PAGR TWOTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS REDUCED INSURANCE RATES OBSERVATIOJNS AND OPINIONS OBSERVATIONS AND OPINION! M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.D. Our lady readers, especially, will On Dwelngs and Contente of Just imagine the impassable con- Lo-oks as if the Conservative Parti Barrister, Solicitor, Ntary regret to learn of the rather serious Dwellings in Bowmanville dition of the streets around town re- at Ottawa hs developing into i Money to boan on Farm and Town accidents that befell "Aunt Susan" cently with so much rain had there "millionaire's club" wîth ita leadi Property. Royal Bank 'Building, whose interesting weekly letters to Conxmencing November 23rd new been no paved streets. and now newly appointed fedeira Bowmnanville. Phone 351.lber niece have been appearing in rates came into effect on dwellings organizer both in thbe multi-million The Statesman for somte years. and contents ,and apply only to Well done B.H.S. rugby team i aire class. W. R. STRIKE '4Aunt Susan" lives in British Col- towns and cities whicb are supplied winning the group cbampionship on ____ Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. umbia with bier husband and eîght with good water works systemis and your first year in the strenuous but Hon. George N. Gordon, Peterboro Barrister, Solicitor, Notary year-old daugbter Betty on a fruit fire fighting appliances and Bow- popular pastime of rugby! in calling the country newspaper. Soicto fr ak f onrel farma. In a letter dated November manville la fortunate to be included. "one-horse weeklies" bas found -oui oeytor Loran k ;honéa916th to the editor she says: I've Speaking generally the reduction Bowmanville is to be honored on that the columns of such papers con. Boe t owanvi Pheonntari been baving an unfortunate sumrmer will be 50c par thousand of insur- Sunday next in baving in its inidst tain more horse sense than thI Bowmanille. ntarioand autumn-first an accident te my ance. But in sorte classes of con- Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, D.D., LL.D., mulish remnarks contained in bisl et W.F.WAR, . .right knee wbich laid me by ail struction it is even more, and will Principal of Queen's University, tars to the Toronto Globe. W.F.WADB.A.through the busiast fruit-picking sea- result in a saving to policy holders of Kingston, an eminent divine and an ____ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary son. Was racovering nicely when three yaar policies on dwelling and outstanding educationist of Canada, A eult h lgno Money to boan. Bonds for -sale. in September, I made a false step and contents of thousands of dollars. who will preach annive'rsary serinons Ase a -kno l tfirm slgancondena Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., twisted my leit knea which aiain It is te be understo.od, bowever, at St. Paul's United Church. niilk. "Milk from Contented Cows', Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones:- laid me up-this time worse thn that thesa réductions do not apply to a meat purveyor in a neighboring Office 102; House 409. ever as 1 couldn't go up or down existing policies. 'This reduction. Newcastle community sets the pac to me ouwih ti on stairs and when sitting had te lift follows a former cut a few years ago in many things. Its citîzen bae "Fresh Pork Sausages from Pleased one limb after the other on a stool. of $1.00 per thou.sand on dwellings, earned further commendation and Pigs that Made Perfect Hogs of DENTAL Was confined to the house--couldn't but which did not apply to contents., congratulations in the interest shc>wn Tbemselves". DR. G C. ONNYAtTe car. My littie Betty In both cases wa are informad tbatjand encouragement given its pupils DR. G C. ONNYCSTLE was a greait blessing to me for many whila this action bas been taken by in the public and high schools bya Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto w aeks as she bad te be legs for me the Canadian Fire Underwriters' score or more of its generous mind- Unierity Gaduteof heRoal and 1 have good neighbors who came Association ersnigteTrf ed citizens awarding valuable prizes. The Amherstburg Echo in express- Univef erst tGaldurteonof n-ydaily to help m ihm oreodIsrn e opresntigthe arif yte students for proficiency in 'various îng the following voices conditions tario. Office King St., Bowmantille. duties. While laid byr Aunt Susan infiuencad by the recommandations subjects and other sehool activities. which exist in almost any town these Office phone 40. House phone 22. made nearly 300 articles te selI atlof the Ontario Fire and Casua lty dasBn thil icudd Bhl X-Ray Equipment in Office. 10 and 15 cents at a bazaar wbich Insurance Agents Association of Inte Lif e and Lettera section the transient trader wbo flourishes realized $28.00, the affair being a whicb association J. J. Mason & gs- of The Globe of November 1Oth., ap- in our mîdst. Scarcely a day pass- DR. J. . DEVIT great uccess She isnow abl te ofthis tpearredmtherslastJ ofrad.longlalino a foaslibetoaesscore s ofrthfateefreeretraderr A ssa Dr. . .E iTT n geabt t e hue isunowa le n to o th i t o n ae ofambsers, J. b ok J.he ae rf.Jo n Squair, witb grips or coupes, loaded with G a siste o ya D enW.lSison ge eturabout tef o use buadare o Maesn big u eo.t x ctv "The Autobiography of a Teacher of everything from picks te groceriam, Grauat ofRoyl Dnta Coleg, vntue ot fr awal. olicrs.French", a book which we are and bedding te clotbing, drive up Toronto. Office,' King St. East, Bow- Statesman readers are aîways To illustrate the différence, a de- sure will prove very inter- and down our streets calling from manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to ipleased te rend the lattera fromn the tached brick bouse whicb paid 50 esting not only te those interested in bouse to bouse, making a fat living 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone facile pen of Mr. John Elliott, B.A., cents f or each $ 100 of insurance f or languages but to many others as well to the detriment of our local dealers 90. House phone 283. of London, Ont., former Principal of three years now pays 45 cents. Thatlwbo were personally acquaînted wopytetxs h mot X-a Eupmn i ffc. Bowmanville High School. In a is providing it is covered with stand-* with the author. tien and collection of the ]irait in DR. R. E.DINNIWELL recent letter to thaeéditor lhe writas: ard roof covering. Wood shinglesi rn n1rdr' esadlcne DR R . INIEL er r.Jme-onrtuaiosand tar-paper are net considered Hr' beMi mpr' po-l aet trers'chtféesennd n Honor graduata of Toronto Univer-1 nD1 M.Jms-ogaultosistandard. Hr' h al&Epr' pl samte hc h rsn n n sity and member of Royal College of on your Jubilée as an Oddfallow. It ats it4 t e ogy: Small town newspapers ob- comning council could very well DetlSren. Lcne woas j1 am sure, very gratifying to e aefrs,4 et e ject te the expression "small town make a record on for the protection Dentl Srgens. icesedte yu t met seman brthre fitybundre<j for thrae years; old rates, stuf" wbich only too often creeps of our own mercbants. practise in Ontario and tbe Dominioin. yut et omn5rthe it 0 cents to 60 cents.inote olnsolrgrppr, Dentistry in ail its branches. Office- yaars aftar' if the lodge room if not noteclisofarrppr, King St., Bo.nilopst the one in wbicb you firat croased tbe Second, 50 cents par bundred for not excluding The Mail and Empire.1 Bankc of Montréal. h 0. thresbold of Oddfellowship. To e eeas It la an American phrase, and tbere'sTETBO BYLCLA HO Phone301. your bost of friands it was a plas Third, 60 cent s par bundred for no deubt doas an injustice to many REACHES THIRD EDITION ura e rad hatyou areabl tothree yaars; old rates, 65 cents to a srnall town. If the word "town ____ MEICLattend and to address, as you did, the 8 t. ware omittad f roin it the phrase1 Longmans, Green and Company, MDCLbretbren with mucb of the old timai Fourth, 80 cents par hundred for would be just as descriptive and lesa. Publishars of Toronohaejsla C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. o. three yaars; old rates, 85 cents to offensive. ae h third aditon ofavenglis-ý Graduate of Trinity Médical College, If an old song may be quoted, I 1.5 for New Canadians", a text book4 Toronto, formarly of Enniskillen. wouîd say: The lower ratas axtend to bouse- When a neighboring city daiîy fr eaching Englisb to foreigners Office and Resilence, Dr. Beith'a "If you get there bafore I do hold furniture, barns, graparies, newspaper publishes a five-column'rdn by G. Elmore Reaman, fome rsiene n huchSteeLok utfoam, 'mcoin to, private stables and outbuildings court report with ail its sordid and I andwSpritntn oth Bys Bowmanvilla. Pnone 259. 44t for I, too, will be fifty years in thé They do not affect farma dwellings __eain eaiso awmnban Sprntnet o th fBos' I..Fisi ek moe hunsummar cottages. tidfra léa prto o published in 1920 ias had a remnark- J. CLARK BELL I...1 mrtog abortion one wonders if its editor able sale, almost up te the tan M.O., Ch-B., F.R.C.S., (Edin), .P.H. not in your lodge.- has not msugdthe mental status tosn akadi o h e (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley> I1 The other day I passed an attract- of bis readars by f.orcing sucb filthy cogniz ed text book througbout Can- iffons. Graduate ini Medicine, Aber- ive rug brick residence in this city fortting m oetand sadreofcs w it hms hre inoetada for teaching Englisb te foraign- dean University; Fellow of the Royal baîgi rih atr houise fo urch coerts gan fo rson hcdenrts lof-okpctig ctî es.ra Just recently, Dr. Reaman nam BATIMJIE A trage abe DuiN ctoer gae fur oncrtsboo fr sometbing more elavating had a request from a Japanese in Collage of Surgeons, Ed inburgh. nieBLIOE tag ae and sev-en addresses încluding An- in their favorite papar.Brts Coubaebvetebk Office and Residence, Queen St.,forabnnbusItugt I- glican, Presbyterian, Baptiat andtrnatdio Jpns. Otr Bowanvll, Pon 89 qirybrugh m th e~plnaion ~United Churches and the Lyons' Too bad thare will be no contest books by Dr. Reaman are "A Teach- Office Hourts4: p m. 6te2.3 toM.4asbp.t bm ohC.Eltot a8.3ub0t p.i nm.ndawaschenbuiltstDuhbmfoJohn C.nlr Elliott"Te Nw iandn sant in themltte ame of apydasCaîls for this month are coming élection te the Eigbtb Boys' Parlia-lIWall Chai-ta and "Our Canada,A W. H. BIRKS, M.D. spn nama he lold hm leotb of Co-t just about as thick but I have had ment of Ontario. The exparie'nce Canadian Citizen Primer". OffceHous:h oand 7t0 .3. bourg, whare you taught school for te close down the lid a bit. gained by an élection campaign is Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's. 3 % years and hae and you were Editor's Note:-Thank you, dear greatly to ha desired as a training of forer eadeneWelintonSteet Ifriands in that long ago. And there old friend, for your kind thoughta inestimable value to the ambitious Bowmanville. the naine will remain tbrough the' of me and kind offer te entertaincadats Supigte rinNtceo years to witness that the first owner me wben I visit St. Kitts. les, 1 and expressif g their views from pub- A lcto FrDi re DR. V. H. STOREY was a man from Baltimore, Ontario.' have raad the two books by David lic platforms is bound te create con- ipplcto o ioc Offcehous te4 nd t 8 . . Gayon ndfoud hemastfidanceidnceanand f ssself i tasstertionreb gveinht tarnc I hGaayson and found tham as tbrsecingyoung orators wbich will stand then i Noti Wahieb of ethet oOsaenc Offce ous 2to4 ad to8 . m Ibav ben alinglaeiytoaae8~as you did. We boys wbo grew up i good staad in after yaars, as also in the ('ounty and Province of Ontario, After 8 p. m., by appoinment only. Bowmanv'ille old boy-in fact hae near to Nature can enter fully into thlnfuneadnctîeibsonCufurwiIply hearaen Exception-Ofice ill be pen 9to a ontb -r . .MMr- bis excellent pen-pictures.thobelasithrauene of Canada, at the present session there- 10Stra ih. 3-fry, brother of your townsman Mr. *h * *lasi ter uiecs of. for a Bill of Divorce from his wife, DR. R. W. CLARK T. H. McMurtry. Mr. Ed. McMurtry Viscount, Sask., Nov. 8, 1928. Irene Mary White, now of the City of Physician & Surgeon bas been in bed for more than two Dear Sirs-Mrs. Swain and I ara One frequently beara efforts made Ontaria,on the CrounyofanduPoie o! Office-Division St., Bowmanville. months, the result of a faîl. My stili anjoying the bast of good to discount the service of the cburcb DATED at Oshawa thls 28th day of (nait te Trinity United Church> vIsits ware aIl the more welcome as healtb and bappinesa, altbough we to the modern commlinity. And yat, August, A. D., 1928. Office Hours-3 te 5 and 7 te 9 p. m.I brougbt récent copies of The are gatting too 'old and stiff to do ourI remarks the St. Mary's Journal-Ai- -5 Soicitor for Appicant. Sandays by appointment only. Statesman including the numbers work as wa did but a very few years gus, "the cburch serves not only the ________ Phone 24 wîtb John Lyle's reminiscant busi- ago. However wa are most tbank- community as a wbole, but evary 45-t nass directory of Bowmanvilleas 55 fui to ha as weîî as we ara at near individual in it at some time in bis was when Mr. McMurtry was a boy. 76 and 73 years respectively Wa hife. Even the fellow who neyer DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS Hae could picture the main street and cniulylo o h ttsa darkans the cburch deor axpects tbe U . The Physicians of Bowmanville rer aytes ins e fteeo and find notice in naarly every issu e service of the min istar when bis SHAT S5 ereca te buines manof tasteld-contnualy lok fo TheStatama have agread to close their offices Sb of one and often sevaral of our ac- fee f estole,,tcdudr sevend Wed-.e da,,. ,ern1.n,. qnainsancfaly sre I. On the other hand, Wednesday af trnoons. In cae o and nothing cheers tbamt like f Pws yeara ago, passing off this earthly there is the well-establîshed fact that B siness c o l the bospital or téléphone operator tholhmetw in thehoecnfrwbcnwsInw nlsenta average community a large Toranto-twelve of them-tran for a doctor.ppr. With best wisbaes' yo urs $2.00 to ranew The Statesman for portion of the people contribute net young people for office positions sinceraly. John Elliott. anothar year. You may giva my beat one dollar to the maintenance of the through day and evening sessions -I er regards to ail my aId associates and churcb and its work. Perbapa if and home study courses.8 Through CHIRPRATICAND RUGESS Mr. F. R. Foley, District Mana- every one wbo knew us, twenty, yas nn.îes b hv enwud a specia Enplyent Depart. gar the Commonwealth Lifa andiback te fifty yeara ago. 1 ilb loosan up they would feal better to- ed both Employer and Graduate. THEROPY Accident Insurance Company, 98 St.Ipleasad te answar every latrh wards the churcb and would at the Wrtfo learHedOics DURINE.STCKEY i au St, t. Cahains, On.,hope to gat. Very truly yours, samne tima gain sometbing if self-, Bay antd Charles Streets8. honor graduate of Toronto Collage iwrites under date of Novamber 12:f Thomas Swain. respect. of Chiropractic will ba, in the Bow-! y Dear Mr. James :-Tbîs la our ianville Office Tuesday, Thursday dayo National Tbanksgiving. I and Saturday aveninga, phone 141J. trust you ara baving a tbankful Residantial calîs made during fore-i Thanksgiivng and "a feast of fatý noon.1 thinga", as we are over here in the _____________Garden City. Ihave beau doing a bit of quiet FUNERAL DIRECTORS reading this avening as I seem to F. F. MORRIS CO. get se littla tima for it. I hava N ce s r Complété Motor or bean reading some sketches by Day- Hos Eupmn. id Grayson. Have you read bis a Ah calîs promptly Ibmen"sa:d"Advntures in Frindn- as your attended to. mn"ad"detrsi red \ WI Private Ambulance. sip"? If neot do get theni aven if e s a r-ý Bowmanville phone. '<ou bave to sand for our copies. His 10 and 311. rural sketches ara so quaint and re-,e . sp p r Brancb Stores- fresbing and you just cbuckle at Orono & Newcastle. every pan picture. I bave juat finisbed "Adventures in Friand- ALAN M. WILLIAMS sbip", snd it sort of set me thinking Embalmer and Funaral Director. on the many things for whicb we I FADA 10 Calîs given prompt and personal at- bave to be thankful. AlEeti tention. No extra charge for dis- Loaking back over the yeara, 1A teti service. Phones 58 or 159, Bow-lIarn most thankful is my "friends-". tancie. oorAblac1a orîtik»n.o-.ctigsfrwhc anilOnt. 3-tf.1 The friands who have helped me infru coat. ît , w t. ',~< onlv twentv more yeRrý; ta go and in competition with ;nyother _ radio -at F D 0AlEeti fco re aaIs u rl.. It ',tTt' then You mav ho ablA ta pin the FD 0 AlEeti Schols .,u k o t:<n ; , Ovoiip jw(l (,n my breast. My, the price you vrant to pay.Bul- Spae operating ' 1. r. lb ý iad,. SIl "S eake or ('anwa nl~ .~,, ',, hrw the vcarq do hurry along sand the inion (<!ot t : ru '10 'l ' i ( I z, rent chanzr.s tbev hrinf.. panies. A1's Qoinçý well with iii here. 1IA R C LI DOMINION TRADE SOHOOLS Ltd.have a fine bus.iness and wve lrn tak- Head OffIce 163 King St. W., Toronto n u lc ntecnmnt ie omnil Ea'stertnIrih.4 nz-urpac n h cmunt lfKing St. W'. o mnil London >Mntra: ,tril'tm Otawa Mm-a. Foley la very active in auri 1Welland Avenue Cburch and I ani 813 qs at a tr- ral iut et- "he Road to the Bank TJ'M road from the farm to the Bank should be well worn: it is a safe road to travel and you will always find a welcomne at this end. Somne day you mnay need assistance from the Bank to buy seed grain or to provide feeci for your stock until marketing timne. A Savings Account with us now is a good recomj- rnendlation for future credit. se Id es ip ln s, 1 mass The Royal BatIk of Canada Bowmnanville Branch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 1049 Kicking a Tire is no way to test it! O NLY a pressure gauge can ever gv o true indication of inflation. gv o There is a correct pressure for yaur tires. It de- pends on the size of the tire and the wheel load. At that pressure your tires will give you miaxi- mrnmimleage. If your tire inflation goes three pounds below that correct pressure you cut mnile- age frorn the 111e of your tires. Use a gauge. Better still, drop in at a Dominion Tire Depot once a week and have every tire inspected ' and the pressur cbecked. Let an expert aearch for cuts and bruises. Often a slight repair will prevent a blow-out. You are never far away from a DOMINION TIRE DEPOT JAMIESON BROS. King St. West Bowmsjiville The Personal Elenient in Banking Affairs Between the curtness and coldness of printed bank forma and the human element for whose use they are designed, are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance. The Canadian Bank of Commerce, thru the members of its staff, ia anxious to use any opportunity that arises to demon- strate its value in offering personal advice on fin- ancial matters. The local manager of the Cana- dian Bank of Commercewill be glad to give intimate counsel upon money matters pertaining to your bus- iness. TME CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE rHF "w h wh c s ara gmfcd TANDARD 1ANK 0F CANADA STOBIE, FORLONG & CO. STOCKS BONDS GRAIN Head Office: Reford Building Bay and Wellington Sts., Toronto S. F. EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System il King Street East, Osbawa-Above C. P. R. Office Phones 143 and 144 Phone Calla At Our Expenso PAGE TWO