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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1928, p. 6

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PAGESIXTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1928 Na. treasures nor pleasures Could make us happy long, The heart aye's the part aye, T!hat n'akes us right or w.rong. -Robert Burr Herbs, AilHerbs, Gallagher's Keeps You Wonderfully Well Take it. Eat better. Sleep, work, play better. Mother Nati res own gond herbe, rich in hcalth-gîx'in, power, these are what make Gallaglirs lonic anîd Systein Buildr s)go,,d. Ltrea liv works wonders for pv,e duw oarc ouîst ipai cd, rurulown, nervous, t k x, who have skin diseaLses. Even d r,: 1'd 1 N'ina oîlds (o it. Try a lut le. t w il krep you cîcar of cold ive':ithiir ills. Sodi, as other Gai- lagher Herbjali ousehold fitmedies are, by 32 JURY & LOVEL, Bowmanviile k'IClidren Lilce It-~V So WiII You '%'At the. firat afgn of a -Coid. buy "BuckWs'."lie. fInt do.. doosa wthrg - relievec the coach f nstaatiy ana .Idellghta the.taat&. rm Pai] other remdiea fr Cosauh, unIdeBronchitia. P..t@-Fin.. Lun troubles Sold evrywhere undêr toney refunded guarat... W K- Bckley, Liaitad. 142 Mutuaa St. Toronto 75c AND 40c Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Ansen A. Gard, the well knowu Littérateur cf Ottawacalled the Wan- dering Yankee, says ln an unollcit.d teatimouWa for ZUTOO Tablet : "Zutoo Tablets stop my hsmd- aches so completely that 1 do flot mind having them any more." No need for any one to suffer from huai- ache if they do as Mr. Gard dos and take Zutoo "A GREAT TONIC, SAYS MRS,_RUSSELL After Taking Lydia F» Pinkham's Vegetable -Compound Penwick, Ont--'t! amn taldng Lydia B. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound durin the Change of Lei for nervaus feelings,Ilo f ap- gettonie and have taken a dozen .~' bottles of it. It waa recornmended ta mieby afriend and now I recomrnend it to ail women for auuh troubles as -Mas. 'W. V. Rlu.m,, R. p- No. 5, Penwick, OntarkA. What Wîll rfoUt BLACKSTOCK CLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Mr. T. Smith spent a few days in Meeting of Clarke Co>uncil was Hamilton recently. held at Orono, November 6th. Reeve, s.Mrs. F. Bailey recently visited ber M. J. Holman presiding and members j _sister, Mrs. Win. Parr, -Toronto. all present. Miss Dorothy MeBrien of Toronto, Communications were read from:. visited ber aunt, Mrs. Robt. Hamil- W. F. Kerr, K.C., Clerk of theý ton. Peace; Directors of Bowmanville Miss Annie Hamilton was a recent Hospital; J. Y. Kellough, Agricult- guest of Miss Phyllis Hall, Brant- ural Representatiqe; N. F. Mac- f ord. Nacbtan, Counties Clerk, noting er- Noveber eetig ofror in admission of Mrs. Mary Fore-~ NoVmbe metin cfthe Victor- man to Oshawa Hospital; Dept. of ian homeno's Insituedwa hM datPublie Higbways submitting audit- tbsenddhom dne r . e ila ibor 's report on bis inspection of our a spendi atendace.books coveNring Township road ex- Rev. J. E. Griffitb and daughter penditure for the year 1927 together Ann, recently visited tbe former's with summary of adjustments made' parents at Wilfred wbere Mr. Gri- necessary by this report. ffith preacbed at a s'pecial service. William Payne was beard in com- In. tbe absence of the pastor, tbe plaint of condition of roadway a' evenîng services inl United Ghurch Lot 1, Con. B. F. After consider bere were taken on November l8tb able discussion tbe inatter wvas set- by Rev. W. Elliott of Port Perry. tled by tbe parties arranging à Messrs. Norton Van Camno, Harold, mutual agreement, such agreement Swain and George McKutcbeon, at-' te be filed witb tbe clerk. tended the Tuxis and Trail Rangeri Counties Clerk reported purcbase Convention beld in Toronto recent- of auctioneer's license for Townsbip ly. of Clarke by William Challis, BOw- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.1 manville, said license expires Octo,- Russell Larmer on their marriage at ber 2lst., 1929. the Backstock Parsonage, on Wed- H. A. Adamis complained of side- nesday afternoon, November 14tb., 'road between Lots 22 and 23 in Con. Rev. J. E. Griffitb, officiating. i3, asking if agreeable to ail parties Miss Florence MeLaughlin of the 1tbat the road be closed to public Toronto teacbing staff bas returneditraffic. Clerk will investigate and tu the city af ter spending some 1 report at next meeting. days witb ber mother, Mrs. J. M Resolution was presented by Der).- Laugblin ,wbo is suffering -from Reeve Morton and Councillor Coucb sprained ligaments of tbe bip cat25'.land passed tbat we feel as a council ed by a fall to the cellar. 1tbat we cannot allow tbe cpportunity Two double showers were held re-, te pass witbout expressing to Mr t cently at the homes of Mr. and Lionel Dent, our representative at Mrs. John Toms and Mr. and Mrs. Council Board, and bis family our William Henry, respectively, wben deep sorroxv for tbe loss tbey bave gift.s and best wisbes were showered isustained in tbe removal by deatb on the following four brides and of tbeir son Douglas. We,' there- grooms. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbut Toms fore, desire to extend to you our and Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Graham beartfelt sympatby in these yourr at Mr. and Mrs. John Toms; Mr. bours of loneliness and sorrow, with and Mrs. John Wilson and Mr. and tbe hope and trust tbat the God of Mrs. Francs Wilson at the home cf ail consolation may sustain and cmi-: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry. fort you and grant you a h'appy re- I An opening meeting of the W. A. 'iion above. of St. John's Cburch was beld No- Ac vember l4tb. Meetin gopened with Acounts were passed aod paid: devotional exercises conducted by Hydro Power Com., ligbt for Rev. P. G. Powell, followed by an adi- hall..................... $ 4.03- dress by Rev. Mr. McCullum, a mis- Dr. W. G. McCulloch, attend- sionary on the Yukon. After a short ance Sanderson family . . 12-75 business session, lunch was serve<l. Pedlar People Lui., 3 steel Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Marlow hatel culverta........... ....... 88.51 returned home £rom a visit with the R. H. Wood, caretaker....... 7.00 latter's sister, Mrs. (Rev.) M. Sand. John Henry, Road Supt. for erson, Bircb Cliff. October.................. 110.00 In farm papers the Family Her- Counties Treas., 50% main- ald and Weekly Star, Mentreal, leads1tenance Jos. Lavoie in Hos- tbem alI. One dollar a year r pital..................... 17.26 three years for $2, and with it aI Counties Treas., 50% main- superb magazine free.i tenance Mary Foreman in ________ IHospital..................39.38 J. E. Davey, sheep damages 15.00 LADIES' ORANGE LODGE Isaac Selby, sheep damages 34.00 _______Norman Allin, sheep inspect 12.00 The institution of tbe most west- John Henry, road accounts erly situated Ladies' Orange Lodge for October............. 1053.94 in Ontario East took place in the Council adjourned to meet Tues- Orange Hall, Blackstock, on Wed- day, December 4tb., at 2 p. m. nesday eveoing, November 21, vhen M. J. Hla .J tp« a large class of candidates were in- HimnA.JStpua itiated into "Pride of Cartwright'" Reeve. Clerk. L.O.B.A., No. 849, under the able _______ ______ direction of R. W. Sister Beaven of Ottawa, Grand Mistress cf Ontario I East, and R. W. Sisters Wright and Tro uble Jlgns Tait cf Peterboro. Througb the lefforts cf F. W. Bros. C. Deitt, Fo Th s Pa t4 Gounty Master of West Durham, F rT o eP t4 Fred Hamilton, W. M. cf Lot 133 ____ and Bro. Byron Hyland, the mem-Bludr W kna, Nvomea bers of the Orange Association in Badr Wani, Nroges aIl its branches are îndebted to this H«dachez, Frequent, Painftal, Scan- trio wbo canvassed tbe ladies andi ty Uninatiom, Gettimg.Up-Naghte. were determined that a local lodze sbould bie instituted wbich shahl The embarrassing annoyance and, prove a valuable auxilîary in fu~t_ genuine misery of Bla.dder Weaknes uire. Lodge meets first Friday of often brings "discomforts cf old age" 'each montb. Large îist of prospect- to those who really ought te be inth ive candidates are on tbe waiting very prime of if e. list. Countless thousands, perbaps seven Officers for 1929 are: Wor. eut of ten, of folks near middle life Mistress-Sister Crawford; Dep. are pitiful victims of Headaches, Ner- Mistress-Sister Wrigbt; Chap Mlst- vousness, Pains in back and down tbru ress-Sister Baîley; Rec. Sec.-Sis- groins, frequenty but scanty and ter Wall; Fin. Sec.-Sister Mount- painful urination-Getting-up-nigbts. joy; Treas.-Sister Hamilton; D. of Wbile serious, if neglected-it1 C.-Sister Graham; lst. Lect.-Sis- ordinarily a simple matter te riteli ter Hyland; 2nd Lect.-Sister Dev- these troubles by the pleasant bîme j itt; Guardan-W. Bmo. C. 1)evitt; use cf Dr. Southworth's URATABS,j Inner Guard-Sister Proutt; Outer whicb have been victorieus in the us-' Guard-W. Bro. F. Hamilton; lst. ands of cases, after other treatments Com.-Sister Willan; 2nd Co.- have failed. Sister Henry; 3rd Com.-Sister No matter how serieus or cf buw Stinson; 4th Com.-Sister Brown; long standing your condition may bie, 5tb Com.-Sister Weatberilt; Audit- you cao quickly prove the value of crs-Brus. F. Hamilton and B. Hy- URATABS wîthout rusk of cost-for land. any grood druggist will supply you en A hearty vote cf thanks was tend-! an absolute guarantee of satisfaction ered the Grand Lodge officers for or money back. If URATABS bring tbeir efficiency and kindness. Re- you quick and certain comf ort, you fresbments and National Antbem will be greatly pleased. If tbey do concludod proceedings. net f ully satisfy, their use will cost you nothing. Try URATARS today, T t...Faiu.. r.i .,,--A Ta....1. and see hbat a difference they make.< Star cf Montreal witb its wonderful imprevements bas ne peer ns an ag- ricultural paper on this Continent. The best Canadian farmers know that. Excellent for Croupy Children.- When a cbild is suffering with croup it is a good plan te use Dr. Thomas' Ecloctric Oil. It reduces the inflam- mation and leesens the pblegm giv- ing speedy relief to the little suif- erer. It is equally reliable for sore throat and chest, earacbe, rheum-; VYhen J r atic pains, cuts, bruises and sris Mour Dr Thomas' Eclectric Oil is regarded 1. uCby many thousandsans an idspn sedin cry sable cf the famîly medîcîne choit. for It Acids in Stomnach There is hardiy a lîoîsehold that hsn 'f 1 I heard cf ('astoria! At least five iier C..ause Indigestion homes are nover withosît it. f thero ar( children in your family, tlîere's ali> sI Medîcal authorîties state that near- daily nesul of its comfort. And any nighl ]y oinetetnths cf the cases of stom-1 may find you 'ery tlîankful flere's a ach trouhle, indigestion, sourness, bottie in tuie hou',o. .l>ut a few drops hurning, gas, bloating, nausea, et. and tlîat colle r ronwtipattion is relieved; i are due te an excess cf hydrochloric or diarrhea reîeek-d. Avegi-table pro. acid in the stomach. The delicatel duct; a bab)*y renied ' -meant for youn). suemach lining is irritated, digestion; folks. ('astoria s about fh lu11'tlinp sq delayed and fond sours, eausing you bave e%ýtr r hard loctors advise giv flie disagreeable symptonis which ing te infants. Stronger meii r, every stomach sufferer knows so well. dange rous to a tinv b>b' how've Artilicial digestents are net need- harmless thay ia *l%- b(cI grown -tiçus cd in such cases and m"y do real Good old Castoria! Reni(eml-r fthe naine harm. Try layinz aside ail digest- and remembher un iiiv t. It irnay spart ive aid.s and instead get from any you as. Selle-s,, taxions right. Tt ii druggist seme Bisuratcd Magnesia always ready, alwas a tfe t>)ots; ir and take a spoonful of powder or emiergencies, or for ever 'tv aiinltnt.4 i four tablets in water right after eat- Any heur of le duî' or nigit tiat La,4 ing. This sweeten.s the stomach,' becomes fretful, (r re-tîtoss. Castoria wak prevents the formation cf excess neyer more pop)ular wiithniothers than il acid and there is ne sournoss, gas il, today. E5very diru agit las 't. or pain. Bisurated Magnesia (in powder or tablet form-never liquid or milk) is barmless te the stomach, 'W' Iinexpensive te take and is the most efficienit f oram cf nagnesia forstm ach purposes. Ilt is used by thus L~'I~ !LIU andscf 'people who enjey their meals jwith ne more fear cf indigestion. JOINT-EASE For Stiff, Swollen Jointâ 1 Rheumatic or Otherwise Say&: "When Joint-Eaze Geta in-Joint Agony Geta ()Ut. It was a bigh-ciass pharmacist who saw prescription after prescrip- tion fail to help hundreds of his eus-1 tomers to get rid of rbeumatic swell- ings and stiif, inflamed joints. And it was this same man who asserted that a remedy could and would be compounded that would make creaky, swollen, tormented joints work with just as much smoothness as they ever did. Now this prescription, rightly named Joint-Ease, af ter being tested successfully on many obstinate cas- es, is offered througb progressive pharmacists to the millions of people who sufer from ailing joints that need limbering up. Swollen, twingy, inflamed, stiff, pain-tormented joints are usually caused by rbeumatism, but whatever the cause Joint-Ease soaks right in, tbrough skin and flesb and gets righti to and corrects the trouble at I tp source. Remember Joint-Ease is for a"I mente of the joints, whether in ak- le, knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, spine or finger and when you rub it on., you may expect apeedy and grati- fying results. ft is now on sale at Jury & Loy- ell's and druggists everywhere for 60 cents a tube. i LMFTST PKIzI . SECOND PRUzx$4 rHIILD PRIZE - ......$0$ POUILTH PRIZE --.1$20.00 Fri 1 PR= $_____ . 10.00 flN PB.IES F fL0 . Iidow viiib. 4oa a ac1. t m! m.b rasa b«e i. sMC sm .Pi. a t le iit ' Lfr.sjHObM SALVE n c 21 can par b«xy'.ha, -mtc Io pp.tttr ta iaa CASJH P1,raaaaaa uin lotf ra-a$3.0 HOME SALVE Io a Haeusehad Emesesse Laa.dy th« ila utfy tad. Hasbapm es o it4 ubd lme h. h iib«". < 'ppis rloee if an entrane tu thte abo.. nase et each corner. On. af tisesenta Insats. yens uta and second the taze, (butt mu hrosadu atre) th.. outr *saaishsr carnet a, shici, Yau tarted. Flnd thi. Pth and trace it witisa lf p.eacl sud y.. se I have the outli.. of papulsr fruit. Cut out the Puzzle and write rur amm and an a shet of pape,, tagtieVila the words -I have saied the Pu-i.ud fed the fruit ta bca... a ($tau the fruit that yotl fi-d it tu bc). W. lill then.natify y.. 1,,. mtdi-UIY if Y3'sau a crrect, and if ta. ill tend Tu, nt aurruik hand expte.s boxe.of HOME SALVE tu b. "Id at 25 cent. per bo.. The First Pria. il 150.00 inashat, the Steand Prie$40-00 il as.h and th, lin suni! ailthe Priamanra ha.-ted. VE HAVE GIVEN AWAY THOUSANDSOP DOLLARS IN CASH PRIZES TO PERSONS WHO CORRECTLY SOLVED OUR PUZZLES AND SOLD HOME SALVE. 'V. tee na reSsunaubtver wlty yu ahald net b. a Catsh Prit. Vinner. Il ir me orts rou, wltilt to try? Send youa-,r ta-day. Daa't fail ta wit- the woed, -t mention.. -sly, and ,rate wbat the fruit yo. faatd il, a, la the ,vrot of ,;.,'ritiag aad nataruss nu be ron- *id-etd f..ton. IMF MANUFACTURING CO. Delpt. u SlýNab Building, TORONTO 3. 1 Is this true of your town? Just as there are farmers %vbo mak-e veî'y good money by intensively cultivating a few acres, se there are mer- chants in smalal towns wbo do a surpnisin gh! large busi- ness. 0f course, they toc cultivate tlheir teî'ritoî'y intensiveîy. Tbey dcn't waýt for their customers to co-e te t!-eln -they g,3 te their custorners with fi-equenit offeî-s et Iwhat tbey know will tempt tlhem. And they seem ta selI every- body. Se regularly do tbey keeln in teuch with thieir customers that their ofC'ers cf nierchai- dise are eagerly awa*t-(f, ard are read as if tbey w'c"e new's -whicb tbey are. These merchants usc' Long Distance frequently, te cî'd.',r goods for prompt slîýpment or tn f111 in sizes-aind they find it gcod businPess to cal! important customers by loi.g Distance te ad;'ise them cf opportunities. STAO N 5TOV~PLS (From The News of November 22) IMr. Charles Bedford of Oakwood, spent tbe weekend with Mr. R. S. Cornfortb. Mrs. Alfred Cbapman bas return- ed home after a week's visit with friends at Woodville. The party wbo carrued away tbe geese from Mr. Ed. Dean's barnyard are requested to return same at once. Ma-s. Gordon Holden of Oshawa, and Mrs. George Allen of Peterboro, tecently viqited tbeir miother, Mrs. Allen. Mr. Robert Foster was in Strat- ford receotly assisting in promoting a stock company to operate a cream- ery for that district. Mrs. (Rev.) Sterling was tbe chief, speaker at a C.G.I.T. and Mission Circle banquet beld in Simcoe St. United Cburcb, Oshawa, recentiy. Richard Baker, a native of Port Hope, died at bis home in Colling- wood, aged 80 years. His wife who %vas Miss Annie Conneli of Millbro-ok, died last year. Mr. M. T. Lytie of the staff of tbe Canadian Bank cf Commerce, is bolidaying at bis home at Brecken. Mr. J. J. Brooley of Toronto, is e lieving hlm bore. Mr. George Moore, Mr. D, Craven and Mr. and Mrs. H. Hugunine and son Harry, of the Hunt Club, Tor-1 ente, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 Perey Patton, Sunday last. In a letter received by Mr. R. Z. Hall from Mr. Fred Honey, Redlands, Cal., a former Orono boy, be speaks of the serious ilîness of bis mother wbo is in the bospital at Santa Bar- bara. Mrs. Honey bas hosts of friends bere wvho wish ber a speedy recovery. Miss Evelyn Mitchell, one of the Field Secretaries cf the Dominion Board of the United Churcb of Can - f ada, will be bore in connection witbj the W. M. S. cf Park St. United Cburcb on Wednesday, December 5th at 2.30 p. m. Tbe Sister Aux- iliaries are invited. Messrs. A. J. Knox and Harold Allin assisted the citizens' band at their sacred concert Sunday eveningi at tbe Regent Theatre, Oshawa, wben a very fine program cf musici was rendered. Mr. AIf. Beal, an -j other Oronoite, is secretary o hs fine musical organization. Mr. Oscar Scott attonded tbe fun- eral, Thursday, at Toronto, cf bisi cousin, Dr. Dumble, who i0 bis earlyj boybood days lived in Orono, bisI father carrying on a tailoring busi- ness wbere the late Harry Hoopor shop is. This was 75 yoars ago and the family will bc remembered by very few, if any, cf our citizens. Tbey moved from bere to Peterboro. Dr. Dumble was a recent visitor at Mr. Scott's. jAwful Astbma Attacks. Is there a meauber cf your family çh si the power of this distressingtob le? No service you can render bim Iwill equal the bringing te bis atn tien of Dr. J . D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. Tbis remarkable remedy resta its reputation upon what it bas d one for others. It bas a truly wonderful record, covering years and Iyears cf success in almest every part o f this continent, and even beyond the sens. The Bîblical drama "Queen Esther" presonted by the Young People's League, in tbe Town Hall, on Friday eveniog, was a splendid success, welli presented, and altbougb unfavorable weather, well atteoded. The stage settings were symbolical of the splon- dor of the great Persian empire, and with the migbty King Abasuerus seated on bis tbrone and Queen Es- tber with court attendants in their brilliant costumes, presented a piet- ure long te be remembered. Tbe characters were well selected, taking their respective parts witb credit te the directoress, Mrs. Wm. Sterling, and thîs organization of young peop- le. The President, Mr. Colin Tay- lor ,gave* an introductory addreaa and in verse, of bis own composi- tion, prosented each character, aise the belpers.. A short pragram preceedîng the play included a well rendered humerous quartette byl Misses Eileen Sterling and Ellen Al- len, and Messrs. Howard Linton and Caries Tamblyn, and a humorous pîsylet entitled "Silence under Diffi- culties". Tamblyn's orchestra fur- nished goold music between acts. The Women's Institutp beld theirl monthly meeting on Friday, Novem- 1l6th. An interesting program was given. Mrs. O. W. Rolph gave a well prepared paper on Tbanks;giving, readings on the same subject were given hy Miss Walsh, Miss Cobble- dick and Mrs. Rowe, a weli render- edsolo by J>frs. Roy, piano solos by IM rs. (-Dr.) Colville and Miss Viola Noden, and a bumorous roading by Miss B3etty Rowe. Roll ('aIl wa.s an.swered by "Gems cf Thought". At the close of the meeting lunch was served by the committee. Mrs. gate te the convention in Toronto on November 27th. A nice supply of aprons and nightics vas reccived for the Shelter, aise cash donations cf $2 .50. Every caroful and observant mother knows when ber child suffers from worms. Sho aise knows that if some remedy ho net speedily ap- plied much barm will result te the in- fant. An excellent preparatio for this purpose is Millers Worm Powv- dors. They drive worms from the systemn and set up stimulating and soothing effects, se that the cblid's progress thereafter is painless and satisfying. In view of the increasing in the farming cf muskrats an article in the December issue cf Rod and Gun and Canadian Silver Fox News on a new muskrat rancbing venture on a large scale is cf special note. In addition te this, the latest issue national spcrting magazine carries ita custcmary accelptable collection cf bunting, fisbing and cutdoor yarns by well known authors. A'mong tbe contents are a narrative cf moose bunting by N. H. Roberts, a preminent shooting expert and one on fish hatchery work by Jack Doyle, and many other timely articles on deer and duck hunting, trapping, angling, guns and ammunition, duea, and the silver fox industry hy thor- oughly capable writers. Flrst-crop Japon tom or* adrnttedly the. flnest that corn.out ef tih ld etofblossors. I"SALADAPI Jpan grun tu mounprls.d only otflfrst-crop IuVAlAmU 7m«hb arm the Owd.n Remit çor QUICK z::inzde5 bMe QUAKERO0ATS AVIATION GASOLINE Did You Know? The world's longest Air Mail Route was re- cently opened, using undoped Sheil Aviation Gas- oline and Sheli Golden Oil on this flight of 8600 miles. Give this high grade, easy starting gasoline a trial in your car. You will be pleased with its per- formance. Sold by C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmranville L Proved safe by mnillions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Pain Headache Neuralgia Toothache Neuritis Lumbago Rheumatism rDOE.S NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accet 2n y "Baye" package which contains proven directions. Handy "tBayer"' boxes of 12 tablets Alabotties of 24 and lO-Druggista. Aopir in la tle traile mark (reulutered ln Canada) of Bayer manufarture ot Monoaceti.- acideater of Rail cylilacid <Acetyl Salicylie Arld. -A. 8. A.,). Whiuie It la well knowns tuat Aaplrin meana Bayer manufacture, te auint the public aganat Iitatîsuta, tise Tabieta et Bayer Company will be atamped wlhh their seneral traite mark, the -*BVer OgoS&." - -t., ' o - .o..5~ast,.t.~oap~ 1 PAGE SIX ý 1 V.- - t

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