?AGE POURTHE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMA?4VILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 SOLINA MAPLE GROVE HIAMPTON fromn their numerous relatives and Several of our C.G.I.T. members Wedding bells are ringing in this J Miss Isabel Campbell was ini Tor- fine visited Hampton W. M. S .on Satur- community this week. onto recentiy. Young People's meeting F'riday day afternoon and ail report a splen- Mrs. John Beifour, Manitou, Man. Rev. J. R. Bick and Mr. W. W. evening, Nov. 3Oth, was in charge of di.d time. visited hier cousin, Mrs. J. D. Stev- Horn were in Toronto on Monday. the President, Mr. Harold Salter. The Parcel Post under the aus- ens, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch recent- Through the kindness of Mr. T. A. pices of the Woinen's Institute on Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, West- ly visit.ed their daughter, Mrs. J. A. Dustan of Bowmanville, a Splitdorf Tuesday evening of Iast week was mount, spent Tuesday with hier bro- Cole, Bownanville. Radio was installed and the Young verysucessul. issDorthy nd her Mr W. . Sowdn. tbbis, ow-People were privileged ta listen to very ucceaful. MissDorohy an the, Mr W. J Snoden.Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Robis o-a drs racatdtruhSa Mr. Wallace Pascoe of Enfield, as- Mr. and Mrs. H .G. Freeman and manvifle, were Sunday guestB of ain aGFCA, from asey tHallgiveta sisted by local talent, furnished the family visited the former's mother, Mrs. Maud Robbins. by Rev. Stanley Jones, the authosr Qf prograre which was much enjoyed. Mrs. H. S. Freeman, Town, on Sun- Miss Sadie Virtue was in Toronto "The Christ of the Round Table." The parcels sold raipidly and the day ocver the weekend attending the fun- Meeting losed with Mizpah Bene- cafeteria lunch was well patronized. finsf Proceeds nearly $25.00. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Stevens and eral of bier findsfther, Mr. Wil- diction. A fne row ofyong eope wrefamily visited their uncle and aunt, liam Aull. outtfi ean e o ong Moplay nightMr. and Mrs. Albert ColwiIl, Ne- Mr.Russell Reynolds, Toronto, Young PeoUle's meeting Fiayeo when the meeting was in charge of castle. Mr. Earl DtiMseGreadevinec7th, was in chargef the 2nd Vice-President, Ruth Me-ll Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hone, daugh- Edith Duthie, Mirnico Beach, spent Mr. Harold Salter, in the absence of Kessock. After singing hymn 308, ter Dorothy, visited ber-sister, Mrs.ithe weekend at L. T. Paacoe's. Miss Nora Horn. Bible lesson was the devotional period was well taken Albert Allun, Kingston Road East, on Reserve the date Decemeber 21st read by Miss Ruth Johns. Tapie, by Mr. Allan Balson. Miss May Sunday. for Christmas Tree and Concert at "Does foIllowng Jesus inake any Westakefavoed itha pino oloHamnpton. Prograni consista of 2 difference?" as. taken by Mr. J. Weslae fvoedwit apino ol Mple wGrove Christmas Tree andshrmuiapaybyteciden Chaprean and was very much enjoy- and Miss Evelyn Tink with a read- Concr Ill be held on Thursday Adults 25c. ed by all present. Miss Mitchell, îng. A vocal solo ivas given by1evening, December 2th, in the Hall Travelling Secretary for Mission Miss Giadys Yellowlees. ' The top- at pc m Admission 25e and 15c. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Cidesi and Mission Bands, spoke to ic for the evening on "Christmas and Missions" was ably taken by Mr. Messrs. Thos. Snowden and L.C. James Curtis who celebriated their the Leaguiers on bier work. Meet- W. R. Westlake. After a contest Snowden inotored to Brantford on Golden Wedding on Tuesday. They ing closed with benediction. in charge of Miss Edna Reynolds, Wednesday, attended a sale, and vis- received many letters, gifts and meeting losed witb hymn 223 and ited the former's brother-in-law, M,. messages on this happy occasion, Santa says est Cream of Barley. tht League benediction. Meeting D. H. Coates. next week will be in charge of the Mr. Stanley Jones, îvho bas been 3rd Vce-President, Mr. E. R. Taylor with Mr. W. J. Snowden for the past and will be election of officers. three years, and bis brother, left Division meeting in the Sons of last Saturday ta spend Christmas l 1 Temperance Hall on Thursday ev- with their folks in England. - and nrs..aMundaylJr.,eMns Bigit1,olldr thirty members present.. Regular Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mr. ] i g r Dl a s business meeting was beId and three anGr M. nd-aM r.,gin s new inembers initiated. It was de- Mae.-iun.day ge f h om-I cided to devote 20 minutes each edsay weaedSun lgestr.anth frm- Yes, Bigger Dollars, or meeting, beginning with the new era ant and unPortHor. ad Ms year, ta study Miss McCorkindaleW' Ncols ot oe Dollars That Buy More. book on Scientific Temperance. Bros W. M. S. meeting was held on A. L. Pascoe and B. G. Stevens were Wednesday, December 5th, in the appointed as representatives ta the Hall. New officers are: Supt. Mis- Yours are ail this kind if you use Grand Division ta be held in Tor- sion Band-Mrs. C. H. Snowden; them at Kerslake's where they do onto in January. Election of offi- lst Asst. Supt.-Mrs. T. Power; 2nd buy more. W. have priced al cers was proceeded with resultîng as Asst. Supt.-Miss Elien Gimblett; orFec vr elwpol follows: W.P.-B-ro. A. P. McKes- President W. M. S.-Mrs. W. J. orFec vr alwpol sock; W.A.-Sis. Ruby Dewell; R.S. Snowden; lst Vice-Mis. M. Mun- tell us we are simply giving it -Sis. Ruth McKessock; A.R.S.-Iday, Jr.; 2nd Vice-Mrs. E. W. Fol-1 away. Corne and see. Bro. Sid Wright; F.S.-Bro. B. G. ey; Rec. Secretary-Mrs. W. Webb; Stevens; Treas.-Bro. S. E. Werry; Cor. Secretary-Mrs. R. R. Stevens; ____ _____________ Chap.-Bro. J. R. Bick; Con.-Bro. Treasurer-Mis. F. Swallow; Secre- Hilton Tink; Ass. Con.-Sis. Edna tary Christian Stewardship-Mrs. A. Combs up ta 90e for ... . 25e Bing Bangs and Midget Cush- Reynolds; I. S.-Sihs. Evelyn Tînk; Laird; Strangers' Secretary-Mrs. ios. Aridor Jars . . 60c a jar. OS.-Bro. Percy Dewell; Organist S. Snowden; Supply Supts.-Mrs. H. Trays ...49O.-99c-$1.49$2.,98 They delight the eye as weli as -Bro. Geo. Werry; D.G.W.P.-Bro Freeman,@ Mrs. Roy VanCamp; As- tetse John Baker; PWP.-Bro. A. L. Pas- sociate Helpers-Mrs. L. C. Snow- Hair Receivers ... $1.49-$1.69 teVse coe. Candy was then served and den; Missionary Monthly-Mrs. N. I. Jewel Cases.....50c-$3.99 the meeting adjourned. Metcalf; Press Secretary-Mrs. lvi- ____________ Yardiey Toilet Goods are selI- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oliver and son Munday; Mite Box Supt.-,-Mrs. ing fast. Our prices are family, Bright, visited bier sister, Mrs L. Wood; Organist-Mrs. C. H. If you have net trîed the lowest. Jas. Sniales, recently; Mr. and Mis Snowden; Asst. Organist-Mrs. S. an akrCooa. Wallace Sc&tt, Enfield, with Miss Snowden. anPrkrColte Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe; Santa says est Cream of Barley. you have a treat in store and CHOICE STATIONERY Mrs. Norman Yellowlees and Master_______________ only 60e a pound. Also Highlandi Linen........... 50e Donald, are visiting bier mother, MmsNt n ri o ihadTra .... 0 Cation of Bramvpton; Mm. R. J. Mc- Pascoe's; Mr. Gurnsey MeClellan, Nuta andFFit iadTartn......... 5-$c0 Kessock at Mr. W. L. Pierson's, Osh- Toronto, Mrs. J. A. McCîeîîan, Bow- The very finest $1.00 a po<und. Hand Made ......... $.0 awa; Mr. and Mis. Bert Hunt a.nd manville, at Mr. Thos. Baker's; Mr.Hn 'd.......10 Ernest, Bowmanville, at Mr. S. W. R. Westlake spent a f ew'days Iý Beautiful Xmas Daekages. QuateedOak ......... $1.00 Bush's; Mms. A. L. Pasce with in Toronto recently; Mr. and Mrs.I Kedron friends; Mr. and Mis. H. Jack Avery and family, Enlield, at E. Tink ,Mr.Hilton and Miss Evelyn Mr. Frank Westlake's; Mr. and Mis. Wtra esadPnisa oetsadr rcs ae Tink, at Mr. Arthur Taylor's, Che- Sain Brooks, Glen and Gwen, Osh- Wtra esadPnsa oetsadr rcs ae rywood; Messrs. Jack and Jiin Rey- awa, at Mr. S. E. Werry's; Masterfr. nolds and Lloyd Williamis were in Ross Williams, Bownanville, at Mr. Hot Water Blotties, Flash Lights and Vacuum Botties ail at Toronjto on Saturday; Mr. Cecil Chas. Blanchard's Bush, Columbus, at home; Mr. Jack Santa says es Cream cf Barley. Y U V £'I f FT! CPH N Walker, Port Hope, spent the week- lEI I I I - end with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. -__i__________RL. SL h>I. A L i..ai 49> Peter Walker; Mrs. Elgin Annis, Mr UA ORSODNEO THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Gordon Annis and family, Oshawa,RUA CRR PO ENE N at Messrs. J. T. Rundle's and John OTHER PAGES_____ ______________________ HARRY ALLIN Gives Out More GIad News No Extra Charge For Delivery Flexo A Pure Soap Flake 3 packages 23c Cooking Figs 2 For 23c Libbys Pork and Beans 2 tins for 23c Shelled Walnuts fancy 60c per lb. Aylmer Brand Maccaroni 2 pkgs. for 23c Infant's Delight Soap 4 Bars For 25c Castile Soap 8 Bars For 23c Felxa Large size pkg 23c Seediess Raisin* In Bulk 2 for 23c Choice Dates 2 lbs. for 25e Cut Mixed Peels 27c Pound Shelled Almonds 60c Per Pound Potatoes 90 lbs. in each bag Delivered $1 .00 Citizens certainly know a from hosts of customer--old and new ones-who flocked to our store last week to share in the special values be- ing off ered. Just to keep up the good work we are giving another list of bargains whicb should appeal to thrifty buyers. good thing Ail our Christmas goods are dlean fresh and the prices and quality will find are the best in town. and you Christmas Potted Flowers for sale. Watch our window. Plant makes a mnost acceptable gift to cheer the shut.. ins- OPEN TO BUY DRESS AND ROUGH DRESSED XMAS POULTRY Book Your Order For Scald Cream Harry Phone 186 Allin Bowmnanville For Quick Service Phone 186 Rolled Oats 5 lbs. for 25c Ch oice Popping Corn 2 lbs. for 25c California Oranges Choice 50c, 60c, 75c doz. French Budded Walnuts 35c Pound Almonds 25c lb. Filberts 22c lb. Soups! Soupa Aylmer, ail kinds 3 Tins for 28c ... Candies From 20 to 40c lb. 1 Tin Corn 1 Tin Peas 1 Tin Tomatoes For 38c Saurkraut going strong 2 lbs. 15c Special Price on Mixed Nuts Burforcl Peas 10c Tin Carrots 25c Per Peck Cooking Onions 60c Per Peck VAGE POUR