach- quetting hall of the Balmoral Hotelling."I where a sumptuous turkey dinner fluring the afternoon, Miss Helen succeeded ln satisfying material de- Argue favomed witb two delightful sires. vocal solos, "Break of Day" and "A After the toast Vo the King, propos- Bird in the Hand." ed by Miss Ferguson, Mm. Francis TeNmnto omte e Mutoriscomnried two vislsolos, ported the officers for next year who Morrs, ontibued to voli sooswere elected as follows: Hon. Presi- "«Serenade Drdla" and "Berceuse Ident-Col.E .SiePr oe Joceyln" which were heartily enjoyed Pei - . ThE. se . Proe by bis audience. Newcastle; Vice President-Misa Prof. H. S. McKellar, B.A., lectur- Kate Poster, Orono; Secretary-Treas- ei of French, University of Toironto, urer-Mm. D. D. Barton, Enniskillen. was then cr'1ed upon to address the Fia onn h eceslf gathering din "French Wit and Fraymrigheeceslft Scotch Humour". Prof. McKellar Bowmianville by bus for Belleville Vo modestly compared bis attempts at inspect the Ontario Deaf and Dumb witticism after the profound address-1 Institute. They were wecomed by es of the momning by scholarly pea-tDm. C. B. Coughlin, Superintendent, gogues, Vo an ice cream soda ater a and taken through the scbool by dinner of roast beef and plum pud- beadmasters, wbile classes were in ding. His article, hie descrilbed, as progreaS. The visitors were enter- a "wee sermonette" on bis favourite tained o a sumptuous luncheon in text from "The gospel of Laugter". the vast dining hall of the school 'A merry heart doeth good like al by the staff. In the afternoon tbey medicine", said the Professor. "Better 1 resumed their inspection, observing to bie a gloom chaser than a kill-joy. many interestîng featumes, including There are some people ln whom the lip-reading, which is the main med-, milk of human kindness seema to have turned sour." H-cevry1 eontatdth if-_________________ Where Vhe Scotch are slow, the French are quick. Imagination, We operate 25 of our 0Wr sensitiveneas, irreppressible gaiety of and intend Vo open others shortl spirit are characteristica of the French wit. If a Frencbman not- WE ARE THE LARG ESTA iced an undertaker's parlour next Vo HERBALISTS a restaurant, he would immediately ". akt see the funny ide of the situation. GebaktN The French use the flasbing rapier instead of the ponderous broadsword LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE 1 Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Onyon, Edville,' recently visited friends bere. Mr. and Mrs. Murney Tripp, Tor- onto, recently visited Mr. and Mrs.1 F. B. Hermon. Lady Hughes and Miss H. 0. Burk, Lindsay, were recent guests of Mrs. H. W. Burk. Miss A. Draper, Helmuth, N. Y., bas been visiting ber .sister, Mrs. Ar- tbur Nichols, Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Nott, Toron- to, were weekend guests of ber brother, Mr. W. H. Dustan. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Cole, Toronto, were recent guests of ber mother,l Mrs. John Curtis, 'Carlisle Ave. Miss Sybil'Burk and M. -John Corrigan, Toronto, spent Sunday witb ber mother, Mrs. H. W. Burk. Mrs. Chas. M. Carruthers attended the funeral of Mrs. Jas. McKenzie at Toronto on Saturday, September 29. Misses Elsie and Irene Bragg, Toronto, spent tbe weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bragg. Mrs. R. D. Davidson, Miss Peters, and Mr. and Mrs. 'D. R. Alldread re- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Peters, Coiborne. Mr. and 'Mrs. Ewart Biinner and baby Helen, Brampton, were week- end guests of bis parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bunner. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Smith, Brand- on, Man., were in to-,wn last week1 visiting iold friends guests of Mrs.i Chas. Richards and other relatives bere. 1Mr. Jesse Arnott, Principal ofi North Oshawa Publie School, was elected President of Soutb Ontarîo Teachers' Institute xvhich met in Oshawa last week. Rev. and Mrs. Tbos. Brown bave just returned from visîting with their daughter and son-in-Iaw, Rev. C." W.« and Mrs. Barrett of Kingston, alsoi other points of interest.-Lindsay Po-t.1 Mirs. F. J. Ellis and family and 1 her motber, Mrs. N. E. Gould, lefti on Saturday for Montreal where Mr Ellis is empl.oyed. They wil eide at 135 Percival Ave., Montreal West, Que.1 ium of intercourse. Highly scien- tific and costly instruments are op-I erated by experts in the educativel process wbîcb goes on rapidly. Thor- ough academic work is taught, also nmanual training, printing, carpenter-1 ing, shoemaking, for the boys and i general domestic science, tailoring, dressmaking, sewing, knitting, orna-1 mental and fancy work for the girls. The buildings are Yarge, well-light- ed, artistic and clean, modern in every detail and the grounds are beautiful, witb groves of trees and lovely drives. The pupils are intensely interested in their work and discipline is ex- cellent, chiefly 'because of the bond of sympatby between them and their teachers.tbne Dr. Coughlin later spoke to the teachers about the work dore by the scbool. Col. E. E. Snider ,on be- baîf of the visiting Institute hne Dr. Couzblin and the staff for thipiv hospitality. ApplesWanted For peeling purposes at the evaporator after Oct- ober 3rd. John A. Holgate & Son, Phone 153 Bowmanville Poultry Wanted Psy bigbest cash price. Don't sell ill you see me. 1. Stein Phone 81 whithy MIay Concern: tof Health bas muled that after baving GOITRES and desiming the method prescribed by their idicinal. CINAL TREATMENTS 4NED nitted to seli our 'REATMENT nber lst, 1928. ýour well-proven treatment may ýR lat, 1928. This treatment bas , of severe cases, and in spite of suse, must now be withdrawn- iber lst, 1928. 'ED WRITE TO OUR HEAD- ,AREST STORE TO YOU FOR [DNIALS.* M REMEDIES LIMITED et West, Toronto wn HERBAL STORES in Ontario Iy. A.ND OLDEST ESTABLISHED ' IN CANADA. Nature and Uv." FADA Special 6 BATFERYLESS OR WITH BATTERIES Nobody IS lonely in FADA homes,% [TTAT do you like? Jazz or grand opera? //Fddlers or Philadelpbia orchestra? Fuany Vrctations or political tpeechesl Stock and market reports, newq-everything? Yes, ail radios do offer this variety, but FADYA gets theml! There's the differencel For good, eound, en7ineering tessons FADA aione cari give Vou unlîmited clîoice. FADA alone is years ahead i %ail yot'r raIio esentkLs- true selectivity that brooks no interference from over- lapping Stations -superb. :1,' -t. ron ualy.ln ran7-e-cier r rlouJ. Re iability thiat does not help our repaîr business, but w ar g!adJ f that! Wemiake it up ini extra &ailes of FAL;- A See our beautiful tab'e and conn'e -rocels. Hear FADA prove itself the ûinest raio cve. HARRY C. ALLUN King St. West Bowmanville EMPTY COAL BINS ARE GETTING THEIR FILL They certainly are these days-and the prefer- ence on past performance seems to be for LEUIUGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE The Coul 7that Satisfiu Our coal is ail freshly niined, dlean and well screened. You take no chances when you order the old reliable "Lehigh Valley Anthracite". It makes warm friends during the cold winter months. Order your winter supply of coal now-phone 153 or 202. Headquarters for Builders' Supplies J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 2702 Bowmanville AVIATION GASOLINE It Makes No Diflerence WHETHER THE MARE HAS A WHITE NOSE Whether she is sorrel in color, whether sbe cornes from Kentucky or Texas. The question ta: Can She Run? So witb gasoline, the fact that it bas been dyed a pretty color does not prove that it ia good gasoline. But the question is: Wéat Can IV Do? We consider that the steadily increaaing gallonage we are selling proves what ShelI Produets will do when given a trial., GeV your tank filled at our Service Station and give it a Ce A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville, PAGE THREE' I Pt.,Paià>