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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 May 1929, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 'BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l6th, 1929 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS Celebrated 9Oth Birthday on Mc M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. Public speaking is one of the most! Barrister, Solicitor, NDtary valuable assets for young people, j Money to boan on Farmn and Town not alone from a business point of Property. Royal Bank Building, view, but as a social and cultural ac- Bowmanvilla. Phone 351. complishment. For those who may. later enter political or municia W. R STRKE ,life, its advantages are too apparent Succestor to lat. D. B. Simpson, K.C. ta require mentioning. t is an art Barrister, Solicitor, Notary that can ho acquired by ail with. Soictor for Bank of Montreal practice, but, like most other arts, is 36oney to Loan Phone 91 bet learnodwhnyng Eer Bowmanville. Ontario student in Canadian scbools should1 ho encourag-ed to take advantage of1 W. F. WARD, B. A. training in thi., invaluble attain-1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ment.-Daily Globe. Money to loan. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St. Every educationist wbo is inter-, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phonea: - ested in tbe welfare of young people, Office 102; House 409. w il! agree witb The Globe's opinions.! Public speaking should be on the! course of study in every public and higb school. business college and uni DENAL-ersty, so very important is it that boys especially sbould bave somel DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE . training in speecb-making. For a 1 Honor graduate in Dentistry, Torontoj would-be public speaker, a fewos Unierity îraduate of the Royalj sentials are necessary. The great- College of Dental Surgeons of On- est is a knowledge of the ýubject and tario. Office King St., Bowrnanrille. sufficierit education to enable hlm to Office Phono 40. House phorie 22. speak grammatically; and a sinceritY X-llay Equipmont in Office. based on personal conviction. Prac-i tice, in debates, oral composition inl DR. J. C. DEVITT scbool and familiarity with his su b-j Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson -ject will enable bim to acquiro style I Graduate of Royal Dental College,i whicb bas considerable value, too. Toronto. Office, King St. East B ow-,It belps to bold an audierice's atten- manville. Office hours 9 a. 'm. to' it ion. Lowell once said that "That ô p. m. daily except Sunday. Phonel thought is bis who at the last ex- 9. House phone 283. presses it best."** X-Ry EuipentiriOffce. It is no iciîe phrase to state tbat ai DR. R. E. DINNIWELL public speaker must bave somethingl Honor graduate of Toronto Univer- ito say and to be able to say it in a1 sity and member of Royal College af 1 convincing and pleasing manner. «W'. B. Couch, Esq. Dental Surgeoris. Licerised to go f ar in making hlm a ipopular practise in Ontarioand tbe Dominion.[ public speaker. For unless one basi 0f the well known firm of Couch, Johnston & Ci Dentistry in all its branches. Office- a real message to deliver and can ex-,,Bowmanville's oldest mierchant wbo entored thei King St., Bowmanville,* op'positej press his ~vj0ws wth conviction thore 1 Sunday. Nlay 12tb. Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. can be no good excuse for taking upt -________ hetime of an beaudnce. thearti tbings carefully noted and memoriz-: which they ai MEDICAL 'of effective speaking lies in takin' ed help to develop observation and'progross, leav what may ho common knowledgeI emory, and a well-stored memory path for subl C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. sifting it through one 's o-,n mentallis of inestimable value to a public' The final goe Graduate of Trinity Medical College, processes, bringing one's imagina, Speaker. and distinct. Toronto, f ormerly of Ennîskillen. tion and experience to boar upon iti The whole Office and Resilence, Dr. Beith'sI -in short, giving to it the impressj Lucky is the man who can make It ho speakeri former residence on Cburch Street,j,of n's own individuality and per- an impromptu or happy after-dinneri lyt np Bowmanville. Pnone 259. 44-t; sonality and sa possessing it of an speech witbout special pre'paration.j whileness of J.CLRKBELelement of novelty, which alone jus- Few ordinary business or profession- again and ta] J.o. C LA.,FRKC..B EL !D.. tilles its re-expression in public, aI mon cari do it. As- before stated These prini (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) 1 * * * a speaker must have a message. To preparationa 1 The wider his range of reading, be asked to face an audience with- srcino flons. Graduate in Medicine, Aber-j listening to lecturers and thinking1 out beirig given time to prepare for ~rcino deen University; Fellow of the Royal over bis subject carefully and deeply, the task is likely to give a case of Tefrts College of Surgeons, Edinburgh.! the btter for a man who aspires toi rerves. It is well to learn the con- Te rt Office and Residence, Queen St.,' win fame as a public speaker. Few ditions-the subject on whicb you should consis, Bowmanville, Phone 89. 1ra ort ,men, unless of large experienco, can lare to address an audience, bowred ort Office Hours: 2 to 4 P. ni., 6 to 8.30 p. mi.1 depend on their memory, so notes many other speakers, how long you tLalk the subjc ~. . BRK, MD. are necessary if the speech is of con- are oxpected to talk sa that you can someone and W. H BIKS, .D.siderable longth. Large masses of prepare your material accordingly.i the order d( Office Hours: 1 to 4 and 7 to 8.30. 1 information or statistics cannot When invited in advance to speak in stage-simnpI Telepi:ore 108. 1 saf ely ho lef t to memory. In a let- public, it gives an opportunity to on- points, occug Office and Residence: Dr. Hazlewood's1 ter received from a lady last New quire whether there is any particular foiLscap-ide former residence, Wellington Street,1 Year she used numorous apt ideas subject upon wbieh they wish you to tatioris, etc., Bowmanville. i and sentences and wbon asked bowj speak. If so, if you do not feel ah- the mind ori DR. V. H. STOREY she could do it said she bad made a! solutely coinpotent to do justice to Offce ous 2to4 aid6 ti p.m.practico of filing riewspaper andi your subjoct, your audience andl The secom Office rs p. ., 4yappxnd t oy. . other cuttings, quotations of authorsi yourself, declirie the invitation atjducing these Exeption-Office wxll be opn t o.1witb names, notes of lectures beard ionce, so other arrangements ical order. 10 Saturday night. 36tf 1and recorded-kept a scrap-book in! may ho made, or suggest one or more 1 portant cari1 lfact. Her's was a capital systemi alternative subjects. 1 any gaps in DR. R. W. CLARK and one that almost any individuali W hon jnvited to address a meet- Physicien & Surgeon imigbt wisely adopt, esecially those ing firid out too, how many poople Office-Division St., Bowmanville. who do mucb writing or public1 are likely to be there, their sox,ý (nex toTriityUnied 'huch)speaking. t is even an aid in con-j type, etc.-tbese will all influence OffceHur-3t5an7t9p.. ersation sometiPmes. your style. * * ors3t ad7t, .m * * * Uui~dys b appintmnt oly. t is strange how ofteri some suh- We may mentiýon just bore a x Phre 4ject turnsl up ini one's reading that porienceo f our own. An invitation, bas heen under consideration. For came from Peterboro requestiri.g usi DR. D. M. CAMPBELL instance, the day after we .&-rote tbe te address a mass meeting in the op- 191Oawod ve. Troto foregoing ýparagraph, Farm and era bouse, Sunday afternoon during 191 akwod Av., Tront 1Home came from Vancouver and its the Local Option campaigri, as Bow- EAR. NOSE AND THROAT first editorial was headed "Filing for manville had carried on a successful Pirat and Thiîý( Saturdays 2 p. m.I Reference" in which these sentences campaign and were mayor at the gowman House. Bowmanville. 2-tf occur: timo. The other speaker was to ho DOCTORS' HOLIDAYS Readers sbould cultivate the hb-1 James Simpson of Toronto, a well-I it of clipping and filing material of 1 knom-n orator. Arrivirgig n Peter- The Physicians of Bowmanville particular interest to them. Pro; boro on Saturday evening wo were bave agrood to close theLr offices perly done, and it may be properlyf irformed that arrangements had Wedneaday aftornoons. In case of1 dorie witb a little care, the founda-1heen made for tbe writer to spoak in .miergency at this time enquire of tioris for a ver>' valuable lihrary are1 St. James Church ini the the hosptal or telephone operator laid. Education is for everyorie, forenoon, in the opera bouse in thej for a doctor. young and old, rich and poor. TheJ afternoon, and in a Preshyterian' extent toý whicb we profit b>' this1 churcb in ev'ng-a rather formidablej conception depends upon the use we1 task for a man of our limited exper- make of the material at our disposal. jonce as a public speaker. Hovever, CHIROPACTIC ND DRGLESS * wodecided to comply with tecm THEROPY In our teacb*ing days w advised mte' eus stesbet DURWN E.STECLEY our students ta practîse observation our Apeech was quito famîliar to us. j hoo duatINE.ofTorotoColeg and so cultivate the art-use your! hono grduae o TorntoColegeeyes, see tbings, count the vehicles, The minister at St. James conduct- of Chiropractic will be in the Bow-1 people or trees. We were told wben, ed -hoe devotions then introduced the manvillo Office Tuesday, ThursdaYl a boy by a London man that a per- Mayor cof Bowmanville who would tel! and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. i son could not cross London Bridge them how local option xas -wNorking, Residential calîs made duririg fore- and not see a gre>' horse, so on ourj in bis tcswn. IVe s.all ever pIons- noon. first visit ta th e World's Metropolis ingi>' remnember the warmth of the' ___________ we countod the gre>' horses as we1 welcomne the St. James people gave walked across London Br.dge-wel us afteî- the service. XVe gave them: FUNERAL DIRECTORS counted 49! a general taîk and reservedoupr. Practi-e memorizing, too. For i pared speech for the mas eeting. F. F. MORRIS CO. instance, who of Bowmanville citi-1 Imnagine our s;u-,ri7e in the evening Compote otor 7r n< young a)r old. can sit at ta bý larri that -the minister of : rn ame in order the business church ,va., out of towri, and no one! Horse Equipment. places frrom McClellan & Co's lui- %Vas present 1, as-st Us, n conduct-! Al raIls promptly ber, wood and coal yard ta Va- îte-evio T o!.fort her ateddt. stone's Mill on hotb sidez; cf King1rl,piise it w-as a congregation of1 drvt mulne teilera ipl xri.e ie hs \-ourig people like a Christian En-ý Bowmavillephonotel>' followed, cultivate not1 îfa\'î- t-eting and ivo decidýd orý Clarke, 2 1; )roný 1 -. ýz~l-ure andimust qiua' in t h(-! bx. vou î si nce-rit' vandio b-ana desire ta do thics. L~6oe> O 1.00A DY IA egootspakris likeP a godAe E&M 6.0 TO 0.00 ADAY Jadi nzbis aud;ence avec unkncwvn se, noe7,Wefflue VUkfnzàng, HOUM 1E M m$ çterrtory t.> a fdfini'e oLjective, andi wirtn Buiakyiflg,P ei*5 , B indin such a marierthat tbey cari(,a,.- me. B tu 0 il>' traverse the patb agin without ope»n. Wt te or oeil, free i na truc tive book- D13 kfl VON COOS pR O, ONT. his leadership andi, fui'thor, zuide 163 K WMOltomo Toont fohr, ver it too. Ho mus3t, there- _______________________fore,_ start tbem frort a spot with in readîng. id stage consists of re-1 etri chronological or log-1 Points that are unim- ho eut out at this stage;I the sequence must bel 1 CANADA'S LOWEST-PRICED FULL-S17 h CAR FULL eIZ WHEN people discuss Plymouth, (luality is irîvariably the kevriote Of their conversation. They say most complimentary things about itsChrysler smnartriess,itscharm, i ts slender-profile radiator, its graceful " air--wing' 'fende rs, its arched windows, its chromium-plate bowl-type Iamps. T hey comment high lyon Plyrmouth's full-size dimensions, its ricness and spaciousness, its wide, deep seats, its exceptional leg-room. DURHAM BOY RECOGNIZED Frank C. Foley Appointed Instructor! li Geology at Dartmouth Frank C. Foley, 23, fourth-ycar honor student in geology and miner- alogyv. University of Toronto. bas been appointed instructor in geology at Dartmouh College, Hanover, N. H.. for the academic year 1929-30., it bas been announiccd. MNr. Foley hcaded his course last year and the year before. Besides being a ,.chQlar ho ks an athle:e.» He played rug'by on the Victoria Col- lege teani and also rowed two vearsi for the college. This vear hoe a second in comm-ind of D Comi.any I of the C. O. T. C., with the rank of capta :n. Frank Folçy k the son of Rev. H. W. Fole c f t U nikod ( hurch ail Selby, Ont., a former Durham boy.ý Durinie bis father's travels fromt pas- torate to pasturate ho atteLnded schools at Fraser-,lille, Ont.. Cobourg and Orillia. Hi.s summers were spent with the Dominion geological survey, an occupation which carried him into vast unexplored areas. 1 Statesman readers w-ýilremember j several very interesting letters ap- I peared in this journal last sumnmer from the pen of 'Mr. Foley ixhile hei w-as out witb geological survey party. MINISTER AND CHOIR APPRECIATE On Sunday evening, 'May 5th,l JRev. J. U. Robins, pastor of Trinity lUnite.d Church, B'owmianville, occu- pied the pulpt of Trinity United Church bore, and preacbed an excel- lent sermon, there heing a large con- gregation present. He based his theme on the choice of Moses, and showed the great importance of a right deci-sion to an individual and in tbe wider realm of national life and affairs. 'The choir of Trinity ICburcb, Bowmanville, accompanied by tbeir organist also came to Co.. bosurg andl gave th, musical part of tbe ser\ice. There Nwere about :for- ty-five :present. Thoir selections consisted of a solo, four anthems; and a -men's chorus. besides the organ numbers .All were splendidly pro-., sented and it was evident were heard witb much appreciation on tbe part of the audiýence. A part of their work was unaccompanied. and this %vas exceedingly well carriod out by the choir, wbicb was well balanced. After the service the visitors were cordially entertained at the Sun- day School Hall by the ladies of Trinity Churc.-Cobourg World. made good. A pause in the process can ho muade here. Let this mass l of material simmer in the mmnd for la day or even two; turn it over. pon- der it, bogin consciously to phrase it and then unconsciously the -thenie iwill hegin to shape itself. CIIKYSLER MO TORS PRODUC5) T hey refer glowingly to the powerful performance of Plymouth's 45 h. p. engine, of Chrysier "Silver-Dome" principle-its speed,its pick-up, itsabil- ityon hills,itssmoothness,itsquietness. 1 They speak of Plymouth's safty- of itsfudý-size Chrysier weatherproof Co.upe-, 4-wheel hydraulic brakes, its rugged $8So; full-size chassis, springs and axies. They $-820~- Plymouth's amazày mm"eedm in fuel, oi arnd upkeep. C WALTER DELINE Phone Newcastle 3733. A frer a] I, it is on]ik- riral that people should taIk more about Ilymouth's fine qtialities thari rhey do about its lov price-for Plvmout his, first and Iast, a motor car of ntr-insjc quality and value $~820; Roaditer (u'uh riomàli mat). 2-Door .Seîdn, $86o; Teufrirq, $8S7o Do Luxe Coupe (tsv::h raumà siti), $870; 4-Door Seds, $89o. Al/ prices f. o. à. Windsor, O»tisù iftclàding suândard fia-tery qas,. muent (fre:jih: iMd unese a) à is the Keynote of what People Say aioui Plym ollth TESMART, FULL.aJ FOR iol It - TH E Plymouth-product of = Chrysier enginee1ng and craftà- L Al2rnansbýip- ha. been so named b.rauàe ts endumnce and orength, ruggedneu Mnd froedonm froni limiwuon o mcc uratey typify that bmu of Bc*iuh people who braved the AtI.adUc tlave hwoired years &go in punwt cof MSW biahidek. Newcastle, Ontaaio A Pleasure to Cook on These [ast, Dependable Ranges W OMEN who own Perfection Ranges real!y enjoy cooking, because there is no waiting around for a slow-poke fire. Perfect. ion cooking is as fast as gas, far faster than "ea and wood. It gwves a sootless flame; no blackened pots to wash. It is safe and alwayu dependable. Perfection Ranges are good Iooking. A nico aSartinent ta choose from and nioderate prices firom $9.00 to $225.00. PEREqFECTION 7J»BumngRanges 347 CG..l St-IW ii W . ,d T oeat, Ontario P6«.. vend m-. Pv.. trs.a,,.m o.P.4. Oil l Rm smo nmm of 1 d . ................ .................. ........... Po..... ....- --ý1 The Red Rose Tea guarantee means what it says. If flot satisfied return the unused part in the package and the grocer will refund your money. ou ]RED ROSE TEAis good te' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWINIANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 16th, 1929 PAGE TWO I

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