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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 6

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THE (CAN'ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, MAY 9th, 1929 PAGE 5SIX OMM !mm2!5ý T ne-toni co-~d troug th' lng ago xere: John Thanipson, John Une Cofla rn Setlene t rach the 1Stott, Robert Cale, Mrs. Knapp, Mrs. tovn-Ilue n)r'h )f Sandy Beith'., Moyne-, WM. Jennings, Rca< e I ..wheo ul Jîunie1-bter nd if!nin-. Wnn. Hambly. George Oliver. j ixed in a log hou.-e a',the brow of aJhîBn.Afe ul' ihr ~ rni ih ad Lrm: tokshlter Martin .Mrs. Dre.sser, Mrs. Honey. sia Mrs. ndJniiietokSweetrnan, Jonathan Elford, during the storni on a bel in onea s orne f he ous. Et: te cr- rs. SandY, Richard Worth, Mis. enrer ,fli huse Bu te cr-Bedford, Mrs. Laine, Wm. Gouge. WM en 1f>U 1 ner-iogs -ocre ptishe<l;in upon the MT. Hpper, on Mibbye, Mson bed, et Jinmi wasnot njur M s. HCapeon rs'lbhy, Mrs. Hunter, holding a ,nall Ch;Id ,Taylo)r. Thos. Parks, Thos. MýýcEwan. Ch il ren CrY n her ainis was standing outFide I .1 hn Parks, John McDonald, Thos. * azing at the cloud:- xxhich had the Wiicox, Wm. Lawv, Samnuel Jacks, or IL ppear1ance of a boiling pot when, Mr Langmnaîd. James Jacks. for it suddcnly ,she \vaý caught up aud-'* Castoria is a comfort when Baby is carried ta the foot of the bill ta Sarne wili nemember Mr. James fretful. Na sooner taken than the littIe, rLst'11Il ho temipe-t had passed. Jennings (better known as Granfer one is at case. If rcstIess, a fcw drapis Many bu;ildings were unroofed or 3 ennings). who played the base-viol soon bring contentment. No harm donc,'e, kd an iIlwaznadi h l B .Cuc. TeJn for Castoria is a baby reuinedv, meant' eced anin.r.l d xaos, anin thes oid B. C. Ch ur The Je- for babies. Perfcctly safe to g jvc e the r ipleon wre off -gs crmoty atual ui youngest infant; you bave the doctors' some nover fon1gt. xncl word for that! It is a vegetable pro-,srescpadpiswr are Editor's Note:-Oiar aged inform- dut and you could use it every day. But, 1sdrbl itne ant expresses her regrets that thf it's in an cmergency that Castoria man Near Beith's farn heavy stcs1oenmswr nÀtd u h most. Somne niglt wlen constipation of square timnber lying on the road iwonder ta rnany la that she recalled' must be relieved-or colic pins-or ide were carried and deosited lu the naines of so. great a nu.mber af- other suffering. Neyer be without it; the adjoining field.1 ter such a wide period of tirne. It some rnothers kcep an extra bo)ttle, un- 1 was lu the aid log school-house!rcquired a vivid recollecition ta pro-1 opened, to make sure tliere will alwaya during the ral of thundcir acconn- duce such a lengthy list of christian be Castoria iu the liouse. It is effective. for eider children, too; read the bock panied by a down-pour of ramn wheu;i and surnarnes. that cornes with it. p.ga_ raining around the yard werej ________________ screamaing as if about ta be slaught-I eied -the result of huge hailstonies falling on them. Our teacher thought the end of the wonld ha.I came. When the tornado crosse d the * jPine Ridge on its sauthernly jour- ney, it brought pine branches, so btat the air was loaded with thern, SAFE AD SUREnd the ensuing harvest tirne the A SAE AN SUR grin lu many places wvas hard ta REMEOY FOR leut because of pine lirnbs. It wasj M AILING CHILDREN truly almost miraculous that no1 lives were lost. T T T ~~' ~ Ontario la not usually considered M IL L IER Sta lie lu the zone of -terrific starmais WORM and tornadoea, but that whîch lately WORM assed through the frontier of o-uT rxi aii~ Dprovince seemns to have had its ani- P o w ýr)]-ER S iin the Western States, and with- P TA,"0ou eaeor license crssed the I HORiOý.Y LCAgr VEN energies and will give -;orne idea ofi A1fMS ETSO GATEYSEithe storni which 1 have attempted AS BEETAS BGARta describe. It reminds one of the behaviaur ________ ___________ of a run-away steed xhich cf ton rushes hccdlessly into the most un- expected places. jEditor'a Note- We veny well rornember the on the Pine Ridge. \Ve lived in the Ridge dur- ing the years 1854 and 1855 at what was thon the- Camp'bell's Steam Mill , Inter known a.- Podunk, and much cf j the ridge xvas a slash frorn the cf- fects of that violent s:orrn. lu after years the ridge slashes becarnel over-run wit.h black thimble bcrry "I took Lvdia E. Pinkham's Vcttetalnlce Compound for mis- erable and tirei feclinits aid it ga,,;ecnre strenttli to do my work. My îierve, are betten aud 1 feccll and strotî liax c a 4hd:pcic I slccp x>.II aud am i rrtxt-,v g d spirits andi allet, o r.cvcry day un;>.. 1I t ii ,cn'l thc Vcc-, rail'ic (ii' uiî arnd xcii !; ii'. 'tcer as a tceti- people ilu wagon loads xvcnt ta thei Ridge and made a day cf it p'cking bernies on the tenth concession in the autumn. The idgo la cf amal' value for farming and we have often thought ho-w nice it xvculd ho if iti were 'till cavered with hhackhe.rry i bushes and the public could have the,1 freedom ta go herry-picking as lun aur baybccd days. A GOOD THING A good thing t-o remember, And a better thing ta do, is ta work with the contruction gang, And not the wxreckug crew. -Selected. Druggist tells Easy Way To End1 Bladder WeaknessI Pleasant, Inexpensive Home Treat- B . ment QuiclIy Relievez Daily Ir- ritation and Cetting.Up-Nights PHOSPHOD)IN E.'l talt d.1V.- r, .t, î,tijf tlt he whoie a -î,ili i ii m 1!c 't' 'îtd Jii eraion 4iirry, 0j £nerrv. Paitatinfl if \L it ' i*. Ut i i t~~ IA i S ',. îYiph' îai1 yi Il COOK MrDICINr CO..,rnii' f'l- 'x,'i'Iml."A hi A TERRIBLE TORNADO HAMPTON IN THE LONG AGO By Mr. W. W. Jardine, B. A.,I Continued from April 14 Sioux Looko'et, Ont.j The -write-up of Hampton request- Dear MIr. James,-I amn about ta cd by Mr. W. W. Jardine, B. A., was gix e V oi'U iother intalment contain- dncvcry hurriedly, Une resuit being ng a dle-:rpt;on of a t ornado which mswroit rarlleiy ,ccurs andl recurs in centrali that the following namswr it Ontario, bu! is vividly renîemberoted: in Durham County history. The name of that wonderfully n ny early yec'rs-perhap-s 80 ipopular minister, the Rev. Edward yeil-s ago-a te.rrifie st.ormi passe4-d Roberts of 1869 pcriod; Rev. Win. through Darlington, having appar-j Lirnbcrt was also on Hanpton cir- en:l ison :n thc vic'nity of Scugogj cuit as a popular young ýminister, I Lake. pursuing a south-casterly dir- %vho camne again with Rev. Thoinas ection. The country at that time Brown and othcrs in Feb. 1923, to was ainiost covered with prirneval a-ssjst in the Golden Ju'bilee ceebra- fore,,,, but when thc sto.rn had pas- tion of the Church. sed an open space 'wa- seen to thel no:'zh--, eýt- ar a::a the listant hori-î These teachers' namea xere also zou. prcsenting the appcarance of ai omitted :-Mr. T. H-. Snvctman and vas: cur-ain having been lif*:ed. !Mr. Taylor who taught inithe old In the path of thc storm almost 1 chool on the west ide. ail ýtan;1.i forest xvas leveiied.1 In that school the dcsks wcre plac- This accounts for the slash" cx.ýtcnd- ed arouind the room so that the pup- ing fnim the Plinc Ridge in a south- il] were seated facing the wali as east d;irection f (r scvei'al miles, tak- was the case in many old school- ng in the long swx'amp north f houses. Shampine'.s milI la-er known as Sarne senior teachers in the new Woodley's mill-and causing the school, whosc narnes -were omvitted vast oxtent of xindfail suirround'-ing Iwere: Mr. Smith, Mr. 'Beer, Dr. W. A brani oui 's stave factory al E. Tilley, Mr. A. J. Reynolds and shor, distance east of Tyronc. 13n. Sangster. In the junior nooar Many swamps and lox-lying por-l1aftor Mrs. Webster were Miss J. ion., of bush that wauid otherxv'is-e Fi'sher, Ms Slcigh, Miss Ferris, Mis. ilhave been standing to-day vi laid Smith, M:iss Coleman, Miss Wilgar, low as if a rouler had passdcr Miss -%rniour, Miss Sugden, Miss1 thein, au<l l ,irge elm trocs. osiyCurrx- Ms Scott and Miss B. Sar- txv foot in <Iiantoer, xxre %rwrugoff gent. ALL MIGHTY GOOD McCoII-Frontenac PRODUCTS O.M.L. Officiai Station-Emergency Road Service Op>en Season With Flight From Leaside Bowmanville Flying Club flew its first old bird race on Saturday, Apnil 27th, froni Leaside with these re- sults: J. Turner, 1 hn, 1 min, 1 sec. F. Bottrel1, 1 hr, 1 min, 3 sec. Woolner Bras., 1 hr, 1 min, 13 sec. C. Mitton, 1 hr, 3 mina, 41 sec. M. Prout, 1 hr, 3 mins, 52 sec. Len. Richards, 1 hr, 5 mina, 2 sec. D, Little, 1 hr, 5 mins, 2 sec. Len. Richards. 1 hr, 5 mins, 13 sec. Wm. Wallace, 1 hr, 6 mins, 13 sec. T. Wright & Son, 1 hr, 12 mina, 311 sec. Woods, Ho-bbs, Nickerson, Grombie and Wm. Mutton-no report. C. Mutton wvon the junior section and J. Turner, the senior. Joy in the moonlight, Joy in the shade, Jay lu thc sunshine And shadow it made. Joy lu the land, Joy lu the sea, Or high lu the mountains Or valicys that be. It may be the birds, The butterflies-bee Or just the green grasshopper That sings~ checrily. Iknaw not or care not My beant is sa free, There is joy just lu living W h e r e v e r I b e . a r B e "i It's the iitlethings that bather us Yau can ait on a mountain, but nat on a tack. t>. t> 'N. N - -.*MARATHON GSO LIN E MOTOR Ol L <uc hati ae.lcrac, A tn,,h heut-rr,î,t- ,uî ai~~fC nt i1ipro-.i.iinm a Un-bn n d pe0a IVn l e- nfol- ca. M,0-1 R FUEL tntouî Sct-cn aii rd,,ccsu'auf n s0. t n a the..',d i so y Ag tW sadI, u_____ h,,,nt f dirt ancS ,npît't e. cydomi1, pf'd-cd p, 'e ,hitc. but is ai,' iîiîî t' ,t ti hgh ririt, CR flc ed Indian trail1 O PENING more anîd more stations every month-at the behest of an insistent motor- iug public- McColi-Frontenac is rapidly blazing the Red Indian Traul from coast go coast 1 Beter qualty.. . better service ... better value- these arc but thrcec c the reasous why the popu- larity cf McColl-Frontenac products is growing by leaps and bounds. Whercver motorists tmccc bear nothing but prase for Cyclo Mtr Fuel --Red Indian 'Motor Oilu-anad Marathon Ili-test Gasoline. Use these produccoq yourself. Trust themn. They assure you greater coomy and added moor- inq batisfxciin. McCOLL-FTIONTENAC 011, CO. LIMITED t~tt i ,î x It May Be lifei Ik n Di v ýook's Regi 1 1 Art. Cole's Red Indian Station and Garage Phone 54. King St. E. Bowmanville IS LOCAL DEALER FOR Cyclo Motor Fuel Red Indian Motor Oïl Marathon Gasoline felt -, e and* Mis'erabl 1 1 r-

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