THE ~.CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. OCTORER 11,l, 192 P'AGE IX n For Swollen Joints Most remedies fail but Joint-Ease succeeds. It's for joint troubles only, whether in ankie, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, finger or spine-whether rheumatic or flot. It limbers up stiff, inflamed, pain- fui, creaky joints so quickly you'I] be astonished. Two seconds' rubbing and away it goes through skin and flesh right down to the bonik and ligaments- that's why it succeeds. Ask Jury & Loveli or any reliable druggist. Breaks Up Gas in the Stomach Don't sufer froni dangerous gas pressing around your heart, froni sourness, acidity, bloating or pain of indigestion. Stop worrying. When- ever you need quick -stomach relief, take a littie Bisurated Magnesia-1 powder or tablets. It breaks up gas, neutralizes acids and keeps the stoni-1 ach sweet and strong, and digestion perfect. At good drug stores every- %vhere. Not a laxative. 20 MINUTES That's al. Twenty minutes after taking a ZUTOO tablet your headache will b. gone. One of these littIe tablets-safe, reUbe and harmilesa as soda-will stop any headache inl 2o min2utes. Or, better stili, taken when you feel the headache coming on, a ZUTOO tablet will ward it of-nip it in the bud. No Ileadache FARMER'S WIFE GElSSTRENGTH By Taking Lydia E. Pink- ham's Vegetable Compound Wilton, Ont.-"I amn taking Lydis E. Pinkham'a eetbeCompound rtrough the Change of Life. It helpa m" and I cannot praise it too highly. I was troubled with hear flashes and my limbs were heavy so I could hardly walk todo my farm work. 1 saw in the newspapers your ad about the VegetabIe Com- pound and thought to give it a trial. The first bottie gave me relief and I have toid others what it does for me. I arn willing for you ta use my letter if you choose."-Mas. D. B. PETERS, Wilton, Ontario. Aok Your Neéghbor Ar&efou Rteady,, When jour Children C»' for It Baby has littie upsets at times. Ail your care rannot prevent them. B3ut you can be prepared. Vlien you can do what any experienced nurse would do-what inost physicians would tell you ta do- give a few drops of plain ('astoria. No sooner done than Biaby is soothed; relief la just a matter of moments. Yet you have eased your chlid witlout use of a single doubtful drug; Castoria la vegetable. Sa it's safe to use as often as an infant bas any littie pain you cannot pat away. And it's always ready for the criieler pangs of colle, or constipation, or diar- rhea; effective, tSo, for aider children. T' enly-fi1,e million lbottlee wverc bought at year. I;A S OR A SOUTH CLARKE SCHOOL FAIR Farrow, Phyllis Hollingsworth, Myrtie 1 S nell ,Neta Alin, Arthun Bedwin. HeId at Newcastle, Thuraday, Sep- Cabbage-Marjorie Lycett, Jutel temnber 27tb. Brown, Vivian Lockhart, Tommie Turner, Norton Cowan, Louise Han- The fifteenth annual school fair cock. of South Clarke and Newcastle took Flowers place at Newcastle September 27th., Asters-Tommie Turner, Alex. and was a pronounced succs 1 Hendry, Norton Cowan, Helen Rab- every way. The day was rminy lin, George Kimbail, Frances Elliott. and the ground was wet, but that Zinnia-Raymond Hughes, Mary mattered not at al, for the big well- Brereton, Charlie Brereton, Lewis ligbted basement of the Comunity Clark. Hall, turned into a coliseum for the African Margold-George Gra- occasion, aforded adequate ac- hami, Ruth Honey, Ruth Holmes, Ed- tcommodation for displaying ail the die Roblin, Jean Wade, Jim Simp- -exhibits and for the schools' par- so ades, tbe physical culture and sing. French Marigold-Arthur Bedwin, ing contests and the denionstrations Lily Hughes. of first aid work. Calendula-June Brown, Lena Col. E. E. Snider, I .P. S., was Farrow, Billy Toms, Clinton Farrow. present and diected the marching. Salpiglossis--Jack Glover. Major W. J. Hoar, Bowmanville, Cosmos-Lena Kimbaîl, Katie j ud.ged the marching and physical Clark, Jane Tkatch, Annabelle Hend- culture exercise and Mr. T. W. ry, Viola Hollîngsworth, Dorothy Stanley, Pr Hope, the singing. Trenwith. ;1The only classes on the prize list PoutIr' not on exhibition in the hall were the poultry and oei~er live stock. Cockerel, B. P. Rock-Jean Rick- The former were ca.ged along the ard, Jack Kimbaîl, Marjorie Lycett. boulevard between the hall and the Pullet, B. P. Rock-Jack Kimbail, mail carriers' drivew-ay, while th, I ean Rickard, Marjorie Lycett, Mary calves and lambs were housed in the1 Chaplin. Unite Cbuch seds.Pen, B. P. Rocks-Jack Kimbail, The spectators present ran into Jean Rickard, Helen Robinson, Mar- the hundreds and aIl seemed astis-! jane Lycett. fied and w-,ll pleased with every 1 2 hens fromi 1927 eggs-George phase of the fair. Kimbali, Marjorie Lycett. M,ýrs. H. W. Dudley's group of the Cockerei, White Legorn-Jean t Womsn's Association of the United Hommes, George Buckley-, Ruth Hol- iChurch operated-a booth on the mnes, Jack Elliott, Jean Rickard, Rets landinz between the kitchen and the Powell. j main basement hall and carried on Pullet, White Leghorn-Reta Pow- a flourishing hbusinesse"Iling bot elI, Jack Eliiott, Ruith Holmes, George dogs, pie, sandwiches, ice creani and 1 Buckley, Jean Holmes, Joe Hockin. [bot and caId drinks.j Pen-Joe Hockin, Alex Hendry, Brow-n's School, east of the vil- 1 Nets Allin ,George Buckley, Victor lage. is Vers Pow-er, teacher, won. Garrod, An nabelle Hendry. for the first time in the history ofI Live Stock the school fair, the singing prize. Calf, beef-June Brown. j haGrain and Corn Caif, dairy heifer-Kenneth Step- Wha,1 qt.-Ruth Holmes. henson. Wheat, sheaf-Ruth Holmes. Market Lamb-Jack Elliott. Oats, 1 qt.-John Mitchell, Abert Apples York. Spys--Jean Rickand, Mary Chap- Oats, sheaf-John Mitchell, Aibentllin, Ruth Honey, Ruth Hommes, Jean York, George Kimbaîl. Holmes, George Buckiey. iSweet Corn-Marion Rinch, David S1nows-June Brown, George Lockhart. Buckiev. Ruth Honey. Vegetablea Potatoes, Green Montain-Billie Brunt, gaymond Hughes, Katie Clark, Mary Brereton, Vivian Lockhart, Hubert Anderson. Potatoes, Irish Cobbler-Helen Roblin, Hazel Burley, Alex. Hendry, Lois Martin, Charlie Brereton, Janel Tkatch. Mangels-Chrîssie Lockhart, An- nabel Hendry, Billie Toms. Turnips-Myrtle Allin.1 Beets-Evelyn Aluin, Phyllis Hol-1 lingsworth, Dprothy Aldread, Georgel .iGraham David Noden, Mildred Bd win. Carrots-Ada Hollingsworth, June Brown, Mike Arycb, Jack Glover, Norton Cowsn, Ruth Honey. Psrsnips--Joe Hockin, Jack Toms, Dorotby Trenwith, Bessie Law, Mur- iel Shaw, Viola Hollingsworth. Onions-Lena Lockbsrt, Annie Tkatch, Louise Hancock, Eileen Clark, Nets Allun, Jean Holmes. Pumpkin-Joe Hockin, Louise Han- rock, George Buckley, Lloyd Han c ock, Tommie Turner, Vivian bock hart. Tomatoes-Mary Chaplin, Lena How to Reduce Varicose Veins Rub Gently and Upward Toward the Heurt A. Blood in Veina Flow&a That Way Many people have become despon- dent because they have been led ta believe that there is no remedy thati w-ll reduce swollen veins and bu nches. If you will get a two-aunce original bottle of Moone's Emersld Oul (full strength) at any first-class drug store and apply it night and morning as di- rected you will quickly notice an im- provement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced ta normal. Moone's Emnerald Oul is a harmless,, yet most powerful germicide and two ounces asat a very long tume. Indeed, s0 powerful is Emerald 011 that aId chronir sores and ulcers are ofteni entirely healed and anyone who i's disappointed with its use can have their money refunded. Jury & Loy-, ehl selF lots if t. 64 e.h Danger Age For Most Men ' Talmn SwetsJean Rickard, Mary Chaplin, Lefla Farrow, Ruth H-o ney, June Brown, Jared Kimbail. intoss-iMary Chaplin, Jean Rickard, George Buckley, Victor Gar- rod, Stanley Brown. Weatbys-Mary Chaplin, Ruth Ho.ney, Jean Holmes ,George Buck- ley, Mike Arych, Helen Roblin. King-George Buckley, Jean Rickard, Ruth Honey. Golden Russets-George Buckley, Lena Farrow, Jean Rickord, Ruth Honey, Hazel Buniey, June Brown. Baldwins--Jean Rickard, John Mitchell, Ruth Honey, June Brown. Cooking Graham Muflns-Jean Wade, Olive Jaynes, Clifford Jones ,1ildred Bed- win, Lena Kimbali, Margaret Toms. Applie Pie-Helen Robinson, Irene Brereton, Myrtie Aluin, Audrey Bona- than, Lloyd Powell, Olive Jaynes. School Lunch-Frances Elliott, An- nabelle Hendry, Louise Hancock, Jean Hommes, Ruth Hommes, Olive Jaynes. Oatmeal Cookies-Ruth Holmes, Eileen Clark, John Mitchell, Gertrude Bonathan, Annabelle Hendry, Olive Jsynes. Plain white cake-Dorothy Tren- with, Donald Powell, Mary Chaplin, Mlred Bedwin, Neta Allin, Lena Kimball. Maple Cream-Ruth Hommes, Fran- ces Elliott, Muriel Shaw, Helen Robinson, Bessie Law, Hubert Ander- son. Sewing Kitchen Apron-Annabelle Hend- ry, Olive Jaynes, Hazel Burley, My- rtle Allin, Margaret Burley, Ruth Holmes. Guest towl-Annabelle Hendry, Olive Jaynes, Ruth Holmes. Patch on grain sack-Ralph Gib- son, George Buckley, Jack Reid, John Mitchell, Tommie Turner, Jack El-' liott. Manuel Training Bird house-Jack Mitchell, George Buckley, Mike Arych, Clinton Farrow, Victor Ganrod, Jack Bentz. Rope halter-Jack Glover, John Mitchell, Hazel Burley. Window stick--Jack Bentz, Lloyd Hancock, Clifford Jones. Nature Collections Weeds-Ruth Hommes, George, Buckley, Allan Clarke, Annabelle Hendry, John Mitchell, Alex. Hend- ry. Woods-John Mitchell, Jared Kim- baIl, Annabelle Hendry, Ruth Hommes, George Buckley, Hazel Buniey. Insects-Frances Elliott, George Buckley. Weed Seed-George Buckley, An- nabelle Hendry, Carl Farrow, France" Elliott. rwn Pa-gtr-lrawiv nnnhnC-g Much 111 HeatL of I.ater Years B uc k e y, * nnahelle Hendry, Olive Due to Neglect of Conditions Jaynes, Ruth Hommnes, Audrey Bons- First Noticed in Middle Life. thami. Map of Du rham-Annab elle Hend With middle ago ailments attsck- ry, Nets Allun, Olive Jaynes, John! ing over two-thirds of those past 40, Mitchell, Alex Hendry, Ruth Ilolmes. J it is tume every man who notices such 1 Drawing showing life history of distressing symptonis as tbameness, corn borer-Annabeile Hendry, Olivel Pains in back and down tbrough Jaynes, Iluth Hommes, Jack Kimbal,' groins, scanty hut frequent ani David Lnckhart, Mildred Bedwin burning Uination, "Getting-Uip- School Parade-Newcastle, Lake Nights," Nervous Irritability and Shore, Port Granby, Browns, Cow- Lack of Foce-should at once tny.anville, Crooked Cneek. the amszing value of Dr. South- Physical Culture-Lake Shore. worth's URATABS.1 Browns, Crooked Creek, Cowanville, While new ta many, the truly ne- Newcastle, Part Granby. mnarkahie value of URATAB ba heen proven by many yearsofsc Public Speaking-Jesn Rickard, ressful use. Reports from Daýctors 1Irene Brereton. and Users alike offer convincing evi- School Chorus Singing-Brawns, dence: "I nover found anything ta Cowanville, Lake Shore. help my case until I tried URA- The Shield was won by S. S. No. 2, TABS." "URATABS are the best Lake Shore. tl'ing for Bladder and Ir- Directrs--Jack Glover, Port Gran- ritation 1 have ever tried." "NO hy; Annabelle Hendry, Lake Shore; more barkacbes, no nror pain, no Milton Brown, Newcastle; McGregor more <lly embarrassment or "Get- Jones, Newtonville; June Brown, ting-up-nigbts. I now sleep soundly Browns; (linton Farrow, Crooked and get up in the morning ful Of Cneek; Hazel Burley, Cowanville. pep>-thanks ta URATABS!"-Tbi.9 is amazing evidence! No matter how long yau have heeil DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS trouhled or how stubhorn your case The Physicians of Bowmanville may seci ta he, a ten-day test of Dr. will close their offices Wednesday af- Southworth's TYRATABS nfers coni- ternoon and evening. fort and reief-and you can make I n case of emergeîlcy at this time cal the test withaut isk of cost, for anv Dr. Bell the lst Wednesday of month;~ good dnuggist will supply you jn no IDr. Birks, 2nd Wednesday of montb;i guarantee of monpy hark if ntet r Slemon 3rd Wednesday of month; i isfied. Try URATABS today! Dr. Stoney 4th Wednesday of manth! WEDDING Chapin-Argue The marriage of Irene Victoria, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Argue, Solina, and Nels.on Frank Chapin, Pittsburg, Pa., son of Mr. Frank Chapin ,New York, was solemnized in the Parsonage at Hamipton, on Monday, October lst., Rev. J. R. Bick, B.A, officiating. The bride w'ore a gown of rose beige georgette with hat to match, shoes of Lizard skin, fox fur and also the groom's gift a white gold wrist watch, and carried a shower bouquet of Sweetheart roses. Her travelling coat was rose beige trim- med with American oppossum. In attendance at the ceremony were the bride's sisters, Mrs. A. W. Gibbons, Toronto, and Mrs. J. G. Hughes, Alton, also a niece, Miss Evelyn Hughes. Toronto. After the ceremony the bride and groom motored to the cottage of thel bride's sister, Mrs. C. E. Thomas, ati Basa Laké, near Orillia. They will lea-ve shortly for Pittsburgh, Pa., w*here they will reside. Mr .Chapin is an honor graduate of Buffalo Uni- versity, and a Superintendent of one of the Pittsburgh Plants of the Un-ý ion Carbide and Carbon Corporation of New York City. On Thursday evening, Septemberi 27, Miss Margaret Hanna gavea shower in honor of the bride-to-be, at the home of her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) Angus MeKay, Toronto. Many beautiful and useful gifts w.ere re- ceived. Long Standing Asthrna. Many have suifered so long froin asthmal and have tric<i 50 many s0-ca lled; remedies they think that there is no I real help for theni. Tbey should rea<] the letters received by the man- ufacturers of Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- thma Remedy froni hundreds of cases once as desperate as their own. Even in long-neglected cases this famous preparation brings prompt help. Badmninton players find a drink of hot tea of great benefit after a strenuous gamne. In leading Badmnin- ton clubs of Canada, Red Rose Tea is a great favorite. No other tea offers such brisk, zestful flavor and rich quai ity. Put up only in bright, clean aluminum packages. 14EW .4Mid'monng Pick- e WH EN eleven o'clock cornes and you grow a littie weary -that's the time for a steamn- ing, nourishing cup of OXO -IT'S BRACINGI1 In 6 -os. F>aaks and Tins of4andIO Cube. o t.a "Méat and Drink" ta you So Qulckly So Little mess 1 Having the floor-layeru ln doesn't mean upsettlng the whole house. Start them at a bedroom in the morning, and they're through with it by night . . . . without even movlng the furni- ture out Into the hall!1 And so inexpenuive 1 ~ McCLELLAN & CO. LTD., Phone 15 Bowmanville THE BES T :j*.1UMADE WEDDINGS Clemens-MceCllocs Miss Mary Ella McCulloch d uh- ter of the late Rev. Robert and Mr'. McCulloch, T-oronto. and Mr. Alberti W. Clemens, of Tyrone, were married on Saturday. Sept. 29th. in Timnt.hy, Eaton Memorial Church, Rev. Trevor Davies officiating. The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Dr. E. A. McCulloch. She was gax%-ned in printed velvet with hrown felt bat.. and carried a bouquet -of pink roses and iiiy-of-tbe-valley. There wcre no attendants, and a reception for the immediate famuly was held afterwards a. the home of Dr. and Mrs. R.« ,1.-P.» McCulloch, on Dunvegan Rond. Af-, ter a motor trip Mr. and Mrs. Clem- ens will live in Tyrone. Marlow-Swain At prh ywedding w-as sùlemnived! atte home of Mr. and Mr. Stan- ford Swain, Blackstock, Ontario. Saturday, September 29th., whenl their daughter, Agnes Kate, %vas united in marriage with Herbertj Clarence Mariow, oniy son of . and Mrs. Nelson Marlow. An artistic arrangement of sut- umn leaves and flowers formied the background for the cerenîony whichý was performed by Rev. J. E.1 Griffith, B.A., assisted by the bride'sý brother-in-law, R.ev. Mr. 'Miltonî Sanderson of Birch Clifi. The bride w-ho wvas given in mar- niage by ber father w-as lovely in a frock of shell pink geargette trini- med with filmy cream lace. Herj tulle veil \vas caught with pearis and orange blossonis. She carried a~ shower bouquet of butterfly roses and lily-of-the-valley. Mrs. Milton Sandex7son the brid'e's sister, played the w-edding niuamc and during the signing of the registci-, Miss Rets Swain of 'Jrandiw Manitoba, sang "At Dawning" A reception followed imm.ediately,. The bride's niother wore black flat crepe and the grooni's mother, brown crepe de chene. Later the bride and groom left for a motor trip ta Montre4l and Que- bec, the bride travelling in a navy blue+ ensemble trinîmed with mole w-ith bat and sboes to match. MeMullen-Campbell Charming in every detail w-as the lovely early autunin wedding which was solemnized on Saturday after- n-oon, September 29th., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Camp- bell, Maple Shade Farm, Nestleton, wben their eldest dsughter, Mabel Josephine, wras united in marriage I ta James Howard McMullen, son ofi Mr. and Mrs. James McMullen, Lot-I us. Tbe ceremony wbich took place on the law'n under an arch of ever- greens banked with garden flowers and large white bel], vas perf-ormed by Rev. J. E. Griffith, Blsckstock, as- sisted by Rev. R. M. Patterson of Janetville. 1The bride who was given in inar-1 iage by ber father entered the lawn to the strains of Lohengrin 's wedding march played by Misa Iva Shaw, Pontypool, cousin of the groom. The bride looked lovely in b er bridai gown of white georgette, trimmed with radium lace and bril- liants, ber silk net veil w-as caught ,with orange blossoms, -white silk bose and white kid punîps completed i the bride's costume. Sbe car-m-ed a bouquet of Ophelia roses and maid- en hair fern. Miss Grace Suggitt of Uxbridge, cousin of the bride, made a chasrn- ing bridesmaid, dressed in rosewood fat crepe with bat to match. She carried a bouquet of gladioli and fern. Little Jean Camipbell made a winsome littie flower girl, dressed in peach silk crepe and carnie-da basket of yeilow roses, asters and fern w'ith streamers. Mr. Wilson Heaslip ably supported the groom. During the signing of the register,I Miss borna McGill sang "O Promise Me".. After congratulations a sumptuous dinner was served in a, tent on tbeslawn and was attended Tyh7 guests. brdesmaid' Thegrams gift to the r was a beaded necklet ,to pianist a! silver cameo ring, groonisman, goldi cuif links, and flower girl a silver ring.i After dinner the happy couple left ami<l showers of confetti and goodi wishes on a motor trip around Lake Erie, the bride travelling in a b-ei gel frock and base with satin slippers,1 French bloc bat and coat, gloves andi purse to match. She also wore a grey fox fur, gift of the groom. On their return Mr. and Mrs.* Mc- IMullen will reside on the g'room's farn, Lotus. L. Reynolds of the standing commit- tee repos-ted on the League of Na- tions. Roi! cal! "Hallnawe'en Super- stitions" was responded to by several niember". Lunch was served by east group and a social tume spent toget- ber. Attendance 40. Next meeting at home of Mrs. H. Rundle on No- vember lst. An interesting prograni is -being prepared. Plan te be pres- ent. Everyone welco7ne. Let us Protect Your Good-will When dealing ,vith Dunchasers of uncertain financial rating at homo or abroad the Standard Bank cals be of signal service in appi oiching the new or untried custdmi- - for collec- tion. The Bank is in a posýiton ta protect yuor interest,; witbout coni- promising the gondwill of the custom- er. Enlist the serv.icû- of the Stand- ard Bank ta safe.guard your pru)perty by conducting diplomatie negotiations with customiers whose standb'z is un- known. 0f CANADA ~ ESTABLI5HET> 1873 )L. WEESE b Manager, Bowmant'iile Brandi Branches also at Newc..tle. NeetonvilIe, Oron.. hawa 'WOOL' i itopurest form Y OU can buy nothing bet- ter than Dods Underwear for yourself and your family. Dods Underwear is worn by mainy, many thousands of Canadian outdoor workers ail over the Domnion. Dodisi Undekweari DdLmdgCompany, Llmited 0= "vlf. - . . Ontaclo Sok .SelUag A gea forCanwa IL MEADE DAV'S, h Manchester auilding, - 33 Meltnatet W The CauniaiuHerriot or IMl la the mont abundnt Canada aas ever knowmt. gemeral prrqritY and grester business are aaaured. Through aur harvest sal., we art afforlng the g eaa vaj e vr. and Invite yen to shara la thet m ssdugs FRESH FRUIT Potatoes HÀND PICKED P..k 18C WHITE JAM SaNI'E JEANS ~~ ýONIONS Ia Taity Bread clfri IU EL 0,wér 300000 Loa « Seema O M ne »a > R aisins F E âê, .23, ~a. Peaches 2 1 1Pupkin2 «-25,c sàm..niala ae H. P. NOIs est" 35 Imm aie MIi haselb a.SAUCE Ml.. E o C..dy sl.w DECUESPRUNU, OAT's cooeaut I9*~~ 2mb u>s.27.I 5w25 210 . rxxzmhxxnm m dl f. Mid I Fine tee Us always the most-deslred. The sllght faillng off ln price of cheaper teas cannot entice the tea-lover from hls dlscrimlnatlng choice. "SALADA" TEA 'r"he iet oAn Fine Te« F- -- -- ýAàýim oilv