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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 9'th, 1929 PAGE FIVE YES, MADAMI1 THESE DRESSES ARE DIRECT FROM NEW YORK There's a srmartness and chic about these dresses which youi, instantly recognize as coming right from the great fashion inetropolis-just a littie in advance of ordinary styles. And who doesn't like to be a real leader ini the fashion show of the day? This speial shipnent includes georgettes in cape styles, figured georgettes, printed wash cr-ýpes, plain crepes, checks, with and without sleeves, drawn work and embroidery, new sun-tan neck line, and best of ai] so reasonably priced from $13.95 to $17.50. COAT SPECIALS Misses Tweed Goats, sizes 16 to 20, clearing this week at $8.95 No. 1 Tricotine Coats, light and dark sand shades, new upright collars, si]k crepe lined, only 6 very specially priced at $16-75. NO ONE OWES THE SMART SHOP-THAT WHY OUR PRICES ARE SO REASONABLE. The Smart Shop Cowan Block GEO. R. MASON, Manager. MISS HAZEL MARLATT Announces the Opening of Rose Marie Beauty Parlor Cowan Block, Bowmanville MONDAY, MAY l3th under ber own management. For appointment Phone 529. THE SCREECH OWL WILL BE ON SALE May 1lOth AT ALL THE BOOK STORES or FROM ANY HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT See and Read of the Events at B. H. S. Price 35c Jusi Among Ourselves There are a lot of things of common interest to t.he grocer !ind bis customers. For instance, one can't get along without the other. Another thing here are some items you will want: Pure Gold Coffee, rich and mellow, 1 lb. tin............... 59e Bowron's Salad Cream, large jar ......................... 3c Lily White Baking Powder, tin......................... 25c Hand Packed Tomatoes, choice, tin........................ 16c Hand Packed Tomatoes, standard quality............ 2 for 25c Jersey Rice Flakes, crisp and tasty................ 2 pkga. 25e Prunes, tender and meatiy......... 2 lbo. 25c - 15Sc lb. - 20e lb. Quaker and Five Roses Flour for sale. Ful-O-Pep Baby Chick Feed and Starter. Spratt's Dog Biscuits, Puppy Biscuits, etc. MANGEL AND TURNIP SEED Giant White Sugar Mangel, pkg .......................... 50c Yellow Leviathau Mangel, pkg ............. 0 Yellow ,eviathan Mangel, in bulk, lb ...........45c Turnip Seed, aIl kinds, lb .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65c GIFTS FOR MOTHER'S DAY Tulkpe, Daffodils-, Roses, Swcet Peas Red Roses, in pots.................................... $100 Hydrangeas, white or pink, pot.......................... $1.75 Geraniumis, white or red, pot ..............25c Mother's Chocolates, specially bo\ed ...........49c GARDEN 0F EDEN NOW OPEN In other words that'sUth annex whee w have oui- fiow- ers, plants, ý;h1uhs, trees, vegetable plants, etc ..Make select- ions early while at their best. Orders arc already being filleil foi- indow boxes, hanging baskets, etc. FREE DELIVERY AND YOUR CREDIT 15 GOOD HERE HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMLANVILLE CENTRAL ONTARIO TENNIS j TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE BIRTHS LAUNDRY WANTED LEAGUE ANNUAL MEETING' elwsi eI-Int nerte OOGSON-In Tyrone, on April l5th, Ail kinds of laundry work done prompt- 1 Fiectionwofhip ssprmentndWber te2, teMr ad rs C Ilodgson, ai 'Y', tlafactorlly and at reasoniable prices Growth of League Requires Two d1rectin ofMMss andne Webb.r s). Write Pont OMeie Box 12. or cail Mns. Groupa iwas in charge of meeting Monday ROWE-In Bowmanville Htospital,, on W. Marioram, KCing St. E. Bwavle nihtad reete avryexeletApril sui, 1929, te Mcl. and iNrs. Joln m.j Phone 4781W. Bwavle Mightnypeene avryecelnt1Rowe, a son. Mihyoaks front small acorns , program. Miss Marion Belîman POTTER-In Bowman'.ille, on April HOW'S YOUR LAWN MOWER? grow, and this applies as well te Ten-1 handled the topic in a very interest- 22nd, 1929, tu Mr. and Mrs Lorne Pot- nis enthusiasm in Central Ontaxio. îng way. Others taking part in the ter, a daughter. Doee it need sharpening or repair- The annual meeting held in port program were Misses Leta Jackson, SMITHý-At Bobcaygüon, on SundIay, n foth coming season? Lots Hop bouhtrepesnttiesfi-ont Hild.a Foley, Doris and ril Smith, a daughter. of folks have alrea.dy had us put Gnnque, Kingston, Tweed, Belle-I Trimble and E'velyn Oke and Mr. HAWES-In Bowmanville Hospital, on theirs in shape. Bring yours in to- ville, Campbellford, Peterboro Ce-! Francis Sutton. A îril 251h, 1929, te M11[. and Mrs. Walter day before the rush. We use the bourg, Port Hope and Bowinanville.' The Quinte BRroadcast, a periodi-î Hawes, a daughter. Ideal Lawn Mower Grinder which Therepesetaton as o lrge hatcalpubishd b th youg popl of BRAIGA-inBowmanville iHospital. The eprsenttio wasse argetha1 ca puîîshd b theyoug Pepleoflon Miay 7th, 1929, te Mr. ana Mrs. Clif- gives sc xeln aifcin the meeting ha.d te be held in the the Bay of Quinte Conference, rngn e.n rmtshervcelleas tsuroD . A LbayHall. brought to the attention of the "cm- MITCHELL in Orono, April 216, 1921, raBcknih So po* Si-~~~~~~ te r and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell, a daugh- ded lcsihSoopsite President W. R. Strike presided. bers by 'Miss Helen Cryderman, The ter-Gwevnîîolyn Connîe. Salvation Army Hall, King St. Est, Applications of Gananoque, Kingston wisdOm and us-fuiness of such al SN0W DE N-tn Bowmanville Hospital, Bownianville. 16-tf and Tweed Clubs were received and paper wvas considered and practical on Thursday, M.%ay 2nd, 1929, te Mr. and accepted. The League xvas split in- suggestions offered teo the conference: 'Mrs. Lloyd Snowden, a son. to two groups, an eastern composed executive in that connection. ; GLASPELL-In Bowmanville Hospital., &JDMIJISTRATOR'S of Gananoque, Kingston, Tweed and Next week the Missîonary Depart-1 Taunton, a son (Glenn Gîfford).Noie t C edtr Belleville, and a western, Campbell-1 ment are in charge and promise anj WRIGHT-ln Bowmanville Hospital,No ie t r d o s 1 frd Ptebor, obur, B,ýma-.outstanding program.. 1on.Stinla, May 5th, 1929, te Mr. ana ville and possibly Port Hope. At, . M usel ---i, agltr ---- In tl e Ltate of J.ohn T. Hornibrook, tecoeoth ru ceueth!You can buy a high class Sl late Of' the Town of Bowmanvile, in the teams of the two groups play home' Dress worth $30.00 for $15.00 at. MARRIAGES Count9 off Durhanm, retired, deceased. and homte gamnes with the team of iClarence S. Mason's Clearing Sale of HALE-COE-At TrninîU tnted Plar- Notice is hereby given, Pursuant te corresponding standing in the other1 Coats and Dresses. soage, Itea man',hie, on Staurday Msay R.S. 0. Cap. 156, sec. 51, that ail cred- ____59____.J.U Rbn: Irlàior n ohr having cUims agrainLst group. - 4îh. 929. hy e andJ. P. Roinceid ethe estate off the 5l)ove-Oamed John T. The meeting aise sanctioned the: ResonaiIalan EdaFrnc Hrnbo, who îlied on the 25th day holding of two invitation tourna-1 ILRSBATYPRO ohof December 1928, are required ono , __i__ LOCKE-TERRILL - At Tyrenp. oin before the 4th day off June 1929 te de-i monts during the seasen and very oigt h emn o oeS.turday, May 4thî 1929, by Re%,. J. R. liver te Win Mundeil 93 Clarence St, enthusiastically accepted the invita-10%ig otedmadfrm r rînipour, Mrs. .AenTrii IdrKnaoOtSoi:o o rni tincfte igso Cu t ol imodern Hairdressing, we have secur- dauglîti.r off the late MIr. and Mrs. F. J. Hornïibrook, admninistratoýroff the estat-,l tionof te Kigsto Clu to old eo the services cf Miss Brown, latei i,rr off Fenelon Falls. te William Locke their names and addresses, and full par-1 toua-nament there on July lst, and of of Gra' euyParler, exrt in1off Grafttn. tictîlars off iheir cîalms ana off the secur- the Belleville Club on Labor, Day. o1a' Bat SKELDING - ARCH - At Trinity ties, if any, held by them. the latest modern methods oe Beauty Church, Sreptsville, April 27t1î, 1929. by Plas er asemae orUi fr-Culture, including Finger and Water1 e.E F tcîe f i.Jh' Gri n, futher take noticetat afe iation cf an intermediate sertes t wn ec hn .1fra-i son itilii. Toronto, EIlizaleth Agnes -l] at etondda h ad Admin iwhich ill include several ctheri ~, ec hne11fr * ;A,.te (ý, orge Witliani Skeiig f iatr ilpocdtedsibeth Clubs besides the lrgrClubs now 9- ovle ssets off the îtecehsed among the per- in____the__________________ sons entitte,] thereto, having regard te T ,those claimis only off which hie shall then Officers elected for the 1929 sea-' Lost or rouna ihae ha(eoie and art le sa i no55t son are: Hon. President-A. H. Mor-!DAHblbefrayptofslase qo any persen off whose dlaim hie shah ^net rew, Peterboi'o; President-Clifford LeST-On,- roll off clîick. n aire, 0t't1 JAMES--ln 0Oshaîa. on Fity May have liait notice at the lime off such dis- Wcston. Canpbellford; Sec.-Treas- Oi1 ro.iietent P. R. Station,. Pr,-. 12,- Eric Jarnîî, aged 58 yas tribution. ure~- A CaniedPetrbro. ani , nd iaui <err l 1er BUDGE-Stiddenly ai Port ]hoi)(-' , May Francis Hornîbrook, Administrator. Executive Committee-Mr. Creeg-!wii i,a ýv at Mriis My.rtM.11. lî r tre 1 '.iiî g 5ycr.W. Mundeîl, Solicitor. Sio.Himnîte 9i SAMELLS-At 1iackstock. .'.tay.Ir": Kingston, 1y . 1929. 18-3 gan. Gananoque; Mr. Chambers, I -~ 99.t:n(. Beecroft, beioved w if. of Hlen- Kmng sten: Mr. Moffatt, Tweed; Mr. Ra saeFrSl ry Samehis, in lier 741h vear. iAmtr.g Belleville; Mr. C rael RelEtIeFr aeSMITH-Inl Bowmanviiý, on Monday, Cobourg Mr 'M 'A Nel, B, ' -maS aNy6tih, 1929, Mattîldla Smith, 1hoingit- Coborg; r. M A. ealBowmn-~HOUSES FOR SALE-Two brick resi-! , ae 5yaa nerd1 rn ville; and Mr. Ryan, Port Hope. ,nces, with al modemn conveni oces. C~ce~- Appîy 'te J. E. Fleti, Centre~ St, Eow-j WESTINGTON-At l3ewdley on Mon- annul metin ofthemanv-illiý, phone 384. 17-tf: day, May 6, 192D, 2,lrcîîs J. Westington. The econ HOUSE FOR SAL- -rooîned briciýlliii, in bis 73rd year.HI Eastern section cf Oshawa Presby lieuse witli bath, stimmer kiictien, gar- i MANN-At Port Hope Hlospital, April T AL T S terial will meet in the United age and lien bouse. Good location.lth 129HaEor Msi1At auh Church, Hampton, on Thursday,laAlPiîî9 te J. W. Bunner, 15 i'arlisle Ave.: 1I thoff9, yMrs. S nf an, aged May 16th, comnmencing at 9.30 a. m. Bowînanvillîe. 194f 1 year and 7 months. (standard time). Miss Garrett, FOR SALE-Seven roomeut solld brick, CARMICHAEL-In Toronto, Tuesdjiy, CORBETT'S BUTTER hous, al cnveienes, i are and Apil101h, Margaret, infant daughter off gatrae, hen-house, 5 minultes walk frontM *Ir mihe Rh se Dent.) give an address on Africa Moi-n-j lost Office, cash or ternis. Aiîply Box rne ment St Orono. igand afternoon sessions. Let 485, Bowmanville.Itre a n. 1 ing _____________________TorontoGeneral every auxiliary be represented. FARM FOR SALE OR RENT-150Oac Hospital, Apnhl 151h, 1929, Ruby Dent, TAS' res, alili grass. Lot 34, Con. 9, Darling- beloved wife off Graham Carmichaeî, ton, west of Entield. This farm wiîll andi daughter off Mn. and Mns. L. A. 1BLUE RIRD BEAUTY PARLOR .bet sold cheap if taken at once, te settle Dent, 0rono. Interned at Orono. Oebt-rn h is an estate. f otslbyMy1hw1 RBINSON-In Oshawa. on Saturd.ay, eî' utrml ra. lt lie rented. For particulars see A. M. Apil 131h. 1929, Edna May Robinson, bt' BtemikBed t Mrs. F. J. Cole, Ontario St., wish- Hardy, Bowmanville. Phone 389. 18-tf RN., beloved daughter cf the late Mr. erior te ordinary bread. es o, han he paron fo thi---iand Mns. L. Robinson.- Funenal teck es t thak be patons or teir FARM FOR SALE-About 123 acres,'place ffncm James Scotta, Columbus, te h ert? Fna n kind conideratien during the ilînesa Lots 3 and 4. B. F. Darlinglon. consid- Union Cemetery. h ert ietig cf her little son, and wishes te in- ened one cf best grain farms in lown- POLLARD-At Richnmond. Va., on meticulous care-plus BU'1'TEU foi- the tha shewillcontnue er ip. n view wltole far ffom Sunday. May 5th, 1929, at the home cf wt nmtbesil r busitne ashal Piceorc m-u5 arebdns. Pinot cas bouse and barns- hie daughter, Mrs. Frank J. wBelniitbleood, Ty busiessas sua. Pice fo con- o aresplowed. Possession at one. Andrew Pellard, huaband of the 1lIe An.. ly-hail the driver for a trial li ing summer: Apply te Jas. MacConnachi;-, box 68, i inet ge 0yer Iterment-E N S A Marcelling without retrace . . ..50e aln'il.14t Richmond, Va. E N SD Y I Water Waving ................ 50c HOUSE FOR SALE-7-roomed bricknowbigosrd Shampooing................... 50c bouse on Wellington St., now occupiediI o bitosevdb Hot Ql Shmpoong.........65 by r. Strike; ail conveniences; good II EOIMc-prto eta orsri gardenanu age; $500 cash, balance oný Massage Creara.............. 35e eay ternis at 6 per cent; will sacrifice, Packs......................... 65e for qî,ick sale; possession .lul y lst: îIf GUY-Io loving memory off my bus- I For apitenspoe 39 ot scld by June lSth, will be rented. band, Llewellyn Guy, who î,assed away O H W DA appintent phneInspection by appointment. Apply JL on Sunday, May 8Ib, 1927. ___________ Melýcaîf, R. R. 2 flowmanvitle. Plhone1 In pieiory al dallythought,- Sutblboefrthsip COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundie spent the weekend in Toi-ente guests of thei.r son, Mr. Elmer Rund le. ... Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, was home over Sunday ... Mr. Hugh Fitsim- mens, Detroit, was a weekend visiter at Mr. S. S. Brooks',...Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snider, (Brantford, were« guests cf her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols, over Sunday *... We welcome Mr-. and Mrs. Moorel and famiW in eur ccmmunity. Theyi have ceme to reside on the cld TrulI: homestead...Services were welI attended on Sunday. At the Sun-i day Sohool session the largest et- tendance was repoxrted cf any Sun-!t day this year .... Pi-actising bas e-1j gun for oui- anniversary w)ich comnes the second Sunday and Monday ini June. Particulars la........ Sunday! evening the service was withdrawn as oui- Tuxis boys and Trail Rangers were invited te Newcastle te attend a apecial meeting there for boys. Several others went dcwn to the ser- vice and were delighted with the I splendid address delivered te the boys ...Monday evening another play was presented in oui- church by ou, young people, "Between The Act." It is a farce in three acta and was cetainly put on in a splen-1 did manner. The characters were: Mi-. Grant Bennett, Base Line, Mrs.1 Maishall, Mr. Alec Samson, Mr. R. C. Pearce, Mi-. Walter Rundle, Miss Hattie Osborne and Miss Marie Run- die, and each cie did his or ber parti meat cieditably. If you want a real go.ed laugh for an heur or so you shculd hear this play as il is full cf fun and amusement. Proceeds $60 to be used in decoi-ating oui- church. ....De net forget the meeting ofi the W. M. S. Thursday at 2.30 p. m. in the school reom. Miss LGuiso Osborne's group is in charge and mecsages from the Branch meeting held in Kingston ast week will bel gvnby Misa Hazcl Rundie and Mrs. (Rev.) Boyce. Every lady should be present ...Next Sundav,' Mother's Day will be observed b in h! Imorning service and in the Sunday ISchooh. Garages To Rent GARAGES TO RENT-t'ive giragi s j conyvnl.ii1toto Kiîic St. Se P. Mantîn. i&Sons, h1owmin%-ihhi.Plionie 187W.1-ti FOR SALE-A XISw brick housc on El-] In sacred and loving msmery off cur gin Street, just being fIntshed, at a reas-, deÉan son and brother, Horace Vicoo onahhe pnice: aIse brick residlence on WVIlIine Moses, killed hy Genman bomb at Wellington St-.ail modern convenien- Vm Ridge on May 7th, 1917. erty St.; and oe frame residenceOn Ontario St. (Mrs. John Grlgg's); alsol ossIo R n good brick bouse onOntario St., alcon - H u«ioR n veniencee, reas9onable prîces for cash.I Apply te Wm. Brock, Queso St. Bow- HOUSE TO RENT-With ail conven- mavlA.Poe114. 12-10,w hences. Apply le J. E. Flett, Centre St. ma',ils.PhneBowmanville. Phone 384. 18-tf Apartmnents to Rent APARTMENT TO LET--t-roomned I aparîment in Cowan Block. Possession i ai once. Mrs. Cowan, Phone 270l, Bow- I1 manville. 15 -8w Baby Chicks For Sale CHICKS FOR SALE-A few hundredI S. C. Wbi te Lýeghorn chicks for jthe lasI off May and the flrst week In J.une.for 115e each. Place your order n(w hn 38-2. W. H. Carruthers, R R. ,Bw manville. 1 BABV CH-ICKS FOR SALE-A Illted' S. C. White Leghorn chicks from p digreed, trapnested brds from ,The American Poultry School with re-1 cords^ from 220 te 339. Price reason. able. ('ail or phone Fred W. Battie, 252JT, Bowmanvllle R. R. 6. 1- Building Lots For Sale FOR SALIE-Building Lot with Barn' for sale, very cheap. Phone 423. 19-:P Wanted HELP WANTED-Young man with good appearance (married prcferlre-d), with so me knowvledge off selling, te learo the bread business aod canvassing. D).1 M. Tod Ltd ., Oshawa. 19-1l WANTEO-We are ready to repair your broken fences, wvire or otherwise, a nd any other odd jobs. Give us a caîl. Phone 578 or aîîply Il. Ilolibrook, or F. Itatenian, Elgin St. N., Bowmnanville. CI Articles For Sale 1SILO FOR SALE-i.pîdy S. G. Chant, Hanmpton.182 FOR SALE- Kitein ei tahinet. Apply! to RItL1.C(olilacoit, ('oflccssion St., Bow-i I,. Ph on 519. 1- 0lTATOES FOR- SALE-oilrs suita I)].. for. serd .5c tag. L Trull liamliton, it. R. 1, Phon, 198r14. I 1-3 FOR SALIE-Quantily (If StrfflVIerry" fi, xt t i off ',. o f I arley C'an i), unît nîîînvilIe. 1-w PIANO0 FOR SALE-iihr-Ienz Maln. Plan o infIi tii os cond(ition For; jnn kihîR.SP. 1t. l'lione 197r24. 19-2,i PIANO FOR SALE-Wiihlaiîis Piano, TIake N otic e I- î inhIy :snlo nivn.wpy %,- ARREARS 0F TAXES P- A E -iw--vPrns reni ~il arear of axesiii ,1t Of' ji),100:i iÎI;1i r Dffo, 7ini Al arar f aeso iiigSti.,î,ianvilhhe Pilone 532. 19-21 to the Corporation of the --F 0R SA-LEé-- Nô. 1I ioveriinntt m- Town of Bowmanville must 1,10S.. ~2 pir blii: o to tentîags. i z r r ders Iî,îir. n,~' .. A be l)aid by May l5th. .0 ther- 1 11,i tt I I> 1h101otl iori, on pro- 1 l :l hirîa .11-2 wise 5%(7 will be added FRSL-n -tîu Sprint; therto, nd arrats or ,,rn ('o . lias îiilthIvattîabout for-1 tv ar ;,'n-.,iso soino - gas ;,ii] ;, t axes will be handed over ýý,ie1n 'riaslr.ig>,.TornS to the baiiff for collection. t02.__ 82 I FR ALE-i Fairtank-Morse 6 Iti. JohsLye j 10eEngins: t Fa 1 rhank -morsei John L'. (1oln (rhnder, q hn. îhts:Ptr TT.ini-ý Treasurer. lv t2a od lnmoi t , 0Lpe . J ,martyn, Phone 36, iiownanville. 19-1'i Any Coat up to$ Clearing for $ý We Po Phone 3 One door west of F. F. Morris Co. 130.00 22.50 The terms of this Sale are Cash. 'E SELLS IT RMILK BREAD MOST 'YOU HAVE EVER STED .slice-wins mnost people to Cor- flavor is jrresistible-it's s&0 sup- gredients, of course, selected w;ith MUXL, rich anid aloaf to-day--surprise your fam- oaf. Or ¶phone the bakery direct- -IALF HOLIDAY >y our drivers. They asc your ýmay be looked after. Y' CHOCOLATES ortant occasion from 50e Up Zorbett Baker and Confectioner Bowmanville Clarence S. Mason i. offering hie Any Coat up to $36.50 Clea ring f or-$2 5.00 We will hold any gai-ment Bowmanville [0 . 11 - j' = çI Entire Stock of New Spring Coats & Dresses AT PRICES THAT SHOULD CLEAR THE LOT IN A FEW DAYS Dress Bar gains- Your choice of 32 Dresses consisting of Silk Crepe Faille, Crepe Romaine, Georgette, Crepe Satin, Fiat Crepe, Figured Silk Crepe. There are dresses in this group that were made to seli for $35.00, ail marked for Quick Clearlance, $15.00 Clearing Sale of Ail New Spring Coats Any Coat up to $15.00 Any Coat Up to $22.50 Clearing for $10.50 Clearing for $15.00 you select for one week with a deposit of 50%7. CLARENCE S. MASON nu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, MAY 9,th, 1929 PAGE PIVE RAZOR BLADES SHARPENEO SafetY Razor Blades sharpened. Do flot throw your safety razor blades away. I3ring them te P. C. Pethick's Barber Shop and have them resharpened. 17-t To Mother With Fond Renienbrance, Mother Dear Our he.arts encircle thee, And so we send from far or near This gift of sweet sincerity. May 12th will shine brighter for Mother, in whatever part of the country she lives, if she knows her son or daughter in thinling of her. Mother's Day Candy Iis packed ready to mail. ev us Mother's addrees early so that she wil] flot be disappointed. Do flot fail to see this beautifufly lithographed chest filled with choicest of sweets at The Rexail Store Jury & Loveli Phone 78 We Deliver ; -- lg-tfl In heart a silent aorrow. Wif«e. 1

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