THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ROWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. MAY 16th, 1929 HAYDON ENNISKILLEN HAMPTON Mr. and Mmr. H. Campbell, Mr. League opened in charge of Miss Miss Ruth Ferguson, Oshawa,j and Mrs. L. Disney and family, Osh- Dalton. After a hymn was sung, spent Sunday at home ..Miss Emi-& awa, visited at Mr. J. Wright's ...Mrs. Pye led in prayer; Howard Oke ma Niddery, Bowmanville, and Miss c Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spi11, Toronto, read the scripture lesson; the min- Mary Niddery and friend, Whitby. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Spili, Kîtchen- utes were read followed by hymnn isited their mother, Mrs. G. Nid-X er, ,Miss Dora Moiintjoy, Oshawa, 95; Miss Grace Werry then gave a dery, lst week .... Mr. and Mrs. H.B visited at Mr. C. Garard's..Mr. reading and Miss Alice Ashton sang' Tink, Solina, visited Mrs. T. Pascoe S and Mrs. R. Dodds, Toronto, werela solo; the topic wias well given by Ion Sunday... Mrs. Lewis Cryderman B guests of Mr S. Trewin .... Mr. andlFrank Dorland on Missions; the receritly visited Mrs. I. Clark in Tor- J Mrs. Milton Siemon and sons GordonImeeting closed with a hymn and the. .......... Miss Frankie Wood and'. and Lloyd visited ber mother, Mrs.1benediction...Dr. and Mrs. H.. friend, Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. f C. Johns, Hampton, on Sunday. ...! Ferguson, Allen and Donald, Sun- J. L Johns'.... Mr. and Mrs. Milton 1V Miss Annie Trewin is visiting at her jdayed with friends in Uxbridg,.... Slemon and sons, Haydon, Mr. andV uncle's, Rev. J. H. Stainton, Court-IMr. and Mrs. Eldread Rahm and Mrs. D. Flintoif, Courtice, were r e-N ice.. . Mrm. H. Ashton visited friends!Betty, Mrs. XViII Toms, Oghawa, Mr. cent guests of Mrs. C. Johns .. .. M r.h and relatives in Toronto last week.. Will Hall, Burketon, visited Mrs. A. E. Allin, Toronto, is visiting ate Mr. John Graham, Oshawia, visýited Geoýrge Preston.... Mrs. Burke, Mr. Mr. A. B. ryderxan's .... Mr. ande at Mr. D. Graham's ... . Mr. Harry1 and Mrs. Leslie Rcbbins and babe1 Mrs. Frank Virtue and family, 'Bur-P Milîs, Bowmanville. Mrs. J Rutledge,:visited their aister and parents, Mr. ington, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon7 Miss Effie Rutledge, Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mrs. Frank Robbins ...Mrs. and family, Bowmanville, were% Giffler, Salem, vissited at Mr. TheronFloyd Page and family, Burketon, week-end guests at Mr. J. J. Viitue's.h Mountjoy's. .Mr. Hicks, Mr. and Miss Mvrtle Br1unt, Toronto, spent ..Mr. Frank Hastings ef t for Or-v Mrs. Alvin Hicks and son Bobbie, Sunday with their parents, Mr. andj illia on Saturday morning where heN Mr. and Mrs. C. Soper, Oshawa, were Mrs. Levi Brunt ...Mr. and Mrs.: bas been appointed inspector of fish-n guests at Mr. R. McNeil's .. ..Mr. Milton Tamblyn. Mrs. A. Tamblyn, 1lng licenses by the Government. ...L and Mrs. J. Greenwood who have i Orono, spent Sunday at Mr. Russell1 Mr. W. Ross Strike, Bowmanville,d been visiting at Mr. E. Bradley'sj Ormiston's. ...Miss Maud Ashton,! wiIl be present at Ch.urch Sunday1 have returned to their home at Toronto, Mr. Ira Travail, Oshawa,; night to give an address in the in- Bridgeport, Conn....League lastIvisited Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton Iterest.s of Emmanuel Theological' week was in charge of lst Vice Pres-'over the weekend..Mrs. Richard College ... .Messes. Frank and Rossd ident, Miss Annîe Trewin. Bible!I Ashton spent Sunday with ber bro- Trenouth, Hubert Stanbury, Grand1 1 reading, Mabel Beech;- devotional,1 ther, Mr. Thomas McGilL.. . Mr. and Rapids, Mich., Miss Jean Thompson,.a Mrs. H. Ashton; topic, Mrs. Theron Mrs. J. E. Virtue, Mrs. Sam Johnson Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Metcalf,l Mountjoy; chorus by five girls; in-: and Bobbie, Miss M. E. Virtue, Tor- Madelmne and Glen, spent Mother'sS strumental, Mrs. A. Hare; reading of onto, at Mrs. J. W. Virtue's .. . .Miss Day at Mr. A. Trenouth's..Young0 Book, Mrs. T. Cowling...... . and~ Luella Stevens, Oshawa, spent the People's meeting on Friday night,- Mrs. MeLean. Wallace and Jean of] weekend with her parents, Mr. and May 1 Oth, was in charge of 2nd Vice 1 Pontypool, -Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coul-'1 Mrs. Howard Stevens. ... Miss Mar- President, Miss Sadie Virtue, Mis-ic ter and family, Oshawa, Mr. andijorie Martin is visiting ber parents, sionary Supt. Meeting opened hyj& Mr-. J. -Moffat, Orono, and Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Martin, Uamnp:j inging, and prayer by Rev. Mr.4< Mrs. Frank Coulter, Bowmanville,,1 ton. Misses (Gertrude and Winni- Bick; devotional was taken by Mr. L Mr ad Mrsý. W. Neil and 'Miss Mar- 1 fred Oke, BowNmanville, spent the1 Hilton Peters; bible lesson, Miss1 jory Neil. Toronto, visited at Mr. E.!'weekend at home .... .Dr. and Mrs. 1 Helen Virtue; topic on "Medical S Bradley's ...Mr. Eugene Beech,ý Slemon and family, Bowmanville,j Missions in China" was well taken byl Queen's University, Kingston, has: Miss Sadie Virtue, Hampton, visited 1 Mr. Wilfrid Greenaway; meeting B gone to Saskatchewan where he bas: Mr. and Mrs. John Siemon. Great losed with Mizpah Benediction. A'] charge of a mission for the sunimerj credit is due to those who made the social period followed when a geo- months.. A larze number of men1 service in the Adult Bible a graphical contest was conducted by e are at work on Mr. A. A. Sharpe's living light, life and Mother's love. Miss Helen Johns. An invitation isi" farm, cas' of Uaydon, formerly own-* Papers were prepared by Mrs. E. C.1extended to ail interested in YoungM ed hy Col. L. T. Mcbaughlin, build-j Ashton on "Mother's Place in the People's work to come to our nextv ing andl making preparations for a iHome"; Mi-s. Preston, "Motber's meeting on May l7bh, wben Rev. J.,' buge flock of poultry, and making! Place in Sunday Scbool and Church";- E. Griffith, Blackstock, is to be withS other alterations and improvements Mra. Thomas McGill, "Mother as a1 us. Everybody welcome... .Hamp- on their beautiful fanm home. 1 Coinpanion." Mrs. John Slemon ton Women's Institute met at the i who is confined to bher home but wbo home of Mrs. W. W. Horn on Thurs- 'still bas a great interest in the class day, May 9th, the President, Mrs. H.1 COURTICE prepared a paper on the use of E. Rundle, presiding. Meeting op- Motber's Bible. The thougbt in al' ened by singing the Institute Ode. Mr. and Mra. Elton Werry, Mr.j papers revealed the interest of a M-ter the business session the fol- and Mrs. Russel Bragg, Bowman-1 Mother's influence and Motber's love lowing officers were elected: Presi- I ville, were Sunday visitors of Mr. in the world and rememhering the dent---Mrs. H. E. Rundle; lst Vice and Mrs. Arthur Werr.... .Mr. Sid. place whene Christ biniself placed Pres.-Mrs. Clifford Colwill; 2nd I Nichols and Miss Edwards of Dun- wornanh'ood when in bis dying hours Vice Pres.-Mrs. W. G. Doidge; Sec- i bartofl visite4 is father and motber,î on the cross be said, "Mother bebold retiary--Mrs. G. Niddery; Assist. Mr. and Mr. W. H. Nichols, on Sun-j tby Son and Son behold tby Mother." Se'y.-Miss L. Reynolds; Treas.1 day ...-.Mn. and Mns. Elmer Rundle I Mrs. John Cowling; District Di-rec-I and Miss Mary, Toronto, spent Sun-'. Sunday Schoo, Anniversary Ser-j tor-Miss L. Reynolds; Bt-sncb D ir-I day with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rundle. vices of Enniskillen United Oburcb ectors-Mrs. Horn, Mrs. Doidge, j *..Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sleep andli will be beld as follows: On Sunday, Mrm. Peters, Mrs. Trenouth, Mir" son Jack, Oshaswa, were with Mr. and j May 19th, sermons will be preacbed Burns; Representatives to annual Mrs. Jack Shortt, Sundsy ...OnIat 2.30 p. m. by Rev. A. L Richards, mneting--Mrs. E. J. Kerslake, Missi Tbuxsday afternoon lsst the regulari Whîitby, and at 7.30 p. rn. by Re-. J. Reynolds, Mra.-A. Peters, Mra. monthly meeting of the W. M. S. was i U. Robins, Bowmanville. Massed Stephens, Mrs. Wallace, Mra. Curtis; held in the S. S. rom. Miss Louise chorii5e5 by the Sunday Scbool, as- Presa Sec.-Miss Knox, Mra. Burnis; Osborne's group was in charge andi emted by Mr. Albert E. Hircock, jFloral Com.-Mrs. Treno'uth, Miss a very fine program was presented. Bowmanville. VictOria Day, Fr1-1 Katerson and Mrs. W. W. Horn. The Presidex)t, Mrs. Clarence Pen-I day, May 24th, there wîill be a pro- Sevei-al communications were read foud, resde an aferthedev-1gramn of Sports, Horst-Shoe Throw- and dealt witb, after wbich te tioml period in wbich Mrs. Esli Oke' , Bl ans Supper served meeting closed by singing "God Stav resad and explained the bible ie o froni 4.30 p. ni. in Scbool House. our King." Attendance over 40.1 agood deal of business was discus-;A .a. rn ocetw e. .. . MissGuea Ill give an address sed by the laies. A petty veSl!~held consiating of Orono Orchestra, in the basement of the church on solo was sung by Miss Vers Werry I solos and play entitled, "Yîmnmie Thursday, May 23rd, at 8 p. ni. Uer and a piano solo was splendidly play-: Yonson's Yo]b," cornedy in 3 acta by subject, "Helping boys and giris to ed by Miss Louise Osborne. MS. young people Admission :-Adults find their life work." A cordial in- (Re.) Boyce and 'Miss Hazel Rundlel -Tes and Concert 65c, Supper only vitation to the ladies and young gave very full and inspiring reportas 50c, Concert only 40c. Children- people of our cominunity to attend of the Branch meeting held in King-1 Tes and Concert 40Oc, Tea or Concerti this meeting. ston recently. it was s real treatl 25c. When house-cleaning think of to listen to Mrs. Boyce again snd ber,' Horn's Soefrsple.Orwl address was full of encouragement l in the afternoon was largely attend- apr S thisrersuples. vaue wel and inspiration. Miss Hazel iundle ed and was held in the churdh. Thei have had for many seasons and selI- gave bier part of the report in s very: prograrn for Mother's Day service ing well. We also have the very able manner also, and at the conclus-* was carried out. The story, "The reliable "Moores" paints and var- ion of the whole report one slmost Quest," was splendidly given by Mrs., nishes, lower in price than most felt she bad attended the Mranch Ross Pearce. The reading, "The lothers, becauae not expensively ad-; meeting. A large number wa rs ieso ie"wsncî sn- vertised. 19-21 ent and it was a -most enjoyable 1 ed by Miss Florence Courtice. TheI meeting.. .. Sunday was a full day.; address, "Golden Glimpses of Moth- SLN In the morning a large congregation erbood," given by Rev. W. S. P. _______ greeted our pastor, Rev. J. H. Stain-' Boyce was very fine. Miss~ Vers 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds and ton, it being Moter's day. Beauti-' Werry sang a Mother's Day solo and!I fuI flowers adorned the platform. A a duet, "Queen of our homes," wasMis utvsidTonofred. &pecial feature of the service wa- the, sung hy Miss Hazel Rundle iand MIns.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Awde and faim-, bpiigof tbe twin babes of 'Mr .Coric . Orne lly spent the weekend at Mr. H. G. W.aRtizing Mi.... Or ewpayIPascoe's..Mr. and Mrs. Cha. and Mrs. Çhas. Rundle, Oshawa.' "Between the Acta" is beconin,Howson visited Port Perry friends.. Mrs. Pointon, mother of Mrs. Run-' quite popular. Our Young People' Ms . n r ha.MCl dle an Mia MrieRunlesiser!are presenting it in Harmony thisi ough, Janetville, spent the weekend of Mn. Rundle, accoanpanied theni to I Thursday even'ing and in Blackstock1 ihMsLeiAnt...Mrad the aItar, and the sweet little boy' the 24th, and have several other in-,twitH Mr. LeviArot.CoubuMr.n and girl babes dressed alike made avtations. The C. G. I. T. met at' r.H .PsoClnhs r pretty picture. Mr. and Mrs. Run-1tehm oir.L.J ortc nWsllace and Miss Bessie Pascoe, En- the meof Ms. . J Coutic onfield, visited Miss Mary Hogarth andý dle and children and Mrs. PorntonlISaturday afternoon, the President, Mrs. R. Pascoe. . .. Mr. snd Mrs. J. wer gustaof is othr, rs.Samj Mss Annie Wilkins, presiding. Tbe G. Langmaid, Oshaws, visited at Mr. Rundle, Sunday. .The S. S. session pro>gnann consisted of a talk on R. J. McKessock's... . Miss Elva Pas- I"Girls' Higb School Education," hy cevstdTrnofins Mr Mr. Jas. Robinson recently visited Miss Arnold; Miss VelmaGagveic vstdTrnored...M. at bis home at Thoasburg. a reading;and Mrs.AJ.Gyav1ndMr. Leslie J. Hsrris and s onj at hs hme t Tomaçbug. areaing an Mr. A J.Gay in an1 Ray, Mrs. Ainos MoMullen, Toronto,1 We regret the omission of the interesting and instructive way told Mr. Albert Hillis, Taunton, Mr. and name of Miss H. A. Mason, New- the girls "How to set a Table." Re-I Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and faniily, castie, froni the list of artists - who,î freshments were served and a good Hampton, were guests at Mr. Thos. contibuted to the prograni of the jUie enjoyed. Mrs. Courtice andi Baker's . .. Very sorry to report that Music Study Club, reported lasti Miss Louise were miost genmîal bost-I Mrs. S. E. Werry is in Bowmanýnville week. esses. Hospital. We wish bher a speedly recovery. . .. Annual meeting of theý Solina Women's Institute was held Thusdy-ftr ;_n n he1u- a un Expert front Ibronto )o flot fail to ta ke auvantage of ml,îs opportmînity if yoiî have ff of any kind. On the aliol rdate- wc sIaIl have at or ,store from the staff cf the world's nimot noter1 Ortho1redi" jiecial M. Schoil, M.D. He will give ou ascieiitific anaIy->i,. of yoiir ,t,,kimg' fet a land show you i 1w the, ni<et painfîîl cf ftt trol'I's are înstdmtly relieVr'l a mnt io I e i- rijiîx d îy . the newe.,t improv-d 1r.SchimîlIFoo. C,mot 1)[1,ri. ances and! lemedîic. Nu chareq.<'is imou,' for lt/n val uable service. e TIRFD ACIING FEET Lt la .»d i. ..yTntlrd h t«.t i,, 815.OO per par. colt Knox's Shoe Store Phone 120 1 Ontario, Children's3 Shelt-er in Port i Hope CosumpiveHospital, N cmo, and flow~ers and fruit for t he ,;ick.j The officers for the coniing ycar are:1 Pres. -Mrs. A. Millson; lst Vice-I Mi. Jas. Sniales; 2nd Vice-Mný. Chas.; Sec.-Trerîsi.ý-Miss Edna Reynold-s; Treas. oif Emergen-, cy Fund-Mrs. R. J. McKcssock; 1 Dist. D:Irect<r--Mr.s. Hai olci Pasco.e;; Deeat(,F to District Annual meetl, ing te hé- he.ld St Solina <'n June 17: -Mfrs. A. Milîson, Mn'.IH. Pasco e, ot trri,1e i!t Mrsi. J. J. Sm-ith. Mrs. Jas. Mcorev. an E~'.rtand Mrs. R. J. .cesn: F!<);,vùr ail -«,,1,!rtand Fruit ('om.--.NMrs. W. Cryder- mani and Mifrs. W. T. l3aker. Piano \indl.mIin ,sc -isEvelyn Tink. Reüfresh- jment:ý worp servcd hy the' group in charIge and a .;bo r' sociai perio<I tn-ý jrrxe<l ý. . Penenîer th:- Friîlay n!,'iî when Dr. J. L. lluglc.s of T(,': rn r vili spril'. and pre. rit to l'l ~Llrary a srt of bh - ovnwî- j ngý:. in the Sunday S(h Muter' Da a i ingýy 'rrr.1otd andylfeJ"nn hen the lrrrio .ndSunday Sciecûi and (liurch ser-vici .1',r, co.te.. Th pninted pro- las wreuse an rpû.uImu.sic, m-as gie-nby te choi. Apioasing1 feature of the afternoon was w'hen, Bowmnvile1R,,. Mr. 31ck, admnnistered baptian' BowmanvI te five, and ten candidates were ire- TYRONE MAPLE GROVE Last practise for anniversary Fn- Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins and day nigbt. Hope te see a good family, Ebenezer, spent Sunday wýith crowd out...Mr. and Mirs. Franký i itr r.R .Wre Virtue and Ilamily, Burlington, Miss hssseMs .L odn Ma4rion snd Mir. Harold Slenion, Mr. and Mirs. R L Worden recently Bowmanville, visited at Mn. Wm. visited relatives in Peterboro.. Staples'. .ý. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer G. Mr. and .Mrs. Stuart Menton, and son Boyd, Toronto, Mrs. E. Stevens, Jack, Cobourg, Miss Vers Power,ý Hanmpton, visited at Mr. R. Burgess'..I Newcas tle, Mn. and Mirs. Earl Os- ...Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd andj borne, Providence, Miss Rhea Rou- family, Oshawa, visited ber parents,1 atte, London, Ont., Mn. snd Mirs.ý Mir. and Mirs. Jas. Dudley... Mr. Smith O'Brien, Mrs. Souch, Town: Win. Montgomiery bas punchased the spent Sunday -with Mir. and Mrs. Tru- Noble fa.nm... Mn. Robt. Hodgson man Power. . .Mn. and Mirs. Nornaný has purchased Mr. Wm. Montgoïn- Laird and famwily, Toronto, Mn. Er- ery's fat-m.. .. League Tbursday ev- nie Laird, Toronte, spent Sunday ening was in charge of 2nd Vice with the former's brother, Mn. AI- Piresident, Miss Alice Thonipson., f red Laird Sr...Mn. and Mrs. Ray Tapic, "Cbina's Great Revolution," Snowden, Toronto, spent Sunday was prepared by Miss Clans Wood- with tbeir parents, Mirs. Snowden re- ley; t-esding, Miss Ednia Cameron; maining over for a few days' visit. . vocal solo, rdiss Ivv Park; reading, . .Mn. and .Mrs. George Stevenson, Misa Adelaide Annis...Regular Mrs. Norm4n Thickson, Miss Kath- meeting of Wormen's Institute and leen Thickson, Oshawa, visited the Ladies' Aid is postponed until Mon- former's sisters, Miss Lillie Trenouth day, May 27tb, when Miss Guest, and Mirs. John Snowden on Saturday. Toronto, will address the meeting. .....Congtatulations to Mn. and Mrs. Anniveirsary services of Tyrone Allan Snowden on the arrivai of a Sunday Scbool will he held on Sun- young son..Mr. and Mirs. Chris tlay, May 19tb. Rev. W. P. Rogers, Cox. Town, and Mn. and Mirs. L. C. Newcastle, will preach at 10.30 a.m. Snowden visited the latteir's aunt and 7 p. an. Music by the school and uncle, Mn. and Ms D. H. assisted by Newcastle MaIe Quartet. Coates, Brantford. this week. Mn. Subieniptions and collections in aid Snowden aise attended a couple of of School funds. sales..Mr. and Mns. Harry Clay- ceived into church membership. The address of the afterno-on on "Goldeni Glimpses of Motherhood," wvas well taken by Rev. Bick. ...Plans have been comaplet-ed for our Sunday School anniver-sary Vo bce held Sun- day and Monday, M-%ay 26th and 27th. Rev. J. M. Wbyte, Enniskillen, wifl preach at 2 and 7 ip. m. Tea ser- ved as usual on Monday. In the evening Orono t;alent wýiIl present "Red Acre Farni." Particulars next week..Mr. Chas. Scott, Oshawa, visited bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Scott on Motber's Day. 'Mrs. Scott is slowly improving in health. ton, Hapovstdternphew.1 Mr. Cecil Jeff ery, on Sunday ... On Sunday the Mother's Day pro- grami was carried eut. A %olo spe-c- ially adapted for the occasion was sung by Mn. Alfred Laird Sr. A epecial address xvas given by our pas- ton; readings by Misses Vena Pow- er, Ellen Gimblett; duet by Mrs. Samuel Snowden and Mrs. Roy Van- Can-up, assisted by the choir in chor-, U.Ebenezer Young People will pre-1 sent their play, a comedy entitled,I "Bet-ween- the Act.," in the Hall onI Friday evening, May 17tb, at 8 p. ni. Admission 35e and 20c.i Save with Safety AT REXALL DRUG STORE $30,OOO In Cash Prizes For Everyday Pictures Any- one can make. Prize Contest Amateur Pictures Ends May 3lst. Caîl and get a Conte-st Blank, and leave your filmn to be de- veloped. 8 Hour Service Developing and Pinting Vacuum Bottie and Kit $1.29 Red Cedar Flakes and Moth Bag Botm for 25c Moth Balls and Moth Flakes 15c IL 2 lbs. 25c Armand's $1.00 Compacts Larvex Liquid and Sprayer $1.75 Larvex for rinsing 25c Pack Eggs Now Waterglass 15c lb. 2 Ibs. 25c JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly Phone 78 We Deliver Dress Up For the 24th We are showing a fine assortment of new holiday merchandise including New Dresses, Skirts, Pullovers, Silk Scarves, Hosiery, Belts, Corsets, Lingerie, Men's Shirts, Cap$, Sox, Ties, etc., at prices that mean big savings for you. SNew Millinery for the 24th Brighten the Home for 24thl We have the finest and best range in town, in- If its anything in House Furnishings you want, 1 liln vrxn+brrm i nrn Rhvfl'nnlnpt. n (!..nniA - r -4 P, -- --l -P -1,,- ma's Hat. Ail the newest creations, inciuding the new Sport Feits in ail the newest bight hues. And remember no fancy prices, but the very best and newest at less than city prices, 39c to $2.98 Nothing higher than $2.98 200 NEW DRESSES Inciuding two-piece Linen Suits, Single and Double Fugi, Plain and Fancy Chesehene, Printed Crepes, Fiat Crepes, Canton Crepes, etc. Prices $2.95 to $8.95 NEW PLEATED SKIRTS In Wool and Silk and Wooi, ail the newest color- ings and ail sizes. $2.98 and $3.75 SILK CREPE PLEATED SKIRTS In 6 loveiy colors, ail sizes, $3.98 each KNITTED SPORT DRESSES Two-piece, in ail sizes and colors, worth $10.50 for $7.95 PULLO VERS In ail Wooi and Silk and Wooi, to match the Pieated Skirts, $2.19 to $2.98 NEW NECKWEAR Jncluding Lace, Linen and Orgardie Cuif Sets, 25c to $1.95 SILK SCARVES Ail the newest creations-Ilong, triangle, square andl pleated effccts. 79c to $2.50 we have just put into stock. New Shipments of Laêe Curtain Nets, Panels, and Curtains by the pair, 19c to $2.95 New Shipments of Fabries for Side Drapes, in al the newest color combinations, 49e to $7.29 yd New Floor Coveringa-Ali widths and designs, suitabie for any room, 39c to 95c New Shipment of Congoleum Rugs-Just arrived, ail the new designs, and they are ioVeiy. Don't fail to inspect them before buying. NEW BELTS In ail colors and widths, a fine selection, from 15c to 79c SILK LINGERIE Bloomers, Vests, Slips, Nightgowns, etc. Prices 69c to $3.50O NEW HOSIERY SHIPMENTS For Baby, Sister, Brother, Mother or D, flnest and biggest stock in town to select 25c to $1.79 pr MEN'S BRRflDCLOCTH 'IT-,;' ad-the from, ffast, at one special plrice, a]l sizes, $1.59 Collar and MEN'S TIES In a good range of colors 29c to 49c guaranteed 0~~- PAGE FOUR± /1 '4% 1~ I An Exposition of the nen'est sci- entific methods of correcing Foot Troubles be held <t our store I MEN'S CAPS In new sprling tones, ail sizes, $1.19 to $1.59 NELSON'S STORE of Bigger and Better Values Walk a Block and Save a Lot MAýý lm.,%TTID 1 eh a s -.- ý A 1-1 orlin 1 a .q