~tte m arn w;î:+- ~ Ilq ~ ~inenrrnrated The Bowmanvile News 17-1 r vvvm à T A ffL' &, qO(I.q.Puihirs BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY l6th, 1929. $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 20 Vol LL&Viv. . j lvrili uZI______ IoiuiD A RTYN .WEDDING HO0SPtTAL BOARD TRINITY MISSION BAND 1 GREATEST FALL FAIR CELEBRATED 9Oth BIRTHDAY LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Phlip-FliscmanGraduation Exercises ta be HeId ILittle Folk& Gave a Delightful Bowmanvulle Ever HeId la Being W. BMerch, a Rmarkable a e'sOdsi Mbe rthe locavertfiestaf ________eichna June 4th Evening's Entertainment Planned for Friday and Saturday, MrhnaRrakbeMn 1mme ftelclPs fies Itemns of ____ Sept. 13-14 For His Years Mr. and Mrs. A. W. St. Johnad Drad______M_ _____A____lasntgahein o pr- f am'ily recently visited their parent man are announeing the marriage of Board of Trustees mqt at Nurses' sandver penast gathein o pr- iretr iBwaveFi r W. B. Couch who celebae i in Ucbridge. Interest es- their 4aughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Wal- Residence Friday night. Presideri ntandfinsasnbe n rn 1rcoso omavleFi r ba ter Thomson Phillips, son of Mr. and N. S. B. James presided. Ai e- ith y ie Churc ay 9Sehoo ooin onl going about their task in ra ans Ohbrha nSnah~ M.adMs .B ree r Mrs. James A. Phillips of Westchest- bers were present excepting T. S. Tusa vnig a t, when Ibo put on the finest exhibition and Wars, thercipindtelf a nmber of m iigrltvsi oot NewYok ity Te ariag Hlgte an Ms.V.H. toey i the members of the Mission lBand best attractions lever held here- .adlttr n eegasfo amilt>on. e r , a t - ~~~~~~~ p u t o n t h e i r a n n u a l c o n c e r t . R v . S p . 1 - 4 A t h e r e e' * f r i e n d s a t a d i s t a n c e . A n l a r n i x m 'Mie re o ï lt n , M a a s , i r ew fl s a Kesaes took place on Saturday, May llth, ter being represented by Mrs. F.J. U. Robins, pastor, made a Rv -er t. day 1nigh t the rant e etming into itRhbt ue hpauNwGdad efficient chairman, introducing each Downianville Driving Association to, at bis residence on Centre St. dur- ida, spent the weekend with ha un ____________________ York, the old hoinestead of Homae Report of the Superintendent, number with a few happy remark3- 'hold triassof speed at the Fair this ing the day to extend good wishes. dles and aunts. Greeiey and Rev. Dr. Clendenin, who Mrs. Smyth, contained these facts: The first selection was a chorus year. Among the latter was a deputation Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baskervil Mastr potofinshig, or he arried Dr. and Mis. Fleischmafl Marh-Patieflts admitted 33; dis- by the Band led by Miss Evelyni The Attraction Co'nmittee is also f officers and directors of the Rot- and Miss Ada Silver, Toronto, apen saine price as the ordinary work. 1 thirty years ago on April 12th, per- charged 38; birtbs 7; deaths 3; pat-î Bickell at the piano, who nmade a, arranging to bring one of the out- ary Club, their President, R. F. Ait- Sunday with relatives here. formed the ceremony. Miss Fleisch- ierit, ,asn March 31st, 14; total most finished accompanist througb- standing bands of Ontlario to provide chison, presenting Mr. Couch with a Mis. R. Misson who bas been vs man bad as bier miatron of honor )ler days' stay 492. April-patients out the program. The oeigImscfr oddyo hwletter expressing tlbeir congratula-ý iting Mna. John F. Horne, has retu- Store epen all day Wednesday sister, Mrs. Clinton F. Clark, and Mi. adm tteP15disharedu2;ibrthsoreitatconnd paye wafnîchow.v ~ti os and good wiahes. Students of: ed te ler home in Montreal. ______________ Phillips had as bis best man, his old- 5;-no deaths; patients as on pi en by Dorotby Richards. Bag o The first night program is going toih IhScalas sn r och MsH . rea n est brother, James A. Phillips Jr. 31 3boa ay ty29 pil xris a rpeetdo e ýmething eut of the ordinary, a the Hiubcouto r o seM. Cuh MsH .Femn .d Ms ,etie rils3t,1;ttldy'sa 9. Wishes exriewsrpeetdby 1 tof. One feature is a Schooî Chillaabeuiulbuue roe.i Ohrissie recently visited Mr. d Vacation sizetie atce The bride wore a dress of white It asdecde to purchase an Dorothy Richards, Isabel Hewston, ~ Those assisting Mr. Couch in receivîng 1 Mis. Hamr Hunking, Oshawa. at Keîslake's. chantilly lace and bad a wreath of Auryj ot ea ude ainren's Musical Contest, grou1is of 10 the guests and serving afternoon teal lil-ofth-valey Te mtro ~electric Kelvinator refrigerator. Ade Ilot enRnlMro or more pupils, with cash prizes of Incluàd h is two daughters, Mrs. C. W. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. McGill, Ns tiyo-h-aly he îastn o Hamm, Lorna Sanders, Veda Puidy; 1 2 0 150 n 1O . A-E. Meath. Ottawa, and Mrs. Clarence S.. tleton, spenthewend ih hr honor wore an orange and blue As a resuit ofth campaign ls piano duiet, Arletta Maynard a $00$50 and $10.00: An-manllle, Misses Jpne Msdah t tekn wt Ten cents to develop lany quze 1oee c on ra n cri e olther stunt sarne evening will be a on, and Rluth Gardner, Toronto, and lit- duheMis. Smith Ferguson. ! lwrd chffon <I ad cred er and other donations since re- Joyce Luxton; son g, "ol hl-.1Ii film, and you get :prints that are tea roses. ceived the Board is now eiiabled to ren for Jesij<' in costume, waChivd Fiddlers' Gontest, no age limit, with tle Miss Marion Scott, towIi. Mrs. J. G. Garrett, Brantford,wa pay ff mrtgge o Nuseg'Hom privez of $7.00, $5.00 and $3.00.. A, For the benefit of our out-of-town iu town iast week calllug onod pArtetrndthe c rony ts he he brid i pay boff oga oncNre' ee n socb F ranRoe, LAuie C om-brass band will iaiso provîde music. Couch as an old mana, for lie is never friends. She #lso visited hier o partyre te nedto .hi ips' homse- whicbwl edo neof oa nc, tokDooty aîde, ouseCo. An effort is being made to openIreferred to or considered as such byther, Mi. H. Gale, Coiborne. i "aitng ortheDocor" adia !those who know him personally. 1-le Not owbere t usbearwedding dinnl. T e vacupe- Corriedorsoflopiaue b r- Wing frthe otor," a dia- the fair with pomp and grandeur iIp- has oftlen heen likened to a perfect ex- Mr. Eardley Alln and Mi. E:lot lette ai eeigfor Canada ýby Graduation exorcises5 will be held the nations have waited, was propriate to the ocesion by having ampe of perpetual youih, and lie has Dunu, Toronto University, spentth leftthesain evning1 sgiven the Hon. John S. Martiin, Minister ofi %e*@l earned tlia rputation by his broad Imotor and are spending a week with Tuesday, June 4th, in Opera Hou.se, by Nellie Mutton, Seima IBlartlett, Arclueafiial efr h ndtee t w or l e hiendcomminit Miss nn ie Althen. The re eav Ifyuwatgo cerpct.e uncles, Norman S. B. and Geo. W. when four nurses, will receive diplo- Joyce Luxton, ArIetta Maynard, duties by giving an address. acItiest ul es ad cmmd ndy useGever fimsan hae tem James and familles and grandfather, nmas. They are: Ada Lydia Jack- Cara Belinian, Mary Mutton, Doris 'body are so weii preserved that lie i19 gti ee uamtortpt hi finished at M. A. James, Lorme Villa, Bowman- aBwavle la MtlaTribeadletue Dewell. Reci- 'ecognlzed by citizens generally as th homes in FEdmonton, Alta. L a n o ind s i l , O l a M t ld bean e ly g v e n yr, n t1ea .mm u ihy ville. Lamib, Lida Laur Matilda Cock- tations were ieygvnb Louise DRIVIING ASSOCIATION mont rernarkabie man for his advanced 1Mr. and Mis. Roibt. Thompn h umn, Coîborne, Ruby Elva Clat- Hobbs, Ruth James, Ellen Potter, Every mornifle hi may be found walk- i have retîurnad from a trip toaSot IKLiR4J.iIiWI.j.> Mis. W. R. Tbickson who bas been worthy, Hampton. Doris Dudley and* Dorothy Bradt;ý Forrned ta Provi<le Attractions lng ta is place of business shortly ai-. land where thay have spent the ps Th eedbeDrug onfo ite Ruh Va'afetaingocutmrorsadg Store visiting lber daugh'bei. Mis. F. 0. Road leading Vo hospital will belpin oueit~~lMagirlas, allIveMu t-Bowmanville Fair Sept. 14 fter 8 oi'co.euil day lor ngdiBng is ion thsery lean.tl hela PHONE 49 baoWity a eure opin * d cnuiionanda**w htI1his hlgh desk %writing letters. No stooi(ie uteOd ad hywr pun wttnk wll c pnu a h ý Alun, Betty Edger, Dorothy Elradt,j nkepn 't h ie epo or chair for him In Office hours. Dur- lin their accustlymed places in Tiny _____________________________ wate will pucbased. tory thevide more popular attractions £Or~ before breakfast or after supper In bis ~Uxe hrl hi udy rý A very pretty Chinese Lantern 1Bowmanvilie Flair, Saturday, Sept.,'shirt sîceves working in his garden or, F'nîends of Rev. R. A. and Ms chorus by eight of the cIder girls in' 14, certain membeis of West Duih1n pushing a lawn mower. He is a firm costume was sung by Jean Spy Agricultural Society have ellever in the gospel of hard work and Delve, of Lyn, will hao >eaad" iSnryl' of it. Yet hie knows weli how learu that tersnWlimpae Ruth ammDori Dudey, ettythe îBowmanville. Diiving Associa- ita play. For instance,. May let, each his year in ue' hooia Tabln Droh Nchl, oene i. heewilIle w miniacsyear, (official opening of trout season),nQensTelgclCl Our Store Policy: Not How Cheap-But How GoodTailnDrth NchsFoee i.Teewilbtominfcs Mr. Couch ls nowhere ta bie found in loge, Kingatc>n, aise takiug te B - Ho0ope, Doris Trimbla and Elnora of tihiee heats eadh. Puises wfll be towtn for citizens know hie is more than ert Anuderson" iWholarship; audl * Blakely. A solo waq sweetly sung offared te attract the beet boises in likely reconnoitering along a winding.nwoti eceRvrIsr in t~~~~~~~~sream in search of the speckieei beaut- uwotl ec oe itita by Ada Clake; vocal duati -t hcountiy t, thi, meet. Plans have lez. This Is one of his favorite recre- Student issionary for the sunuer A ll p ri g C a ts G rea ly edu edj tumne, Betty Tamblyn and Dorothy aliea.dy been made te drain, enliarge ations. Another is reading good litera- A il p ri g Ca ts rea ly educ d ~ Hlenand otherwia imrnoeve the tiack at t"-re,,o' come: of a ilerary f:rnily as Mis. Alex Wilkiu n -e .H inde e nai tame-reiatveYa ftSundy fe [ota<el The Mite Box convention by Lil- the fairgon .Wintels dywud~fd given nm-rwig ianLoe ee Potr Evelyn ofthfarbigcate oStrofhepéRbrtBwng.I years Prairie to attend the f uneralo Thursday rnorning we are reducing the price of ail Ladies' Piekard, Mary Brown, Peggy Smit'h, day it is expected ail attendance ec-: past lpoat andiepces ae to ate idree o rsseMs a tet Hazyecss ngetta ih 1MCuh and o h great rural exhibition Tennyson and iebi writings delivereti by passed away ou Satuîday fe Coats in the store. This means a big saving which you cannot ayecsso eic tmgt will raach a new higlh level. The As- 1eee erýiles Mr. Guda Vo t the eilder members. seciation is therfore putting foi-t Mr. Couch was born In Cornwall, Eng-Ibefore hiranmarriage, was aun vr A pino det ws gien b Joye 'and, anti came to Canada as a lad of afford o overAopianoe duetrlwasn givenyurbyeJoyce .every effort te give its patrons the I17 years when lhe lived I n Hampton for seas nursing sister, "id neverful affrd o veroo. Crn inealy ndmak yur elctin.Luxton and Clara Belhuan, foilow- hast races lever held. some Mei anti then moved to Bowman- racovered fnom ber expemieneeso ed by a pantomine representing a sad Officers elected are: President- ville w:here hie worked for McClung lefedo uy littiegr DrtyRcars npAa aipbl;Vc rsdn- Bros., until 1882. At this time e the fado uy le grl Dorohy icl&T&)in Ala Capbel; Vce resienl---partnership of Couch, Johnston & Cry- gardien looking for evidences of John Baker; Secrotary-'-C. H. MIa.. dernmn ivas formeti which has fiourished About sixty m.m'bers of Bwma Spiig. Jean -Morris read the noaue-.F Athsn ~ succefsfully for ne».rly 50 years.. One Ville IMusic study Club, in.cony SPECIAL SALE 0F DRESSES o;e siur e-.P ltsnDi- ln I hayor' riia prone ai 1,story very distinctly -ghich the lothers co&-ar M. J. Ellott Ge. W. 1 bink n ths firm's onpsonndewas with Oshawa Music Chub, journed Weaefatrn hs ekaseca ue fv ttat nturn represeiited. X ig, JamesT.W. Cawker . . -i number of years ago. His place was tak- I to Port Hope Tuesday evening. Te aeLS re asae er aL ac-Eleanor Chambears; a Squiirel, Ruth mon(soe .A en by hi@ son. C. Avery .Iohnaton. We are eehoMu by netandb featurino special of 1 pleaaed to note, too, that J. H. Cryder-hoitbyy James; SnoWibixd, Ada Clarke; Pain-____ man euhl takes an active Interest In the HoG1 Msic Clusb, and a very a-E ive and stylish Dresses in Georgette, Crepe and Crepe de Chene drops, Betty Edger, Dorothy Biadt, businrs and ealrased w hiwithMr mibe rsgi a Iim Ruth Ives, Audrey Elliott; Sunheams ANOTHER DRAM &TIC cO)NTEST a èson are a dlly taioeth Mr. homeof the thrae cuâbi, amn for quick selling. These Dresses were regularly priced Up to Frances Rowe, Louise -Edbbs, Dore- responsibilfty of business management WO were the"e artista frntmBl thy Harnden, Louise Cox, Vers Ai- Aanouuced fer Next Faîl by froni the oIder members. manville: Miss Margaret Allin,slo $25.00 For this very special value-giving levent we have group- lin; Flowers, Loina Sauders, Marion A4icultural Socety Looking along King 3t. ta-day there ls ist Mis. J. E. Anderson, Messe.F Hamm, Veda Pd,, Aury Con - no business under the sanie manlage- sutteu sud A Hait, inistrunta Pur" dr Cment as when this fin ftirsit openeti i - ed them in three lots at stock. Qitizans iu town aud country Will doors. J. B. Martyn ie still in business trio; Mr Melville S. Dale, oeat As elsin a hous,"Boks f wlcme henow tht , st urhambut on Division St. Others are stilî living Mesdames C. H. Dudley, J. E. .Ade- As acloiuga coru, "lnas o walomethenew tht Wst unb.imbut not tictively engageti or they have jthe Bible," was sung by the Baud Agicult'u.al Society will agailu spon- changed their occupation. These In- son, H. 3. Poster, aud MissHen and The National Antheini oncluded son su Amateur Dmiatic Cne19lue C . Cawker, M. A. James, Johnl ruqatte avery inteiesting programe by the te be held lu OpeilaHouse, Bowmau- Lyle a e wi.ou5.Teemyb $ 5 ,0 8 $ 8 09 8 9 09 8little folks. Much credit la due the villa, staitiuig Sept. 13th next, Fir Mr. Couch holtis a record for public leaders, Mis. W. C. Ives, Ma. night. service whioh stands without an eijual Chambers, Miss Vivian Bunner and Thsntc sgvnwl uavueIn Ontario. He bas been a mnember of Mis W. P. Ceorbett, for training the »e that local dzuîmstic societies ma niythHghSlOrd for overfut 20yearse t 'This display is limited and we positively cannot duplicate such children and the direction given the plan accondiugiy. Just bear lu mmnd Icharn-- When Mr. Couch reUeestts Royal Theatre entetainentwhicb was splendidly hs condition lu eutering the con-ant January that a youngerma pu entirtalmentIn bis place as chaînait the other mem dependable garmnents at these bargain prices. presented. test: Plays must net have beau pie-. ers wt one codrpied, "'We have Proienting The Finest la sented more tItan twice previeus toI n't any younger.'- There bave been APPINE» RBRITATR Ithiiappennealuconea i Dar1 only three chairmen since the school Photopisys APPINTD, RBITRTOR ther pperane i cntet i - ws built: Col. F. C. Cubitt. Postmaster Phone589 lingteu, Clarke, Bowmauv'iile, New- . B . Fairbairn and Mr. Couch. 'Mi. C. T. RsMngro oa wl rOOo rzsae$0 Mr. Couch was In is accustometi place Roas Maage of oya catle r Oeno Pries re 40,of worship at Trinity United Church tant i I r N e D r s e O n D pl yTheatre, was notified this week of $30, $25. $25. Sudymiigadlt atr e.J M o e N w D e s s O ip a is appoîntiment by Mayor Samn Me- U. Robins, took occasion ta express from Friday-Saturday, May 17-18 Bride of Toronto as a miember of a the pulpit klndly felicitati0iis and con- TENNIS CLUB OFFICERS gratulatiotis to Mr. COuch, and also tauase ithH'atBa Wednesday morning we opened up another fresh slip- panel of exhîbitors chosen as an ar-____ Mr. Richard Widdicombe. who was lires- Esther asowihHbr britrator Vo hear clainis submritted etadwolato ac 1tcle ot n edHwsi ment of Dresses, figured and plain, latest materials, newest styles ta Board of Arbîltiatois in Ontario. Newly elected officers of BoW- bie t d hd onMarh3s ee ot u esl Tbinponteti enarited mýanville Tennis Club are: Hon. Pies- In wishing Mr. Couch many more hap- "The Sawdust Paradis*' Thist-'J W. Alaxnder; Prsadeut-py returne bs birthday during which honor which shows the esteend sud eTR t-iWkAa ndVer Presidet -AI Orie be may continue ta enjoy vigar anti and lowest prices. rgadi.whcRM..o a ed y a ie; CaVicea in-M A Nae;goati health. vetknow we are nîsa x Lo or the sunshine of l.e regrd n wichMr.Romis eldby ampell Cmain-4M ALNeae-pressing tbe thou.ghts of bis manY Fiud it with Estîher Ralstn his fellow managers and proprietiors Treusurer-A. H. Bounsall; Sacre- frienids. Through the twisted waYs lof g in the - -tplybsies tary-Stuait James; Executive- laes men sher passes to Ihihe Helen Osborne, Grace Caverly, C. H. SUNDAY SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY, paths. A revealiug dramese EDMONDSTONE'S BUTCHER SH-OF I Dudley, T. A. Dustan, Edsail Oliver,! liv sa ekinjr the wtwy te >y SE O R EW CU TANSINTLSLAES KLVNAOR1 .S. Varcoe, Art. Kent. 'At Trinity United Cliurch Was An.1 dis., discoverilng lit i-i sii'>l SEE OU N W C RT IN IlINTAS LTET ELVNAOR E.Fees are saine as lait year exceptl Occasion of Inspiration and 1 souls. desomsyar Eectic efigeatin eep Metsiuat b'îyz and girls under fifteen, in Perfect Condition mtay .1o;n for $'2.00 ani a toa1Hîfuns aie auidya .0~.- menmbers of tbe sainie flam'ily under Sunlday was an ideal day for th(, An- Children lie. Chapt'er 8 o Curtains, rnade-up, very beautiful ................$1.25 to $4.50j A fine example of Canadian work- ¾' r tMcec. Etnienvraysrie fTii Uled I hp ndprgrssvees i sanplans wvere made ta bave local coni- Ciurchl Sunlday, School. Tht. secial "The Mystery Rider" niantshi n rgesvns ss spe'aker for tht. day was itev. A. L. toG .Eiodtn. Tisu-o ltvte r going to ha stressed %whilùy. Ilev. J. U. Robins, ilistor of sud regular prograin. Draperies frsd utis ra ait ...9et 22 yard in the uew addition to the eq'uipment ptto hogottesao.Cu ihrs ,so !tt aence date butcher shoir brings ta Bow- ab-we ail eise. The Courts appear Tai nte s avic es n n alcag mauville a Canadian product invent- ta hie better than ever aud a regular Mtvar.'iRichiards' mornîng sermon LA IS'P R SL OSE Yed by Lord Kelvin. caretaker will bie appointed. Iwa.s VeSîecilily ta thtaents, hi re- Monday-Tuesday, May 20.2 LADES PU E ILK HO IER M, Emodstnehas istalled a - marks belng miost a lilroliria te andi in 1 lvi. Emodstne n.kteping with the. observance of!Niotterýs Cecil B. Demille's supreme dral A wonderful assortment, in newest shades, undoubtedly Kliao lcri ergrtal EMPIRE DAY SERVICE Day.ils afirnoon ht. scoospectaclee systeni, known as the Kelvin Kooler. itheatrontesho ., ii best values to be had at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 pair. Th ag trg ou hc1 To Be Observed by Pupils et rneed1 ra eetin hiett "KING FKNS nieats are lvept, le now enitirely cool- iienbrs were assemrbliflg and heing dIls- ad Iby the Kelvin Kooler, as well as' Cenotaph ini~st.tl. Dr. J1. C. Devîtt. Superiiitendl- See ipage 7 for further infora Speia lneofSik H seat75 PirPublic School Puq.ils xill hold a' tnt, lîresideti. The »roirram as sufii,1ltd tien regarding this superbt- his ispay cuntr wich s uderby the Ontario nelious Educatlon pecal ne f SlkHos at75cPai his ispay ounerwhih l unershort service at the Soidiers' Mem- Council vas faînîy weîî çfolloweil. Miss traction, as teanoatinees, pie glass. , o iaI on Empire Day, Tbursday, May Selma l3art.tt cle4irlï.recited '*The. sud starting tiiue. With athe aelvinabor systeni, teair ivr f i*dMl Greta Poliard! in the storage box is kept constant- 23dIa .M atio r-Sang very njceiy"M>, Mothers Prayîr' _____ 111 1114 IKly at the temperature wbich bas gIramý will be given. Parents and Tht. Rolcal y the secretary. Mr. C. Il. mos stisacoryfo metssu citizens are cordially invited. Mascin. revealeti an attendance of 475 other per--f -ishab e o fos. ath y n al in a sh rt cars I n P sslngtht e s t '1 ed m Plhae d Ch a l -lK ooan C!ýýP r-4b. 4ýý