PAGE TWO 1'HE CANADIAN STATE8MAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. DEOF~MRER I~. 1928 M LECAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, Natary Money te boan on Farmn and Town Property. Royal Bank Buiding, Bowmanvillo. Phone 851. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 91 Bowmanville. Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Monoy to boan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonos: Office 102; Bouse 409. DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Henor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto University. Graduate of the Royal Collego of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. Office King St., Bowmanvillo. Offico phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office heurs 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily oxcept Sunday. Phone 96, Bouse phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronte Univer- sity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed te practie in Ontario and the Dominion. Dontistry in aIl its branches. Office- King St., Bowmanville, opposite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON, MD., C.M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collage,I Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'a fermer residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Pnione 259. 44-tf J. CLARK BELL M.D.. Ch.B., F.R.C.S., (EdIn), D.P.H. (Successor to Dr. A. S. TilIey> ifions. Graduate in Medicine, Aber- deen University; Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Office and Residence, Queen St., Bowmanville, Phono 89. Office Heurs: 2 te 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. m. W. H. RIRKS, M.D. Office Hours: 1 te 4 and 7 te 8.30. Telephone 108. Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's former reaidence, Wellington Street, Bowmanville. DR. V. H.STOREY Office heurs 2 to 4 and 6 te 8 p. m. After 8 p. m., bv appoinIment onlv. THE EDITOR TALKS Sixty boys froni 14 to 19y of age on a 6,000 mile motrer ditien is a rare adventure. . an interesting holiday excursion described i na letter from. a gr son of the editor which we con. sufficiently valuable as a Ti Talk to pass on te our readersi at this late date. The Stateýs colunins have been se very n crowded for menths that many1 articles have net appeared and travel article is one of them, sc are letting our grandsen do the1 ing for us in this cluinn this w "The Wheel" magazine for No) ber states that "Your inotor car modern miracle for judged by formance, dependaiility, star and econemy the automobile is highest expression of the mec] cal genlus of man applied te br pertation. This letter by E Warren James, Cleveland, offei good example of the cerrectnes! the statmeent. Dean Grandfather-At last startîng this long contemplated put-off letter. 1 retumned freni my excursion weeks age te-day, after six at haîf weeks of very exciting worth-while travelling. Our p consisted of 60 boys from Cleve -14 te 19 years of age, three and three junior leaders such as self. Our transportation consi of one 6-wheel 35-passenger G, year bus, one new Ford truck, two large Diainond T trucks. Diamend T, 21,- ton truck was kitcben. It had a 5-burner range using naturai gas-held der pressure in 5,000 cubic ft steel tanks ,3 fireless cookers, icE refrigerator ,2 aluininuni sidebeî ample cupboard and dra-wer sp ptate bin and 70 gallons Of SPE water cans; aIse large supply bý under the body. We had a for army cook in charge and six as ants. They served het breaki and suppers, and sandwich lun4 at 1 p. m. on the road. Fer the first 1,500 miles the ri were very good ,nothing exceptii happened and we made good tý We were interviewed and ph graphed for the newspapers in most all the towns, wbich, of cou took a great deal of our time. South Dakotta we struck Our bad roads-in the Badlands jus: ter a severe storm and we didn't another stretch of decent road we go teast of Winnip>eg. We visited the Custer Battiel Coolidge Game Lodge, Custer S Park, Deadwood, Homestakes'( Mine ,and varieus points of inte in the Black Hills-all of whioh s ery was very beautiful. The eIder boys got their firsi of sodia Ilif e when we attende dance for touriets at the Inr Custer State Park. We atter a great many more bof ore the was ovr and always had a very f tume. Ex ïtOn-Ofice {1Î 'be oe 9t In South Dakota we saw the la 10 Saturday night. 36-tf open plains and large-scale farm and in Wyoming the Dude Rain * DR. R. W. CLARK and what is le!t o! the "Wiîd Physicien & Surgeon Woolly West". Office-Division St., Bowmanvifle. We spent tbree days seeing (noxt te Trinity United Cburch) Yellowstone Park 'which coniý Office Hours-3 te 5 and 7 te 9 P. iM. eveny conceivable freak o! Nat Sundstys by appointinent only. and the very beautif-ul Yeliowst Phone 24 Canyon. There I personaîly met 45-t chie! Park Ranger, Mn. Mather,h o! the entire National Park Sysý DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS le the United States, and ther The Physicians o!fBwmanville wbo is over aIl the Ford agen, west of the Reckies. We then ir have agreed te close their offices ed 450 miles northwest te GlIs Wednesday afternoens. In case O! National Park in Montana where emergency at thîs time enquire o! stayd for five days among the ir the bospital or telephone eperaton beautifu lice, snow, mountain, Ie fer a doctor. sky, wood ,and wild-li!e sceneny ___________________the country. It is still virinî, develeped, and absolutely iedesci i able. It must be seen te be CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS preciated. Nothing in rny ifý, THEROPY ever thrilled like the sigbts I DURWIN E. STECKLEY thene. Most o! it can be seen o honor graduate of Toronto College nby horseac t'nip aren biesanth o! Chiropractic will be in the Bow- in1 ir hr r eadt manvfleOffce uesdy, hurday neyer wilI ho any auto roads i manil OfievTeings, phne a the iterior-it's tee rugged. adSaturday vngsphe 141J.i dete rmined te go back mher' ag Residential calis made during fera- some turne and, endeavor to see floOfl nest of it. Frein the porch o! betel whicb is requented a gr deal o! the tume, oee can see 27s FUNRALDIECTRS arate glaciers. One eveiine ats FUNEAL IRECORS set we took a launcb ride on F. F. MORRIS CO. Mary's Lake wbich 1 shaîl noverf Aê Complete Moter .or get. Herse Equipinent. Ail calîs promptly attended te. Private Ambulance. \ '/ Bowmanvilîe phone: 10 and 34. Bnanch Stores S Oreno & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. CalIs given prompt and personal at-I tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phonos 58 on 1,59, Bcw- manvillo, Ont. 3-tf. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and Heuse Sales a Specialty. Terins moderato. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Honor Graduate o! University ef Toi-ente. AIl cases given prompt and cane fui attention. Office-Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Oreno 18-1. Frem Glacier we cressed i Canada. If we bad net been f( days behind schedule we should he gene the additionai 100 miles Banff, Lake Louise and the Canai Rockies. We beard se much ab4 thein that I for one was veny si we bad to miss thein. At Medi, Hat we lest another twe days on Icount o! nain and bad roads. passe thnough Regina, Saskatel wan, as they wero holding th Great Fair, but wene unable te s for that, eithen. I must say 1 noads in Alberta and Saska'tchem are the worst I have ever seen.1 almost a crime te caîl thein ne We lest another two days struggl across the pasturea and prairies. We arnived in Winnipe-g, Ma toba, the day we wene schodulec ho bac kmn Cleveland. We arri there at 2 a. m. andput up at Y.M.C.A., for the remainder o! night. Their Y is the bes't I saw the whole trip and tbey treated very nicely. The next day I spent an hI tnying te locate my cousin, M Amanda E. Bond, unsuccessfu and spent my remaining heur soi the Cateway o! the West. Th new Hudsen's Ray Store is certi Iy somotbing o! whicb 'te be pro Winniçreg is a rosi hively tbniv r'tv and the largeat we saw on rip. We aveidod all'the I& ,wns whenever possible. j! * * * From Winnipeg te Cleveland dr)we nig1ht and day 500 mi evwery 24 hours, stcpping oniy hurried meais, but neyer te ale Three drivers on each truck ait nateîl in 2-heur %hifts 24 hour. day. I was driving regularly ti on the new Ford; aithough in« coilrqe of the tnpr, 1 dreve al machines, inluding the big bus.1 homeward trip was a long, lu grind and we were ail about d( eut when we arrived. 1 sIept -M of the tiret week after my retu 0f course, as you inay judge, itç a bard trip at tinies and I wa. kI busy constantly, but I enjoyed z SHORT AGRICULTURAL COURSE VALEDICTORY ADDRESS AUNT SUSAN'S EKYLT R ,'ears To Be HeIdi Millbrook in January Delivered by Edward J. R. Mason at expe- Bowmanville High SchooI Commence- My Dear Niece :-I think I am Such Over fifty attended an enthusias- ment Exercises. glad te hear you are tee noeveus te i is tic meeting of boys and girls held drive your car, and that you 'have te rand- at Millbrook On Wedniesday evening, Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentie. wait until your husband has the tine sider December 5, for the puripese ci pre- men:-Jit is with censidexable pride1 te take you eut. rave] -anig for the one monmth Short and ne small feeling of respenaibil- Now yeu will still kee'p up your even C ouirse in Agriculture and the Home ity that Il stand before you as a re- waîks which is doing you s0 much siman Economics te be held in Mdlbrook presentative of the graduating class geed. nuch1 during January. of 1928, te bid a final farewell te the Walking about the rooms in the good Short speeches were gi'ven by staff and students of B. H. S. daily housewerk is net the sainie as this Reeve G. H. He-oton, Cavan, and As I loek back over the five years a good stiff walk in the open air. 0we Deputy Reoeve R. J. McKnight. Mill- whîch it was our priv'ilege Vo spendi In the bouse you walk on weoden talk- breok, who promised support frein in that home of knowledge, it is alI- fleors possibly in soft shoes, you eek. the Township of <avan fer the Short moat impossible te decide which1slum0 and stoop and move spasmod- ýve1n- Course. Reeve W. T. Weod ef activities should be singled eut fOrlically amd slowly, usually the bouse is a Mîllirook, expressed himiself as be- special mention in the tirne which is lis close and stale. per- ing very pleased that this short at niy disposaI.I The heusework in itself is goed miina course was coming te Millbrook and It is amusing te recaîl the daYslexercise btyune h akn the assured those present that the vil- when we were just beginvers in tihe i h u o ne h akn hani- lage weuld co-operate with these in finst form and were getting our rslIn oealigr gtyadwt firati caaing-uorighey andrsi. 3fl5- chreeh ore taste of the systoni o! having a dif suitable foetwear-along the reads, ,bb Professer J. A. Neilson, Extension erent teacher for practically every lanes or fields, 'ne matter where as rs S Herticulturist, of Port Hope, gave a subject. We did not undorstandI long as yeu keep going at a good ;S of very interesting address on bonefits the organization of the different steady pace-you are carrying the te, be received by boys and girls tak- sehool oxecutives, -but as the days weight of the body, your ]ungs are ing these courses. Mr. Neilson gave and weeks passed happily by, every- expanded and you inhale f resh air. ini specific instances where large sunis thing began te bie clear te us. We Yu en et oerpdy ,of o!money had been saved by fruit soon learned that the Athletic S01 your lungs expand in the effort to grewers and others by using kne'w- ciety ,comprising the Girls' Athletic Ikeep breath, and nîl the inner or- twe ledge of scientific agriculture and Association, and the Beys' Athletie gans cojointly gain a benefit. id a applying it te their 'probleins. Be- Association, toek charge of the Those who ride everywhere should and sîdes specific instances were given different branches of spert in the make turne te play tennis, golf or arty whene men had saved several thous- school. The Literary Society suc-1swim but these healthfui Sports land and dollars in a single season by Us- cessfully underteok te provide for take 'more time and money than men ing this knowledge. He aise stated the social life of the students with mere walking. my- that the gain was net only financial parties and 'masquerades as well as We alI have net the opportunity isted but aise social. He stated that it te arrange prognains which were, ef tennis lawns, a good partner, a ood- was of untold benefit fer the boys presented at intervals threugheut golf course or even the necessary and and girls te meet and exchange the year. These prognaman were al water. The ideas; that inspiration would corne tel highly enjoyable except the first, at1 Sometimes we eIder people, who Our some te try new methoda wbich which impromptu Speeches were the did se much walking in our youth, gas would 'prove o! value te themi. terrer o! the self conscieus. hs wonder what the future generatien u- Agicultural Representative J. Y. institutions for the developmentOft will bie lîke after se many years of caes Kellough, of Port Hoe biefly r-public speaking, the Inter-School ,sdentary life, taking their ease in eesviewed short courses i the cut debates and the Oratenical Gotest, softly upholstered cars, bending ards, and cited specific instances where were enjoyable and profitable te all: stiffly over steering wheels, and ait- ace, short courses had been of 'very great especially te those of us who were ting around on desk stools aIl day. le.'ial benefit te cemmunities. He deem- so fortunate as te thave the eîper- Dancing is their only recreation- ýoxes ed it a great privilege that the boys tunity te, participate in theni. Last a good exercise, perhap.s, but taken Mier and girls of Millbrook cesnrunity but net toast comes the edîtoriai in close rooms and niingled with ist-, were having this winter. He stat- staff of that literai-y gem, the cocktails and ices and late heurs, fasts' ed that folbowing a survey taken in Scneech Owl, which deserves men-jsurely net te bie cempared with the iches York State that economists had os- tien for the production o! a year- old-fashiened walk! timated a high schooll course was ibook accredited supenior. Even the beusework which our worth more than an investiment e! Now that I have made a passing great - grandmotthers (net grand- oals$60 in 5% bonds. Thus time reference te the erganizatiens with mothers) used te take such pride in inlspent in school seonis te be worth $7 which we have 'been connected dur- -the white scrubbed tables and ime. a day te one whe is te (be a fariner. ing the last five years, I corne te the fleors, the stone-flagged kitchens ote- Thon turne spent in special agricuît- more difficult task of trying te cex- and yards that had te 'be swept and al- ural study snou Id bce valued at net press the feelings of a graduating mepped with beavy besoins, the iren irase, lesa than $10 a day. class on the eve of Commencement. ranges poîished with blacklead and In A brie! eutline o! the subjects te 1 think o! that pecuhiar passage "elbow grease." first be taught was given, both in the frein the works o! our sage Horace The daily shaking and turning o! ýta-course in Home Economics -and t.he in which ýhe said: "I f eel the light heavy feather beds-hand laborieus tsee course in Agriculture. Conditions feathers spriniging f orth along my work that seemed te still enahie 1tili have changed and are changing arma and shouiders amd already 1 ami thernite live long and healthy-is every day in the business world and changing into a white bird f rom now executed by the touch of an fld,1w as farmers must keep abreast of above". You all realize that there electric switch. tate the times. 'The standard of is something o! the highly ridiculous But glad as we ail are with the Gold 'on Ontario farms must lie kept up. A in the analogy whioh I have dnaw'nf minimum o! actual labor in the erest glance at the acce'mplishments of between Horace's bourgeoning forth home which leaves the modern cen- countries who study agriculture in white feathers and the gra.dua- women time for improvements o! proves that their systeni is very +ien o! this class. Nevertheless we the mind and pleasant social necrea- tbit worthy and one that we may safely feel that we have accomplished tiens which are now an absolute d a 1 follow. somethin<g definite and very much neceesity--we must bear in mmnd n ini A large numben o! the boys and worth whiîe in sucesfully comple~t- thteutdoor exercise in the foi-m of ýnded girls ?present promised that theyl ing the course o! study at B. H. . walking can hoe our own unique Spec- tnip would attend the short course. îti Starting with 67 pupils in the first'ialization. Your loving Aunt Susan. 900d would seemn that one of the best' form, the number was gradually c ourses ever held in Durhamn <)eunty reduced by the pnocess o! elimnina- will ho provided at Millbrook thisi tien until, wben we reached the Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Papineau and large coming win'ter. Every boy and girl privileged fifth, wehad but 19 in our sons Loftus and Charles, and Mn. ning, is urgently advised te attend the first class. Under ýthese circuinstances and Mrs. F. Vice, o! Oshawa, visitod iges, week se that they 'may net miss any we do not regret any midnight Oil at the home o! the former's father, and day o! the course tif at al possible. which inay have beon burned. "For Mr. H. Latbrepe, Liberty St. wenk that's done is joy, net pa:.n, the - And frein it.happy thaughts remain". the Someone bas said that te invest tains self im'imensely and wouldn't have inab. slkebyn oen ture missed it for anything. On th jelse's brains ,but how much morel itone whole it was a real success in spite readily might this lie .pplied te anj A Iv O flu iu tthe o! being an experment on the part investmont in a Hig'h School educa- hend o! Mr. Clar-ke the mianager, witb aition, in which one receîvos, daily :ri- stem large group o! beys, and long tri 1 struction frein tnained eipecialists. mnand nather elaborate equipinent. our entine five years -t the rides could very weIl write a whole book sc o te scientiflc subjects were nov- on the trip, our expeniences, and in charge o! Our Princýil, Mr.. Mer- acier wbat we learned both about the ison, whe, besides being a oiatuirallyq e we country and conducting long trips gifted teacher, caîpable o! lucid ex- nos-t but imnet geing te place anyone planations, was a sterling exarnple akc,i under obligation te read such an te us, both in and eut of achool. Mqy y' in epistle. own words faiîing me, 1 use those un-i Robb Warren James. ofe the classic peet "When wilI Pur-. crib-! _________________ - ity, and the Sister of Justice, andi Sp- I Unchangeable Heneur, and Naked as "Do You Like To Draw" Tnuth, find any equal te this inn" 511W We aise had the privilege o! study- only Ler drafttng (iuickly hy pnactirai i n.g under Misa Smith diuring the ,the home studly training. Big iîay positions1 whole o! our course and ber instrue-1 lene ;issliredl Write Commercial Entgine-er- tien in English Literature was all int 5 artoi,5 QenS. vtl, inspiration te us. Th,ý unfailin-~ Fin ____Toronto. ___ ntenest of Miss Smith i the activi-jc the denced te ah 0of you wbo have seen' ýreit M ORTOAGE SALE the school plays produced unden her Se p-X <YXiiT~ 0 ~ us fer three years and we particulan- St. 1 e. tSiecnanii ceýrtin ly admined bis ability te make ah- i ortgage whlch wiil bie Iîroduceîti ait <ii struse mathematical calculations l ' ime of sale, tlier, wil b- offere(d for seein easy. Mr. Ingham, a scholar- sale lîy Wlilliami Maw, Auctioneer, ai PUBLIC AUCTION on Thurs.iay, t,1w -ly and capable man, instructed us in 27th day et Decernhber, 1928, at the iîour French and History. Our other into 0of Two 'ciock le the afternoon at the tW teachens in the first year were four tlirm eof E.ward ('onway. the toliowingîMs ihwo agtte Da avpiroiarty namneiy: Ms ih(,wh agtteDa 'toi 1r1,i an,] Singular that certain parcel or Language o! the Ancients and Miss triof land and renîsssituat,,iy- Brown wbo bandled Lowen Scbool hian ina anîl belng in the Townshli ef Dar- subjects. The only changes in the 7 bout lingiton, in the County of liurhami, h-elng1 orjomposed etfliart or lot nii'r c eiglitce -r staff during the next twe years were0 iryn li th,i-cdconî,ssion ut ch-- saîîl in the Latin departinent, MssMac- cine Townshipî, centaieing hy Donldm,'y<iqunn'Tiseondiitr ac- fryiv ii'r:sii murorlan d nîimoreDoldcmn je ursodyar Wi ftiîîy esri)-t ntit» ortLgagý. and Miss Sissons in our third. Underl 1v i1i.1lry i 'onw:iy andi Eîi(wanrii ion%%ay jtheir direction we gleaned frornthel Che-!i tlpîi To'wntripiof îarîîngîon, i n t Ltin":chvaluable information nsi ,heir ur i ity of iii rtiim, ancd r-ie t-rtîl in htL tin suc ,-op g iqtry office for ilii-i togistry Dîvisiuri the particulan methods the Romans i i. 1,rth cii.' i of ' tI )i lîini on lii. irti useid in slicing up the barbarians,j The jey pivileges whicb we would cor- tard VU A L L L tainly bave deeined luxunies. In Cne J. H. M.ierflethy view o! these facts, it is indeed lit- n et Concession St., BowmanviîIe ting for me to close witb the prop- w urn. becy that ýB. H. S., magnificent an s MW Phone 431 ber pait bas beau, bas an even great- cept or and more wonderful future bofore my- b er. King St. May WeSuggest Our store is just jam full of practical and useful Christmas suggestions, and here is only a few of them: Brassware Pyrexware Faney Clocks Flash Lights Skates Eleetrie Toasters Coleman Lamps Mouth Organs Leather Purses Kiddies Cars Tricycles Sleighs Toboggan Snow Shoes Skis Batteries Radio Tubes Cutiery Eleetrie Applianees Wagons MASON & DALE Phone 145 popula Hardware Store Bowmanvlll, SPIRIT 0F CHRISTMAS Predominates Our Store The time of giving is here again. What a wonderful spirit it is-this idea of Santa Claus with ail his hundreds of gifts! Buyers and thrifty shoppers are doing a very generous share of their buying at our store. We offer: Gift Stationery, in fancy boxes ....25e to $3.00 Dandy Picture Books from ................5c up Toys to, make the kiddies happy .............5c up Christmas Greeting Cards ...............2 for 5c Doils, ail sizes from .......................2bic up Decorations--Bels, Garlands, Tinsel, Etc. GEO. PRITCHARD, 2 Doors West of F. F. Morris Co. Phone 489 Bowmanville te ROGERS Batteryless, and Phonograph ail the advantages of the Rogers "Four Hundred" Ma buit-in phoriograph with electrical pick-up unit cinstrument-at a price heretofore unapproached for type. Reproduces phonograph rccords through the tem. Radio equipment, cabinet and speaker same as FIHighboy. One year ago a Rogers of similar type without the phonograph. Today you can purchase -a instruments ini one for only $325. ýar this marveilous new model-start the new Radio -w Rogers. J, BAGNELL, Bowmaaville NEW YEAR ITerm froni January 3rd w Il in- terest a fine lot of Matriculants and High Schooi students in the work of qualifying for a business position through one of SHAW'S BUSW4ESS SCHOOLS. Why flot ~ u? Think it over and act. ;ite for syllabus of coursezi, locations of our 12 schoois and liat of «raduates placed. Address W, &. Shaw, Registrar, 1150 Bay ftreot, T~oronto. 50-3w rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TEURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 PAGB TWO