PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMM4, BOWMANVILLE, IFurniture and Furnishings SALEM TYRONE HAMPTONr ENFIELD Lest Sunday afternoon service i Mr. and Mrs. B. Bennett, Toronto, Young People's meeting on Fridayj Mr. and Mrs. John OrmistonO- was conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. spent the weekend with Mi. and Mrs. night, April 26t.h, was in charge of a1 rcntyviisdah-.W.J R. Trumpour, at the usual ........ W. H. Halfacre.Congratulations the 4th Vice President, Mr. Wilfridawrcnl itea -I.W Jý Mrs. A. Wilkins and son Nelson mot-4 W Mr. and Mrs. Russell Wright on Smale. Meeting opened by singing Omso'. .. .Mr. and Mrs. E. Pas- ored to Peterboro and spent Sunday the arrival of a fine baby girl. ..a hymn, after which the Lord's pray- coe, Brooklin, visited at Mr. L. C. with relatives. ..Miss M. Barrett, Mi. Wnt. Little, Mr. C. R.itcliffe, er was repeated in unison. Psalm Pasce's... Miss E. Palmer and Mrs. Newcastle, is visiting Mrs. F. Honey. Mrs. Wyatt and John, Oshawa, visit- 84 was read by Miss Vera Kersiake. Palmer, Clarksburg, were guests of ...Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cernish mot- ed his miother, Mrs. Wm. Little ..Devotional part was taken by Mrs. Mr. Edwin Ormi-ston ...Mr. and oreel te Janetvi]le recently to visit, Mr. and Mrs. H. Burgess, Mrs. Laura Harold Salter. Topic was taken by Mrs. M. J. Hobbs visited at Lindsay. their daughter, Mrs. W. Fitze, andî Burgess, Mr. and Mrm. R. Burgess Mrs. Alvin Peters. Meeting closed 1. Miss E. Palmer sang a solo at Mrs. Britton accompanied them ... . visited friends at Orono ..Mr. and" with Mizpah Benediction, after church last Sunday which was very Two more car owners have been add- 3Mrs. Allun Annis and family, Osh- which some songs and rounds were much appreciated...Mr. D. Ferg-u- e.d toe the Salem lst, Mr. Percy Cann awa. Sundayed at Mr. A. W. Annis'. sung. son bas been under the doctor's care, and Mr. Leslie Coombes having pur-. .Miss C. -Mackenzie ham returned Màr. and Mrs. Arthur Wakely, Osh- but la improving. .Mr. Elmer Pres- ehased cars. . . Mr. and Mrs. F. Cat- to Toronto after spending severai ava, visited his parents, Mr. and cott bas purchased the far-m rocent- or and Beatrice were at Shiloh Fn- mionth., with ber sister, Mrs. WilIis Mrs. J. Wakely, recently ...LM r.1Y vacated by 'Mr. J. Watson. . .. Mr. day evening when Maple Grove Stew~art. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert J. Frank Hastings and Mr. Wallace G. Leask bas purchasod the ranch Young People put on their play, Dudley, Bowmianville, visited his, Horn spent Saturday in Toronto.. farm from Mr.A-. Hardy. .. . Ladies' "Take My Advice." parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Dudley. Miss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa, was a Aid held their nmonthly meeting at It will pay you to visit Clarence.M.C. Alldnead and 'Mr. R. 31c- i er home bene on Sunday... . Mr. the home of Mrs Af. Prescott last S. Mason's Store and see the bar- Cullough visited friend.s .ît Ponty-1 Charles Langmaid has returned hiome Wednesday. gains hli off ering in Coats and pool.. .. Miss Ethel and Mr. Harold 1 after visiting her daughter, Mrs.1 Dresses. [Skinner attended the f uneral of Mr.!J Roy McGill, Enniskillen.. . . Mr. AI- J. A. McCallum, Brampton, last 1 bort Allin, Toronto, was et home onI ENNISKILLEN week... Mrsq. Wni. Wright has r e-, Sunday.... .Dr. J. H. Elliott. Toron-1 1_____ DARLINGTON turned home from Oshawa Hospital to, visited bis sister, Mrs. C. J. Ker- League was called to order by 1 Reor o . . ,Daligon frafter undergoing a very critica.l op- siake on Sunday..Mrs. <Rev.) J. Rev. Wbyte. A hymn wvas sungj Reprt f S S.3, arlngtn, o ration for goitre. Mr. George Ail-' R. Bick is staying witb ber sister in followed by the scripture lesson o April ,Bakbr 6 dread, Oshawa, is at home suffering! Toronto w;ho is quite ill.Mr-. and 'Ted Thornett; Rev. Whyteto ldJ Jr. Blackbuen 76,fi-cm blood poisoning in bis hand..1 Mrs. Fred Tamblyn, Orono, and M.jipayr fe t e nthe were *Winnie Gibson 75, Flonence Foley Mi-.T. Curtis is honie again afteï Porcy Cowling, Toronto, were recenin ead rs. AMcGte iu took chare re Cwig.adh r.H .IGl okcag 71, tJack Finnigan 58. spenling several week., at Mr. Jas. gue.:ts of Mr. and Mrs. J. oln.-iadhy 37wsSg;'m l Jr. II-Wilbur Blackburn 66, An- Oke's, Clarke...Mr. and d M edSrgetB owman ville, Ashton gave an instructive topie; nie Kush 64, Aloysiue Kush 63, Moore, Providence. visited at Mr. J..i - visited friends in the village over the followed by a sob4 by ýTrs. R. Orlmis- tllazol Hopps 57. H. Mutn's. M..%r. and 'Mrs. Nor-1 weekend ...Miss Virtue and Mr. ton; Mrs. R. MeGili thon gave a read- Sr. ll-*Gnace TrulI 81, Bobbiei nian Collacutt. Mr. Harry CollacuItt. Wiil Staples, Tyrone, visited ber bro- ing, followved by a telk on Consecra- Gibson 63, 'Eunice Lane 44. Mrs. C. W. Wnodley attended the ther, Mr. J. J. Virtue.. Mr.W tion by Rex-. Whyte; another hyn I Jr. I1-*Hlen Rundie 86; 'Hazel funeral of Mrs Harry Samelîs a,' Cowling is spending a weeék with '%vas Sung and the neeting closed Truil 83, *Louise Foley and *Ber-1 Biackstock on Sundax-.i relatives in Oshawa. Synîah s wî1 h endcin niec Robrta78, ena ibsn 72 ____ iex.ende<l to Mrs. G. White on the, Douglas Hopps 71, Hezel Robert-s i(bath of ber sister, Mrs. W. ýMichael1 Mr. and Mns. Albert Sis, Mr. and 69, Sammy Van Camip 61, tMauricel MAPLE GROVE of Hai-mony.4 reception service jMrs. Charlie SiEls, Toronto, visited Morphy 44, tClarenco Poacock 42 1I will beho hlt at churcb on Sundax- iMrs. T. Gildens. ..Mr. and Mrs. K. Pr.-*Joan M.%eteaif, . Pggýy 1 Mrs. R. H . Arnsirnng visited beri evening next when quite a numh&*r Herbert Siemon and deugbîer Greta, Finnigan, *Marie Roberts, Violai(laughtetr Ruth in Toronto and cal!-,! will ho received into churcb mneniber- Toronto, visited bis parentt-, Mr. and Roberts, Eveline Gibson. ed on other friends las-, week. ship. Mrs. John Siem on. We are very *...Honours; t-Failure on to ta], Miss Mar-v Foley, Gardo& ii aitn ()Cmtr or sorny to lose front our village Mr. Ruy . ragtechr.spent the weekend with ber aunt, met recently and did routine busi- and Mrs. Cook wbo have been mai- Mr.J. D. Stevens, and cousin, Mrs. ness, and elected Rev. J. R. Bick'aging the comntunity store for Mr. Charles White, Oshawa. . ..%Mn. Mark1 chairinan of board; necommending' O. L. Byers.. Cook bas to un- Gardiner and Miss Dorotby Wilson,, that resident minister be permanent dergo an openation for cat.aract on j B e t nGardon Hill, visited Mi. and 'Mrs. J.1 chairman of board. It wes also de-j bis eye. We hope it will be suc- ED. Stevens on Sunday ...Mrs. F.j cided te separete for thîs yeen the, ces8ful. Mn. C. Scott of Whitby B est In The Swaliow spentth weekend with bier1 office of Se'y.-Treas., and C. Hast- bas been engaged to take Mr. Cook's sster, Mrs. Burnett, Toronto.. .,....-ngs wa electod Treasorer, and W.l place ..A large cengregation was Mr. and Mrs. Tt-uman Power visited W. Horn re-electod Secretany. Fin-I out Sunday evening and heard u W orld their daugbter, Mns. Stuart Morton, ance Committee of the Secretary, pester, Rev. J. M. Whyte, deliver an Cobourg, on Tuosday. ... Congratu- Treesuren and F. J. Groat xvas ap-î excellent sermon on Matt. 5: 6-7- Who does not feel that way lations to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snow- pointed; and Comtittee for GroundsJ "Blessed are they which do bungerl about Mther? don on the arrivai of ano>ther son. . -The Su pt.. H. Peters, H. Cole, Mn. and thirst aftor righteousness, forl Mr. and Mrs. Semuel Snowden at- Bick. The program for funther te hhb iue;besdae the You do, we do, and every other tended the funeral on Sunday of bier improvement this year consists of- menciful for they szhall obtain mer-1 true son and daughter does. uncle, Mr. Thomas Atkinson, Dart- Central beda of flowers (The Wom- cy.'" ford.... .Mr. and Mrs. N. 1. Metcalfe en's Instituto beiping in this), aise._________ Thon we shouid show ber our !and famiiy spent Sunday with their planting of soins trees -f-h---- approciation by a remembrance on launt and unclo, Mr. and Mrs. Chnis spruce, etc., and improvements gen- Cox, Town ...Miss Vera Power, erally te the surface. A numbor Newcastle, Miss Electa Preston, Wel- have taken on the permanent upkeep M others Day come, spent the weekend with the plan on thein lots; and others prefen former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. to pay $1.25 per year on plot fori Sunday, May l2th Power... .Mother's Day will be ob- grass cutting and cane fer the pres-' May we suggest served on Sunday by e special son- ent. Sonie moeys are now on de- vice and apecial address by our pas- posit witb Public Trustee, Toronto,l Fanny Parker Chocolates 60e lb. tor..Mr. Snowden and daugbter[1for permanent cane of plots, and Edna, Mrs. Steve Collins and daugh-1 more for this plan looked for. Sugared Fruit Jellies . .. 35c lb. ter, Mn. and Mrs. Harold McGinnis,1 Mrs. Clements, Oshawa, visited the I You cen save momey rigbt now by Yardley's Smelling SeIts . .. . 50c formen's daughton, Mrs. Gower, wbo1 purchasing a Dress or Ceat freinpin Yarie'sLaenerWaen$~OO pied by Lloyd Snowden ...A fulil Cearing Sale. Vanising Creem. .......... 50e chuncb gneeted our pester lest Suni-I When bouse-cieaning think of day when a baptismal service wasl Honn's Store for supplies. Our wall Powder .......... He and $1 * 00 beld and the foilowing wone baptis- papen is this year best value wo. ed:-Raymond Ivison Mark, son of have had for many semsons and seli- Visit ber if ýpossible and get a Mn. and Mrs. Ivison Mundey, Keith îng weil. We aise have the very pictuno. Use Gevaert filins. Froderick Crago, son of Mn. and Mrs. neliabie "Moores" peints and ver- T A RS A ES Lloyd Crago, and Wallace Raymond nishes, iower in price than meat T A SHOL Bothwell,. son of Mn. and Mrs. D. othens, because net expensiveiy ad- oES AK S Bthweli. vertised. 19-2 The Dependable Drug Store Clarence S. Mason la holding biS PHONE 49 Spring Clearing Sale of ail Coats andi SOLINA IDresses in the store. Rev n r.Sia ilas Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood HOSIERli and family, Bowmanville, at Mr. rLloyd Williams' ...Mr. and Mns. 25 doz. Misses' Silk H, IReg. Somerville, Misses Margaret,i IlJoyce and Mary, Chenrywood, Missi well" quality, sizes 71/,, Sadi BrdieTorntoat r. W J.tones, regular 79e for S e i l les Sae rodie...Tono. ndetMn. IW J Bragend femily, Providence, et Mr. 20 doz. Women's Silk IRoy Langmaid's... M. and Mrs.j regular79 fo ...... ~~I71 Larmer, Lois and Relph, ~T. blackstvCk, at Ur- W- 1% Ialors-U- 1 ~ I .Mr. and Mrs. Edgan Pascoe, Thorn-i W .n's Cornons, Mr. end Mrs. W. T.' L SAVE MONEY IPierson and Jack, and Mn. and Mrs. IIElmer Gibson, Oshawa, et Mn. J. T. .IST 0F SPECIALS Rundl's... Our sympethy is extend- 's uit at$1995death of ber mother, INrs. Cation. k's uitsat $9.95Mr. and Mns. Yellowlees ettended and Worsteds, odd uines, and 1 the funeral in Brampton lest week.. in 5iOS, .. Mr. and Mns. Fletcher Werry, Mr. i iebeautiful fine quality and Mns. Clarence Werny, William and Worsteds, in shades of and Robert, Kedron, called et Mn. A. $25.00, $2750 and $3000, L. Pascoe's Sunday ...Mn. Percy Dewell et bis brotber's, Mn. Frank $19.95 Dewell, Pickering.Mn..I. and Mrs. ____________ ______ IJack Brooks and baby Arley, Osh- 'sSutsa ss.oawa, et Mn. S. E. Wenny's... Mn. t 8 Sitisat $1.00 and Mrs. Bort Hunt end Ernest, the oiplan hads, Geysand Bowmanville, at Mr. Sam Bush's... th puatt s a d vaues aet Mrs Thos. Pascoe and Miss Margaret, uipaternin thel o vlue Mn. L. T. PaIsco-e, MsssMenjony suis n te ot anrI E'ith, Hampton, et Messrs. H. I E. Tink's and R. J. MKsoks. :)nly 15-00Scrnv te report that Mrs. A. J. Bal- son is confined te ber bed. We at $.59 er a speedy necoveny. .. . Mn. A. J. ýed Shirbts $.5 Reynold.s is sporting a new Pontiac ýd Shirts te cbocse fnom, all sedan..A cordial invitation is ex-, black, blue and mauve colon- tended to everyone te cerne te EIlad Cbunch Fr:;day ovening, May i7tb, Iwben Dr. James L. Hughes cf Ton- ce $1.59 o nte, a Solina old boy, îwill speak. Dr. Hughes is prosenting t, Solina ~XY*LPublic Libnary a set cf bis own %vrit- vveignt Sox îngs. .4 fine memnorial service to our pioneers . s beid on Sundiv af-I in e good serviceeble weanîng i enon a:st in Eldaîl (burcb. OujrI pair, pastcîr, Rev. J. R. BRick, ,pn1tIl, .5cPai, Pars$1 00 service. 1ev. A. NM. rwin cf o0Mý 15cPar,7 air $.0 aa i vt- a very interes.'ing adrs 'I he urk cf ounrl)ln4eriin Dii h~ 2 Pair Long Pants tari,). D r. K a i s( , f 0.,ha %%,i gu1iv buu]< i, e'uil ,îci., 1ab..~ j iîgt:ken 'o cane f<or Ileilvcgieelî.'î Fr:t, nr~ ane,,ck oif EInîe , ini fine ie.the heaitiful 1c>1,'Th 1,$1 6.95 and $1 7.50 1,v( .' Ou rrtl('i I r1,. ie<l y lIl11,lv :t ib o rgail, renilur<,l f .ts at $7.75 ,ipropri:1 inu-:c(..- \týidnbn, ;e<l witthb î ubiwjii c sunliv seiri l fl(~golI nfqd, b.ile> f li ,anb- il,< :n;, in n 5ndbay ý';i, th ub. . u,: 14. ,0 ,n foi k-End at $7.75 Bal ril 'i - I 9;.,rve., oers; andb a qu:,teî un n cc("iv*, i i * J l \1,. bnci* .1ho Ji:,kr anb ..1 n u l t a4\i,i Aln il ' e.1-nth 5. I h i tM,,f's ¼1)va< rcp i rviîce (Ir. Siindab1i 2 P. M.i -al Phone 61, Bowmanville IWben ('larence S . Na-on offes a, bi-a ui n t is alwalvs a real i hrgaýin.i jDresses and (C:, ts n,,w ,ffere<b at' - - . ICliearing Prices. Your spring house cleaning is on and possibly you are considering some piece of new furniture to re- plenish your home. Perhaps you may require a new Bed, Mattress or Spring. We can supply you all well-known makes: A Simmons Beautyrest Mattress, a Marshall, an Ostel-moor, and right down to the very cheapest sanitary mattress made, any size, as cheaply as you can buy it anywhere. We pay the freight and delixrer right in your home without any extra charge. We have a good stock of Steel Beds in Walnut finishes and 313, 4 0 and 4[6 sizes. Pillows from $~1.00 up. The best makes of Furniture Polishes, Window Shades, ail standar'd colors and sizes, Brass Cui-tain Rods We have the Eureka Special Vacuum Cleaner, the best cleaning device known. You do flot need to take up your cal-pets o" rugs if you use an Electric Eureka Special at $49.50. See this demionstrated at our store. F. Home Furnishers F. MORRIS Co., Bowmanville Phone 10 Winding Up Our 10 Day g Drive With A Flood 0f Rare Values LJLD CROWD THIS POPULAR STORE TILL il P. M. SATURDAY CI~~Se ItLrdaey iWay Il Y BARGAINS lose, the celebrated "Wear- to 10, in ail the new spring -................59c Pair cHose, ail sizes and colors, -.................59c Pair 00 cr4.14.kJAlALrJOre, ia c Jvaie While They Last 79c Pair Socklets-the newest fad, in two grades, No. 1-Silk Lisle--------.....39c Pair No. 2-Silk ..............69c Pair Full-Fashioned Hose, ail perfect in quality, in al colors and sizes, Service Chiffon Weight-----....$1.39 Pair Heavy Service Weight-----....$1.79 Pair MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR Boys' Golf Sox-plain and fancy colors, aIl sizes, No. 1-59c Pair No. 2-79c Pair Men's Sox-the finest stock in town at prices to suit every need and purse, at-.....1Oc to 69c Pair Men's Work Shirts-Khaki Drill, in aIl sizes, regular 98c-------------------............Our Price 79c Men's Dress Shirts-in ail sizes and colors, both plain and fancy, with collars attached or sepal-- ate, made from fine English Broadcloth for $1.59 Men's Overals-Blue and White Striped Denim, a sl)ecial clearing lot of 10 dozen. Corne early for these at-----------------------..............98c Pair HOUSE FURNISHINGS Curtain Nets-We have just put into stock a fine range of importe(l Nets from the best English andl Scotch milis at prices that (lefy competition. ('orne an(] look them over, -26 inches to 46 inches w idle,.................................. 19c to 98c Yard Side Drapes-iîi a big vaîiety of dlesigns an(l col- ors, to suit the most fastidious taste from 49c to $2.50 Yard Floor Coverings-An immense stock to select fi-om, in Oilcloths, Linoleums, Congoletims, etc., a«,t irices that mean big savings. Congoleuin Ruga-Ali the new patterns are here and we deliver them at saving prices. Corne in and see. J100 Rag Rugs-A generous size in nexv color- ings at......................................... 49c Each Grass Mats-For verandah, porch, bathroom, sun-room, etc., sizes 27" x 36" to 6' x 9', 49c to $2.95 Panels-In Lace, Swiss Net or Silk, at very spec- ial prices for this week-end selling,..49c to $2.95 HATS Children's-100 Silk Tams and Bonnets, worth 79c to $1.50 for..................................... 39c Children's Hats-About 50 left of a special lot worth $1.98, we will dlean up at .............98c Ladies' Hats-Over 300 to choose from. We have put them in 2 groups for speedy clearance: No. 1 Group reg. $1.98 to $2.98 for ..17 No. 2 Group reg. $3.95 to $5.95 for ...$2.98 DRESSES In every wanted style, and suitable for any occas- ion-for morning, afternoon or- evening wear- at prices that will mean big savings to you. LI1N GE RI1E 20 doz. Nain-Check Bloomers ....39c Pair 10 doz. Nain-Check Slips ..........49c Each 25 doz. Broadcloth Bloomers .......59c Pair 10 doz. Broadcloth Slips ...........79c Each 5 doz. Nain-Ch eck Nightgowns ...79c Each 10 doz. Nainsook Nightgowns ...$1.19 Each 5 doz. Crepe Nightgowns ........$1.19 Each A CC E S SORIE S 25 (loz. Lace Collar & Cuif Sets, reg. S-Oe for 25c 10 (oz. Lace Collai- & Cliff Sets, reg. 79e foi- 59c 5 doz. Lace Collaî- & Ciff Sets, reg. $1.00 for- 79c Silk Scarves-In long, squaîe, triangujlar,-111(1 the new\ pleate(1 effeets ..................79c to $2.49 Silk Gloves-the new ulîtearable fabrie, ini ail colors andl sizes ..............................98c Pair Bets-the finest assortment in towrn to select from 15c to 79c NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values .Walk a Block and Save a Lot a fr à - 1 110 V T MEN ! YOU WIL] LOOK OVER OUR LI Special No. 1-Men' 25 Men's Suits, in Tweeds linos that have becomne depleted i Herringbone effects, elso Tweeds Brown end Grey, velues that wene For Only Special No. 2-Men' A number of odd sizes in t Bro'wns, in stnipes and small check $22.50 and $25.00, about fifreen st Clearing f or 0 Men's Collar Attache About 100 Coller Attacheý sizes, in fine pin str4pe effects, in ings, extra good values, fast colons, Your Cboi< Men's Medium' A real bai-gain, ail shades,i sox, specialiy impoitcd, worth 25e Special This Week-End L Young Men's Suits with Smiair single and 1 of Powd<er lE îîe and ' t .sade, valuesý wor' h up t(, 0 f), Special Value at $16.50, Men's Raincoal A icai ý:érvic(càble<.coai, ta ing ; a ', îîî îb J¼itc Grey, al sizes, Special This Weel Te.]B. ci; DirectlY COpposite Bank of Montre THURSDAY, MAY 9,th, 1929 4c"-