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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 May 1929, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 9th, 1929 ?AGE SEVKN I I .1 New Pro.. - tof hicks. A new and unique method of prepar- - Ins t h. 24 ingredients in Blatehtord'm (Jhick Msah bas made ove. quioker growth aM MV FEWUMWIB LSESdicd b7 Zl Buy Elatohford'u todsy tram sy- IIpItItSf F. C. VANSTONE Bowmanvile Dio"t ettires W HEN yen plan hat trip, be sure to plan your tires. You cart enjoy yourself if yaure worrying about blowouts al the ime. Drive around here and let us equip yaur car with Do- minion Royal Cords or Royal Masters. They are a sound foundacion for a carefree holiday. We have absaluce confidence in these Dominion Tires. We have watched thern in service and we know tbey will deliver the mileage. Dominion Royal Cords are the standard by wbich tires are judged - Royal Masters are in a clma by thanselves. We have Dominion Tires for every car at popular prices. DOMINIONIRE DEPOT BOWMANVILE --. Jamieson & Jamiem FAi~FINANCING rl o Mani* *tob *a *hel -d THO.HUTCnaa h Bn of *ontealis ail loaingfuns t re ' pnsbl farer ' asit he i tei bs nss. Establishd 17 T"Aset i eces f 87,00-0 THROUHOUCllen anagterBn George Davidson. Mr. and Mm. Davidson and family resided in titis town before going West. Their many friends bere extend srympatty' te the bereaved itnsband and family. For Sprainý and 11Bouises.-Tbere is nething better for aprains and con- tusions than Dr. Thomas' Eiclectrie Qil. It will reduce the swelling that foilows a aprain, wili cool tbe inflamed fleeh and draw -the pain. lt wili take the ache out of a lruise by couniteracting the inflammation. A trial will convince any whodub its power. OBITUARY James W. MeLean, Toro>nto Weii known in commercial and musical circies, James Wallwortb McLean of 115 'Béatrice Street, Tor- ente, passed away Sunday in bisi 49tb year, foiiowing a protracted ilîness. Deceased was born in Ken- dall and had been a resident of Toi,- onto over 30 years. For a long1 period he was business manager ofj Lowe-Martins Ce., Ltd., Victoria St. A graduate of the Conservatory oï Music, hie was a former soloist inI Westminster Presbyterian Church; aise a member of Parkdale Lodge, iA. F. & A. M. He is survived by i two sisters, Mrs. J. Phillips and Missi1 Mary McLean, itotb of Toronto. Daniel M. Billings The deatb of Daniel M. Biliings,! retired Methodist minister, boo k place at his home in Pleasant Val- ley, N. Y., recently, folilowing a1 lengthy ilîness. Deceased was ai former well-known citizen of Orono: 'district. He ivas one of a fanîily of 1 five, four sens and one daugbte.r, born te Samuel and Julia Fisher B-j lings, and lived on the homestead north of Orono, lot 27, concession 7. He was married twice, bis firat wifel being Manda Arnold, and to theni five cbildren were (born, th.ree daugh-I ters and two sons. After leavingi the farm be foll-owed bis trade as carpenter some yeara, but later be- gan bis studies for the ministry and was ordained, and fild charges in the ýoid M. E. Churcb at Mdinden, Oakwoed and Seagrave. Some years after the deatb of bis wife be mai,- ried Isabel Hudson. and shortly af- terwards left fox Olean, New York State, wbere -he continued to reside f-.r nineteen yeai-. Interment took place -at Pleasant-1 ville Cemetery, N. Y. The late MIr. Billings was born on April 28tb, 1841. Surviving hlm are bis widow, Mrs.1 Isabel Billings, one son, Llewellyn Billings, two daughters, Mrs. Nettie Hogg, Toronto, Mrs. Ida Griffin, of j Rochester, N. Y., one brother, Sam- uel Billinga, Orono, seven grand- cblîdren and two great-grandcbiid- ren. The use of Millers Worm Powders inaures bealtby children so far as te alimenta attributbable to worms are concernied. A higb ,nortality ameng childiren la traceaibie Vo w0ram. hSe ap te atren8tb of infants so that they are unabie Vo muintain the 'battie for 1f, and amc- eunmb Vo wes.knesa This prepars. tion givea promise cf healthatnsd kemIL. J , A IESýXXIE XTuE CHA&LEUGE.K ORONO iBLACKSTO>CK (Prom The News of May 2nd. M.%rs. Henry Samells and Mrs. M. Mr. Harold Rickaby, Toron-,o, MMi are both iii with pneurnonia. spent the weekeixd with his mot.hcr Mrs. W. Crawford has had the mis- and othei- relat'.e- bere. fjrtune to Lai] anid :njure ber knee Mr. Nel S-te-war-t, %who ariticipates caIp. tak, nz a posit. ri'!iT i"onta shmr }y, Mr. D, na.ld Lambs of L'ndsav vas per -, ~M r. L.a'-1 Billing's. a reeent Lrue. fnof aunt, Mrs. T. Third line, swept out by the heavy1 Mr. a nd _Mm. A. Rabim and faniily rain of last veek, has been replaced. 1were recent guests of Mr. and .Mrs. Mrs. William Staples- underent S.* Mloffatt, Oshawa. a successful operation at the hospital Mrs. Albert Wright received a Toronto, fo&r the remioval of ber ton- I broken wrisr. while cranking hier car, sils. 1in front of their store. Sudyvisitors at Mr. Roberti Mr. Oriole Edgerton, of Lindsay, Rainey's: Miss Neva Rainey and Mr.. spent Sunday with bis parents, -'%r, Williamn Hoar, Oshawa, Mr. L]oyd and Mrs. Perey Edgerton. Blewett, New Toronto. Messrs. Lawrence Mountjoy and Mrs. (Rev.) William Sterling and John Rutledge, of Toronto, visited Mrs. A. J. Knox are attending the with friends here recently. W. M. S. Convention at Kingston. Mr. George Crawford bas return- Mra.k Knox.wl iitbrsnPo.ed to B rantford after visiting with j Fran Knox.his mother, Mrs. Crawford. Corna are caused by the pressurel Mr and Mrs R. Willan and fam- of tight boots, but no one need bel ily of Port Perry visited recently troubled with tbem long w%.hen soiwith Mr. and Mrs. -Chas. Venning. simple a remedy as Holloway's Corn'Aogte eetprcaeso Remover is available. Inew cars are: Me-sers. S. McLaugh- Mx. John Shouldice of Toronto, lin.1 Ira Argue, W. Bradburn, Wal- and Mr. F. Tait. Oshawa, wereilace Mariow and Smith Bros. guests of C. G. Armstrong on Wed-j Mr. Leonard Hooey of the Can- nesday, and spent the day fisinr ianBakc omrea gt aDogrhemroustreamN. 4,a eon, pent the weekend with bis par- Durhm Ditrit, N. 4, ata 1ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hooey. cent meeting, -presented to W. J., Riddell of this tow%.n, retiring D.D. I Rev. P. G. Powell was in Cobourg GMa very handsome P.D.D.G.M. on Wednesday and Tbursday, April collar which is embellished with sil- 24th and 25Mb, attending te Confer- ver bullion. ence of Clergy of the Archdeaconry W. J. Riddell, D.D.G.M., Durham of Peterboro, and voas elected to the District No. 42, and a number of office of Se-cretary-Treasurer for tbe brethren of Orono Lodge, No. 430, coming year. I.O.O.F., attended I.O.O.F. divine Wa ih aepoe aa serviein SJon's huch Bwaccident occurred last week when manvile, n Suday.little Marion Moore, aged six years, Word wasq received by memibers ofj who was in the barn yard was at- the Hughsson family of the deatb of'takdb u n etvdatr Mm. Hodgins. Deceased with berrible wound on bher face witicb nec- little grand-daugbter, spent several essitated tbirty stitches. months Inat aummer at ber brother's and ober relatives here.1 On Friday evening, April 26th, the We had a cal] front Mr. William A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Cbu.rcb met Pattbon, Toronto, a former old Ken-!at tbe home of Smith Bros. with ani dal boy. Billy bas been laid up for . attendance of f orty, the president, somte months past witb blood poison- Mr. Pred Hamilîton, presiding. Pro- ing. He is spending a f ew days gram itn charge of Mrs. A. L. Bailey with old friends in Kendal. and Mrs. T. Smith, was rendered: Community singing; paper by Mrs. Mr. 0. A. Gamisby and Dr. Floyd Powell1 on Empire Day; piano duet Cutteli attended the Rotary Club by Misses Florence Fair and Mabel dinner in Rotary Hall, Oshawa, en Argue; a musuent contest. Lunch Monday evening when Dr. Fred Con- was served and tite meeting closed boy, Provincial Director of Dental with the A. Y. P. A. motto. Healtb and Education, Toronto, was the speaker. Dust Causes Asthma. Even a lit- Rev.Cecl T.Alu, so of Mr.e speck too small to see will lend toN and. CrsciD T. Alln, asoben efeMt. agonies wbich -no words can describe.3 and Modtrs. D fT.Albasrdeen Peabct The walls of the 'breatiing tubes con- td oryScvt Daofa.A it is brelytract and it seoins as if the very lufe for y rSt ince CecA ti s c>ried, must pass. Prom this condition Dr.1 fouhis sigalhnorisCiic at rive fhiJ D. Kellogg's Astitma Reinedy1 thissigal hnoris ndictiv of bisrings the user to perfect rest andE rapi ris intiteCoucilaof hiealtb. It relieves tite passages and Citurcb. normal bIreatiting is firnily establièh-c A telegram received by Mr. Jas. ed again. Hundreds of testàionialsr Stark from Weyburn, Sask., an- received annually prove its effective-t nounced the death of his sister, Mirs. ness.E Gîives a/Ilb heçe EXTRAS M IU r IlvVUé-'iI P a choice of COLORS so wide as flo qive almnosi Individual Distfinction, At no extra cost-your Choice of Colora on any model, fromn a variety so wide you have ahuost Individual distinction. At no extra cost-the assurance and smooth positive action of new type double-action 4-wheel Brakes. At no extra cost-air-cleaner, GLARE PROOF mnirror, windshield wiper, starter on dash, electric gauge for fuel and oul on dash, safety lock, and ail bright parts chromium plated for lastlng newness and beauty. $840 u AU prices f. o. b. W4indsor. Taxes Exctra IEASY TO BtJY - FOR INSTANCE, in this city your firstpyne, with your present car incluided.ta be as low ai $424ý an.d your mont hly paysnents $550 Your present car willi probably cover the entire tiret payment. The H. M. C. Purchase Plan offers the lowst terms avoulable on the balance. Hudson and Essex Cars are now priced accordinglY. Ross-Amnes & Gartshore Co. Ltd., J. S. Ames, Re,., You are master of tite unspoken word, te spolcen word la master of you. Amateur plays are aweeping the boards these days and bfore you knew it rural Sunday Scitool anniv- ersarTies wiIll'be in full swing. This îs Tomato week. It is claiqned zfor the tomnato titat it lsaa natuSal sprn tonic and that toma- boes serveýd daily bave a beneficial effect on the health. What,..* No Insulation! «'MfADAM ... I could nar rent a non- £V.insulated hoine to-day. This hause is be- ing completel yinsu lated withTEN/TEST'". Agents who know vhat the public de- mands stare that insulation is absolutely neccssary- to secure tenants and to keep them satisficd. TIN,'TL-ST insulating Build- ing Board providcs thefl measure of insulation. Many homes already buit are being re- madelled with TEN/TESI at slighrt extra cast. TEN/TESI makes hauses proaf against outside heat and cold, prevents draughts and dampness and retains furnace heat to the tune Of 3 5 % saving in fuel buis. You who plan to buy, build or remodel shauld inform yaurself about this vital question. Write for "TEN/TEST and thte Mvost Wonderful Adventure ini the I'Vrld." Mailed free on request. INSULATINO UaILDài mG30A RD INTERNATIONAL FIBRE BOARD LIMITED fU IBEAVES HALL 5Un', b&ONTSBAI À A shut-in reader of Statesman writes: Raven't we bad sente beauti- fui bright days? Tbey make one wish to sing witth tbe featitered song- sters and praise the Lord for HRis great jgoodnesa and mercies. One desires to say: I'm glad the sky -is painted blue, And the earth is pâinted green, And there's sucb a lot cf nice fresb air AIl sandwiched in between. Canadia (CFoecst TEN TEST is nade mn Canada and used throughout the Em- pire. Sold in Bow- manville and vicmn- ity by McClellan & Co. Limited BowunanviIle, Ont. G. N. Patterson, Port Hope, Ont. Bowmanvilie, Ont. Zutoo Sts hoamb ~)iznt:9 ikie owery Friday Eveua.g Fr, ' I "'Mu THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 9,th, 1929 ?AGE SEVEN ,.0 e4l,-d (l.

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